mULT MAST OMOOKIAW, PBTDLBMM, I, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY It, 1M5. tasu mm. TRANSPORT ATIOIT LOTS. jfjG THE EXCHANGES: 'fHE INLAND EMPIRE firm of Bishop flrintendlng the shlp rlrload)of hogs from f a and Colfax. The Lmd This firm is .verage of about 80 rt. They are now pay- 11 i .. n nflVAnM w . jt of hnsa la ,1100, wnicn iu .... month's shipment 'boot 30,000. L firm h'PPed 450 car" IT ihep and hogs from Line a total valuation ' . ,.,. llvanrnnlr :t 400 lor I, the year, it enu- F I- .ulnnail ffntfl Hveatoc "' . . ,, won wnrth ,0 This Includes deep, hogs and wool. ladtutry or mo ruu Icornln greater w... rinks seconn to Biumi. aeviw. 1 Clark Is Lost. of Oraniie, in iruumjr WT mountains between L HorrH mine. He has anc Monoay anoniu, Pty has been organrs ,inlte Sunday morning L cmrlng a light pack He became exnaum- kchlng hlB destination tln next rooming, haa not been heard of. w followed a short dls- mino and .found to Llossrd the Olive lake Lt the roughest regions Urn range. la feared I tome urn? Jjt na unable to start a in te auccumbed to uie L if Monday night the ktftluyear. ,IMt i: years oiu, unu in M biown and most pop- hk the Orsnlte camp. Mr Miner. Wn Duurerously IU. L ud 74, . one of the en of the Sumpter town ..rtroiuly III at his home i below Eumpter. Bis nook to take him to the Mtment last week, but tnj The Dalles, the patient nak that 1 hurried return little hope U entertained hnrr. In it one of nature's noble lorteen yean ago, he and hied the Bumnter townslte. me Hr. Brown wus In the lnen and sold many a bill on credit to ma who were Id were trnaf to make a notable toSuea was when, in 1889. he "staked" Grant Thorn, burg to enough lumber to build the old Annex hotel at Granite. It was Brown's kindness at that time that gave Thornburg hi first start In this camp. Sumpter Dally Miner. Drowned While Skating. One of the most popular young men of North Salmon, Harvey Dunn nephew of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jewetr, lies a corpse at his home. He started to the neighbor's Sunday morning with skates on his shoulder, it was his custom to read a short story at school the first thing in the morning, but his seat was vacant. Search was made and his horse was discovered tied to a post -near Byrkett lake, on the ice of which lay his coat and hat and bis skate traoks led to where the Ice had broken over about 10 feet of water. The body, was recovered; one skate was off. It Is most probable that the losing of that caused him to fall, breaking the Ice, wtih the above re sult. Goldendale Sentinel. Drowned In 'Waste Ditch. Mrs. Sarah E. Marshall, wife of George Marshall, who lived at North Sixth street, fell into a waste ditch of the NorthweBt Light & Power company Tuesday evening and drown ed. , The body was not found until 10 o'clock today. Her disappearance was not discov ered until this morning, her husband being away at the time. He supposed she had gone vlBltlng. to remain over night. She was dipping water out of the ditch when she fell. She was (3 years old. North Yakima Republic. Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN and QUICK RESULTS 1 PHYSICIANS. J. A. BEST, PHYSICIAN AND SUR geon. Rooms 18 and 29, Hotel Bowman. DRS. SMITH A DICK OFFICE Pendleton Savings Bank building. Telephones: Main 801; residence Main 1691; barn Red (81. DR. R. E. RINGO, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Room 8 Savings Bank building. H. VOLP. A. M., M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office In Hotel Bow man. . DR. W. O. COLE, OFFICE IN JTJDD building. Office bourse, 10 to 11 a. m.; 1 to i p. m. Telephones: Of fice. Main 1171: residence. Main 1181. H. a GARFIELD, M. D HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice In Judd building.. Telephones: Office, black 1411; residence, red 1(88. DR D. J. M'FATJL, JTJDD BLOCK. telephone Main 181; residence. Black 111. