EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY.' JCNE 2, 1905. PAGE i'i .Z. Extra Special -Start Sale Plaited Panama Skirts, in Brown, Blue, Black and White. Regular $5.00 values for a few days onlv $3.48 See window Display. No charge for altering - - - Lee Teutsch's DEPARTMENT STORE 4AAAAAAAAAAA4AA4Ai CITY BREVITIES V C Rader. Nuf Bed. Kuf sed. U C Rader. Rader Carpets Rader. Rader Furniture Rader. Furniture Rader Furniture. Use Hohbach'a bread. It's best. Candy Dutton offers his home for ale. Tash, refuse hauled. 'Phone Main 2811. See Withe for gasoline engines and pumps. Highest cash price for second-hand goods at Sharon ft Eddlngs. For Rent Four-room house. In quire of Mrs. H. J. Stlllman. Ask your grocer for Blue Mountain butter, 2Bo pound, 80c roll. Oxfords, $1.50 to 13.60. Tan or black, at Teutsch's Department Store. Nice cool lawn dresses for children, fie up at Teutsch Department Store. W. D. Hansford, cigars and tobac cos. Successor to Howard. Court street The St. George restaurant, open day and night Mrs. Cooper, proprie tress. For Sale Team of draft horses, wagon and harness. Call at 126 West Court street For Bale Lot and six-room house. All modern conveniences. Apply to 60S Raley street For Sale Two heavy horses, har ness, wagon, wheat and hay rack. Ap ply to H. S. Scales. Wanted Girl to accompany small family to Portland for the summer. Call at Sit Water street. For Rent Suite unfurrllshed house keeping rooms In East Oregonlan building. Apply at this office. Dutton's wagon will pass your door dully and supply any amount of Ice cream desired, from a dish up. Children's sandals are Just the thing this hot weather. Lee Teutsch has them. All sizes, 75c to SI. 40. A good opportunity Is offered some one with a little money and enter prise. In an ad. under head of busi ness chances. For Rent Furnished seven-room house. Al modern conveniences. Will rent for six months or longer. Apply 615 Aura street. Going to the fair? 'Phone Main 2U 1 to haul your baggage at all hours. Leave orders at Grltman's cigar store. Leather's day and night transfer. New uniforms have been received by the boys In the local A. D. T. messenger force, and are being worn 1 Give Them As a Wed- ding Present T Some article from our stock. T We have some very choice pieces In Sterling Silver, and i I very nice assortment of Libbejr'i T celebrated t CUT-GLASS The prices are modcrat and qnnllty the best. LOUIS HUNZIKER. X JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, i 728 MAIN. ICE CREAM In preparing our ice cream we use no milk, eggs, starch, gelatin or filling of any kindQin our ice c ream. We believe in using the best and being liberal, giving good measure, heaped up and run ning over and at 10c a dish. K0EPPENS Popular Price Druggists. A. C. KOEPPEN & BROTHERS for the first time today. The suits are of green khaki. Major J. J. McKoln, who was in the city yesterday, reports that there is a case of measles in the agency school and consequently there is some anxiety lest the disease Bhould be come prevalerit again. The closing exercises' of the Cath olic school on the reservation were held yesterday afternoon and were attended by quite a number of those who are Interested In that Institu tion. The program Is said to have been very creditable. William Humphrey having purchas ed the Interest of William Krasslg in the Golden Rule barber shop, would be pleased to have his friends look him up In his new location. None but the best of workmen employed. Remember the place, next to Golden Rule Hotel. , ' Lem Man. the Chinaman who' died here a few days ago of consump tion, was burled yesterday at Olney cemetery by several of his local countrymen. The usual Chinese rites were followed and were witnessed by quite a number of small boys who went out from town for the occasion. NEW CORPORATIONS FORMED. Umatilla County Credited With One New Irrigation Company. Artlnlp of Inrnrnnrntlnn were filed In the office of the secretary of state the past week as follows: The Herald Printing ft Publishing company, principal