East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 07, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I Lee Teutsch VLeeJeutsch's
Lee Teutsch's
U C Rader. Nuf led.
Carpets Rader Carpeta.
Furniture Rader Furniture.
Candy Dutton offers his home for
Trash, refuse hauled. 'Phone main
Wanted Two waitresses at Hotel
Pendleton. Apply at once.
The easier people make money the
easier they want to make it.
For Rent Four-room house. In
aire of Mrs. H. J. Still man.
Those skirts Lee Teutsch Is sellmg
for $3.48 this week, are beauties.
Oxfords, $1.50 to $3.(0. Tan or
Mack, at Teutsch's Department Store.
Wanted At once; 60 salespeople at
the Great Eastern Department store.
W. D. Hansford, cigars and tobac
cos. Successor to Howard. Court
For Sule Team of draft horses,
wagon and harness. Call at 126 West
Court street
Lost Lady's Covert Jacket between
hospital and reservation. Return to
X. O. office.
For Sale Two heavy horses, har
ness, wagon, wheat an 4 hay rack. Ap
ply to H. S. Scales.
A session of the National Good
Roads association will lie held In Iji
Grumle on Tuesday, July II.
For Rent Hullo unfurnished house
keeping rooms In East Oregonlan
ballding. Apply at this office.
Dutton's wagon will pass your door
daily and supply any amount of Ice
cream- desired, from a dish up.
In the police court this morning two
vagrants and three drunks weer ar
raigned and given the usual sentences.
For Rent Furnished seven-room
house. Al modern conveniences. Will
rent for six months or longer. Apply
tit Aura street.
That 30-day Wonder sale at the
Great Euslern Department store ne
cessitates the employment of SO extra
salespeople. Apply at once.
Oolng to the fair? 'Phone Main
1811 to haul your baggage at all hours.
Leave orders at Grltman's cigar store.
Leather's day and night transfer.
Fifty salespeople wanted at once at
the Great Eastern Department store,
for the grandest 80 day Wonder sale
that Pendleton has ever witnessed.
There will be a lawn social Satur
day, July 8th. at the home of Mrs.
Danner, 109 Water street, by the li-
dios of the Christian church. Ice
oream and cake, 10c. Worn U to 10
P. m. i 3
Repairing watches here re
ceives the careful attention It
deserves. No matter how deli
cate or expensive a movement
you may have, you can leave It
to be repaired or cleaned with
full assurance that the work
will be done In the most skillful
manner possible and at the very
loweBt prices.
In preparing our ioe oream
we use no milk, eggs, starch,
gelatin or filling of any Oki nd 0 i n
our ioe oream.
We believe in using the
best and being liberal, giving
good measure, heaped up and run
ning over and at lOo a dish.
Popular Prioe Druggists.
Nuf sed. U C Rader.
Rader Carpets Rader.
Rader Furniture Rader.
S Wlthee for gasoline engines and
Ask your grocer for Blue Mountain
butter, 2Eo pound, 50c roll.
Call for Ross Nichols' transfer to do
your hauling. 'Phone Red 8152.
Nice cool lawn dresses for children,
tic up at Teutsch Department Store.
The St. George restaurant, open
day and night. Mrs. Cooper, proprie
tress. Wanted Situation by a man and
wife during harvest. 1008 East Webb
There will be a lawn social Satur
day, July 8th, at the home of Mrs.
Danner, 109 Water street, Dy the la
dles of the Christian church. ice
cream and cake, 10c. From 3 to 10
p. m.
Number of Arrivals During Last Year
2fl,U0U Among Them HcproHcwtii.
tives of Many Classes.
Charities published In a recent
number the result of a detailed study
of Slavic Immigration In the United
States. In spite of the proportions
which It has reached some 230,000
Slavs came over last year popular
Ignorance on the subject Is marked,
states the Now York Post.
In Northern Pennsylvania the grout
hordes nf Ruthenlan. Polish and Slo
vak miners are contemptuously classe 1
as "Huns" and even the more Intelli
gent nre disposed to associate them
with the followers of Attlla. For good
or 111. however, the Slavic strain
promises to mix largely In the blood of
the future composite American.
In the dally arrivals at Ellis Island
It Is outnumbered only by the Italian
and possibly by the Jewish; hence II
Is encouraging to note that the Slavs,
too. Improve on closer acquaintance.
Moral Descfwrnte Drowns Tils Rabe
and Says Ho Is Heady to Die.
Chicago, July ". John Wlcher,
aged 21, was arrested today charged
with throwing his 8-months-old baby
Into the river on Wabash avenue, last
His wife identified the body.. Wlch
er has confessed and said he quarrel
ed with his wife and was tired of
both the baby and wife and Is wil
ling to hang.
