r.tc.E POTO. DAILY EAST OREGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, 1TESRAY, AUGUST 8. 1803. EIGHT PAGES. 1 fovsV (fe AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. PtttolUhnl erer? afternoon except saodajt at l'endletoa. Oregon, by ths CAST OREGOMAN PfllLISUING COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, one year, by mall $5.00 Dally, six months, by mall.... 2 60 Dally, three months, by mall.... 1.26 ISy. one month, by mall 60 "Wekly, one year, by mall 1.60 Weekly, st months, by mall 75 Wwkly, four months, by mall.. ,Ki eVrni-Weekly, one year, by mall, 1.60 flml-Wekly, six months, by mall .75 fetnl-Weekly, four months, mall. .60 aaVmber Scrlpps-MrRae News Asso ciation. The East Oregonlan Is on sale at B. H. Rich's News Stands at Hotel Portland and Hotel Perkins. Port dud, Oregon. San Francisco Bureau, 408 Fourth sWet Ohicaito Bureau. 90 Security Bids;. Washington. D. C. Bureau, (01 14th 8t K. W. Telephone Main 11. Krrtered at Pendleton Postofflce as second-class matter. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Copy for advertising matter to appear In ttie F.ast Oreeonlaa must be In by 4 :43 p. as f the preoedlnK day : copy for'Monday s mswr mnt be In by 4 :4S p. in. the preced "mwr Satnrdiy. a ""Helen's lips are drifting dust; Yllon is consumed with rust: All the galleons of Greece Drink the ocean's dreamless peace: Lost was Solomon's purple show Restless centuries ago; Stately empires wax and wane Babylon. Barbary and Spain; Only Love Is undefaced, Lasts tho all the world lies waste And the heavens are overturned. Dear, how long ago we learn- ed!" Frederic L. Knowles. THE RIGHT WILL PREVAIL. The earmarks of a former populist alitor of Pendleton, now an attorney ami abstracter, irrigation promoter ad organizer for a fraternal order. ar too plainly seen In the Tribune's edJtorlals now to admit of any denial ti the fact that he has burst Into the Journalistic field again, after, (as he said Saturday morning in his signed communication) taking a solemn oath tr remain "out." But will even his versatility and rrey matter save the shattered wreck ft-om utter destruction on tho reefs rf unsound teaching and advocacy of tadecency and disorder, and against the best Interests of the community? There are certainly more decent, iaome-lovlng people In this community Jfiian there are of the other kind, and '2sre right will prevail In the end. Respectable business men will be hocked to think they were whipped Into line temporarily by a handful of aaUeon keepers and gamblers, ogaln.it Interests of law and order and rrtc cleanliness. The real fight for better morals will be made at the polls at the coming city election. THE TEMPTRESS, SEDITION. In a recent number of Punch Is a cartoon of a Russian soldier guarding rjt gates to the palace. Close beside JUm Is a shadowy wraith whispering 'o his ear, and he Is on the point of banding the shadow his musket. His look shows the agitation and uncer tainty that Is stirring him and he Is standing on one foot undecided whether to follow the wraith or stand at his post. The spectre that Is whispering to the guard Is name "Sedition," and It a true spectacle of the Russian army and Its surroundings today. The very guards at the palace gates r? no longer free from the evil -n-hispe rings of the Goddess of Sedi tion and no one knows how close to the throne lurks the demon of re wnK'; and murder. The peace negotiations with Japan are an Infinitesimal Bpeck on the horizon compared to the spectre of Revolt and Sedition at the very gates at the palace at home. LEWISTON A NERVE CENTER. Lewiston, the oldest town In the mountain region of the Inland Em pire, Is the newest. She Is Just now th nerve center of the greatest rail way and Industrial activity Been any where In the west, At the gateway of the Snake river mnd at the only available mountain pass between Montana and the coast, with an area of rich, undeveloped country all about her, with mines, timber, soil, stock and expanding Irlbutwy country all about her, she promises to give a display of pano ramic development in the next few years never witnessed anywhere on ttila coast before. Next to Pendleton, traveling men aay Lewiston Is the best city In the Inland Empire. She cannot hope to rival Pendleton aa a permanent, un fitting, steady, trowing agricultural. Uvcstock and manufacturing center, but sho has other resources on the sldo that are almost startling In their very Immensity. Pendleton, Walla Walla and Lewis ton comprise a trio of commercial centers that cannot be found grouped so favorably anywhere elso west of the Rocky mountains. A PLEDGE OF GOOD FAITH. When Guslnvua Adolphus camo to the throne of Sweden, at the ago of 17, he found the Swedes divided Into warring clans and factions, which made it impossible for him to organ ize a Swedish