'' wm .i-, . r-i, I,, "utiMt i - "fttMiiirHnTHititiiii rtT i - -irmiiwiiiriii wniai n tmi iumn.iiimwwiijwnwi Hi -in fin iii'inn- -mm -f "' - - .1 PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONLAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1905. EIGHT PAGES. The Latest Yet SOUVENIR LETTER ALBUMS OF OREGON. Thli Is, without doubt, the latest Irvention In the way of a photograph souvenir and promises to become very pc pular. The construction Is similar to an envelope, when closed being; about the size of anordinary number six govern ment envelope. Made with two sheets of letter paper and four sheets of views making; In all eight different lews In each booklet, and made In four different series or a total of 32 different views In the lot After writing the letter you simply moisten the gummed edges and seal It exactly the same as an envelope. Address and stamp the outside cover. The receiver mecely tears off the gummed edges at the perforation, which Is readily done, whereupon he finds his letter with the different views of the most popular and Inter esting scenes In this stats. 10 CENTS EACH. FREDERICK NOLF &. CO THE BIG BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Calvani Pleads for Vegetarianism GENERAL NEWS. Montana sheepmen are offered 20 cents for their wool, but are holding It for 25c. License or no license has just fought out at the polls In South Dakota, with the license forces victorious. Fifty men were hurt at Wheeling, W. Va In a strike riot Stones, knives and pistols were freely used. Governor Brady, of Alaska, is under fire for his alleged complicity in a copper mining deal in that territory. Alfred Shepard. of Battle Creek. Mich., aftfer a fruitless search of many years, has found a long lost son at Portland, Or. E. S. Isaacs and associates have asked for a franchise to run an elec tric line from Freewater to Walla Walla. Mabel Bonnor, 6 years old, fell off the Fourth street bridge over Mar- quam gulch, facing 150 feet and being. Instantly killed. The Japanese government will issue an official Invitation to Secretary Taft to visit their country while, on his visit to the Philippines. Ituly Is having serious railway dis turbances. In a recent encounter be tween the troops and the strikers, three strikers were killed and many were wounded. Indiana republican delegates nt Rockport. Ind., had a free-for-all fight and broke Into two conventions. Most disorderly political meeting ever held In Indiana. Samuel Elliott, of Portland, has now a Khodes scholarship. He will go to Oxford and by the terms of the sehol arshlp he will be furnished J 1500 a year for three years. W. G. Ayre, of Durkee, the Baker county sheep king, sold his wool clip of 150,000 pounds, to Frank Johnson, a Boston wool buyer, for 18 cents a pound, the highest price ever paid In Baker county. Ayre's lambing In crease is 105 per cent. Full equipped dairy for sale; one mile from Pendleton; J10.000 annual profit. Also some good bargains In wheat lands and stock ranches, on easy terms. City property a specialty. If Interested, see or write E. T. WADE & SON, Pendleton, Oregon. P. O. Box 324. 'Phone Black 1111. Never has better work been done In Portland than now by the Women of tl School of Domestic Science who are cleaning up the city's markets, says W. II. Oalvanl. in the Sunday oregonian. The community certainly owes them a debt of gratitude for their timely Investigation of the but cher shops and fish and poultry mar kets. Where the mangled remains of inoffensive aninfals are sold to gratify the refined tastes of spiritual man. They have made a most excellent beginning, and. judging from vahat hey havt already accomplished, it Is ss.fe to assume that they will carry most interesting program. By this, of course. I mean that they will give fu'l publicity to this matter. that people may know the nature of the stuff they