EIGUT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PEMDLBTON, ORBGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 105. PAGE SEVEtf. AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE Now I'urniuiV Warehouse. The building committee of tlie farmers- organisation, whlcli was ap pointed some time ugo to prepare for building a warehouse III Kendrluk, la arranging to have the matter settled at their meeting one week from to morrow when It Is expected that the contract will be let. The warehouse will be 34x150 feet III dimension with a concrete foundation and built of fire-proof material. The house will be built on the site of the old Farm ers' warehouse, Just west of the Ket tenbuch Grain company's warehouse. The organization numbers among Its members the leading and well to do farmers of this st'ction and prom ises to put a different phase on the wheat market. It Is said to be the object of the organization to put In a store here later on and. as soon as possible to build a warehouse at Troy. From all Indication the organization promises to prove a power In the fu ture on the general business of this section. Kendrlck Gazette. , Will Locate an Asylum. Hon. N. M. Rulck, U. S. attorney general for Idaho, who has been In the city on matters relative to the Chinese deportation cases, will return to Boise this morning. Judge Rulck states that he learned at Boise that Governor Gooding; and the commis sion appointed to select the site for the North Idaho Insane asylum would arrive In LewlBton during the second week In April on the tour of North Idaho to select the site for that In stitution. The bill passed by the leg islature appropriating J30.000 for the establishment of the asylum also pro vided that the site should be selected by a committee appointed by the governor. lewlston Tribune. , Pcrmuiicnl Withdrawal. The first devel pnient following the withdrawal of 700,000 acres of timber laud from settlement, located In the Lewiston land office district, was in the form of a transfer received yesterday, by which Major A. A. ' Perkins is ordered to report to Bozeman, Mont., ut the earliest pos-1 On tlie premises whore Pendle ton Pilsner Beer Is brewed. But cleanliness In manufacture is not the sole recommendation of this eupltnl beer, It rich taste and nourishing qualities all add to Its value as a beverage. Try a glass, bottle or case of Pendleton beer. ! THE CITY BREWERY 'PHONE M UX 2981. Jap-a-lac j A liquid preparation for var- J ntstiliig or finishing new or old wood or metallic work. It Is J especially adapted tor hard or soft wood floors, interior wood work, sneli as for rofluislilng front doors, furniture, carrlageo, oil. cloths, wire, screens, iron fenooM, radiators, etc JAP-A-LAO is always ready for use and requires simply ap plying with a brush. Once tried always used. Sold only in Pendleton by Murphy PAPER nANGER AND PAINT ER, COURT STREET. Illustrated book on Jap-a-lao for the asking. The Columbia I Lodging House Well ventilated, neat and com fortable rooms, good beds. Bar In connection, where the best goods are served. Main street, center of block, be tween Alta and Webb streets. F. X. SCHEMPP PROPRIETOR- ill! l2 1 Slandurd remedy tor Gleel, ""v LTJ Gonorrhoea Md Running fumyl IN 48 H0lJRS- Curc Kid' V"'U J t5 ney ind Bladder Troubles. slble date. The order does not pro vide for a successor to Major Perki Ins, which indicates that the. with drawal Is expected to be permanent and the force of the Lewlaton land office cut down, It was also stated last night that It was expected that another clerk would be transferred within the next two months and the business of the land office here might decrease to such an extent that only the receiver and register would be necessary to transact the business. Lewfston Tribune. Donate Site for State Capitol. John Krall, through his attorney, Fremont Wood today, made a very attractive offer for a capltut building site, that Is comparatively close In, and Is one of the sightllest locations that could be made. Mr. Krall offers to donate free 10 acres of ground, fronting on an ex tension of Jefferson boulevard and on the first mesa, back of the low land, near the east line of the gov ernment reservation. Ten acres would be a little more than four de blocks. Mr. Krall owns on all sides, and he said more land could be se cured if desired. The commission has not yet hud time to look over the site, as the proposition was not made until this morning. Boise Capital News. New Deputy State Auditor. Ezra Merrill, the efficient and pop ular' deputy state auditor, has resign ed, and George Lewis, of Bannock county, has been appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr. Merrill's . resignation goes Into effect tomorrow morning and Mr. Lewis will begin on Monday. Boise Capital News. Injured by Blast. A very serious and perhaps fatal accident occurred nt Hood River this morning. David Sears, of Scars & Porter, the orchardists. was assisting In blasting out some stumps, when a blast went off prematurely, bruising badly, .breaking both legs and dislo cating his hip. The Dalles Chronicle. 