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSI clan and Surgeon. Office In Sav ings Bank building, room 1. Office 'phone. Main 1411; residence. Red 1111. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE. CHRO nlc and nervous diseases and dis eases of women. Jadd building, cor ner Main and Court streets. Office phone, Main Til; residence. Red 1151. X-Ray Therapeutics. May Deport Chinamen. Fong Fung and Fong Sang, two of the seven Chinamen arrested several weeks ago on the charge of violation' of the exclusion act, and who gave bond for their appearance, made such showing this morning before United States Commtslsoner Jonas Brown, that they were discharged on the evi dence submitted, which showed they are merchants. Another was dis charged some time ago, so that the cases of four are still pending. Boise Capital News. DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL 8TJR- geon. Office, room 15 Judd build ing. 'Phone, Black 11(1. E. A. YATJGHAN. DENTIST. OF flee In Judd building. 'Phone Red 1411. Cold Weatlier, Poor Whiskey. As an example of the severe cold In this vicinity the first of the week we refer to the circumstance 'of a teamster buying a bottle of whisky at Arlington, put it In his wagon and left town In the evening. Next morn ing when he wanted a drink he found that the whisky had frozen and broke the bottle. He saved the whisky, brought it back to the dealer and de manded that he be furnished with a new bottle. Arlington Record. T. J. LLOYD, D. V. a, M. F., M. S. veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate of the Grand Rapids Veter inary College of Michigan. Office at Brock & McComas' drug store. Resi dence telephone. Main 1811. IMHMHIHIt e e JVo enzied Mice "state we have for sale. the only safe founda " financial operation. f! to build on. 'soney and Invest It in I it will increase in value. Wrable property In all ttf. as well as rnnnhe H tracts. e e e Davidson & Co. fMrt Btrect r . ETH jtD BY THE MOD KCTHOD, eoc. 'Monchhr aaulDned h met' ode and guarantee oar the hla-hest stand- ! rtoea the lowest "I flrst-ouM work. ate Bros. 'Mete, i fv.-?v'. f1 Block. . ..... 1 -tain 1M1. jEDULE OF lTON-UKIAH ffr Line ' v :iZ7-a Pendletosi asd f .' "tags leaves Pea- t'u. u-'b at 6 a Wj.roiiod trip, 15 5 J; . 75 round trip. 83 FOR SALE. reserve aorlp for , prices. Mr , Umbered, farm. twT a Hamilton. ""WJO, Oregon. DAILY MARKET REPORT. Buying and Selling Prices of Produce In Pendleton. The following prices on produce are In effect today: Prices to Producers. Hens, 8c lb. Roosters, Be to 7c It). Ducks, 8c lb. Geese. 7c lb. Turkeys, 12 Vic lb. ' Butter, country, 40c to 50c per roll. Eggs, country, SOc to 35c vr doz. ' Selling; Prices. Hens .dressed, 50c to SOc. Young chickens, dressed, 4Ci to SOc. Eggs, SOc to S5c per dos. Butter, country, 50c to 55c per roll. Butter, oreamery, SOc to tec per roll. Apples, 81.60 per box. Potatoes, $1.58 per sack, le per lb. Onions, 5o lb. Sweet Potatoes, 6c tb. Cabbage, 4c per lb. Cauliflower, 15c per head. Spinach, 5c per lb. Cranberries, 15c quart. Oliuruh of Uie Redeemer. Services for the Sunday called Sep tuageslma. the third Sunday before Lent: Sunday school and Bible classes 10 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon 11; evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 Subjects of sermons: Morning "Sep- tuagealma, the 8unday on which the Church sounds her first note of warn ing that the season- of self-denial and spiritual discipline la approaching: an exhortation of St Paul's for our quickening, for our bumbling, for our sobering, for the extirpation of our seil-oonlldence, and for 'the awaken