PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, Tl K.NI.Y, Al'lill. 4, 1905. BIGHT PAGES. Sporting Goods "Under tills brand stands for Z durability and good service. avoir,. We fully guarantee our goods FIXE LINE BASEBALL GOODS, ETC. FISHIXG TACKLE. We are offering our regular T $3.S0 and $4.00 poles for $2.95. 2 T Made of best quality forest- FREDERICK NOLF & CO. ! Office and School Sullies at Lowest Price. GENERAL NEWS. Rev. James Cochran fell dead in the pulpit of the Stamping Ground Chris tian church, 10 miles from Lexington, Ky. Death was caused by heart dis ease. He was a young man. The seven sons of Meyer Guggen heim, (who died recently.) have or gan Ire d a $40,000,000 trust to control the white lead, pig lead, sheet lead, lead pipe, solder, bullet and shot mar ket. At Moulton, la., the body of Frank Ogden was found in the yard of Claude Whistler, with a bullet hole through his heart. Ogden and Mrs. Whistler were old sweethearts. Whist ler has disappeared. English naval and naval construc tion experts aver that of all the wrecked and' sunken Russian ships in the Par East, the Japanese will never be able to make serviceable more than the Poltava, PeriYlet and p-' lada, " Some of the mischief is being al ready harvested, that was foreseen when the mining monopolies import ed hordes of Chinese into the Trans vaal following the Boer war. The coolies are striking and rioting arid burning company property. Edward Decker, of Algoma, Wis., proprietor of two newspapers and heavily Interested In several exten sive business ventures, fell off a steamer on Lake Michigan and was drowned. He went down in deep water and the body was not recover ed. t Among the measures beaten in the session of the Colorado legislature, which adjourned the night of April S, was one providing for the payment of the 1800,000 debt Incurred through Adjutant General Bell's office by his methods of using the military to sup press the strikes and destroy the in fluence of the labor unions. NORTHWEST NEWS. As a result of a recent revival con ducted in the Spokane First Presby terian church, 48 new members were added to that church. Herman Fisher, a Spokane painter, because his wife refused to live with him, shot her In the leg and the ab domen. She Is expected to die. J. W. Connella has sold the Sump ter Dally Miner outright to Charles Llebenstein, the proprietor of the Blue Mountain American, also of Sumpter. A l'crtland paper claims that the registration In that city for' the pri mary election of May 9, is at present as seven republicans to one democrat Judge Joseph W. Huston, aged 72 years, is dead at Boise. He had lived In Idaho since coming to that state In 186 9 as United States attorney for the territory. On a sheep ranch near Ellensburg, Wash., Walter Barnhart, aged 16 years, gulped down carbolic acid, thinking it was whiskey. He died 20 minutes later. Across the Willamette at Portland, Is laid a cable which carries 200 tele phone wires. The drag hook of the steamer Cummlngs fouled the cable, doing 11,600 damage. Joseph N. Morris, of Scio, Or., has brought suit against Maynard War wick, of Lincoln county. Wash., for the alienation of his wife's affections. The damages he alleges aggregate $39,000. Warwick is wealthy. Miss Mary Glover, of New Castle, Pa., and Miss Martha Squires, of Sea Cliff, Long Island, N. T., have bought a business bouse in Sunnyslde, Wash which they will next fall stock with general merchandise and return to conduct the business personally. K. T. WADE & SON, DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE, Wbeatlands, Alfalfa and Stock Ranch, es for sale. City Property a Specialty. . We have a long list we cannot ad vertise. Come and see us. LAND ALFALFA ;eo. Roberts says to grow diversified chops. If On-giin Can Prove to Easterners Tliat Intensive Fanning Will Puy, She Can Attract a Host of Furmors of Moderate Means Thirty Years Ago tlie Red Clover Crunk Was Laughed at in Iowa Today Red . Clover Is the Principal Crop In a Large Portion of That State Make Thorough Test of Dry Land Crops. Pendleton, April 3. Editor East Oregonian: The Ques tion which seems uppermost in the different sections of the state at the present time is how best can they se cure inelr share of the desirable homeseekers who are now coming oy me tnousands. Umatilla county with its two mil lion acres of land an. by the adoption or modern methods of diversified farming, support at least four times its present population. Then Pendleton should be a city of i least za.uuu inhabitants. We have, comparatively, a very small amount of rich bottom land along our vari ous rivers and