p Mm PAGE TWO. DAH.Y BAST ORHGOMAX, TENDUSTOX, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1905. EIG1FT PAGES. HOTEL AIUUYALS. KEEP THE BOYS AND GIRLS HEALTHY AND STRONG Let them use our Indian clubs and dumbells, 1-2 pound to E pounds, S5c to 90c. , T MADE of hard maple, finely i polished. A 'S IIP RONAXZ A MINE SAID TO HE IMMENSELY RICH. Al tiolner May He Working on Tip CJIven by S. i. Williams Just Before llii Death Chimneys of Very Rioli Ore Said to He Illiltlen In i!h Bo nanza Can He Made to Pay f 10.000. FREDERICK NOLF & CO. school and office sctplies. GENERAL NEWS. A canoe upset at San Diego, Cal., drowning Harry Hayes and the Misses Lucy and Helen Baker. , A bill -to grant women full suffrage In Norway was killed In the lower house of the storthing by a vote of 43 to 33. A Tennesse law prohibiting betting In any form on races of any kind in that state will go Into effect next De cember. J. Pierpont Morgan, nn escaped California convict, suicided by jump ing off a steamer and drowning rath er than be recaptured. At Bakersfield, Cal.; an unknown man was beaten to death with a club by unknown parties, with the evi dent purpose of robbery. Every 40th person resident in Eng land and Wales Is a pauper supported at the expense of the taxpayers. In London one person In every 36 Is a pauper. An obscure dispute between Vene zuela and Colombia over trade rela tions has resulted In Ihe former breaking off of diplomatic relations, and war Is Imminent between the two countries. ; '. And now the European continental newspapers, which are nearly all pro Rxesiau, no matter what their na tionality, are developing much hys teria over a rumored triple alliance between the United States, England and Japan. General Dokstouroff, aged 70 years, begged to be sent to the Manchurian front where he would have a chance to die a soldier's death for Russia. Upon receiving telegraphic orders to start for thereat of war, Tie ran up stairs In his haste and fell dead of apoplexy. When the lale S. G. Williams, su perlntendent of the ' Bonanza mine under the Geiser regime was with the Gem Consolidated Mining com pany of pparia, a rew days prior 10 his death, he was overheard to say to Albert Geiser, "You and I could make the Bonanza pay, couldn"t we, Al? We know where there Is a big body of low grade ore, sufficient to keep 40 stamps dropping for five years. Of course, with a heavy cap italized company, and with heavy sal arles to officers in the east, the Bo naiiza company couldn't make this body of ore pay; but you and I, with our knowledge of practical mining and with a crew of men of our selec tion could make a snug profit. Why don't you try to lease the mine, Al?" Mr. Geiser has now leased the Bo nanza, says the Sumpter Miner. He knows all about that big body of low grade ore. Furthermore it Is rumored that he knows where to hunt for a chimney of rich ore, the sort of stuff that when the big Bonanza mill was being operated day and night resulted j in their dividends of about 40,000 a month. I It is announced that Mr. Gelser's I intention is to take out this chimney of ore at the very beginning, and then ,Xo turn his attention to the low grade ore. He Is said to be figuring on a ; tonnage of 200 tons per day, by coarse crushing, and concentration and amalgamation. The product will be shipped to the Sumpter smelter via the Sumpter Valley railroad. The low grade ore In the Bonanza Is said to vary In value from $5 to $10 per ton with an average close to $S. By treating 200 tons per days, the product will be at the rate of about $30,000 per month, after de ducting the inevitable loss in treat ment. The mine expenses are ex pected to range from $20,000 to $23, 000 per month. COMING EVENTS. NORTHWEST NEWS. April 3 Knights of Pythias dis trict convention, Pendleton. April 18 Montana Stockgrowers' Association, Miles City. April 20 Anniversary of Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. April 23 Easter Sunday. April 23. Meeting of board of consulting engineers of reclamation 'lepirtment, Portland. May 1 May Day picnic at Echo. May 3-14 Convention of Order of Railway Conductors, Portland. Juno 1, 1905 Opening