KIGLIT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1905. PAGE FIVE. v .W I SPECIAL SALE OF Pure Linen Suitincs ' ( ('OIX)R.S: DAHK BLUE, ) tll,m. ' , LIGHT " GREEN; C.RF.KN. TrN, llltOWX, GRAY AND LIGHT n.nn K AND iu:i). blc AND1 35c CKADES." ' REGULAR .25o'( Sale price, per yd. i ii '(mi tiii' i ; ; i t '19c SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY " H. O. Mouhsu waB a visitor In Walla. WaUa yesterday. -'r9: Miss Myrtle Knight has gone to Helix to attend Mrs. Clarence Knight, .who Ih 111 at that place. B. B. Hall, cawhler or tne wesion bank, was in the city over night, re turning home this morning. J. IT. Raulatone returned last even ing to his home at Adams, 1 after pending a short (,lme hers,. I j . Ir. and Mra.'B. F. Dupuis are her (his aljteruoon from Weston, and are, i ...I IV- I Lee Teutsch's DEPARTMENT, STORE) CITY BREVITIES. XJ C Rader. Nuf sed. Rader Carpets Rader. Rader Furniture Rader. Best wood and coal, McAdams. gee Withee for gasoline engines and puraps. Jointed lanrewood fishing rods, 65c each. N'olf's book store.' ; ' j j I Highest cash price for seeond-haad goods at Sharon & Eddlngs'l For Sole t-room'i cottage and two lota, 1009; 3H Jane street. -i The shoe trade' at Roosevelt's Boa ton store Is increasing very rapidly; By all means see the1 swell' ime of hlrta we are showing for $1.25. Lee Teutsch'a store. - When you have aecond-hand goods for sale, see Graham & Hunter, for the highest cash price. Dutton's wagon will pass your door dally and supply any amount of ice cream desired, from a dish up. Headquarters for! talking machines and supplies. All records exchanged. Eller's piano house, Court street. Fine mohair skirts In blue, black, tan and brown. 13.60; a regular $5.00 value. Alterations free. At Teutsch'a. For Rent Six-room house, corner Mark and Garfield streets. Inquire 616 Aura street or 'phone black 170$, Lost Suitable reward will be paid for the return of a gold ' necklace chain and heart with Initial "Hi F." Leave here. Dr. M. C. Baker, the oldest and most successful cancer specialist ' on the coast, will be at Echo, Oregon, on May 8. Any one wishing to consult this specialist will, find hlra there, on that date.' The O. R. & N. has made a rate of $1.10 for round trip from Pendleton for occasion of farmers' meeting and basket 'picnic at Eoho.'May 6. Tick ets will be on sale May 6 and 6, good for return until May 8. Pendleton cigar factory Is open under new management. Pride of Umatilla, Havana King, Pendleton Bouauet and .Royal State, formerly manufactured 'by Mr. Rohde, will be continued and' La MaIosa, ; and Little Key West are new Dranas.' i v in Hell! 160 acres of pasture land, fenced and well watered, togeth er with 80 head of range horses, for $1100. Land near Weston and horses on 'reserve. Must be sold soon. Also 640 acres of pasture land near Wes ton, $2250. Many bargains In farm land. Powers & Rldenour, Weston, Oregon. PERSONAL MENTION, guests at the Hotel St. .Frank Mucey returned) Iat evenw Ing fiom Portland, where "he has been during the past few days upon a short visit. I iT. . W'.; lAyreg' returned 'this ' hriornJ Ing from Portland, after having been there for 'several' daJ-8 past 'In Attend ance, on -Fred .wane. (. j; , , M, Al N'eff left for The Dalles this morning, wheiV he! has' beeiV engag ed In the construction work on the state portage railway Mrs. J. M. Bentley' and her daugh ters.' Mrs W. -A- Ffurce end Miss Ma bel Beuth-yi arrived j today t from a month's visit at Spokane, i -Attorney A. C. Spencer, of und, arrived, this morning from, that; place. He Is representing the O. R. bV.N. company in-Ita 'ease howbefore the supreme court, Port- i . ... I'll :.'