daily consume, and the actual conditions Under which such stuff Is obtained. To me this is especially gratifying. since this excellent work of our rep resentative women speaks most elo. quently for the adoption of a bloodless diet, or a vegetarian diet, If you prefer to call it so. Between the flesh-pots imd the plant world there is no mid dle ground, and each must take his choice. And the more this subject is brought to the attention of thinking people the greater will be the number of those who will avail themselves of a purely vegetarian diet. Such a diet U not only in accord .with a just rec ognition of the rights of animals, but Is purer, more wholesome, affords most excellent variety, and Is free from the disgusting objections which form so inseparable a feature of ani mal foods. The world Is not at all ready to ac cept the Ipse dixit of some scientists, who find It proper or profitable to proclaim that we can subsist upon tu bercular or otherwise diseased animal matter without any danger to our health. ' I am fully aware of the popular er ror which finds support even among some leading physicians, that a diet made up of vegetables, fruits and grains, with or without the addition of eggs and milk, is insufficient for a perfect and prolonged maintenance of health. Facts nre, however, against every error, as they always have been against every error and super stition, though some refuse to admit it. Indeed, according to the best auth orities on the subject, a vegetarian diet, under a sensible management, is not only best adapted to meet all the requirements, but also represents advantages which even the champions of a carnivorous system ennnot claim for their most favorite morsels. And by flie way, some of the most emi nent physicians in this city admitted to me within the last few' years the great advantages of a vegetarian diet, both in health and in disease. There fore. In common with any vegetarian. I rejoice at what is just now being done through the efforts of the School Mt Domestic Science. To me there is an assurance in such work that the race will some day re deem itself from the barbarism of the slaughter house, an unmistakable prophecy that the future may bring a reappearance of "a vigorous race of undiseased mankind," as 'In the clays of early nature, the age which men called Golden. And thus, Instead of adhering to the doctrine. "Arise, and slay, and eat," humankind will once more, turn to the plant world, the original source whence all food is supplied us. In the same time It will thus redeem Itself from the civilized savagery of feasting upon the flesh and blood of victimized, tortured and mangled fel low creatures, who, as far as all audible and visible evidence points, have sprung from the same source with the paragon of animals, and as such must share the same destiny. For almost one-half of my life I have subsisted upon a vegetarian diet, and I nm firmly convinced of the great advantage such a diet affords. But above all, I rejoice In the realiz ation of the fact that the maintenance of my life does not require a daily sacrifice of the lives of any living creature. Would that all others might see this matter In the same light. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The St. George. L. Mans, San Francisco. Mrs. M. Brenanian, Walla Walla. J. A. Allison, Portland. F. J. Gardner, Portland. G. L. Richardson, Heppner. F. M. Johnson and wife, Chicago. Mrs. Marfan, Lewlaton. Will Wills, Athena. W. M. Wntklns, Portland. . R. K. Young, Hathdrum. A. O. Skinner, Rathdrum. Robert White. Mt. Angle. S. Wltkouskl, San Francisco. Harriet E. Agnew, Tacoma. Edward Lucas, Portland. H. Council, Umatilla. M. Wen berg. New York. William Henry, Seattle. Q. H. Poole, Payette. C. B. Pieno, San Francisco. J. F. Hayden, St. Louis. Edw. Sikes. Portland. A. N. Edwards, Denver. Walter Ely. Athena. The