East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 20, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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win br,nB you the ;
(V " ' -' j
This afternoon and tonight rala.
Tuesday probably (air and cooler.
NO. 5287.
fdLlt you have
; 111 .. t .1 iiaii wftn
11 neiif J
,d legislature
Lied in State of
Will Uracil Pvcr
f Indian ur VeteraiiH
slt Institutions ana
.. ou liiil Hai
ti !,"-.
L tm Commission Bills
,lioat Important i-ass
iliin Scheme Incor-
tll u Allow Government
, ,(i too early to Hecure
Ipta on appropriations
lithe recent session of
t tnough Is now known
.otiilona to form an uc-
ha of the cost of the ses-
Ist ctre tn outline the gene
L uvt own panned, ben-
Loniat the nanus of the
Lit uiembly will fout up
ll.JiO.MO murk. Actuul
taken together with
r Moduli appropriation,
il ot 0r 12,167,000, De
aler of imaller individual
authorised by the law-
Is adjourned.
MtnU appropriation bill, to
u and Improvements of
uutitutloiu, proper, lnclud-
Lte normal achoola, amount
lil.M. while u iiiinropri-
the lute departments runs
14.141. '
lal cost 0 tit Hii hcbhIuii is
a appropriation of 450.-
n'Aco iraf covered several
ipproprfatlous aairrecutliiK
V IIH.H7.42. ,
Hem In the deficiency
of the acalp bounty,
inventor's veto of the
I to years ago ami
t 156,881.11.
f CqxiulTe Session.
wanton Is fur more ex-
laxpayers of the suite
l years atco, when
i nude fur Hi- ...,.., ,i.
PtlM for the Lewis Slid
r ma 166,uii for the
Portage road.
" Bills Introduced.
e lotal number ,,r a77
wrt In the house and in
" calendar shows iiu
hof legislation, of the
the house, 2f5 were
Hie neiiute made fn vnr.
00 Of 1R1 moutallfuB In.
'hat body.
P I Salary l,av.
years of effort n.,,i nt
Pledges the legislature
W aalary law. though It
r effect until inn7 in
f the extravagant com-
"late treasurer an?
1 Of state will l, tun.
"te printer, not helm
,3W officer, waa not ln
referenHnm mnv t. -
K'Ufe to curtail the
notable events of the
'he determined stand
rtrnor Chamberlain in
he referendum. His
lie lertaln
Nila carrying the emerg
en no emergency ex
"totantlal fruit In the
r of the session, when in
PPe the veto the general
r oill was .amended so
, the objectionable
ried the Anni-nnefntlnns
N Khools, and it Is pos-
' referendum may be In-
'"""i. especially if. aa la
r "ne. It la applicable to
"uuns out ,of a num-
f Commission.
f of a tax commission
f1 tax a. i
k, MM BUUnilBBIUll
rttalature waa made the
t "letting fionnemann's
llln.r . .v.-
telephone, telegraph
"eeplng car companies,
k a? the Mtt,heur irrlga
Iv K1math Lake grant
i , '""ernmenfa reclama
W.i uthern Oregon and
Uon of 10,ooo to be
km mor ln uPP'eMln
j. "t marauders of Klam
. counties, were among
, eures passed.
J"usble measures pasa
T uihUr" of tbe e"on
t. Lfor the Prevention
Wloavlt voting tn alec-
HUaH. "elned o pre-
of such frauds as
were attempted in Portland - at the
election last June.
, Among the Important bills that oe
came lawa are the following:
To cause sheepmen from outside
states to pay an annual fee of 20 cents
per head for graiing In Oregon.
To compel payment of taxes by one
county to another, on sheep that
graze outside of their own counties,
the proportion of the tax so paid to
be baaed upon the time such sheep
remain In an outside county, and pro
viding for rigid Inspection where
sheep pass from one county to an
other. 1 To compel Irrigation companies to
keep their ditches, right of, way and
all land adjacent to their ditches,
clean of foul and noxious weeds. Cre
ating the third and fourth agricultu
ral fair districts.
Appropriating 145,000 for Indian
War Veterans.
Creating the eighth and 10th Ju
dicial districts.
Providing that Insane patients shall
be removed to the asylum by em
ployes of that Institution.
Requiring Inspection of atock be
fore shipment from the state.
