T"1 PAGE SIX. BtAIIA BAST OREGON! AN, 'KS DLETON, ORBGON, FRIDAY, 3YXjY 14, 1B0&. mam paghs JAPAN ASEA POWER YKTOIIY OVUl RUSSIA UIVES If 31 niOST PI.ACK- Torn Ww Ht a Ureat Disadvantage When He Attacked Uie Baltic Fleet Ye Ilia Victor)' Was So Complete That It Was (Startling American Kaval Evjierta Wonder What U'U Become of Japan's Ambition, Tbe victory of the sea of Japan placed the nation ruled by the mikado la the front row of the countries that are knwn as naval powers. Japan In virtually annihilating the navy of Russia and making herself un disputed master of the waters that wash the eastern coast of Asia won a position alongside the United States, Germany, France and England. American naval experts have al ready begun to advocate more stren uously than ever the increase In the naval strength of the United States, ot because of any fear of war with Japan, with which we are on the beat f terms, but because a stronger navy. as it is held, would furnish a better guarantee of the continuance of peace. Several additional battleships will be sent to Philippine waters. . - Admiral Togo attacked Rojestven sky with but five battleships in his fleet, although the Russians had even. Two of the latter the Orel and the Nicholas I. were captured and are to be added to Japan's fleet Five Russian ships the Retvizan, Po ida, Poltava, P?rosvlct and Sevasto-jp,eJ--'KCre tajten. wth p0rt Arthur, and there Is strong hope at Tokio that most. If noall can be rendered sea worthy once more. The battleship Oesarevitch is interned at Kalochau, and it Is supposed Japan expects to elaim It In the peace negotiations. Two of the largest battleships ever constructed are now building for Ja pan in England and will soon be com' pleted. Should all the Russian ves sels mentioned be added to her fleet she would have a force of 15 battle' ships, three times as many as Togo commanded when he overthrew Ro- lestvensky.'. But, In addition to the battleships, JaDan has added or expects to add many Russian cruisers and torpedo boats to her naval force. These in clude the cruiser Variag, which was sunk at Chemulpo, but has since beer, raised; the cruisers Bayan and Palla da, captured at Port Arthur, and sev eral interned vessels. Of these three are at Manila the Aurora, Oleg and Jemtchug while the Lena is cooped up at San' Francisco, the Diana at Saigon and the Askold at Shanghai. . Transports and colliers and various minor craft are at other ports. Wheth er Japan will get' all these as one outcome of the peace negotiations re mains to be. seen. In any event, it is held that her naval strength will be much greater at the close of the war than at its beginning. It Is predicted by some naval experts that Japan will soon rank fourth in point of sea ar mament. '. ' 'r Naval experts agree that it was the preparedness and personnel - of. the Japanese navy which enabled It to meet and overwhelm with utter de struction a force of equal If not su perior strength in point of armament. All concede that for the readiness of the Japanese to meet the Russians In the sea of Japan chief credit be longs to Admiral Togo, the quiet man who planned the action from his cabin in the flagship Mikasa. This cabin has sometimes been de scribed as very plain and bare, but the English artist Seppings Wright, has drawn a picture of It, in which appear a roll top desk and a luxuri ous looking swivel chair, a mirror and a manttl, on which are nowers ana photographs, while in the center of the apartment stands a. table; on which are seen two of. the dwarf trees which the Japanese are expert In growing. ("" ' These little trees are said to be hun dreds of years old and were present ed to the admiral by Count Okuma. In this cabin Togo keeps a shell which burst on board the Mikasa before Port Arthur and came near killing the Japanese commander. The fragments were collected and placed together with cement. TO CLOSE BALLARD. Kffort Re4ng Made to Stop Gambling In Saloons In the MIU Town. Coincident with the gambling cru sade that is now on In Seattle, an ef fort is being made in Ballard to close all games In that town. Ballard, ever since the enactment of the felony law, has more or less permitted gam bllng In one form or another, says the Seattle