-". i i-i.i Elmer Albee, a brother of Charles ! Nuf Bed. I .U.. C. Ruder.- I ",t-ir f Carpets--Rader-r-Carpet?. jt i j McAdams, wood and coaL Furniture Rader Furniture. New suits and top coats of all Wool en fabrics at Roosevelt's. , , .' Ask your grocer for Blue Mountain butter,, 80c , pound,', 55c roll. ) The St. George restaurant, open day and night Mrs. Cooper, proprie tress. , r ; Special bargains on book cases and folding .beds at Graham & Hunter's. Come In and get prices. ' . .We want your ' second-hand 'goods and will pay cash 'or give you hew goods In 'exchange. v Graham 4 Hun ter, successors to Joseph Basler. ' ' 1 ''Leathers & Nlchol's transfer moves trunks, pianos, furniture and does all kinds of Job work. 'Phone Main 2811 or leave orders at Grltman's cigar tore. We have a 1120-acre wheat farm for sale. - -160 acres .In grain, 20 acres alfalfa, and 900 acres summer fallow. Living spring;. Well Improved. Bent ley & Hartman. , . Don't forget, there will be baseball at .Walla Walla May 7, between Pen dleton and Walla .Walla.,. O. R. & N. company makes special rate of $1.00 for round trip. Leave Pendleton 9 a. .m. Leave, Walla Walla 7:30 p. hi. ; i i i ' i J '- '. COMPLETING THE WORK. School , Exlubll , Await , Arrival - of :, ,,,, ,,, -vauiuct , ... , ., , The work of arranging the Uma tilla county school exhibit for the Lewis & Clark fair Is now practically over.' Yesterday nil of the ' manu script work, of which there are 30 volumes with an average of 300 pages each, was sent in to Portland. The committee will complete the arrange ment of the cabinet work this even ing, However, the cabinets have not yvt arrived,', and as a. result this -work will have to be kept here for a few days longer awaiting their arrival. AUee.i ,of ; Helbc, : came, i from . i Buiee to Helix a day or two ago. He drove over It seven 'days'. The mountain roads are very rough. He will spend the summer In Helix. , William Bollons, of Portland, su perintendent', of construction olf the Southern pacific, and one ot the; pro prietors of the Hotel Pendleton, came up this morning and has been here today attending the Walte funeral service. . j . ' j Virgil Perrlnger and i family pre , , . i 1 1 . iii i 1 1 iii i fii 1 1 j Shoe, Store i . i 1:1 f A ' i t- ; .( r i i . ' r ; -1 Take a peVp in the liext tlnio you're along wlietlier , yoh want Shoes or, not, and sec In wliat a niaHterfiil way ' we've piypaml for the Spring Shoe bunineas. ' ' I 1 1 ' - 1 Men's, uoincn's, clilldrca'H all sorts of SlMie vtuntx lrovlilej for, and done the waf . we always do thing. That mean.-) not only large variety for selection, but better Shoes for the money " ' i ; i.i I . rrt .g I kCiomoTtLuiniJ We'll get your business, if Jou're really In earnest about getting the best Shoes your money can v.-1"' - I. 'i' li : ' " ' . " i ,i i; ,.. ; ,.,i yi:i,iit kiC ' buy. 11 ' WoTe ready to sliow you when you're ready to look. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SPECIALS $ 1 .98 1 1 , . i- j ). i:i. i i l Women's Viet Kid, lightweight sole, patent tip; 93.00 grade, at Women's Shoes in Goodyear welt, Viol Kid,, putcnt tip; Bluclier or lace i ; r.i'.-i't.t .. ,-'i s,', ,,' , ., latest styles; $3.00 grade at ... .!.... i . ,'. . . .'.'. ', , . , i , i '' i ; i " ' ' .i... ,., .. '! -I-I ! ' 1 I- : Children's Shoes, Ylci Kid; single or double sole, patent or kid tip; splen did dress shoes; sizes 8 to 11; worth $1.&0, at ... j ............ .: Old Lady Comfort Shoes . $2.65 : MT'tilH r.i. ,:r.j- .TilKiQ bill ft 1-KiftH.".