Itegulatlng fraternal Insurance so
cieties. ,
Exempting mining corporation:
from paying the annual corporation
tax when the output Is less than
410011 a year.
Establishing a -whipping post for
wlfe-beaters. '
Making It a felony for husbands to
connive nt the prostitution of- iVelr
Requiring corporations and firms
to pay employes In cash or checks on
Two Wre Killed and Six Badly In
jured. Wheeling. W. Va., Feb. 29. An ex
plosion occurred in the Providence
mine, near St. Clairsville, this morn
ing. Several are reported killed and
many Injured.
A boiler In the mine exploded at 8
o'clock. Two are dead and six badly
Injured. The dead are: Frank Mil
ler and Elt Mlnty.
All tlie Members of tlie Caual Com.
mission Were on the Puyroll of the
Itiillroud as Dividend Drawers
Vice President of the Kullroad Sub-'
initH IKituiled Statement as a Part
r HIm Testimony Ikifore the House
Sacramento, Feb. 20. The senate boodling investigation com
mittee reported this morning. It finds Senators French, Emmons,
Wright and Bunker guilty of accepting bribes as charged, and rec
ommends their expulsion forthwith. It also finds that the San
Francisco Examiner assisted In preparing the Investigation of the
Continental Building and Loan Association, which resulted in the
bribery scandal,- and also exonerated Lieutenant Governor Anderson
from the charge of knowingly selecting the committee alleged to
be "packed" for the purpose of "holding up" the Building and Loan
Asociation. - .
An Italian and a German Pay ' the
' Death Penalty.
Outlining, N. T.( Feb. 10. Frank
Romero, who killed Jack Plnta, a fel
low Italian, at Brooklyn, and Adolph
Koenlx, a young German, who strang
led Mr. and Mrs. Kauffman In their
apartments ln New York, were elec
trocuted ln Sing Sing this morning.
Defeat and Terrorism Having
Their Effect in the Councils
of the Romanoffs.
First Step Toward Giving the
Russian Proletariat an Offi
cial Hearing.
Japanese Protest About tlte Humili
ation of Prisoners Taken by the
Russians Japanese Capture An
other British Blockade Runner
Headed for Vladivostok Indica
tions That the Russians Are Re
forming Their Entire Line of Bat
tle Before Mukden Knelling by
Russians Countiiio.es.
Berlin, Feb. 20. The Tageblatt re
ports that the peace party has gained
the upper hand ln the Russian court,
eclipsing the hitherto prominent war
party. Peace, says the paper, Is now.
In sight In the Far East.
Witshington. Feb. 20. A total of
$10 has been paid by Panama rail
road ns fees to members of the canal
commission for attendance upon
meetings of the executive committee
and board of directors, according to
a statement submitted to the house
committee on commerce by Vice
President Drake this morning.
Admiral , Walker, chairman of the
commission, and Commissioner Grun
sky attended 25 meetings of the board
of directors, receiving 125 for each
meeting. Commissioner Parsons at
tended seven meetings and received
Prake also submitted a statement
showing? one dividend has been de
clared by the company since the elec
tion to the board of members of tht
commission. It was a five per cent
dividend. Checks were mailed to
members of the commission as fol
lows: Walker, (450,. interest on '.'4
shares. To Burr, Davis, Hecker, Har-
fod, Parsons and Grunsky, checks for
46 on one share each.
Drake stated that although Gruns
ky returned the first fees, those paid
him subsequently were not returned":
Will Recover t4iS,00 War Ta PaM
. . Under Protest.
Washington, Feb. 20. The supreme
court has decided In favor of Alfred
G. Vanderbllt ln his suit to reoover
4425,000 -paid the government under
protest in satisfaction of a war tax
assessment on the estate of the late
Cornelius Vanderbllt.
Started Again.
Copenhagen, Feb. 20. Four Rus
sian battleships, three cruisers and
five transports, presumably the third
Baltic squadron, which left Llbau
last week, anchored under Langean
tht morning.
' The squadron is now steaming
northward through the Great Belt,
escorted by Danish torpedo boats.
While passing through the Baltic sea
German Ironclads escorted the fleet.
Japs Capture Hlwkade Itiiiiner.
