East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 01, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published every -afternoon (except Sunday)
t Pendleton, Oregon, by the
DUy, one year, by mail 15.00
Dally, six months, by mail.... 2.60
Daily, three months, by mail.... 1.25
Dally, one month, by mail 50
Weekly, one year, by mail 1.60
Weekly, six months, by mall 75
Weekly, four months, by mail.. .50
Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall, 1.50
8emi-Weekly, six months, by mall .75
8emi-Weekly, four months, mall, .60
Member Scrlpps-McRae News Asso
ciation. 1
The East Oregonlan Is on sale at
' B. B. Rich's News Stands at Hotel
Portland and Hotel Perkins, Port
land, Oregon.
San Francisco Bureau, 408 Fourth
Chicago Bureau, 909 Security Bldg.
Washington, D. C. Bureau, 601 14th
St., JJ. W.
Telephone Main 11.
Entered at Pendleton Postofflce as
second-class matter.
Copy for advertising matter to appear In
the East Oregonlan must be In by 4 :4S p.
m. f the preceding day ; copy for Monday's
Kper must be In by 4 :45 p. m. the preced
r Saturday.
"Ships that pass in the night
and speak each other in
Only a signal shown and a dls-
tant voice In "the dark-
So on the ocean of life we pass
and speak one another
Only a look and a voice, then
darkness again and si-
Residents of the vest end of Uma
tilla county have asked for a county
bridge over the Umatilla river at the
mouth of that stream, near the town
of Umatilla.
While this is a much-needed im
provement, one that should be grant
ed to the people of that section, yet
Morrow county will be the greater
beneficiary of such a bridge and
should assist In building it. Umatil
la will receive but little benefit from
it, but at the same time where even
the smallest number of bona fide
citizens need a public Improvement,
it Is always worthy of consideration.
Let Irrigon and Morrow county
help build this bridge. They will re
ceive nearly all the benefts. There
Is very little travel from Umatilla
westward, but large travel from Mor
row county to Umatilla.
As soon as the boat lines are plac
ed on the river and Umatilla becomes
s landing place and" shipping point
for freight from this country, then
Irrigon will still more keenly need a
bridge there. In order to be able to
reach the chief shipping point on the
river Umatilla.
Let Morrow county and Irrigur
assist In building this wagon bridge.
It will be built within a very few
miles of the Morrow county line, and
will accommodate Morrow county
The open gateway of Pendleton's
best school age Is now before us.
With two academies filled to the
limit, and both crying for larger fa
cilities, with three new public school
buildings Just completed, , beckoning
to the country districts, with Improv
ing morals and lessening temptations
for young men, Pendleton can con
scientiously Invite parents to send
their children here.
To those who have contemplated
going to Walla Walla, Pendleton holds
up clean hands to you and declares
that she has determined to rid her
Belf of the objectionable elements
that have cursed the city and stood
a menace to boy and girls In the
To those of you who have been
sending your children to Portland and
Spokane and other places for aca
demic education, Pendleton offers to
you two academies, under Christian
supervision, equipped with the fullest
academic course, under the most ca
pable teachers and with the best pos
sible surroundings.
At no other point In the state or In
the Inland Empire has the public
school reached the perfection and
usefulness attained by the Pendleton
public schools.
"Within four years, the high school
has grown from a weak and uncertain
affair, with 17 pupils, to a strong,
well regulated, well eaulpped, well
trained high school with an attend
ance of over 100 during the winter
just passed, and graduating from five
to 12 student each year.
These facta are Impressed upon the
people of Umatilla and surrounding
counties, now at th close of the
school year, when people are making
arrangements for the future educa
tion of their children.
Pendleton will rapidly become a
model town. Morals are being ele
vated. Business men are determin
ed that there shall be no barrier to
the highest development of the school
facilities and school surroundings,
and with this in view have taken
steps to permanently regulate and
suppress vices and' temptations that
have heretofore been too brazen, too
plentiful. You are Invited to make
your home here.
Twice have the people of Umatilla
county Indorsed the assessment of C.
P. Strain at the polls; twice have
boards of equalization indorsed his
work: once has the circuit court in
dorsed and upheld It and repeatedly
hus the press and people of the
county supported and sanctioned
Judgment from the highest state
court is now awaited with Interest.
The tendency all over the west Is
toward higher valuations. Umatilla
county is not alone in this move
ment. Strain is not unsupported in
his contentions, but Multnomah coun
ty announces that she will raise her
assessment 300 per cent next year.
Clackamas county has raised railroad
values, Walla Walla county. In Wash
ington, has raised values, and other
counties are swinging into line on the
The objections of the O. R. & N. to
the assessment are groundless. One
of the chief points of objection rais
ed by the company's attorneys is that
in the assessment the letters, "O. R.
