East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 10, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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" " ' ' ' "
I MoMter ClotWngSde II
j April 10, Closing Saturday, Apr. 15 i!
We also have a full line of Kuhn, Nathan ft Fisher, of Chicago, two-piece suits.
Come In fine worsted, home spuns and flannels. Never' was such an array of beauti
ful suits shown in the West as these. Come In and Investigate. It will pay you.
1 annao
11 1
Don't you see that If you
bur for .$3.50 a pair of shoes
that are In every ' way as
good as the ones you've been
paying $4. BO for, you've
saved $1.00.
Lots of things you can do
with that dollar.
X "Keith's-Konqueror"
I Shoes
The greatest Clothing Sale
la the history of PenJIeto:
will begin Monday, April 10,
and continue for one week.
Strictly up-to-date Suits,
well made in -every particu
lar; values from $8.00 to
$10.00; all go at one uniform
We carry a fine line of the
noted Rosenwied ft Well of
Chicago, Suits and Pants.
They must be seen to be ap
preciated. Come In and aJ-yQ Brnb
low us to sho
wyou themlMuraibimt
The prices and
strictly right.
styles are
One glimpse at our top
coats win convince you that
they are the swellest in the
city. Prices range from
Men's new Peg Top Pants
In profusion; from
Watch for announcement of
(& Bond
U?e Roslyn
L t 4 '
mi m ij. '.im . i r .. m ... unma -r--ii
t 4 V
fe$$A If
our next
Notice to Stockholders.
Notice Is hereby given to the stock
holders of the Pendleton Woolen
Mills, that a meeting will be held
Tuesday, May 2nd, 190S, at the office
of the company, In Pendleton, Ore
gon, at 4:30 p. m.
Notice to Stockholders.
Notice Is hereby given to the stock
holders of the Pendleton Wool Scour
ing & Packing Co., that a meeting will
be held Tuesday, May 2nd, 1905, at
the office of the company In Pendle
ton, Oregon, at 4 p. m.
Cancer Specialist
Dr. M. C. Baker, cancer specialist,
Is In the city for a short time. He
treats any case of cancer without the
use of the knife or X-ray and In
sures success. Consult him. Office,
Palace Lodging House.
U C Rader. Oet sunny.
I'aily From the Vmatllla RpHervalion
Met Indian CommlHKloiier I.cupu
and Arc Delighted With Tliclr Visit
to the National Capital Hope to
Have Matter Adjusted on the Res
ervation Met Other Indians In
Washington and Found That the
Umatlllas Are Comparatively Well
After a two weeks' visit in the
nailcnal capital, Chief No Shirt and
Sub-chief Umaplne, of the Walla
Wo 11a tranch of the Umatilla tribe,
accompanied by Billy McKay and
William Charles, their interpreters,
returned home last night, delighted
with their trip.
This delegation of Indians from the
Umatilla reservation, was royally
treated by the Indian commissioner
and all are loud in their praise of
him and express the earnest hope
that he will listen to and heed their
pleas for a regulation of affairs on
the reservation.
Four visits were paid to Commis
sioner Leupp. two -by Umapine and
Billy McKay, before the arrival of
No Shirt, and two by the entire party
after the arrival of the chief in the
Billy McKay, who was spokesman
for the delegation, says that the com
missioner took up their grievances
in detail and promised to give per
sonal attention to them.
As to the regulation prohibiting
crossing of sheep and cattle over the
reservation, the Indians hope to have
this rule strictly enforced. The mat
ter of giving a divorced wife half of
the allotment of the husband, was al
so discussed and the commissioner
promised to bring the matter before
Billy McKay, who Is an Intelligent
full-blood, well educated and speak
ing good English, tells of meeting
Indians from many other states, in
cluding Utah, Wyoming and New
York, and he says that from reports,
the Umatlllas are about as progres
sive and well advanced as any other
He met Senecas, Oneldas, Wlnne
bagoes, Five Nations and other East
ern Indians, whom he says were in
Washington, accompanied by their
agents, on missions resembling that
which called Chief No Shirt and his
party to Washington.
The party was well treated wher
ever they went in the national capi
tal. They viBited the congressional li
brary, the "zoo," all the parks, at
tended theaters and wild west shows
and enjoyed a delightful visit and
come home with a much wider and
more optimistic view of the world
and Its affairs.
