( - - - - - "pmfflg :t'i.iiw'iMii ..uuJ, jjj . IflAlLYEVENINBEDlTIDH If iV (ftv. vON East Oregonlan advertising makes ' VV I 1 "' jlM A , . J I business come. 1 j ffwr mmgfiff,tii i-! ' xV "t-. nflP Jaj - - : -: ll wiifllMHMrMi'lWl IIWMfHT'-SIoMiii J. 13 WSMUJ. 'iWMiiiMwwgawiiiiiiiMiMiHjjy aniiM r Q . JAItY EVENING ED1TI0H WEATHER FORI CAST. Tonight ami Wednesday t- VOL. 18. PI :X1)LETOX, OHDTCOy, TUESDAY, MAKIH 28, " NO. .j.'U8 ELECTIONS LIPPINES :.Some ' Progress Toward Sfclf CGovemment Being Made in the Islands. : PEon.E MAY ELECT A fiEN ERAL-' ASSEMBLY. Governor Wright Iucs a Froclama I'tion Announcing tlie Completion or ttK: Root-nt Census or the Inland's : Population Hooscrvelt Attends Uio Funeral of tlie Mealcan Minister . at Wanliingtoii, at St. Matthew's Cafltollo - Church Permanent In .ferment In tlie City of Mexico. .uclamation an ..MlanlUi that Thtcensus of the Phil ippines Is completed and that in two years, provided peace prevails, an election will be called for a general' Funeral Mexican Minister. Washington, March 28. A state . !. funfal was held today over the re mains of Don Manuel de Asplros, the Mexican ambassador, was attended by President Roosevelt, members of , me supreme court, diplomatic corps and other distinguished personages. ...After impressive services at St. Mat- thew s Catholic church, the body was r. carried to a vault In Oak Hill ceme- tery, w here It will lie until arrange ments are concluded for Interment in Mexico, probably about April 8. The rorulser Columbia will carry the body .txorq.New, Tork to Vera Cruz and In terment will be made in the City of Alco. AFTER THE STORMIEST VOYAGE. Ono SCainan Lost, and Three' Birth Dining tlie -Voyuge. New York, March 28. --After one of the stormiest voyages ever exper ienced, the Hamburg-American liner Ppatiii'l-i upi-lun tnJuv frnm Hum. . , ! burg, which' port was left March 12,J '.onsiaiu westerly Kaies anu neau neun "as the Pretoria's experience. Due Heaman was washed overboard, Three births occurred In the steer age during the parage. Among the passengers was' Lieutenant Warger, of the Russian army, en route to Han Francisco to look after the Russian transport affairs. Killed tlie Brigand. Home, March ' 28. The notorious Catanian brigand, Croee Leplsis, an Itai'an, has been killed by a band of carbineers near Pelagonla,' where he had gone to receive $10,000 blackmail from n rich farmer. He offered a desperate resistance. The people to day are mourning him as a hero. Funeral of' Jules Yerne. Amiens, March 28.' The funeral of Jules Verne, the author, was held this morning. Vast crowds lined the streets to pay their last tribute to him, standing bareheaded aa.the cor- ra nnwipd. Sentence Postponed. Auburn, Cal.. March 2 !, Weber, convicted of u,. MIHIUCI Ul his mother, was not sentenced, (today owing to the Illness of .Turf. .m ett. Sentence will probably bepats ed next Monday. Weber's attorneys wll),.make a motion for a newtrlal. $0M,OW' TWl'ATE AT STAKE. San Francisco, March Z.. Tie superior court landed down a dev-tsion in Which it held he 'probating in British Columbia of the will of Alexander Duinsmtiir was Illegal on the ground that Duns molr was a resident of California. The proceedings in British Co lumbia are declared void iindr'the will must be administered here. TJnaeT' the will James Dutrsniulr was executor -andTiele legatee, depriving Mrs. .Alex Dunsmulr, now dead, and her daughter, Edna Wallace Hopper, the actress, of nny-share tn an 8,Wa,'000 estate. Mrs. Hopper Instituted 'the ipreteediiiKs in which the decision was rendered ;oday, and he ih thorefure siveur mi ojpoi'1-ui.ity to icon test the will in this tat. ..The