office. Baker City. Ore.; capital stock S10-.000; incorpor ators, E. P. Dodd, Ellsworth Lents and A. A." Scheuermnn. Hosford Transportation company prlnlcpal office. Portland, Ore.; capi tal stock, $10,000; Incorporators, 1. W. Hosford, Lloyd J. Wcntworth and E. E. Coovert. Clackamas Power company, princi pal of fire, Oregon City. Ore.; capital stock, S25.000: Incorporators. John T. Apperson. Charles H. Dye. Harvey E. Cross and E. G. Cauflcld. Hocfler Manufacturing company, principal office. Portlnnd, Ore.: capi tal stock, 20,000; incorporators, R. V. Jones. E. G. Miller and H. R. Hocf ler. The Morgan company, principal of fice. Portland. Ore.; capital stock, $10,000; Incorporators. R. M. Bates. L. R. Morgan and H. M. Bates. The Consumers' Irrigation company, principal office, Portland. Ore.; capi tal stock. $250,000; incorporators, E. L. Aiken, James M. lJopue. jHcrtJ. Depue, Claude Depue and Guy Dopuc. EDITORS TO PORTLAND. Sights So Fascinating That Schedule Is Extended. Portlnnd, June 26. Three hundred and more people, making up the Na tional Editorial association party. are now whirling r.long between San Francisco nnd Portland. They will arrive here Tuesday morning and Immediately the city will be surren dered to them unconditionally. Ordinarily they would have reach ed here this morning, but their Itiner ary included a number of flourishing California cities, the residents of which proceeded to make their stay In that state so congenial that they overlapped their schedule. The exact length of time the edi tors will devote to Portland Is not yet known, but It Is believed they will be here at least three days, as they had planned before the delay In their time schedule. They are now en route to their homes in vnrious parts of the country, from the annual con vention at Oklahoma, and are making the coast trip especially to see the exposition. PERSONAL MENTION H. H. Gilbert of Pilot Rock, Is In the city on business today. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Myers, at their home on the north side of the river, a 10-pound boy. A marriage-license was itmucil to day to Frank D. Butler and Letha A. Newlln, both of this county. C. H. Rosenberg, the well known farmer and dairyman of north of town, Is here today on a trading trip. E. W. Schubert, of Hotel Idanha of Boise City, passed through this morn ing from Boise to Spokane on busi ness. Hugh Scott, a barber of Weston, came down from that place yesterday evening, and Is transacting business here today. Prof. E. B. Conklln returned last evening to Ontario, after having passed a couple of days here closing up his affairs. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hill left yes terday for Portland, to visit the fair. They will spend a week at the seaslds before returning. J. W. Langdon, who is In charge of the Green's park addition to Walla Walla, is a visitor here today and a guest at the Hotel Pendleton. Lee Teutsch returned Saturdny eve ning from Portland after having spent a few days there visiting the fair and attending to business matters, . J. C. Spoonemore is here from Pen dleton. Like all the balance, he is looking for land and will probably locate here. Cambridge News. Miss Maud Sheridan left for Port land this morning to Join her mother there after having visited with friends In Pendleton for several weeks. Charles N. Crewdson, who was In the city Saturday, left Sunday morn ing for the east after securing a story of the unveiling of the Joseph monu ment form Major Lee Moorhouse. A. H. Harris, proprietor of a Job printing plant at Walla Walla, has purchased the plant recently Installed here by Morgan Schrack. and is hav ing It moved to Walla Walla today. George Cornett, a graduate of the University of Kentucky, has been en gaged to teach the summer term of school In district No. 39, two miles west of town on the Umatilla river. Rev. W. H. Bleakney returned this morning from Union, where he filled the Presbyterian pulpit yesterday in the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. H. Barton, who