Bickers. Mrs. A. T. Wright, Eugene. Arthur Fletcher, Albany. J. W. Baker, Portland. E, H. Burke, Portland. O. G. Allen, city. U. H. Armstrong, Harrison. D. W. Davis and wife, Sterling. William Diets, Seattle. W. Potts and wife, Helix. Rosa Bergeriu, Adams. Bronte Jennings, Portland. C. D. Rinker, Spokane. A. J. Hall, Spokane. B. Parker, Portland. James McCarty, Echo. J. L. Lamblrth,. city. Homer Kendall, Helix. Mrs. Kendall. Helix. O. E. Harper, La Grande. Dave Oregorie, Adams. Joe Kane. The Pendleton. S. F. Frankeuctin. Boston. F. Sturges, New York. J. A. Snyder and wife, Walla Walla I'. S. Booth, Portland. F. E. Bishop, Portland. John Thunn, Portland. M. Hanak, New York. W.- W. Ashley and wife, Spokane. J. A. Hinton, Portland. M. Hlrschfleld, Portland. Edw. Bailiff. Portland. A. S. F. Rankin, Seattle. O. C. Dale, Portland. M. C. Wade, Starbuck. H. W. Cameron, Spokane. Charles E. Massen, Spokane. William Maher, Portland. H. Brash, Portland. J. Jessee, Starbuck. Louis A. Ambs. St. Louis. Fred S. Rogers. Portland. A. oppenhelmer, San Francisco. W. L. Slusher. Pendleton. C. M. Smith, Portland. F. A. Hamilton. Portland. Edwin J. Burke. Hartford. A. G. Bernard, San Francisco. Mrs. White, La Grande. W. H. Biitts, Portland. Ed McGrew, Welser. C. D. Oabrielson, Spokane. mcM Easter AT TiTe FAIR. DEPARTMENT STORE BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 17 and ENDING SATURDAY, APRIL 22 I Ladles' fine silk shirt waist suits, $18.50 regular, but for tills Easter Sale the price In only $17.50 Ladles' fine silk suits, $17.50 kind, for tlds sale $15.75 Indies' silk coats, pongee, $11.50 kind, for this sale $H,98 Ladles' long black silk coat $22.50 regular price; for tills Easter sale It goes for, only $19.75 Ladles' black silk coats; regular prices $13.50, but for this sale they.wtll go for $11.75 Press patterns of silk suitings for this week will be specially reduced. All patterns of silk worth $1.00 per yard, will go this week at 88 yd AU 85c silks will go at 75c yd All 50c silks will go at o y All 30c silks w ill go at . 22o yd Many oilier lines are cut for this sale, but space will not permit us to list them. WATCH OUR WINDOW'S FOR SPECLALS. BUY EARLY AND GET THE FIRST CHOICE. The Fair Dept. Store royal palace. In accordance with cus tom each of the old men, at the con clusion of the ceremony, was pre sented with silken purse containing 30 pieces of silver. Medical Men in Conference. Chicago, 111., April 20. The coun cil on medical education of the Amer ican Medical association began a meeting in this city today. The coun cil alms to bring about greater unifor mity in educational methods and re quirements for admission to the med ical profession 'among the various states. There is a large attendance of state medical examiners, represen tatives of medical colleges and others. ! FRAZER THEATRE I llor.l'S "GREEN CARNATIONS." The Bee Hive Prices Advance In Values. Mr. Grandy sold six and one-half acres of land this week to a Mr. Hurr , r , C.lTKll AH,,t tli,-.... i.l I :,(.,. ladles' long hose yeuis ubu me Mine jriuitj dv.u $600, and later for $1500. Thus docs Freewater real estate Increase In value by leaps and bounds. Freewa ter Times. Thimbles lc 5c fuvs 4c 10c toilet pens '.c 5c hairpins lc 25c back hair combs 17c 230" tooth bruslies 15o 15c tooth brushes 9c 7c hooks and eyes 4c 25c unbreakable hatpins ...10c Pearl handled gold pens 27o Beauty pins 2 fur lc 15c ribbon He 35c ribbon 23c 50c ladles long hose 43c 20c Indies long hose 13c 23c 7"' nil over laces Se ! I.".,- lace 0c ! 