The police declare this is the most
striking case of degeneracy ever
brought to their attention in Chicago.
Wlcher Is a seemingly intelligent
man, but is absolutely devoid of feel
ing In the matter.
I 'cvii v Commissioner Coming.
Tol-.lo, July 7. Baron Komura and
staff were given a farewell luncheon
by the diplomatic corps today. It Is
expected the Minnesota will sail from
Yokohama tomorrow, for Seattle,
with the peace commission on board.
Courage or lack of It,
Work and the knack of It;
Grit or the need of It,
Haste and the speed of It;
Purpose or none of It,
Life, what Is done of It,
Work or the fun of It,
Maketh a man.
J. W. Foley.
Seaside Resorts and Return.
To Long Beach, Breakers, Ocean
Park, Ocean Side, Sea View, Clatsop
Beach, via O. R. & N., $13.15, permit
ting stopover at Portland. For par
ticulars call on or address B. C. Smith.
Agent, O. R. As N.
Senator and Mrs. Walter Pierce left
this morning for Hot Lake.
E. J. McCormlck, of Reno, Nev.,
arrived lust evening and Is visiting
here today.
Dave Home, the McKay creek
stockman, is here today upon a short
business trip.
Architect C. E Troutman left last
night upon a brief vacation, and will
return Monduy.
J. L. Hall, a stockman of Gurdane,
Is here today transacting business with
local merchants.
Fred Shumaker left last night for
Hood River to join Mrs. Shumaker,
who Is visiting there.
Dr. C. J. Whlttaker leaves tonight
for his homestead at Cambridge, Ida
ho, to remain for some time.
Mrs. Thomas Spore, of Mason City,
Iowa, Is here for a visit with her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skiles.
Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Rlngo left last
night for Portland, where thev will
visit during the next week or 10 days.
Herbert Boylen, the well known
sheepman of the Pilot Rock country.
Is here today upon a brief business
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Crawford, of
Echo, are visiting In the city today,
being guests at the Golden Rule
Conductor H. C. Grady, of the La
Grande freight division of the O. R.
& N., is on the Pendleton-Huntington
passenger run for a few days.
John Feebler, of the firm of Peeb
ler & Chamberlain, Implement deal
ers of Athena, came down last eve
ning, and Is a vibltor here today.
John Ferdcrer, the Helix farmer,
passed through here today on his way
home from Lehman Springs, where
he has been for a short time past.
Thomas Sawyer, of the local recla
mation service left last evening for
Wallowa county for the purpose of
doing some work there for the serv
ice. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ogllvle, of
Pilot Rock, are In the city today on
a trading and business trip. Crops
and range are excellent In that local
ity. Miss Mary Lyons, daughter of the
late E. M. Lyons, returned last even
ing from Dayton, Wash., where she
has been visiting relatives for a short
time past.
It. E. Camp, of San Francisco, who
has been visiting his brother-in-law,
O. E. Harper, of the Blue Mountain
creamery, returned to his home this
Mrs. Mavella Willis, of Colorado,
is visiting her sister, Mrs, J. S. Todd,
of this city. After visiting here for
several weeks, Mrs. Willis expects to
go to Portland to visit the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Klbert F. Redd, who
were married here a short time ago,
returned from Portland last evening
and after a short visit with friends
here will leave for Kahlotus, Wash.
J. W. Duncan, formerly of this
place, and who lias been ill at Hot
Lake for some time past, has i.rrived
and Is much Improved In health. He
in now traveling-for a coast hard
ware house.
Conductor J. B. Smith, of the O. li.
& X. freight service at La Grande. Is
on the Pendleton-Huntington passen
ger run for a few days In plane of
Conductor McCrary. who Is taking a
short vacation,
P. J. Nixdorff, night operator at
the o. R. & N. depot, who is now on
n vacation in Portland, has been
transferred to a station In Idaho,
and his place here will be permanent
ly filled by A. R. Riddle who Is now
filling the position.
Judge Lowell Says I'nuitlllu County
Him Good Exldblt.
"There Is no longer any reason why
people should stay away from the
Lewis and Clark fair fearing that
the exhibit Is not complete," said
Judge Lowell this afternoon. The
Judge was a visitor at the exposition
during the latter part of lost week
and was surprised to find things In
the state they are, being of the im
pression as are many others, that the
displays had not yet been placed.
However, according to Judge Lowell,
the fair Is now practically all com
plete and no one should stay away
longer for fear thnt It Is not.