News. Most of the games of chance have been run In saloons, one or two of them owned by prominent politicians of the milt town. Last night the city council of Bal lard held its regular meeting. Its principal business was to consider the petitions before it that It would order a cessation of gambling. C. A. -Bey' nolds, of Seattle, representing the pe titioners, mads a pies, to the council He said that it was certain that Cames were running constantly In a num ber of saloons; that - the petitioners had proof of the gambling. He ask ed that the council annul the licenses of two saloons, owned by J. W. Peter son and Nels Olsen, wher,e gambling was in progress. i The council tcbk no decided action, but summoned Peterson and Olsen to appear before the body Friday night and show why their licenses should not be revoked. IIOiL HOLIDAY FRENCH CELEBRATE THE 1 FALL OF THE BASTTLE. Famous Tomb of Liberties Was Dis mantled One Hundred and Sixteen Years Ago - Celebration of the Event Participated la by President Loubet, and 20,000 Troops Took ' Part Paris 1.4 Illuminated and the American Flag Is Often in Evidence, j 20 Pay SPECIAL OFFER. 20 Days Paris, July 14. Today, the 116th anniversary of the fall of the Bastile, which is tov France what the Fourth of July is to the great sister republic across the Atlantic, is being celebrat ed In the usual manner. . Business Is suspended, the Bourse Is closed, and the boulevards are filled with noisy throngs. It -has unquestionably been one of the gayest 14ths of July secnj for years. The Stars and Stripes and j J British flags were exceptionally nu merous in the decorations. The main feature of the day was the review of the garrison of Paris. The troops assembled at Longchamps at an early hour. Shortly after 9 o'clock an artillery salute announced the arrival of President Loubet, who was accompanied by the members of the cabinet, the presidents of the sen ate and chamber ot deputies, the mil itary governor of Paris and their t.fg. Mme. Liouoei ana a party ot flistineuis4''- ladfM soon followed and aisunguis. , Ht ,,., tho review ca"""-""' . the usual distribute of decorations. l THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY. About 20,000 troops paTuvi":u , .... review. In the city the day was Celebrated , . nuietly. but as tne evening wor i Bent Her Double. "I knew no one for four weeks, when I was sick with typhoid and kid ney trouble," writes Mrs, Annie Hun ter of Pittsburg, Pa., "and when I jot better, although I had one of the best doctors I could get, I was bunt double, and had to rest my hands on my knees whim I walked. From this terrible affliction I was rescued Cy Electric Bitters, which restored , my health and strength, and now I can walk as straight as ever. They are slmnly wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney dls; orders. At Tallman ft Co.'s drug store. Price 60c. the city presented an animated and brilliant spectacle, open air dancing, pyrotechnic displays, and a general Illumination being the principal feat ures. The opera and theaters gave free performances In accordance with i long-standing custom. Long atier midnight all the squares and open spaces were crowded with waltzera and merrymakers, who gave no indi cation of an Intention to give up their sport until dawn. CANT EAT CRABS. SCRATCHED DAUilHT lady Suffered Tortures with itching Scalp Humor One Box of Cuti cura Ointment and One Cake of Cuticura Soap Cured Her, New Iw In Washington Seeks to Re. plenish the Stock. . Olympla, July 14. For the first time in the history of the state of Washington it is unlawful to eat crabs, particularly the Dungeness variety, which is found In thfc waters of Puget sound. It is stated the supply of crabs Is becoming depleted, and the last leg islature passed an act making It "closed season" from July I to Oc tober 1, during the time when the breeding season Is at Its height , It is claimed that the crab cannery, which was established In Blaine, Wash., a few years ago, and which operated for three years, had much to do with depleting the supply of Puget sound crabs, consuming during the lime it was in operation between 20 000 and 30,000 crabs per day. How- ever, it is stated that owing to the fact the crabs are rapid breeders, it will toke but a few years, with the closed seasons, to renew the supply to such an extent that It will be safe to repeal the law which has Just gone Into ef feet. BUCKEYE STATE DEMOCRATS'. This Is' something different from the usual method of giving pre- - mi urns, and we think It will appeal to our customers, a something , good and fair and at the same tune Increase our cash sales lor the rest of tho nonili. 