PAGE KOTO. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX. PENDIJCTOX, ORKGO.1. WEDNESDAY, KErTKMIlKR HI. 1003 EIGHT PAGES. AN INDEPENDENT NKWSrAPEa. Psbllabad tverr aftarnoiMi taicapc 8untUr at HIT OEEOONlAg rUBLISHIMO COKPAJTT. SUBSCRIPTIOH BATES. Hallf. mi ;r, by mall $5.00 Daily, tlx nfcalha. by mall 1.50 Dally, thra OMKilba. by mall 1.3B Dally, dm month, by mall SO Wwaly, on year, by mall l.fto Wabbly, an montha, by mail T5 Wwalr. moDtba. by aiail 50 tmt-Wf kly. on year, by mall 1.50 Sarol-W 1H.1I7. all month". li mall 73 Saml-WerklT. four montba. by mall 50 Mamdar gfrlppa-McRm- Stai Aaaoolatton. Tb. E.t .t-.e..ijln la on aal at R. R. l. h a N i- st.n.l.. at H.Hcl Portland and Hotfl V' 'kin", Portland. On.fttiu. Han Ifiin. hoi Rnroau. 411s Fourth atrtft. Chli-ar.. Ilunau. Seeurlij hultdln. WB'"n. D. i, Burrau. Sot Fourtttfntb atrral. V . Mara at rndttin Poatofflc aa bacond claaa matter. KOTICT TO ADVESTISEH1. Om-t f"r a.ltrrtlalnff matter to appear la tbr Kat Orrrnnlan muat be to by 4.43 u. m. of the pretrtlln lar; copy for Monday rper niuot be In ly 4 45 p. m. the precedlroj Suturd.J . h! my hfiirt grows as weak as a woman's, And the fountains of feeling will flow. When t think of the paths steep and stony. Where the feet of the rlear ones must go; Of the mountains of sin hanging o'er them, Of the tempest of fnte blow- ing wild: Oh! there's nothing on earth half so holy ' As the innocent heart of a child. Charles M. Dickinson. THE RISH TO THE FRONT. Iet one railroad company drive a stake in new territory and every other company within reach rushes to the from and begins driving stakes on suspicion. As long as a territory Is unoccupied it is left to fight out Its transportation problems the best It can. No railroad worries about It until some other railroad casts an eye upon it when, presto! it at once becomes the coveted prize of a rough and tumble scrap among all the lines within hailing dis tance. When a party of surveyors, sup posedly W. & C. R. or Northern Pa cific employes, was seen In the coun- j try west of Stage Oulch In this county a few days ago. the O. It. & N. ut once concluded that an alien and an Inter loper was about to Invade the Hepp ner coal fields from the vicinity of Wallula. ' Let a hint be dropped that the Northern Pacific or some other com pany is surveying In that direction, and quick as a flash, all is activity In the O. R. & X. camp. Really the railroad situation iiThis state would be ludicrous were it not o serious. The selfishness and slug gishness of the companies in building needed lines is something fierce. The Elgin branch paid from tl; lay It was opened to traffic. Condon re turned a profit with the very flist train that wan run Into that city, and every branch line built by the O. ft. N. has been a paying Investment and yet dozens of localities Just as prosperous and Just as resourceful as the Heppner. Condon and Elgin d; i trlcts are denied their Just d-.-serU in the matter of railroad facilities It Is a safe guess that the Heopner branch will not be extended to an portion of Umatilla county. It Is a safe guess that Umatilla county will remain for years. Just as she is now In the matter of railroad f-tcilitics. The people have become accustomed to these periodical bluffs, tn-.-? spasms of activity which come oocnionally to b eak the mc ny. UEART STORIES OF THE DAY. Formerly the heart stories in the r;wspaper were romances. They are now more than likely to point to mar vels. There were three in yesterday's columns. One told of a surgeon who held in his hand for nearly an hour outside the body the heart of a wounded pa tient. The second announced the death from consumption of a young man who carried a bullet In his heart seven years. The third story was that of a man In Chlcnpcc who could play with his heart, changing It from one aide to the other without trouble. Of these stories the first and second go to swell the exceedingly modern lit rature of heart surgery. In these lays we have heart sewed up and re adjusted, hearts treated by massage, hearts Into which medicines are In jected. It Is all wonderful, yet a little thought makes It seem natural. The heart Is the first organ to get to work In a human body and the last to quit. It works unceasingly, under all condi tions and at all hours. It suffers dis turbance through evry shock, physi cal or emotional. Wtlh such endurance us it display there must go proportionate strength. Then why be astonished