East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 28, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published every afternoon (except Sunday)
at Pendleton, Oregon, by the
Dally, one year, by mall 15.00
Daily, six months, by mail.... 1. 60
Dally, three months, by mall.... 1.28
Dally, one month, by mall 50
Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50
Weekly, six months, by mall 75
Weekly, four months, by mall.. .60
Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall, 1.60
Semi-Weekly, six months, by mall .75
Semi-Weekly, four months, mall, .60
The East Oregonlan Is on sale at
B. B. Rich's News Stands at Hotel
Portland and Hotel Perkins, Port
land, Oregon.
San Francisco Bureau,- 40S Fourth
Chicago Bureau, 909 Security Bids.
Washington, D. C. Bureau, 501 14th
St.. N. W.
Telephone Main 11.
Entered at Pendleton Postofflce as
second-class matter.
Copy for advertising matter to appear In
tbt East Oregonlan must be In by 4 :4S p.
m. of the preceding day ; copy for Monday's
paper mnat be In by 4 :45 p. m. the preced
ing Saturday.
Only for a little while
Sunny days consent to smile;
All their charms must fade
In our mists of wintry gray.
Flowers must wither; leaves
must fall;
Hushed must be the robin's call,
Summer blooms but to beguile
Only for a little while.
But the snows will melt at last,
Days of storm are quickly past;
Just the same as days so gay
Sun and shadows shift and
Quaff the pleasures while you
Bear the sorrows like a man,
For the tear is, like the smile,
Only for a litle while.
Washington Star.
From all the oratory, enthusiasm,
harmony and good will exhibited at
the meeting of the Oregon Develop
ment League, some good should cer
tainly come.
ll seems idle to think that such a
body of progressive citizens could say
what they say at these meetings, do
what they do at these meetings and
act as they act at these meetings,
and mean absolutely nothing in the
Something is surely back of it all.
Something will surely come of It. Or
egon needs such a body of men.
other states and interests are organ
ized against the Interest of Oregon.
California capital is invading the
state and diverting traffic to the San
Francisco gateway to the Orient.
Washington capital Is organized In
the effort to divert traffic by way of
the Puget sound gateway to Alaska
and the Orient.
Oregon must unite, Portland must
make good her luminous and silver
lined promises. A meaning and a
purpose must be injected into the
talkfests. Capital must be Interest
ed in rescuing Oregon's trade from
the grasp of her opponents in the
commercial world.
The Clearwater country, Wallowa,
Harney, John Day, Morrow and Grant
counties, all beckon to Portland's
Idle capital. Empires are sleeping in
those interior districts. Cities and
manufacturing centers, now unknown
are sleeping in the possibilities of
those rich territories.
But talk will never build a city nor
level out a railway grade.
Talk will never sound a steamboat
whistle on the Columbia, nor lay a
track Into Wallowa.
Theer has been plenty of talk for
the past 35 years In Oregon and the
rnsrarles are still a barrier In the
Columbia river.
Talk has overflowed at banquet
boards and feasts In Portland for a
century, and hogs are still driven on
foot out of Wallowa county a distance
of 50 miles.
Oratory has resounded in Portland
. corridors for 35 years and John Day
spuds and wool are hauled by
freight wagon to Pendleton, a distance
of 100 miles from the Interior.
Talk won't do it. It takes coin
requires nerve.
The liquor Interests of Baker City
have circulated the report all over
Oregon to the effect that the Baker
City Herald died because merchants
withdrew their support from It after
It Indorsed Sheriff tJrown In his law
enforcement campaign In that city,
and that the merchants took this
action at the command of the liquor
dealers, on the threat of being boy
cotted of they continued to patronize
the Herald.
In the first place the whole story
Is a lie, from end to end, and in the
second place, this Is the worst adver
tisement for the liquor Interests that
hus ever been sent out, even by their
enemies, because It is an admission
from them that they will rule or ruin
a community In either a business,
social or financial way, here they
are not checked.
The statement that they would take
such action, will serve to unite all de
cent business elements against them.
The admission that such business
methods are part of their procedure
will serve to determine the people in
ridding the country of such a possi
bility at the first chance.
The Baker City Herald did not die
because of any action of tile liquor
interests. In fact, it was a represen
tative and mouthpl'-c.e of the liquor
Interests from the day it was found
ed; that Is. when It represented any
local element, on any public question.
It was founded for an Illegitimate
purpose and when Balllet's money
ceased to flow into its accounts. It
began to dwindle. It was an off
spring of Balllet's Illegitimate min
ing operations, circulated free of
charge to everybody who would al
low It to come Into their homes. If
It could collect from Baker City peo
ple, all right; If It could not. It was
run anyway, to advertise Balllet.