1 .' ' We will select ONE PAY1 between now and August 1st, and every customer who makes a purchase on that day, on August nd, will be given FREE an equal amount of merchandise to that bought by him on that certain day. If you buy $10.00 worth of goods on that day, on August 2nd, we will give you FREE, 110.00 worth more of mer- J chandise. If you buy $2.00 worth of goods on the day selected, We give you free $2.00 worth more if you save the slips and bring them back to the store. . Now is not this a good proposition for you? You pay the same - for your goods as on any other day, all special sale goods Included a and just for the trouble of saving your slips and returning thm you get the return of the same amount of goods as you purchase on the J Special Day selected. No one knows which day we will select, nelth.'r a will any clerk or employe know, for we wish no one to have any ad- vantage over anothar. You ask where our profit comes In T IN THE J INCREASED BUSINESS. . . It will be an Inducement to you to buy something on nearly every J day left In this month, for in that way you are sure to hit the spe- t cial Bay. You might be lucky enough to hit the right day If you e traded here on only two or three days during the month, but you will J be more certain to get ft return If you come oftener. When you read this ad cut It out and remember to coma here J every time you need anything we carry. Keep every purchase slip and J bring them In on August 2nd, and If you have any for the day select- ed we will give you FREE as much merchandise as you purchased on the day we select 'Watch our SPECIAL CLEARANCE ,se,le .prices all over the store. We will save you money on every line we carry. THE FAIR We Are Headquarters Professor Balardl, of Turin, has sue-1 1 ceeded In perfecting his Invention of photographing the eye and advocates Its practical use for diagnosis of 'dis eases of that organ. ICR KODAKS AND CAMERAS, DRY PLATES, FILMS. PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPEtt AND CHEMICALS. Brock & AkComas Company DRUGGISTS 'Phono Main 20. OREGON Shout une; UfilOfl PACIFIC TWO TRAINS TO THE EAST AILY Threngh Pullman standard aJd: Tourist Sleepers dally te Omaha and Chicago; tourist sleeper dally to Kaa- Clty; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago; reclining Mtr care (seats free) to the East dally. TIME SCHEDULE FROM FBMDLK-- . . TON. . EASTBOUND. -No 2, Chicago Special, srrlv I p, m.; depart, fi:4e p. m. No. , Mall & Express, arrives so.; depart, I a. m. WESTBOUND. ' No. L Portland Special, arrive t If 1 a, m.; depart, 8:6 a. m. No. 5, Mail ft Express, arrive, 11 p. m.; depart 11 p. m. 8POKANB . DIVISION. No. 7, Pendleton passenger, arrive, 5:38 p. m. No. I, Spokane passenger, depart, a. m. . WALLA WALLA BRANCH. No. 41, Mixed train, arrive, 1:4 p. m. No. 41, Mixed train, depart, VI p, m. No. 1 connects with Ne. S. ' No. 42 connects with Ne, I. OCEAN AND RIVER BOOKPriiE.. FROM PORTLAND. V All sailing dates subject te e ban sr.. For San Francisco ever yftve dsys. SNAKE RIVER. Rlparia to Lewiston Leave iU parte dall, except Saturday. 4:l a. m. Leave Lewiston dally, except Fri day, 7:00 a. m. E. C. 8MITH. Agent PeadlsMm . Do Not Wait for Sickness. Do not wait until yotir good health is impaired, but take steps to keep it up to the mark. - Re member that ailments, apparently trifling, may very soon develop in(o serious diseases. Do not hesitate to take OEEGilALI'S PILLS on the first appearance of any dis tressing symptoms. They will do more to establish and maintain' your general health than any other means you can employ. For a Sluggish Liver, Sick-Headache, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, and the depressing nervous Con ditions that arise from these troubles, there is no more reliable reciedy than 4eeeeee.t. 4 Electric