ing in us -or a Godly fear. Evening -ueuverance rrom the Guilt of Sin; ueiiverance irom the Love of Sin. Rev. Henry Dixon Jones, rector. Congregational Chvroh. Services as follows: Sunday school 9:45 a. m.; ' preaching service,; 11 m., subject, "Our Consecrations." Meeting at west end at 1:80 p. m. revival meeting will be held at 7:80 to ' which all are cordllaly Invited. The series of meetings which we have held since January-1 will be discon tinued for a few weeks In order- that the people may rest, and the pastor recover from . his throat difficulty. we extend a special Invitation to strangers. ., T. R. Egerton, pastor. J Methodist Episcopal Church. Sunday school, 10 a. m., A. J. Owen, superintendent. Sermon, 11 a i clans meeting, 12:16 p. m.. Rev. G. W.; Rlgby, leader; Junior League, p. m.; Epworth League, 6:30 p. ra.; evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m. A cordial Invitation is extended to all services. Robert Warner, pastor. M. E., Sontb. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. M. Y. Howard, Rev. Q. W. Rlgby will conduct the servloes at this church tomorrow. All the regular servloes at the usual time. All are cordially I Invited to attend the services. DENTISTS. ATTORNEYS. BEAN ft PERRY, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Office over Taylor's hardware store. Pendleton, Oregon. BOARDING AND LODGING. JAMSS A. FEB, Judd building. LAW OFFICE IN THE ALTA HOUSE, OR THE Working People's hotel, corner Al ta and Mill streets. First-class ac commodations; reasonable rates: clean beds, neat rooms; feed yard In con nection. S. C. Bltner, proprietor. HAILEY LOWELL, ATTORNEYS at Law. Office In Despaln block. BALLERAY A McCOURT. yers. Association building. LAW- ATHENA HOTEL, LEADING HO- tel In the city. $1.00 to 31.50 ner day. H. P. Mlllen, proprietor. CARTER V RALEY, ATTORNEYS at Law. Office In Savings Bank building. i WINTER at COLLIER, LAWYERS. Office, rooms T and 8, Association building. HELIX HOTEL, UNDER NEW MAN- agement. Good meals and clean beds. If you come once you will keep a-comlng. Only white help em ployed. Especial attention given to commercial travelers. Mr. and Mrs. P. Navin, proprietor. STTLLMAN ft PIERCE. ATTOR neys at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to practice In United States patent offices, and make a specialty of patent law. Room 18, 11, 11 and 13, Association block. WHITE LODGING HOUSE, 301 a Main street, two blocks south of depot, Mrs. C. P. Mallory, proprie tress. Rooms by the day, week or month. Lodging, 15 cents; per week, 31.10. Good, clean bed. BENJAMIN K. DAVIS, ATTORNEY at Law. Office Room 8, Judd block. ARCHITECTS AJTD BUILDERS. THE PALACE LODGING HOUSE, 817 Main street, H. Williams, Prop. Large, well-kept room and good. clean beds. Everything first-class. Rates 50o up. Rates by week or month. C. TROUTMAW, ARCHITECT and Superintendent. Room 11 Judd building. Pendletett, Oregon. T. F. HOWARD, ARCHITECT AND Superintendent Makes complete and reliable plan for building In the city er country. Room 17, Judd building. VI 45TROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND- kand goods. If there Is anything you need In new and second-hand rurniture, stoves, grarjlteware ana crockery, call and get hi price. No. i ix court street F. E. VAN DUSHN CO., CONTRAC tors and builder. Brick, stone and cement work. Address Box 466, Pen dleton, Or. VETERINARY SURGEONS. VETERINARY BURGEON DR. D. C. McNabb. Office at Tallman'a drug store. BANKS AND BROKERS. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, Pendleton, Ore. Organised March 1889. Capital, 3100,000: surplus, 3100,000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange tought and sold on all principal points. Special at tention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; T. J. Morris, vice president; J. A. Borle. cashier; J. W. Mnloney, assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PEN- dleton- Capital, surplus and undi vided profits, 3200.000. