EJGUT PAGES. DAILY EAST OKECONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 190S. PAGE SEVEN. AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE I(lnlii) Railroad Kviensloii. A surveying puny will start out from this city In a day or two to begin the work of cross sectioning the grade of, the P. I. & N. railroad between Council and Meadows. About 15 mlleti of the grade wan constructed four years ago and It necessarily needB considerable rebuilding. Grading on the extension will be begun on the 15th of this month at Council, fix miles of the grade from Council and beyond will be done by Japanese, as the grade is very light; beyond'that It will be necessary to me wagons. The present location of the depot at Council will be changed to the lower part of the city and a new depot built. On the 15th the road will come un der the management of the new own ers of the majority stock, which Is represented by L. C. Van Riper, the Thunder Mountain mining m:in. The route from Meadows to Payette lakes has already been selected and the sur veys will bn made as soon as the sui veyors can get Into the field. Welscr Signal; Enlarging Electric Plant. L. A. Campbell, general manager of the WeHt Kootenay Power & Llglw company, Is back from a two month's business trip to the eust. Today he stated to your correspondent that car rying out the plans for Increasing the quantity of power would necessitate the expenditure of a million dollars. One-half of the million will be Bpent In purchasing the necessary plant and the remainder is to be expended for labor. At present the company is producing about 4000 horse po.cr. which Is consumed in Rosslnnd, Trail and Nelson. Fire hundred miles of copper wi-p. weighing 5000 pounds to the mIK or a total of . 500,000 pounds of copper will be strung as rapidly as the poie line Is constructed. The system will he operated at a pressure of 600 ) volts. From 600 to 800 men will be' steadily employed on the work of put ting In this plant and constructing Ihj pole lino for the next seven months. Rosslund (B. C.) Miner. Moving Joseph's Itotly. Many Indians are passing through town bound for Nespelem. where they are soon to participate In the solemn ceremonies of exhuming the body of Chief Joseph, their deceased lead-r, and laying his remains to rest in h'S permanent grave. These duties wllr be performed with all the pomp and splendor known to the red man. Joseph was one of the last chiefs of national reputation to pnss to the hap py hunting rounds, und It ts expect ;1 C'HU'AtiO SIIKK1 MARKET. Spring IjiiuIih Kim to 7.."io Per 100 During the Week. The Chicago Livestock World gives the following review of this week's markets: Sheep nnd lamb trade was about steady, but uneven. Supply was not excessive, but buyers exhibited no keen desire to get possession of It nnd the market showed more or less drag glness. In a general way, however, prices showed but little change from quotations current at the -close last week. There were exceptions, how ever. Spring lambs were quotable up to 37.25, but real choice native quality was required to make It. The first Tennessee springs made $7.10, with a good many springers at $6.75 7." Col orado clipped lambs sold up to $6.35, with the bulk of light clipped lambs the only kind killers needed badly at $5.25h5.30 and heavy lambs at tn'ti 6.20. Native clipped lambs of good oualltv were scarce, bulk oi those on offer going at $5.60(8 6. Yearlings were scarce and quotable at $5 5f5.50 for the bulk. The sheep run Included a band of Texans that made $4.30 with a sort This looked like a strong price, com- nared with Texas stock last week. Na tive sheen were scarce. Wethers were not to be found with a search wnrrant. but choice ewes made $4.85. A band of western sheep was split. wethers making $4 65 and ewes $4.30. There were a lot of commonlsh ewes on the market, but quality brought 4.50!i 4.7G. wethers selling in same notch or a shade higher. the Cull and common stuff was un changed. Feeders and stock ewes were wanted, but could not be had. Feeding lambs were bought at $4.60. A large proportion of the run was lomha 70 hit cent of them being frnm Colorado. It Is expected, how ever, that sVpply from that source will be shut off after this week, Minnesota Elks In Session. Duluth. Minn., Juno 8. Duluth Is mv with festoons of purple and white, tt.o nrri.ii, i nnlnrn of the order of Elks, whose first annual state con ventlnn began