BIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST ORBGONIAN, PENDLETON, OlilBOON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1905 PAOB FIVJL Men's Snifcs More Umui eve are we aaUafled we can suit you la ear CLOTHING DEPARTMENT T1m stock la now complete and ready for your uiviteutsen. Suits $6 to $25 NEW, NOBUY, UP-TO-DATE FALL STYLES. Lee Teutseh's Department Store - A AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAJ CITY BREVITIES V. C. Rader. Nut aed. C Hamiey for harness. Carpets Ruder Carpets. Pendleton Business College leads. Mra. Campbell tor school capa and nata. "Humane Harness," beat on earth; Jlamley'a. Our complete atock of fall hata are here, notion store. Call at A. Kunkel & Co. 'a and ex amine their smut cleaner. Come In, take a Beat nnd hear the latest music at Donaldson's. For Sale Two St. Ilernard pups. Cull at 403 Bust Webb street. Leave orders for Alfalfa hay at Telephone Stables, W. F. Cook. Wanted Place on ranch by man xii4 wife. Address C. J. Holmes, city.. All the latest school caps. Including oil cloth turns. At Mrs. Campbell's. Wanted Hy city school teacher, iutit! and board. Address Y. Z., care E. n. Kor Sale A good Smith-Premier typewriter, clicop. Call iiinrutngs, 3H Water street. Modem house at 309 Washington street for rent and furniture for sale. 'Phene red 2631. Shoes repaired lie you wait by Qreenawald & Headstrom at Teutseh's Department store. For Kent I'nfur nlshcd house and furnished housekeeping room. In quire 60s College street. Dver 3)1,000 patents were Issued from the I'nlted States patent office during the year ending June .10 last. 'Phone Main 511 to do your hauling at all hours. Leathers Day and Night Transfer. Office, Gritman's cigar store. Ready for business with 260 dif ferent styles In turbnns, pollea and Tommy Atkina lead. Mra. Rose Camp bell, the milliner. The department of commerce nnd labor has ordered an immediate In spection of all steamboats, river and coastal, in the I'nlted States. Itoxslnnd. H. C, Is to have another dally paper the Evening Star man aged by Hugh Altken, who Is also manager of the Nunaimo Herald. The total loss by the Ilutte fire Is given at SiiOo.oOO. currying 1535.000 Insurance. The heaviest loser was tho Symoiis Dry Hoods company, of $300, oou. For Rent Furnished or unfurnish ed rooms. High school students wishing rooms will do well by Inquir ing at 300 Thompson street before looking elsewhere. Watch and Clock.... Repairing Is part of business. Vou run no risk here with your repairs, aa we do only Good Work, such that we guar antee. Our prices are the low est. We solicit a part of your pa tronage. Be sure of the place. LOUIS HUNZIKER. .lEWEI.R AND OPTICIAN. 72a Main Street. Nut sed. U. C. Rader. Juslrlte at Donaldson's. Furniture Rader Furniture. Mrs. Campbell for street hata. Harness and saddles at Hamley's. Nicely furnished rooms, S10 John son atrect. Best California oak leather used at Hamley's. Our new shoes for fall are here. Koosevelt's Boston Store. Chatham Funning Mills at A. Kun kel & Co.'s. Best made. For Rent Nicely furnished cot tage. Inquire 400 Water street. Concert afternoon and evening at Donaldson's. Everybody Invited, come In. Wanted Woman or girl to do gen eral housework. Apply lis High St. corner Garden. For fine shoe repairing, see Green iwold & Headstrom at Teutseh's De partment Store. Kor Rent Suite unfurnished house keeping rooms In East Oregonian building. Apply al this office. For Rent or Sale Furnished or un furnished eight-room rwelllng: good location. For particulars see H. E. Celller. Do you want to make J25.000.00 by buying J ii Irrigated ranch In Wallowa valley? $7,000.00 will handle It. Ad dress Enterprise Realty Co., Enter prise, Oregon. For Sale Two lots and new six room house with all modern conveni ences, northeast corner Garfield and Washington street. Apply to Howard & Swingle. Furnished rooms, with or without buard. Furnace heat, electric lights, tree baths. Prices reasonable. 