PAGE FOVR. DAILY EAST OREGON! AX, PENDLETON, OREGON, Tl'ESDAV, JULY 27, 1MB. TIGHT PAGES. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Pabllshed every afternoon (except Sunday) at Pendleton. Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily, one year, by mail $5.00 Daily, six months, by mall.... 1. SO Daily, three months, by mall.... 116 Daily, one month, by mail CO Weekly, one year, by mail 1.60 Weekly, six months, by mall 76 Weekly, four months, by mall., .60 eml-Weekly, one year, by mail, 1.60 8eml-Weekly, six months, by mall .75 Semi-Weekly, four months, mail, .50 Member Scripps-McRae News Asso ciation. The East Oregonlan Is on sale at B. B. Rich's News Stands at Hotel Portland and Hotel Perkins, Port sand, Oregon. San Francisco Bureau, 4 OS Fourth street Chicago Bureau. 909 Security Bldg. Washington, D. C. Bureau, 601 14th St., N. W. Telephone Main 11. Entered at Pendleton Postofflce as second-class matter. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Copy for advertising matter to appear In the Bast Oregonlan must be in by 4 :45 p. sa. of the preceding day : copy for Monday's per must be In by 4 :4 p. m. me precea Saturday. Too long the race has followed The blind who lead the blind. The higher light will guide aright The Christ within mankind. Too long the meek have suf- fered 'Neath Mammon's cruel ban, Now comes to birth their reign on earth. The Brotherhood of Man. That Is the magic watchword. The slogan of the free. Then let It first in rapture burst, My native land, o'er thee. 'Twill ope the earthly kingdom In God's unfolding plan; It ts the key to liberty, The Brotherhood of Man. J. A. Egerton In American Federatlonlst. PORTLAND COMMUNE WILL FAIL The Co-operative Christian Federa Uon Just launched In Portland will go the way of Its hundreds of predeces sors. Into disorganization and failure, The East Oregonlan believes In Im - proving social conditions and making better laws and formulas for men to live under, but It does not believe that the little narrow communistic plan Is the means by which to accom pllsh this great end. It has every confidence In the men at the head of the new organization but It has no confidence whatever in their plans. If they would exert the same influence to bring about govern ment ownership of railways, munlcl pal ownership of street railways, elec tric light and telephone systems and water works, as they will in forming and conducting this little eo-opc-atlw community, In which a limited num ber of people will receive the benefits, much greater general good would be, accomplished. These co-operative concerns are not new. Hundreds of them, started un der the most auspicious conditions have gone down the toboggan slide Into disruption and many of them end Ing in disgrace. Among the oldest and most success ful are the Shakers and they are re llglous zealots. They were first or ganizrd In New York In 1770, and to day have but 17 societies in nine states. Business does not enter Into their plans. Worship and content ment are their sole objects and so It requires little to satisfy them. Su would not be the case in the Portland concern. The Amana society is another old one, organized with the highest Ideals but now dwindled down to a handful of enthusiasts. Harmony Society, or . ginlzed in 1805 is ncthlns but a name, The Oneida Community, founded on the broadest Christian brotherhood and established with large capital, 1 only a memory. The Separatists of Zoar. another r-.-llirlous colony, Is forgotten exrer in history. The Icarian society, which was extremely hopeful at first, suc cumbed to human selfishness and died. The Woman's Com 'uon wealth, founded with the most exalted pur poses at Beltou, Texas in 1870, expired after lingering and pitiable existence, although It deserved a better fate. Of all the modern socialist colonies that dewtv. a p'ace in etiological history is the Ruskln colony, which was founded on a business basis and with seemingly the best possible sur- - roundings, but it is only a name and not a pleasant one at that, fcr selfish news and greed crept into Its councils and it consequently withered. The Christian Commonwealth Is another such organization which had a spasmodic career and died. The Brotherhood of the Co-operative Com- mnnwealth, another one starting un der auspicious circumstances was most f.'vjrsiMy received Imt the tame old human selfishness came In to