' Toklo, Feb. 20. The Japanese have
captured the British collier Powder
ham, bound from Barry to Vladivos
Paraded Prisoners. ,
Toklo, Feb. 20. It Is reported hefe
that 126 Japanese, captured at Hei
Kou Tal, were together paraded
through the streets of Mukden. The
Japanese government Is making an of.
flclnl Inquiry into the matter with a
view to making a protest.
Selieme Will Be Many Removes From
Direct Representation, But It Is a
Concession of Revolutionary Signi
ficance In Russia Father Gopon
Has Been Unfrocked The Famous
Labor Leader Is Supposed to Be in
Italy ln Company With Russian
Students Russian Authorities In.
tercept Bombs.
Quotations From AU Points Handling
Umatilla Product.
Chicago. Feb. 20 July wheat
opened at 41.014 and closed 41.01
Corn, 4Tfc. Oata, SS. May wheat
closet at 41.19.
Sun. Francisco Cash wheat, 41.65.
Liverpool May wheat, 7s.
Outlined in an Interview WiuV
Senator Smith by the Eara
Visit From Royalty.
London. Feb. 20. The details of
Prince Louts of Battenberg'a proposed
visit to America were made publio.to-
day. He will be conveyed to New
port. R. I., in October, by a cruiser.
From Newport he will proceed to
New York and Annapolis. The prince
hopes to visit President Roosevelt at
MlNMouii After the Monopolies.
Kansas City, Feb. 20. Repfeeen.
tative Lyons, of Kansas City, will in
troduce a bill In the Missouri legisla
ture declaring pipe lines common
carriers and fixing maximum freight
rates. Senator Clark has Introduced
the same bill In the senate.
Joseph Jefferson Helpless.
Palm Beach, Fla., Feb. 20. Joseph
Jefferson celebrated his 78th birth
day here today. He Is unable to walk
and Is propelled about In a chair, but
Is still strong mentally.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 20. M. Schld
leresky, president of the commission
appointed by the czar to Inquire into
the grievances of the Russian work
men, has completed arrangement for
the owners of the factories to appoint
15 delegates. The workmen are In
vited to choose a representative for
each 500 men. These ln turn will
elect 40 delegates to the general com
mission. Ijooking for Fatlier Gopon.
Rome. Feb. 20. The force of Rus
sian secret agents in Italy has been
augmented for the purpose of search
ing for Father Gopon, who is expected
to reach Rome today with a number
of Russian students.
Ueioii Unfrocked.
St. 1'etersburg, Feb. 20. The con
sistory today . officially announced
that Father Gopon, whose where
abouts are at present unknown to
Russian officials, has been unfrocked.
Intercepted Bombs.
London, Feb. 20.A dispatch to the
Central News from Eydtkoynen, on
the Polish frontier, states that the
Russian authorities have stopped
large quantities of bombs which were
being smuggled across the frontier,
apparently for anarchists.
Russians Reforming.
Toklo, Feb. 20. Oyama reports
that the RuHsluns yesterday moved a
division 'from In front of the Japanese
center to the front of the left and
advanced from Ta Mountain. Sev
eral columns also moved 16 miles
westward to Han Chia Tal Tau. The : He ieft a fortune.
Russians continued to shell portions,
of the Japanese Uae Saturday with-j OPIUM JOIXT RAIDED. "
out effect. . j .
: I'mm'i.i... l.l.idmu,. Dun In anil
M . K- .. , aiiiu iiiiiH...... -..
I'uiiioiik Horse Breeder Dead.
Buffalo, Feb. 20. Cicero J. Ham
lin, a horseman of wide reputation,
and a breeder of "The Abbot," "Lord
Derby." and a hundred other famous
horses, died this morning, aged
Trial Has Begun. x -
Butler, Mo.. Feb. 20. The trial of
Charles KraW, the St Louis alder
man, accused of the acceptance of
a 460,000 "bribe, was begun before
Judge Denton this morning. The Jury
will probably he selected this after
Anotlier Fight on Standard Oil.
Topeka, Feb. 20. -The oil produc
ers' Association has engaged 8enator
Fltzpatrlck and Representative Beek-
nian to go to Washington to oppose
the transfer of the Foster leases ln
the Indian Territory to tire Standard
Oil. The Kansas delegation In con
gress ' will be asked to oppose the
transfer. '
Gates is a Bear Today.
Chicago, Feb. 20 John W. Gates'
Krnlrara nrfl Ml thft Selllnff Side Of the
wheat pit this morning. May sold at
411H to 41.1H-
. Quarantine Lifted.
