PA4W TTjL I La Page's Glue SIZES. IOe TO 4SC OIIi BRUSHES FOR FLOOR, I1M TO S1.T5. DUSTLESS BRUSH. THE THE SEEDS GARDEN, FIELD AXD FLOW ER SEEDS. OCR STOCK J COXSISTS OF FRESH, REM- ABLE SEEDS. "SURE TO X NAME." J BLUE PRINT i PAPER I ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT J HAS ARRIVED. THE "ARCH ITECT" BRAND. 13c TO IUS A ROLL. BEST QUALITY AND FRESH STOCK. FREDERICK NOLF & CO. SCHOOL AND OFFICE SUPPLIES. GEXERAL NEWS. .. Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, order ed an enforcement of the anti-spitting , ordinance, and within three days 325 spltters were arrested and fined. Major Robert Clark, who officiated at the laying of the corner-stone of the Washington monument In 184 8. Is dead at Erie. Pa., aged 89 years. Of 8000 samples of food products examined last year at the Connecti cut Agricultural Experiment Station, over one-third were found to be adul terated. A bill has passed the New York senate prohibiting "tipping." and Im posing a heavy fine upon both donor and recipient It is expected to pass the house, and the governor states in advance that he will sign it when , tt gets to him. During the 23 years of its existence the Standard Oil oompany has paid t4li6.OliS.000 dividends on its $100. 000,000 stock. Does not include its surplus and undivided profits held us sinking fund and expended in better ments and other investments. Dennis MeCall. John E. Keefe and James H. Gretztr.ger are under arrest nt Boston. Mass., charged with hav ing stolen, during the past five years, J5".00 worth of goods from Jordon, Marsh & Co. They were all employ ed In the shipping department. The International Congress of Mar itime Law, in session at Brussels, has drafted two treaties. One relating to collisions, the other to saving life and rendering assistance at sea. Both are close copies of the Anglo-American treaties bearing on the same sub jects. Anna Onnafrey refused at Mount Pleasant. Pa., to dance with an rn bidden guest. As a result of the quar rel which her refusal started, John Kopkas and Michael Lechow were killed, and six other men badly wounded. Pistols and knives were used. The records of New York City hos pitals for many years disclose that the month of February produced by far the greater number of severe cases of Illness that are extremely sudden, as compared with any other month. The record includes apo plexy, heart disease, pneumonia, and for the most part other heart, lung) and brain affections. NORTHWEST NEWS. E. F. Sweeney hi credited with the intention of soon building an eight story hotel in Seattle. Vernon Hill was run down and killed by a train of ore cars at Gran by, B. C, near Phoenix. A 40-day legislature In Oregon cost JuO.OOO; In Washington, a 60-day session will cost $80,000. All the saloons and gambling places of Balem were Sunday, February 21, closed tight, fore and aft, left and right The schooner Onward struck on Coqullle bar, off Marshfleld and pounded in pieces. All the crew were saved. E. A. Franx, of Hood River, sold his 40-acre fruit farm to R. H. Wal lace, of Portland, for $12,000, or 1300 per acre. At Vancouver, Wash., the 13-year-old daughter of H. Bloomquest was , burned to death by her clothes catch ing fire from a stove. The Oregon legislature appropriat ed 125.000 for new fish hatcheries, and with the money five hatcheries will be established: on the Wallowa, McKenxie. Tillamook, Alsea and Co qullle rivers. 800 acres half creek bottom land adapted to alfalfa. ' Most of upland - also tillable. Very good house, barn and other improvements. Good or chard. Plenty of running water. All farm Implements and stock now on the place or Included. Two miles from Pendleton. 