10 li-.ee 6c Kntcrp'ril"B Florist Impose on Bur bunk's Friends. The Examiner several days ago mentioned the frauds that were being committed on the public and the in justice being done Luther Burbank by unscrupulous florists and others. In selling plants and flowers which they claim are Burbank creations, and which in reality he has never seen, says the San Francisco Exam iner. Letters are beginning to arrive from persons who purchased green carnations in San Francisco and other cities becuuse they were told they were Burbank creations. It has been learned that the enterprising florist who offered them for sale prd'duced the color by the aid of a chemical. Mr. Burbank Intends to work again to produce a carnation which will bloom In white, pink and deep red on alternate days. Some precious carnations, performing this wonderful change of colors were destroyed last year by gophers. Mr. Burbank knows how to proceed to reproduce the beau tiful blooms again. TOM "I had for yean itiffered from what m ml leal men Catlfd Djrp.'paia and Catarrh of the Stomach. In Aatruil I purchased a boi of Caiicareta aod tu inr prised to find that 1 "had 'em" yea a wtqgliD, aquinnlng nui left me. Jadf our doctors snr Dnic wnen i suowAa aim tnmy reet, ana in aootnei QBTioe remamaeriaDoui toe same DRF.SSFXr & IHMILTON, Managers. Continuous vaudeville. New company every week. NEW HILL MONDAYS THURSDAYS. AND BILL THIS AfEEK. Arneldo, liand balancer aruj acrobat. Marie Schapcllo, monologue. Pat and Fannie Kelley, com edy sketch. Alvinos and Sister, ban Joints, Music, Singing and Sleight of Hand. Moving pictures trued Songs. and 111 ii. Dlsoouraging a Hen. The propensity of some hens to sit, in season or out, on eggs, stones, door knobs or anything that comes handy, is one of the most grievous afflictions of the poultry keeper. In his Interest Is reprinted the description of a "sure cure" discovered by a correspondent of the Chicago Chronicle in Lesueur, aiinn. i ne cure coiihihls ui a cueap watch that ticks loudly and clearly, and Is enclosed In a white, egg-shaped case. When a hen manifests a desire to sit at the wrong time, the poultry- man gently places under her this bo gus egg. and the egg does the rest. Cheerfully It ticks away. The hen soon begins to show signs of uneasi ness. She stirs the noisy egg with her bill, thinking perhaps that It is al ready time for it to hatch, and the chicken In It wants to get out. She grows more'and more nervous as the noise keeps on, and finally she Jumps off the nest and runs around a while to get cool. Generally she returns to her self-imposed duty; but things get worse and worse with her. She wrlg gles about and cackles, ruffles her feathers and looks wild, until at last with a frenzied squawk, she abandons the nest for good and all. The fever of Incubation Is broken up completely. The Lesueur poultryman declares that he has never found a hen that could stand the strain of the conversational ecu for more than three hours. In much less time that that, as a rule, the hen is ready to return to her le gitimate business. Emperor Washes Fret. Vienna, April 20. In the presence of many distinguished persons, In cluding diplomatists, cabinet ministers and military and court officers. Em peror Francis Joseph today observed the ancient ceremony of washing the feet of 12 old men In observance of Holy Thursday. The ceremony was performed In the Crystal Hall of the POPULAR PRICES: 10c, 20c a M. Neislll has Just sold his farm In Washington for 15000 and a neighbor, J .Ticlcann. sold his for 18000. They will return to Finland. A few years 1 hava tujoyed the bealor health ever ilnce. J trust this leiUmnnlal will appeal to other aufferert," Chat. BlKkttock. lilt Divinity Plata. weia rnuaaeipma, ra ie'rth,ofTt.'pllSc ladles' collar sots .... ItalllT for jeara. l'SOp :,,,.s- fancy Collars .. reralnee. J trust, ..... .. ft Jr The bowels XKiw CAW0Y cathartic Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. TasteOood. TloOood, Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe, 10c, -3c, Mc. Never old In bulk. The rnnine tablet stamped COO. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. 