The quarantine ever the residence
of Gua La Fontaine was raised this
afternoon by Dr. McFaul.
-' The United Elkhorn.'
Manager Ed I. Field, of the United
Elkhorn mines, came In yesterday on
a short business trip, and during a
spare moment stated to the Democrat
hat things were moving ln his camp
at a lively pace. mere jiiuj iim
much snow and little more Is expert-
d. The roads are In fair conauion
and the mountain trails good.
- There Are 46 men at work on levels
one and two, anij Mr. Field Is ship
ping dally an average of five tons oi
re to the Sumpter smelter. Baker
City Democrat. .
Out of the Hospital.
Mrs. G. W. . Young, who has been
confined to the hospital for the past
three weeks With a severe Injury to
her arm, caused by breaking a fruit
Jar in her arms, was released from
the hospital today, greatly Improved.
Her mother, Mrs. H. Brown, of Port
land, Is In the city to visit with Mrs.
Young for a few days.
Portuguese Rebelt. ' -
Lisbon, Feb. 20. Attacks by rebels
on Fort Maripla, Portuguese South
Angola, have been repulsed with
heavy losses. The governor has re
quested reinforcements.
As Yel Only Resident of Pendleton
lluve Been Approaclied, and by No
Means, All of Those Who Are Able
and Willing to Subscribe The
iSclH'ine Has Bright Prospects and
Will Meet With the Consummation
Its Strongest Friends Desire.
This afternoon three arrests were
made by Marshal Carney for having
opium ln their possession and for fre
quenting an opium Joint. They were
Elmer Myers, who was found with
opium ln his possession in the White
lodging house. He waa placed under
425 bail and his case turned over to
the district attorney's office. The
second raid was -on Lee s place on
Alta street, and besides Lee, the pro
prietor, Paul Davis was found and ar
rested. Both pleaded guilty. Lee was
sentenced to pay a fine of 440, or
serve 20 days,, while Davia was given
426 or 12 days. Both went to jail
' From Morrow County.
The sheriff's office la now a buuy
place. The clerical force Is sending
out statements of taxes to the tax
payers. The roll shows that there are
taxes to be collected to the amount of
476,000. The amount of taxable
property ln Morrow county Is 42,
450,000. ,
Joe Luckman, the veteran sheep
man, has sold his sheep to Jack and
William Mills. Mr. Luckman also
leased his place to Mills Bros, for a
period of four years. Mr. Luckman
will move to Heppner. Heppner Gazette.
For the past four weeks the organl
zution of the Umatilla county dlstiic
fait association has been In progress,
a committee having been appointed
by the Commercial association
have charge of the details.
The association was capitalized
420 000 and while the matter of Ro
Melting subscriptions has not been
pushed vigorously, the sum of 4566
hps been subscribed to the stock, and
now the matter of soliciting subscrlb
ers will be pushed as the promoters
den-re to complete arrangements as
early as possible. iThe committee
having charge of the affair Is as fol
lows: James A. Fee, J. W. Maloney,
W, I, Thompson, a. M. Rice and J
F. McCarty. ' i
Those subscribing to the fund
date are as follows:
Subscription if $500. '
First National Bank. Pendleton
Savings Bank, George Perlnger un
W.- F. Matlock.
Subscriptions of 1250.
Leon Cohen, R. Alexander, Com
merciat National Bank, Tom Thomp
son, Frank Frazler, Great Eastern
Store, William Roesch, J. F. MeCar
ty and James A. Fee.
Subscriptions of $150.
Frank Curl and J. W. Crow.
. Subscriptions of (100.
Frank O'Hara, Cass Matlock, W. d.
! Ferguson, Carl Welssert, C. E. Roos
jevelt, William Blusher, T. G. Hailey,
Horace Walker, L. L. Mann, Henry
Lorenaon and D, E. Carglll.
.. At a meeting of the stockholders
of the Golconda Mining Company,
held this' afternoon, a controlling In
terest in the property waa sold to R.
B. Norton and associates, for 460,000.
This Includes the transfer of a major
ity ot S. 000, 000 shares. Later on an
operating fund amounting to 440,000,
will be added to this amount, and
the entire property transferred.
