AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. rosusbed every afternoon (except Sudaj) t Pendleton, Oregon, by the EAST OREGOXIAX PUBLISHING COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, one year, by mall 15.00 Dally, six months, by mall.,.. 160 Dally, three months, by mall.... 1.15 Dolly, one month, by mall 60 Weekly, one year, by mall 160 Weekly, six months, by mall 76 Weekly, four months, by mall.. .60 Beml-Weekly, one year, by mall, 1.50 Beml-Weekly, six months, by mall .75 Beml-Weekly, four months, mall. .50 Chicago Bureau, 909 Security Bldg. Washington, D. C. Bureau, 601 14th Bt, N. W. San Francisco Bureau, 408 Fourth street. The East Oregonlan Is on sale at B. B. Rich's News Stands at Hotel Portland and Hotel Perkins, Port land, Oregon. Telephone Main 11. Entered at Pendleton Postofflce as second-class matter. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Copy for advertising matter to appear In th Kant OrpcnnUn mnst be In bT 4 :45 p. m. of the preceding day : copy for Mondays paper mnt De In Of :a p. m. me pm-cu his Saturday. any O Earth! thou hast not wind that blows Which is not music; every weed of thine Pressed rightly, flows In aro matic wine: And every humble, hedge-row flower that grows. And every little brown bird that doth sing. Hath something greater than itself and bears A living word to every living thing. Albeit it holds the message unawares, All shapes and sounds have something which is not Of them: a spirit broods amid the grass; Vague outlines of the everlast ing thought Lie in the melting shadows as they pass; The touch of an eternal pres ence thrills The fringes of the sunsets and the hills. Richard Realt. permanent Industrial monuments as yet. We have been a race of traders, sojourners, transients, prospecting on the surface, building temporary de vices and passing on to another fron tier to skim the cream there. It Is a fact that the massive dams and canals Just now being constructed by the reclamation department are the very first Imperishable structures to be reared by American Industrial ism. Our great buildings, bridges, railroads, wagon roads are not pa tiently constructed to last for cen turies as are those of the European countries and the ancient South American and Mexican countries. If the American continent should, by some awful turn of Tate, be over run by an invading army large enough to conquer and destroy the country there is no landmark that could hope to withstand the invader and the American name and nation could be blotted out completely. MARCOM THE MAGICIAN. ASHAMED Of HIS COMPANY. PEACE IX THE EAST. No more swift are the maneuvers of war than the negotiations for peace in the East. The speed with which President Roosevelt has brought the combatants to agree to meet and settle their difficulties has been the wonder of diplomats. The details of the settlement Is another thing. Russia already begins to "craw fish when a cash Indemnity is demanded. She hopes to entangle the other Euro pean powers in the settlement. If she refuses to pay a cash indemnity, and Japan then demands a surrender of territory. Russia hopes to thus ex cite the Jealousy of France, Germany and England, and thus cause them to interfere and prevent Japan from be coming mistress of the Orient through her victory over Russia and the pos session of Russian territory ns the fruits of that victory. The United Stutes should see that Japan gets her just dues In this set tlement. Russia Juggled with the C'hlno-Jappancse settlement In 1S94, and brought about this present war by that Interference. There should be no after-clap to this war. The powers should give Japan her dues and force Russia to live up to any agreement made, although it might place a Japanese fortress under the shadow of St. Petersburg. One of the saloon men indicted fo conducting gambling games contrary to the law, made frantic efforts yes terday evening to have his name left out of the paper, because as he said he was ashamed to be associated with that class of people and was afraid it would hurt his business. This is a late awakening. Why did he not get ashamed of his business and his associates long ago, and not suffer this "humiliation?" It is the desire of the East Oregonlan to treat everybody courteously and to be ac commodating to the utmost, but there are limits and bounds w hich it cannot cross, and this Is one of them. Where a man is intelligent enough to Invest his money ana conduct his business he should not seek to shirk the responsibility that goes with his business, and If trouble comes he should be brave and manly enough to "face the music" and not try to stand in the dark while his associates are held out In the lime light. Too many men worship the dollar and wish to share the profits of an illegal business, but they wish to wear a mask and be classed under a false rating, and counted with the better DeoDle of the community. Let us stand where we belong. No better index to the prosperity and continued business progress and growth of Pendleton can be cited than Hi e bank .