PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1905. EIGHT PAGES. 1 1 r- 'I1 1 t Mason Fruit Jars Pints, 60 Cents Dozen Quarts, 70 Cents Dozen Half Gals. $1.00 Dozen WE DO NOT GUARANTEE THIS PRICE TO LAST ANY LENGTH OF TIME. OWL TEA HOUSE 1 SIX BARS SILK SOAP 25c. HIHMtMl T BROTHER KM PARR, IXDLVN, AT THE HOSPITAL WOUNDED. His HniUiiT, Joe, Emptied Both Bar rels of a Shotgun Into II Ut Legs and the iAHver 11111 of Ills Body Ho la Dangerously Wounded Both Men Were Drunk and the Quarrel Was Over a Bottle of Whiskey. THREE WEDDINGS JUNE BREAKS ALL RECORDS IN PENDLETON. H. B. KERSHAW INDICTED. At Presbyterian Church Miss Blanche Gulllford Becomes Bride of Dr. R. E. Rlngo At Church of the Re denter Miss Ida Thompson Joins Seth Catlln In Wedlock Miss Iona Marsh Becomes Wife of Walter Ely In a Quiet Home Wedding at 4 O'clock Many Out of Town Guests. " Three beautiful weddings will be solemnized In Pendleton this evening, this happy date to break all of Cu pid's records In this city. At 8 o'clock at the Presbyterian church. Miss Blanche Gulllford will become the bride of Dr. R. E. Ringo, the ceremony to be performed by Rev. G. L. Hall, of the Baptist church and a reception to be tendered them at the elegant home of Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Smith from 8:30 to 10 p. m. The 'Aul 01 own iU?8ts WU1 be: Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Kirby. of Elgin! ptherlne Williamson, of The Dalles; Nellie' Rlngo, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mc Eachern, Helix, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Stein, Milton. Dr. and Mrs. Ringo will be at home at 704 Thomp son street, after June 21. j, Thompson-Catlln. The Church of the Redeemer will be the scene of another delightful wedding at 8:30 when Dr. Henry Pizon Jones, rector of this church, pronounces the Impressive ceremony which will make Miss Ida Thompson the charming bride of Seth Catlln The out-of town guests for this pleas ant event are as follows: Louis Woodard, Portland, best man; Geo. A. Warren, Portland, usher; Kather Ine and Francella Duncan and Blanch Home; Blanch Margaret, and Re becca Catlin, of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. James B. Welch, of Portland. A reception will be held at the home on Water street from 9 to 10 p. m. ' Marsh-Ely. A quiet home wedding was wit nessed by a few friends today at the home of the bride, on Lewis street, when Miss Iona Marsh became the bride of Walter Ely, of Athena, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The ceremony was performed by Rev. N. H. Brooks, of the First Christian church, and It was a most delightful home event. The out-of-town guests were: Cleo Bealer, Beatrice Bradshaw, Stella Laland, Joe N. Scott, Wilbur Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Plnkerton, all of Weston, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thompson, of this city. A large num. ber of relatives of the young couple were present also. Grand Jury Is Working on the Mar tin Cam. No Indictments were returned by the grand jury up to 3 o'clock this afternoon, and at that time It was said to be doubtful If a report on the Martin case would be given this evening. Quite a number of wit nesses have been examined during the day, some In the Martin case and some on others of which no mention has been made. In the circuit court today the case of S. E. Beacham by his guardian Mrs. C. P. Colesworthy vs. J. P. Han Ion, Is being tried and will probably take all the day. The suit Is to re cover money said to be due for wages. S. A. Newberry is appearing for the plaintiff and Winter & Collier for the defendant. The Jury consists of the following: E. B. Shafer, W. M. Scott, A. C. Henderson, H. Boylen, John Owlngs, W. M. Harra, Thomas Camp bell, T. G. Smith, J. H. Rust, Henry Lazlnka, G. W. Hewitt and C. L. Woodward. In the case of the Minneapolis Threshing company vs. Joseph Sny der, tried yesterday, the Jury return ed a verdict In favor of the plaintiff last evening. Also, at the close of the session yesterday an Indictment was returned by the grand jury against H, ? Kershaw for shipping grain from a warehouse without authority. One of the most Important trials to be heard at this Besslon of circuit court Is the Huntington trial from Baker county, which was brought here on a change of venue. Ex-sheriff Huntington, of Baker county, will be given a trial for defalcation and a large number of witnesses and attor neys from Baker City will attend. The case was set for next Tuesday, June 13, when the docket was ar ranged and no other arrangement has been made changing the date. As the result of a drunken quarrel yesterday afternoon. Ell Parr, a half- breed of the reservation, Is