So hiu'lng been founded on this
basis, it was Impossible for it to live
when its parent and supporter ceased
to supply It funds. It never had a
business existence. Its rates were
never uniform and fixed. It was sim
ply a free lance fed upon graft and
made to serve an illegitimate purpose.
Attempts to resuscitate It after Bal
llet's blood money ceased were un
successful. Its subscription list was
never bona fide. Its advertising pat
ronage was never basea on fixed rates
for all advertisers, but it took what
it could get.
Its editorial utterances never voic
ed a healthy public sentiment of Ba
ker county. For the past year it has
not printed a column of original edi
torial, using entirely the plate stuff
sent out to country papers using the
"pony" Associated Press dispatches.
It played on the passions of the
community by trying to be sensation
al, by making a column story out of
a dirty police court trial, while It neg
lected to give the Vgitlmate and de
cent news. . It fed on moral carrion
and flung this so-- of stuff to the
saloon elements for their edification.
It never represented anything or an
Interest in Baker County excepting
Balllet, who Is now In Jail for his
crimes against the government.
Decent papers nor decent people
need not fear this story being circu
lated by the liquor interests.' There
is no truth in the statement and if
there was, the same methods could
not be applied in a community where
Balllet are unknown and where papers
have a legitimate foundation in the
hearts of the people.
The Oregonlan presents a diagram
showing that lb saloons have been
located within three blocks of the
main entrance of the Lewis and Clark
fair grounds. The Oregonlan does
not recommend nor demand any
change In this appearance presented
to the visitors to the fair, It simply
publishes the diagram, saying In re
gard to the matter, "The Oregonlan
simply presents the facts." No one
familiar with the Oregonian's atti
tude in regard to the liquor interests
and gamhiers of Portland expected
it to do this much. An outspoken op
position to the spread of saloons In
to the residence districts and to the
very gates of the fair, coming from
the Oregonlan, would be a shock from
which the political rings of Portland
would never recover. But It need not
be expected.
Had Caesar Young been In his
place, as a husband, at the time he
was killed, New York city would be
better off. financially, to the amount
of 195,000, the cost of the trial of
his alleged murderer. Nan Patterson
may have killed him, but that does
not excuse him for being out of his
place. He Is to blame for all the
consequences of his act.
In his book on "Nerves in Order,"
Dr. fchofleld, formerly examiner for
the (British) National Health society,
gives a table of longevity which shows
that the Christian mllnstry Is the
most healthful of callings. Here Is
his list, the occupations being ar
ranged In order of longevity:
Clergy (Church of England); Dis
senting ministers; farmers, agrlcul
tural laborers, grocers, lawyers, drap
ers, coal miners, watchmakers, artists.
shoemakers, bakers, clerks, chemlstB
(apothecaries), greengrocers, tailors,
doctors, butchers, painters, musicians,
cab and 'bus men, sweeps, publicans
metal miners, bankers, London la
borers, barmen (barkeepers).
A curious and an Instructive list.
We make only the obvious comment,
that clergymen live the best lives and
consequently the longest; and the
farmers come next. ''With the Pro
cession," Everybody's Magazine for
In the May number of Everybody's
Magazine. Mr. Bailey Millard thus de
scribes the government attorney, who
is making so much trouble for the
land grafters of the Pacific coast:
"Francis J. Heney. the same In
trepid spirit who represents the gov
ernment In its avenging course In Or
egon, has worked to as fine purpose
in California. Heney is a bright,
clear-eyed young man, formerly at
torney general of Arizona, who came
to the front as a shrewd, able handler
qf big law cases In California. When,
after listening to many complaints of
land iniquities in the West. President
Koosevelt determined to strike at the
root of land graft In California, he
appointed Heney as an assistant t
the attorney general of the I'nited
States to prosecute the offenders. At
once he began to storm and escalade
what had seemed the Impregnable
position of the the grafters. He has
measured steel with many a mailed
warrior of Graft. He has put to rout
the boodling host; but there Is still a
redoubt In which a band of the ini
quitous ones has taken Its stand and
fights stubbornly, using the ugliest of
weapons for example, enlisting
women on Its side to besmirch the
character of Its assailant. At many
a stage of his superb battling. He
ney's life has been In danger; but he
has valiantly fought on and has glo
riously won."
There survives a willow tree of Ba
bylon that is the sole relic of the
reign of Semiramls. There are oaks
still living In England planted before
the Norman conquest In 1068, and the
Yew trees at Fountain Abbey that
are older. An elm tree was planted
In 1605 In Paris, which still lives. Our
charter oak flourished for more than
600 years then went down in the
storm of 1854. It furnished material
for several carloads of walking sticks,
snuff boxes and other articles.