-laements of the city and unty. Every succeeding bank state ment of this city shows a healthy In crease In deposits and business. Al though three banks are now doing business in the city yet the volume of business of all three Is constantly In creasing. One is not drawing from the other, nor building up at an other's loss, but all are showing a re markable forward movement It is new business that is causing this growth and not an Interchange of old patronage. Over $4,000,000 Is ow carried In deposits In the eight banks of Umatilla county, a record t shown by any other county of the same population in trie isortnwest. THE SUPERFICIAL AMERICAN. In his address upon the anelen roads of the world last night. Col. W H. Moore, president of the National Good Roads association, in drawing comparison between ancient an American roadways and structures of various kinds, said that the Unite States is building nothing absolutely nothing that will last as have th roads and viaducts of Rome, Egypt Peru and Mexico. Not even our monuments are built on a massive and imperishable basis and the most Imposing of them will last but a very few hundred years, while the ancient structures have stood for thousands of years and will stand for multiplied thousands yet, without any perceptible deterioration, When you look at the Yankee' true achievement. It has been almost entirely superficial and of a com merelal kind. His books are all written on paper, the most lnflamma. ble and destructive substance known. His most marvelous libraries, records and histories could be swept entirely from existence by conflagaratlon and leave not a word of his splendid story. His highways are built upon the sand and a few floods could obliterate every trace of his national roads, over which the most marvelous com merce and the most wonderful mi grations In history have traveled. We have skimmed off the cream of rich frontiers, without building any A lot of timid newspapers over the state are going into hysteria over the whipping post luw and the establish ment of the whipping posts In the tate. The East Oregonlan believes about the whipping post as it does about the portage road. It may not be used to any very great extent, but its very presence In the state will have salutary effect. It seems ridiculous for strong, sensible papers to shed tears over the whipping of a coward who has struck a helpless wife. Where Is the gallantry and manhood of Ore gon? Jail sentences for wife beaters have no terrors for them. It is often necessary to fight the devil with fire and this Is one such Instance and emergency. To become famous In five conti nents at 24, and to crown this rare feat by winning for his wife the charming daughter of a peer. Is such good fortune as falls to the lot of few men in a generation. And yet this Is but part of the wonderful achleve mentof Gugllemo Marconi, who has led one of Lord Inchlquiu's fair sis ters to the altar and Is spending part of his honeymoon, by the Invitation of King Humbert, In the prlnclpul royal palace of Italy. If ever a man was justified In counting himself the favored child of fortune, surely It Is this young Italian, who leaped In four short years from obscurity to fame, and who, while still In the 20's. has made his name a household world all the world over. And. perhaps an equally remarka ble thing, he remains as unspoilt as when he was an obscure student at Bologna. Italy, and spnt his spare hours dabbling in chemistry In the laboratory in his father's house at Grlffore. In those days and they are only 10 years removed from now he wai deeply interested In elec tricity, but only as a hobby. "I had fitted up a rude labora tory, or workshop," he says, "In my father's house near Rologna, where I had begun to work with primary batteries and theimoplles, grappling with the problem which has puzzled so many Inventors a method of trasforming heat directly into elec tricity. I had also experimented with the utilization of steam In engines. and had likewise been deeply Interest ed in chemistry." Rut he had then no more Idea of fame or of the direc tion in which It would come. to him than the man in the moon. It was the reading. In 1891, in an Italian journal of the work of Prof- fessor Hertz that first suggested the Idea of sending messages through space by means of electric waves but, as he says, "the ida seemed so simple and evident to me that at first I had no thought of attempting prac tical experiments to demonstrate its possibility, because I knew there were many clever men In the world exper imenting with electric waves and 1 thought someone would quickly work out the problem." It Is characteristic of the unsel fishness and modesty of the man that he actually waited nearly a year to give others a chance of