now at the hospital here with the lower por tion of his body filled with shot from the two barrels of a shotgun, and his brother. Joe Parr, who did the shoot ing. Is a fugitive from the Indian po lice. The shooting occurred near the house of Joe Parr yesterday after noon about 3 o'clock. The two brothers were then on the way to Ell Parr's house, just across the land, and at the time of the shooting no one else was with theni. However, the mother, the wife of Joe and Narcisse, an Indian policeman and his wife were near by. According to the account given of the affair by Narcisse today, both men were under the Influence of liquor which had been brought out from town by Joe. However, Ell was apparently In the worse condition. In some way they became engaged In a quarrel, and Ell is said to have taken a bottle of whiskey belonging to his brother. He says Joe told him to give It back or he would shoot him, but that he did not think he would do so. Both barrels of the shotgun were emptied into Ell, and from In dicatlons he was probably eight or 10 feet away at the time. The wounded man was taken to his own house and Dr. Henderson was sent for. The latter arrived shortly and dressed the Injured man as well as possible. This morning he was brought to the hospital. While' his Injuries are not necessarily fatal, be. Ing all In his lower limbs, It Is said to be doubtful if he will recover, as he Is badly torn by the shot, both barrels being fired at such a range that he received almost the full charge. Immediately after the shooting Joe Parr left the place and though seen again last evening on the reserva tlon. has not been arrested. However, It Is thought by the Indians' that he will come back to his mother's house MISS CUNNINGHAM'S TROUBLE. Hut-lietiiktl Merchant Caused Her Ar rest Without Cause Had Money In Hunk to Cash Clieck. Becnuse of the Impetuosity and short-sightedness of a Hebrew Jew elry merchant of Portland, one of the Feldenhelmer Brothers, Miss Wavelle Cunningham, of this city, has been given much unjust notoriety and crit icism through the press of Portland and San Francisco. Miss Cunningham left her home In this city for a visit to Portland and San Francisco, about a month ago, and while In Portland purchased 1190 worth of Jewelry for friends, giving In payment a check on Ladd & Til- ton's bank. Before presenting the check for payment at the bank and without investigating, Feldenhelmer phoned the chief of police to arrest Miss Cunningham as a forger, and as she had proceeded to San Fran cisco with friends the chief of police at that city was also wired to be on the lookout for her. When Feldenhelmer presented the check it was paid and although Miss Cunningham was arrested she was Immediately released and will return home this week. Her mother re ceived a message from her today at Dunsmulr, Cal., on her way home. Will Attend McCarty Meeting. This afternoon a party of 17 young people of this city left ror Athena for the purpose of attending the Mc Carty meeting there tonight. They left In the St. Joseph academy 'bus drawn by four horses. The party con sists of the following: Charles French E. G. Estabrook, H. C. Hatt, A. J Owen, Geary Klmbrell, Roy Row land, Mrs. C. O. French, the Misses Klmbrell, Thome, Klnman, Baker, Scott and Jones. Academy Commencement The program for St. Joseph's acad emy commencement, which will be held at Frazer's theater tomorrow night, Is now complete. Miss Sophie Roblnnovitz will graduate this year, the graduating address to be made by Rev. Trivelll of St. Mary Catholic church. A beautiful program con slsting of pantomimes, recitations and musical numbers, will be rendered Came After Rloch. Detective Vaughan of Portland came up on the evening train from Portland yesterday for the purpose of securing Leo Bloch, who was arrested Monday evening by Marshal ,Coffman upon a request of Chief Hunt of Port land. This morning the officer and his prisoner returned to Portland on No. 1. PENDLETON ECONOMISTS TAKE NOTICE! EVENT EXTRAORDINARY ON! LEW and CLARK ...FAR SALE... (Excepting Contract Goods.) LOUIS SHOES RUN IN, Cut Glass to gel 100a, ana mat n Riding Horse Stolen. himself up unless his rjromer umjuia Xotlce has been received by the die. Should he try to avoid arrest u sheriffs office here that a riding Accused of Stealing Garments From Cigar store. Once more Louis Shoes, colored. Is in durance vile. Yesterday ne was released from the county Jail and this morning he was released from the police court on promise to leave the city within an hour. But before the hour was up he had stolen a pair of pants, a coat and a hat from the nen nlng cigar store, and a complaint was at once made against him. Soon after, he was arrested