situation In the , Caucaflu(, ' Kub rrltory. In Georgia, ' Mmgrel la and KuM the ,ace k i in revolt. HOW TH E MAINE i GENERAL ff li MflLHEIT WINCED THE BOARD accept mm ReportedNbgi Hascliff'Slirin ontite Way -Vladivostok, - Vast jQnantitiesuof Stxr? Alaademed by iRcsfiians. Kuwdans Falhius Back awl .vbv Kow Aboat. One iKundaaa vmA IFttty JktlleH . rth. of .nkden-inBM, Park.. tT.WeMnrn Ituwam Am Jn Ope. Kevolt and the ImpvyefLshed iTMint Am BBlaglng mad JJurnlng . . Vm Condition Promts, to. lta)n StiU mm De.peitt Should An- other MobUUon of ffroops. fcir.itie Kar.QulBrn War e Attempted. Blockade, lunne,.s .,,, ; Tokir 1Iare 28.Xwo of tng crew or the British steamer Mars have died jfrom rjatposure. The remainder of J the erew has arrived at Hakodat. The ( Mv was caught In the Ire and flnal i JL '""""Je'3 Rurel promontory She, was bound for Vladivostok. : One-half In America. I New York, March 28. Half the jnew Japanese loan of $150,000,000 Is offered the American public by Kuhn I-oeb & Co. Advance subscriptions ...u.uau- me list will not be open long. TWELVE ARE IS THE CITY JAIL. i Imik-atlons That Its Full Capacity May Soon Be Reached. A .count of the occupants of the eity Jail this morning showed 12 !Tht Is the largest number that has ! b,,en ,here at one time for quite a ; while, and as many as can live there jin comfort. Most of the prisoners are serving short sentences for va grancy, drunkenness and begging, of I which there has been considerable j here lately. Should the rush keep up Marshal Carnev fpflra that v. - -..n 1 capacity of the Institution will soon i-nr reacnea. mere win also be an unusually large bread bill for the council to pay im monin. as that is the sole diet of the prisoners durlne their onnn.. ment. WAS DESTROYED Said to Have Been the Work of Cuban Filibusters Who Supposed Her Spanish. EXTRAORDINARY STORY TOI.D BY DYNAMITER. Gessler Kotwcau, a Professional Ter rorist, Makes a Confession While Waiting Beneath the Shadow of the Tomb Tlie Mine Which Sunk the Maine Was Made In Jacksonville, on a Cuban's Ordei Under Sen tence for Alleged Attempt to Dyna mite tlie Cunard Ocean Liner Vm-briu. IT MAY' TURJ( DOWN THK .,,.100,000 CASH GIFT. idt wot chai soutl pendi on tl reject returnei trlbuted cated cla y1(o'aJt,Tl',8 of Receipts. Washington, March it. The Pres et! this afternoon announced he ld appoint American to take 1,,of the customs receipts of the WB,. ports, of San Domingo, ttfti final . action by the senate treaty. . ..Should the senate te. treaty the money will be l. , otherwise It will be dls iPro rata upon the adjudl- arafl,,ti; .foreign countries. A Slorm. of,, Protects Against a Rol ugioas , ,,OrgjuilwUlon AccepUng noneif, rung iom the People hf a Trutitr.Prudcntia Committee Is oranon uiui uie Issue on It Hands of Returning $41,500. MOON Sill A Still and 1IiRS, IN, WASHINGTON. injid poiiriscated on a Iljrm. Twch 28.--A Illicit still IB. of ifpple Jack were ty United Slates Inter Cllw;tor C. A. Cole td .State's . Marshal flaiil ,made ,,Sunday on Miles ..northwest of ,Gorge ' , Allman, , w.as.ai.-ceRted and Spokane, &. and B0 galloi seized by Depu nal Revenue and Deputy ITi. Davenpeck In a . a farmhouse 12 Rosnlln, Wash, owner of the farm , brought to Spokan Sunday afternoon Davenpeck drove to Rosalia. In an unu they unearthed the m fit. A larire mash tai of pipes and vessels . distilled product waa fo containing 50 gallons o was also found. The outfit was taken ti stored. It will be shipp kane today. Allman told the officials -tin una nn lils nlnce when t. It He stated that he had ni any of the apple Jack and ha made any use of the still. Th lals are Inclined to believe his After a New Trial. iMtmsrs, Cole and the , farjn. from ed -outbuilding Qimhlner's. out rtt, .several, feet to i receive the 'IM.U. AA(Vcask f .npple 'jack t lPlai,aud d (tp ,.So that the vt .bought Wr sold d inever offlc- a'.pry. nosion. Marc n 2 8. Th n, uroiests against accepting 100,000 as a gift ori.Jpnn. Rorkefeller to the American board ..Of forplim mlodnn. of the Congregational church. Is at neignt.. -It- has.. developed that uie ooard nan, already accepted 41,. 