As to the Umatilla county exhibit,
of which there has been so much
criticism in the past. Judge Lowell re
gards It as the equal to that of any
of the other distant counties of the
state and thinks there In nothing
about It that citizens of this county
should be ashamed . The counties
of the valley are able to make more
presentable exhibits since being so
near they can have their booths bet
ter adorned with flowers and fruits.
During the summer new grasses,
grains, fruits, etc., should be sent
down from this county to be placed
with the county exhibit and he says
that If such is done a very creditable
exhibit can be maintained.
IH-ltglitcd With Hawaii.
In a private letter to the East Ore
gonlan Rev. W. E. Potwlne says he Is
delighted with his location and work
In the Hawaiian Islands. His work Is
of a missionary nature among the
Asiatics in the Islands, and he enjoys
It. He says the semi-tropical climate
of the islands is delightful. While It
Is not disagreeable at any time, yet
it Is Invigorating even In the hot sea
son, owing to the constant sea breees.
Librarians Elect Today.
Portland, July 7. The American
librarians' asoclatlon toduv elected
the following officers: Frank Hall, of
Brooklyn; first vice president, C. W.
Andrews, of Chicago; second vice
president, Carollns Garland, of Do
ver, N. H.; secretary. J. I. Wyer, of
Lincoln, Neb.; treasurer, Gardner
Jones, of Salem, Mass.; recorder,
Helen Haines. New York: trustee en.
dowment fund, Alex Maitland, New
York. Washington, Asheville, Nash
ville and Atlantic City are seeking
th next convention.
Throvn Away
Most Extraordinary Shirt Waist
sale Thursday, Friday soul Saturday.
Your choice of 12 dozen thi season's
best styles White Waist. Waists worth
from $1.50 up to 92.75 each, your
choice the three days
At 89c Each
August Delineator Now Here.
The Peoples
Warm Weather Items
For Indoor comfort and
Burner meals, we offer you
Ira C rP fl m Prao7or that will freeze the most cream
IIC vrcdlil rrCCZCr require the least 1 and labor, a
Gasoline Stoves ho: I' co1" " food
For outdoor good times, our
HommnrLc broad and strong, will double your
llallllllUlIVO gumer's enjoyment.
Goodman-Thompson Co.
Beginning Sunday, July 9, With an Ad
dress by Newell Duight lllllls of
Plymouth Church, Next Week, Will
lie a Memorable and Interesting
Period of the Kvposltiou Western
Authors Day on July 15.
With four bands engaged and many
special events arranged, the seven
days, beginning with Sunday, July 9.
will constitute probably the biggest
week so far at the Lewis and Clark
exposition. There will be something
doing on every doy, and It Is expected
that the attendance, which has been
Increasing steadily since the opening
will break all records during this
Liberattl's famous Italian band,
whose engagement began June 29, will
play two concerts dally. Besides the
band numbers there will be vocal
solos by three soloists whom the great
Italian bandmaster takes with him on
his tours. De Caprlo's Administration
band will also give two concerts dally,
The concerts will be held In the band
stand at the foot of Lakcview Terrace,
on the shore of Guild's lake. There
is also a military hand supplied from
some regiment of the department of
the Columbia, by order of the secre
tary of war, which will give dally con
certs on the government peninsula.
where Uncle Sam's magnificent $800,
000 display Is located. , The Indian
band from the Sherman Indian Insti
tute, which Is said to be one of the
best of the Indian bands, will also
play frequently.
On Sunday. July 9, Dr. Newell
Dwight Hillls. successor to Henry
Ward Beecher and Lyman Abbot as
pastor of the Plymouth "hurch in
Brooklyn, will preach In the auditor!
urn nt the exposition, nt 4 o'clock In
the afternoon. Dr. Hill's Is one of the
foremost preachers In the United
States and is a most successful lectur
er. Monday Is Wyoming and Rock
Springs day. On this day. also, the
opening exercises for the National As
sociation of Food and Dairy Commls
slonets. which will be in session all
week, will be held. The Northwest
Incrosse championship will also be de
cided In the stadium adjoining the ex
position grounds.
The American Medical association,
which will attend the exposition 2000
strong, will begin Its sessions on Tues
day, and on the same day there will be
Y. M. C. . athletic games, the pacific
Coast Adveitlsing Men's association
will meet, and the Lewis and r"lark
Methodist congress will begin a pro
longed session. Tuesday al'o vlll be
Laramie day.
Wednesday will be Advertising
Men's day, Evanston day and Jason
Lee day. Thursday will be Pure
Food, Sheridan, Casper, Newcastle.
Masamas and Idaho Press Association
day. Elaborate preparations are be
ing made for entertaining the visiting
Idaho newspaper men. There will be
Interesting automobile tests on Friday,
and thnt day will be also Green River
and Rawlins day. On Saturday there
will be more automobile tests, and an
organ recital In the auditorium. Sat
urday also will be Cheyenne day.