by Marshal Coffman and placed In the city Jail, from which place he was later trans ferred to the county Jail. His case will be acted on by the grand Jury soon. Is feared he will be hard to take, as he Is known as a "bad man" and liable to put up a fight unless those taking him have the drop on him. Eli Parr, the wounded man, fin ished a. term In the city Jail a few days ago, having been given five days for fighting. His brother, Ike Parr, was given three days this morning by Judge Fitz Gerald for being drunk pn the streets. - Parr Armed to die Teeth. This afternoon It was said by Nar cisse Bushman, the Indian policeman, that Parr was last seen at sundown yesterday and that he was thn headed ud the river. Right after the shooting he is said to have taken two rifles from his house and 30 or 40 cartridges, telling his mother that he would not be taken. Under the recent opinions of the supreme court, It is the duty of the United States m.-. mils 1 to handle the case, and none of the local officers have au thority to act in the matter without a warrant from the marsnal s onice. At 3 o'clock tnis anernoon me wounded half-breed was said to be In no Immediate danger. horse was stolen from Ben Swaggart of Heppner a week or so ago, together with a new, reddish colored saddle. The horse Is described as a deep bay, rangy, well bred horse, and Is branded with a figure 2 and a bar over It, on the loft stifle. Promised to Leave Town. Louis Shoes, colored, who was re leased from the county Jail yesterday, where he served a sentence for having cut an Indian with a razor, was brought before Judge Fit Gerald this morning on the charge of vagran cy, and promised to leave the city. TREPOFF BEGINS WAR ON SCHOOLS. (Continued from Pege 1. Is the delight of every woman In the land. There Is nothing more greatly admired than Rich Cut Glass We have Just In a large ship ment of NEW PATTERNS AND NEW DESIGNS IN CUT GLASS. A portion of our cavalry drove the enemy northward toward Chlchlatz." Cannot Put to Sea. Washington, June 7. Governor Wright, of Manila, this morning ca bled the war department he had con veyed the Russian admiral the in structions of the president and that Enquist responded It Is impossible to put to sea In the present condition of the cruisers. Come and see It. help admiring it You can't I Tollman (& Co. f Leading Druggist! No doubt remains that General Maximo Gomez, who Is ill at Santia go, Cuba, can only live a short time. No Dessert More Attractive Why use gelatine and spend hours soaking, sweetening, flavoring and coloring when Jcll-O produces better results in two tninnteal Everything in the package. Bimpiy auu not water and set to cool. It's perfection. A nut. prise to the housewife. Ko trouble, less ex pense. Try it to-day. In Four Fruit Fb. Torsi Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Hasp berry. At grocers. 10s. INSTRUCTION CAR HERE. Air Brake Expert Now Instructing O. i A v. Train and Engmemen In Technical Questions. Bert Chapman, air brake expert and former traveling engineer on the Short Line, is in the city today, m charire of the O. R. & N. Instruction car. and is giving lnsructlons and ex aminatlons to O. R. & N. employes who have headquarters here. The car Is a 50-foot coach, equip ped with brake rigging equal to a 80 car train, having all the air appllan ces In detail for the information of the employes whose duty it Is to nan die trains and engines. The car Is equipped with a steam boiler and all the machinery may be operated just as In actual operation thus giving the employes practical in structlon In handling the various ap nllances. Mr. Chapman Is an expert air Draae and engine man and travels with the car from one end of the Harriman system to the other In giving instruc tions. CONDUCTOR KELSAY TRANSFERS Mrs. R. II. Whlttsoii Dead. Mrs. R. H. Whittson, formerly of this city, but lately a resident of Oak land, Cal., died last Saturday after a lingering llness at Oakland. She Is survived by her husband and two sons, the later aged 7 and 11 years. Inter ment took place In Pctaluma, Cal., where sho formerly resided. Everything in the Boston Store REDUCED FOR THIS, THE GREATEST SALE OF GOODS AT CUT PRICES. NOW RUNNING IN PENDLETON. A LATE SPRING SEASON MEANS AN EARLY FALL, THEREFORE WE TAKE BOTH HORNS OF THE DILEMMA AND THROW A FALL IN PRICES. AS WE ARE VERY A NXIOUS TO SELL WE MAKE CUT IN PRICES VERY INDUO. ING. Suits at Half Price. Shoes at Cut Prices. Both From 10 to 50 Per Cent Reduced ROOSEVELT'S OSTON STORE SEE LARGE POSTERS FOR PRICES AND FURTHER INFORMATION. tMMMM I WE WANT TO SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR EAT To Buy Mutton Sheep. James Wright, of North Yakima, and A. Perard, of Pilot Rock, left