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Ankeny, president; W. F. Matlock, vice-president; G. M. Rice, cashier; George Hartman, Jr., assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHE- na, Oregon. Cspltal, 360,000; sur plus and profits. 312.500.00. Interest on time deposits. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Ad ams, president; T. J. Kirk, vice-presi dent: F. S. LeGrow, cashier; I. it. Kemp, assistant cashier. THE FARMERS' BANK OF WES- ton, Wenton, Oregon. Does a gen eral banking bunlness. Exchange bought and sold. Collections prompt ly attended to. R. Jameson, presi dent; George W. Proebstel, vlcelpres Ident; B. B. Hall, cashier; directors, G. A. Hartman, M. M. Jones, T. J. Price. G. D. Graw, J. F. Kllgore, Robert Jameson, G. W. Proebstel. D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimate furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks. stone walls, etc. Leave order at Bast Oregonlan office. T. M. KELLER, PLASTERING AND cement walks a specialty. Estl mates furnished free. Work guaran teed. Leave orders at Goodman cigar store, Main street P. O. Box 104. F. A. SWINGLE, ARCHITECT AND Superintendent Plans and specifi cations furnished for city and county work. La Dow block. W. R. STALKER, DESIGNER. CON- tractor and Builder. Shop on W. Webb, between Willow and Cosble. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. DEPOT STABLES. COTTONWOOD street. 'Phone, Red 1881. Livery, feed and sale stable. Horse bought and sold. Good rigs at reasonable prices. Stock boarded by week montn. Ring us up, day or night, as we have an all night service. Stew, art A Lindsay, proprietors. CITY LTVERY STABLE, ALTA street. Carney & Kennedy, Props. Livery, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. 'Phone, Main 701. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. J. C. SPOONEMORB, 124 W. COURT St. Notary public, employment of fice, pawn broker, real estate, houses rented. Collections made. 'Phone Main 3831. MACHINE SHOP AND FOUNDRY. PENDLETON mactttn ennp a wn Foundry. Repair work on all kinds oi maenmery, structural Iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and Alta streets. May & Zeig ler, proprietors. SHOE REPAIRERS. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In .Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Doe a gen eral brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non-resi dents. Reference, any bank In Pendleton. O. A. HARTMAN, Pre. G. A. HARTMAN, JR., Vice-Pre. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE oldest and most reliable fire and ac cident Insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILEY. JR. U. 8. LAND Commissioner. Specialty made of land filings and proof. Insurance and collections. Offloe In Judd build ing, roosa 11. PLUMBING. GOODMAN-THOMPSON CO. 8ANI , tarr plumber. 848 Main St All work first -class. Best material used. Prompt service.' Sewer connections made. 'Phone Main 811. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M. A. RADER. FUNERAL DIREC tor and licensed embalmer.. Grad uate of the Chicago College of Em balming. Cor. Main and Webb Bts. 'Phone Main '1891. - Funeral- parlors In connection, i.rfi--f' -A . BAKER ft FOLSOM. FUNERAL -Di rector and, iloensed embalmer. Next to poatof flc. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to oay or wgnt 'Phone Red 1881.