Commissioner Leupp promised to
visit the Northwest this season if pos
sible, and the Umatlllas are hopeful
that he will pay them a personal
visit. Owing to the rash preceding
President Roosevelt's trip to Colo
rado, they did not see the president,
although they wry much desired to
visit him.
(icNtrge II. Daniel Says Fares to the
Exposition SlKmW Be Lowered.
Portland, April 8. George H. Dan
iels, general passenger agent of the
New Tork Central railroad system
hns written officials of the Lewis and
Clark exposition, declaring his Inten
tion of doing all he can to Induce the
trunk line passenger associations to
reduce the rate.
Additional advertising for the ex
position hns been ordered by General
Passenger Agent A. M. Cleland of the
Northern Pacific in 23 leading daily
papers of the East and Middle West.
Souvenir cards will also be printed
for use on the tables In all Northern
Pacific dining cars, showing a picture
of the Oriental exhibits building and
containing a synopsis of the attrac
tions at the fair.
Chicago merchants have decided to
minimize as far as possible the com
mercial Influence of the exposition In
favor of Portland. They will send
a party of representative merchants
In a special car for a tour of the Pa
cific coast to spread the greatness of
Chicago's trade reputation and try to
arouse Interest of Pacific coast mer
chants In Chicago's merchandise.
Frank V. Hibbard of Hlhhard, Spen
cer & Bnrtlett, Is said to have charge
of the arrangements. The delegation
will be out three weeks and visit 28
rlties of the Southwest and the Pa
cific coast
Royal Neighbors of America.
Iowa Falls, Iowa, April 10. Dele
gates from all parts of Iowa are
gathering here for the state conven
tion of the Royal Neighbors of
America. The convention will be
formally opened this evening with
the exemplification of the secret
work of the new ritual of the order
by the degree team of this city. The
business sessions for the reception of
reports from officers and committees
and the annual election of officers
will be lreld tomorrow. Indications
point to an attendance of fully 150
"Moonshiner's Daughter" Coining.
Manager' Taylor, of the Frazer, an
nounces the coming of the "Moon
shiner's Daughter' on April 11. This
is not the same play which was seen
here some time ago, under the name
of the "Moonshiner." It is entirety
different and this is said to be an ex
cellent production.
As a means of Increasing the fed
eral revenue, It is probable that next
winter a bill will be Introduced to
Impose a duty on coffee, and anoth
er to Impose an Internal revenue tax
on beer.
Feeble Old People
For All Such People in Pendleton We
(illumine limit Will Create
Hculth, Strength and Vitality,
or t let urn .Money.
Hundreds of old people right hie
In Pendleton need Just Bueh a strength
maker and body builder as our dell
clous cod liver oil preparation, Vlnol;
and we simply cannot understand why
they wiil continue to drug out a nalf
deud and half-ullve existence, when
we guarantee Vlnol will Infuse new
Hie, invigorate every organ In the
body, stop the natural decline and
make them well, vigorous and strong.
If you want to know how an aged,
feeble, discouraged man or woman
may be made active, cheerful and
vigorous, read this letter:
Mrs. Catherine Therer of Albany,
N. T., writes: "Six months ago I felt
that I was broken down by age, and
I was doomed to the weak and feeble
condition of old people. The slightest
exertion tired me, and I had no
strength. My daughter brought me a
bottle of Vinol. I soon felt an Im
provement, I continued its use, and
am now well, cheerful and stronger
than I have been for years; In fact,
I feel 10 years younger."
Vlnol is not a strong stimulant
which reacts on the system, but It Is a
genuine tonic and body builder which
creates strength by building up every
organ in the body to do Its work as
nature intended, and makes rich, red
blood. In this way it stops the nat
ural decline and replaces weakness
with vigor. We wish every old per
son In Pendleton would try Vlnol on
our guarantee to return money if it
fails. Take a dose of Vlnol after each
meal and every night before retiring
and note its beneficial effect. Brock
& McComas Co., druggists.
France Says Associated Press Has Lied
to the Public.