army that would make an effectual fight against Invaders from the outside, so the young king after seeing clan after dun turn against him und go back to revolt, decided to exact a pledge of good be havior from the Insurrectionists. As f;ist as he conquered the revolt ing clans with his loyal troops, he cut off the right hand of every able bodied man, first, he said, as a pledge of their good Intentions, and second, should they revolt ngaln, the would be minus the trigger finger. He said he would rather have a race of one-handed farmers, than a race of two-handed traitors, and so his crude tactics ended Insurrection In Sweden. After Francis J. Honey convicts all tho land thieves In Oregon, how will the government know they will be good after Heney's back Is turned? The old lure of lund hunger Is so strong that some pledge of future good behuvior should be exacted from Oregon by the government. As soon as the trials end the ransacking of the public domain will go merrily on unless some permanent check Is placed upon it. The government should repeal the timber and stone act, the desert land act and the commutation clause of the homestead law, In order to make the land left to the people secure from the Invading land sharks. Precious little of the puollc domain is left to the people and it should be closely safeguarded. Timber will be stripped from the western ranges within a few years, and then, like New England, the west will throw up her hands In consternation at the wreck of the commercial age and the failure of civilization to provide for the future. Lot the government cut off the right hand of land thievery as a pledge of future good behavior. Othcrwlso the thieves will return to their merry old marauding as soon as the prosecutor packs his trunk to leave. THE MOUNTAIN RESORTS. After all the copy for the Umatilla county statistical circular had been written and it was ready for the printers. President Borlo of the Com mercial association, said: "Put in something about the hot springs and summer resorts In Umatilla county." Thus the summer resorts became a port of the statistical history of the county, and the patronage they are receivng this year places them on a basis with other great resources laud ed to the skies by Umatilla county. With a few thousand dollars ex pended In erecting new and more convenient buildings, with cottages for rent and the swimming pools equipped with all the conveniences of the modern natatorlum. Umatilla county resorts will be by far the most Inviting spots In the Northwest. Na ture has done more than her share toward preparing them for man's comfort. ALFALFA VS. CLOVER. Alfalfa is ready for cutting a full month before red clover. . There Is a strong advantage In dairy farming, since green crops are needed at the earliest possible moment In the spring. After cutting, alfalfa springs Into growth more promptly than clover and a second crop Is produced within six or eight weeks. Clover lasts two years and alfalfa 10 to 30 years. In New Jersey the average yield of green forage an acre was 36,640 pounds for alfalfa and 14,000 pounds for red clover. The weights of dry hay were 8258 pounds and 4088 pounds, and of protelne 2214 pounds and 016 pounds an acre, respectively. In the same state alfalfa was found to contain 1809 pounds of dry matter and 205 pounds of protelne a ton, as compared with 1694 pounds and 246 pounds for clover. In other words, alfalfa not only yields two and one-half times as much as red clover, but Its feeding value Is much greater pound for pound. Country Life In America. THREAD 10OO MILES LONG. "Sea Island cotton Is the best kind," said a southerner. "It la finer and silkier than any other cotton In the world. A pound of It can be spun Into 4.770 mile of thread. "For an experiment once In the English town of Manchester, a skilled spinner ipun a pound of Sea Island cotton Into a single thread 1000 mile long. Then for another experiment, he took another pound of cotton and spun It Into as many banks aa he could get He got 10,000 hanks In all, and the yarn In each of them measur ed 840 yards. Thus out of a pound of cotton 4,770 miles of yarn were pro duced. Thla yarn, though, was' too fine to be of any practical utility. "These two experiments made a su perb advertisement for the cotton of the south." Philadelphia Bulletin. THE BEAUTIFUL KINGDOM. There are faces alight with the glory of love In the "Kingdom of Never-grow-old," There are hearts that are light as the clear skies above In that kingdom of beauties untold. And happy is he who can dwell In that land Where children are ruling with scep ters In hand, For youth is the monarch of one happy band. In the "Kingdom of Never-grow-old." No sorrows lurk deep In grim thickets of gloom In the "Kingdom of Never-giow-old." Hut flowers of beauty are ever In bloom And