Forty-four Were Injured In an Erie
Paterson, N. J., Feb. 20 An Erie
way train Jumped the track three
miles east of here this morning, kill
ing Miss Grace Mathews, a passenger,
and injuring 20 others.
Ths injured number 44, of whom
one, a woman, will die. The train
went over a 12-foot embankment.
Most of the seriously injured were
taken to Paterson hospitals.
Postmaster at Moscow.
Washington, Feb. 20. The presi
dent today sent the nomination of
Joseph K. Collins to be postmaster
at Moscow, Idaho.
Pendleton Ctiarter Amended so
Poll Tax la No Longer a (Ju
ration for Voting: Measure Wl
WIU Bring; Out a Heavier Va
County Boundary Commission
tided for Which Will End AU :
Disputes Umattlla County
aeesor Will Hereafter Receive a
Salary of $1500.
In speaking of the legislative ana
slon that has JuBt ended, Senator C
J. Smith this morning said that Han
closing days were full of Interest.
spite the fact that there was no sena
torial deadlock. The doctor la aasa
of the opinion that Umatilla couotjr
Interests fared well during the sesstasi
and gave the following resume of tax
various measures of local Interest;
that were passed:
The city charter was amended 1y
bill Introduced by Senator SmUJi.
so that the payment of the 42 paB
tax before a voter la allowed to reg
ister for the city election, Is dossa
away with. In the senator's oplntast.
this was a beneficial change and wisl
have the effect of causing a fultar
vote at city elections.
The boundary line between Umatil
la, Union and Wallowa counties la a
be definitely established by a eoza
mlsslon of three men, one of wsaas
Is to be appointed by each of Um
county Judges of the three countlea.
This commission Is to meet la tm.
Grande as soon as made up and there
decide upon a fixed boundary JnsUwal
of the "Summit of the Blue Moan-
tains," as the boundary Is now deeUa
nated. Two-fifths of the expense at?
the commission Is to be paid by thtm
county and a like portion by Union,
while the remaining oneflfth will 1st
met by Wallowa. The bill for the
boundary correction was Introduce
by Senator Smith.
The salary of the assessor of Uma
tilla county will hereafter be 415
per annum, Instead of on the fee sys
tem as at present. The bill for that
purpose was presented by Senator
In the opinion of Senator Hmltla,
the Irrigation bill, as finally passed ssr
the legislature, meets the main re
quirement for which such a bill was
desired, namely, to make It possibla
for the reclamation service to entar
Oregon. The bill as passed was dratt
ed by John T. Whistler at the request
of the legislature; and Is supposed
embody all features demanded by the
government before It will enter upom
the reclamation work In this state.
The bill waa for a time In danger of
being left out, hut was finally
brought up by Its friends on the last
day, and Its passage secured.
Representative Cole EiicouriiKciL
Representative W. Q. Cole, wks
championed the Irrigation bill forme-
lated by the Irrigation commlsshaa.
and who went down to defeat twice am
the house, is highly encouraged wKla
the final passage of a bill giving tare
government the right, to acquire
water rights In the state and Inviting;
government Irrigation.
While the bill does not meet tee
Ideals of the Irrigation commlsslee
nor of Representative Cole and a
large number of people who belleee
In advanced Irrigation legislation,
It Is a movement toward a modem
Irrigation code, which will almost cer
tainly be passed two years hence.
"The education which the dlscoe
slon of the irrigation measures before
the legislature scattered among the
members, will result In untold goet
to the state and will prepare the
for a good law at perhaps the ne
session." said Dr. Cole to the
Oregon ian today.
"Most of the objection to the
mission bill Is founded on a mil
prehension of the results of such fear
Islatlon. Logging companies, mlnluar
companies and others Interested iat
using the streams have been opposed
to any measure which "threatened tm
Interfere with the streams of Che
state, but when they come to und
stand that the beneficial use of '
In the arid districts, does not thr
en their Industries, the strong opposi
tion from that source will be remov
ed, and another session can possibly
pass a good general law, embodying
all the essential features of the de
feated bills of this "session."
, Judge Fitzgerald, of the New York
supreme court, recently granted 17
divorces In three hours time.
Moving Ashwood Mill.
U. S. Cowles left yesterday for Hay
creek, after completing arrangements
here for the' moving of the Ashweosl
mill to its new site on the Deschutes
river near tbe Agency. Crook County
I :