-. WATCH REPAIRING. H. L. HASBROUCK, THE JEWEL er. makes a specialty of watch re pairing. All work guaranteed. Main street, next to Pirrt National Rank. ELECTRICIANS. J. L. VAUGHAN ET.RrrrmciAN. Wiring of all description and elec trical work of all kind promptly one. mil line or electrical supplies, including chandelier, door bell, etc Satisfaction guaranteed, lit West Court street Mllarkey building. C. RANLEY, TTHE OLD RELIABLE shoemaker and cobbler. All work neatly executed. Shop on Alta treet, rear or savings Bank building. FRATERNAL ORDERS. OREGON SllOJrLlNE uUircoftPAciFic TWO TRAINS TO THE BAST DAILY Through Paluaaa standard and Voastat Sleepers dally to Omaha sad tourist sie SECOND-HAND DEALERS. STLRC ARON ft EDDINGS, DEALERS IN na-nand goods, and licensed pawnbrokers. Goods bought and sold, Loans made on personal property, 641 Main street WANTED TO BUY YOUR SEC ond-hand goods. Graham ft Hunt er, at old Hauler stand. PAWN BROKERS. CalcaMi : eeoer dallv to Kansas Cltrl throng, Pnllsisa tourist sleeping ear, (personally conducted) weakly to CM- . cago: recllnlag chair can (seata tres) M ' tb Bast dally. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDIdsV ';. TON. A8TBOOND. ' " ' Arrlv. Depart. '"' No. S, Cblcag Special IOfvia. 60p.k No. 0, Mall ft Express 4:15 a. . :5.ta. WMTBOUND. . Arrlv. Depart, No. 1, fertlaad Spt ciai :os a. sa. .. Na 6, Mall and Br- ' press 11 p. sa. uwae. SPOKANI DliriSIOH. - : ' J r r ' Arrlv. Dseart No. T, Pendleton Pa- j, ., .. o :sa . k No. S, Spokaa Pas senger :l.a.av WALLA WALLA BRANCH. Arrive. Deaett. No. 41, Mixed train, 1 :40 p. a. i No. 41, Mixed tram I A a. sa. No. T connects wlrh No. t. No. 43 CMOKts with No. I. OCEAN AND RIVER sCUKDCtJi FROM PORTLAND. All selling dates snhject to ekaai. , For Baa Francisco every Ire days. SNAEB RIVER. Rlparla to Lewlston Leave ' Wnaala dally, except Saturday, 4 :00 a, na. i.eare uwistoa asuy, except rneay, 00 a an. B. C. SMITH, Agent, lWlsto. UNCLE TOM'S PLACE, COTTON- wood street opposite laindrv. Cheapest place In town. Money loaned. Second-hand goods bought and sold. YOUR UNCLE HARDWICK WILL loan you money on personal prop erty. Licensed pawn broker. Unre deemed pawns for sale. See me when you're short. Railroad St., In Hotel Kowman. MUSIC STUDIO. J. A. OWENHOUSE. INSTRUCTOR in mandolin and guitar. Piano tuner. At Eiler Piano House, Court street. ' RESTAURANT. THE NEW YORK KITCHEN. COR ner Garden and Webb streets. Best meal In the city for 15 cents. White help only. Short orders all day. CHIMNEYS CLEANED. WHITNER & SHAW, PROFESSION al chimney sweeps; ten years ex perlence. Chimneys cleaned proper ly and promptly. Leave orders at Goodman's cigar store, or 621 Cal vln street. ENGRAVED CARDS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS, etc. Very latest styles. Leave or ders at East Oregon Inn office. WANTED. , . .. WANTED POSITION AS CLERK or other work, by experienced grocery salesman. Young man, ber. Industrious, best references. Ad arena H. S., care E. O. WANTED RELIABLE. ENERGET ic, middle-aged woman, to assist In established business. References re quired, at this office. FOR SALE. B. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE No. 288. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays of each mdnth. ah srothers visiting In the city most cordially Invited to attend. Hall In LaDow block. Court street Thomas Ftls Gerald, E. R.; C. H. Bean, sec. PENDLETON LODGE NO. 61, A. F. ft A. M.. meet the first and third Monday of each month. All visiting brethren are Invited. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. EDMINSTEN, THE REPAIRER, fixe anything from a needle te a locomotive. Sewing machine, bicy cles, lock a specialty. Ill Court St JAPANESE RESTAURANT, THE PENDLETON KITCHEN 21 Cottonwood street. Meal It cents and up. Sunday, chicken dinner, 16 cents. Everything clean and good. Geo. Kawashlri, Prop. CHINESE LAUNDRY. 8LOM KEB. CHINE8B LAUNDRY man. Family washing a specialty. All work done by hand, and first class. Goods called for and delivered. 