& N." might not mean the Oregon
Railroad & Navigation company. If
such is the case, the company has
placed its earmark? upon a world of
property, belonging to others, for
every Item of property from ties to
locomotives are branded with the let
ters "O. R. & N."
This is a sample of the objections
to the assessment and will not stand
as a barrier to an early and just de
cision. This matter is ore of the funda
mental questions now before the peo
ple. It Is coming to be well founded
in economics that higher assessments,
more careful search for property
heretofore hidden behind law and
custom, are necessary to a proper
distribution of the burdens of gov
The people of Unn'tllia county have
consented to this advance and have
paid their taxes and there Is no rea
son for the railroad e.ompany to long
er delay the wheels of progress.
Every postofflce in Umatilla coun
, every rural route and every set
tlement receives in large numbers,
the different issues of the East Ore
gonlan. Ever- block and street in the city
of Pendleton enjoyr 's presence and
it goes In large number to every ad
jacent county. It reaches the homes,
where it Is received gladly. Is paid
for and Is read with Interest and zest.
This condition of its circulation is
called to the attention of advertisers.
It reaches the buyers of the county.
It goes to no deadheads. It Is forced
upon no one, is sent to no dead nor
absent subscribers and it brings bus
iness to Pendleton.
It now appeals to Its subscribers
in Pendleton, in Umatilla county. In
adjoining counties, to read the adver
tisements In the paper and heed them
when trading. When you buy any
thing in Pendleton, buy It from an
advertiser In this paper.
The East Oregonlan represents a
principle, stands for better morals,
and is being opposed ty a large ele
ment in the community which op
poses better morals. rnis element
has bluffed a few people to cause
them to withdraw their patronage
from this paper because of Its stand
for better morals.
It therefore appeals to its readers
to trade with and support those who
show their colors by standing for
better morals and better conditions
in this city. Read tbe advertisements
and remember them. ,
The National Association of State
and Dairy Food Departments has
sounded a warning against adulter
ated -"baby foods,' and declares that
last year 445,000 Infants died from
causes primarily due 'to the adultera
tion of food. This Is a dreadful In
dictment to draw against any man or
set of men, and Immediate action
should be taken to punish them. But
there is another fruitful source of dis
ease and death among children, and
It Is to be found In the iniquitous
"sweatshop" and child labor systems
In vogue In many of the large cities.
While publicists are decrying the
evils of adulterations that lead to the
slaughter of Innocent children, let
them also turn their attention to
these other and equally great evils
that are not only slaughtering thous
ands of children every year, but are I
blasting the lives' of thousands of men
and women and adding daily to the
great social problems that must be
settled If this republic is to endure.
F. U. Guthrie, who is stationed at
Elat, West Africa, in one of the mis
sions of the Presbyterian board of
foreign missions, tells of missionary
work among the native tribes, which
Includes industrial training as well as
religious teaching. Klat is about 100
miles east of the Atlantic coast and
is three degrees north of the equator.
It is in the heart of the country in
habited by the Bulu tribe. Tlie sta
tion has 136 acres of laud, about half
of which has been cleared. Fruit
trees have been set out and plantains,
bananas, pineapples, mahabas (a-yam-llke
tuber), corn, white potatoes
and other garden vegetables are rais
ed. Mr. Guthrie tells of a plan to devote
a large part of the station nreat the
cultivation of rubber. Rice cultiva
tion is also to be tried. He adds:
"We hope within the year to have
100 head of sheep and goats, 10 or 12
native cattle, a beginning of a herd
of swine, and possibly some Imported
milk cattle.
"If you spend a month or a year in
Africa living on tinned meats, butter
and milk, you would appreciate the
missionary's desire for stock. The
great need of the nutives, 'after
Christ,' is the knowledge and oppor
tunity to make a living. This we are
convinced must be found from the
soil and for this reason are paying
much attention now to agricultural
work. Craftsmen are also needed
and we are about to start a class of
six boys In carpentering, and tailor
ing, shoemaklng and blacksmithing
classes will follow."
Nearly 100 miles. north of the Elat
station In West Africa, and much
nearer the coast is the Presbyterian
mission station at Lolodorf, establish
ed in 1897, with the special purpose
of working among the tribes of
dwarfs In the Ngumba country. The
dwarfs are great hunters and live in
the heart of the forest. They are ex
ceedingly timid and therefore diffi
cult to approach.
During a visit to the West ,frican
missions, made recently by the Rev.
.A. W. Halsey. a secretary of the
Presbyterian board, he and two of the
missionaries made a trip into the for
ests to find the dwarfs. The other
natives are little to be depended upon
for aid in finding them as the dwarfs
sell meat to other tribes at very low
prices and the natives fear that con
tact with white people may make the
little men discontented with the
prices obtained. But by the gift of
four yards of cloth a guide was ob
tained for Dr. Halsey's party and a
dwarf vl'lage'was found.