1 12.600. E. T. WADE BOX. Office E. o. Building. DAILY FIRST SHEEP III JACOB FRAKFIt BROUGHT IN 220 IN isita. Jamre Hackett, Well Know- Shrep mu, Was Probably the First Herd er In the County Worked for Fra ser for 10 Years and Then Formed 1'BitmTshlp Hackett and Fraser Brought In the First Merino Buck Ever Owned la the County. James Hackett, the well known sheepman of this city, was one of the very first sheepherders ever holding such a job In Umatilla county. He has passed through all the successive stages of the Bheep business, from that of herder to be one of the princi pal sheep owners of one of the great est sheep counties in the state. Hackett was born in Sacramento, Cnl.. and came to this county with Jacob Fraser. the man who brought the first band of sheep into Umatilla county. In 1SS Mr. Fraser went to Umpqui valley. Oregon, and purchas eJ a Land of 2200 head of sheep, and dove them across the Cascade moun tains irto Umatilla county, and locat ed the famous Fraser ranch on Birch creek, now owned by the Gurdarlans. Hackett was a boy 10 years old at 'hat time and herded this band of "bee,! cn the foothills, around the piexei.t site of Pendleton, and a few yea s li.ter formed a partnership with Mr. Fraser In the sheep business. Although other sheep had been driven through the county before this, the band brought here by Mr. Fraser In 1868, was the very first hand to locate permanently In the county. At that time sheep were a drug on the market In the Willam ette valley and this herd was bought for about 11.10 per head. They had been brought from California Into the Willamette valley, and were a very poor grade of Bheep. In 1873. when Hackett had be come a partner of Fraser in the sheep business, they bought the first meri no bucks ever brought Into the coun ty, from John Minto, of Faiem. who was a noted breeder of fine stock. From that firHt lot of merino bucks ever brought in to the county, the lH-tter grade of later Eastern Ore gon sheep descended. Jacob Fraxer was the first man to send a ln.nnft pound shipment of wool down the Columbia river, this being the clip from his herd a few years after bringing the Umpqua sheep here. It was hauled by freight teams from his pens near Pendleton, to Umatilla Landing and thence to Portland by boat. There was little market for wool at that time, and this shipment of 10.000 pounds was looked upon as a wonderful cargo. COMING EVENTS. March 8 Lent begins. April 18 Montana Stockgrowers' Association. Miles City. April 23 Easter Sunday. May 9-H Convention of Order of Railway Conductors. Portland. June 1, 1905 Opening Lewis and Clark exposition. June 22-28 National Woman's Suffrage Association. Portland. July 11-14 American Medical As sociation, Portland. Fraud Exposed. A few counterfeiters have lately been making and trying to sell Imi tations of Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption. Coughs and Colds, and other medicines, thereby de frauding the public. This Is to warn you to beware of such people, who seek to profit through stealing the reputation of remedies which have been successfully curing disease, for over 35 years. A sure protection, to you. la our name on the wrapper. Look for It on all Dr. King's, or Bucklen'a remedies, as all others are mere Imitations. H. E. BUCKLE N ft CO., Chicago, III., and Windsor. Canada. Tallman ft Co. Deserves Work. An aged woman called at our office Monday and inserted an ad In the classified columns for work to do washing for men or private families. She explains that she was greatly In need of work and would appreciate any washings given her to do. . She says she does not ask for alms but would prefer to work and earn money. She will call for and deliver all work given her. Send orders to 70 ta street . Notice. The beautiful enamel trunk to be given away by us, will be presented to tbe one holding the lucky num ber next Saturday night February 25. at S o'clock. All this week we will give a chance on thla handsome pres ent with each and every purchase made at our store. , SULLIVAN ft BOND. - - Agonising Burns. Are Instantly relieved and perfect ly healed by Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. C. Rivenbark, Jr., of Norfolk. Va.. writes: "I burnt my knee dreadfully; that It blistered all over. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve stopped the pain, and healed It without a scar." Also heals all wounds and sores. 