PAGE FOlli. DAILY BAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON', OREGON, Till RSRAY. JVNE 22, 1905. Eight pages. S. W. P.! AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published every nfternoon (except SuDday) at Pendleton, Oregon, by the EAST OREOONI.W PI' HUSHING COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, one year, by mail $5.00 Dally, six months, by mall.... 2.50 Daily, three months, by mall.... 1.25 Dally, one month, by mail 50 Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 Weekly, six months, by mail 75 Weekly, four months, by mail.. .50 Semi-Weekly, one year, by mail, 1.50 Semi-Weekly, six months, by mail .75 Semi-Weekly, four months, mail, .50 Member Scripps-McRae News elation. The East Oregonian is on sale at R.. B. Rich's News Stands nt Hotel Portland and Hotel Perkins. Port land, Oregon. San Francisco Bureau, 40S Fourth street. Chicago Bureau, 909 Security Bldg. Washington. D. C. Bureau. 501 14th St., N. W. Telephone Main 11. Entered at Pendleton Postoffice second-class matter. XOTIOK TO ADVERTISERS. Copy for Advertising matter to appear In the F.ast Oregonlan must be In by 4 :45 p. m. of the preceding day ; copy for Monday's paper must be in by 4 :4." p. m. the preced ing Saturday. UNION 'ife. , LABF.L7 i This is a topsy-turvy world. One man Is struggling for jus- tice and another is fleeing from it. One man is saving to build a house and another is trying to sell his for less than cost. One man is spending all he can make in taking a girl to an en- . tertalnment and flowers In the hope eventually of making her his wife, while his neighbor is spending all the gold he has to get a divorce. One man escapes all the diseases flesh is heir to and gets killed on the railway. Another goes everywhere with- out being hurt and finally dies with the whooping cough. Such is life. Kansas City Independ- ent. ax In hand, hacking away at his nat ural support, from which he will eventually succeed in detaching him self. "Help your neighbor and help your self. Keep all the money at homo you can. The more money the more enterprises, the more enterprises the more employment, the more employ ment the more wages, the more wages the better times, the better times the more homes and the more home own ers. "If you have a dollar to spend, spend It at home, and there will be more chances for you to get another dollar. Shut out the mall order houses, patronize the home institu tion and boost yourself while boosting others." CAISE OF POSTAL DEFICIT. The deficit of J12.000.000 in the pos tal department for the fiscal year calls renewed attention to the outrageous manner In which the government Is held up by the railroads in the matter of charges for the transportation of the mails, says Bryan's Commoner. It Is well known that the general public has to pay unfair prices, bui the general shipping public escapes comparatively easy by the side of the government. The government pays about eight times as much, pound for pound, as the express companies pay on the same trains, and the govern ment pays rent for the postal cars while the express companies pay nothing for the express cars. But every effort to secure fair transporta tion rates for the mail is effectually blocked by the railroads. When It Is remembered that the government pays the railroads up wards of $35,000,000 a year for trans porting the mails the public may have a better Idea of why the railroad man agers take so much Interest In elect ing congressment and senators, and securing pliable officials in the vari ous departments of the postal service. SHAME THAT WONT RUB OFF. One of the largest manufacturers of road and street machinery has ac tually called In its traveling salesmen and will hereafter sell machinery only by direct order, owing to the dis gusting grafting methods practiced by city councils and other public bodies in purchasing supplies of this kind. For the last three or four years, this manufacturer declares, It has been necessary to add from $300 to $500 to the list of prices of his ma chine3e to cover Illegitimate "commis sions" exacted by street committees and others making purchases. It has come to be a contest among the big manufacturers, he further says, to see who will offer the biggest "rake-off" and so he withdraws