today under happy auspices. Members of the order and their ladles began arriving last eve- nlng and this morning every incoming train brought Its contingent of visitors to the convention. This afternoon there was a business session of the as sociation at the Elks' hall. The visit ors are being handsomely entortalned by the local members of the fraterni ty. Will Complete Alp Examinations The air brake examinations which are being conducted by Bert Chap man, In the air brake Instruction car, In the 0. R. & N. yards, will be com pleted this evening or tomorrow and the car will then leave for the east. About 30 employes of the O. R. & N. will take the examinations here. The newly created . Payette forest reserve in Central Idaho, has 1,600, 000 acres. It Is segregated for the better protection of the watersheds upon which Irrigation In that region depends. that his surviving braves will make this one of the greatest events ever witnessed by the Indians In the North west. Wilbur Sentinel. Text Hooks for KMkunc. The city text book commission will meet today' to decide upon the text books to be adopted for the next fle years. The changes will probably be sweeping. Five years ago, when text bookB were last adopted, the state uni formity law was In effect. A syndi cate known as the Westland Publish ing company secured the contract for most of the books, many of which were written by state authors. These books have never Been satis factory, and many educators have been looking forward eagerly to the time when the' Westland contract would expire. Spokesman-Review, Will Dip 05,000 Sheep. The Wallowa County Woolgrowers' association has let a contract for the construction of three' large sheep dlpplng vats at Elgin. Under the new law compelling stock to be dipped be fore being shipped from one state t. another, it is estimated about 65,000 head of sheep will be dipped at this place the coming summer. Waterworks lit Irrlgon. Irrlgon now has a city waterworks system, connections having already been made with about a dozen bull l lngs. Over a mile of mains have been laid and these are being extended. The pump throws a fine stream of water and everything is satisfactory. Mr. Lyman Orlswold has chargj of the system. Irrlgon Irrigator. fliliiumun In the Toils'. , Lun Ylng Coy, a Chinaman from Salmon City, was brought to the cltv Monday by Deputy United States Mar shal Bryon, and arraigned before Unit ed States Commissioner Brown for violation of the exclusion law. He was released under $300 ball, pending his hearing. liolse Statesman. Children Found 1180. Word has reached here from Hil gard that two children, while playing In the vicinity found '8180 in an old tin can, and Judging from all appear ances It Is quite old. It caused con siderable excitement In the little town. There is no clue to the mystery. 1a Ornnde Observer. ClilM Scalded to Death. Howard, the 5-year-old son of O. W. Porter, a prominent sheepman of this city, was scalded to death late this afternoon by falling into a boiler of boiling water. Huntington Herald. D.VlI.Y MARKET REPORT. Buying nnil Selling Prices of Prcnluco In Pendleton. The following prices on produce are In effect today: VWees t" ProdiKcr? Hens. 8c lb. Roosters, 4c to 6c lb. Ducks, 9c lb. Geese, 7c lb. Butter, country, 40c to 60c per roll. Eggs, country, 20c per dozen. Potatoes, $1.15 sack. Selling Prices. Hens, dressed, 50c to 60c. Young chickens, dressed, 40c to 60c. Eggs, 20c per doxen. Country butter, 40c to 60c per roll. Butter, creamery, 65c per roll. Potatoes, $1.25 to $1.50 per sack. Tabbage, 4c per lb. Cauliflower, 16c per head. Spinach, 5c per lb. Radishes. 3 bunches, 10c. Lettuce, 3 bunches, 10c. ' Tuinlp". 3 bunches, llie Tomnloer, 12 l-2c lb. Peas, 8 l-3c lb. Horseradish, 10c lb. Khutarb, 2c lb. Asparagus, 10c lb. Strawberries, 8 l-3c box. Cherries, 8 l-3c box. Gooseberries,, 40c gallon. LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR, Portland, Oregon. Juno 1 to October 15, 1905. The O. R. & N. Co. announces rates from Pendleton as follows: Round trip, good for 30 days... $9.15 Round trip party tickets, (10 or more persons on one ticket). good for ten days .86.85 For organized parties of 100 or more, moving on the same day, a round trip rate of $6.85 will be made. good for seven days. For further particulars, call on or address i E. C. SMITH, Agent. Celebrate. Untile Anniversary. Elizabeth, N. J.,-June 8. Elizabeth held high