25c at Tallman ft Co., druggists. Notice to Debtors. All persons indebted to us will please call and settle at once, aa we need the money to pay bills. D. KEMLER SON. The grocers. Two pile bridges across the Kaw river just west of Kansas City, have been torn out by floating Ice. Both were railroad bridges. GOUHTY BAST MCOOHUK, PEKBLErOK, HOTEL ARRIVALS. The St. George. J. B. Peller, Seattle. H. B. Hammond. Chicago. George 8. Reld. Portland. Oeorge Harris, Portland. Frank Spike, Echo. Dave McAtee. Heppner. M. L Lott, Portland. F. B. Wood. Chicago. Mrs. F. C. Hindle. Dayton. George B. Baker. Dayton. A. 8. York, Portland. Antone Rlnge, Baker City. J. J. Burns. Portland. J. F. Kelly and wife, Pasco. B. L. Driscoll, Portland. F. M. Harris, Chicago. J. B. Brown, Ne wYork. J. B Rogers, Portland. Robert Whitney, Ban Francisco. The Bickers. W. F. Sheehan. New York. V. H. Runlson, Adams G. E. Marsh, Weston. O. P. Jayox. Walla Walla. E. Easl, city. John B. Benson, Portland. Donald Wlldon. New York. Mrs. White, Echo. Mr. White. Echo. W. W. Stone. St. Paul. W. F. White, Athena. II. B. Tutweiler. Tekoa. H. H. McReynolds. Pilot Rock. Gus Freeman, Portland. D. S. Armstrong. Fort Walla Walla. Ed R. Carr, Spokane. E. H. Burke, Portland. J. W. Baker, Portland. Mrs. R. Jones, Echo. Will Moore, town. M. B. Shelly, Fairfield. . Mrs. M. F. Kelly, Portland. Mrs. F. G. Smith, Echo. Mrs. M. Giginbotham, Echo. George R. Gerklng. Athena. W. W. West, city. The Pendleton. A. Nylander, Portland. L. Rathbun, Portland. C. E. Wolverton and wife, Salem. Philip Metscham. Portland. W. M. Plusher, city. C. C. Berkeley, city. E. J. Brannick. Portland. Ira D. Edwards. Oshkosh. W. L. Mason, New York. W. T. Gardner, Portland. John Clancey, Portland. R. E. Paddock. Portland. J. Fred Fisher, Spokane. Fred S. Rogers, Portland. M. C. Wade. Starbuck. J. H. Kloeckner, Starbuck. J. Sheuerman. San Francisco. Mrs. T. G. Hailey and children, city. !eorge Stephens. Spokane. W. W. Giliett. city. Oeorge it. Oerbing. Athena. L. M. Waters. Adams. Unwvltteo Books. Goldsmith often raised money ot some projected work, then put It asldi and started another. He once drew uj a prospectus for a "Dictionary of Art and Sciences" and obtained promise! of help from his friends, Johnson Reynolds and Burke, but the boeksell ere were too wary for once, aud tht scheme fell through. One of Ills las' proposals was the "Survey of Experi mental Philosophy," which met witl the same fate. The more practical Dr. Johnson could himself devise aud not undertake. He once thought of writing a life of Oliver Cromwell, but It is as well perhaps that he changed his mind. His consti tutional indolence was too great to ad mit of his undertaking many great lit erary enterprises, and, unlike Cole ridge, lie was well aware of the fuct He dawdled over bis edition of Shake speare for nine years, although he hud promised It In a year, and only finish ed It In consequence of tbe attack of Churchill, who accused lilm of client lng his snbscrlliers: He for subscribers baits his hook And takes your cash, but Where's your book? No matter where: wise fear, you know. Forbids the robbing of a foe. lint what to serve our private ends Forbids the cheating of our friends? Chambers' Journal. Am Orator's Voice. "In the church," says Emerson in his essay on eloquence. "I call him only a good reader who can read sense and poetry Into any hymn In the hymn book." The teat Is a severe one, for there are hymns which are wanting both la sense and poetry. The essayist doubt leas intended to call attention to. that charm of a good voice which, enchains attention and Indicates a rare sensi bility In the reader. "The- voice, like tbe face, betrays the nature and dis position and soon indicates what la the range of tbe speaker's mind. Many people have no ear for music, bnt every one baa an ear for skillful reading.' John Qulncy Ada ma was aaid to be so good a reader that no man in his time could read the Bible with each powerful effeet Mr. Emerson, who heard tbe ex-president speak when his fine voice waa broken by age, records that "the wonders he could achieve with that cracked and disobedient or gan showed what power might have belonged to it In early manhood.' Box Makers Meet. ' Baltimore, Mr., Feb. M. The Na tional Association ot Box and Box Shook Manufacturers, began Its annual- convention In Baltimore today with headquarters at the Hotel Belvl Oere. . About 150 leading manufac turers were present from various parts of the country. The" business sessions will continue until the end of the week and will be devoted to the discussion of prices., material, sup plies and other matters of