streams. The opera tion of our best wheat land Is prof itable but not capable under its pres ent extensive management, of main taining a sufficient population to in sure a permanent or lasting prosper ity io me community. The stock interests from a ran ire standpoint, does not add materially io our population. Our timber and mining Industries are limited. Now what inducements can we offer tn the farmers of the East, of moderate means to come and settle among us? iney, as a rule, are frugal, indus trious men, who are not much In. cllned to take great risks, but are content with smaller profits than it lanes to satisfy the native western man. Rkising wheat exclusively looks rinky and expensive to them. Stock raising, by the range system, is new to them and also looks hazardous. In fact, a country that will admit of condensed and diversified farming is wnaj ipost ot these newcomers are looking for. The next question Is: Will Umatilla county admit of this kind of farming? Thirty-five and 40 years ago the man in Iowa who undertook to dem onstrate that red clover, timothy and fruit could be produced there, was laughed at by his neighbors. Today the most profitable field crop there is red clover, and the land that is producing two tons, of clover there, per acre, Is selling from $76 to $100 per acre. A few days ago I examined a patch of alfalfa on the vacant lot Just north of Dr. Cole's residence on North Main street. It has had no care and has been there for 12 or 15 years. The soil is not to exceed three feet In depth and Is poor at that; but this alfalfa looks as rich and strong as any red clover I ever saw In Iowa and I believe with proper care and stand it would produce in one crop from one and a half to two tons per acre, besides there would be considerable fall and winter pasture. Dry-land alfalfa Is practically the same food for horses, cattle and hogs as red clover, and I am inclined to think it is the forage plant that will eventually reclaim this dry land of ours that is now considered almost worthless. I would like to see the Fair associa tion or the Commercial association take steps to demonstrate the value of the plant. A hundred-acre field of fine grow ing alfalfa on some of the hills near Pendleton would be a tenfold better advertisement than the pamphlets and fine pictures that are being distribut ed to the homeseeker, and would cost less money. Demonstrate to the Eastern farmer that this land will produce a crop every year equal to their red clover crop and he can locate here on 80 acres of land and support a family well with his cows, chickens and pigs. Respectfully, GEO. R. ROBERTS. War on Canada Thistles. Isadore Fuchs has cooked up bunch of business for the next grand Jury. He says the law concerning the permitting of Canada thistles in Can ada to even exist is drastic, and in stead of warning the derelicts, he pro poses, when the time comes to engage the attention of the prosecuting at torney and the grand Jury with the thistle issue. He says: "They are going to be bad this year. From the present in dications and I notice some fellows here in town who are talking very strongly upon the present output of the last grand Jury who ought to be out getting rid of their thistles. You bet, I mean business and I will have my evidence when the next grand Jury meets. Yes, sir; I am In for re forms, when they affect the product iveness of the country. Down with the thistles and into the Jails with the men who permit them." Baker City Herald. The Lewiston'a Last Run. The old steamer Lewlston, which has been operated on the Rlparla Lewlston run on Snake river for 11 years made her last trip Tuesday. The craft is to be knocked down and sections of it used In the construction of the new Lewlston, the hull of which Is now being put together at Rlparta. The Lewlston was built In 1894 to take the place of the ill-fated Annie Faxon, which blew up while en route to Lewlston, several of the crew and three passengers being killed. Day ton Courier-Press. William J. Bryan presided at a meeting In the Lincoln, Neb., St. Paul's M. E. church, at which Bal Ilngton Booth spoke. ROTEL ARRIVALS. The St. George. F. E. Ilumsey, Portland. T. B. Kail, Pontlac. i;iorge W. Harris. Portland. W. fciunn, Chicago. Mayme Askew, liolse. A. J. Kusted. San Francisco. A. V. Uagsdale, Spokane. W. F. Smith, St. Louis. S. II. Bissell, Denver. J. L. Uevkley, Spokane. A. J. Abbott, Portland. S. M. Leonard, Fossil. Alfred Wright, Dallas. J. J. Burns. Portland. J. B. McKewan, Chlcugo. Frank Sollars, Warrensburg. Harry Hamilton, Walla Walla. Ben Mitchell, Portland. James A. Swurt, La Grande. W. E. Mosby, La