The Rev. Mr. Heminger tells the
story of the trip. "At about noon we
reached a place where we turned off
the main path and entered the forest,
following for an hour what the na
tives call a path, but what would be
easily lost by a white man. We came
in the heart of the forest to a village
of dwarfs. . This hunting for dwarfs
is rather exciting. For if one wishes
to find them he must be as careful
as if he were hunting wild animals,
or when he has reached a village he
will find that the dwarfs have disap
peared. We were fortunate in finding two
of' them in the woods chopping, who
were persuaded to take us to their
town. They went uhead to prepare
the poeple for our coming, but in spite
of this precaution we found, when we
came to the village, that everyone who
could run, except three or four older
men, had gone Into the bush. We sat
down and commenced talking to them
and laughing, thus winning their con
fidence. In a short time others be
gan to return, and ut a meeting we
held In the evening we had over 30
present. We slept at the village that
night, returning to Lolodorf In the
The first prize ut the cattle show
now being held ut Florence, Italy,
was won by a bull owned by Count
Passerlol. The bull weighs 1430
kilograms (over 3300 pounds.) This
Is said to be a world's record.
I am compelled by a sense of gratitudi
to tell you the great good your remedj
has done me in a case of Contagious Blow
Poison. A inon g other symptoms I was se
verely afflicted with Rfieumatistn, and gol
almost past going. The disease got a lira
hold upon my system ; my blood was thor
oughly poisoned with the virus. I lgst is
weight, was run down, had sore throat,
eruptions, splotches and other evidence!
of the disease. I was truly in a bad shape
when I began the use of S. S. S., but tin
persistent use of it brought me out of mj
trouble safe and sound, and I have th
courage to publicly testify to the virtues ol
your great blood remedy, S. S. S., and tc
recommend it to all blood-poison suffer
era, sincerely believing if it is taken ao
cording to directions, and given a fail
trialj it will thoroughly eliminate everj
particle of the virus. Tames Cukeaji.
Stars: uoiei, oreensDurg, l a.
Painful swellings In the groins, red eras
tlons upon the skin, sores in the mouth
ind loss of hair and eyebrows, are some ol
tbe symptoms of this vile disease. S. S. S.
Is an antidote for the awful virus that
(Hacks and destroys even the bones.
S. S. 8. contains no Mercury, Potash or
other mineral Ingredient. We offer f t.coc
for proof that it is not absolutely veget
able, florae treat-
ment book giving
the symptoms and
other interesting
and valuable infor
mation about thil
disease, mailed
free. Our physi
cians advise free
those who write us.
Th Swift Spaoiflo Company, Atlanta, 6a.
From Broken Bow to Cotton Sock,
From WHgon Tire to Rolling Rock,
Our oil wells high are gushing.
All the way from Hurrah Boys,
Big Blue Fork, and Roaring Noise
You may see the dark streams
Hue they've rushed and gushed for
Now a change must come, my
TIhiibs must not be longer thus
They must squirt and spurt for us.
So then Three cheers for our
(let In line you hulting doubters.
Fall in with the lusty shouteis,
They are going to spout for us!
Fro m Frozen Man to Little Branch,
From Poker Park to Trigger Ranch,
You may hear the people rising.
All the vay from B'iled Shirt Flat,
Peek-a-Boo, and Bob Tall Cat
Mighty hosts are mobilizing.
They have stopped and dropped their
They are fetching 'long their neigh
John D.'s sun is going to set,
We will bust his trust, you bet.
So then Three cheers for our
crude oil!
While our prairies shall exude oil
John will find It mighty rude oil!
We are going to win, you bet!
Hayden Carruth in Harper's Week
ly. A. D.T. Service
Our messenger boys are giv
ing splendid satisfaction to our
regular customers. If you have
never had an A. D. T. boy to
run errands for you, give the
service a trial right away. You
will be surprised at the quick
ness and caro with which you
are served.
We add boys to our staff as
business demands, so we will
always have enough boys to do
your work. 15 cents for 30
Phone Main 9
G. C. 1 1 ATT,
I .(K in Miiimgcr.
Sour Stomach
"I tiied Cairareta and fe. like a dcwihid. I have
boon a utTerur from dyapepiia and tour itoniacti
for th last two yean. I bare betn taking medi
cine and othr drugs, but could tind no relief onljr
for a abort time. I will recommend Cfa'arvti to
my friends; as the only thing for Indigestion and
our morunrn anu to Keep me ooweia in
ditlnn. The? arn vprr nten to eat."
in good con-
iiarry Stuckley, Mauch Chunk, Pa,
Pteainnt. Palntnhlo. Potent. Taat Oood. Do flood,
NeTor Sicken. Weaken or (Iripe. 10c, ajc. Mo. Never
old 10 luilk. The genuine tablet stamped VCU.
