TEN PAGES. DAILY EAST OUEGOMAX, PENDLETON, OHEGON, SATURDAY, MAKCII 2S, 1W5. PASS THRKE. T McLAUGHLIN, The Tailor iDRY GLORIES THE RIB SALE OF THE SEASON AT SMASHER OP HIGH TRICES. SOLOMON'S TEMPLE WHEN ' COMPARED WITH THE FAIR. ALEXANDER'S TUESDAY, March 28 For One Day Only 0 N above date we will put on sale 350 Garments of Muslin Underwear, VALUE FROM $1.00 to $3.00, at one price for one day 95c See them in our Show window. The line is composed- of COR- I SET COVERS, SKIRTS, DRAWERS, NIGHT ROBES AND CHEMISE. Sale begins at 9 a. m. and closes at 6 p. m. This will be a money saving opportunity and well worth your while to attend ...This Big Sale... I Watch for our next Saturday night EXTRA SPECIAL HMWWWHHmmWWWMHHHIHIIIImMHIIIIIIHMMHm aJ- WHITE CLOVER BUTTER THL IDEAL CREAMERY PRODUCT PACKED IN AIR-TIGHT AND GERM-PROOF CARTONS As shown In tlM above Illustration.. The only butter on the Pacific Coast using this safeguard to prevent the absorption of disagreeable odors and all foreign substances. "WHITE CLOVER" In carton retains all of the sweetness and delicate aroma noticeable In fresh-made butter. Accept no other brand. Sold exclusively In Pendleton by the Standard Grocery Co. CORNER COURT AND JOHNSON. AUTOMOBILE DELIVERY. (rt'iicral I)eii(in of Vi-rta and Scheme anil Archltt'ctiiro Palaces and IiaiHlsc)ie Dreams Have Sup planted a Tailzied Wllderncw Tlie l.eul and Clark Is lleumiful and IniTeoKlng In Ueuuty. N Coal bin with our good, clean COAL. You can't afford to use the ordinary kind The waste amounts to much more than yon would suppose besides, I fire that burns badly la an ag' gravatlon for which there Is but one euro better coal. We handle the best the kind that will give satisfaction. Henry Kopittke DUTCH HENRY. Office Pendleton Ice Cold Storage Co., 'Phone 1781. The East Oregonlan is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show K by their liberal patronage.. It la the advertising medium of this section. Don't yon see that If you buy for $3.50 a pair of shoes that are In every way as good as the ones you've been paying $4.50 for, you've saved $1.00. Lots of tilings yon can do with that dollar. "Keith's -Konqueror" Shoes, .50 1 Mil Sullivan (b Bond CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNISHINGS. NEW SCHMIDT BLOCK. Portland, March 25. It is a far cry from Palestine to Portland, and a long cry from the time of Solomon and Kheua's queen to 1905. What would the queen of Sheba, who mar veled at the tawdry glories of Solo mon's temple, have said had she seen modern exposition? On a recent Sunday 8000 people visited the Lewis and Clark fair grounds and were surprised at the wonders which they found awaiting them there. Where a few yean ago had been a hunting ground, a few months a dreary wilderness, they saw stately exposition structures gleaming In their coats of ivory white staff. In place of the tangled underbrush of the virgin forest they found well cropped lawns, and where bramble bushes had grown in the past, the roses, Oregon's particular flower, blossomed In riotous profusion of col or. The 8000 returned to their homes delighted with what hey had seen and convinced that the exposition will be in every way a success. The general scheme embodied In the laying-out of the exposition pro vides for compactness without crowd ing. There are no long vistas of monotonous, white exposition struc tures to weary the eye; no long aisles to weary the limbs. Entering by way of Colonnade entrance, ornate gate way of the western world's fair, one reaches Pacific court, and passing through it, comes upon Columbia court, the central plaza of the ex position. Here sunken gardens filled with a profusion of tropical flower ing plants are flanked on either side by wide avenues, while In the cen ter stands the heroic statue in bronze of Sacajawea, the Indian slave woman who guided Lewis and Clark on their expedition a century ago. To the right of Columbia court is the agricultural palace, the largest building on the grounds, and beyond It. In course of construction, the pal ace of manufactures, liberal arts and varied industries, which will almost equal It In size. Beyond this building Is a group which Includes the mines and metallurgy building, the ma chinery, electricity and transporta tion building, and Festival hall, the auditorium of the exposition, which has a seating capacity of 3000 In the western part of the grounds the European exhibits building flanks Columbia court, and beyond It are located the original Oriental exhibits building, the forestry building and n number of state structures. West of the forestry building. In a little ravine, are situated the experimental gardens. Astor drive separates the Experi mental Gardens from Centennial park and leads to the Trail and the Bridge of Nations, which, aggregately 2000 feet long, connects the mainland with Government peninsula. On Government peninsula, which projects Into Guild's lake, the nat ural grand basin of the exposition. Uncle Sam's magnificent display, characteristic of the United States government's participation In world's fairs, is located. ) GETS YOU A SWELL SUIT OF CLOTHES. THREE HUNDRED PATTERNS TO SELECT FROM. Sprayers Sprayers I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENTS OF SPRAYERS AND SPRAY PUMPS. CALL IN AND SEE THE AUTO MATIC SPRAYER; IT WORKS LIKE A FIKK EXTINGUISHER. HEDGE SHEARS, TREE TRIMMERS, ETC., ETC. T. G. TAYLOR THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN STREET. Always. Remember tbe Full .Nam B axauve firorao CnreS S Cold bi One Day, is rim .nam uinmo JS TV . On every eta TO OPPOSE PAPER TRUST ahlMiors Form a Combination to Make News Panr. Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the secretary of state for the Incorporation of the Publishers' Paper company, of Augusta. Me., with a capital stock of $6,000,000 and the following directors; William A. Hall of New Tork, president: James A. Burns of New York, treasurer; Frank B. Noyes of Washington, Vic tor F. Lawson of Chicago, and Oak lelgh Thome of New York. it is understood that the company will take over at once 300,000 acres of woodland in New Hampshire and Maine and upon the foundations aU ready laid at Portsmouth construct a paper mill with a capacity of 3S0 tons per day. The company's water power along the Saco river Is estimated at 06,000 horse power. This will be de eloped for the transmission of elec trical power for the company's use at Portsmouth. The charter of the new company provides for five directors to serve until the first annual meet ing, to be held on the first Wednes day of May, 1905, at which time 15 directors are to be elected. ' It Is understood that many of the members of the American Newspaper Publishers' association are interested In the new company and that ulti mately the corporation will furnish paper for the leading newspapers of the United States. The company Is the outgrowth of the fight between the publishers and the paper trust. Pensioner 105 Years Old. Ackworth, N. H., March 25. Wil liam Welch, a resident of this place, will be 105 years old tomorrow, hav ing been birn during the ndiulnlMriv lion of John Adams, the second presi dent of the United States. He holds the record of being the oldest pen sloner of the Civil war, and is Just a month younger than Hiram Cronk, who holds the same record for the war of 1812. Welch was over 0 years old when he enlisted In Com puny I. Fourteenth New Hampshire volunteers. At the last session of congress a bill was passed increasing Welch's pension from 812 to 824 ft month. THE STATE HOTEL RUDOLPH MARTIN, Prop. Corner Webb and Cottonwood OUeuts. Everything new. Everything first-das. Everything aa-to-date. Large, coxy, weD-furnlshed rooms. All outside rooms and properly ventilated. A good quiet place for people who work at night and sleep tn the day-time. RATES BY THE DAY. WEEK OR MONTH A GLsy last IT'S EASY TO TALK vev r n ftuuui buou jewelry in wis pa pers. But It isn't always se easy to back up the talk hi the store. We never elalm any virtue for our Jewelry that can not be substantiated. Every word we utter will be backed up by the JEWELRY IN OUR STORE So when we say we have the best assortment and the lowest prices, we want you to test the statement In person. Will yeuT WINSLOW BROS. Jewelers Postofflce Block T A REPLICA SUMPTER'S FIRST CABIN AT LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR. June 15 will be the Daughters of the American Revolution and Amer ican flag day at the Lewis and Clark exposition. An Exhibit That Would Be of Really Great Interest, Especially Could the Original Be Placed, Accompanied by "Uncle Dave" Littlefleld, Voice and Cane Both Relics of 1861. "What's the matter with exhibiting a replica of the first house in Sump- ter at the Lewis and Clark fair?" suggested a local mining man this morning. "The old cabin across the river, built in the dim dawn of civili zation in this part of the world by those two representatives of the left wing of Price's army, who flew west to avoid suffocation from battle smoke and who named their cabin Sumpter, in misspelled honor of opening gun of the Civil war, would make an inter esting exhibit at the big Portland ex position. Every amateur kodak fiend that ever hit this camp has photo graphed the old cabin, and space writers In innumerable western pa pers have woven all kinds of romance about it. If we could transport the cabin Just as it stands with crushed roof and sagging walls It would pre sent a somewhat Interest-impelling relic of the time when this great west ern mining camp was in Its cradle. "The best scheme of all, however, would be to send "Uncle Dave' Little field down to the fair and exhibit him as a human document TJncle Dave," you, know, was one of the four men who, in October, 18S1, first discover ed gold In Eastern Oregon, the scene of discovery being at Auburn. 12 miles southeast of Sumpter. He helped to blase a trail for civilisation and likes to tell about It His voice can be heard 14 blocks away when in private conversation, and If we could only provide him with an easy chair In the mines building, for In stance, give him a heavy cane, with which to Indulge his yearning to pound on the floor in emphasis of his remarks, and provide a conveni ent decanter of the good old stuff. I'll wager that Uncle Dave would advertise this camp to the queen's taste." j No j Frenzied j j Finance j In the real estate we have for sale. Real estate Is the only safe founda tion for a sound financial operation. There Is something to build on. Take your money and Invest It in property and It will Increase In value. We have desirable property In all parts of the city, as well as ranchs, farms and small tracts. : W. E. Davidson & Co. e e e : : ill Couit Street. The Colombia Lodging House ' ' Well ventilated, neat and com- fortable rooms, good beds. Bar , In connection, where the best J I goods are served. x, Main street, center of block, be- X 1 tween Alta and Webb streets. T F. X. SCHEMPP FROPRJKTOR. The East Oregonlan Is Eastern Ore gon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and show It by their liberal patronage.. It at the advertising medium of this i