PAC.L SIX. DAILY EAST ORKOONIAN, PEKDLETON, OREOON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, IMS. EIGHT PAGES. 100 MANY BOOKS CAUFOHMA COMMITTEE MAKES A COMPLAINT. Says Hint So Many Siiplctiicntar Rooks Arc Costly and Burdensome nml Tlmt tin l-un;er Number Con fun's Student Educntlim Is Hin dered, Rather Thuu Aided by Too Many Supplementary Studies. Sacramento, Sept. 21. The Cali fornia state text-book committee, of which Governor Pardee Is chairman, has issued an Important bulletin on the excessive use in the public schools of books supplementary of the ap proved texts furnished by the state. The system of buying great numbers of supplementary books out of the school funds of the several districts grew up at a time when the state text books were admittedly inferior. That condition no longer exists, but the activity of agents for publishing houses is so persistent that the prac tice of buying supplementary books with public money still continues with the result that several hundred thous and dollars have been invested In these purchases and education is hin dered rather than advanced by the confusing multiplicity of texts. The committee reaches these conclu sions: "A school course is enriched and strengthened by a few good supple mentary books. It Is hampered and proportionately weakened by many such books. "A less number of supplementary books in the schools of this state would mean better work in the class rooms. "The new text-books of the state series are so complete In themselves as to need but few additional books to supplement them. "Books authorized for supplemen tal use should be selected with as much care as Is exercised in determin Ing the regular text. They should be few and of high standard. "The use of supplementary books should be a subordinate use, not a substitute use; they should aid, not supersede." FAR-REACHING RESULT OF WAR. Unfavorably Affects the Lalxir Market in California. Fresno. Cal., Sen. 21. The war J between Russia and Japan has had an unforeseen effect upon the raisin In-1 dustry of California and the owner of j vineyards in this part of the state have great dmicu'i'y to overcome the complications arising from the lack of Japanese pickers. Japanese are' almost exclusively used for picking and sorting the grapes used In mak ing rasins. In former years there was always an abundance of Japanese for that work, but when the war broke out so many of the men returned to Japan to serve in the army against the Rus sians, that Japanese help of every kind became extremely scarce on the coast. Now that the picking seasm is on, the growers experience great difficulty in securing the required help for bring ing in the harvest. The Southern Pa cific and Santa Fe railroads have been appealed to. to allow reductions in the fare of laborers on the coast who are willing to come here to work In the vineyards. The result, so far, has not been satisfactory. PIG IRON BECOMING SCARCE. CbuhcxI by Extraordinary Demand for Steel Rails. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 21. An order for pig iron sent out by one of the large finishing mills In this city was returned the other day with the re mark that owing to the great demand for rails and structural work the mill which had formerly turned out pig metal and steel billets, Is now making rails. An investigation shows that many of the big mills at Clulrton and Du quefene, which formerly made billets, are now turning out rails. The man agers of the local finishing works are becoming alarmed over the scarcity of pig iron ami rough steel and fuar that It will seriously Interfere with their ability to turn out thiji, pnlers. It is stated on good authority th!(t not enough pig iron and steel billets will be turned out each week for some time to come to supply the demand. An investigation has been ordered, and In a few days tHc local mills will probably decide upon some plan to remedy the trouble. The demand for rails and structural Iron Is unprece dented and the mills are working nignt and day. STARTING BIG UNDERTAKING. I.OH AngHcK Will Furnish Unlimited Water at Cost. Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 21. The city having voted in fuvor of Issuing bonds to the amount of 121,000,000 for the purpose of bringing the Owens river to this city In a conduit 240 miles long, the municipality will be iJn the enormous task without delay. J, is hot expected that the placing of the bonds will meet with any difficul ties and It Is stated that muny lnqulr les from eastern and San Francisco banks in regard to the proposed bond Issue have been received. The pre liminary surveys will be made as soon ns the arrangement can be made. Owens valley Is In Inyo county due north of this city un catches the drulnuiKc from 120 miles of the high Sierras. Including Mount Whitney. The supply is estimated at 30,000 min er's inches, and while the estimated cost of the piping is about $23,000,000, the value of the water at ls Angeles Is general estimated at 12000 an Inch. The city will furnish the water at about cost. Gain Strength fofWork vfr In office and factory, shop, store or kitchen girls are at &J w a factory, shop, store or kitchen eirls are at work all over this land, and. alas ! farbevond their strentrth. Young women who work are especially liable to female Ills. Too often the girl Is the bread winner of the family and she must toil unremit tingly, no matter if her back does ache, her limbs and abdomen