Is now located In Idaho In missionary work. M'ss Fay Stanton and her young brothels, returned last evening from Midton, where they had been visit ing for a week. Their mother accom panied them home, going to Milton by the morning train. Miss Adele Plckel, a teacher in the Eugene high school during the past year, arrived Saturday evening and will visit friends here for a few days. She was formerly an instructor In the Pendleton high school. Will R. King, one of the attorneys for the Peacock Mills of Milton, in their suit nirnlnst the water users of the Milion dislrict. enme down from optaiiu loclny to iilt 'ml circuit court in the Interest of the ise. R. H. Forshaw. who has been in Portland arranging the I'mntllla county exhibit, is now In the city making an efort to secure other ex hibits for the collection. He will visit different ports of the county In the Interest of the matter. Edwin Snow, assistant attorney general of Idaho, passed through tho city this morning from Boise to Northern Idaho on official business-. Mr. Snow is a prominent member o the Elks, and !s well known to many members of the local lodge. Ttyron Hawkes returned home in"! evening after hnvlur attended the Oregon oirririilljii il cojlttge during the p-isl year, v!i "tv lie studied 111 Hie tihn unary course. During the past 10 days he ha been with fie (. A. cadet re"inent in iticamp meiit at Ui'e lair In ioittand. Engineer Al Runkc, of the Iji Orande-Huntlngton passenger run, who hns brrn in Portland attending the bedsi'le of his wife, while return In home tliis morning, received a message heie that his infant son had dud. nnd turned around here and went buck to Portland on No. 1 this morning. His wife is also critically 111. Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall. grand guar dian of the Women of Woodcraft, nnd Grand Clerk Wright, left for Portland yesterday morning for the purpose of , looking over the plans for the new Woodcraft building, which will be se lected today or tomorrow. F. A. Swingle of this city, is also down and will submit plans made by Howard & Swingle. Loses Ducal Crown. Berlin. June 26. A verdict in the suit regarding the succession to me grand ducnl throne of Oldenberg was rendered today against Count Alexan der Webburg, the complainant. The action was hrouKht against Frederick Augustus, the reigning duke. Terre Haute Cashier Short. Terre Hnute, Ind., June 26. Gus tavo A. Consman, cashier of the Vigo City bhnk hns resigned. The direc tors announce that Consman is short $16,000, and has turned over securi ties "to cover the amount. Five Men Burled In Ruin. New York, June 26. Five men were burled In an apartment house at West Thirteenth street, Harlem, which collapsed during the storm this afternoon. Firemen and police are working to rescue the victims. Ione . Bookmaker Arrested. St. Louis, June 26. Sheriff Herpel and deputies this afternoon arrested Charles Cella the only bookmaker doing business at Delma track. Thirty Drowned In Italy. 1 Milan, June 26. An excursion boat on Lake Como capsized yesterday, and SO passengers were drowned. LIVES THERE A MAN WITH QUICKENED WITH PATRIOTISM ? TION'S EVERY MAX AND EVERY ROY WILL BE EXPECTED TO LEND A HAND IX CELEBRATING THIS HOLIDAY PROPERLY, WHETHER J J IT BE AT HOME OR ELSEWHERE. HAVE YOU GOT ALL VOIR FIXINGS? YOUR HOT WEATHER SUIT? YOUR OUTING TROUSERS? YOUR HAT OR CAP? YOUR SMALL WEAR? THERE'S SURE TO BE SOMETHING YOU'LL WANT FOR THE JJdAY WE CELEBRATE, AND YOU KNOW YOU CAN GET IT BEST HERE. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MOMENT COME WHILE THE J 5 PICKING IS GOOD AND YOU CAN FIND WHAT YOU WANT. DRAWING 10 CLOSE NO MORE SENSATIONS FOR CIRCUIT COURT. Civil Case of Larimer ts. McElroy Be ing Heard Today Demurrers of Water Users Against Claims of Pca- . sock Milling Company Overruled No Further Use for Jury After To day. A decidedly different scene has been presented at the circuit court room today from what was shown during all of last week. No longer Is the air laden with fierce talk of murder and ura.tn and lh nnlr evlitono now tpft of the bitter struggles that were wpg-i J ed last week Is the fact that some of' the same Jurymen still sit In Judg-j ment j rm. . -I 1 . 