San Francisco, April 8. The Pa
cific coast bureau of the Scripps-Mc-Rae
Press association, has Issued the
following statement In regard to a
false report circulated by the Associ
ated Press:
In a recent magazine article Mel
ville Stone asserts that the Associated
Press has special telegraphic facili
ties from the French government
When our Paris correspondent sub
mitted this article at the French for
eign office it created the greatest
amazement Formal denial was
made that the Associated Press had
any exclusive privileges. Urgent
rates exist, but are open, not only to
newspapers, but to the general pub
lic and are used by ail without preju
dice. The French foreign office makes
the following official declaration:
"Knowing that the American gov'
ernment treated the Scrlpps-McRae
News, Publishers' Press, and the As
sociated Press on the same footing,
the French government has observed
absolute Impartiality toward both i
soclatlons in regard to all official
courtesies. Information and facilities
A letter has been received from
Miss Almee Tpurgee, announcing the
critical illness of her father, Judge
Albion W. Tourgee, American consul
at Bordeaux. France. Little hopes,
she writes, is Entertained for his re
covery. Tourgee is the author of
"A Fool's Errand."
Thousands Write to Mrs.Pinkham, Lynn,
Mass, and Receive Valuable Advice
Absolutely Confidential and Free
There can be no more terrible ordeal
to a delicate, sensitive, refined woman
than to be obliged to answer certain
nnentinnit in retrurd in her nrivAte ill.
4 n when thoRA mieftt.innn are sjtlrerf
by her family physician, and many
continue to suffer rather than submit
to examinations which so many physi
cians propose in order to intelligently
treat the disease ; and this is the rea
son why so many physicians fail to
cure female disease.
This is also the reason why thousands
upon thousands of women are corre
sponding with Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn,
Mass. To her they can confide every
detail of their illness, and from
her great knowledge, obtained from
vears of experience in treating female
ills, Mrs. Pinkham can advise women
more wisely than the local physician.
Read how Mrs. Pinkham helped Mrs.
T. C. Wllladsen, of Manning, la. She
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
"I can truly say that you have saved my
Ufa, and I cannot express my gratitude in
words. Before I wrote to'you telling you
how I felt, I had doctored for over two yean
steady, and spent lots of money in medicines
besides, but It all failed to do me any good, I
had female trouble and would daily have faint
ing spells, bnrkacbe, hearing-down pains, and
my monthly periods were very irregular and
finally ceased. I wrote to you for your ad
vice and received a letter full of instructions
Just what to do, and also commenced to take
jydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound,
and I have been restored to perfect health.
Had It not been for you I would have been in
my grsve tolay."
Mountains of proof establish the fact
that no medicine fn the world equals
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound for restoring women' health.
fafox TC MlQ
Hotel St. George
European plan. Everything first
class. Accommodations the best. All
modern conveniences. Steam beat
throughout Roome en suite with
bath. Large, new sample rooms. Thai
Hotel St George Is pronounced one
of the most modern and model hotels
of Oregon. Telephone and fire alarm
connections to office In U roema.
Rooms KOc to $1-50.
Block and a Half From Depot.
Hotel Bickers
(Formerly Golden Rule.)
Remodeled and refurnished throagk
ont Everything neat clean and up
to-date. Steam heat and leetrto
lights. Best cuisine. Prompt eerrice.
H. E. BICKERS. Proprietor.
WATTE BOLLONS, Proprietors.
The Best Hotel in Pendleton,
and as good as any.
The Hotel Pendleton has Just been
refitted and refurnished throughout
'Phone and fire alarm connections
with all rooma Baths In suites and
single rooma
Headquarters for Traveling Mesv
Commodious Sample Rooms.
Rates $2 00 and $2.50
Special rates by week or month
Excellent Cuisine.
Prompt Dining Room Serrloe.
Bar and Billiard Room In Connectlosi
Only Three Ii lacks From Depot
American plan, $3 per day and upward.
HeAdanftrtura fnr fnMrl.i. n Mn.n..ui.i
travelers. Special rates made to ra tallica
mi imgis KmiicorD. ih maDageaeaf
will be pleased at sll times to show roome
and live prices. A modern Turkish sata
esublishment In the hotel.
H. C BOWERS, Manager.
Insure in
Reliable Companies
That pay their losses promptly. Osn
companies stand at the head
of the list
Hartford Fire Insurance
Co 111. 269.07
Alliance Assurance Co. .. 9.03t,tlt
London & Lancashire Fire
Insurance Co J. 644. Ml
North British ft Mercantile
Co 19.95.m
Royal Insurance Co It. 89T.lt!
111 EAST wntT 8THEET.
a a a. .a .a. a a, a a 1 1 1 ifc 4 A Asfc Asfc A Asti J. AAsV AsVisV A A A sfcl