- JKVJt 5 J- ii'iriitinj' f 98c $1.29 Tlie Peoples Warehouse vleltini? jat, tjie home of George Per ringer. Mr. Perrlnger" is a' graduUte of Willamette. University, (, Lateq he studied for' the law. and is nosy .pros ecuting, attorney .of, JVhatcomi cqun ty, hi home, being - In :Belllngham. Wash. ., . , i , . , , , . i i ; ; i j ; i ; , Misses Augusta and Meta- Fedler j ". departed Friday for Warren station, Umatilla county, for the purpose, of attending a German school at that place. Fred Fedler accompanied the young women as far jib Uklah. Long Creek Ranger. ! i i i ' C. C. Jacobs, .of 1 Mc.Mlanvllle, is here today on his way home from Baker City, and Is visiting his broth- er-ln-law, E. F. Perkins; of the' PeoJ pies Warehouse. Mr. Jacobs has been attending the Modern. Woodmen grand lodge at Baker City, being the delegate from Yamhill county. . , PHONE MAIN 221 WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE ROLLING IN t ' n Itnllway Congress biiens. Washington, May 4. The seventh International Railway congress for mally opened at 11 o'clock this morn ing. Representatives of railways in every country of the world are pres ent. Vice-President Fairbanks de livered Jin address ot welcome In be half of the American people. Arthur Dubois of Belgium, responded In be half of the congress. .. ; ', '.'.A' i - l I Gambling Outfit Laid Away. About 9:30 o'clock last night dray drove to the front entrance of the Idle Hour saloon on Main street and the gambling paraphernalia waa carted from that establishment to some other part of tne city, appar ently showing that the saloon men have little hope of open gambling be Ing permitted again. -i IBS ) Wlien purcliasing a watch L there we two things to consider. - f ' ' Quality and price. In quality, X ! !, our goods are the beet; In price ' we are the lowest. i ; I X X Tj. Hunzlker, 72 Main Street, i AKGl'ING O. 11. &' JT. !TAX CASE. 333.000 POUNDS HAVE BEEX BROUGHT TO TOWN. Hud Roods Checked Hauling Soine wliat, But a Week or More 'will Bring In Immense Quantities First .'. Shipment to the East Was One Car load, Yesterday Very Nearly All Now In Has Been Sold. ' Supreme Court Session Probably Soon Come to An End. ' i-1 1 ' Gradually the i supreme-' 'court' ie wading through the mass of cases upon the docket, and at the present rate the session will probably soon be over.' " Yesterday afternoon the Taylor di vorce case was argued by Attorneys John McCourt and Jfcmes A-. Fee.' During the forenoon today the Hood River local option case was ar gued by John McCourt for the, appel lant1. W..H. Wilson, attorney for the respondent, did not appear, submit ting his argument all by brief. This afternoon the O. R. & N. tax cuse is being argued. Attorney C. Spencer appearing for the rail road, and District Attorney Phelps and James A. Fee for Umatilla coun ty. i ': I j f u-- o Technicalities: The) case for th railroad cbmpany is based solely rnpon technicalities. and no-1 attempt Is made to show that the assessment made by Mr. Strain was unjust. Their strongest point, as shown in the argument of Mr. Spen cer this afternoon, Is that the coun ty court erred In the making ot the levy, and that the actions of the court do not regularly appear upon the official record of that body. Also the point Is raised that the property of the company was not properly de scribed by the assessor when the as sessment was made. Three Lecture This Week. Prof. Preston W. Search will be heard In three of his best lectures at the Christian church on Thursday, Friday anl Saturday evenings, this week. i r t i i All Ye Fans Take Notice. . The excursion train will leave Walla Walla 7:30 pi m. Sunday, May 7, Instead ;of 5, P. tn.,: as previously advertized. .I'll-: ,' i:.' .C. S.i SMITH, Agent.