1 - U. t T I J lie i.-ir il mi i"un. i" i.-mi. " - T , T W I."" I frto'T' the recovery of wages. A counter I claim has been made by the deforce nnd about J500 in nil Is involved in ; the suit. Winter & Collier have ap- j J neareo lor rne piainuir wnne juni;? Lowell and Dan P. Smythe have rep-i resented the defendant It is expecte.1 ' that a verdict will be reached this; evening. j Immediately after the convening of, court this afternoon the demurrers to the suit by the Peacock Milling com-; pany nnlnst over 300 defendants of the north end of this county wero' taken up and submitted to the court ; without argument by the attornlos. The demurrers were thereupon over ruled by Judge Ellis. Attorney V i'I It. King, who Is rerfpsentlnir thi mill ing compnny In the suit, cnnie down this morning from Ontario to appear In the case this afternoon. With the Lnrlmor-MoElroy case dis posed of there will be no further use for n Jury this term. In fact. tbr Is but one more case left upon the dock et at present, that of the First Nation al Bank of Walla Walla vs. 11. Mr Daniel, nnd this will nroV'nnly be de. eid"d tomorrow Then unless some thing additional should appear th present session, which hns been of un usual length, -vlll come to a close. Muvnr Line Will Take Ills Scat. Mayor Williams will turn qver his ! office to Mayor-elect Lane next pat-jj urday morning. The new mayor . will a proceed Immediately, to reorganize the administration by appointing his exe- J utive bonrd and to fill the other cityj . offices nllotted to him by the charter. He will not announce his appointees , until he takes his seat. On Vednes- day, July 5. the first meeting of the! J new city council of Portland will be . held. The organization of the city J council will take some time, ns lotsj. will bo cant to see who will serve fori tho long and and who for the short terms. ! Curium May IScsisn. Simla. India. June 2fi. A rumor Is circulated that Lord Ciuzon h either resigned as viceroy of India, or will shortly do so. as a result of tho decision of the home government to place Lord Kitchener In complete con trol of the Indian army. Curzon ad vised against the government's mili tary program for India. Secretary liny Hotter. Xehbury, N. H.. June 2( condition of Secretary Hay Is i: The. much 1 J better this morning. Additional med ical nid arrived early this morning j from Boston. Hay suffered in much i the same manner as before he took his trip abroad. Senator Mitchell a GramUatlier. Paris, June 26. A son was born today to the Duchess De La Roche foucauld, formerly Miss Mattte Mitch ell, daughter of Senator Mitchell, of Oregon. SOIL SO DEAD THAT HE IS NOT AT THE APPROACH OF THE NA- NOW IS THE TIME Hammocks, Gasoline Stoves Ice Cream Freezers, Refrigerators i BIG LINE TO SELECT FROM. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR LINE BEFORE BUYING. The Taylor Hardware Co. SUCCESSOR TO T. C. TAYLOR. . 741 MAIN STREET. Harvest of Shoe Bargains j Ends July 4th as the great ! Dindinger, Wilson (Sh Co's. j Sale Ends. j We are forced out of our room JULY 4th Lewis and Clark Exposition ROOMS 487 TAYLOR STREET, NEAR 1ITII STREET. 430 YAMHILL STItEET, NEAR I ITU STREET. Take Morrison street cars. First-class rooms. Free baths. Hates 76c to 11.00 per day. Families and parties of four or more a specialty. Cars direct to Lewis and Clark fair grounds within one block. Address I. M. RVELL, 487 TAYLOR STREET, PORTLAND OREGON. Warm Weather Items For Indoor comfort and satisfying sinner incnls, we offer you rp frPim PrPP7Pr ViCullll LCCI Gasoline Stoves For outdoor good times, our HfllTimnrkc brond Bnd BtronK double your llUIIIlllUlrVS sinner's enjoyment. Goodman-Thompson Co. HARDWARE PLUMBING Q The Clothiers TO BUT A wl" freci t,,e most cream and X require tho least I and labor,. and the sii fo kind, that cooks the food and not tho cook. Nnnnnn Wnrphn w 8 nil u UUOb l