taking the palm which he knew he had but to stretch out his hand to make ills own; and It was only when there was no sign of Its being appropriated that he began to make his experiments, and quickly succeeded i.i sending aerial messages n couple of miles across his father's estate. What has happened since those 'prentice days how he has since sent winged mes sages across the wide Atlantic, has made it. possible for ships to hold converse u thousand miles apart, and how. in fact, he has. with almost a wizard's magic, annihilated space the world knows. And what kind of a man is this ma gician who has still to see his 3"th birthday? This Is how he Is describ ed by one who knows him well: "A slight young man, of medium height. but who scarcely looks it, with brown hair, cut short, and parted at the side, a slight grown mustache, deep set blue eyes, and a look of boyishness which he never seems to outgrow. Just the kind of neat, well groomed young man you see by the thousand in the streets of London." In fact, few men of fame ever "looked the part" less than this won derful young Italian. His modesty, too, amounts almost to diffidence; he will talk charmingly on any subject but himself, and Is ready to take to his heels at the mere mention of the word "Interviewer." And yet he Is sufficiently human to confess that "it Is nice to be famous," and to enjoy the fruits of his genius and Indus try. ' i Perhaps the most remarkable thing about him Is his voice, which Is soft and low and musical the voice, in fact, of his native Italy; and the con trast between his slow, deliberate method of talking and his restless, tireless energy when at work, Is as marked as that between bis modes ty and his achievements. He has none of the eccentricities which seem to be the usual accom paniment of genius. When he was once asked whether, like Edison, he was ever so absorbed in his work that he forgot to eat. he answered. "I think never. You see, my stom ach always cries out at 'the proper moment, and I always hasten to obey its call." And to the question, "You wouldn't have starved for wireless telegraphy?" he replied with a smile, "No. indeed; I have too good a digestion." ELELCTIUC iS. W. Pi POWER. IS THE CHEAPEST, MOST CONVENIENT, MOST SATISFAC TORY POWER, KNOWN FOR ALL PURPOSES. IT IS READY FOR TO START THE WHEELS ROLLING AS SOON AS YOC THROW THE SWITCH, AND CAN BE SHUT OFF IN A MO MENTS NOTICE. NO FIRES TO BUILD, XO WATER TO CONSUME, NO ASHES TO EMPTY OUT WE DO ALL TUA TFOR YOU, AND SAVE YOU MONEY BESIDES. tor repare Hot Weather FAN MOTORS WILL BE RUN AT THE FOLLOWING FLAT RATE. 12-IXCH FANS $1.50 PER MONTH 16-INCII FANS $3.00 PER MONTH SEE US ABOUT RATES FOR POWER. Northwestern Gas (& Electric Company Stands (or the paint that U reo ognlsed to be the best on earth, which Is Sherwin-Wffllams PAINT Nona genuine unlesa "8. W. P." Is printed In red on the out- side of the can. J Sold in Pendleton only by Murphy j 111 COURT STREET. I U-M. 1 "; J2 4 '"H F. W. VINCENT, MANAGER. tocratlc wing of the republican party. Commoner. Eight Cents Profit on Wool. Suppose the sheepmen of this county did lose $100,000 by contract ing their wool at- 10 cents last Decem ber.. They are In clover notwith standing their premature sales. They received for their wool S cents per pound more than, it cost them to pro duce it. and that is profit enough for any reasonable man. Wallowa Democrat. One hundred fifteen members of the California promotion committee arrived by special train in Portland June 12. We have had the good roads con vention, now let us have the good roads. The building of the sample mile of perfect road Is now awaited with interest by the people of Uma tilla county. It will be built about September 1, at some point to be se lected by the National association. Preferably the worst piece of county road In the county will be selected as the site for the sample road, because the association has faith )n Its meth ods and desires to undertake a diffi cult problem wherever possible. If any one knows of an exceptionally bad piece of country road let them speak out and It will be saved up for the national road builders to practice upon. After Mutton Sheep. Joe T. Selby, western agent of the Kansas City Stockyards company, with headquarters In Denver, Is here for the purpose of looking up business for his company. He wants to get some of the Idaho sheep for that mar ket, stating It consumes 14,000 head dally. There are seven establish ments, all of which slaughter sheep. Boise Statesman. ARK WE DIRTY ENOl'till Dr. Mary A. Seymour of the Chicago Health Promotion club says: "We are not dirty enough. We ought to' eat more mud and clay. Why are these vacations in the country so beneficial? Because you go Into the garden and eat the berry from the vine without stopping to brush the sand off It. "You eat other fruit and vegetables In the same way without taking them to the kitchen and washing and peel Ing them down until all husk Is re moved." Dr. Price, another member of the club also says: "I know there are Individual cases where people do not need more dirt on the outside, but in the great majority of cases people do not have enough on the In side. People must get closer to the dirt eat more of It and they will be healthier." cLL4A P COLDER GATE DfFEE Grind it at home (not too fine) fresh each morning. Aroma-tight tins. Never in bulk, J. A. Folder CSL Co. Established la 150 Can Francisco The Columbia Lodging House Well ventilated, neat and com fortable rooms, good beds. Bar In connection, where the beat goods are served. Main street, center of block, be tween Alta and Webb streets. F. X. SCHEMPP proprietor.'