- ' Two' hundred miles square of range In Jforthern Montana, has been bum ed off within the bast week, much' loss to: other property.. . . -1 Li U with I i I I l I ) 1 ' l .': t I . . i " : BACK I'HOM CONVENTION. C. D. SempkJ Returns From Baker City. Where He Attended tlte State Camp of M. W. A. j C- D. Semple 'Vetunied from the state camp, ot the Modern Woodmen of America, which has just been held livBnker City, iand reports having had a highly successful meeting. ; j . . About 25 delegates 1 Were present from different parts .of the stat,e and the people of Baker City entertained the delegates , In .a. royal manner. There was little beside routlnei bust ness to.' transact and ' In ' addition to electing delegates to th head tramp, which' meats' Ih' Milwaukee In I June there .was nothing new In the pro ceeding8. The delegates to the) head camp are O..B, Mount lof Bakef City, R. W. Foster of Portland, and F. A Baker of Salem. ' ' Wool is now rolling Into the ware house here, and although Manager Sutherland states that the business has: barely commenced, the receipts show that a third of a million pounds have been brought In so far. During yesterday no wool arrived, the teams being held up presumably by the bad weather. However, the shearing is now said to be nearly over, and with in a week, or two the . bulk of .the: clip of' this 'portion ofith tosntyi will be ..... ...L... . h..,l..ii- i. !n.t. umuKHi ;nt3itr. ' r rv-i.niijr nil iui uic wool' of 'Umatilla' bounty Is brought to Pendleton sooner or later, as the only baler In the county Is here. On ivi-rlvlng here the wool Is either baled for shipment East, or taken to the scouring mill. Not many of the growers have yet gotten all of their clips to the ware house, but the following amounts have arrived) R.A. Jackson.' 27,000", a F.i Juckson,. 16,000: Pat 'Doughert- ty, 23,000; Johnson & Pearson, 40,r OdO; Charles Johnson, 43,000; John Wynn," 13,000, and Harder Bros., 61.- ftoo. Besides the above there are 120,000 pounds In the Independent warehouse, which has been pur chased by Jacob Shuerman. , One carload, the first of this sea son, was shipped East yesterday, it contained the 'Johnson & Pearson clip, and went to .New Jersey. Also, two carloads were received yesterday from Echo, containing the Rust & Stanfleld clip. Of the wool that is now In the warehouse It Is said that all has been purchased already excepting the John Wynn clip. Consequently, It would seem that many woolgrowers, If not the most of them, are not waiting for the salesdays. : However, later arriv als may change th? face of affairs In this regard.. .::. I I t -i 1-1 ,7 Huyler's, Lowney's, Gunther's, The Palm and Our Own, Candies In packages from 10 cents up to $7.50 :.t li. t :! : t Fine A ine of. .bulk goods U. KDEPPEN & BROTHERS,. s , i ' j i, , j . 1 ( 1 7 Popular Pr i c e prugg i s t s . o.) Uo'A .,) DONALDSON'S FOUNTAIN Drinks are 4 Jus trite'" rti ':- .... rt-t rr J. I'l . Cboo- rvSs ola to Ice cream soda, of velvety smoothness.' Delicate'1 .fjjwors, pleasing richness, with a taste yon can't forget. That's why Don- "'' -..r n- i,...-t,.-i eri Phosphates from pure fruit Juices.. Cool and sparl Soda drinks Justrlte also. No artificial flavors used. , aldson's fountain has become so popular.; EVERYTHING "JUSTRITE POSTOFFICE BLOCK. SIS ilAIX ST. 'PHONE MAIN 2D01. LAWN MOWERS We have a complete line of- these machines; easy running, " ball-bearing, vdth adjustable CICASS CATCHERS ;" and all grades of ' GARDEN HOSE ; ..'I:HiC, t'f..J.7 ::i.j-!-. .nt'-i'... ri.