mutual in terest and Importance. Michigan Democrats. Battle Creek. Mich., Feb. 28. The Michigan state democratic conven tion assembled here this morning and waa called to order by T. E. Tans ncj of Detroit ' Tbe convention will nominate a candidate for Justice of the supreme court and two regents for the state university, to be voted for at the spring election. , OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Bow Mirth rend Set Tkrenan. Tbey were out In Kansas about 100 miles and wanted to reach Kansas City. One of them bad a pan for John Smith and wife. He was John Smith all right, bnt hla friend could hardly pass as Mrs. Smith. Although they were practically without fundi, they boarded the train. "Take seat In the rear of the car," laid Smith to bit friend. Then Smith went forward and sat down by a young woman. Boon tbey were talking like old friends, and the subject of tickets was brought np by Smith. He asked her to let him see her ticket It was not of the variety that requires the signature of the pur chaser. Smith examined It until the con ductor came through, and then he handed op his pass and the ticket Pointing to hla friend behind, be said, The extra ticket la for hio." The scheme worked. To this day the yonng woman does not know that she was once Mrs. Smith for a abort ride through Kansas. Kansas City Time: A Qaeer Foo4. A most singular food hi the larvae of a fly common in certain portions of California and known as ephydra. This Insect Is found In such vast iiinn tJtles In Lake Mono. Cnl.. that It is washed upon the shores in vast wind rows and can be collected by bushels. The water of Mono Is very singular, seemingly very heavy and smooth, like oil, so much so that It resists ordinary wind and refuses to become ni filed. When the larvae begin to nppeur the Indians gather from far and near and scrape them up, place the wormlike creatures on cloths and racks In the un and dry them, when they are beaten up and husked, looking then like rice. The Indians call the food koo-chah-bee, and many bushels are collected at his time. That larvae are nutritious Is shown by the condition of the Indians, who soon grow fat on the rich diet Many birds are attract ed by the larvae and gorge themselves with tbe singular food. Thackeray's Odd Ways. "He wrote a very siunll, uent huud o n d iiBofl alina tf tinta nuitnr" HtilH tlitt , - I late John HoIIiugsheiid of London cou I cerning Thackeray. "These he would often gutlier up inul put iu his com ; pocket, leaving his secretary nt work, j and stroll down to the Athenaeum club. Here, If he could get n comfortable ta ble nnd was not waylaid by tiny gos ' sip. to whom he was always ready to j give au atteutive ear, he would pull j out his slips and carry his story u few j steps farther. Iu an hour or two lie I would agaiu' collect the scattered pu I perg and go on to the Gnrrlik club, j where, if not interrupted, he would re I sump his writing. This habit of com j posing in public frightened uitiuy of j the old club fogies, who thought they I were being caricatured for posterity. I and no doubt helied to get him black balled at the Travelers'." The Laws of Katvre. The universe Is under the reign of taw, which is everywhere in thlr.trs mean and minute as well ns In things noble and great. So fur i' we hnve come Into nu uiiderKiuiuiiu cf these laws we have' fo-.m.I n me dfcru-.o. 3o sound plnl'Hophy can r:uit-cde that a law of nature can be mi! nf bal ance or In any wuy less tlmn true mid perfect. When we nilv,;nce n theory to the point where it vmild prove tint n law of nature In out of 1 mIiiiwc it ml de fective, we should know lu:it the con clusion is wr.m-.