llcht and steam baths. Fomentations, Salt Glows and Massage, I Z TURKISH BATHS OVER THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Hours: Ladles, 7 a. m. to 2 P. ro. Gentlemen, 1 p. m. to 11 '. m. to WILL NEVER BE f WITHOUT CUTICURA i " My scalp was covered with little pimples and I suffered tortures from the itching. I was scratching all day and night, and I could get no reBt. I washed my head with hot water and Cuticura Soap and then applied the Cuticura Oiutment as a dressing." One box of Cuticura Ointment and one cake of Cuticura Soap cured tne. Now my head is entirely clear and my hair is growing splendidly. I have used Cuti cura Soap ever since, and shall never be without it. (signed) Ada C.Smith, 309 Grand St., Jersey City, N. J." Conservatives and Radicals Meet Reorganize. Columbus. O., July' ' 14. The new democratic state central committee Is In session here today for the purpose of organizing. The personnel of the hew committee is well uiVKH'fi ana from all Indications no one faction of tho r.arty will ho able to exercise1 complete control. The ultra conwrvnlive clement, represented in leadership ty John. R I M.L-'in, control nine of the district:". I The remaining 1? are divided among the supporters of Paulson, the nomi nee for Rovernor, anu aiayor ii" TnWnn of Clevelund. Frank Hnrper of ML Vernon, Is to be chairman of the committee and Harvey Oarber will probably be named to head the state executive committee. eiECHAM'S PILLS Sold Everywhere In Soxes, Oc. and 25c HERE AT HOME. Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE) TIIIS ROlfTtt POfc tttlcswo, HL faul, St. Louts, Cttjr, St. Joseph, Omaha tad ALL POINTS EAST AVD SOfTtl. Portland and Patau on Uh Sound. TIME CARD. Arrive Monday, Wednesday and rrt- day, 12:16 p. m. On Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, 10:15 a. nv Leave at t p. m. dally, Leave Walla Wulla I: it . m. Un east Arrive Wntla Walla at 9 a. n. from west. Por Information recirdlsf ma and accommodations, rail on or tddrw W. ADAM H. Aiefot, peafllttna. B. B. CAMlKltREAD. O. P. A.. Wills Walla. Washington. i Long Beach - i vj CUTICURA GROWS HAIR Crusted Scalps Cleansed and Purified by Cuticura Soap Assisted by light dressings of Cuti cura, the great skin cure. This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, destroys hair parasites, soothes irri tated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, loosens the scalp skin, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the bair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all else fails. . i Complete external and internal treatment for every humour, from pimples to scrofula, from infancy to ; age, consisting of Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills, may now be had of all druggists for one dollar. A single set is often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases. rntkon RmoItot. liquid sMI k Sv fMl ChOeoMt OuatM niit, Cutirurm OUiUwrt, ewteurs Sop M o ihruMHri the world. Potter I)ro a t'bnrj. Corp W Oohin.bu A-. BooloD. Bolr Proprlrjort. . mfHai tot "ll"W lo Cum Am UHI"'' bowWMrtB MIJalUoA. " Ciller Turnkey IMwluirRed. Walla Walla, July 14. Infatuation for a female convict, who was releas p,i from the penitentiary Sunday, is the alleged cause for the dlfmfssal of Chief Turnkey Philip Berry by War den Kees at the state penitentiary yesterday. .Berry, it is alleged, be came Infatuated with the woman soon after he assumed the duties of chief turnkey and notwithstanding he had been taken to task for his actions by the warden, continued to Bhow con .l.wahlp attention to her. The wo man was discharged from the prison Sunday evening after having served a sentence. Berry has a family. K. of P. Lodftcti May Combine. -It Is reported that the six lodges of the Knights of Pythias of Portland, will combine and build a temple cost ing $50,000. The membership of the six local lodges In Portland would reach 1200. making it the largest sin gle lodge of any order In the world.' A site for a temple has been selected and a vote. on consolidation will be taken by the valrous lodges this week. ' ; Against Chinese Immigration. Portland labor unions have passed resolutions protesting against any change in the present Chinese exclu