EIGHT PAGES. Tn,T FAST OREGONIAN, PEJfDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY. JUNE 5. 1U03.. PAGE FIVE. A Pretty FREE WITH KVK11Y SKIRT SOLD IX) It '. OXK WEEK. A NEW LINE OP PKETTY FANCY JUST RECEIVED "VIA' :.SI, ..0 Lee Teutsch's DEPARTMENT STORE CITY BREVITIES U C Rader. Nuf Bed. Nuf eed. U C Rader. Rader Carpeta Ruder. Carpets Rader Carpets. Rader Furniture Rader. Furniture Rader Furniture. Candy Dutton offers his home for pale. See Withee for gasoline engines and pumps. New line of men's ties Just In, 26c and 60c. ut Teutsch's. Highest cash price for second-hand goods at Sharon & Eddings'. For ale t-room cottage and two lots. J1000; 315 Jane street. Ask your grocer for Blue Moun tain butler, 30c pound, 55c roll. , Wanted Two expe rleticed wait resses at the Hotel Pendleton. Clothing from 10 per cent to half price ut Roosevelt's Boston Store. Funcy ribbons. 12 l-2c to 50c yard; nil widths and colors. Teutsch's. An express shipment of ladles' neckwear. See them at Teutsch's store. W D. Hansford, cigars and tobac cos. Successor to Houurd. Court street. The St. George restaurant, open day and night. Mrs. Cooper, proprie tress. For Sale Lot and six-room house. All modern conveniences. Apply to "3 Raley street. For Kent Six-room house furnish ed. All modern conveniences. Apply 09 West Court street. Dutton's wagon will puss your door dally and supply any amount of Ice cream desired, from a dish up. Fancy pieces French China and Cut Oluss at department store prices. You ought to know what that means, at tin Peoples Warehouse. Leathers & Nlehol's transfer moves trunks, pianos, furniture and does all kinds of Job work. 'Phone Main 2 J 1 J or leave orders at (iiitnian's cigar Ftore. Call at the Palace lodging house and secure a cancer recipe at very reason able rates and examine Dr. Maker's work In removing cancer In your city and elsewhere. "The Passion Slave." "Tlie Passion Slave," a melodrama, was played last night at the Frazer theater by the McMinn stock company of Walla Walla, to a fairly filled house. During the other days of the week the company plays In Walla Walla. i Give Them As a Wed ding Present Some article from our slock. W have some very choice pieces In Sterling Silver, mill a very nice assortment of Llblicy's X celebrated CUT-CLASS The prill's are molrrilt anil quality the best. LOUIS HUNZIKER. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. 726 MAIN. ICE CREAM In preparing our ice cream we use no milk, eggs, starch, gelatin or filling of anyQkindQin our ice cream. , We believe in using the best and being liberal, giving good measure, heaped up and run nlng over and at 10c a dish. K0EPPENS Popular Prioe Druggists. A. C. KOEPPEN & BROTHERS Shirtwaist BY EXPRESS AT TO $7.50. , ECHO WON THE GAME. Sloppy I'laylng by Pendleton Was Rc hmiiihJIIo. Echo, 8; Pendleton, 6. For some unknown reason the "Juckrabbits" refused lo be canned yesterday, and the score at the finish read as above. During the first Inning three runs were piled up by Pendleton while the visitors were treated to a shut out, thus making it look like an easy thing for the home team. How ever, ufter the first inning It was a different tale, and It was not until late In the game that any more runs were made off Kennedy, Echo's twlrl er. At the end of the eighth inning the score stood 8 to 4. During the last time up two more runs were made by the home team, bringing the final result up to 8 to 6. While Ei ho has a good battery and a few other fulr players, they had no license to win yesterday, and would not have done so had the local bays played like they were In a real game. Listless ball was played all through by them, and some very bad and costly blunders were made. King's arm did not seem to be working as usual, though even then few hits were made off him. It was a miserable day for a ball game yesterday, a mist falling nearly all the time, thus making It a poor day for a rlbbit drive. I'lrst ..IrclrsN In Pendleton. Mrs. A. C. Ruby today received a wireless message from her husband, eu route to Europe, sent from on board the Campania, Just before land ing In Liverpool. So far as is known, this .. the first wireless message ever received In Pendleton. Mr. Ruby ex pects to reach Liverpool today nnd will go from there to the leading Knglish and French stock farms to purchase horses for his stables In this Pearlies Mnit Injured. Judge Fit. Gerald, who returned last evening from Milton, states that a fair crop of fruit will be had there tills summer, of everything except peaches. It was presumed for a time that the fruit was practically ruined by tlie frosts during the spring, but It now seems the loss was not as great as was then supposed. Masonic Lodge Tonight. There will be