throb with dull pain and dragging sensations, and dizzy spells make her utterly unfit for work. These are the sure signs of female irregularities which kill beauty and youth. lydiaLPinlthams Vegetable Compound builds health and strength for all women who work and are weary. It creates the vitality that makes work easy. From the thousands of grateful letters written by working girls to Mrs. Plnkham we quote the following : Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I feel It my duty to tell you the good Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier have done for me. Before I took them I was very nervous, had dull headaches, pains In back, and monthlies were Irregular. I had been to several doctors and they did me no good. Your medicine has made me well and strong, I can do most any kind of work without complaint, and my periods are all right. I am In better health than I ever was, and 1 know It Is all due to your remedies. I recommend your advice and medicine to all who suffer. Miss Abby F. Barrows, Nelsonvllle, Athens Co., Ohio. Oh, if American girls who work would only realize that they have but one life to live, and make the most of their precious health and strength I Mrs, Plnkham extends to every working girl who is in 111 health a cordial Invitation to write her for advice. Such letters are always kept strictly confidential, and from her vast experience Mrs. Pinkham prob ably has the very knowledge that will help you and may save your life. Lydla E. Pinkliaiii's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail September 13 a trusted messenger of the Crocker-Woodworth bank, In Sun Francisco, lost SO checks of an aggregate value of 156,000. Since then the bank has spent hundreds of dollars In telegraphing to stop pay ment on the paper. NOW IN C7 f"J THE GIGANTIC SALE AT THE THE FAIR DEPARTMENT STORE WE SINCERELY REtiREI' THAT WE W F.I IK I'XABI.F. TO WAIT UPON TIIK HEAVY CROWDS THAT PACKED ri OUR FLOOR SPACE YESTEKDAY, TIIK OPENING DAY OF OCR GREAT TKN DAY GIGANTIC KALE. IT REALLY W AS MOItF. THAN WK AN l'lt'lIATKI FOR TIIK FIRST DAY. IIOWKVKK, THKRK ARE NINE MORE DAYS IX WHICH EVERY RESIDENT WITHIN ONE HUN IdtED MII.ES FROM HERE Wll.l, HAVE AMPLE TIME TO CAM. ONCE MORE. WE WILL IIE PREPARED. NO MATTER HOW LAKGE THE CROWDS, TO HANDLE THE MASSES. AN EXTRA ADDITIONAL FORCE OF EFFICIENT AND SUFFICIENT HELP WILL BE THERE TO WAIT TTON YOU. WHEN WE SAY TO YOU THAT WE WILL SELL AS WE ADVERTISE. WE DO IT, rOR OUR REPUTATION IS AT STAKE, AND OCR IMMENSE CAPITAL WILL NOT PERMIT 18 TO DO OTHER WISE WE WILL EXPECT IV THE REMAINING NINE DAYS TO SEE EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD ATTEND THIS SALE, AND A NEW RECORD WILL HE FOREVER ESTAULISIIED IN PENDLETON'S ANNALS, LON:j TO HE RE.MEMIIF.RED HV THE BUYING IM'HLIC. THE MOVE EVERYWHERE IS ONWARD TO THE DIG RED CANVAS FRONT. The Fair Dept. Store PENDLETON, ORE. Great Change in Music Business in Pendleton J. A. Owenhouse Purchased for cash at an immense re duction the entire line of stringed instrumentsmandolins, violins, guitars and banjos of the Brock &.' McComas Company at less than half the orig inal cost, and re peated the great success by making Jesse Failing a cash offer for his entire stock of talking machines and rec ords, which was ac cepted. These facts mean that if you want a $15 guitar it will cost you $7.50 during this sale. If you want a talking machine, this sale enables you to purchase a $30 talking machine for $15, and we will throw in a record. C om e I n If its only a har monica you want, we are sellinfi the 25c kind for 10c. THISf SALE WONT LAST FOREVER J. A. Owenhouse Distributor for Victor Talking Machines and Supplies in Eastern Oregon WITH EILERS PIANO HOUSE The Heal Estate Firm of Nowlin, Roberts & Company Have Made the Following Sales in Real Estate Within the Last Few Days: Resilience uml two lots on Lincoln street, owned by Tallies Rrown, water oominls Mloner, sold to A. Sloan. Con sideration $2200.00. Residence anil lot owned by Harry Bartholomew, sit uated on Webb street, sold to I-rof. Huff. Consideration, $1000.00. Residence and two lots, lo aned on soiitli hill, and own oil ted on South Hill, and own to . W. Phelps. Consider ation, $3500.00. House and lot situated on Pine street, formerly owned by A. L. Gubser, sold to Jen nie Swan. Consideration, $50.00. Three hundred and twenty acres of land three miles south ef Echo, belonging to James A. RaJey, sold to George Roberts. Considera tion, $1500.00. Eighty acres of land ad Joining city corporation, owned by Dr. W. G. Cole, wild to G. W. Phelps. Con. slilerallon, $.tOfl.0O. If You Want your property sold, list H wHh Nowlln, Roberts & Co., Il Eiixt Court street. Tliey lian lie farm and city property and all kinds of Business Propositions The following Hpednls can lie had at bargain prices: A 10-acre chicken ranch, with good fire-room house, barn and well, located In the suburbs of Pendleton. An up-to-date millinery store. A neat restaurant with up-to-ilato fixtures. A first-class hotel. A bakery and confection ery store combined. A livery stable. A 160-acre farm on a creek bottom. A dry goods stock. A neat residence and lot near school house. A rooming house, central ly located. Rulldlng lots on the In stallment plan. Two farms adjoining tlie city corporation. The above arc bat a Few Samples. Don't forget the number 119 East Court. Street. NOWLIN, ROBERTS & COMPANY Leading Real Estate Firm of Pendleton, Oregon