carnival today In celebra. tlon of the 125th anniversary of the battle of Ellzabethtown. Features of the celebration Included a mammoth parade of military and patriotic soct etles, followed by the dedication of a handsome monument commemorating the battle. The celebration concludes tonight with a naval demonstration on the kill In which launches and nu merous other craft from all the near by coast and river towns will take part Rooms for Pendleton and Umatilla Conntr People at the Portland Fair. Write now to Mrs. William B. Bol ton, 674 H Fifth street, Portland, Ore Convenient to the grounds. Rates $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, Including breakfast. Selling Direct to Retailers. New York, June 8. The National Wholesale Dry Goods association, embracing leading members of th trade throughout the country, held a general meeting In this city today. The subjeot of selling direct to re tallers on the part of commission mer chants and manufacturers was the principal matter discussed. f PHYSICIANS. J. A. BEST, PHYSICIAN AND 8UR geon. Rooms 28 and 29, Hotel Bowman. DRS. SMITH & DICK OFFICE Pendleton Savlnga Bank building. Telephones: Main 201; residence Main 1691; barn Red (81. DR. R. E. RINGO, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Room. ( Savings Bank Building. H. VOLP, A. M., M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office, Association block. Rooms IS, 19, 20 and 21. Phone Main 2771. DR. W. O. COLE, OFFICE IN JUDD building. Office hourse. 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to S p. m. Telephones: Of fice, Main 1371; residence. Main 1381. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO pathlo physician and surgeon. Of fice in Judd building. Telephones: Office, black 1411; residence, red 1688. DR. D. J. M'FAUL, JUDD BLOCK. telephone Main 931; residence, Black 161. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSI clan and Surgeon. Office In Sav lnga Bank building, room 1. Office 'phone, Main 1411; residence. Main 16(1. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nic and nervous diseases and dis eases of women. Judd building, cor ner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone. Main 721; residence. Red 1163. X-Ray Therapeutics. DENTISTS. DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL SUR geon. Office, room 15 Judd build ing. 'Phone, Black 1261. E. A. VAUGHAN. DENTIST. OF flce In Judd building. 'Phone Red 1411. VETERINARY SURGEONS. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. D. Office at Tallman'a C. McNabb. drug store. J. LLOYD, D. V. S.. M. F., M. S. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate of the Grand Rapids Veter- nary College of Michigan. Office at Brock A McComas' drug store. Resi dence telephone. Main 1311. BANKS AND BROKERS. THE PENDLETON SAVING8 BANK, Pendleton, Ore. Organised March 1, 1889. Capital. $100,000; surplus. 100.000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all principal points. Special at tention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; T. J. Morris, vice president; J. A. Borle, cashier; J. W. Maloney, assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PEN- dleton. Capital, surplus and undi vided profits. $200,000. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. Makes collections on reasonable erms. Levi Ankeny, president: W. F. Matlock, vice-president; G. M. Rice, cashier: George Hartman, Jr., sslstant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHE- na. Oregon. Capital, $50,000; sur plus and profits. $12,600.00. Interest on time deposits. Deals In foreign nd domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Ad- ms, president; T. J. KlrK. vice-presi dent; F. S. LeGrow. cashier; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. IVST'IS ANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a gen eral brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes investments for non-resl dents. Reference, any bank in fen dleton. G. A. HARTMAN, Pres. O. A. HARTMAN, JR., Vlce-Pres. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE oldest and most reliable fire ana ac cident Insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILEY, JR.. U. S. LAND Commissioner. . Specialty made or land filings and proof. Insurance and collections. Office In Judd build mi, room If. