EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 105. PAGE FIVC PERSONAL MENTION Soft Hats Of a moderately "Rakish" build GO WKIii WITH A YOUNG FACE. FOR THE OLDF.lt ON FX WE HAVE THE CONSERVATIVE SHAPES. Five words about Hats for the man about town 1 2 3 Blacks and Browns 4 5 This Spring Teutsch, Hatter CITY BREVITIES Nuts at Tat&m's. Get sunny. U C Rader. . FJne oranges at Tatom's. , - , , Best wood and coal, McAdams. Where did you get that hat? At Lee Teutsch's. Highest cash price for 'second-hand goods at Sharon & Eddlngs. If you want to be In line, buy your spring hat at Lee Teutsch's. Always pleased are smokers who buy 4at Howard's cigar store. ' See those swell peg-top trousers and nobby top coats at Alexander's. Look for the great cut prices In SulllVan & Bond's ad tomorrow. The St. George restaurant, open day 'and night. Mrs. Cooper, proprie tress. The kind of hats you like to wear are at The Peoples Warehouse. Don't forget. $16.00 Cravenette rain coats for 17.50 this week at The Peoples Ware house, i Regular 7c lice for 4c per pound at F. 8. Younger & Son. Phone Main 2S1. Nice, fat bananas, 2 for 6c, 30c per dozen, at F. S. 'Younger & Son. Phone Main 281. Why is It you are looking so un usually well? I have Just bought a a new hat at Teutsch's. New Ideas In suits and top coats at The Peoples Warehouse. Call around ami have a look at them. Just received a swell line of Leo pold's spring clothing, also the latest In fancy vests at Alexader's. Slebert, the tailor, Is showing the new spring fashions at his new loca tion on Webb street, near E. O. building. , Phone Main 2S1 F. S. Younger & Son For your groceries, fruits and vegetables. Good goods and quick de livery is their hobby. James Westgate. a miner, wander ed away from Ymlr, B. C, and was found frozen to death. He was "queer" and subject to fits. Leathers & Nlchol's transfer moves trunks, pianos, furniture and does all kinds of Job work. 'Phone Main 2811 Of leave orders at Gritman's cigar tore. The torch Is being used by the Rus- siim" peasants as their weapon against the oppressing nobles. In the prov ince of Saratoff the peasants , have hurried 100 square miles of forest be longing to tlie estate of Prince Galllt- iln.. t New Arrivals In spring time Jewelry, consist ing of HAT PIN9 ' ' WATCH PINS " 1 '..-' SCARF PINS FOBS and BROOCHES They are 11 beauties and the price wHI entertain you. GOOD GOODS AT SMALL COST AT OUlt STORE. L. Hunziker JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. 720 MAIN STREET. iff ti U C Rader. Get sunny. Confections at Tatom's. McAdams,' wood and coal. For tennis shoes, go to the Peoples Warehouse. They have a complete line. i : ' : v ,. - . Regular 60c oranges for SBe" dozen at F. S. Younger & Son. Phone Main 281. Two packages Force or Malta Vita for 25c at F. S. Younger & Son. Phone Main 281. To Attend Missionary Conference. Rev. T. R. Egerton, pastor of the Congregational church, will leave next Monday for Portland to attend the missionary conference held by the Congregational ministers of the state at Portland on the 21st. He will stay over several days to attend the Wilbur Chapman meetings. All de nominations are Invited to participate and ministers throughout the state are expected to be present at these meetings. During Mr. Egerton's ab sence his wife will hold the usual Sunday services. In the Congrega tional church women are allowed to be ordained as pastors as well as men. there being In the United States about 60 women who are serving as ministers. The daughter of Rev. J. Edwards, the former pastor of the church here. Is an ordained minister In that church. Bankrupt Stock Sold. Sheriff Taylor this morning sold the stock of cigars and store fixtures formerly owned by John Hnnlon, and which were seized under attachment about a month ago. tii'itmnn Bros, purchased the cigar stock, while the fixtures went to another party. In all, the stock brought $40i, which more thnn pays off the account for which the attachment was made, bnt does not pny all the Indebtedness of Hanlou. Were a Selected lot. J H. Gwlnn