500 of the amount... which now re poses in the board's strong box. Sec retary Barton Wday. said the question is: Will this amount be returned? The prudential , committee board meet this aftenmon ,. to , decide what course to pursue. Looks Like 'Aocaptauce, Boston. March 5 ntt mi ...... ... , o.- 1 V'l I fl J Herald, organ of the Aberlcan board of foreign missions. .insiiert tAj. contains the acknnwlediromct i i.neu as a part of Bockefeller's gift ni imiicaies its appointment The opinion Is renernllv ..Tn-.. Congregational circles the jyift will be Ounshu Pass. Mrch 28. -Te Jap- j Re ace have iwn received .from St lese have hnn- u t. . n . .' , . . . ane'se have begun-a forward move ment, and the Rue&ian renr nmrd has fallen back from Its psiUpn, 13 miles north of Siplng Hal, .which is 75 miles north of fie Pin in ouma Ideza, which p 40 mites ibelow Gunshu. Complete report ,-how tlve jtus slans sacrificed iat stores' to the amount of I1J50,. ovo, and stores for ,an army .corps amounting to $500. (KM held at Mita. den.' KuroDatkln ui-riri tki r.. hioval of the stores, idjut the anler was not executed. Invrstiiratlon will bjj made. Nogt at Kbfiii Paris, March 28. Th tvhn a Paris' prints a St. Pterh lira' Hla. B.ath stating It Is rumarad that n. eraK.5,?l nas reached .i&irln. Pet-.-rabuj-g at Ihe foreign office. Reported:. Iteace NeaiosJatlojis. .ion don, Jtancii 28. The .report leached Loudon this afternoon from Paris Kivine reliable nuthnrKu f. the statement tnat Russia has asked Iktittter Delcaase to act as an lnter- aedjary to . opea peace negotiations with Japan. It is understood Delcas se expressed his willingness to un deiake the work, tut considera Ixird Laatsdawns's co-jeraUon essential to success. j Left.ArniyJs.a . floklo. March 28. A Manchuria says the Jauais left ar.(riy,..lH near Mukden '.urir,. .h bsittlefd,, soring,. enormujus quanti tlen pf, .stores and material .,nin, - - . . . - i . . . una jiiuenamg to prisoners. Cnfdceers are ranlHiv ru,..i.,... . i. , - , i (s :uJC raiirokDriage across the Hup river, which .was badly damaged hy the Russians. .-Trains fire 11 ( II- f.nntn - n io me nun, and will reach Mkiten in a law.fljays. . The .weather is utaxm er, makinir the mnv.in.ni. r.i ... - - svvu and twmsports , difficult. atusfdan SecusjUlea Fall. St Ketersburg. March 28. &mi. panic prevails on the bourse here to day. Russian imraertel fours fell t points, uo 8614.) Great Fire at Nljni Kovgotvd. St. Peteas'burg, March ZfA great fire Is racing; alonr the rincka at vui Wovgorod, one of the most isnportant cities or central Russia. AJi ship ping is endangered, and nonnnm damage has keen caused. GOSPEL LIGHT III mm ofVEs CHAPMAN KVANOEMSTS PREACH IN NORTH END. t ruHade to Be Carried into Heart of the Dark District Erfcfcson's don engaged thorps of mangeUsts Will Occupy the Stage "f "emmUng the PUUu 1el Story to the Motley Crowds. Trial Begins Aprtfl o. New York. March 5 Ooff, In the court nf this mornlne ilreefrt ih.i ., i.i.i of Nan Patterson, accused of . the murder of Caesar Young, bookmaker should begin April 1. The decision is made on the motion of Attorney Levy, for the accused. Rooorder Goff will preside at the trial. Bumycs , ,of , Pcat Terms. Birmingham. March 2 t, n . says it has . excellent aythority Utr the statement -that a memorandum outlining ;h.te.ms which Will be ac ceptable to usela in the event of Japanese Lioan In Demand. London, March 8. The prospectus of the new Japanese loan Is In enor mous demand, and from all Indica tions the subscriptions will exceed I75.00iU00, all to be Issued here, i 1 Internal Troubles. 