sale. Mr. Perard has a fine lot of Mr. Wright will look over several bands of sheep which are offered for sale. Mr. Perrard has a fine lot of sheep which he will perhaps dispose of. .w mi returned the Farmers' Meat Market on Mala of Conrad Plattoeder, we moved tlie same across the street to the room next to Sullivan tt Bond's. We are In readiness to fill orders. We bay all our cattle, sheep and other stock alive, and do our own butchering, thus enabling us to furnish the choicest o meats of all kinds. We manufacture onr bologna, sausage, wiener wnrst and lard, and you can always rely on It being right in every way. Fresh Fish received dally. A clean, sanitary shop. The best meats, reosonabl prices, propmpt delivery, are yours If you trade with us. PENDLETON HEAT CO. SUCCESSORS TO CONRAD PLATZOEDER. 638 MAIN STREET. 'PHONE MAIN 461. m HcnderfKin-Patton. Cass Henderson and Maggie Pat ton, both of Pilot Rock, were mar ried at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at Golden Rule hotel, Rev. N. H. Brooks, of the First Christian church officiating. They will reside at Pilot Rock. Will Summer at Salem. Miss Ena Uren, who was one of the teachers In the local schools during the past winter, left last evening for her home at Salem, where she will at tend summer school during the next few months. YOUR EXPENSE ACCOUNT no doubt can be reduced. Figure oy how little you can get ' along with, not how much. The figures will also tell you how much you can save by depositing your surplus In ths Com mercial National Bank of Pendleton. We offer exceptional inducements for every person to become a depositor. Takes Passenger Run on the O. R. & N, Left Vacant by Resignation of W. E. Coman.' Conductor W. H. Kelsay. who has been on the Pendleton-Huntington passenger run of the O. R. & N. for the past five years, has transferred to the Portland run and will take the place made vacant by the resigna tion of Conductor W. E. Coman. This- will advance Conductor J. L. McCrary, of the La Grande freight division to the position of passenger conductor with headquarters In this city. Conductor Kelsay arrived last night on No. 2, on his second trip to Portland, and is delighted with the new run, as it gives a chance to be In the metropolis twice a week, and he much prefers the river run to that over the Blue mountains. ' Convention of Musical Clubs. Denver, June 7. The National Fed eratlon of Musical clubs, whose mem bershlp embraces musicul organlza tions in the chief cities throughout the country, began its fourth biennial convention here today, as the guest of the Tuesday Musical club of this city, The attendance is the largest In the history of the federation's meetings. After luncheon at the Denver Wo man's club the delegates attended a concert provided by prominent mu sicians belonging to the federation The convention will continue until the end of the week and the business sessions will be interspersed with mu slcal and social entertainments. Commercial Nat'l Dank, Pendleton Marriage Licenses Issued. Marriage licenses were Issued by the county clerk today as follows: R E. Rlngo and Blanche Gulllford; Wal ter E. Ely and I. Iona Marsh; Ah Goon and Ah Kay, and Charles Dunn and Amy Bowman. In the last case the groom Is a resident of Lincoln county, Washington. "No Thank You" Says the poor dyspeptic, when asked to partake of certain foods. Ho really wants them but Is afraid of the con sequences. Heartburn, Bloatl' Cramns. Nausea or Headache Invaria bly follow. Every such sufferer should try. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters before meals and see the wonderful mount of rood it will do. It will strengthen the stomach and cure In duration. Dyspepsia, Costivencss, Bil lousness and Malaria, Fever and Ague. YOU CAN BE THE JUDGE of our laundry work Instead of tak ing our word for it by this simple pro cedure: Let us know, by calling, drop ping us a postal, sending us a mes senger or 'phoning us that you want a sample lot washed, starched and Ironed and returned to your door. Ws will collect the goods, do the work and return the finished wearing ap parel. Then you shall decide whether or not you fancy our style of launder ing. Fair, Isn't It? ROBINSON'S DOMESTIC LAUNDRY. The Staff of Life IS GOOD WHOLESOME THAT IS THE KIND The Model Bakery Co. f ALWAYS KEEPS ON HAND; ALSO FINE CAKES AND PAS TRIES. ICE CREAM PARLOR AND LUNCH ROOM IN CONNEO- TIN' WE ALSO KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE. OF PENDLETON CIGAR FACTORIES' CIGARS, WHICn CANNOT nE EXCELLED ANYWHERE. ALSO TOBACCO, CANDY, OR ANGE CIDER, ETC. j The Model Bakery Co. ii RIEMANN tt L1EBE, Proprietors. PHONE MAIN 99. . 5 COURT STREET. JUICK DELIVERY TO ANY PART OP THE CITY. '