a regul.ir meeting of Pendleton lodge No. 52 A. F. and A. M. tonight at 8 o'clock. There will be work In the master mason's degree and all brethren are cordially Invited to attend. Suit for Divorce. ior divorce was filed this after noon by Nellie Malls ngalnst Michael Malta on the ground iif drunkenness, and the custody of their two chlldr in was asked for by the plaintiff, who IIvcb at Freewater. Circus Deputies. Marshal Coffman has appointed John Armstrong, Dee Turner and John Brown to act as deputies at the circus grounds during this afternoon and evening. Sun v. as Horn. Born, last night, to Mr. and Mrs. M. 13. Castle, 3U Ann street, a nine pound boy. In Police Court. In the police court thts morning George Bradley was given a senten-c of J 10, or five days for assault and battery. Fancy pieces French China and Cut Glass at department store prices. You ought to know what that means, at the Peoples Warehouse. PERSONAL MENTION 8. L. Morse is a visitor here today from Pilot Rock. Clyde Wllloughby, of Athena, is vis lting in town today. Arlington I'ennick, of Adams, is here today upon a short visit. J. D. Gregorle. of Adams, came down on the afternoon tiain today. County Commissioner T. P. Gilll land Is In the city today on business. Lowell Rogers, the extensive farmer of the Aoams country, is visiting here today. - '.'.. W. ,McBrlde, of Athena, father of Miss Bessie Mcllride, is here today upon a brief visit. Mrs. M. C. McLaughlin, of Duncan. Is in the city on a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. S. McLeod. Mrs. H. J. Bean will leave for Port land 'tonight where she will visit at the fair for some time. Herbert Boylen, the Pilot Rock stockman, is In town today uttendlng the session of the circuit court. Clark Nelson, of Weston, came down on the evening train Saturday und was a visitor IiefVcvcr Sunday. Mrs. Mary J. Lane will leave In the' morning for Portland, where she will spend the summer vlslt!n the fair. Prof, and Mrs. M. H. McMinn left this morning for Walla Walla, where they go to look after their park thea ter. George Marquis, principal of the schools at Athena for the next year, has been visiting here during the past few days. Mrs. M. S. Kern, wife of Dr. Kern, and lime son,, are here from Nar rows, Harney county, for a few days, visiting her husband. Lawrence Lieuallen, of Adams, is visiting here today, having laid over after the game yesterday. In which he caught for Pendleton. George Meeker was appointed as a special policeman by Marshal Coff man this forenoon, and will serve while the crowd Is in- town for the circus. E. B. Shafer, the well known farm er, is in the city today from his farm. Crops were never in better condition than now and he looks for an excel lent yield. County Surveyor Klmbrell left this morning for Freewater, for the pur pose of making some surveys In con nection with the suit brought by the Peacock mills. Major Lee Moorhous? and Bert Huffman returned Sunday morning from Celilo, where they attended the celebration of the opening of the port age road Saturday. B. C. Holt, of the Holt Harvester Manufacturing company of Walla Walla and C. H. Holt, of San Francis co, an uncle of the former, are ex pected to arrive here this evening. Mrs. C. F. Brown, who has been visiting in Portland for two Weeks, returned home Sunday morning and will leave for Topeka, Kan.,' soon, where she will reside in future. She will take Mr. Brown's remains to To peka for interment there. A. D. Stillman left this morning for Freewater on business connected with the suit brought by the Peacock Mills against over 300 individuals und com panies of that section, of which most of the Freewater defendants are rep resented by Mr. Stillman. Prof. s. B. L. Penrose, of Whitman college, passed through this morning from Boise City, where h( delivered the graduating address to the high school. He is delighted with Boise City and says the business activity is greater than for many years. Horace Walker, countv commission er, hns Just returned from Portland, where he has been attending to plac ing the Cmatilla county exhibit, owing to the work of the carpenters and painters In the agricultural build ing all the counties are delayed In placing their exhibits, but Umatilla county hopes to make a fair showing on rmatilla county day, Wednesday, June 7. W. C. T. I'. MEETING. Hereafter Regular Meetings Will He Held on the lflth anil 20th. A large audience attended the called session of the W. C. T. V. and others Interested In the temperance work at the Christian church, an J listened to an extremely interesting address by Mrs. Mattie Graves, a national organ liter and lecturer for that organiza tion. The meeting determined to hereaf ter hold regular sessions, the 