Grande. G. W. Donnelly, La Grande. C. E. Fielshback, Waterloo. J. R. Good, Mattoon. L. F. Tyner, Omaha. James Morris, Kansas City. H. C. Bedison, Huntington. P. J. Johnson, Hermlston. The Bickers. Mrs. J. E. Bussey, Kellogg. . E. Polock and wife. The Dalles. I. G. Bogart, Pilot Rock. Mrs. Lydia Le Dery, Myrlck. Miss Ellen Cole, Myrlck. W. L. Miller and wife, Hugo. E. H. Burke, Latourette. J. W. Buker, Rooster Rock. E. Costello, Stnrbuck. E. R. Carr, Spokane. W. J. Fahermiald, Ridge. H. C. Fahremiald, Ridge. John C. Eulliery, Portland. John Schwiler, city. C. Jewell, Kansas City. J. C. Gray, Kansas City. C. Van Dusen, Kansas City. F. Lucas, Kansas City. R. A. Andrews and wife, St. Paul. H. L. Wllhelm and wife, Seattle. J. Brown, Walla Walla. O. R. Benson, New York. ' Mrs. E. Swauger, Kamela. E. W. Drake, Cheyenne. W. L. Brazelton, Cheyenne. A. Rousseau, Wheatland. J. H. Evens, Creston. A. Wold, Tacoma. C. Jewell, Kansas City. Ira Harnlbrook, Goldendale. S. E. Kirby, Condon. W. M. Caldwell, Seattle. Mrs. Ballah, city. C. H. Grand, city. VT. B. McKlnney, city. F. Webb, Kansas City. A. W. Ball. J. C. Eueburg, Portland. The Pendletoa. R. F. Glafke, Portland. C. E. Redfleld, Heppner. L. Rarhbun, Portland. A. Nylander, Portland. Mrs. Allard, Gibbon. E. H. Clarke, San Francisco. N. Reiser, Chicago. Roy S. Parker, Pekln. M. R. White, Grass Valley. Q. C. Dale, Pendleton. M. K. Shepherd, Spokane. C. C. Simpson, Spokane. James B. Jackson, Portland. W. R. McRoberts, Spokane. George M. Palmerton, Pullman. Eugene, Ringer, Pullman. L. Everett Foster, Portland. Fremont Roe. New York. Ely Yates, Racine. J. O. Smith, Blalock. William J. Mariner, Blalock. H. G. Masterson, Elgin. R. N. Stanfield, Echo. , W. M. Rice, Portland. W. R. Glendenlng, Portland. G. Galley, Portland. C. W. Madden, Portland. Grant County Old-Timer Gone. Friday, the 31st, Thomas P. Jack son, aged 90 years, 3 months and 27 days, at the home of his son Joseph B. Jackson, where he has been liv ing many" years, and in feeble health for some time past, died. Deceased was a native of Pennsyl vania, but came west and arrived In Oregon in 1845 and moved to Grant county In 1868, first settling near Monument. He was married in 1842 to Miss Annie Parker and this union was blessed with four boys and four girls, his family all preceding him on this last Journey, except three sons and one daughter. Long Creek Ran ger. Last Hope Vanished. When leading physicians said that W. M. Smithart, of Pekln, la., had incurable consumption, his last hope vanished; but Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, kept him out of his grave. He says: "This great specific complete ly cured me, and saved my life. Since then I have used It for over 10 years, and consider It a marvelous throat and lung cure." Strictly sci entific cure for Coughs, Sore Throats or Colds; sure preventive of Pneu monia. Guaranteed, 50c and $1.00 bottles at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. Trial bottle free. Fair Grounds Cut Into Lots. One of the prettiest locations In The Dalles for residences Is the site of the old fair grounds, where lots are selling fast and building Is continu ally going on. This morning A. Wal- ther told us that just recently he has disposed of 10 or 12 lots. M. Bridge farmer bought two and has his home completed. W. E. Rossman also has two and yesterday began his house, and M. Hoctor, who lives at Golden dale, has purchased six lots and will build soon. The Dalles Chronicle. Big Sale of Sheep. J. M. Yeates has bought 10,000 yearling sheep in Wheeler county, at an average price of $2.10 per head. Mitchell News. Although the present French re public has been In existence for 85 years, yet only a single one of Its presidents has completed his term of office. Thiers, Marchal MacMahon and Casslmlr-Perler resigned more or less voluntarily before the expiration of their terms, finding the position untenable. "WHITE GHOSTS OF DEATH" CONSUMPTION AND PNEUMONIA are prevented and cured by the greatest of all, and strictly scientific remedy for Throat and Lung Troubles, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc., viz : DR. KING'S For CONSUMPTION, COUGHS and GOLDS Cared of Pneumonia After Doctors Failed. MI had been ill for some time with Pneumonia," writes J. W. MoKinnon of Talladega Springs, Ala., "and was under the care of two doctors, but grew no better until I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief, and, by continuing Its use, I was perfectly cared." 