wreck It. The Colorado Co-operative com pany, an Irrigation concern, d'd not succeed, although It had a good foundation and exalted ideals. The Straight Edge People, another social istic community, faili A hcau-e of lack of earnestness and self-sacrifice of Ha members. Others of the same Ilk that have been founded and as omcKly died, are the Co-oieratlce Association of nerka. the National Production company, the co-operative ;nausiriui colony, the Commonwealth cf Israel, the Home Employment company, the Altruist Commonwealth of St. Louir the Association of Altruists, the Lord's Farm, the Mutual Home Association the Freedom Colony, Willard's Co operative company, (and one well re membered by many Westerners), To- pdohamro. Pr:.Me Horn", the V'r.lon Mills company, and a colony close to home, the Nehalem Valley i:o-opera- tlve company, formed at Mist. Colum bia county, Oregon, which failed be- ause of lack of practicability It Is said, although it was started under auspiolous conditions. The Co-operative Christian Federa tlon of Portland Is perhaps larger than any of its predecessors, and therefore its failure will involve more disaster and spread wii'er havoc, but It Is doomed to fall just as surely as the smaller concern. The only way In which to secure mild government, better conditions and happy surroundings for the peo pie is through government ownership by which the blessings may be extend ed to all the people. In anything short of this, selfishness is the ruling passion. PROGRESS IX NOME. Nome being In a commercial sense friend and neighbor of Seattle, is pleasant to read this account of It In the Nome Nugget, whose special edition of June 10 has much literary and typographical merit, says the Se attle News. It abounds In red Ink, and clearly has an able staff In all departments. It says: "Nome Is the metropolis of the Seward peninsula, and Is likewise the most important city In the whole of Alaska. It is situated on tide water on Bering sea, and Is the dlstrlbutln point for practically the entire penln sula and the country contiguous thereto. It has a summer population of between 8000 and 8000. and a win ter population of about 3000. "Nome Is an up-to-date city, peo pled by an active, aggressive and In telllgent class of citizens. It enjoys modern conveniences, such as tele graphic communication with the out side: railroad facilities to the most Important creeks; telephone llnei both long distance and short; an elec trie light Plant and water works, There are splendid churches of dif ferent denominations; a fine public school system; a chamber of com merce: practically every essential bus Iness is well represented, and there are many lodge organizations. fact, nearly every essential element for the convenience and comfort of civil Ized people Is here to be found." CHILD SLAVERY IN CHICAGO. A system of virtual child slavery, In which children under 14 years of age are "farmed out into tjnicago households in an attempt to solve the "servant girl problem," Is a state n affairs that has been brought to the attention of the department of com pulsory education, following startling revelations In various Justice courts of Chicago In the last three weeks. That such a system exists to an alarming degree Is the declaration o SuDerlntendent W. L. Bodine, who has secured the conviction of Mrs. Ottille Krosnlck in Justice Prlnde ville's court on the charge of vlolat Ing the compulsory education law, This is the 10th case of its kin that I have had in the last three weeks," said Mr. Bodln. "Judgln from the testimony of various wit nesses at the trials of these cases, I am convinced there are hundreds of children from Institutions who are drudging as servants In many house holds of the city without being sent to school." Mrs. Krosnlck was fined $20 and costs the limit In such cases. The two children under her charge were Adelaide Walby, 13 years old, and Edward Rlnder, 10 years old. The woman said she had taken the girl from an orphan asylum In the city eight years ago. This child was found hard at work over a washtub, and It was testified at the trial that 'she had been Ill-treated and compelled to work at the hardest kind of labor an average of 12 hours a day. She could hardly read or write. The boy was taken from the home for the friendless when he was 3 years old, and the testimony showed that he had been kept at work Instead of being sent to