8 tor linf Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 594 ANNUAL SALE. TEN MILLION BOXES ;, '. S 1-2C I2c embroideries 1 1-2C " opi broideries l"2c .Kir embroideries lc T.-,e ladles' bi lls lc rtOc ladles' belts 22c 30c children's sunbonnets 24c 25c baby's lace caps 1 c SOc hnby's lace caps 23c 30c Indies' collar sets 23c . . .lie . . .23c 25c Indies' fancy collars ISc 15c Indies' fancy collars Oo 25c Indies' fancy gloves lie 75c Indies' fancy gloves (He 35c ladies' fancy gloves 23c 15c pearl buttons, per card c 15c ladles' pause vests c 25c Indies' gaiinc vests lc 35c ladles' knit drawers ........ .21c SOc Indies' Unit drawers 43o S'i.OO table covers $1.6 5()c- stand covers 20c !(!i- screw drivers 13o 30c scissors 22c Mouse trups 4c Nasal CATARRH In all It stages. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and hoaU the dincntrd msmbrano. Itctirc-s catarrh and drives awar a cold In the bead quickly. Crenm Balm Is placed Into tho noBtrils.spreadi over the membrane an.-t Is alsorlied. Helief Is im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying doot not produce sneezing. Lare Sizo, SO coots at Drug gists or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 conta. jLY Bltrrf HERS, 66 Warren Street, Kew Torts COME TO OUR Closing Out Sale j YOU CAN'T' AFFORD' TO STAY AWAY WHEN WE ARE OFFERING SUCH ASTOUNDING CUTS IN PRICES ON HIGH GRADE SHOES. WE HAVE GOT TO GET RID OF EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN OUR , STORE. COME NOW. Extra Special INFANT SHOE SALE for 1 week PATENT LEATHER VAMP, H IT TOM WITH WHITE, PINK, BLUE, GRAY AND BLACK TOPS, SIZES 2 TO 5; GO FOR ONE WEEK AT SAME AS ABOVE, WITH WEDGE IIEEIi, SIZES B TO 8; FOR ONE WEEK YOU SAVE 60 FER CENT OX THESE CHILDREN'S SHOES AND INFANTS' SHOES. EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN THE HOUSE CUT IN PRICE. Dindinger, Wilson b Co. Mechanics' linen tltrcad 4o Wrlsk brooms ISO 5c writing tablets 4o 10c writing tablets 7o 25c box writing paper and envel opes ISO T,eud pencils 2 for lo Pen holders 2 for to Ao enlcls 2 for Bo Safety pins, per dozen to $1.00 extra Axmlnstcr rugs ... S2.9S S1.75 Smyrna rugs tio $2.00 Brussels rtifrs tSc $7.00 genuine Wilton rugs . . . $(.M $2.25 lace curtains tl.BS $2.00 lace curtains $1.0$ $1.25 luce curtains 83o MEN'S FURNISHINGS $1.25 fancy slilrt, cuffs attached Mo $1.10 fancy slilrt, curfs attached 8SO $1.00 fancy shirt, enffs attached 88o $2.00 pongee shirts Jf i ll 65c worklngmen's shirts ...... 4So AOc worklngmen's shirts 4to 55c norklngmen's shirts 40o 35c boys' working shirts .22c Hoys' suspenders 7c 10c suspenders 17o 50c, President suspenders 40o 50c suspenders !2o 25c suspenders '. '..14c 35c men's hose 23c 25c men's hose 13c 15c men's hose, black and tan ... .7c $2.50 men's sort hats .$1.80 $2.00 men's soft hats ..$1.25 $1.50 men's soft hats 08c 75c men's soft hats 48o 50c neckties 2So 25c neckties 18c Magnificent line of Indies' parasols; beautiful handles. Fine collection ladles' hand bags. Equally great cuts In prices In all departments. THE BEE HIVE THE NEW STORE. NEXT TO P08TOFFICE. ItCKAssHBavaM "On! THOSE 'SAW EDGES I " Sometimes the exclamation Is still stronger as regards collars and cuffs returned from some laundries. Not so here such a calamity Is avoided by having us wash, starch and iron your linen. Our system la safe and conducive to linen health. Try It. ROBINSON'S DOMESTIC LAUNDRY. GOOD SHOES BEING SLAUGHTERED. ) 4 BYERS' BEST FLOUR Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread la assured when Dyers' Best Hour Is used.. Bran, shorts, steam rolled barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. i V ARE YOU BILIOUS? DOES YOUR HEAD ACHE? AUK xUU COMST1PATED7 Atwood's Cascara Compound CURES ALL DISORDERS CAUSED BY A TORPID LIVER OR IRItEGULAR ACTION OF THE BOWELS. A SURE AND SAFE REMEDY. MADE BITTER OR SWEET. Brock & McComas Company DRUGGISTS PHONE MAIN 201. ago they were penniless emigrants,