at Its power to live on under the knife and the needle? The surgeon Is bold, but he Is care- ful. Tlit heart's groat peril comes not through 111 n but through the reckless hurriers. v. orrlers anil fume-pursuers who overstrain ami overwork 11 faith ful servant of life. The members of the city council who are opposed to public Improve ments ami better morals are ashamed to sign their names to an article con demning the Rust Oregonlan for Its stand fur hth public improvements and better murals, but they induce a man with nothing at stake In either cause to attempt (o ridicule the abso lute fai ls stated by this paper. The Kast 1 Hegonlan owns its own proper ty, pays lis ov n taxes, conducts Its ow n business and has opinions on both public lnipr ements ami public mor als which it is not ashamed to express at any time and under any circutn satnecs. H will discuss these quoB ilniis at any time with taxpayers, but it declines to lie led Into u discussion with a man having nothing at stake. The facts stated by the Kast Oregonlan are absolutely true, as far as the II lustruilnns cited, go. It did not state the cost of paving M;iin street entire, but gave illustrations which cannot be denied. The truth seems to have struck a tender spot. Heeause the business men asked for the Sunday clusiug of saloons in North Yakima, after .111 drunken Indians had terrorized the town one Sunday, the saloon men did Just what they did in 1 Pendleton forced the city council to close the town so tight that you had to die to hire a livery team. Seven busi ness men were arrested for selling meat, melons and cigars, and now Un people are aroused and declare they will vote prohibition in North Yakima at the first opportunity. The saloon man is the same the world over. If he can't rule he will attempt to ruin No day has been set aside yet by the Iewis and Clark fair management In honor of printer's Ink. The manage-J ment must certainly know the import-I ance of this subject when it feels of its hulging pocketbook. During the muddy weather the feet of Walla Wallaus are clean and .r. Thev walk 011 street oaviiiK. And ihe city is still dniug business and shows no signs nf bankruptcy. No need to go away from Pendl-tici to get an education, either in common, classical or business branches. Pen dleton Is 'supplied with all kinds of good schools. Even the boasted carload of cattle from the International shows at Chi cago was nut so much, compared to the Oregon exhibits at the I wis and Clark fair. . , ... - The team that was unharnessed yes terday at Ihe close of harvest was harnessed again this morning to begin plowing for next year's crop in Uma tilla county. Twenty "touts" run out of the Walla Walla fair grounds in one day is an excellent record. Let the work spread. More strange faces among the pub lic school children this fall than ever before. Just think how nice pavement would be during this awful weather. FACTS A ROUT COLOMBIA. "I may positively affirm that the unsetttld period of revolutions (In Colombia) Is past and forever gone," writes Enrique Perez In "Im Mlsceln nea." "Colombia has sources of wealth al most Inexhaustible. The output of her gold mines can compete to ndvantuge with that of the richest gold mines in the world. Five hundred thousand square miles of the most fertile terri tory are there waiting for railways to cross them In every direction. "(Nipper and Iron are plentiful, oil gushes out from the lund like streams of water; coal, bituminous and an thracite, to be found In great quanti ties; India rubber, vanilla, a large and unknown variety of fibre plants, and. In fine, all the products of all cli mates and zones, afford many arid en vluble chances to foreign capital and labor. "People going to Colombia can se lect the cllmute best suited to their taste, from the warmest tropical heat to the severest cold in the regions of perpetual snow, and there Is some thing to do everywhere, something to work upon wherever man chooses to KO." ROY WON HIS CASE. The Judge of one of the Missouri county courts went to his home the other afternoon, says the Kansas City Journal, and. becoming acquainted with some flagrant act of his 7-year-old son, summoned the lad before him. "Now, sir. lay off your coat," he said sternly. "I am going to give you a whipping that you will remem ber as long aa you live." "If It please your Honor," said the boy, "we desire to ask a stay of the proceedings In this case until we can prepare and