school. Warrants have been secured for several persons, many of whom are said to have taken children from in stitutions and forced them to do work far beyond their strength. Ouy O. Esslg, a young Spokane druggist, was found dead in a field near his father's home, near riatts burg. Mo., with a gunshot wound In his body. He was visiting in Mis souri. Complete mystery envelop the affair. THE DESERT. Here Is the ancient kingdom of the un, This barren, lowly waste of desert land, Which for his own long years ago he won And fierce guards with flaming swoid in hand, Whose lightnings search the plain .remorselessly. Till all therein Is tuned to flame's bright key. His floods of light effulgfiitly enfold The plain with airy scarves of amethyst; The ruddy earth and sands of tawny gold Loom out like bands of. flame through lilac mist; Bright islands In the all-pervading flood. The splintered porphyry rocks gleum red as blood. The rainbow-haloed umber moon at night Creeps in the upper desert shyly past; The stars, like myriad points of or ange light. Peep through the purpose shadow dim and vast; And night and voiceless silence sit and brood. Twin regents of the unbroken soli tude. Around this hermit kingdom thickly set The patient hills In bony ridges stand, With here and there a sentinel min aret, Its feet deep planted In the burning sand, Upon whose head, to whet his sub jects' fear". The braggart monarch rains his shining spears. , -Mildred F. Hudson In The Talis. man. IIOILEK ROLLED DOWN HILLSIDE A big boiler, designed for the dredge near Placervllle, after being carefully pulled up Lemp'8 hill near Shnfc-r creek Thursday by a 10-horse team, broke loose near the summit and crashed down the hillside through the trees and underbrush for a distance of 100 yards, says the Boise States man. The boiler weighs 14.000 pounds and It Is expected it will prove stupendous task to get It back to the top of the hill and safely on the road to Placervllle. Just how the ac cldent occurred Is something of mystery. The outfit was In charge of Thomas Stevens, an experienced freighter, with an assistant, he having contracted to haul the machinery from the railroad to the scene where it was to be put to use. The hill Is a bad one, and the men had tolled long and hard to get the two wagons, upon which the boiler was loaded. It" being too large for a single wagon, to th top. Just before It reached a point of safety, however, the wagons upset, and the huge boiler went crashing to the bottom of the ravine below, drag ging the wagons with It. July 4 in Alaska. Reports from laska Indicate that many of the towns are to have big celebrations on the Fourth of July. Juneau Is planning to have a two-day program of drilling contests, foot races and other Interesting events. Seward and Nome are also preparing to observe the national holiday In proper style. The seal of quality reads J. A. Folger & Co. It is across the top of every tin of Golden Gate Coffee. Never $old ia bulk. J. A. Folger Zl Co. Eatabllahad lsa 1850 San Francisco OSTEOPATHY. AFTER EFFECTS OF COLDS. How has this winter's cold left you? Have you some lingering ail ment dating from a hard cold or la grippe of the past winter? Has your doctor explained to you minutely how this comes about? Hag he told you how stomach and bowel troubles, heart disease, lung, kidney, liver dis orders, catarrh, deafness or eye trou ble comes from colds? All accept the truth that throat and lung troubles may come from colds, In fact, alwayi date It from a cold. But how many have gone deep enough to tell why It persists? Do so, and you will Just as readily see how all the other Ills mentioned may come from the same source. Briefly, here ts the ex planation: The cold contracts the muscles along the spine and between the ribs These contractures may pinch the nerves to the organs or they may draw the bones from position and the bones pinch the nerves. No or gan acts without nerve supply, hence the disease. Call on Drs. Hols Ington and have these contractures shown you. Contractures and dis placements are not mysteries, yon can recognize them. WHEN Are you going to buy Unit new Carpet and a few nice pieces of Furniture "AS SOON AS CONVENIENT, OF COURSE!" WHY do you always go to Rader's "Because he always, has the Largest Stock, Leading Style, and Lowest Prices. Can You write an Ad ? IF SO, HERE'S THE OPPORTUNITY TO DISPLAY YOUR TALENT AND WI X A PRIZE. To