. v Osteopathy Good Dry Wood ALL KINDS I have good, sound wood which. Is delivered at reasonable prices FOR CASH. W. C. MINNIS Leave Orders at llennlng's Ci gar store, opp. People Warehoose. St. Anthony's Hospital Private rooms, elegantly fur nished. Finely equipped operat ing room. Also Maternity De partment. Every convenience necessary for the care of the sick. Telephone Main 1051. PENDLETON. OTTEGON. iilffl III tOn the premises whore Pcndle- ton Pilsner Beer In brewed. But X cleanliness In manufacture la not the sole recommendation of X till capital beer, Its rich taste and nourishing qualities all add T to Ha valne as a beverage. Try a glass, bottle or case of 9 Pendleton beer. 1 THE i CITY BREWERY t X 'PHONE MAIN 21)81. SECRETARY SHAW'S PERIL. The balance of public and official opinion In Sweden Is to the effect that unless Sweden recognises the In dependence of Norway that no other government will do so. Secretary Shaw seems to have unin tentionally exposed to public view the most objectionable feature of what Is called "protection." It Is a self-evident truth that the law that enables a captain of Industry to exact more for his goods than the wares would bring In an open market burdens thousands with the necessity of pay ing more for what they buy than such goods are really worth. Thus cap tains of Industry are licensed to rob the public. If Secretary Shaw would elaborate this text for SO minutes he would read himself out of the plu A Necessity for Children. Even the simplest machine requires occasional overhauling, that bent loosened or worn parts may be fixed Carelessness on the part of the ma chinist may soon ruin the machine. Just bo, negligence on the part of the parents may ruin the body and life of the child. For example, the little bladder difficulties, (for which the child Is often scolded and even whip ped), are the results of Irritated nervos. These llttlo annoyances are often, very often, the forerunner of the awful aches and pains common to adult females. Branches of the samo nerves which supply the bladder go to the female organs. If the point of Ir ritation of the nerve Is back of the point of division, (which is usually the case), female troubles are almost certain to follow at the development time. The displacements which cause the diseases of childhood are easily re moved In childhood, and then Nature quickly recovers. Just as a machine Is easily repaired at first, so Is the body machine. The Osteopath finds this childhood work one of the. most helpful fields In relieving and pre venting suffering. TEETH EXTRACTED BY THE MOD ERN METHOD,. 50O. We are thoroughly equipped with all modern met'.ods and appliances, and guarantee our work to be of the highest stand ard, and our prices the lowest consistent with flrst-olaa work. T. H. Whte DENTIST ASSOCIATION BLOCK Telephone Main 1661. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 110 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc, always on hand. The East Oregonlan is IT ton Ore gon's representative paper. It mm nd the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronage.. It Is the advertising medium of this seotioa. Mr. R. KV Pnvnft fPnvne'B pharmacy) Idaho Falls, Idaho, X writes: "We have just sold the X , last cure, (TRIB), send one-halt X dozen at once. Trlb has cured; T" five of the hardest kind of cases. One man here used It last Sep X tember, and cannot smell wine, liquor or beer now without making htm sick. He had been a hard drinker for IS years. Father Deomarals, pastor of T the Roman Catholic church. The Dalles, Ore., writes: "I know of good results obtained X by the use of your Trlb In cur ing liquor and tobacco users." (SiJIL LET US FILL YOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognised as the best , and most economical fuel. We aw prepared to con tract with you for your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. MAIN STREET. NEAR DEPOT. Bonner N. B. 24703 Standard and registered; record, tlT. Owned by Ous La Fontaine. Be In Pendleton every Saturday and Sunday. Wednesday, Echo. , Mon days and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday at Adams, Lee Price will have charge, as last year.