50c and $1.00 XTTRIAL BOTTLES FREE"v3 LAXATIVE OUR OPENING SALE IX OUR SEW STORE IS A GREAT SUCCESS. Every department has its bargains this week The Fair Department Store IS SENTENCED UNDER THE COGNOMEN OF BENNETT. He Is Now Suspected of Complicity In the Escape and Arming of Tracy and Merrill, a Crime Which Carries With It the Death Penalty Ben nett (Monte) Sent Up From This County for Burglary. Charley Monte, the Salem convict against whom there is strong evidence showing him to be one of the men who supplied Tracey and Merrill with their deadly 30-30 Winchesters before their break, Is from this county and was taken there by Sheriff Taylor in 1902, being sentenced to six years for burglary. Since the publication of the story connecting Monte, or Bennett, as he was known here, with the Tracey and Merrill affair, his capture and short stay here have been recalled, and makes a very Interesting story. Bennett was wanted for having rob bed the Richardson store at Helix, late In 1902, and was captured by Sheriff Taylor near Olbbon on De cember 2. He was found In a camp near that place, and was preparing to take a freight train when taken by the sheriff. On the records In the sheriff's of fice the name of W. Bennett appears, and It was as such that the man was sentenced to serve six years In the penitentiary. His photograph, which was taken while he was here, and is now in the sheriffs gallery, Is the same from which the cut which ap peared In the Portland papers was made, and shows a heavy-faced man with a big neck. Monte, or Bennett, Is one of two who are suspected of having smug gled the guns Into the work room of the penitentiary and thus made It possible for Tracey and Merrill to make their escape. The other man Is now a convict In the Walla Walla prison. Should the evidence be such as to cause their conviction for the offense, they will both have to pay the death penalty, as they would be guilty of murder In the first degree, being accessories before the act. When taken by Sheriff Taylor here, Bennett had been out of the penitentiary but about six months, during which time he is supposed to have helped his former fellow-eon-vlcts. MONTE 1 BSCOHHENDED, GUARANTEED AND BOLD RV ALXi rtRUUuUSTS. GRAND CORSET FREE WITH $5.60 PURCHASE OF MUSLIN UN DERWEAR. HAT FREE WITH EVERY SUIT OF CLOTHES. CALICO ALL WEEK 4c PER YARD. ZEPHYR DRESS GINGHAMS ALL WEEK AT S I-Sc YARD. A PAIR OF KID GLOVES FREE WITH EACH SILK SHIRT WAIST SUIT. WE CANT LIST ALL OUR SPECIALS, BUT EVERY DE PARTMENT IS FULL OF SPECIALS FOR THIS SALE. COME THIS WEEK SURE AND GET SOME OF THE BAR. GAINS. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. Sour Stomach "1 ued CueinM and fail ttk intwnin. I bar mm ft .offerer from dytpepila and tour tomach for the laat two year. I have been taking u4. etna and other drure, but could find do relief only for a ihort time, (will recommaod Caa caret to my frtenda aa the only thine for Indication and Jour tomach and to keep the bowele in food eoa Itioa. Thar very pica to aet." Harry Smokier, Mauch Chink, Pa. Beat For i a f Can onr cathartic m Pleaaant, Palatabla, Potent. Taafta Good, Do Good. Haver Sicken. Weaken or Gripe, 19e. Kc, Mo. Neve aold la balk. Th genoina tablet tampad SCO Guaranteed to aura or yoor money back. Starling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. jgg ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES Good I Dry Wood f ALL KINDS I have good, sound wood which Is delivered at reasonable 1 prices FOR CASH. ii W. C. MINNIS Leave Orders at Hennlng Ci gar store, opp. Peoples Warehouse. TEETH EXTRACTED BY THE MOD ERN METHOD, BOO. We are thoroughly equipped with all modern me'' ids and appliances, and guarantee our work to be of the highest stand ard, and our prices the lowest consistent with flrst-claa work. White Bros. Dentist. Ass latlon Block. Telephone Main I (Mil. LE (gQBAL LET US FILL YOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Becognlsed as the best and most economical fuel. We prepared to con tract with you for yeor winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. MAIN STREET. NEAR DEPOT. I Can Repair It 1 manor I happens to X rnr watch or Jewelry, I cu T repair the damage. JAMES M. WILDER WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER, JEWELER AND DIA- MOND SETTER. MAIN STREET. SAVINGS BANK nimjuvn I THE POPULAR PLACE TO EAT IS THE The French Restaurant Everything served flrst-clana. Best remlAr iyimU , t" . u. WMiK ton for 25 cents. SHORT ORDER8 A SPECIALTY. X Polydore Moens, Prop. LAND SCRIP FOR SALE. Unrestricted forest reserve scrip for sale at lowest market nrin v scrls secures title to timbered, farm ing, grating or desert land in quantity, without residence or Im provement. Address H. M. Hamilton, The Portland, Portland, Oregon.