r,.tr- PAGE TWO, DAILY EAST ORK;OM N. PKNPLKTON, ORKGON. Tl lXDAY, Al'GUST 8, 1905. EIGHT PAGES. : Horse Sense X : i We believe the people ol Pendleton mid vicinity have an unusual amount of that rare yet desirable article; good, -tuird, common sense, raklrs do not find this nil especially green pasture.. It was P. T. Illinium, the nig showman, anil king of fakirs, who said: "The Ainfr loin i-Miple like to be linmhugcd," but we would cull the attention of some of our competitors to the fact that even the big shows, with all of their facilities for humbuging, steer clear of Pendleton. Mill tlplicd yards of banners with their cartoons, rod and yellow paint, announcing "destruction wiles" (?) etc., etc., do not draw trade In IViKlleton. as many of our comH'tltors are learning from hard ex perience. No. the people are "on to yon." If you do business In this way you "III have to go where the suckers arc. A square deal. Golden Utile prices. Golden Hole treatment and dependable goods are the only things that reach tlio ieople in Pendleton. You should see the prices we nre making on sateen and zephyr gingham petticoats, slilrt waists, klmonas, .watstlngs, dress .goods, te. See our window display for some of those things. If you want a square deal, lowest prices, right treatment and good goods come to the j : : 1 QNTHEBEACH K. N. SV1TH FINDS A TRl'LY COOL SPOR l-nrge Number of Pendlctonlans nt lHng lteach More Arriving Every lny Twenty-One Pcnilleloii People Around Ono Cnmpflre Iaist Week Scene lVoni the Heach Is Delightful. I Golden Rule Store I f THE BARGAIN STORE. GOLDEN RILE TREATMENT, t 0 GENERAL NEWS. ORKGON HOP INDISTRY. -V riot In a Chinese theater In New York resulted In the death of three Chinese and the wounding of about 20 snore. In the battle of the Sea of Japan the Japanese made three hits to the Russians' one, with guns of corres ponding calibre. t William Horn and Kid George, ne groes, killed a convict guard at Hat Uesburg. Miss. They were captured and hung by a mob. ' Forty armed men attacked the mu nicipal treasury at Opatoff, Poland, and made away with $10,000 after killing several watchmen. A lone robber, masked, held up n saloon and 15 men at Gazelle, Cal. He crot $100 from the crowd and $68 from tne cash register, and escaped. Secretary of State Root Is taking his vacation fishing in Newfoundland Marlon County Greatest Producer of Hops in I'nited States. The Chamber of Commerce liulle , tin of Portland, for the month of August, gives the following review of the hop industry in Oregon: Oregon Is the first state in the j Union for hop production. In west ern and middle Oregon the exactly proper climatic conditions exist to produce hops a warm and moist at mosphere, plenty of sunshine, occa ' sional fog, and warm, dry weather, Just before maturity. Oregon hops are of better grade and grown nt less cost than elsewhere. The maximum yield Is 2000 pounds per acre; minimum, 1200. Only eight pounds were grown In 1850. Since taen the acreage and yield has stead ily increased. In 1900, 15,434 acres produced 14,675.577 pounds nearly five times the crop of 1890. Average From there he will go to Labrador to prices of hop lands, cleared and under view the coming total eclipse of the cultivation are: Overflow bottom land an. $75 to $100 per acre; other bottom Long Reach, Wash., Aug. 7. (Edl tor East Oregonlan. ) It may be of, some interest to the readers of the. East Oregonlan to know there is one j place on earth where ono can kuepi eool. That place Is here at Long! Peach. We landed here August 4. , There are u great many Pendleton j people here, and more coming every j day. There were 21 from Pendleton; nround one cnmpflre ono night this week, und that was not all of them. The weather Is perfect and the sight of old ocean's waves as they como ; rolling In Is a sight never to be for-1 gotten by one who was raised in the Interior. A. M. Elam and wife and daughter, and Miss Frazler of Milton, came up yesterday. Also Harry Bartholomew of Pendleton. I know of no better place where , one could spend the summer than ' here. The well water Is splendid soft and cold. The surf bathing will take the klnks out of an old person I and make them young again. And , such an appetite! Is It any wonder. with clams, crabs and oysters; boiled. fried, stewed