1 St. Petersburg March 9a r...i bands of peasants continue -.m burn and mrH., i r. ' " ' villt In Tamboff, Kazan and other ! and " elected list of the ments In the south. The trm. , powerless and orients the people. With warm weather a crisis will come.- especially If orders Ml oilier m new irm. Cleveland, March 28. Judge 'V counsel for Mrs. Chadwlck, will 1. far Cincinnati this evening to the circuit court of appeals to r verse Judge Taylor and grant 1 client a new trial and also ask f r a stay of the execution of the sen ' fence. District Attorney Sullivan wll. ' oppose Wing s motion. Thomas II. Wlckes Dead. Chicago, March 28. Thomas H. Wlckes, vice president of the Pull man Palace Car company, dropped dead while on his way, to his office this morning, of heart disease. Murder and Suicide. Reno, Nev., March 28. The 7-year-old son of Zerl Hamil ton, who was beaten over the head with a hammer by bis father laRt night, died this morning. The mother, who was beaten with the same weapon at the same time, Is expected to live. Hamilton shot and killed himself Immediately after the attempted double murder, Mrs. Hamilton refuses to make any statement, but It Is believed Jealousy caused the tragedy. The couple had a dlvorca suit pending, but became reconciled Inst week. NEW COUNTY OFFICER. Button County, Washington, Sraoots First Officials. The following are the persons .e leoted at a mass meeting held in i-rusner Haturaav to serve n. offloars.of Benton county, which -m " me last legislature: Sheriff, A. a. McNeil, ,of Prosser; ..nnunr, a. h. 1'otter, of iKennewlclc. treasurer. C. O. Kelnn nf ,u-i. - . . j-&uim, fio- istant, Horry Van Horn, of Horn precinct; ooroner. Dr. F. S. Hedper, f Klona: dork. J. n. Mnrr xj. ' """'; superintendent of schools Tnr n i a . . . . ijirKey, ot uattiesnake: sur veyor, A. L. Smith, of Hora.-Walla waviia statesman. WILL VOTE E 5 NEXT ON PDOHIB ITi Iook Bright on Upper Snahe, R. R. Steen arrived In the city yes terday from the upper Snake river and reports all conditions favorable for a good season for stock on the upper river range. The lambing sea son will commence in a few dnv on Jill stock Is now In excellent condi tion. The shearing season will begin from the middle of April to May 1 nnd a heavy clip will be socured. Mr. Steen stntes that at the ranch at the mouth of the Orand Ronde the peach trees are loaded wlih hin. soms Indicating a very heavy cron and that an average crop of apricots win De ae,curea. Liewlston Trlbtwe. Again the prohibition issue Is be ing raised In the north end of the county, and the people of that sec tion have asked for another vote to be taken on June 5 to decide the matter as they want It decMe. t... night a petition signed by 140 resi dents of North Milton, South Jlilton and Vallev Drenlncte ..i.k.j addrossed to County Clerk Baling, and I the T signer. , thi' l'" UP the .pAper has been a matter of in,.,, i "! l!?!r,.0f the e 'f U the pajer has been a matter of inter esc since us arrival. The .petition asks for a m. k taken In the sub-dlvleion comprising the three precincts The Mtttion will be acted on at the ieKuiar term oi the county court, held In May, and commencing on the third of that month. The election will then be ordered, nnd If the sub-dlvlslon goes