from the field in disgust and shame for the American citizens who pose as honest and respectable business men, yet who are the most disgusting parasites In society. No other practice known to civili zation la so disgusting and demoraliz ing as this. It causes brother to rob brother, partner to rob partner, offli clal to rob the public and starts hun dreds of decent men downward. It is a burning disgrace on the name of the country to have It said that manufacturers of supplies for public corporations must maintain a regular "graft fund." It Is a burning disgrace on man hood for public officials who walk the streets before their fellows as honest citizens, to make a studied profession of demanding a graft for performing the public duties confided to them by their fellow citizens. If there Is one crime which de mands the serious consideration of every town, city, hamlet and state, It Is this disgusting crime of grafting. A few wholesome examples should be made of polished rascals who pose as good citizens. It would have beneficial effect. The following hard-hltnng editorial from the Boise Capital News strikes home in Pendleton: Boise, a city of 15,000 people, with an assurance of 50,000 when we get that trans-continental line, does not own a foot of ground for park purposes. Real es tate values are constantly Increasing, yet no provision has even been made to secure a plot of ground for park purposes now, while it might be done without Involving great expense. If a sultable'tract can not be purchased at fair price, condemnation proceed ings should be resorted to. With our mild climate, a park could be made a great attraction not only for our own people, but for visitors as well, by the growth of many trees and plants that cannot be grown at this latitude far ther east. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. In cities where prices are as low as In Chicago or New York, the pernl clous mall order habit Is nearly dead. But It exists In some Oregon cities and towns. For their benefit these timely words from the Missoullan of Mis soula, Mont, are quoted: "We confidently predict that the trade of mall order houses from the Western states will fall off at least one-half before the close of 1905. "Sending money away for supplies that ran be secured at home weakens a community, inasmuch as It de creases the money Bupply, and as consequence lowers the wage reser voir, and If continued will drain )t dry. The wage earner has the Inher ent right to spend his earnings wher ever he desires, but in patronizing merchants In a distant city he does not display a great amount of wis dom. "He Is seated on the limb of a tree, THE WORK OF SACAJAWEA. and 10c Assortment We are going to give one of those old time glass ware sales for one week, beginning 7 Saturday Morning:, Jone 24 During this sale you can buy more glassware for 5 and 10 cents than any other concern will sell you for three times the amount. You will have to come early. It will go quick. We list below some of the prices SAUCE DISHES, EACIU So EGG HOWLS, EACH 5c HOSE HOWLS, EACH 5c SALTS. EACH 5o VASES. EACH 5c WATER PITCIIL'KS. EACH 10c SYRUP PITCHERS. EACH toe COVERED FRUIT DISHES. EACH 10c COVERED HITTER DISHES, EACH 10c WATER MOTTLES. EACH 10c COVERED SUGAR HOWLS, EACH 10c CAKE STANDS. EACH 10c PICKLE DISHES. EACH 10c FRUIT DISH WITH STAND, EACH 10c .Watch for the announcement of anr BIG SALE to begin on SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 1st. Prices cut; t,o the bottom in all lines. WAIT FOR. IT THE GOLDEN RULE The Bargain Store. Golden Rule Prices Stands for the paint that Is rec ognized to be the best on earth, which Is Shetwin-Williams PAINT ' None genuine unless "3. W. P." Is printed In red on the out side of the can. v Sold In Pendleton only by j Murphy j S 111 COURT STREET. J a hi . 