or baked? This morning there were three large full rigged sailboats and two ocean steamers In sight. This Is a very or derly and quiet place. All are here for a good time, but do not disturb the rest of the others. The East Ore gonlan arrives regularly and Is care fully read by the Pendleton people, as It Is like getting a letter from home. Respectfully yours. E. N. SMITH. by the Santa Fo railroad company against Judge W. R. Curren, of Pekln, III., promises to go through the su preme court before It is settled. A few weeks ago the Judge had his of fice Improved and, among other things, ordered a new door for his safe. When the door enme he was not apprised of the fact until 5 cents demurrage charges had accumulated. The agent of the company attempted to collect the sum, but the Judge re fused and gained possession of the door by replevin. The Santa Fe came buck ut him with a suit for 5 cents demurrage. Judge Curren says that he will fight the case through the supreme court before he will pay the charge, which he claims is not Justified and Is unwarranted. IIBuy Your Suit Mowl WANT BETTER RATES. Wiillit Wallans Will Meet Willi State Railroad Commission. Walla Walla, Aug. 8. Members of the transportation and freight com mittee of the Walla Walla Commer cial club held a meeting last night and made arrangements to receive the members of the railway commission when they come to Walla Walla next Wednesday. It was decided to Invito all the ship pers, farmers and other persons who nre Interested in the subject of freight rates to be present at the meeting, give their views, and state their com plaints and wants In order thnt the commission can be fully advised ns to the conditions existing in Walla Walla county. The principal matter to be taken up will be thnt of the alleged discrimina tion against Walla Walla relative to distributing point rates on freight from the east. l'OIR MEN WERE DROWNED. James Tomllnson, a 17-year-old boy dung for 12 hours to an upturned catboat off Chicago, and was picked op several miles from the shore, half crazed and nearly exhausted. Influence will be brought to bear upon the coming session of congress to have the Buckskin mountains, con tiguous to the Grand Canyon of Ari zona, set aside as a public park. An express train on the Cleveland & Pittsburg railroad, ran into a street car at Cleveland, killed a child in land, $50 to $75; prairie and hill land, 25 to $10. Benton, Lane, Polk and Washington counties are great hop producers. Thousands of acres are still available. In 1897 the crop In the Willamette valley was 16,000,000 pounds. Hop pickers annually earn $1,250,000. Or egon's hop crop in 1904 was 82,500 bales, or 16,000,000 pounds, valued at $4,000,000, and equaling one-half of the crop of the United States. The annual yield averages from 65.000 to 90.000 bales. In the Willamette vat- tantly, fatally Injured six people, and Jey noo to 18,000 acres are devoted less seriously Injured 15 people. ol nops W. L. Bohm, a Santa Cruz, Cal., The average price In 1904 was 25 butcher, is walking to the Portland cents, the maximum price 32 cents; exposition, pushing a wheelbarrow cost of production per pound, 8 cents ahead of him. He has reached Marys- to 10 cents. Toe total profit on the ville. By the terms of a bet he' must hop crop for 1904 was $2,500,000, and average 10 miles per day. an acre averages $225. Marlon coun- 1 ty Is the largest hop-producing coun- "NORTHWEST NEWS. j ty in the United States. Town Marshal Blackman, of Che-! ney, Wash., undertook to arrest Geo. ' Sherman, who broke and ran. Black man shot and killed him as he ran. Ray Kendall, aged 19, and Clyde Tockey, aged 12, got beyond their depth while bathing In the Willamette at Springfield, and were drowned. Portland has 177 miles of paved streets without pavement, 154 miles of cement sidewalk. 