dry as did last fall, no liquor selling will be allow. th... - - ...... u . c . July 1. As the petition will be acted on at a regular meeting of . the county court, the technloiu.. ... y fh. ., "e caning of the meeting which invalidated the ' " "l ra" win not occur again. petiUon will also be recorded this time before It Is given to the court and thus that flam- nt k- uc uvuiaeu. Today the clerk Is busy checking up Portland, March 28. The most sensational stroke made in this city by the Chapman evangelists now In this city, was the determination, reached yesterday, to carry the gos- ...ccungs into the heart of the North End district, where the sunlight of morality and religion has never Kiieiraiea. i-napman yesterday visited i.ic .,unn tna ana m.uie i in the concert halls and vaudeville houses, If the inmates would nit.n.i a mass meeting to be held at some convenient hall in that section. The unejilmous reply was a derisive "No." Then Chapman decided to open a campaign there. Erlckson'n M,i.. vllle concert hall has been encased HI rnnire.. . - w..0v , men among tne evangelists will occu py the stage, bv turns i.-.r aft., h.,,- speaking to the crowds In the hall. The best singers and best preach ers will carry a crusade into the very neart or the tenderloin district. The campaign will not be made spectac ular, but an earnest. determine,! corps of workers will present the i'iei siory to the denliens of that district from the most notorious con cert stage In the entire North End region. New York, March 28. Gessler Rosseau, the dynamiter awaiting sen tence to the Tombs, for sending a box ")"iue 10 me cunard liner Um bria two years ago, (which he per sistently denies,) today confessed he sold the infernal machine to Cuban filibusters which was used to destroy the battleshlD Mains In n.m.. bor. In the fall of 1897 he constructed machines at Jacksonville r-, the use of the filibusters against the Spanish. The next ... Maine was destroyed, h. formed by one of the men to whom me macnines were sold, that they de stroyed the Maine by mistake, think ing her a Spanish vessel. When he discovered his mistake th Cuban killed himself. Rosseau said he mam n . chist, nor a nihilist He attempted to destroy the stain, n tts.., .the Great because he did not want the statuu of a king in this country. FAMINE IN EASTERN SPAIN. Police Are Inefficient and More Trou ble la Feared. Madrid. March 20 m.. - - iiiauiiiiy of thousands of workman i ..-,.. - . .. juiuHie sia and other eastern n,nvi.. obtain food has led to rioting. Work men Pillaged the farm h... in.. police are unable to handle the situ ation, and greater disorders .... ed. A prolonged drouth has wrought havoc to crops and enormous damage Is done. are property entlrleH names affixed. to have their According to the new law, a petl- . t YO" must Presented at Grey WIU Attend. Montreal. March ? n. General Grey has been invited by .HI. fa i , - -1 , . . . ....o vi iiiuuui iriDes to attend a monster pow-wow to be held at New nesiminster, B. C. during the do minion fair In September. He has accepted. GRAIN MAAKETS. Quotations From All Points Hand ling Umatilla Produce. Chicago, March 28 M. ,k.. opened at $1.12? and closed at 11.12 Corn, 48 7. Oats. 294. Big Storm In Kanssvs. Kansas City, March 28. Th. t of Gardner, Kan., was partially ,f 1 ri '., ,J V. . . .. 