the lady or gentleman resident of Pendleton, not connected with newspaper work, writing the best advertisement, containing not over fifty words, on SUNSHINE HAIR TONIC, SUNSHINE CREAM, SUNSHINE TOOTH POWDER, SUNSHINE SKIN LOTION, we will present a good Hair Brush, a bottle of Perfume, and the article chosen as subject of ad. Tou may use "A HAIR IN THE HEAD IS WORTH TWO IN THE BRUSH," "MY LADY'S COMPLEXION LIGHTS THE WORLD," or "BRIGHTF.NS THE GATEWAY OF PEARLS," together with the word, "JUSTRITE," as catch phrases or words. Contest will close at noon July 4, 1905. Mr. C. B, Sampson of the E. O., and Mr, L. K. Kerbaugh of the Tribune, will award the prizes. Sign and seal your ad and hand In to F. I. DONALDSON. The Reliable- Druggist 812 MAIN STREET, Who will use the prize winning ad and give credit for it to the winner I Refrigerators At prices Lhat mean a big saving to to you. We save yoiimoney on a re frigerator that cuts down your ice bill R efrlgerators with 60-pound tee capacity, for. $10.00 Refrigerators with 66-pound Ice capacity for $12.50 Refrigerators with 85-pound capacity for $15.00 Gasoline and OH Stoves at big Reductions. V. STROBLE 210 EAST COURT STREET . Rockford We have just received a large shipment of Rockford Silverware, and are showing some beautiful pieces In Tea Sets, Nut Bowls, Cake Dishes, Bread Trays, etc.. Also a full line of Knives and Forks, and aU the fancy pieces. ROCKFORD IS THE BEST SILVERWARE MADE. We are exclusive agents here. WINSLOW BROS.. Jewelers. Opticians. P. O. Block Save Money on Wood We will furnish you slab at $1.50 per cord delivered, if taken at once. It will pay you to buy this wood and let it dry for' next winter. OREGON LUMBER YARD 'Phone Main 8. Alta Street, Opposite Court House. THE ALTA HOUSE 8. C. B1TTNKK, Proprietor. Enlarged and refitted. Thirty dean, well-kept rooms with good beds. Commodious dining room, where meal are served In family style. AU white help. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS AT REASONABLE PRICES. FEED YARD IN CONNECTION. STOP AT THE ALTA HOUSE, Cor. Aha and Mill Streets We Are Headquarters FOR KODAKS AND CAMERAS, DRY - PLATES, FILMS, PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER AND CHEMICALS. Brock & McComas Company DRUGGISTS PtUHsA Mmin M. WHERE Are you going to buy it? buy at I'll Rader's of course.. I am going to see him for a Refrigerator, too. WHO gives as good bargains and as Biiuare dealing as Rader? Let echo answer WHO. NUFF SED. e :- "PHONE BLACK 11T1. Silverware is. w. p.! Stands for the paint that Is reo- ogr. ied to be the best on earth, J which is Shefwln-Williams PAINT None genuine unless "a W. I P." Is printed in red on the oat- side of the can. ? Sold in Pendleton only by Murphy ) 111 COURT STREET. i St.JosephsAcademy PENDLETON, OREGON. Under the direction of the Sisters of St. Francis, of Phila delphia. Resident and day pu pils. Special attention given to music and elocution. Students prepared for teachers' examin ations for county and state cer tificates. For particulars ad dress SISTER SUPERIOR. On Uie premises where Pendle- ton Pilsner Beer is brewed. But X cleanliness in manufacture is not the sole recommendation of z uus capital oeer, lis ncn taste m and nourishing qualities all add T to Its value as a beverage. Try a lass, bottle or case of Pendleton beer. THE CITY BREWERY 'PHONE MAIN M81. 9 Mr. R. F. Payne, (Payne's pharmacy) Idaho Falls, Idaho, writes: "We have just sold the last cure, (TRIB), send one-half dozen at once. . Trlb has cured five of the hardest kind of cases. One man here used It last Sep tember, and cannot smell wine, liquor or beer now without making him sick. He had been a hard drinker for 16 years." Father Desmarats, pastor of the Roman Cathollo church. The Dalles, Ore., writes: "I know of good results obtained by the use of your Trlb in cur ing liquor and tobacco users." LET US FILL YOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognised as the best and most economical fuel. . We a as prepared to eon tract with you for year winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any - part of the city. - Laatz Bros. MAIN STREET. NEAR DEPOT. Bonner N. B. 24702 Standard and registered! record, I: IT. Owned by Qua LaFontalne. Be in Pendleton every Saturday and Sunday, Wednesday, Echo. Mesa, days and Tuesdays, Thursdays aad Friday at Adams. Lee Price will Hive charge, as last year. e IflIB mm