'J " C . - 1 n A- 4 steps could not be taken toward sav ing the lives of Infant Accordingly they decided to offer a reward of one shljllng to the first per son who should Inrorm tne meuicni officer of the birth of a child within 48 hours of its occurrence. The mother is then to be visited- by physi cians and women health visitors, who will Instruct her as to the best meth ods of feeding, washing and clothing the child, while In addition' detailed instructions are to be prepared and printed for general distribution. ' The health officers will also exam-1 Ine the homes of the mothers and fac tories and other places where women are employed, and cases where deaths of children under one year have oc curred will be Investigated. Fur thermore, a year's experiment will be undertaken with a day nursery, where children will be cared for, and steril ized milk will be supplied for the ba- bies. ! wwwwwwwww l Can You write an Ad ? IF SO, HERE'S THE OPPORTUNITY TO DISPLAY YOUR ' AXD Wl X A PRIZE. AIXXT To the lady or gentleman resident of Pendleton, not connected with newspaper worn, wrltlnc the best advertise ment, containing not over fifty words, on SUNSHINE HAIR TONIC, SUNSHINE CREAM. .SUNSHINE TOOTH POWDER. SUNSHINE SKIN LOTION, we will present a good Hair Brush, a buttle of Perfume, and the article chosen as subject of ad. You may use "A HAIR IN THE HEAD IS WORTH TWO IN THE BRUSH." "MY LADY'S COMPLEXION LIGHTS THE WORLD." or "BRIGHTENS THE GATEWAY OF PEARLS," together with the word. "JUSTRITE." as catch phrases or words. Contest will close at noon July 4, 1!)05. Mr. C. B. Sampson of the E. O., and Mr. L. K. Kerbaugh of the Tribune, will award the prizes. Sign and seal your ad and hand In to F. J. DONALDSON, The Reliable Droggist 812 MAIN' STREET. Who will nsc the prim winning ad ami give credit for It to the winner Richard Lloyd Jones concludes his article on "Our North Coast Empire" In Collier's for June 17 by saying: The Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland is great because of all It signifies. Let us not forget that 100 years ago Briton and Frenchman and Spaniard were hammering at our gates. In our abundance and luxury let us recount those rugged days when Indians beleaguered our wooden cas ties and wolves pawed our cabin doors. It required hero stuff to build our North Coast Empire, and upon an Im mortal four will ever rest that glory: Thomas Jefferson, the nation builder; Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, the empire hunters, and the red-skin ned girl Sacajawea, who led them to their conquest In all the annals of history there. Is no story to parallel that of the Indian birdwoman who more than once saved the heart of that great enterprise from swift de cay, and even denied her own pa poose the long-saved crusts that the strength of our color bearers might not fade. With outstreched arm she led a hos tile race that they might build great cities over the graves of her kind. But for her the turrets and towers that rose along the trail might today fly the bunting of a foreign flag. She was the silent, faithful, untiring path finder who led the Stars and Stripes up Missouri's waters, over the great Rocky divide, and down the "Sunset River" to the great father of seas that white children might some day sing the song she herself had loved long before Its words were framed. "Mv country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty." She, like Columbus, be lleved that "One day with life and heart Is more than time enough to find a world." In the heart of Jef ferson's brave explorers she kept that spirit aflame. And so we celebrate. MUNICIPAL CIULDREARIXG. The town of Huddersfleld. Eng land, which stands In the front rank of the cities that have adopted the plan of public utilities owned and controlled by the municipal authori ties, has recently taken a further step and provided for child-rearing under official direction. Realizing that a large part of the death rate among the poor was of Infants under one year of age, owing to Insufficient or unintelligent care and nourishment the mayor of the city offered a bonus of $4 to every child bom In one of the districts that should attain the age of 12 months. This offer, which Is to hold good during the term Of the In cumbent's mayoralty, led the local health authorities to consider whether Huddersfleld Is a manufacturing wmw9wtw99w99tttt9tttammmAmmA , sw ae town, and the authorities consider ' ihii lis nresent strength can Dcst oe preserved through maintaining Its na tive labor. They therefore believe that If the infant mortality is reduced to a minimum a large maority of the . . . . . i ,1 f mnh nn rl nnri cniiareu wumu biw w . . j rr, nwna-lmrMf l3 Itl- I I Refrigerators terestlng. Harper's Weekly. At Olympla, L. L. Lusher, who as-je saulted and also robbed Mrs. Char-1 lotte Northcratt near renino, ; " found guilty and sentenced to lire lm prlsonment. ,rv AaMoS?5 GOLDEN GATE COFFEE At prices that mean a big saving to to you. . We save you money on a re frigerator that cuts down your ice bill R efrigerators with 60-pouud ice capacity, for $10.00 Refrigerators with 65-pound ice capacity for $12.