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M. A. RADER, FUNERAL DIREC- tor and licensed embalmer.. Grad. unte of the Chicago College of Em. balmlng. Con Main and Webb 8ta. Phone Main 1301. irunerai pariors In connection. BAKER A FOLSOM, FUNERAL Di rectors and licensed embalmers. Next to oostofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone Red 1X81. IJVERY AND FEED ST ABLE". DEPOT STABLES, COTTONWOOD street. 'Phone, Red 1381. Livery, feed and sale stable. Horses bought and sold. Good rigs at reasonable prices. Stock boarded by week or month. Ring us up, day or night as we have an all night service. H. Stew. art. proprietor. CITY LIVERY STABLE. ALTA street Carney A Kennedy, Props. Livery, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab Una In connec tion. 'Phone. Mala Ttl. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLB, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. 212 Court street SHARON A EDDINGS, DEALERS IN second-hand goods, and licensed pawnbrokers. Goods bought and sold, Loans made on personal property. 641 Main street WANTED TO BUY YOUR SEC ond-hand goods. Graham. A Hunt er, at old Baaler stand. , Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN and QUICK RESULTS' ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. HOWARD SWINGLE, ARCHI- tects and Architectural Engineers. Practical and reliable plans and spe- I clfications ana tnorougn superintend- I ence of all kinds of building and con struction. 80G-30T LaDow building. Pendleton, Oregon. E. TROUTMAN. ARCHITECT and Superintendent Room 12 Judd building. Pendleton, Oregon. F. E. VAN DUSEN & CO.. CONTRAC- tors and builders. Brick, stone and cement work. Address Box 466, Pen dleton, Ore. D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. M. KELLER. PLASTERING AND cement walks a specialty. Esti mates furnished free. Work guaran teed. Leave orders at Goodman cigar store. Main street. P. O. Box 104. D. NICHOLS. ARCHITECT. ROOM 3, Association block. SIMMONS, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates given on all building and Job work. Residence 301 West High St. Mall communica tion given prompt attention. BROKER. B. DESPAIN. MERCHANDISE Broker and Manufacturers' agent. Office with Clark & Rees, Main street, ext to E.0. block. 'Phone Main 1741. SUITS CLEANED. PENDLETON STEAM CLEANING A Dyeing Works. Cleaning, dyeing, pressing and repairing of all kinds. Orders called for and delivered romptly. Work satisfactory. Prices lowest. 114 E. Webb St Ring up Main 1691, and we do the rest PLUMBING. GOODMAN-THOMPSON CO. SANI- tary plumbers, 643 Main St All work first-class. Best material used. Prompt service. Sewer connections made. 'Phone Main 811. WATCH REPAIRING. H. L. HASBROUCK. THE JEWEL- er, makes a specialty of watch re pairing. All work guaranteed. Main street, next to First National bank. COMMISSION nOUSE. COLUMBIA PRODUCE CO.. JOHN B. Benson, Mgr. Office at Pendle ton Ice & Cold Storage plant. Deal ers In fruit, vegetables and dairy pro ducts. "Phone Main 1781. FRATERNAL ORDERS. P. O. ELKS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 288. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays of each month. All brothers visiting in the city most cordially Invited to attend. Hall In LaDow block. Court street. Thomas Ftlx Gerald, E. R.; C. E. Bean, sec. PENDLETON LODGE NO. 62, A. F. A A. M., meets the first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are invited. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. SQUARE DEAL" SHOP. GUN AND Bicycle repairing. Agents for "Im perial," "Columbia," and "Century" bicycles. Henselman & Copeland, 318 West Webb street. EDMINSTEN, THE REPAIRER, fixes anything from a needle to a locomotive. Sewings machines, bicy cles, locks a specialty. 311 Court St. BOARDING AND LODGING. THE ALTA HOUSE. OR THE Working People's hotel, corner Al t', and Mill streets. First-class ac commodations; reasonable rates; clean beds, neat rooms; feed yard In con nection. 8. C. Bltner, proprietor. THE ARLINGTON, 618 MAIN ST., First-class, respectable lodging house. Good beds and rooms. Rates by the week, $3 to $4.60; by day, 25 cents to $1.00. Free baths to regular tenants. E. D. Mossle, proprietor. ATHENA HOTEL, - LEADING HO- tel In the city. 2100 to $1.60 per day. H. P. Mlllen, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL, UNDER NEW MAN- agement Good meals and clean beds. . If you come once you will keep a-comlng. Only white help em ployed. Especial attention given to commercial travelers. Mr. and Mrs. P. Navin, proprietors. WHITE LODGING HOUSE. 