1 DAILY MARKET REPORT. Buying ar.d .Soiling Prices of Iroduce ; in Pendleton.. The following prices on produce are In effect today: Prices to Producers. Hens, 9c lb. Roosters, Be to 7c 7b. Ducks, 9c lb. Geese, 7c lb. Turkeys, 13c tb. Butter, country. 40c to 50c per roll. Eggs, country. 20c per doz. Potatoes, 11.10 sack. Selling Prices. Hens .dressed, EOc to SOc. Young chickens, dressed, 40c to 60c. Et?gs, 20c per do. Butter, country, G0c per roll. Butter, creamery, 60 to 70c per roll. Apples, fl.26 to $1.50 per box. Potatoes, f 1.25 per sack; 2c per lb. Onions, 6c tb. " Cabbage, 4c per tb. Cauliflower, 15c per head. Spinach, 5c per !b. Cranberries, 15e quart. Radishes, 5c bunch. Lettuce. 5c bunch. Turnips, 6c bu. Tomatoes, 20c lb. Peas, 12 l-2e tb. Horseradish, 10c lb. Rhubarb, 10c lb. .11 mi l l: OF THE Y. W. C. A. Its' Oi-tiiliilJitlon Win 1 tela ted to (he Crimean War llenc'voleiicc. London. April 4. There will be n notable demonstration at the Royal Albert hall tomorrow when the Arch bishop of Canterbury and other dis tinguished persons, clerical and lay. will gather to celebrate the Jubilee of he Young Women's Christian asso ciation. Just 60 years have elapsed since the establishment of the association In England. It began at the period when a great Impetus was given to all movements connected with wom en's work by Florence" Nightingale's unselfish devotion to the sick and wounded In the Crimean war. During the absence from England of Miss Nightingale and her band-of helpers, the Idea occurred to the late Lady Kinnalrd, a personal friend of the "angel nurse," that a home would be desirable for them on their return, and accordingly one was made ready. From caring for nurses to provid ing for other women In other fields was a natural transition, and the Idea grew Into the development of that remarkably Interesting organization which has carried Its operations Into every part of the British empire, and Into the United States and several other countries. Niitlonnl Convention Woodmen of the. World and Women of Woodcraft, on Angeles, Cal., April 18th, 1005. Account above "occasion the O. R. & N. makes a rate of $44.85 for the round trip. Dates of sale, April 11, 12, 13, 1905. Return limit, June 10. For particulars call on or address E. C. SMITH, Agent. In Spokane the charter amendment providing for n. referendum on fran chises will be voted upon by the peo ple of that city at the coming city election. The charter amendment provides Unit whenever a franchise for any gas, water, electric light or telephone company la pending before the council such franchise shall, upon petition of 15 per cent of the nun!! fled coters of the 'city, be submitted to the people for their decision, and that such decision shall be final. Ralph Voorhees, of New Jersey, has given $100,000 to the American Tract society. m PHYSICIANS. J. A. BEST, PHYSICIAN AND SUR geon. Rooms 28 and 29, Hotel Bowman. DRS. SMITH & DICK OFFICE Pendleton Savings Bank building. Telephones: Main 801; residence Main 1591; barn Red 681. DR. R. E. RINGO, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Room 8 Savings Bank building. H. VOLP, A. M., M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office, Association block. Rooms 18, It, 20 and 21. 'Phone Main 1771. DR. W. G. COLE, OFFICE IN JUDD building. Office hourse, 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 p. m. Telephones: Of fice, Main 1871; residence. Main 1881. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO puthlc physician and surgeon. Of fice In Judd building. Telephones: Office, black 1411; residence, red 1638. DR. D. J. M'FAUL, JUDD BLOCK, telephone Main 931; residence, Black 111. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSI clan and Surgeon. Office In Sav ings Bank building, room 1. Office 'phone, .Main 1411; residence. Main 1661. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases and dis eases of women. Judd building, cor ner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone, Main 721; residence. Red 1168. X-Ray Therapeutics. DENTISTS. DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL SUR geon. Office, room IS Judd build ing. 'Phone, Black 1261. E. A. VAUGHAN, DENTIST. OF ftce In Judd building. 'Phone Red 1411. VETERINARY SURGEONS. VETERINARY C. McNabb. drug store. SURGEON DR. D. Office at Tallman's T. J. LLOYD, D. V. S., M. F., M. S. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist Graduate of the Grand Rapids Veter inary College of Michigan. Office at Brock & McComas' drug store. Resi dence telephone. Main 1311. BANKS AND BROKERS. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK. Pendleton, Ore. Organized March 1, 1889. Capital. 8100,000; surplus, $100,000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all principal points. Special at tention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president: T. J. Morris, vice- president; J. A. Borle, cashier; J. W. Malnney, assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PEN. dleton. Capital, surplus and undl. vlded profits. $200,000. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Ankeny. president: W. F. Matlock, vice-president; G. M, Rice, cashier; George Hartman, Jr., assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHE na, Oregon. Capital, 850,000; sur plus and profits. 212.600.00. Interest on time deposits. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry c. Ad ami, president; T. J. Kirk, vlce-presl dent: F. S. LeGrow, cashier; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a gen eral brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non-resi dents. Reference, any bank in Pen dleton. O. A. HARTMAN, Pres. Q. A. HARTMAN. JR., Vlce-Pres. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE oldest and most reliable fire and ac. cld'ent Insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co.. JOHN HAILEY. JR., U. S. LAND Commissioner. Specialty made of land filings and proof. Insurance and collections. Office In Judd build ing, room 16. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND- hhnd goods, if tnere is anytning you need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call'and get his price. No. 212 Court street. SHARON & EDDINGS, DEALERS IN second-hand goods, and licensed pawnbrokers. Goods bought and sold. Loans made on personal property. 641 Main street. WANTED TO BUY YOUR SEC- ond-hand goods. Graham & Hunt er, at old Basler stand. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M. A. RADER, FUNERAL DIREC tor and licensed embalmer.. Grad uate of the Chicago College of Em. halmlng. Cor. Main and Webb Sts. 'Phone Main 1301. Funeral parlors In connection. BAKER & FOLSOM, FUNERAL Di rectors and licensed embalmers, Next to postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone Red 1281. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. DEPOT STABLES. COTTONWOOD street. 'Phone, Red 1381. Llverv, feed and sale stable. Horses bought and sold. Good rigs at reasonable prices. Stock bonrded by week or month. Ring us up. day or night, ns we have an all night service. Stew art & Lindsay, proprietors. CITY LIVERY STABLE. ALTA street. Carney A Kennedy, Props. Livery, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. 'Phone, Main 76L Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN and QUICK RESULTS ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. C. B. TROUTMAN. ARCHITECT and Superintendent. Room 12 Judd building. Pendleton, Oregon. F. E. VAN DUSEN & CO., CONTRAC- tors and builders. Brick, stone and cement work. Aadress Box 465, Pen dleton, Ore. D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. M. KELLER, PLASTERING AND cement walks a specialty. Esti mates furnished free. Work guaran teed. Leave orders at Goodman cigar store, Main street. P. O. Box 104. LADOW & WATTENBURG, CON- tractors and Carpenters. Special attention given to cottage building. Shop 808 East Court St Prompt and reliable work. Estimates furnished. D. NICHOLS. ARCHITECT. ROOM 8, Association block. S. SIMMONS, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates riven on all building and Job work. Residence 301 West High St. Mall communica tion given prompt attention. L. DUNLAP, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Cottage work a specialty. estimates given on short notice. Phone "Red 1623; residence, 518 Pine street, Pendleton. W. R. STALKER. DESIGNER, CON- tractor and Builder. Complete and reliable plans made for all kinds of building. Shop on W. Webb, be tween Willow and Cosble. BROKER. B. DESPAIN, MERCHANDISE Broker and Manufacturers' agent Office with Clark & Rees, Main, street, next to E. O. block. 'Phone Main 1741. SUITS CLEAVED. PENDLETON STEAM CLEANING & Dyeing Works. Cleaning, dyeing. pressing and repairing of all kinds. Orders called for and delivered promptly. Work satisfactory- Prices lowest. 114 E. Webb St. Ring up Main 1691, and we do the rest. PLUMBING. GOODMAN-THOMPSON CO. SANI- tary plumbers, 64 3 Main St. All work first-class. Best material used. Prompt service. Sewer connections made. 