16th and 20th of each month. The session of June 18 will be held at the Christian church. Mrs. C. C. Hendricks presid ing. The next meeting (on the 20th) will be held at the Presbyterian church, Mrs. Van Nuys presiding. Mrs. Graves while In Pendleton is the guest of Mrs. C. C. Hendricks, on Thompson street. PIiiiuImts to Meet In Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga., June 5. Many mem bers of the National Association of Master Plumbers are arriving In At lanta to take part In the 23rd annual convention of their organization. The attendance will probably exceed 600 members. The gathering will be call ed to order In the Grand opera, house tomorrow morning by the national president, David Craig, of Boston. The sessions are to continue three days, and will be devoted to the discussion of numerous matters of Importance to the trade. tier ma n Catholics Meet. Peru, III., June 6. The Federation of German Cuthollo societies of Illi nois met In annual' convention here today for a session of two days. Sev eral hundred delegates are in attend ance from various parts of the mate. Fancy pieces French .China and Cut Glass at department store prices. You ought to know what that means, at the Peoples Warehouse. The Belllngham, Wash., mills, will furnish half of the 14.000,000 feet of lumber recently contracted for Pan ama canal work. FIRST ClltCl'S OF SEASON. Norris & Roue's Greater Shows Ex hibit Today and Tonight. The first circus of the season was fittingly ushered in by a big street parade this morning by the Norris & Rowe greater circus. As the season is early, the equipment of the show has had no chance to show the wear and tear of the road, so everything Is new, big and bright The splendid street demonstration showed how greatly this favorite at traction has grown since last year. This afternoon a large crowd has as sembled under the white tents to en joy circus day to the fullest extent. The sensational bare-back riding acts added to the show since last sea son adds greatly to the attractiveness of the program, especially the expert horsemanship of Rose Dockrill. the somersaulting on horse-back of Geo. Holland, tho two-horse-carrying act of Frank and Dolly Miller, the hurri cane Jockey and hurdle riding of Aus tin King and the euues'-lan feats of Herbert Rumley, Estelle Settler and Mile. Jullene. The mid-air and acrobatic feats of the six marvelous Bellford troupe, Melnotte, LaXole and Melnotte on the elevated silver wire, the aerial Weav ers, the Sllbon sisters on the flying trapese, the flying Bauvards, the Mc Donald trio of daring bicyclists, the Gardner troupe In a mid-air casting oct. the Suglmoto Japanese lady acro bats, swordswomen and fencers and many other acts of this nature prove a veritable feast of circus novelties. The hippodrome races are thrilling and exciting. A score of clowns head ed by the famous "Happy Billy" La Rue, "Bill Scott" and his trained pig, "Cheerful Tote" Ducrow and the gro tesque Olipans. The really excellent menagerie con taining lions, tigers, hyenas, llamas, camels and dromedaries came In for a goodly share of attention, as did also the trained animal acts of the trio of elephants, Siberian bears arfd bloodhounds In an act, Arabian cake walking stallions, high-Jumping horses and many strange animals broken to harness. There will be another per formance tonight. KNIGHTS OF COLIMIU'S. National Conclave Attracts Many Thousands. Los Angeles, Cal., June 5. Thous ands of visitors are In Los Angeles for the national conclave of the Knights of Columbus. The rush of delegates began yesterday and has continued throughout today without cessation. Large parties have arrived by special- trains irom Boston. New York. Phila delphia and other Eastern points and almost every state from the Atlantic to the Pacific Is represented by scorei. The convention proceedings will continue throughout the week. This eveiu:.0 to, supreme knight. Edward L. Hearn. and the visiting delegat.-s will received at the chamber of commerce by Governor Pardee. Cull ed suites Senator Flint, Mayor McAl eer. and others. Bishop Conaty will be celebrant a": the pontifical high mass to be offered at the cathedral of St. Viblana tomor row morning. The sermon will be preachea by Archbishop Montgomery of San Francisco. Archbisnop Rear don and a large assemblage of cler gymen will be present 111 the sanctu ary, making the services the most sol emn and impressive ever witnessed in Southern California. Churches of Christ. Kalamazoo, Mich.. June 5. Dele gates and visitors are arriving 1n con siderable numbers for the 37th an nual convention of the Michigan Churches of Christ, which will he In session here during the next throe days. The formal opening takes place this evening. Walter