file a change of venue to mother's court. Our application will be based on the belief that this court has form ed an opinion regarding the guilt of the defendant, which cannot be shoken by evidence, and is, therefore, not competent to try the case." Stay was granted and the boy allowed 25 cents attorney fee. The new rates to Manila, Hong Kong and Shanghai from Seattle are: First-class, 22B; second, $168.76: third, 1126; Asiatic steerage, $51. (XfKMOltilJTAX'N EDITOR AN OlTDOOIt WRITER. The new editor of the Cosmopolitan. Ilailey Millard, Is more than a mere literary man. While a boy he made the acquaintance of the great west by tramping over It from Illinois to California. tie has built a house with his own hands. He has roughed it in the Klondike and explored the great Or egon cave. Like William Dean Howell and other famous authors. Mr. Milliard learned the printer's trade. While working at it In San Francisco he sent contributions to the newspapers, and this led to his becoming a reporter. He was city editor of the Chronicle, the Call and the F.xaminer. He has served as news editor, night editor and literary editor of the Kxamlner. end w hile wot king in the last named capacity ' began writing short stories which grtlned him a wide reputation. At his home in Berkeley he liked to work in the open air. He would stroll about under the trees. ,iad and pencil In hand, and when the Incli nation came he would sit down ami v. rite. Caring little for club Jife. Mr. Mil-, lard lh fond of good society. Among his visitors In California were Joa oiiin Miller. David Sturr Jordan. John' Muir. Jack london and Herbert Ititsh ford. Hooks are found In almost t every room In his house. His liter ary' favorites Include Emerson. Whit- man. Catiyle. Thoreau. Stevenson and! Kipling. Mr. Millard is 4Ti years old and I strongly built. He began to write! verses, mostly of a melancholy char acter, when he was 1" years old. His first story. "Tied to the Trust." was written when he was 16 and publish ed in the St. Peter (Minn. I Tribune. A NEURAL I.AXC.I ACE. The following brief review of a neu tral language, originated in 1S87. in Kurope, and known as Esperanto, has been published in recent numbers of several magazines: Esperanto was devised by Ir. Zam enhof, of Dellstock. Uussia. The language has been in existence since 1KST. Phonetic spelling is a feature. It has 20UI) root words. All the words common to the prin t ipai languages have been absorbed with Utile, If tiny, alterations. All of these words, by the use of pi c fixes and suffixes, are Intended to be sufficient to express every shade of thought or action. The Human alphabet is used. The pronunciation is phonetic throughout one letter, one sound. The vowels are confined to five. All consonnantal sounds are eliminated. All singular nouns end in "o." all adjectives In "a." ull derived adverbs in "e," ami all plurals In "J." All verbs are regular. There Is only one conjugation. In pronunciation all emphasis comes 011 the last syllable but onei Many thousands of persons through out Europe can speak and write It fluently. There are many magazines devoted to It. It is propagated by associations or ganized to study and extend Its use. The Esperanto grammar has been translated into more than lan guages and dialects. It already has a considerable liter ature of its own. A big convention of persons Inter ested In Ksperanto has Just been held at lioulogne. France. NO LIFE ON THE MOOX. The moon being much the nearest to us of all the heavenly bodies, we can pronounce more definitely in its case than in any other. We know that neither air or water exists on the moon In iiuantlties sutfiiccut to be perceived by the most delicate tests at our com muml. It Is certain that the mood's atmosphere, if any exists, is less than the thousandths part of the density of that around us. The vacuum Is greater than any ordinary air-pump is capable of producing. We can hardly suppose that so small u quantity of air could be of any benefit whatever In sustaining life; an animal that could Sand for Book Are you to become a the ereat amount of obliged to undersn, do it ? ) ou a liniment sulftiiit? ttn.L CU1I. dream: ing, no i .00 M s T "WA r V tgv I (3 v Lin v A Yv I a la I f MAGNIFICENT GIFT Beautiful $300 Metrostyle Pianola Given to a Customer Jan. 1 Call, ace and hoar the Pianola play. Concert every afternoon and evening. All the latest selections. EVERYTHING atUSTRITE AT F. J. DONALDSON ; Reliable THE HOME get along on so little could get along on none at all. Hut the proof of the absence of life Is yet stronger when we consider the results of actual telescopic observa tion. Art object such ns an ordinary city block could he detected on the moon. If anything like vegetation were present on its surface we should see Ihe changes which it would undergo in the course of a month, during one portion of which It would be exposed to the rays of the unclouded sun and during another to the Intense cold of space. Dr. Simon Newcomb. in Harp er's Magazine. I'ltllK LIST OF WIVES. In Persia women "marry out" on contract, returnable to their parents in "good order and condition" when the contract Is up. The purchase price is. Ilke'your room rent, payuble In ndvance. Put Persia Is not the on ly country where wives are bought. Here Is a partial list of the world's market: Kaffrlanl. South Africa, price of wife, two to 10 cows; rganda. South Africa, box of cartridges and six needles; Karak. pair of old shoes; Tartary. Asia, her weight In butter; Tlrmo. pound of Ivory or jacknife; Kamschatka. Asia, from one to HI reindeer; Mishcnls. Asia, from one hog to 10 oxen; Ceylon. Asia, box of matches: I'nyoro. South America, merchandise on the Installment plan; Vpernnvlk. Greenland, knife, whet stone or file. New York Herald. MAN' S HKST PERIOD. Some men don't make their biggest strikes until lute In the afternoon of life. J. Plerpont Morgan achieved his gn at success since his 60th year. He is 66 now, and getting younger. He used to fall In some of his undertak ings. He built the famous elephant at Coney Island and lost a lot of money in the venture. He tried to re juvenate the Long Island railroad, and got another elephant on his hands. There Is no record, however. Fays Itank Notes, of his ever having made the same mistake twice. Kansas Xocktit' Xewtf. John Klopfer. who has been going without one for 55 years, has begun wearing a necktie. Art Hodgklns Is wearing the skin of a garter snake for a Sunday necktie. The Topeka Capi tal. Samuel Swerlngen. alias Harry I.ove, has been sentenced to life Im prisonment for the murder of Mrs. 1'hoebe Williams at Lancha Plana, Cal.. last June. Clarence Murphy will be tried for complicity. A Boon to the Bilious Arc you compelled to deny your self many wholesome foods because yon think they make you bilious? Do you know that your condition i- more to blame than the foods? Your liver and stomach need at tention more than the diet. When yim lind yourself suffering with a bilious attack, take BEECHAM'S PILLS and all annoying symptoms will soon disappear. They settle the stomach, regulate the liver and ex ercise the bowels. Their good ef fects are felt immediately. Iicccham's Pills mingle with the .'intents of the stomach and make easy work of digestion. The nour ishing properties of the food arc then readily assimilated and the residue carried off without irrita-t'-ig the intestines or clogging the llliWcls. Merchant's Pills should be taken e licnever there is sick headache, red tongue, constipation, sallow 1 or any symptoms that indi tn inactive .liver ' l-'verywhere. In Imx' ?,V and 2Dc. about "Motherhood." mother? If so, do you realize suffering that most women are tne pain they have to bear? II you could do anvthing to relieve that pain would you not are a sensible woman, and ot course you would then read caretully every word. Mother's Friend bo potent that it will creatlv lessen the I of any ca"e of lator, no matter how diifi- ' .l' i:: . j ..i.. i i : i :r..l 1 tin uii iiiumum, .numei uuwu is a uvauium without it. a ni''litmare. No more suffer more needle ran, hut one peaceful ideal motherhood is voui s a you ml but open your eyes. ror external use. sale to aominflter, ana wonderful in results. A word to the wise: Mother's Friend." All druggists sell it at , per .xttle. We send our book, "Mother hood," free, if yuu ask for it. BRADFiZLD REC VIATOR CO., Affatrtm, Or, Druggist OF SUNSHINE. BUILT UP HER HEALTH SPEEDY CURE OF MISS 600DE 8hs la Uad Well try Lydla B. Pink, taam'a Vegetable Compound, and Writes Gratefully to Mrs. Plnkbam. For the wonderful help that she hat found. Miss Cora Uoode, SSS K. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, 111., believes it her duty to write the following letter fur publication, in order that other women afflicted in the same way may ba Jltin Cora Goode benefited aa she was. Miss Goode it president of the Bryn Miwr Lawn Tennis Club of Chicago. She writes : Dear Mrs. Pinklism : "I tried many different remodiea to try to build up my system, which bad become run down from lost of projer rent and uureaaou able hours, but nothing eeined to help me. Mother is a great advocate of Lydia K. Fink ham's Vegetable ComiKHind for female trou bles, having used it herself some years ago with great success. So I began to take it, and in less than a mouth I was able to be out of bed and out of doors, and in three months I was entirely well. Keally I have never felt o strong and well as 1 have since." No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles as has Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound. Women who are troubled with pain ful or irregular menstruation, back ache, bloating (or Uatulence), leucor rhtea, falling, inflammation or ulcera tion of the uterus, ovarian troubles, faintneis indigestion, nervous prostra tion or the blues, should take imme diate action to ward off the serious con sequences, and be restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Her experience is very great, and she gives the benefit of it to all who stand iu need of wise counsel. Address, Lynn, Mass. Ihe Grouse Season IS NOW HERE. WE HAVE A FULL LIXE OF AMMUNITION-. COME AND SEE US BEFORE YOC CO OUT FO RTflE DIRDS. Taylor Hardware Company 741 Main Street "Cover the Earth" You won't have to burn off Sherwin Williams paints. They never peel, blis ter or chalk. Always reliable. E. J Murphy III I'-ust Court Street. 'Phone Illack 3181. OREGON POHTIiA.VD St. Helen's Hall A GIRL'S SCHOOL OP THE HIGHEST CLASS corps of teachers, location, building, equipment the beat. Send for catalogue. Terra Opens September 18, 1005. TEETH EXTRACTED BY THE MOD ERN METHOD, MC. We are thoroughly equipped with all modern met' nds and appliances, and guarantee our work to be of the highest stand ard, and our prices the lowest consistent with flrst-clas work. T. H. White DENTIST ASSOCIATION BLOCK Telephone) Main 161. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 160 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Ulll Feed, Chopped Feed tc., always on band. THE PORTLAND OF PORTLAND, OREGON. American plan, 18 per day and npwarf Headquarters for tourists and coiuunr!la trarelcrs. Special rates mad to familial and single saotlenen. The BMnaipmrai will be pleaiM at all tlmas to show room nd prr prices. A modern Turklsk ball stabTlshment la the horol. i H. C. BOWIRB, ttaaagsr. r 185 If yuu have uny ring pluus ooaue In and look over our collodion. Our riiiKtt are till new st)k's, tint quality Is Uio best and the price will surprise you. It doesn't lake niiieli luonny to buy a bcuutlful ring hero. Winslow Bros. Jew rlrr-t Ipllciiill. I'ostofflce llliK'k. St. Anthony's Hospital Private rooms, elegantly fur nished. Finely equlpp-d operat ing room. Also Maternity De partment. Brery convenience neoeasi for the oars of the sick. Telephone Main 1UL PENDLETON, OREGON. REX BUGGIES. Are well built and they afford the simplest, safest and most luxurious means of conveyanse for town or country use. Prices all In your favor. When you buy a wagon It's lust common business sense to look lor the vehicle that will glvs you th most for your monry. WIXO.VA WAGONS, will prove tin Investment and not an expense. They are reasonable In price, they cost little to maintain, are honestly built, and will stand th strain of a heavy loud. We look after the Interests of our customers nnd they are protected by a shop well equipped with up-to-date piachlnery. Neagle Bros. Blacksmiths wmwte Get The Best I Good 1 Dry Wood I and ROCK KI'HINo COAL 2 ... uiui giti-a me most henf. PROM IT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at Ilt-iiulngs' cigar stor p. People Ware iMinse. CHICKENS ! NEED ! SHELL j RONE fjnrr AND MANY OTHER THINGS WHICH C.F. Colesworthy CAN SUPPLY vnrr imi 1JT-12B EAST ALTA STREET, j W. T. PARKER Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries aiut Notions Hals, Caps, Roots, 8hoe and Farm Produce. I have lust purchased the D. h Richardson store at Helix, Oregon and I am going to thoroughly remod.i It and greatly Increasa the stock. I solicit your patronage, and If good goods and fair treatment can hold your trade, then I know you will trad with me. Bring In your farm pro duce. Highest market price paid. helix . ... onrr.n as-.. M..jwaaaiw 't 'iff - ,'..,.7 ' - : , I'- ' I : n . j,,' ntumi aia iii.'i'ni...... .' ' IU aKV vtrrr , aV.- t. . . . a