'Phone Main 811. WATCH REPAIRING. H. L. HASBROUCK, THE JEWEL- er, makes a specialty of watch re pairing. All work guaranteed. Main street, next to First National bank. COMMISSION HOUSE. COLUMBIA PRODUCE CO.. JOHN B. Benson, Mgr. Office at Pendle ton Ice & Cold Storage plant. Deal ers In" fruit, vegetables and dairy pro ducts. 'Phone Main 1T81. MUSIC STUDIO. J. A. OWENHOUSE, INSTRUCTOR In mandolin and guitar. Piano tuner. At Eller Piano House, Court street. MACHINE SnOP AND FOUNDRY. PENDLETON MACHINE SHOP AND Foundry. Repair work on all kinds of machinery, structural Iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alta streets. May & Zelg ler, proprietors. FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE No. 288. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays of each month. All brothers visiting In the city most cordially Invited to attend. Hall In LaDow block, Court street. Thomas Ftlz Gerald, E. R.: C. E. Bean, sec. PENDLETON. LODGE NO. 62, A. F. & A. M., meets the first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are Invited, GENERAL REPAIR SnOP. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. BICY- cle supplies always on hand. Henry Copelnnd. W. Webb St., near Missouri blacksmith shop. EDMINSTEN, THE REPAIRER, fixes anything from a needle to a locomotive. Sewings machines, bicy cles, locks a specialty. 811 Court St. CARDS FOR SALE. FOR RENT, FURNISHED ROOMS to Let, Board and Rooms, and For Sale cards, size 11x14, at East Ore gonlan office. BOARDING AND LODGING. MRS. MAYS' BOARDING AND Lodging House, 313 S. Main St.. at foot of hill. Large, airy, well-lighted rooms and good beds. Board by meal or week. Home cooking. Only white help. THE ALTA HOUSE. OR THE Worklne Pennle's hotel mpho, a I. tf. and Mill streets. First-class ac commodations; reasonable rates; clean Deas, neat rooms; reed yard In con nection, a C. Bltner, proprietor. ATHENA HOTEL, LEADING Ho tel in the city. $1.00 to $1.60 per day. H. P. Mlllen, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL. UNDER NEW MAN agement. Good meals and clean beds. If you come once you will keep a-comlng. Only white help em ployed. Especial attention given to commercial travelers. Mr. and Mrs J. P. Navln, proprietors. WHITE LODGING HOUSE, 301 S. Main street, two blocks south of depot, Mrs. C. P. Mnllory, proprie tress. Rooms by the day, week or month. Lodging, 26 cents; per week. $1.50. Good, clean beds. THE PALACE LODGING HOUSE. 627 Main street. H. Williams. Prop. Large, well-kept rooms and good, clenn beds. Everything first-class. Rates 60c up. Rates by week or month. ATTORNEYS. BEAN & PERRY, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Office over Taylor's hardware store. Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN Judd building. HAILEY & LOWELL, ATTORNEYS at Law. Office In Despain block. BALLERAY & McCOURT. LAW yers. Association building. CARTER & RALEY. ATTORNEYS at T- W Cltflfa In Saving. T3Ab building. WINTER ft COLLIER, LAWYER8. Office, rooms 7 and 8, Association building;. STILLMAN & PIERCE. ATTOR- neys at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to practice in United States patent offices, and makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13. Association block. BENJAMIN K. DAVIS, ATTORNEY at Law. Office Room 8, Judd block. WANTED. WANTED A NEAT GIRL OR MID-dle-aged woman for general house work. Apply at The Delta. WANTED MAN OF ABILITY TO handle high grade investment prop erty. $25 to $40 weeklv. Address "B" care this office. WANTED WAITRESS, AT GRATZ'S Restaurant. WANTED TO LEASE LARGE tracts of raw or Improved wheat land (section or more) by responsible party. Describe fully with terms and length of lease. Will buy leases on good wheat land. D. S. Wallace, P. O. Box 1868, Spokane, Wash. WANUED INSTALLMENT COL lector for merchandise accounts. Good salary and expenses. Address, Manufacturer, P. O. Box 1027, Phila delphia, Pa. WANTED TO BUY A GOOD ROAN mare, weight about 1250 or more. Call on Harry Bartholomew. FOR SALE. HOTEL ANTLERS AND rjTCAW Strom's restaurant for sale; falling health reason for selling. Inquire at Hotel Antlers, Baker City, Ore. FOR SALE A NEW 5 HORSE power gasoline engine and 40-llght dynamo cheap. Apply to Pat Klne, Box 898. Pendleton Oregon. FOR SALE A GOOD GENERAL merchandise business located In a dairy, stock raising and mining sec tion; carries about $5000 stock: an nual sales, $15,000 at good profits. post and stage offices, paying about $40.00 per menth, go with sale of stock, will sell the building or rent at $15.00 rer month. Address D, care E. O. FURNTTURE FOR SALE. CALL AT residence of G. W. RIgby. 