In Lombardy there is a cypress
tree whose antiquity reaches back 40
years B. C. It is estimated that the
sequoia of California are us old as
Christianity, and some palm trees are
supposed to be as venerable as the
pyramids. The African Baobab tree
is the oldest and largest specimen of
vegetable growth In the world.
We are told by General Brisbln
that one was seen In the Cape Verde
islands within whose trunk, overlaid
by 30t) close layers of wood, he dis
covered an inscription carved by two
English travelers three centuries be
fore and the age of the tree was es
timated at 5159 years. Garibaldi
planted great groves of Eucalyptus
trees in the malarial sections of
Home. The tree was n great grower
and a transformer of muck Into pro
toplasm, an absorbent of mud ami
moisture, which It promptly trans
ports Into the great laboratory of
gre.n leaves. Snlect Ion.
"He was knocked down by an au
tomobile, you know anil he got $20011
damages from the fellow."
"Goodness! I wonder what he'll do
with the money?"
"Oh, he's spent It; bought the fel
low's automobile with it."
Have been suffering from Impure Blood
for many years, having Boils and othei
Eruptions. Having heard of S. S. S. I de
cided to try it, and am glad to say that it
has done me a great deal of good. I intend
to continue to use it, as I believe it to be
the best Blood Medicine on the niarkc'..
Cleveland, Teun. W. K. DBTBRS.
For over fifteen years I have suffered
more or less from Impure Blood. About u
year ago I had a boil appear on my leg i
below the knee, wmcti was toiiowea Dv
three more on my neck. I saw S. S. S.
advertised and decided to try it. Aftei
taking three bottles all Boils disappeared
and I have not been troubled any since.
Gko. G. FhrTio.
114 W". Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky.
Newark, Ohio, May 23, 1903.
From childhood I had been bothered
with bad blood, skin eruptions and boils.
I had boils ranging from five totwenty in
number each season. The burning ac
companying the eruption was terrible.
S. S. S. seemed to be just the medicine
needed in my case. It drove out all impu
rities and bad blood, Riving me perma
nent relief from the skin eruption and
boils. This has been ten years ago, and I
have never had a return of the disease.
. Mis, J. D. Athbkton.
Write for out
book on blood and
skin diseases.
Medical advice
or any special in
formation sbont
your case will cost
yon nothing.
Tk Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.
The Joy of Eating
is common to all humanity until
the organs go wrong then joy
is turned to sorrow and food
does the body little or no good.
If you would return to the
ability to enjoy food use
Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and So,
Walters' Flouring Mills
Capacity, ISO barrels a day.
Flour exchanged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Feed. Chopped Feed,
ete., always on hand.
. EfiOPTlOlS
Millions of People
Says I he Brock Mi-Coma Co., Sim
ply for the Want of a Little
Strength mill Vitality.
"Simply for the wunl of a little
strength and vitality," says Druggist
Itrock, of the Brock & McComas Co.,
"there are millions of people In this
world, and a large number right here
In Pendleton, who are dragging them
selves around half dead and half
alive, and It hardly seems to them
that life Is worth living.
"I want to say to every such per
son, take inol, our delicious cod liver
oil preparation, which Is not a patent
medicine, and you know what you are
taking, us everything it contains is
printed on the bottle.
"Vlnol contains In a highly concen
trated form all of the curative, live
giving elements of cod liver oil, with
out a drop of oil or grease to upset
the stomach. Vlnol will purify and
enrich the blood, Invigorate every or
gan in the body and create strength
as nothing else known to medicine
can do.
"Mr. M. A. Cassldy, a prominent
educator and superintendent of
schools, Lexington, Ky., writes: "After
usfm? different tonics iinri pn1 llvo, 1
oil preparations on the market, I find !
Vlnol to be far superior to them all,
and its strengthening properties are
truly remarkable.
" 'Vlnol has built up .my system,
strengthened my nerves In fact, It
has made a new man of me, enabling
me to take up my work with renewed
energy and vigor, and I heartily en
dorse Vlnol as the best cod liver oil
preparation and 'strength creator
"We ask every weak or aged person
in Pendleton, every person who is run
down, overworked, nervous or debili
tated, and every one suffering from
severe colds, hanglng-on coughs and
Incipient consumption, to try Vlnol
on our guarantee to build them up and
create strength and make life worth
living. Vlnol will cost nothing If It
fails to give satisfaction; in such cases
we give back the money without 'red
tape.'" Brock & McComas Co., drug
gists. '.f
IN? i i eW , s J .?.. J' -y
I x.S
St. Anthony's
Private rooms, elegantly fur
nished. Finely equipped operat
ing room. Also Maternity De
partment, Every convenience necessary
for the care of the sick.
Telephone Main 1651.
Goods well displayed are half
soul. Why not fix up your
store with modern show cases.
We make fine piatt.- ylass cases.