sion laws, and also against any ex tension of the application or the law by which laborers might be admitted under the ulse of students or mer chants, or on other false pretense. Pendleton Citizens Gladly Testify. It Is testimony like the following that has placed "the old Quaker rem edy" so far above competitors. When people right here '"at home raise their voice there. Is no room left for doubt. Read the public statement of a Pen dleton citizen: J. W. Horn, stone mason, living o Webb street, near Lilleth 8t, says: "Reading an advertisement about Do an'i Kidney Pills led me to procure a box at Brock & McCnmas Co.'s drug store. Some three years ago I strained my back lifting, and ever since then any extra work, lifting or colds which settled in my back affected the kid neys, I tried a great many different remedies but obtained little, If any benefit from them. The first dose of Doan's Kidney Pills helped mo, I used In all three boxes and they cured me. I shall always recommend this remedy to others as I know It can be depended upon." - For sale by all dealers. Prle B0 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. B HXVE REPLACED the old Hotel Breakers which was burned down last fall, with a handsome new building, plas ,to fiml nut. uml nractlcallv fire-proof. The new building has twice the floor space of the old one and Is located on tho same site about a stone's throw distant from the ocean. It has all the modern improvements, electric lights, steam heat, private baths; it has both hot and cold salt water In the building. Our amusements Include boards, pool, tennis, golf, bowling, booting, fishing And other spOrut Our new building U efjuippeu with a sun parlor and has & private livery. We own Cuf own Jersey dairy and have a splendid vegeta ble garden lit connection with the hotel. Rates rftflge from 12 per week upwards, while special rates are given to families or parties occupying quarters tor the entire season. You will find everything absolutely new and clean, and we have a well established reputation of doing everything In our power for the pleasure and comfort of our guests. You will find no pleasant place to spend your outing than at tho Hotel Breakers, Long Beach. i Rims PULLMAN SLEEPING CiAMB ELEGANT DIVING CARS TOntlST SLEEPING CAM ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULT7TH FAROO TO GRAND rOBRR CROOK8TON WINNIPEG HRLBNA a BUTTE nUtOCGJl TICKETS TO i CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA . NEW YORK BOSTON And all points East and South. Througb tickets to Japan sad Chins, vis Tarnma and NorHitrn 1'ariflc Rtoanufcip Co. and American line. TIME SCHEDULE. Trains leave Pendleton dally exoeea Sunday at 6 p. m. For further Information, tiros eatda, maps and tickets, csll on of writs W. Adams, I'enrlleton, Oregon, or A. r. CHARLTOH. Third snd Morrison Bts., Portland. Or. BYERS' BEST ELOIR is mado from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread U assured when Dyers Dest Flour Is used. Bran, shorts, steam rolled barley always on hand. , PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. 8. BYERS, Proprietor. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DRIHG CERTAIN AND QUICK RESULTS r ... ... h.m filiation want to buy, sell or trade anything, want to rent a farm, hooaa or Oregonlan's ela SET eXnnT c'ounl VZ word. th. Fine. No ad taken under 1. ee-t Three lines, one Insertion . . . Three linea, two Insertioni. i Three linea, tlx Insertion Five linea, one Insertion. ... ..... Five lines, two Insertions.'. . . Five lines, six taaartlona.t'". Fifteen cents .Twenty-five cent , . .Forty-five: cents .Twenty-five eenta, . .Thirty-five , cents .Seventy-five oenta j,. I Ml H II HIM HUM I Ml III III YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOCn JOURNEY ' i If your tickets read over the Den ver and Rio .Grande railroad, the I "Scenic Line of the World," BECAUSE There are so many acenle attractions and point of Interest along the Una between Ogden and Denver that the trip never becomes tiresome. i i U you are going 'East, write for la-' formation and get a pretty book that will tell yo all about It ' W. CJ M'BRIDE, General Agent, f , , 1M Third Street, .Portland, i, j -, i ,Oigotv c;-l .I I 1 I :i!l'i"- '