611 Willow St., two blocks west of Main. Phone black 3432. At Ilutte. Mont., Toplas Seppener. aired 45, a miner, shot his wife five times nnd cut his own throat, severing the head. In their boarding house on September 17. The woman will live. Jealousy Is supposed to be the cause. Near Logansport. Ind., Bessie and Blanche Kngert were driving to the cemetery to put flowers upon their mother's grave, when they were run down by a fast train. Bessie was kill ed and Blanche badly injured. Thomas M. Casey, Major Harvey Sulmon, Dr. (). V. Salmon and F. M. Salmon, ull officials of the Clinton. Mo.. Salmon bank, are under Indict ment charged with using forged se curities to raise money for the bank. The little town of Springdnle. Ste vens county. Wash., Is In the throes of a bitter fight over a proposition to dis incorporate. Those who favor the movement declare If It Is not done the town will go hopelessly bankrupt un der the present management of Its fiscal affairs. They favor dlslncorpor utlon us the best means to avoid going In debt. PERSONAL MENTION Catarrh and Hay Fever. Liquid Cream Balm Is becoming quite as populur In many localities aa Ely's Cream Balm solid. It Is pre pared for use In atomizers, and Is highly prized by those who have been accustomed to call upon physic ians for such treatment. Many phy sicians are using and prescribing It. All the medical properties of the cel ebrated Cream Bulm are contained in the Liquid form, which Is 75 cents, Including a spraying tube. All drug gists, or by mall. Ely Brothers, 66 Warren St., New York. Horara Wanted. Wanted at once, a carload of horses, weight from 1060 to 1100 pounds. Sound and In good condition. Cnll at Oregon feed yard. H. W. Black. EVERY MAN HIS OWN BARBER The Christy Hoe Razor-- the Safety Razor that will shave; new in design, new in construction, yet so simple; has all the ad vantages of other razors and ad vantages others do not possess. The Razor, 6 extra blades and strop sell for $2. 00, Extra blades $1.00 a dozen. Sold on a guarantee. K0EPPENS Popular Prioe Drug Store Tussle Stewart of Milton, Is In the city toduy on a business trip. Attorney C. T. Godwin of Milton, Is In the city today on legal business. Postmaster Lot Llvcrmore left laBt evening for u visit to Milton and Walla Walla. I). B. Oerkltig of Athenu, Is a visitor here today, having come down last evening. I). T. Humin, a capitalist of Spo. kane. Is here upon business, having come down yesterday. Mr. und Mrs. 3. E. King of Helix, are In town today, having arrived this morning from Portland. F. II. Holbrook, the Irrigation pro moter. Is in town, having come up from lrrlgon last evening. Architect C. E. Trouimun returned lust evening from Echo, where he hud spent the day on business. Mr. and Mrs. David Ingram returned last night from Portland, where they have been visiting the fair. Douglas Glenn was a visitor here yesterday afternoon, having come in from his home near Pilot Rock. .Mrs. Charles H. Carter arrived home last evening from Portland, where she has been visiting for some weeks past. Joseph N. Scott, of Athena, came down on the evening train from there yesterday, und has is-en visiting here today. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Howard, who have been visiting In the city for a few days, left for their home on But ter creek. Attorney John A. Iiwrcy urrlved home lust evening after having spent the past week visiting In Portland and ut Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. William Potts of My rlck, arrived home this morning from Portland, where they have been visit ing the fair. Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller, who have been visiting with relatives here for several days, left lust night for their home ut Taeomu. Henry (S. Gray of Eugene, formerly In the postofflce there, arrived last evening und may decide to remain here permanently. J. A. I-e of Belllngham, Wash., who has been visiting here for a short time the guest of Roy Raley, left yes terday for Portland. Mayor W. F. Matlock arrived in Portland from Skagway. Alaska, last evening, und Is expected to arrive home In a few days. A. I). Stlllmnn returned this morning from Milton, where he spent yesterday on business connected with the Little Walla Walla water still. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Lyons of Day ton. Wash., urrlved here last evening and are the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. K. M. Lyons. T. I Rugsdale came down this morning from his home in the north ern end of the county, nnd has been attending; to business here during the day. Dr. C. J. Smith returned thl morn ing from Portland, where he has bffn during the past few days on business j connected with the state hoard of health. j Sheriff T. D. Taylor left last evening; for llolse. for the purpose of securing Alex Freeman, who Is now in custody there on Information furnished from this office. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Vaughan have returned from their European trip anil are now In Portland visiting Un fair. It is expected they will urrive home tomorrow morning. Clyde E. Gray, who has been em ployed as solicitor for the East Ore gonian in the southern part or Uma tilla county, returned to the city last evening after a successful trip. Rev. Walton Sklpworth. presiding elder of the M. E. church for The Dalles district, left this afternoon for his home at The Dalles, after holding quarterly conference here last night. Rev. O. H. Glbbs, financial agent of Columbia college at Milton. Is In the city today on business connected with (he college. The year Is opening In a very promising manner for the Milton school. Mrs. Preston W. Search and son. Frederick, left this afternoon for Port land, expecting to go down on the bout from The Dalles, in order to en joy the beautiful scenery along the Columbia. Prof. Search Joined them here today, having come over from Baker City, where he lectured last night. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE Two fine building lota, 1200 each. 6-room house, two lobi; good well; located near school, price 61050.00. C-room house with bath, shade trees. Price 11600.00. 4 -room house, city water, ahade treea. Price 6600.00. New 4-room house, two large lots; well, city water, fruit and ahade treea. Price 61600.00. Good 6-room house, larce barn, two large lots, nice shade and fruit trees, large chicken yard. Trice 12500.00. Good 6-room house, bath, stone cellar, all open plumbing, porcelain tub; ahade treea. Price 6,2000.00. 4-room house, barn, city and spring water. Price 1750.00. 4-room house, whole block of 16 lota, plen ty of fruit treea and spring water. Price 62500.00. 2 lots and small house. Price 6x200.00. 6-room house, bath, shade and fruit treea. Price 61800.00. New 8 -room house, large tarn, chicken house, 3 lots. Price 63500.00. 4-rom house and lot. Price 61000.00. New modern 10-room house, corner Oar flel and Wilson streets. This Is a snap. 63,600. Also vacant lota In all parts of the city. If you wish to build we can sell you a lot and furnish you the money to build your home. 160 acre ranch to exchange for city proper ty. 5 acrea, 7-room house; all in fruit and al falfa; close In. All three of the above are snaps. Call at office for price. 160 Ranch on Birch Creek. 35 acrea af falfu. Oood house and barn. Spring. Small orchard 64,250.00. HARTMAN BENTLEY 'PHONE MAIN 64. COURT ST., PENDLETON, ORE. DECISION WAS WITHHELD. Argument Were Made Today In Little Walla W'ullu Cuse. In the circuit court this afternoon arguments were heard from the at torneys in the Little Walln Walla ir rigation suit. The discussion was all on the motion which had been filed by the attorneys for the defendants asking that the order of the court making the state of Oregon a parly to the suit and requesting the state engineer to make tt survey of the lands Involved, be set aside. For the defendants A. D. Stlllmnn, Judge James A. Fee and Judge S. A. Lowell spoke In favor of the motion, while the side of the plaintiff wns represent ed by Will R. King, of Ontario. Also aside from the nbove nttorneys. R. J. Slater, G. T. Godwin nnd S. D. Peter son, all of whom have Interests In the case, were present. It was maintained by the defendant nttorneys that the state was not prop erly a party to the suit, and that the ex parte' order given by the court in August requesting tho Btnte engineer to make a. hydrographlc survey of the lauds should be vacated. At the conclusion of tho arguments Judge Ellis slated that the decision of the court would be withheld, nnd that October 21 was set for the time for arguing demurrers that have been filed by the plaintiff attorneys. Also, It is probable that the decision regarding the survey will be given at that time. NEW ROUTE TO liOS ANGELES. travel has