328 miles of wood sidewalk and somewhat more than 133 miles of sewer. A coal company has leased 1000 acres near Wenatchee, Wash., but on the opposite side of the river, and will go after the coal which lies be neath It, on a large scale. Grass Island, near Aberdeen, Wash., has been reserved by the government for coast defense purposes. At low tide the Island exposes 40 to 50 acres; at high tide about 10 acres. The Orofino, Idaho, Optimist was to have been sold on the 5th to satisfy a mortgage for $250. An Injunction will restrain the sale .and the valid ity of the mortgage will be tested. Two masked men held up a Pine street car, on the east side, at Port land, and robbed the conductor of $63, only $3 of which was company money. The conductor s S. B. Campbell. There have been seven murders at Spokane during the past seven months. If murders occurred in Spo kane with the same frequency and proportion as In Chicago, It should have had but three during that time. A dam on the north fork of the Welser river Is being agitated. An ex pense of $10,000 would create a lake five miles long, two and a halt wide and 22 feet deep. This storage would give an abundant supply where the farmers are short, time. Public Is Aroused. The public is aroused to a knowl edge of the curative merits of that great medicinal tonic, Electric Bit ters, for sick Btomach, liver nnd kid neys. Mary H. Walters, of 546 St. Clair avenue, Columbus, O., writes: "For several months I was given up to die. I had fever and ague, my nerves were wrecked; I could not sleec and my stomach was so weak. from useless doctors' drugs, that I could not eat. Soon after beginning to take Electric Bitters. I obtained relief, and In a short time I was en tirely cured." Guaranteed at Tallman k Co.'b drug store; price GOc. Notice to Taxpayers. Pendleton, Ore., Aug. 5, 1905. Notice is hereby given that the board of equalization of Umatilla county, state of Oregon, will meet at the of fice of the clerk of said county on the last Monday in August, to remain In session six days, and publicly examine the assessment rolls, correct all er rors In valuation, description or qual ities of land, or other property. It is the duty of all persons Interested to nnoir at that time and place. If It shall appear to the said board that any lands or other property are as sesed twice, or In the name of a per- name was son or persons r.ot the owner thereof, 1 or assessed under cr beyond its value, or anv lands or other property not as sessed, the said board shall make proper corrections. C. P. STRAIN, County Assessor. RVRNED STRAW ON ROADS. DONT MISS THE IUG REDUCTIONS MADE NOW ON MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AT THE FAIR OUT EVERY SUIT OF MEN'S CIXITHES WILL HE CLOSED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. EVERY BOY'S SUIT MUST GO. WE WILL MAKE GREATER REDUCTIONS AND SELL SUITS CHEAPER THAN ANY STORE IN PENDLETON DURING THIS Closing Out Sale ALL SUMMER LINES OF DRY GOODS ARE ALSO njBDVCED FOR A FEW WEEKS TO CLEAN I P STOCK. YOUR MONEY WILL BUY MORE HERE THAN AT PLACE IN EASTERN OREGON. THE FAIR. THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY. ANY I The Willamette River Clntms All the Victims. Portland. Ore., Aug. 8. Owing to a want of presence of mind in a'l but one of the 20 occuponts of a launcU. which had collided with a rowboat. two of the three occupants of the row boat drowned within a dozen ftct of the launch. Those drowned were: Fred Stcffensen. aged 20. and his sister, Madeline, aged 16. The launch and the rowboat were traveling: along the river In front of the city after dark tonight in oppo site directions. . The captain of the launch failed to see the rowboat, which carried no light, and the launch hit the smaller boat. One man seized the third occupants of the boat, Ml Llllie Therkelsen, and dragged her aboard. The others on the launeii were so excited that they allowed the boat to drift away without attempting a rescue. The two left In the rowboat had become frenzied with fear and their actions capsized the boat. After struggling helplessly for a few mo ments they drowned in plain sight or the then powerless people In the launch. Bathers Drown. Two accidental drownings occur red in the Willamette river, Just he low the city today. The first wai thnt of a young man mimed Eric Bl ."'low, recently from Chicago, who in com nanv with a companion, was bathing. Plgelow was seized with a cramp and sank. His companion could not swim and was powerless to render assist ance. The second drowning was that of Floyd Havird, aged 17, who In com pany with several boys, was paddling about the river on a board, naviru slipped from the board and his small companions were too - frightened to render assistance.' Havlrd's