704 Thompson street. FOR SALE ONE SET ENCYCLO pedla Brlttanlca and one Webster's Unabridged dictionary, both compara tively new. A bargain. Inquire at this office. FOR SALF A FEW FINE YOUNG Poland-China boars and barred Plymouth Rock cockerels T. G. Hal ley. FOR RENT. FOR RENT A SIX-ROOM HOUSE on Jackson street. Apply to. Max Baer. FOR RENT AFTER APRIL 1ST suite of unfurnished light house keeping rooms in East Oregonlan building. Hot and cold water and hnth on same floor. Inquire at office. AUTOMOBn.E CAB SERVICE. AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE. Ed Jay, proprietor. Parties called for or taken to any part of city. "Phone in your orders and we will promptly respond. Station In front of Brock & McComas' store. 'Phone Msln tsi LACE CURTAINS WASHED. THE MOST DELICATE AND Ex pensive curtains skilfully, carefully and without Injury. Call at 1101 East Railroad street. ELECTRICIAN8. J. L. VAUGHAN ELECTRICIAN. Wiring of all descriptions and elec trical work of all kinds promptly done. Full line of electrical supplies. Including chandeliers, door bells, eta Satisfaction guaranteed. 126 West Court street. Milarkey building. SEWING M ACHTNES. ED EBEN, WHOLESALE AND RE tall dealer In sewing machines and supplies. 209 E. Court street, Pen dleton, Ore. PAWlt BROKERS. UNCLE TOM'S PLACE, COTTON wood street, opposite laindry. Cheapest place in town. Money loaned. Second-hand goods bought and sold. YOUR UNCLE HARDWICK WILL loan you money on tersonal prop erty. Licensed pawn broker. Unre deemed pnwns for sale. See me when you're short. Railroad St., In Hotel Bowman. FISH MARKET. ELITE FISIt AND POULTRY MAR ket. Hawkins Miller. Props. Cor ner Main nnd Alta. Fish, oysters, lunch roods, sen foods, vegetables, butter nnd eccs. 'Phmie Rt:irlc 10U. RESTAURANT. THE NEW YORK KITCHEN AT White Front saloon. 619 Main St. Best meal In the city for 15 cents White help only. Short orders all day. HORSE TRAINER. LEE KENNARD, THE HORSB breaker and trainer, will take a few more driving horses to train. At Dutch Henry Feed Yard. If you want a driving horse, draft horse or horse for any purpose, consult ma before buying, or t can supply you with Just the animal you want MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. MONTERASTELLI BROS, MARBLE! and Granite works. Monuments of all descrlptons. Ornamental and cut stone for buildings. Examine our work; 709 East Court street SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING. MRS. NOBLE HAS MOVED HER dressmaking shop to room 4. Asso ciation block, where dressmaking of all descriptions and sewing will be given prompt attention. Pupils taught dressmaking. Very latest system of cutting. CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY- man. Family washing a specialty. All work done by hand, and first class. Goods called for and delivered. 408 Court street. MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC DO YOU want your garbage carried awayf My price Is very low. Drop me a postal card and I will come and see you about It. C. H. Holstngton. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES. LT you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the EAST OREGONIAM the net publisher's price of the publi cation you desire, and we will have It sent you and assume all' the risk of the money being lost In the malls. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN in remitting yon can deduct 10 per cent from the publish er's price. Address EA8T OREGON IAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Oregon. Positively the Best Beer made. . Any quantity yon desire. Delivered to yonr home Always call for OLYMPIA. A. NOLTE Telephone Main 881. I No I Frenzied j Finance j In the real estate we have for sale. Real estate Is the only safe founda tion for a sound financial operation. There Is something to build on. Take your money and Invest it in property and it will Increase in value. We have desirable property in all parts of the city, as well as ranch, farms and small tracts. W t? T ti o r vr. iavioson x VjO. ill Couit Street - : eaaess Roslyn Lump Produces more heat and gives T better satisfaction Uuw any coal Z T sold In Pendleton, and sella for ' ' I less. Roslyn Coal $6.50 per ton ! ! t at shed; $7.00 delivered. I Best wood always on hand. ) j Prompt delivery. 'Phone Main . . t 261. J ROSLYN COAL AND t WOOD CO. X OFFICE AND YARD NEAR t W. ft C. R, DEPOT. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE PrTnflftirmmtlOii OrOt-rrfc of i ho BiikltiYr and DUttwrtJ KMnftyti. No euro lo pur, Curo quiekljr acj Penoft tit'ntiT tlit wont r&Hf-ft nf 4-uMOrrho and no mttrof how lo. BtanJ iT. Absolutely nimlti. Pi'd hv ilnitra.1.1 Urt. $1 '0, or by n;ail, MMtpauL rME BAXTH-KPSm CO., 1lLLtVUNrIN, OHIO Pr,.rnn C'lUri-n. J'-ilU... n.i 431(1: S'SZSs&Z iVlEH ..M3 W3MEN. y ycrvrax! V in for onntnrl m ' V a . 'vd vHcirt;"eUurUmnnttii!H, Mr iin.t.. til ui' uUt-rntit'jia t Yi