Guaranteed to cure or your money back.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicaifo or N.Y. 509
I Good !
I Dry Wood
I have good, sound wood which
Is delivered at reasonable
Leave Orders at Hen fling's Ci
gar store, opp. Peoples
The Columbia
Lodging House
Well ventilated, neat and com-
fortable rooms, good beds. Bar
In connection, where the best
goods are served.
Main street, center of block, be
tween Alta and Webb streets.
Walters' Flouring Mills
Capacity, 160 barrels a day.
Flour exchanged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed,
tn.. slwsvs on hand.
Unrestricted forest reserve scrip for
sale at lowest market prices. My
scrip secures title to Umbersd, farm
ing, graxtng or desert land. In any
quantity, without residence or Im
provement Address H. M. Hamilton,
Tbe Portland, Portland, Oregon.
yr The Bowels
V-'..: '. .' ' ' v' ' v '( e J
s n p.A
S . '.''J
L ""'. -awv-w- Jw. ' - i
Under the direction of the
Sisters of St. Francis, of Phila
delphia. Resident and day pu
pils. Special attention given to
music and elocution. Students
prepared for teachers' examin
ations for county and state cer
tificates. For particulars ad
Positively tbe Best Beer
Any quantity you desire.
Delivered to your borne
Always call for OLYMPIA.
Telephone Main 881.
A liquid preparation for var
nishing or finishing new or old
wood or metallic work. It Is
especially udapicd for lmrtl or
soft wood floors, Interior wood
work, such aa for rcflnlshlnrr
front doors, furniture, carriages,
oil. cloths, wire, screens, Iron
fences, rudlnlnrs, etc.
JAP-A-LAC Is always ready
for use and requires simply ap
plying with u brush. Once tried
ulways used.
Sold only In Pendleton by
Illustrated book on Jap-a-lac
for the asking.
We are thoroughly equipped
with all modern me'Vods and
appliances, and guarantee our
work to be of the highest stand
ard, and our prices the lowest
consistent with flrst-clas work.
White Bros.
Ass -iation Block.
Telephone Main 1AA1.
Bear this In mind when you
need poultry and stock supplies
and ask for the International
Poultry and Stock Food. Use
Kow Kure for your cow trou
bles. C. F. Colesworthy
127-129 East Alt St
Agent for Lee's Lice Killer.
Be skeptical If you will; be
prudent If you must, but be
Investigate before you con
demn, and be open to conviction
while Investigating. Place no
limitations on a thing you know
nothing about. Take time and
look Trlb up and see If we can
not Interest yo uwlth us. We
say Trlb Is the best cure for the
liquor and tobacco habits on the
Tlie East Oregonlan is Eastern Ore
gon's representative paper. It lea
and the people appreciate It and show
It by their liberal patronage,. It is
the advertising medium of this section.
Hotel St. George
VTurnnsan nlan. Evervthlns first
class. Accommodations the best All
modern conveniences. Steam heal
thrnnirhniit- - Rooms en suits wit
bath. Large, new sample rooms. The.
Hotel St. George is pronounced one
of the most modern and model hotels
of Oregon. Telephone and fire alarm
connections to office In all rooms.
Rooms 50c to $1.50.
Rlock and a naif From Depot.
Hotel Bickers
(Formerly Golden Rule.)
Remodeled and refurnished through
out. Everything neat, clean and up-to-date.
Steam heat and elect rls
lights. Best cuisine. Prompt lervlca.
II. E. ISKKEP.S. Proprietor.
WAITE BOLLOXS, Proprietors.
The Best Hotel in Pendleton
and as good as any.
The Hotel, Pendleton has just been
refitted and refurnished throughout
Phone and fire alarm connections
with all rooms. Baths In suites and
single rooms.
Headquarters for Traveling Men.
Commodious Sample Rooms.
Rates $2 00 and $2.50
Special rates by week or month.
Excellent Cuisine.
Prompt Dining Room Service.
Bar and Billiard Room In Connection
Only Three Blocks Prom Depot
iui . I'er iiar ana upward.
Headquarter for tourists and ctmmerrlaj
travelers. Bpeolal ratea made to families
and single gentlemen. Tbe management
will be pleased at all times to show rooms
and give prices. A modern Turklah bath
establishment In the hotel.
n. v. uuwkkb, Manager.
Insure in
Reliable Companies
That pay Vhelr losses promptly. Out
companies stand at the head
of the list
Hartford Fire Insurance
Co tll,H.07
Alliance Assurance Co. .. l9,0St,l(4
London & Lancashire Fire
Insurance Co l,544,(l
North British ft Mercantile
Co ii,iBi,m
Royal Insurance Co 11,897,111
ft-: J?
pro-' "Hi