DAILY BAST ORHGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1905. KIGnT PAGES. THE LARGEST AND FASTEST GROWING STORE OF THE NORTHWEST m PEOPL WAIREIHI PAGE TWO. USE KEEP YOUR EYE ON rKXOI.ETOX-S FAMOUS STORE The Peoples Wareho use ....OF PENDLETON WHERE IT PAYS T THAI SOME REASONS WHYGOOD ALL WEEK E KEEP YOUR EYE ON PENDLETON '8 FAMOUS STORE The Peoples Warehous e Make Home Out of a House In our Draper)- Division we are showing a very complete line of new Draperies, lace ("obtains,' Swisses, Cretonnes and Hangings or all kinds. Our new stock is more comprehensive than any we have ever shown, and the prices are very moderate. THE POPULAR CURTAIN'S tor Utis season are the Madras weaves. In white and two-tone effects. They come In very dainty patterns, and cost 11.65, $1.95, $2.25 np to $4.50 pair. FOR THE LIVING ROOM nolliing can equal them. For the drawing room, the formal room for more im portant occasions, the Brussels, Ara bian and Renaissance are still the leaders. They range In price at 90c, $1.25, $1.50, $2.25, $2.75 up to $6.50 pair. FOR THE DINING ROOM, the Ma dras and Grenadine Curtains are the ruling and correct style this sen son. Their small expense Is another in teresting thing about tlieiu. They cost $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.00, $2.50 pair. THE RUFFLED CURTAIN'S used In chambers, etc., we carry In a greut many patterns. They include Irish Point, Sniss and Bobbinet. The prices are: 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 up to $3.50 pair. TWO SPECIAL VALUES FOR THIS WEEK. 36-lnch Sniss, of the best quality, in dots, stripes and figures; usually sold at 15c yard, tins week 10c SCRIM, in ecru or white, 38 inches wide, 10c value, at, yard v New White Goods INDIA I.;Z.S. fine and sheer, at 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c 18c, 20c and 2.c yard. PERSIAN UWX'S, ut 20c, 25c, 35c, 40c, ana 50c yard. FANCY WHITE WA1STINGS, large assortment of patterns, 15c, 25c, 35c and 45c yard. DomesticsExtra Special SHEETS AND MUSLINS AT VERY LOW PHICES. 48c 8c 17c 10c LINEN FINISH SHEETS, 2x2 1-2 yards, each LONSDALE MUSLIN, yard wide, tills week UNBLEACHED SHEETING, 2 yards wide, at 30-INCU WIDE PERCALE, dark styles, 12 l-2c values. . Dainty Under muslins TOW SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. WOMEN'S DRAWERS Four styles to choose from; fine cambric with deep umbrella ruffle of lawn, extra wide cluster of hemstitched tucks; oUier styles with embroidery ruffle and tucks; others C A, with lace, all at V Is 19 CORSET COVERS live pretty styles to choose from; fine nainsook, with round neck, Swiss embroidery and ribbons; three rows of insertion; others with ' lace, f f.fc ribbons and tucks... Jv Is 19 WOMEN'S GOWNS Six styles, very fine cambric or nainsook, high or low ueck, yoke of embroidery Inser tion, trimmed with ruffles of embroi dery; chetulsett gowns of luce, Inser tion and ribbon; el bow sleeves. Your fl? 1 rtrt choice at P .VJVJ WOMEN'S SKIRTS live styles ill fine cambric, wide umbrella flounce of fine embroidery and hemstitched tucks or three rows of Valenciennes luce Insertion, with wide ruffle to mutch. Worth $1. T 1 'JC nnd $1.75; tills oek V The Hit of the Season QUR ARTIST'S WORKThe crowds watching him at work in our window testify to the interest being taken. No such works of art have ever been on exhibition in the city before. Many well known local faces are now to be seen, giving satisfaction to the most critical. Some of the well known Indian pictures are to be placed on exhibition at the Lewis and Clark Fair at Portland. Don't fail to see them. For' the benelit of those not tamiliar with the conditions of this exceptional offer -we again announce the following: You purchase one dollar in any department, and get a coupon. One coupon and 78c and you get a BUST CRAYON PORTRAIT. All work guaranteed. Come and see if the quality does not speak for itself. Our New Millinery Parlors Keep demanding attention. The broad and exclusive show ing of exquisite hats here have excited unusual Interest, and the prices arc more entertaining and verifies the familiar say ing; "It pays to trade at THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. Visit these Millinery Parlors. Tliere is a saving here. The Charlotte Corday The Charlotte Corday straw and trimmed, the stylish hat of the season. An extra special at Well worth $5.00. CHARLOTTE CORDAY $3.50 Till: 1 1 IC. I Ifi AT The Highgate Hat A stylish, jaunty street hut, well north $2.75; speciul here at $2.00 The Louise Turban Hand-made, stylish-trimmed, extra pretty hat, at the special low price here at $5.00 THE LOUISE TURBAN $5.00. Visit these Millinery Parlors THERE IS A SAVING HERE Shoes AND SHOE FACTS If you want to know what the Slioe Department of our store really Is; how we can afford to sell shoes on a closer luurgin than our competitors, und at Uie sume time give you more .satisfactory shoes; why we keep ham mering away at these facts (for fuots they are), ask the slioe men. The story Is boiled down to fit Uie value seeker's pocLotlRMik extru sjiedul values offered here. LADIES' FINE VICI KID SHOES Patent tip, Imported turn sole; splen did dress shoes; $3.00 value at .... $2.15 LADIES' GOODYEAR WELT Vlci kid, patent tip, Bluchcr cut on now last, $3.50 value ut $2.95 LADIES' PATENT COLT Hand-turn sole, snappy style, kid or matted top; $1.00 value at $3.35 New Laces It's to be a luce sea-son according to fashion's latest. We are prepared with one of the best assortments ever shown here. New ideas in lace cover nil the lute effects such - as Point Guze, Point I landers, etc., from.... 50c to $5 Yard Extra sR'cial In Novelty Oriental luce, 4 to 8 Indies ide, In w hlte or cream, rogulur 40c values; special at 23c Embroidery, 0 to 10 Indies wide; regular 25o values, with perfect fin ished edges. The best embroidery bargain of the season ! 12 l-2c Yard bKUutu YOU KNOW The best Is the dicupest, and espe cially Is tlda true of aU FOOD SUPPLIES. No ono can afford to risk using Im pure foods. OUR AIM Is to supply the public with tho best GROCERIES. Take no risk, but try our high class groceries at economic prices. 50a Standard Apricots and Peaches, cans Swift's Premium Hams, per lb . . 170 Blue Label Catsup, 35c, our price 25o Gallon Jugs Catsup 90o 10-lb boxes Muccaroiil 40c 10-lb boxes Crackers e5o Standard Tomatoes, per can .... 100 Tie ?es