arisen In the railroad world. Since the completion of the San Pedro, Salt Lake anil Los Angeles or Clark road from Salt Luke, direct across the Amerlcun desert to Los Angeles, the distance from the north west to southern California has been shortened. It Is said that It Is a short er route from Butte, Helena, Spokane. Boise and all the Inter-mounuiin dis tricts, to Los Angeles to go by way of this new line than by way of Portland and the Southern Pacific and hereaf ter many tickets will read by way of the Sun Pedro from Salt Lake. Yesterday evening two families from Rossland, H. ('., came In over the O. R. & N. and left last night for Salt Lake, from which point they will go to Los Angeles by way of the San Pedro road. While the new road crosses the des ert and In places It Is necessary to haul water for the stations, yet the route Is shorter and thut is the muln ques tion. The finishing touches are now being given to the San Pedro road, accord log to reports from railroad men who have Just returned from there. Hundreds of thousands of new ties are now being shipped from the Wil lamette valley mills to the Sun Pedro road, dozens of cars passing here every day destined for points along that line. The San Pedro has a lurge number of new steel curs, which are being used in the tie shipments. "BEN-Hl'H" ONCE MORE. CAN'T RESIST Bl YINti. Travel Now Going South Over San IV dm Railway. A new factor In Southern California Sole of Government floods In the Bow man lliillillng Is Drawing Great Crowd. The great sale of government goods in the Bowman building, continues to uttract large crowds and more pur chasers for the bargains that their neighbors have secured speak for themselves. Many are availing them selves of the opportunity to secure a Springfield rifle for use and others for relics. The price Is so trifling os to be irresistible. Relics of various descriptions are being bought for or naments, wiille hundreds of people are buying clothing, blankets, army bags, navy shoes, artillery boots, khaki suits and articles to wear, because they are so extraordinary cheap. The sale positively closes Saturday. The price will not be lowered so don't put off buying. Short Line After Arlcflun Wuter. Mountuluhome is congratulating herself on her good fortune In the Short Line installing a well drill with Instructions to go deep enough to get a flow of water. The last place the hill worked a depth of 1700 feet was reached. An artesian flow has long been desired here und when flowing water Is located to a certainty It Is hoped that arrangements will be made to get a city water plant. Progress Is being made at the rate of about 20 feet a day nnd u 12-inch hole has now been sunk so feet. Mountalnhome Bulletin. ( leiioi':.! Tsuim Winter reeentlv dead. left nearly 12.000.000 to the Institute ary soldiers. The widow is Mrs. Esther versity of Pensylvanla. and also his brain and right arm. OLD SORES ROOTED IN THE BLOOD Old Sores are the result of a deeplj pollute. 1, foul blood supply. The blood Is filled with poisons, aud as it finds an outlet through the ulcer, the surround, lug parts become diseased and the sort eats deeHar into the tissues and flesh and becomes a permanent trouble. Some years ago while at work, I fell over a truck and severely injured both ofmy shins. My blood became poisoned as a result, and the doctor told me I would have running- sores for life, and that If they were closed up the result would be fatal. Under this dlsoourag lug report I loft off their treatment and resorted to the use of S. S. 8, Its affects were prompt and gratifying. It took only a short while for the medicine to entirely cure up the sores, and I am net dead as the doctors intimated I woulJ be, neither hVs the sorea ever broken out again, and some twelve years have elapsed since what I have described oc curred. Having been so signally bene fited by its use I ean heartily recom mend it as the one great blood puritler. Wheeling, W. Va. J. W. FUNDI3. Care Sohmulback Brewing Co. Salves, powders, plasters, etc, do no good, and the sufferer gets disgusted and often despairs of curing an old sore. The trouble is in the blood and until the poison ous matter that is keeping up the ulcer is driven out the place cannot heal. S. S. S. reaches these old sorea through the blood by removing every particle of poison or impurity from the circulation and build ing up the system. It makes the blood neauny so mat aa it circulates to the diseased parts the tissues are strength ened and the PURELY VEGETABLE, re can heal naturally and permanently. If you have an old sore or ulcer do not waste time with salves, powders, plasters, etc., but write for our Look and ask for any medical advice you wish. We make no charge for either. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. DrniiMitizaUon of Lew Wallace's Play In Portlund. General Lew Wallace's mighty and stirring romance of "Ben-Hur," bril liantly reviewing the days of the Messiah on earth, which scored such a furore In Portland two years ago, is to be again enacted In that city at the Murquam Grand theuter for six nights (exclusive of Sunday) starting Thursday, October 19. Special mati nees will be given on Wednesdays and .Saturdays during the engagement Although dealing with the most delicate subject In the history of the stage, the freedom of "Ben-Hur" from anything thut might grate upon the nerves of the most religiously sensi tive, has earned the endorsement of the very best people In every com munity. To describe "Ben-Hur," ref erence should be made to it us a series of magnificent pictures Illustrating the times of the Messiah on earth. The most conspicuous scenes In the enact ment ore "The Star of Bethlehem," "the City of Jerusalem" from the ter race garden of the pulace of Hur In Jwdea, "the Interior of a Roman gal ley." "the Grove of Daphne," "the fountain of Castalia," "the exciting Roman Chariot Race," "the Vale of Hlnnom," and "the Mount of Olives." All are remarkable exhibitions of the best scenic art. To these are added some wonderful effects In electric lighting, as In "the Star of Bethlehem" where over 25,000 electric light of 32 candle power are used to furnish Its powerful ray. In order thut the public of this vi cinity may have an opportunity to en Joy this stupendous stage offering all the railroad lines running Into the city of Portlund are to make special low excursion rates for a radius of 250 miles. HEMP WILL GROW. ITux Exiiort of Salem Produora an Excellent Hemp Fibre, Also. Not only has he established beyond all doubt that flax, with excellent fibre-producing qualities, can be raised In this section of the Willamette val ley and In sufficient quantities as to enter Into competition withe world in the manufacture of linen, twine and other fibre products, but Mr. Bosse, through a well defined course of ex periments has demonstrated that hemp is a most successful crop on the more fertile of the land and that a superb quality of fibre can be produced from It, says the Salem Statesman. This fact developed when upwards of 30 acres of hemp were sown, on three farms In different sections of the dis trict Immediately contiguous to Sa lem, from which was produced from five to eight tons of hemp per acre and averaging In height from six to eight feet. Cashing Checks. Should a check be drawn on an other bank, It Is not necessary for you to present the check to that bank for payment. We will gladly do so for you, without charge. We cash drafts on any city In the United States or Canada, and handle items on any city In the world. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Pendleton, Oregon. The largest log drive 15,000,000 feet ever floated on the Willamette river, is now on the way down. The logs were cut along the Wineberry and Upper Falls creeks. JA.F0LGER6? Penny wise and plenty foolish is the one who buys cheap in stead of Golden Gate Coffee Sold only in aroma-tight tins. Always the same. J. A. FOLGER (EL CO., San Francisco Established 18JO 1 Sporting and Athletic Goods Tho famous and ever satlxfa iory Spalding lino is ruindlctl In Pen clleton. There. I one bent, and i I ulllne's. Foot Balls, Gold Halls, Tennis Supplies and Gymnasium Parapher nalia. ALL THE LATENT BOOKS AND lOPlLAIt READING. IlKidqiiurterw for school supplier of all dewrlptiiwiH. Frazier's Book Store Try a sample lot of our ...SLAB WOOD.... you will find that tt la the most economical wood that you can -uy. THE PRICE IS STTLL 14.50 FOR SAWED WOOD DELIVERED. OREGON LUMBER YARD Tel. Main 8.