801 8. Main street, two blocks south of depot Mrs. C. P. Mallory, proprle. tress. Rooms by the day, week or month. Lodging, 26 cents; per week, $1.50. Good, clean beds. THE PALACE LODGING HOUSE, 6$7 Main street H. Williams, Prop. Large, well-kept rooms and good clean beds. Everything first-class. Rates 50o up. Rates by week or mnntti AUTOMOBILE CAB SERVICE. AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE Ed Jay, proprietor. Parties called for or taken to any part of city. Phone 'n your orders and we will promptly respond. Station In front of Brock 4V McComas' store. 'Phone Main 11. SEWING MACHINES. ED EBEN. WHOLESALE AND RH tall dealer In sewing machines and supplies. ' 209 E. Court street Pen dleton, Ore. LACE CURTAINS WASHED. THE MOST DELICATE AND EX pensive curtains skilfully, carefully washed without Injury. Call at 1101 East Railroad street. ELECTRICIANS. J. L. VAUGHAN ELECTRICIAN. Wiring of all descriptions and eleo. trlcal work of all kinds promptly done. Full line of electrical supplies, Including chandeliers, door bells, etc Satisfaction guaranteed. 126 West Court street Milarkey building. I ATTORNEYS. BEAN & PERRY, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Office over Taylor's hardware store. Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN Judd building. HAILEY A LOWELL, ATTORNEYS at Law. Office In Despaln block. JOHN W. McCOURT, ATTORNEY at Law. Association building. CARTER A RALEY, ATTORNEYS at Law. Office In Savings Bank building. . i WINTER A COLLIER, LAWYERS Office, rooms 7 and 8. Association building. STILLMAN A PIERCEl ATTOR- neya at Law. Mr. Stlllman hu bean admitted to practice In United States patent offices, and makes a aneclaltv of patent law. Rooms 10, 11. 12 and 13, Association block. JOHN H. LAWREY. ATTORNEY AT Law. Office, Savings Bank building. BENJAMIN K. DAVIS, ATTORNEY at Law. Office Room 8, Judd block. WANTED. WANTED SITUATION BY JAPAN ese to do general housework, porter work, cooking or work of any kind for private family. Address S. Karl, P. O. Box 486. WANTED WORK AS COOK BY AN experienced Japanese boy. In hotel or restaurant or family. Address "George" care Penland Bros., 647 Main street MANAGERS WANTED FOR OUR offices to be opened throughout Oregon. References and cash Invest ment required. Liberal salary and commission on yearly contract Ex perience not essential, but one with mechanical taste preferred. G. W. Telephone Co., 1095 Market Btreot San Francisco, Cal. WANTED INSTALLMENT COL lector for merchandise accounts; good salary and expenses. Address, Manufacturer, P. O. Box 1027, Phila delphia, Pa. WANTED A WELL EDUCATED young man wants position as clerk. Address W. L. Jones, Box 172, Pilot Rock, Oregon. WANTED CLASSIFIED ADS, SUCH as help wanted; rooms or houses for rent; second-hand goods for sale; in fact, any want you want to get filled, the East Oregonlan wants your want ad. Rates: Three lines one time, 15 cents; two times, 26 cents: six times, 45 cents. Five lines one time, 25 cents; two times, 36 cents: six times, 75 cents. Count six words to the line. Send your classified ads to the office or mall to the East Ore gonlan, enclosing silver or stamps to cover the amount FOR SALE. FOR SALE PERCH WITH STAND and swing for parrot. Enquire at 507 Jane street. FOR SALE TEN OR TWELVE head of well broken driving horses. Apply to Lee Kennard, at Dutch Hen ry Feed Yard. BARGAIN IN PROPERTY IN OR- der to meet expenses of my past sickness I have decided to sell my property one mile east of town, on race track plat, consisting of 4 1-5 acres, and Improvements. Call and see me, or address A. T. Mathews, Box 445, Pendleton, Oregon. FOR SALE CIGAR AND CONFEC- tionery business, doing a nice busi ness; best of reasons for selling. Ad dress "X," E. O. office. FOR RENT. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. for July and August Apply to 1002 East Court street. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT Apply 320 Ann street. FOR RENT LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms at 402 Tustln street. FOR RENT SIX-ROOM HOUSE. Apply 613 Franklin street FOR RENT AN UP-TO-DATE 6- room cottage. Call at 811 South Main street CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY- man. Family washing a specialty All work done by hand, and first- class. Goods called for and delivered MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. MONTERASTELLI BROS. MARBLE and Granite works. Monuments of all descrlptons. Ornamental and cut stone for buildings. Examine our work: 709 East Court street HORSE TRAINER. LEE KENNARD, THE HORSE breaker and trainer, will take a few more driving horses to train. At Dutch Henry Feed Yard. If you want a driving horse, draft horse or horse for any purpose, consult me before buying, or I can supply you with just the animal you want PAWS BROKERS. UNCLE TOM'S PLACE, COTTON wood street, opposite la indry. Cheapest place In town. Money loaned. Second-hand goods bought and sold. YOUR UNCLE HARD WICK WILL loan you money on fersonal prop, erty. Licensed pawn broker. UnrS' deemed pawns for sale. See me when you're short Railroad St., In Hotel Bowman. FISH MARKET. ELITE FISH AND POULTRY MAR ket, Hawkins A Miller, Props. Cor ner Main and Alta. Fish, oysters, lunch goods, sea foods, vegetables butter and eggs. 'Phone Black 1081. ENGRAVED CARDS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS. etc. Very latest styles. Leave or ders at East Oregonlan office. LEWIS A CLARK EXPOSITION. FOR FIRST-CLASS HOTEL ANB room accommodation in Portland during the exposition apply at once and send your reservation fee of $2.00 to apply on rent of your room. Rooms In all parts of the city. 50 cents to $2.00 a day. Reserve your rooms without delay and get your choice. Write for full Information to Depart ment 11, Exposition Accommodation Bureau. The only official bureau of the Lewis and Clark fair. Goodnough Building. Portland, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. W. R. WITH EE. DEALER IN GASO- nne engines and pumps. Engines from 1V4 to 40 horsepower. Tractions, something new In this line. Call and get pointers. Agent Oldsmoblle. 12t West Court street SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES. IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers In the United States or- Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the EAST ORZGONIAN the net publisher's price of the publi cation you deBire, and we win have It sent you and assume all the risk of the money being lost In the malls. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN In remitting you can deduct 10 per cent from the publish-, er's price. Address EAST OREGON IAN PUB. CO.. Pend'eton. Oregon. grade of coal that the market afforfa and can fill your coal bin now at very low prices. If you want to save money on your summer supply of range coal, try our coal. It lasts longer and runs lower in ash than any other coal mined. Henry Kopittke DUTCH HENRY. Office Pendleton Ice A Cold Storage Co.. 'Phone 1781. THE POPULAR PLACE TO X 1 EAT IS THE f The French j Restaurant I Everything served first-class. Y Best regular meals In Pendle- X ton for 25 cents. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY. J Polydore Moens, Prop. CHICKENS NEED SHELL BONE GRIT AND MANY OTHER THINGS . WHICH C.F.Coleswofthy CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH. 137-129 EAST ALTA STREET. TEETH EXTRACTED BY THE MOD ERN METHOD, 50C We are thoroughly equipped with all modern met1. ode and appliances, and guarantee our work to be of the highest stand ard, and our prices the lowest consistent with first -clas work. T. H. White DENTIST ASSOCIATION BLOCK Telephone Main 1661. Ma CMICHESTCR'S XNO.LISM Pennyroyal pills SAFE. Al-Tsrlibl. .tlM. m UnstflffJ CHIUHt-STKK'S tXiUSII U KKO u4 4oltl net ail to twiM wiib Monttbboa. Takeaostker. BeArat Iaraa RakcUtaUaaft mm4 Ilt (Jaaft. Bij r yonr Drtfi or b4 4a. la uapc fcr Partlcalara, Taatttaaalalai ud "Relief fur Laila,"a Uitar, r ra ta ra H mtL 10,000 TetttsBonlaU. Sdar all Driuwu. CaUaestar i'aa.laai Ca auira. i-jbiia. raw nlEN AND WOMEN. Vm PUr fir nnnatoral 4ltrhr,lnflammMoia, trrltftlloua or ulcerations mntu Curt. JWill, tlU not UM: .isusni'cnca. r.- 3ncnmjm,o. mo.m unaw Hor In pUla vrbyf t'T xprMi, rpM, Cue ii.uo. ur 1 oottii. f.n. e!--"0-- -.ut ou nuiHsi, Scott's Sanlal-Pepsin Capsulss A POSITIVE CURE For Irflfcnim.tlOn or Ctotvrfc of the Bluddrr ud DIummxI RUlMym. Mo oure no pr. Onra quickly wo4 Wna nvotlr the vont purl at UanarrbfrM and -Ift, BO matterof how kt-'K stand ing. Abeolntelr bunlrM. Bold by dnigstsU. Wloe tl.Ov, or by mall, poststU, l.W,Sboieii.7t. THE SANTAl-PEPtm CO, nKUSFOMTaiMS. OHO, The East Oregonlan is 1 goa'e representative paper. It and the people appreciate It aad atmw It by tbeir liberal patronage.. It It the advertising medium of this I airUa fail fed