F. Ijcgg of Battle Creek, will lead the song service, nnd J. C. Wilson of Waldron, the devotional service. The addresses 'will be by Arthur Holmes of Ann Ar bor, and W. J. Wright, national su perintendent of evangelism. I .u in her Dealers fining West. Omaha, Neb. June 6. The Nebras ka Lumber Dealers' association, com posed of several hundred of the lead ing men of the trade throughout the state, departs tonight on a trip of In spection of the lumber mills in Mon tana. Idaho, Washington and Oregon. The dealers are in search of new mar kets as a result of the scarcity of lum ber in Minnesota and other northern states. Ten thousand immigrants arrive at Buenos Ayres every month, of whom an average of 40 per cent are Ger mans. Fancy pieces French China and Cut Glass at department store prices. You ought to know what that means, at the Peoples Warehouse. Osteopathy FeversContinued. Germs constitute the chief and sole cause of fevers, In the minds of the general public, and even with some poorly read doctors. Something to kill the germs is the public cry, and these poorly read physicians often os tensibly give something for the pur pose. Yet It Is known full well that any drug used Internally that will kill germs will also destroy the cells of the body and even life Itself. True, germs are a cause of fever, but are secondary. Germs cannot propagate or even live except the re sistance of the tissue be weakened.. This weakening, then. Is the first cause nnd the one to be attended to. Nature, In the white blood cells, has provided ample protection against germs. These colls, under the micro scope, may seen containing many germs which they have encased and killed. What then Is the logical treatment? First, the 'Osteopath corrects the dis placements that weaken the blood flow through the part where the germs have located and multiplied. Then he tries the blood making or gans that this army of white blood cells may be Increased. In this way are the germs killed and the fevers aborted. . The Staff of Life IS GOOD THAT IS The Model Bakery Co. I ALWAYS KEEPS OX HAND; ALSO FINK CAKES AND PAS- X TRIES. ICE CREAM PAULOU AND LUNCH ROO.M IN CONNEC- TIOX. W E AL8Q KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE. OF PEXDLETOX CIGAR FACTORIES' CIGARS, W IHCIT CANNOT HE EXCELLED ANYWHERE. ALSO TOBACCO, CANDY, OR- 1 ANGE CIDER, ETC. i The Model Bakery Co. RIEMAXX & PHONE MAIX 299. JUICK DELIVERY TO THE ALTA HOUSE S. C. B1TTNEH, Proprietor. Enlarged and refitted. Thirty clean, well-kept rooms with good beds. Commodious dining room, where meals are served In family style. All white help. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIOXS AT REASONABLE PRICES. FEED YARD IN CONNECTION. STOP AT THE ALTA HOUSE, Cor. Alta and Mill Streets A Malheur County Farm For Sale Do you wish to buy a farm In a country enjoying a mild and even climate, and where any kind of fruit and vegetables known to tlie temperate zone can be grown? If so, here la a bargain for you: Eighty acres of land; 70 acres In alfalfa all first-class, cul tivable land; good water right and within six miles of railroad depot, and on rural free delivery system. Some Idea of the value of this place can be gleaned from the fact that It rents now, and can be rented for 5 years longer for $800 per year, and renter pays taxes and keeps place In good repair. Price, $8,000. For sale on easy terms. $2,600 north of produce was grown on this place last year, and from 9 to 11 tons of alfalfa per acre can be grown annually upon It Here Is an investment that beats 10 per cent. For further particulars of this place and other bargains, write C. T. McDANIEL, Ontario, Oregon. NOW IS THE TIME : Hammocks, Gasoline Stoves Ice Cream Freezers, Refrigerators BIG LINE TO SELECT FROM. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR ' LINE BEFORE BUYING. The Taylor Hardware Co. SUCCESSOR TO T. C. TAYLOR. 741 MAIN STREET. Lewis and Clark Exposition R.00MS 487 TAYLOR STREET, NEAR 14TTI STREET. ' 430 YAMHILL STREET, NEAR 11TH STREET. Take Morrison street cars. First-class rooms. Free baths. Rates 75c to $1.00 per day. Families and parties of four or more a specialty. Cars direct to Lewis and Clark fair grounds within one block. Address I. M. BUELL, 487 TAYLOR STREET, PORTLAND OREGON. Warm Weather Items For indoor comfort and satisfying sinner meals, we offer you lsp ffPArtl PrPP7Pr """ 'reczo "le niost cream and ICC VI Calll ri CCCCI require tie i,.nst ic nnj labor, and Gasoline Stoves ;th,,tcook'th,tood"a For outdoor good times, our HommnrL'C nrou1 alld strong, will double your lluIIlIIlUlKS siimer'a enjoyment. Goodman-Thompson Co. HARDWARE PLUMBING WHOLESOME THE KIXB- LIEBE, Proprietors. . 305 COURT STREET. ANY PART OF THE CITY. TO BUY