the pathways are shining as gold. The lauditer of little ones borne on the air i Is surcease of sorrow and cure for all care, For happiness reigns and hits banish ed despair In the "Kingdom of Never-grow-old." The little hands offer a warm welcome to all In the "Kingdom of Never-grow-old." The sweet little voices In harmony call, And their little arms wait to enfold. And Father Time pauses to tuste of the Joys, To Join In the games full of romping and noise That are played all the hours by sweet girls and boys In the "Kingdom of Never-grow-old." Come, walk with me now through the cool shadows deep In the "Kingdom of Never-grow-old." And backward the years of our trou bles wilt creep While stories of youth are retold. All burdens grow light and all cares we dismiss; The gates are unlocked by a sweet baby kiss, And Love sits enthroned In the City of Bliss In the "Kingdom of Never-grow-old." Will M. Maupln, In the Commoner. COUNTERFEIT RELICS. An article In a recent number of the Birmingham (England) Mall states that a factory In that city Is turning out weekly about 1200 flint-lock mus kets, and that a large number of this antiquated firearm are also made al Liege, Belgium. These guns are sent to Central and East Africa for use by the natives, to whom the possession of modern firearms Is denied by statute. Directing attention to this In dustry, Consul Halstead says: It Is known In the trade that many of these newly made weapons fall Into the hands of travelers who regard them In the light of a "find," and a story Is told of a Birmingham manu facturer having received a letter from a dealer and several customers, when the manufacturer wrote that he could not supply old muskets, but was pre pared to make him any number of new ones required. These were, of course, given the appearance of age. The demand for old weapons is so great, especially In the American sea son, that the genuine articles would go but a little way to satisfy It. Tho Smart Set. The "smart set" Is a vulgarism that has obtained definite meaning, which Is also more vulgar than enviable or uplifting. Smart people are rich. They are very modern and worldly, the tendency among them is to exalt social pleasures above the virtues, and they are supremely self-centered. The fine, sweet, honest and modest side of llfo Is with them more a matter of contempt than veneration. Tho grati fying of various kinds of pride Is made the business of life. To make existence merry, full of glitter and show, to worship self and tho golden calf this Is the law and gospel of the "smart set" at Its extreme. It Is per missible In their code of ethics, as the people have come to know It, to do all manner of mean things, If you don't get found out. This last command ment takes precedence of all the ten old-fashioned ones, and In It lies the penally most dreaded. Springfield Republican. Women as Well as Men Are Made miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, tiscouragesandlesseusamhition; beauty, vigor ami cheerful ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidnevs. If tlie child urinates toooften, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these' important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a Boo of Swamp-SMI. pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iiinghamton, N. Y., tie sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Iiinghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. LITTLE ONE IE E Covered With Scales and Scabs From Head to Foot Doctors and All Other Remedies Fail Skin Now Smooth and Clear. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA Writing under date of Sept. 7, 1904, Mrs. Mattic Shaffer, of Cumberland, Miss., says: "Some time ago I or dered aud received your wonderful Cuticura Remedies, which I used on my little alllictcd babe with wonder ful results. I had tried many other remedies without any benclit what ever, aud Cuticura came to the rescue when my doctors and all other rem edies had failed. One doctor pro nounced it scrofula, the other eczema. The little one was one solid sore, with scales and scabs from head to foot, when I started using Cuticura Soap and Ointment. The result was won derful, and now my baby's face and body are 'smooth and clear." (Signed) Sirs. Mattie Shaffer. THE DUTY OF MOTHERS At the First Sign of Disfiguring Humors Is to Use Cuticura. Every child born into the world pith an inherited tendency to tortur ing, disfiguring humors of the Skin and Sculp, becomes an object of the most tender solicitude, not only be cause of its suffering, but because of the dreadful fear that the disfiguration is to be lifelong aud mar its future happiness and prosperity. Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of such afflicted children to acquaint them selves with the best, the purest, and most effective treatment available, viz.: the Cuticura Treatment, consist ing of warm baths with Cuticura Soap, and gentle anointings with Cuticura Ointment, the great Skin Cure. Cures made in childhood are speedy, per manent, and economical. Cuttrura Snap, olntmwit, nd Pill., trc aolil thnraglioat th. world, i'nttrr llntjr k ChMn. Ccrp., Ihxti'n, Holt riup. atScml for " Uuw to Cum DUftgurlac Humor. slid ELECTR.SC i POWER IS THE MOST SATISFACTORY FORM OF POWER IX USE TODAY. YOU PRESS THE BUTTON. WE DO THE REST. TAKES AWAY ALL THE DRUDOERY. HEAT, IlIRT AND DISCOMFORT OF STEAM POWER. IT IS NOT ONLY MORB CONVENIENT BUT IS CHEAPER. FIOURE UP YOUR BILL FOR WOOD, WATER, LABOR AND RE PAIRS ON YOUR BOILER AND EN GINE AND THEN COME AROUND AND GET OUR RATES FOR A SIM ILAR AMOUNT OF POWER. IF YOU ARE BUILDING DON'T FAIL TO HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED. QUIT CLEANING SMOKY OLD OIL LAMPS. AND PUT IN LIGHT THAT ONLY REQUIRES TURNING " A BUTTON. IRONING DAY THIS WEATHER IS LOOKED FORWARD TO WITH DREAD. NO NEED OF IT. WHAT IS THE USE OF HEATING YOUR WHOLE HOUSE UP AND MAKINO A HARD DAY'S WORK OF YOUR IRONING WHEN WE CAN FUR NISH YOU AN ELI""TRIC IRON AND YOU CAN OPERATE IT ON A METER AT AN EXPENSE OF ONLY FIVE CENTS AN HOUR. WE CAN FURNISH YOU A SEWING MA CHINE MOTOR AND IT WILL ONLY COST YOU TWO CENTS AN HOUR TO OPERATE IT. ISN'T IT WORTH TWO CENTS AN HOUR TO YOU TO HAVE A MOTOR ATTACHED TO YOUR MACHINE. YOU CAN DO MORE WORK WITH LESS FA TIGUE THAN IN THE OLD WAY. WE WILL MAKE YOU A FLAT RATE IF YOU ARE A DRESSMAK ER OR SEAMSTREES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK IT UP. COMB AROUND AND SEE US. i Northwestern Gas Electric Company F. W. VINCENT. MANAGER. Save Money on Wood W will tarnish you slab at $4.80 per cord delivered, if taken at once. It will pay you to buy to. wood and let It dry for next winter. OREGON LUMBER YARD Thone Main S. Alt Street, Opposite Court Home. 1IOI.I) TO YOl'R MOXEY Until ou have see us and had ur figure on your ' 111 of lumbar. We carry building material of every description and have the best quality of lumber on tho market Agents for WOOD FIBER PLAS TER. Gray's Harbor Commercial Company V. J. SEWELL, Manager. Phone Main 02. Good j I Dry Wood ALL KINDS I have good, sound wood which la delivered at reasonable price FOR CASn. W. C. MINNIS Leave Orders at Hrnnlng's ci gar store, opp. People Warehouse. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, ISO barrel a day. Flour exchanged for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed etc., always on band. t 1 TIM IS AND TIDE WAIT FOR NO MAN. If you re behind-hand In meeting your engagement It Isn't your fault It you wear one of our watchca It tolls the precise time of day. CORRECT TIMEPIECES save anxiety, because they cun be re lied on. Our guaranteed watchoj aie as cheap as many that are unreliable. Price them mid Bee. Wmslow Bros. Juuulcrs and Optlcluns. Postofflce Block. St.JosephsAcademy PENDLETON. O'.vEOON. Under the direction of the Elstera of St. Francla, of Phila delphia. Resident and day pu pils. Special attention clven to music and elocution. 8tud.nta prepared for teachers' examin ations for county and state cer tificates. For particulars ad dress SISTER SUPERIOR. . THE COMMERCIAL I.IVERY f J FEED AXD SALE STABLE. t I Bliunnton Bros. & Corlcy, Prop. : Horses boarded by the day, week or month. 30 cents per I day. i First-class livery turn-outs at f reasonable prices. Corral In connection. f Commercial Stables t Aura St.. between Webb ft Alia, ( 'Phono Black 2021. TEETH EXTRACTED BY THE MOD ERN METHOD, 500. We are thoroughly equipped lth all modern me' da and appliance and guarantee our ui.rk to be of the highest etand ard. and our price the lowest , onsint with Hr.t.raa work. T. H. White DENTIST ASSOCIATION BLOCK Telephone Main mm. THE POPULAR PLACP TO EAT IS THE i The French !! Restaurant Everything wired flnrt-clam. Best mrnlar meals In Pend Ir ion for lift cents. SHOUT ORDERH A SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens, Prop. CHICKENS NEED SHELL BONE OR IT AND MANY OTHER THINGS WHICH C. F. Coleswor thy CAN SUPPLY YOU WITh' 127-120 EAST Al.TA STREET. W. T. PARKER Dealer In Dry Good, Groceries aad Notions Hats, Cap, Boots, Shoes and Farm Produce. I have Just purchased the D. B. Riehardaon iIam - , u w . m on, , uregon, and I am golng to thoroughly remodel It and greatly increase, tha stock. 1 solicit your patronage, and tf good imr treatment can hold your trade, then I know you will trad with me. Bring In your farm pro duce. Highest market price paid. HELIX OREGON LAND SCRIP FOR SALE. Unrestricted fomt --.. . ... ai at lowirt mark- scrip secures tltl to tlm' .red, farm; In, ffrajrina or Ammmm-m 1--. a. quantity, without residence or Im provement Address H. M. Hamlltoa Th Portland, Portland, Oregon. 11 pimwj.unin ,,,.y ;maw'f I'?:,-'- S Mi ' '?