1. : , . u) ,Bn wina last night Incomplete reports say the Baptist church, several houses and many barns were wrecked. Sacked a Monastery. Constantinople, March 28 Bul garian revolutionists Sunday picked and burned the monastery of St. Nicholas at Castorla. The monks were expelled and many wounded. Packing Apples for Export. Importers in England say that ap ples for that countrv ihmiM h. -,w ed as tight as possible and be un damaged by frost. The Canadian minister of agriculture has -lvei nn. tice of. intention to favor . least 30 dav. and n' rJLZ" " " " "" ' raVor a re'- w m . iimn u uw itmena me act repnectinir thp days before the date on which the Packing of various commoSmi. ?L election is proposed. By presenting the petition now the prohibitionists of Freewater and Milton have acted ... ..i,.ie time. When the court meets on Mav a ih.,. . .. - -' - ... uc niiii two days remaining before the 30 days . election day commences. MILTON CITIZENS DEFEND THEIR RIGHTS Maria Jollff. of St St. T.nui. been rescued from her seventh at tempt at suicide. She declares her purpose to eventually take her own life . Milton, March II. rSneclal A A mass meeting of citizens of Milton and vicinity was held at s nVinb this afternoon to organise to defend the city of Milton and Individual water users of the Walla Walla val ley In the suit brourht hv th. ... cock Mills of Milton against 300 peo ple using the waters of the Wjilla Walla and Tum-a-lum rivers. A committee with full powers to employ attorneys, collect funds to fight the case and have complete charge of the pending litigation was appointed by this meeting, as fol lows: Matt Mosgrove, H. L. Frailer Mac Cockburn. W. E. Putnam, and I J. Mclntyre. This committee will meet with committees to be appointed by the different Irrls-atlnn volved and a definite plan of defense will be decided upon In the Immedi ate future. to provme that "when apples are packed In Canada for export for sell ing by the box they shall be packed In good strong boxes of seasoned wood, the Inside dimensions of which shall not be less than 10 inches In depth, 11 Inches In width and 20 inches In length, representing as far as possible 2200 cubic Inches" Pro vision Is also made for a penalty of 25 cents on each box of apples" not packed In accordance with hi. lation. W. R. Holloway. Consul General. Hallfnx. N. S. New fnsnrance Commissioner. F. L. Liggett of Wallace, took nn. session of the office of state insur ance commissioner and state account ant Monday morning, succeeding junn tt. Myers. He has been at the office most of the day going over the books with Mr. Myers and familiar izing himself with the duties of the office. Mr. Myers made his final renort this afternoon covering the period from the first of the month nn to th. close of business today. The amount he turned over was 1S141.8S. noise Capital New9. Child Burned to Death. A terrible accident home of Fred Miller. of Hood River, last evening. Mrs. Mil ler naa oeen raking up about the place and built a bon fire to burp up the rubbish collected. Later her lit tle 4-year-old son was playing about the fire when his clothing caught and before he was discovered the little fellow was so badly burned that he died this morning at 5 o'clock The Dalles Chronicle. Chief of Police Horn, of Boise, was arrested and taken before the nolle. Judge, charged with not wearing his uniform while on duty. He was given the Alternative of at once don ning his uniform or paying a fine, and accepted the former. Cyclone Destroys Town. St. Paul, Minn., March 28. A cyclone completely wiped out every store, two grain ele vators, the Great Northern sta tion and numerous dwellings at Loulsburg, a village of 200 In habitants, In Lao Qui Parle county, at 6 yesterday evening. Loss, $50,000. Seven were se verely injured. Including five members of the Winder family, whose home was wrecked. Jen nie Winger, aged 7, will proba bly die. The cyclone followed the usual course, from south west to northeast. e e