has received a letter from a sheepman, at Antelope which states that the yearling ewes that were recently sold at that place for 12.00, an account appearing In this paper, were a select band. The pre vailing price for mixed yearlings in Wasco and other counties of Eastern Oregon Is said to vary from $2.10 to $2.25, with most of the sales being (2.10 or $2.16. SHrtsmen Sleet Tonight. The Sportsmen's association .will meet tonight at 8 o'clock In the rooms of the Commercial association, for the purpose of discussing ways and means for securing the privilege of fishing on the reservation during the coming season. A petition will be prepared and signed by all the members.' This will be given to Major McKoln, and by him sent to the department at Washington. New Set of Books. The Commercial National bank has Just received a complete new set of loose: leaf books for use In their business.' The set consists of an In dividual ledger, transfer ledger, tell er's record, deposit Journal and check Journal. -. The entire set constitutes the system that was on exhibit at the St. Louis' fair. , To Cure a Cold In One Day. ': Take Laxative ftromo Quinine Tablets.- All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on sach box.,, 16a. , , ., Oh account of low water, 60,000, 000 feet of logs are stranded along the Columbia and its tributaries. A v Hurler's, Lowney's, Gun'ther's, The Palm and Our Own Candles in packages from 10 cents up to $7.50 Fine line of bulk goods; ' A. C. K0EPPEN & BROTHERS, ' Popular 'Price Druggists. R. H. Wilcox went up to Athena to day on business. Mr. and Mrs. L, K. Moore, of Moro, Or., arc In town. Ed Yeck Is In town today from his home at Umatilla. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Stanfleld, of Echo, are In town. H. Y. Blackwell Is here from Long Creek upon a short visit. Dan P. Smythe left last night on a business trip to Walla Walla, W. F. Matlock was a business visit or at Walla Walla yesterday. J. J. Raulston, a prominent wheat raiser of near Adams, Is In town. A. B. Cooley and wife, of this city, are visitors In Walla Walla today. A. S. Quant, a merchant of Alba, is here today and a guest at the Hotel Bickers. Mrs. J. H. Graham and sons left this morning for Waltsburg to visit with her parents a few duys. L. M. Smythe and A. D. Chase are both registered at the Hotel St. George from Limerick, Ireland. J. E. Bingham, manager of the tel ephone system at Walla Walla, re turned to Walla Walla last night. Clark Nelson returned last night from Weston, where he went to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Edwin Tow eiy. Misses Esther and Slddie Somer ville left this morning for Adams, where they will visit their aunt for a couple of days. ' The little son of 'Mr.'and Mrs. K. L. Hasbrouck, who has been serious ly 111 with brain fever, is reported Improved today.. , j " Miss Gertrude Sheridan' and Mar garet Leasure are spending the week as guests at the farm home of J. J. Itaulston, near Athena. Miss Bertha Matlock, who has been visiting here lately, the guest of Mrs. E." A. Vaughan and Mrs. T. W. Ayres, left Inst' evening for La Grande. Mrs. B. L. Oliver, of Pendleton, ar rived In the city today, and will Visit several weeks with her daughter. Miss Oliver, who Is attending Willamette University. Salem Journal. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Maurer, Miss Nora Maurer and Miss Jplia Firestone are now here from Sylvan Springs, Ark., and are said to contemplate locating In this section. ' Dave McCnrty and wife left this morning for their home on Butter creek after spending several " days here. Mr. McCarty Is one of the ex tensive farmers and stockmen of that section of the county.' , H. W. Boyle, the O. R. & X. oper ator at U. John's, came down on a cot last night en route to Hot Lake. He was accompanied by his wife. He Is helpless with rheumatism and hopes for relief at, Hot Lake, ; Mr., and Mrs. Herbert Helms, of Athena, are In Walla Walla the guests of M. C. MeOrew. Mr. Helms form erly conducted a business in Ken drlck and was among those burned out when the big fire swept that place a few months ago. Mr. and Mis. A. E. Griener, of Woodville. Mont., are expected to ar rive today. Mr. Griener has been day operator at Woodville. but has resigned there lo accept, a position with the Oroegr'i Lumber company. T'ntil they find a suitable dwelling, l buy will visit with Mrs. Griener's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Robinson. Carload 'of Blooded Horses. H. C. Lowry, of, Nevada, Iowa, ar rived this morning with a palace sio.