body was recovered. Good Work of County Commissioners Goes Up in Smoke. in their efforts to provide good roads throuKhni. the county the county commissioners hnve expended considerable money in putting straw on the thoroughfares, says the Walla Walla Statesman. This act has been the oecnslon of much praise for the officials from the farmers and others who are compelled to travel the roads. Recently, how ever. It has been discovered thnt In many places the straw has been burned off. On one stretch of road near Walla Walla a farmer reported today the straw had been burned for several hundred yards and left the ground bare and much dust had ac cumulated. The fact has been reported to the commissioners and an Investigation is being made. Whether the burning "f the straw has been the result or pns sersby throwing lighted matches on the road or the work of miscreants, Is not known. We Are Headquarters FOR KODAKS AND CAMERAS, DRY PLATES, FILMS, PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER AND CHEMICALS. t Brock & McComas Company I DRUGGISTS , 'Phono Main 20. STUNG BY RATTLESNAKE. STAND BY LAFOLLETTE. Illinois We have anything you want In the Real Estate line Wheat Lands, Stock Ranches and City Property. We have some very good business propositions to offer. E. T. WADE & SON, Office In E. O. lluilJIng, Pendleton, Or. . . . Postofflce Box 324. Black 1111. Dock Charges Are Heavy. Seattle, Aug. 8. The cost to the Great Northern Steamship company for the privilege of using the govern, ment drydock for the Dakota, charge ed for at the regular rates by the gov ernment for the use of the dock. Is at the present $4043.60 for docking her and $1236.90 per day for the use of the dock while she remains there. If she remains In the dock 10 days this charge will run up to $16,400. The charge for dock ing is calculated at the rate of 20 cents per gross ton on a tonnage of 20,718. The lay day charge Is 10 cents a ton for the first 4000 tons and five cents a ton for the rest of her tonnage. Baptists Endorse Roast of Rockefeller. Springfield, III., Aug. 8. The 1111 nols Baptist assembly, which Is hold Ing a Chautauqua at the State fair grounds, amid a scene of excitement today voted down a set of resolutions which criticized Governor LaFollette for his bitter attack upon John D. Rockefeller last Sunday, when the Wisconsin statesman vehemently told the assembled Baptists that their fel low churchman was the greatest crim inal of the age. The defeat of the resolutions fol lowed the departure of Dr. R. S. Me Arthur, of New York, who had been billed to make a reply to LaFollette, and who surprised his audience by ttterlnff never a word In defense of the oil king. Why Dr. McArthur failed to say anything on the subject cannot be learned. This morning a synopsis of his proposed address was given out, and in it he bitterly arraigned LaFol lette for his attack on Rockefeller. Fungs Penetrated Trousers and Sock. Reaching Calf of Ig. Wilbur Wllhelm, a 12-year-old boy who lives a few miles east of Pendle ton, was stung by a rattlesnnke yes terday w hile working In a garden, the sting being made through the boy's trousers and sock. At the time of the accident the Wllhelm boy and an other lad were among some cucum ber vines nnd had Just killed one rattler. After doing this young Wll helm stepped bnck a few feet, and nearly stepped on another snake and was stung. Dr. W. L. Dick was summoned to attend the boy, who was kept at his home, and It is not thought the sting will result seriously. No word has been received from the boy today. litis Long Beach Damaging Tliunderstonm. The thunder showers of the early part of the week did more damage than was at first supposed. Out mar Mayville. Sunday evening t! e light ning struck John Parry's bam and It and the contents were burned to the ground. During the storm of Tuesday evening, Ellis Schomp's barn on the Buckhorn, near Mayvlllo, was struck and burned down. There was consid erable heavy rain nnd hnll In Tues day's storm and Dr. Wood, who was driving Into town, snld the hnll was nearly as largo as the hall that fell In the big storm last spring. Condon Times. Bought SHOO Lambs. J. R. Nunamaker of Rhea creek, spent a few days in this vicinity leav ing Sunduy. While here ho purchas ed 3600 head of lambs: 2500 