Lewis and Ci.irk exposition.' June 22-2S National Woman's Suffrage Association, Portland. July 11-14 American Medical As sociation, Portland. The St. George. M. M. Hounds, Helix. I. M. Curl, Albany. William Schlarb, Jr., Tacoma. I. A. Russell, Walla Walla. J. W. Baltom, PoriUn 1. F. R. Hanke, Portland. h. Kam, Walla Walla. Fred Halsted, Rawlins. George McGllvery, Spokane. William Dunn, Portland. S. D. Morris. C. M. Sinythe, Portland. William S. Curtis, Portland. A. D. Chase, Boston. Will Wei's, Athei.a. R. L. Lee and wife, Portland. Dlxwell Davenport, San Francl'ci' Fred W. Radcltffe, Minneapolis. A. F. Bernard, Portland. E. S. Shakeshesky, Racine. T. Caldwell and wife, Glrard. H. C. Moore, Woodburn. W. L. Marsalt, Portland. J. A. Allison, Portland. F. J. Gardner, Portland. G. L. Richardson, Heppner. The Bickers. W. H. Skinner, Lewiston. E. J. Wainscott, Salem. Ray Barton, Portland. H. F. Marble, North Yakima, w 1.. Rhodes and wife. McKay. Mrs. Charles M. Robinson, Agency F. W. Evans, Freewater. W. F. White, Athena. P. C. Robbins, Brownsvallf y. L. O. Lluner, Elizabeth. D. F. Carnes, Salem. S. K. Kohen und wife, Portland Tassey Stewart, Milton. P. E. Honn, Milton. J. B. Young. Milton. William J. Moore, Spokane Ed Costello, Starbuck. W. O. Bannister, Milton. G. W. Ingle, Milton. J. D. Miller, McKay. D. McDonald, Athena. T. J. Berg, Walla Walla. TIk? lcmlleton. T w Thnniuson. Portland. Lewis Butts and wife, Huntington W. R. Olendening, Portland. C. W. Madden, Portland. O. D. Galley, Portland. E. P. Dodd and wife, city. John B. Eaton, Baldwin. C. H. Richards, Portland. R. O. Smith, Portland. , C. A. Stace, San Francisco. R. E. Paddock, Portland. W. G. Codman, Boston. John L. Sharpstein. Walla Walla. George H. Snell. Walla Walla. Ben C. Holt, Walla Walla. A. T. Jenks, Buffalo. Te We Talkt, a Nes Perce, is under arrest at Lewiston, charged with peddling liquor among the Indians. There have been added to the Woodmen of the World 1000 new members In Oregon west of the Cas cades since November' last. The Idaho supreme court has de cided that the act dividing Kootenai county and making of It two counties (Lewis and Clark,) Is unconstitution al. James VInn and John Carlton, well known young Indians, were drowned near Port Essington, B. C. The for mer was chief of the tribe living on Metlakatla island. George Davis, of Northport, Wash., convicted for the second time of wife heating, has been fined (500, which he will "soak out" in Jail. He has been married one year. Mayor Fish, of Sprague, Wash., has icrveu lurmai nonce on me saiouns ui that place that the Sunday law must be observed and no buslnes sdone nor doors allowed open upon that day. According to the figures of Spokane city comptroller, on January 1, 1904, there were 140 saloons In the city. At present, according to the figures of one of the breweries, there are 174 saloons In the city. A Washington State Library asso ciation has been organized at Taco ma, with representatives of 42 libra ries attending the first meeting. J. M. Hitt, of Olympla, Is president, and Miss Mary Banks, of Seattle, secre tary. James Childer, a farm hand of Douglas county, took laudanum with suicidal Intent, but was pumped out and will - recover. Disappointment because the girl's mother objected to the match and succeeded In break ing It off, was the cause. Much Cry and Little Wool. Almost everything written or spo ken on the subject of labor and cap ital falls Into one of three classes it is from the viewpoint of capital, and assumes an Ideal capitalist; or it is from the viewpoint of labor, and assumes an Ideal laborer;- or it is from an impartial, theoretical stand point, and assumes both an Ideal cap italist and an ideal laborer. Natur ally, the result is much cry and lit tle wool, says the Post. In all human questions the largest factor is always human nature fal lible, passionate, prejudiced. In this question of labor and capital we have a human laborer who acts on the av erage precisely as Sny capitalist would act In the same circumstances, and we have a human capitalist who acts just as any laborer would act if similarly placed. We shall get rap Idly on toward a solution as soon as we all recognize the factor of frailty in both labor and capitalist and make allowangy?s for it. There Is no "Ideal" employer; there Is no "Ideal" employe. And the crying need is for an education that will teach men to realize that the way to get the golden eggs Is not to kill or mistreat the goose that lays them. E. T. WADE & SON, DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE, Wheatlands, Alfalfa and Stock Ranch, es for sale. City Property a Specialty. We have a leng list we cannot ad ertlse. Come and see us. Strikes Bidden Rock. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneumonia, etc., you are lost, if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKlnnon, of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes: "I had been very ill with Pneumonia, under the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New DiscoTery. The first dose gave re lief and one bottle cured me." Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at Tallman & Co.'s drug store, price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. National Convention Woodmen of the World and Women of W oodcraf t, I oh Angeles, Oil., April 18th, 1905. Account above occasion the O. R. ft N. makes a rate of $44.85 for the round trip. Dates of sale, April 11, 12. 13. 190S. Return limit. June 10. For particulars call on or address E. C. SMITH, Agent. For Sale. E'ght-room house and lot 75x100 feet, also all furniture, Including piano. Call at house between 9 a. m. and 1 p. m., 218 South Main street J. H. GWINN. Among the Improvements contem plated by the nation's railroads this year Is the adoption of the block sys tem In the United States senate. New GRAND SALE OUR OPENING SALE IN Ol'll NEW STORE IS A GREAT SUCCESS. Every department has its bargains this week CORSET FREE WITH $5.00 PURCHASE OF MUSLIN UN DEKWEAR. HAT FREE WITH EVERY SUIT OF CLOTHES. CALICO ALL WEEK 4c PER YARD. ZEPHYR DRESS GINGHAMS ALL WEEK AT 8 1-Sc YARD. A PAIR OF KID GLOVES FREE WITH EACH SILK SHIRT WAIST SUIT. WE CAN'T LIST ALI, OUR 'SPECIALS, BUT EVERY DE FARTMENT IS FUIJj OF SPECIALS FOR THIS SALE. COME THIS WEEK SURE AND GET SOME OF THE HAR-GAINS. The Fair Department Store OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. I Max Stlefel, Chicago. F. S. McMahon, Portland. K. E. True, Spokane. Andy'H. Williams, San Francisco. C. C. Simpson, Portland. Edwin B. Duffey, Portland. H. B. Ktrshaw. Walla Walla. W. R. McRoberts, Spokane. Luke M. Hawley, city. J. J. Kauffman, Walla Walla. A. A. Gllsson, Three Peaches. Tweed V. Blackhurst, Twin Falls. Ed Blackburn, Portland. A. H. Rohrer, Sa nFrancisco. Andrew Jensen, New York. George F. Roberts, Portland. N. B. Macklin, Portland. Charles W. Holcomb, Elgin. 04 S I L WJh IT'S EASY TO TALK about good Jewelry in the pa pers. But it Isn't always so easy to back up the talk In the store. We never claim any virtue for our Jewelry that can- not be substantiated. Every word we utter will be backed up by the JEWELRY IN OCR STORE So when we say we have the best assortment and the lowest prices, we want uu to test the statement In person. Will youT WINSLOW BROS. Jewelers Postoffice Block BY T1TP if F T AT account of our limited floor space, we intend to do an exclusive Plumb ing and Second-Hand Business, and in or der to make room we are selling our stock of new goods, consisting of Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Center Tables, Chairs and Dining Tables at cost. Price these goods at other stores and you will see that we mean business. Gilt Edge Mattresses, regular price $6.50, sale price, $4.75 Jumbo Mattresses, regular price Wool Union Mattresses, reg. price 40-lb Shoddy Wool 35-lb " " Yum Yum Springs Iron Beds Iron Beds Iron Beds Iron Beds Iron Beds - m ' m m 5.50, 4.50, 3.50, 3.00, 3.00, 14.50, 12.50, 7 50, 3 50, 2.75, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, sale price, 3.90 2.90 2.75 2.55 2.25 9.00 8.25 5.00 2.50 2.25 We also keep a full supply of Bar Goods, consisting of fix tures, glasses, beer pumps, and are exclusive agents for Cleveland Faucet Cos goods. 451 MAIN Street Second "isfefi Dealers MS sua One Block from O. R. & N. Depot York American.