-k rir containing ,14 Percheron stallions. He Is en route to Walla Walla where -they will be sold under the hammer on March 2Sth. He has a H0U acre farm in Iowa, where he raises blooded horses. He has made 6 trips to Montana, but this is Ms first trip to this vicinity. Slip Likes Pendleton. Mrs. C. O. Wilson, chairman of the board of grand guardians of the Wo men of Woodcraft, Spent the' day In town yesterday the guest of Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall. Mrs. Wilson's home Is at Pullman, Wash. She left last night for Leadvllle, Col., where she will prepare her report for the grand session which Is to mee In Los Angeles. Off to the. Reform School. ,v Henry Bruer, an officer from the reform school, arrived here this morn ing for the purpose of securing Roy Hutchinson and young Peale, who were committed to that Institution yesterday. The party left for Salem on' the delayed , west-bound train this afternoon. Indies' Aid Spring Sale. The Ladies' Aid society of the First Congregational church, will hold their spring sale of useful and fancy arti cles, on March 30 and 31, In the church. Refreshments will be serv ed In connection With the sale. Fur ther particulars will be given later. Will Entertain Children. The teachers of the primary de partment of the Presbyterian church Sunday school will entertain the chil dren In the church' parlors tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Cusp of Scarlet Fever. Another case of scarlet fever Is re ported today, the patient being the child of Joseph Hoch, living on Aura street. Jluugliter Was Born. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Hal Dickson, at their home In Portland, a 10-pound girl. A Son Was Horn. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hen derson, of 409 East Court street, a 10 pound boy. A trolley line Is to be built between Marshfield "and North Bend. eoples The aretoise Their Grocery Prices Small white beans, (our price) per lb 5c Pure Rolled Oats, per lb 5c Best Cane Sugar, 14 tbs $1.00 Rice, per lb Be Maccaronl, 10-lb box 50c Vermicelli, 10-lb box -. 50c Pancake Drips, 1 gal buckets . . . ., 50o Force or Malta Vita, 2 packages 25o Scotch Oats, 2 packages 25c Shredded Whole Wheat, per package 15c Apples, per box $1.35 Potatoes, (Weston) per 100 tbs $1.25 Cheese, (full cream), per lb 20c Honey, per lb, 20c; 3 lbs for 50c Bananas, per dozen 30c Oranges, 2 dozen 25c Lemons, per dozen .' 25c Republic Coffee, ."The Best' 'for 25o Heinz Pickles, sweet mixed, per qt 30c Pickles, sour, per qt 20c Cabbage, per tb ...i So Onion setts, per lb 15c Toothpicks, hardwood, 3 packages 10c Sml-le-o, 1-Ib packages for 15c Pure Celluloid Starch, lOo size, 4 packages 25c 60-Ib box Prunes, (special) $3.04 Spider Leg Tea, per lb 60o Worcestershire Sauce, per bottle 25o California Star Chocolate, per lb ..; 25c Dried Peaches, 2 lbs for 25c Dried Apricots, 2 lbs for 25c Golden Star Soap, ( bars . .n 25c Golden Star Soap, 20-bar box 75c Silk Soap, same as above. Arm & Hammer Soda. 4 packages 25c Soda Crackers, 10-lh box , 75c Onions, per It 4c Salt, 6-Ib sack ;,. 103 Cream, 16-oz cans 10c Long's Preserves, THE BEST, per Jar 85c Wadco Jellies and Jams, per can 25c Tomatoes (Standards) per can 10c Peas, Early June, per can 10c 100 sacks Early Rose Seed Potatoes, per sk $1.25 Don't overlook onr prices on the best potatoes) on tlie market. They are nice large, white, smooth, fine cooking. This Is our second car from THE WESTON MOUNTAINS, and they are Belling at $1.35 per sack of 110 pounds. , ,,...' . Call and see us for It will save' yon money and we H1 guarantee to give yon satisfaction. WANTED 100,000 EGGS AND YOUR OTHER PRODUCE. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID. Peoples W aretoose 'PHONE MAIN 221. WHERE JT. PAYS TO TRADE. 'PHONE MAIN 281. : . F. S. Younger & Son For Y'our Gro ceries, Frnlts and Vegetables ' Good Good9 and Quick Deliver' Is Their Hobby., New Vegetables. Hubbard squash, artichokes, cel ery, lettuce, sweet potatoes, radish, parsley, green ' onions, asparagus, spinach, cranberries, cabbage, dry onions,, carrots, bunch beets, bunch turnirs, cauliflower, horseradish, to matoes, new potatoes, rhubarb. New Fruits Grapefruit, bananas, oranges, pine apples, dates, stuffed dates, basket figs, California figs. NuLs, Etc. Walnuts, almonds, pecans, brazils, filberts, black walnuts, comb honey, strained honey. Fish. Dried, Smoked and Salt Dried herring, bloaters, mackerel, Holland herring, salt salmon, smoked halibut, salmon, sturgeon,, codfish. Wafers Nabisea, Festlna, Athens Romance, Champagne; also full liine of West ern Baking Company's cookies and crackers. Cheese, Etc. Imported Swiss cheese, Wisconsin Swiss, Llmburger, full cream, Mc Laren's Roquefort and Imperial. Swift's boiled ham. Phone Main 281, if you are In a hurry for your groceries, Rev. J. B. Tollman Here. Rev. J. B. Tallman, a member of the Michigan conference of the Meth odist Episcopal church, and a preach er of marked ability, is the guest of his son, J. V. Tallman. Rev. Tallman has been spending the winter In Pas adena and Los Angeles and will spend several months In Pendleton. He will preach In the Thompson Street M. E. church next Sunday morning. At Pocatello Mrs. C. Calvin, of Havre, Mont., accidentally toppled over a railing In the hotel where she stopped, and crashed down through a skylight Into a drug store on the first floor. She was Instantly killed by her skull being crushed. Drink DESCENT ream: It Is Fine IN 1 and 2 LB. SEALED TINS ONLY Coal bin with our good, clown COAL. You enn't afford to ue tlie ordinary kind. The waste amounts to much more than you would suppose !eddes, a fire that burns badly Is an ag gravation for which there Is hut one cure letter eonl. We 'handle the best the kind that will give satisfaction. Henry Kopkitte DUTCH HENRY. Office Pendleton Ice & Cold Storage Co., 'Phone 1781. TAKE Atwood's Celery Kola YOU WILL EAT WELL. j YOU WILL SLEEP WELL. YOU WILL FEEL WELL. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. Brock & AkComas Company DRUGGISTS Great argains Offered on Chlnaware, Glassware and Crockery at our closing out sale of tills line of goods. Goods offered In bulk lots or by the single piece or set. Groceries, fresh, good stock at lowest prices. We have onr own delivery and send goods promptly. C. ROHRMAN , Court Street Grocer j 4 GROCERIES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We hnve opened a regular retail grocery store In connection with our wholesale store and are prepared to supply high-grade groceries of all descriptions. Buying for our wholesale store enables us to sell yon at loner prices and offer you better goods. We want yonr trade, and will appreciate a trial order, and If honest goods, low prices and courteous treatment will win your latronage, we are assured of yonr trade. CLARK & REES Successors to DESPAIN CLARK. 544-546 MAIN STREET. 'PHONE MAIN 1741. SIX DFXiIVEUEES EVERY DAY. A SUPERIOR LIME Contractors who use the lime wo sell, say that It nil make 20 per cent more mortar than any other Unie sold In ths territory; our price Is tlie same as yon pay for the Inferior brands, why not get the best? The results will surprise you, OREGON LUMBER YARD ALT STREET. OPPOSITE COURT HOrsB. YOU CAN SAVE MONET, as shirts, collars and cuffs are Injured more by improper washing and Iron lug than by actual wear. This Is aa absolute fact, as you probably know. It is also an absolute fact that your linen will wear twice as long and look better by having them laundered by the Domestic laundry. This you can prove by giving us your work regu larly, and finding out how much you save by It. ROBINSONS DOMESTIC LAUNDRY.