head of Newt Robertson and 1100 head of J. J. Slmas, paying $2.12 H per head for October 1 delivery, at Monument. Monument Enterprise. Lehman Springs Stage, The Lehman Springs stage will start Saturday, June SO, and will run till October 1, and carry passengers and the mall. It starts from Lindsay's stable, on Cottonwood street For Sale. Two wagons, one hack, nearly new, one grain rack, one hay rack. See H. S. Scales at E. T. Wade & Son's office. CON NELL A UNION TOWN. Peculiar Disappearance. J. D. Runyan, of Butlervllle, O., laid the peculiar disappearance of his painful symptoms, of Indigestion and biliousness, to Dr. King's New Life Pills. He says: "They are a perfect remedy, for dizziness, sour stomach, headache, constipation, etc." Guar anteed at Tallman & Co.'s drug store, price ttc. Wanted. Ladles' clothes lroners at Robin son's Domestic laundry. Telegraph Strike Breakers Not Made Welcome. Connell, Wash., Aug. 8. James Wilson, a non-union telegraph opera tor, was forced to leave town last night by a mob of 50 union sympa thizers. Wilson had been Installed at the Northern Pacific depot that after noon, but before getting his baggage unpacked nnd Instruments Installed, things In his neighborhood began to warm up. After paying $1 a meal at the restaurant and 25 cents for a lone sandwich he gave In. Train No. 4 carried him to Spokane, amid the hurrahs of the crowd present. The deputy sheriff in charge of the North ern Pacific company's property here since Wednesday, has also quit. LAWSUIT FOR FIVE CENTS. Defendant Will Carry Case to Supreme Court. Peoria, III., Aug. 8. A demurrage claim amounting to B cents brought Ed Aukerson, G. H. Cnspary, W. H, Stone, Hugh Testard, Charles Murray, Charles Billings and Emll Koenlg have been convicted at Portland of con ducting Illegal ticket brokerage busi ness. All were "scalpers." E HAVE REPLACED the old Hotel Breakers which was burned' down lust full, with a handsome new building, plas tered Inside and out. and practically fire-proof. The new building hns twlco the floor space of the old one and is located on the same site about a Btnnc's throw distant from the ocean. It has all the modern Improvements, electric lights, steam heat, private baths; it has both hot and cold salt water in tho building. Our amusements Include billiards, pool, tennis, golf, bowling, boating, fishing and other sports. Our new building Is equipped with a sun parlor and has a private livery. We own our own Jersey dairy and have a splendid vegeta ble garden In connection with tho hotel. Rates range from $12 per week upwards, while special rates are given to families or parties occupying quarters for the entire season. You will find everything absolutely new and clean, and we have a well established reputation of doing everything In our power for the pleasure and comfort of our guests. You will find no more pleas ant plnoe to spend your outing than nt the Hotel Breakers Long Beach. American Beauty Corsets "DAINTY AS THE ROSE" Trie easy graceful contour and perfect proportions that an AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSET gives its wearer cannot be produced by any other make of corset. Wlnnemucca, Nev., has sustained a loss of about $100,000 by fire In the business section of town. M Sup preme comtort comes wi th th eir nae. KALAMAZOO CORSET COMPANY, Kalamazoo, MlohlgMs, FOR BALI AND RCOOMMCNDCO OL GREAT EASTERN DEPARTMENT STORK, B. K. NICHOLAS. PROP. A- Tin East Oregonlan la Eastern Oregon s represent tire paper. It lends and the people appreciate It an' show It by uelr liberal patronage. It Is lite advertising medium of this section. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING CERTAIN AND QUICK RESULTS If yon want help or a situation, want to bur, sell or trade anything, want to rent a farm, boose or room, want to recover some lost property, your desires can be satisfied thoroughly by using the Beat Oregonlan' classified columns. Count six worda to th Una. No ad taken under II oenta. Three lines, one Insertion Fifteen cents Three lines, two Insertions Twenty-five oenta Three line, six Insertion ........ Forty-five cents Five lines, one Insertion Twenty-fire cents Five line, two Insertion Thirty-five cents Five lines, six Insertion Seventy-five cents HIHIIMMMMMIHHIIIMMWMM MMMmilM HHHHM