-; that It is our reason ing, and not tie !v. thut is out of balance mid drfvtive. From "Hal amv: The l''.:n(!amemi'.l Verity," by Orlando J. i:u::h. Ber Kerens. The dinner was in progress. It was a dinner given in honor of some very Important new acquaintauces. Just j before the guests arrived the master of the house had been intensely rude and annoying to his wife, and she bad not forgotten it There was a mo ment's pause- In the buzs of conversa tion round tbe beautiful table, gleam ing with lights, blushing with roses. Then the wife leaned forward and lu a voice soft, bnt loud enough to at tract the attention of the whole com pany, said sweetly. "By be way, James, what was that story yon told me to lead np to In the middle of the dinner" Sot AO tka Hows Prossptly. A countryman gave the following reason for not subscribing to a local newspaper: "I get all the news there la. My wife belongs to the woman's club, one of my daughters works la the millinery shop and the other Is in the delivery window at tbe postofflce, and rm the village grocer." Boston Com mercial Bulletin. Bii Doosat Comatt Dremer My wife and I aiwaya pass poo and decide our household ques tions quite aa seriously aa though we were voting upon tbe national Issues. Henpeck Well, whenever my wife and I pnll off an election like that she ai waya wins by one vote. Philadelphia Press. HobUKy of Go before no man with trembling, bnt know well that all event are in different and nothing to thee, for what ever it may be It shall lie with thee to me it nobly; this no man can prevent Eplctetna. And ths Colooel Lost. ""what was the longest engagement yon ever took part in, colonel 7" "It lasted two years, and then the girl married another fellow." Ex change. - A tombstone Is about the only place where the average man doesn't really ears to have hi name tat print. Let your wants be known by clas sified ads. , l0o. MMMIMMHMIMI ! Don't Miss the Big Sal; Former price are designated; the goods before we get ready to more. An lines are slaughtered. Cost Is not considered. ' Profits are thrown away. Thla sale last until we are ready to move, the last minute and tall to get what yea want. "tttttflM Carpenters' and Builders' Tools and Materials Everything you need. All tbe best makes and guar, be just aa represented. Good tools lighten labor ana e more. Good material gives better service. SQUIRREL SHOOTING TIME Goodman-Thompson Co. THE STATE HOTEL Everything new. Everything first-class. Everything npe date. Large, cosy, well-f urnislied rooms. An outside rooou si properly ventilated. A good quiet place lor people whs wort a nlgiit aud sleep In the day-time. RUES BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH rcsccnt JUapIcinc THE NEW MAPLE SAP. A 2 oz. bottle is suf ficient to make 2 gal lons of maple syrup. To introduce (if your grocer does not keep It) we will ma! to you a ( oa. bottle tor SEc In stamps. Cres cent Mfg. Co., Seattle, TJ. 8. A. SAVED From a Drunkards Grave Have been thousands of snea i by tbe ase ot Tsiav. It la at positive care for tbe X liquor habit. Right Lore in Pendletoa nany tnea. bane been straight- ened out and given a new start by use oe TUB, TRIB SOLD. BT TALLMAN CO. TEETH . t . . , r EXTRACTED BT TBI! MOD ERN METHOD, 60O. ' We are thoroughly equipped with all modern met'.ods and appliances, and guarantee our work to be of the highest stand ard, and our prices th lowest consistent with first -clas work. White Bros. Ant iatJoa Block. Telephone Main 1ML . - Tbe East Oregoiriaa is Eastern Ore gon's repeesentadvn paper. It 'lends and tbe people appreciate tt and abnw H by their liberal patronage.. It Is the advertising medium of this section TEH PAGsx TIHlE?AIRr min object now t wait lull TM.E FAIR The season for shooting the pests is at hand and the nl.. Is yours If you have a true rifle. Our line of RlFLWa i. . " If you have your rifle, let as supply yon with ammunition. HARDWARE PLUMBING. RUDOLPH MARTIN, Prop. Corner Webb and Cottonwood Streets. No Frenzied Finance In the real estate wt hsn tor w Real estate Is the only tale tion for a sound financial opetttl There Is something ts build Mi- Take your money and km property and it will Increase is We have desirable property oarts of the city, as well w farms and smart tracts. W. E. DaTidson & Co ill court Street. IIIIIKM I Roslyn Lvfrh GflDAL beat an H i.ntimi tbaa ear sol A fa. Pendleton, ana s i t leas. Roslyn Coal IIM P Z .t abed; $L0e h. TO e-MWaal SUWaVT X Prompt delivery. ML . ROSLYN COAL AN; WOOD CO 1 OFTO AKD TABPKlAIt W. A C. R- DEFV. , , ,, t l - rot? nsCr IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this in mind ' ne.tryandk and fr-the in""0 Poultry and Stock Food. Kow Kurs for your cow w blea. , CF.Coleswortb: .tn East Aha St. Atforl'aU- Walters' flouring Tlour exchanged f nour. Miu -tc, always on hand. nu.,