Tell us what you want and we
will give you an estimate of
what It wil '.. v"i. If you
v. ant to s . 'i mules of our best
work it will Wj you to visit our
tact. oy i.r M.e some of our work
at Jay Cox's Chicago store, at
Walla Walla.
Whitehouse-Crawford Co.
Good J
Dry Wood
I have good, sound wood which
is delivered at reasonable
Leave Orders at Hennlngs Ci
gar store, opp. Peoples
The Columbia
Lodging House
Well ventilated, neat ' and com
fortable rooms, good beds. Bar
In connection, where ths best
goods are served.
Main street, center of block, be
tween Alta and Webb streets.
J Li
Positively the Best Beer
Any quantity jou desire.
Delivered to your home
Always call for OLYMPIA.
Telephone Main 881.
Jap-a-lac i
A liquid preparation fur var
nishing or finishing new or old
wood or metallic work. It Is
especially adapted for linrd or
soft wood floors. Interior wood
work, such n fur rcflnlslilng
front doors, furniture, carriages,
oil. cloths, wire, screens, Iron
fences, radiators, etc.
JAP-A-LAC Is always ready
for use and requires simply ap
plying with a brush. Once tried
always used.
Sold only In Pendleton by
j Murphy j
Illustrated book on Jap-a-lac
s for the asking. a
On the premises where Pendle
ton Pilsner Beer Is brewed. But
cleanliness in manufacture Is
not tl-.o solo rccomnit'iiilution of
this capital beer, 114 rich taste
and nourishing; qualities ull add
to Its value ns u beverage.
Try a glass, bottle or case of
Pendleton beer.
j 'PHONE MAIN 2981.
We are thoroughly equipped
with all modern met' .ids and
appliances, and guarantee our
work to be of the highest stand
ard, and our prices the lowest
consistent with flrst-claa work.
White Bros.
Ass -lotion Block.
Telephone Main 161.
Bear this In mind when you
need poultry and stock supplies
and ask for the International
Poultry and Stock Food. Use
Kow Kure for your cow trou
bles. C. F. Coleswotthy
127-129 East Alta Bt.
Agent for Lee's Lloa Killer.
Notice to Stockholders.
Notice is hereby given to the stock
holders of the Pendleton Wool Scour
ing & Packing Co., that a meeting will
be held Tuesday, May 2nd. 1906, at
the office of the company In Pendle
ton, Oregon, at 4 p. m.
Notice to Stockholders.
.Notice Is hereby given to the stock
holders of the Pendleton Woolen
Mills, that a meeting will be held
Tuesday, May 2nd, 1906, at the office
of the company, in Pendleton, Ore
gon, at 4:80 p. m.
j secretary.
Unrestricted forest reserve scrip for
sale at lowest market prices. My
scrip secures title to timbered, farm'
Ing, graxtng or deiert land, In any
quantity, without residence or im
provement. Address H. M. Hamilton,
Ths Portland, Portland, Oregon.
Hotel St. George
European plan. Everything flrst-
class. Accommodations the best. All
modern convenience. Steam heal
throughout Rooms en suite wttla
bath. Large, new sample rooms. The
Hotel St. George Is pronounced om
of the most modern and model hotels
of Oregon. Telephone and fire alarm
connections to office In all rooms.
Rooms BOo to $1.50.
Block and a Half From Depot.
Hotel Bickers
(Formerly Golden Rule.)
Remodeled and refurnished through
out. Everything neat, clean and up-to-date,
titeam heat and electrto
lights. Best cuisine. Prompt service.
11. E. BICKERS. Proprietor.
WA1TE & BOLLONS, Proprietors.
The Best Hotel In Pendleton
and as good as any.
Thi Hotel Pendleton has just been
refitted and refurnished throughout.
'Phone and fire alarm connections
with all rooms. Baths In suites and
single rooms.
Headquarters for Traveling Me.
Commodious Sample Rooms.
Rates $2.00 and $2.50
Special rates by week or month.
Excellent Cuisine.
Prompt Dining Room Servloe.
Bar and Billiard Room In Goiuiectloa
Only Three Blocks From Depot.
American plan, 13 per day and upward.
Hoadquarters for tourists and comrasrcUl
travelers. Special rates made to fasllla
and single gentlemen. The msnageaeot
will be pleased at all times to show reoms
and give prices. A modern Turkish satfej
establishment In ths hotel.
B. C. BOWBRS, Usaager.
Insure in
Reliable Companies
That pay their losses promptly. Our
companies stand at the head
of ths list.
Hartford Fire Insurance
Co JU.m.OTf
Alliance Assurance Co. .. 29,089,161
London & Lancashire Fire
Insurance Co. I.64,t
North British & Mercantile
C 19.196,974
Royal Insurance Co 22,897,161
pflfl 'I '
1 simWS
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