&0 Refrigerators with 85-pound capacity for $15.00 Gasoline and OH Stoves at big Reduction. V. STROBLE 210 EAST COURT STREET . -:. -:- 'PHONE BLACK 1171. Better than champagne Costs no more Aroma-tight tins. Never In bulk. J. A. Folger t& Co. UtbllsHl in 150 San Francisco OSTEOPATHY. Headache Headache Powders. Rockford Silverware We have just received a large shipment of Rock ford Silverware, and are showing some beautiful pieces In Tea Sets, Nut Bowls, Cake Dishes, Bread Trays, etc.. Also a full line of Knives and Forks, and all the fancy pieces, ROCK FORD IS THE BEST SILVERWARE MADE. We are exclusive agents here. WINSLOW BROS., Jewelers, Opticians, P. O. Block StJosephsAcademy PENDLETON, OIvEGON. Under the direction of the Sisters of St. Francis, of Phila delphia. Resident and day pu pils. Special attention given to music and elocution. Students prepared for teachers' examin ations for county and state cer tificates. For particulars ad dress SISTER SUPERIOR, CLEANLINESS III On the premises where Pendle ton Pilsner Beer Is brewed. But cleanliness in manufacture la not the sole recommendation of this capital beer, its rich taste and nourishing qualities aU add to Its value as a beverage. Try a glass, bottle or case of Pendleton beer. THE CITY BREWERY PHONE MAIN 2881. This subject was brought Into prominence recently by the crusade by the medical doctors of Kansas City against the use of headache powders. They are coal tar products, whose re sults are gotten through depressing the heart's action, so as to decrease the blood to the head. This frequent depression finally results In incurable heart disease, and frequently in sud den death. Medical texts assert their Inability to cure, which is abundantly confirmed by experience. Osteopathy goes at this In the usual way, seeking the cause. This Is al most invariably found in irregularity of the bones of the neck, resulting In a disturbance of the blood flow to the brain. This makes the condition del icate, ready to be overthrown by one of the many exciting Influences, Indi gestion, female troubles, worry, etc. The cure is evident: correct the ir regularities of the neck. This Is what the Osteopath does, and very rarely does he fall to get a permanent cure. Save Money on Wood We will furnish you slab, at $4.50 per cord delivered, if taken at once. It will pay you to buy this wood and let it dry for next winter. OREGON LUMBER YARD 'Phone Main 8. Alta Street, Opposite Court House. THE ALTA HOUSE S. C. BITTNER, Proprietor. Enlarged and refitted. Thirty clean, weU-kept rooms with good bods. Com mod loos dining room, where meals are served in family style. AU white help. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS AT REASONABLE PRICES FEED YARD IN CONNECTION. STOP AT THE ALTA HOUSE, Cor. Alta and Mill Streets Mr. R, F. Payne, (Payne's pharmacy) Idaho Falls, Idaho, writes: "We have Just sold the last cure, (TRIB), send one-half dozen at once. Trlb has cured five of the hardest kind of cases. One man here used it last Sep tember, and cannot smell wine, liquor or beer now without making him sick. He had been a hard drinker for IS years." Father Desmarals, pastor -of the Roman Catholic churoh, rne Danes, ore., writes: "I know of good results obtained X by the use of your Trlb In cu lng liquor and tobacco users.' T MAIL LET US FILL TOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring Coa! Recognised aa the beat and most economical fuel. We aat prepared to eon - tract with you for your winter's supply. We dew liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. MAIN STREET. NEAR DEPOT. Bonner N. B. 24702 Standard and registered ; record, 1:17. Owned by Ous LaFontalne. Be In Pendleton every Saturday and Sunday. Wednesday, Echo. .', Mon days And Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday at Adams. Lee Price will have charge, as last year. 1