-i tn,.n.ruii;:. t-nr. ;tj :!;-rr:i i ii:r;j.n-'ii-""in , iii v V which we are offering at prices that are making them go. , r-: rr. not. Goodman-Tbompson Go. Mil' HARDWARE PLUMBUfQ. ' i.. i.j rt'T ttt' aT?nf1 mnH Intrrww nnt strklr nt hnrdirnM. vhstrisrB vnn hn ir W Professor Search This Week. - Preston W. Search, who was heard here at the teachers' Institute last Oc tober comes to the Christian church this week in three of his choice lec tures on art and travel.1 Thursday, Friday and Saturday' evenings. ' WE WANT TO SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR EAT Having purchased the Farmers' Moat Market on Main street, of Conrad Platzoeder, we moved the same across the street to the room next to Sullivan A Bond's. We are in readiness to fill orders, , We buy all our cattle, sheep and other stock alive, and do our own butchering, thus enabling us to furnish the cbotoest est uaesttt . of all kinds. We manufacture our bologna, sausage, wiener vrurst and lard, and you can always rely on It being right in erer w-ajv. Fresh Fish received dally. . A clean, sanitary shop. The best meats, reasonabl . prices, , propmpt delivery, are yours If you trade with us. ;. i : SUCCESSORS TO CONRAD PLATZOEDER, ,,,,::;!:W. . 636 MAIN STREET. 'PHONE MATJf 4SI. """ , .... r i- ,-:-.-u, -j: I tHWUHHHMHtltHHM M-M-!"! HIM Iltlt ' Conunlttee Meeting at o O'clock. i ; All of the : committees ' appointed by the Commercial association ,ko as sist In the arrangements for the good roads convention which Is to be held here on May 15 and 16. will meet at S o'clock this evening in the club rooms for the purpose of out lining their work. All of those ap pointed are requested to attend. ' ' r - Grant County !Mnn ft Mexico. James Moore left Thursday lf last week for ;Laj Grande, iith a (bunch of horses' After' dlsDoilnir of the same Mr. Moore will depart foV Old Mexico, where he will reside In the future. Long Creek Ranger. W. H. Miller and Frank Shea have been convicted at Boise of counter felting and each sentenced to three years In the penitentiary. r f' .-11 M'v ,' i 'tfit' .t-'-. ' r- T: iicr' i.i ii'v: V!'i;i ,!-at- i,n HAVE YOU , ..,', ,1 , EVER BOl'Girr VOIR SHOES AT THE , GOLDEN RULE STORE IF XOT. VOi; HAVE UEFA .PAVING TOO Midi IXR THEM, i- WK HAVE JIST HIXEIVEU 300 PAIRS OF LADIES' AXD CHILDREN'S LOW ' SHOES,' r"WHlCH WE ARE ANXIOVS TO SHOW VOV, AXD VOU MONEY 1JV SELUXO YOIT. " . I f.-i mi l ' WE HAVE THE BEST LINE OF SCHOOL SHOKS TO HE HAD FOR THE MONEY. r,; n : i - i I 98c WE HAVE A OF PAnlS OF DRIMMERS SAMPLE SHOES OFFERING FOR, 98c, THESE ARE $1.50 TO $2.50 AI.CES. r. . THE FOLLOWING PRICES SPEAK 1-XJU THMSE1, ES: S, WHICH WJ 'REQ- -V !.l ,t! tt.'sa ljullus' Ivlil tXxfonl.- N'eat and service-. .. . ,, i i ,.aoie: warrauieu un ivuvinrr,., . t . $2.00 Ladles' Patent LcaUier Oxforil. A ,t,lii, , beauty . . . . . 2-00 , ft. 15 Ladles'. Kid .Gvpsie, Just the thing for rontfort ( ( . . . . .,(. ,(, . 9 MS, $1.08 Cluld's Kid Oxford or Sandal; sizes, 8 .. , .toll , ..$Lua,..; ... $1.18 The some, sires 12 1-2 to 8 i 1. IS. . $1.13 Patent Leather Sandal, dees 8 to 11 $1.1S ,,J', $1.35 Tlie sime, sites 11 1-2 to 2 ."'lt. the.: ' are the celebrated godmaV snOEs. ' warranted to be all leather1 axd . . 4.. . . . I '-'TO' GIVE THE BEST SERVICE, POSSIBLE FOR THE MONEY. ' ' ."i .i H i rrr hcm tjttt rr ctodt: i ' 'Nt; nii:J p I ) GOLDEN RULE PRICE9. li i lin I ..ii.ji, nnl,',' -ill I.) )..;!. t .,,1 . n 1.1 . I, !!( I -I 1 i'nl ,d no --I ill .7 0')'! t III 7 117 ' 1 1 (. : I.IO ) 1 I .-l lil 1.1 GOLDEN RVLE TREATMENT.' v'iul ) -iU ( i Im -l, -''-:t jis.iHt.n rr-.-- t-'n if. .i .i. .. . ' ... ..'.;.;. r.vm .uiirmoa lt ,, : ...f. : u.iiit .-rrt'.'f i n-w m JMMtM, 4 4it'4 '