The week beginning July 9 will be
Western Author's week, and a large
attendance of men and women prom
inent In literary work Is expected.
Saturday will be Joaquin Miller day.
The veteran "Poet of the Sierras" will
be present.
Charles G. Kilpatrlck. whom the ex
position Is paying 1500 a week tor
thrilling bicycle and automobile feats,
will perform his even more exciting
ride up a steep ascent and down again
in an automobile. Kilpatrlck Is a one
legged man, his performances are
free to all and are given In the af
ternoon and evening every day.
.May Be No Grounds on Which to Cor
ry His Case to Highest Court.
senator Mitchell will appeal his
case to the United States circuit court
of appeals, and If there Is ground to
warrant it will carry It to the United
States supreme court.
Council for the convicted senator
are by no means certain that the issue
obtains upon which on appeal can be
taken to the United States supreme
court, and will cast about for grounds
upon which to carry It up on the plea
that there has been a violation of the
constitutional rights of the defendant,
says a Salem paper.
The right of direct appeal from th
circuit court of appeals to the United
States supreme court In a criminal
case, such as that of Mitchell's, does
not obtain In the course of ordinary
procedure. There must be some good
reason to carry It up at all, but the
right to appeal does not follow as re
gards the supreme court, as It does
from the district or circuit court to
the circuit court of appeals.
In an appeal to the supreme court
In a criminal case the appeal Is ad
dressed to the discretion of the su
preme court on a question wherein the
constitutional rights of a defendant
have been usurped or it is made to
appear that some grave Injustice has
been done him.
Then the action takes on the char
acter of a writ of certiorari, wherein
upon a showing that the rights of the
defendant have been unwarrantably
abused, a writ Issues to take the rec
ord before the higher tribunal, when
an Inquiry is made into the facts. But
this is wholly discretionary with the
appellate court, and It is rare that
such action Is taken'.
This mode of procedure corresponds
to a writ of review In a state circuit
court, where, for Instance, a writ of
review might Issue out of the circuit
court of Multnomah county, com
manding that the records of the mu
nicipal or county court be brought be
fore a circuit judge for examination.
Beyond the east the sunrise, beyond
the west the sea.
And east and west the wanderlust that
will not let me be;
It works In me like madness, dear,
to bid me say good-by!
For the sens call r.nd the stars call,
and oh; the call of the sky!
I know not where the white road
runs, nor what the blue hills
But a man eon have the sun for
friend, and for his guide a
And there's no end of voyaging when
once the voice Is heard.
For the river calls, and the road calls,
and oh! the call of a bird!
Yonder the long horizon lies, and
there by night and day
The old ships draw to home again.
the young ships sail away;
And come I may, but go I must, and
if men ask you why.
You may put the blame on the stars
and the sun and the white road
and the sky!
Gerald Gould In Spectator.
Is characteristic of our
i muiiittuuuB. uur lens axe
X erring and ysur Eyes are al
ways safe in our care,
We can relieve that squint, take
away those frowns, and In many
cases overcome headaches and
relieve much nerve strain, which
If left uncorrected will cause
irreparable harm.
From the ee child to ths
gray haired sire we offer this
careful service. We can't af
ford to make mistakes and
Each Pair Fitted Sells Others.
fWmsIow Bros, f
817 Main Street. Near Postofflee
i mint.
Has Them
Racine Buggies and Hacks.
and there are none better or more
Bain and Cooper Wagons built for
this climate.
Hodge and Keystone Harvesting
Machinery. (Not made by the trust)
All kinds of extras.
Belting, oil, axle grease and lace
Harvesting supplies of all kinds.
Fred Weber
329-333 Court St., Corner Thompson
ERN MFTnion son.
Wo are thoroughly equipped.
iin an wvuern taet'ods and
appliances, and guarantee our
work to be of the highest stand
ard, and our prices the lowest
consistent with flrst-clas work.
T. H. White
Telephone Main 1661.
Good I
Dry Wood!
I have good, sound wood which
Is delivered at reasonable
t Leave Orders at Hennlng's Ci
gar store, opp. Peoples
The Colombia
Lodging House
Well ventilated, neat and com
fortable rooms, good beds, Bar
In connection, where ths best
goods are served.
Main street, center of block, be
tween Alt and Webb streets.
The French i!
Every thing served ftrat-claas.
Best regular meals la PmnHo.
ton for J5 cents.
Porydore Moens, Prop.
The Bast Oregonian ts Tsslns Ore
gon's representative paper. It bras
aad the people siml u n and shew
by their liberal pamxsage. I is
rr Wirt.
ts er-