408 Court street FISH MARKET. ELITE FISH AND POULTRY MAR. ket. Hawkins A Miller, Props. Cor- ner Main and Alta.. Fish, oysters, lunch goods, sea foods, vegetables, cutter nn era. ennne Klnrk ingl. SUITS CLEANED. THE MEN'S RESORT, CLEANING and Pressing Parlors. Ladles' and mens worx given careful attention. Despaln block, East Court street Tel ephone Main 1531, N. JOERGER, THE TAILOR. 128 W. Court street Mllarkey block. Suits cleaned, pressed and repaired. First class work guaranteed. Prices reason -AW.. - - COMMISSION HOUSE. COLUMBIA PRODUCE CO., JOHN B. Benson, Mgr. Office at Pendle ton Ice ft Cold Storage plant. Deal era In fruit vegetables and dairy pro ducts. 'Phon Mala 173 L FOR SALE FRAME BUILDING, 222 Kasl Court St. Call on John Sleb ert. THOROUGHBRED WYANDOTTE cockerel, choice stock. Call at 408 Calvin St., or address G. Neuman Pendleton, Oregon. FOR RENT, MODERN, WELL LOCATED COT- tage. call at 811 Main street MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO BUY A GOOD ROAN mare, weight about 1858 or more. call on Harry Bartholomew. OLD NEWSPAPERS TO PUT TJN- uer carpet, on sneives, walla or for wrapping purposes. Old newspapers m inn ounoie or lee each at 15 Cents a bunril at eh Slffn nvn w i. am ornoe, Pendleton, Oregon, Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, St Paul, St Louis, City, St Joseph, Omaha and ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Portland and Point on the Sound. TIME CARD. Arrive Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 3 p. m. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1 p. m. Leave at 7 p. m. dally. Leave Walla Walla 1 p. m. for east. Arrive Walla Walla 11:36 a. m. froaa west For Information recardlni rates sad accommodstlons, call on or sddress W. ADAMS, Agent Pendleton.' Ores eel 8. B. CALDBRHBAD, O. P. A.. Walla Walla, Washington. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magasines or newspapers In the United state or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the EAST OREGONIAN tne net publisher prlo of th publi cation you desire, and w will have It sent you and assume all th risk of tne money being lost In th mall. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to th EAST OREGONIAN In remitting you can deduct 10 per cent from the publish er's pries. Address EAST OREGON IAN PUB. CO:, Pendleton, Oregon. RUNS PULLMAN' SLEEPING! CAM ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS BT. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO TO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON And all points East and South. - Through tickets te Japan and Chlsa, v4s Taconaa and Northers Pacific teasnshtg. Co. and American Una TIME SCHEDULE. ' Trains laav Peadletoa dally exoept tssv dsy, at 7 a a, a. For farther Information, tinea ear, nap and tickets, call oa er artt W. Adam, Pendleton, Ongoa, er A, I). CHARLTON. Third and Worries Its.. Portland. Or. Scott's Smlai-Pepsiii Capsuh A POSITIVE CUHK yorlBflmmstiB Or Ostorrk Oi Lh BaJhddoTaVDd JJifteMUed Kidnari. No ear mo p Curt aniekJr mmI Wrn BDtlf th wont ssusa of 4Uu4rrli4r4 and Ut, no msterof how iog stand fur. Abaolutclr asxmileu eJid br timrtigu. fhos $1.00, or by niaJL poatpsisV tU-W.SboxM, 92.36. THE SAMTAL-fEPSm CO. imxmromTAM, onto. MEN AND WOMEN. Vm Ble for anneterel rrltll(Mie or UKW tit) ... uufce. i-.ale, eootoieauei 3 L lalf seal u IimsI, li,,,.,,,.'''!' YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOTJB JOURNEY If your ticket read over th Do ver and Rio Grand - railroad, tk "'Scenic Line of th World," BECAUSE V There are so many scenic attraction and point of Interest along th Jin between Ogden and Denver that the trip never becomes tiresome. '' . ', ; . , If you are going East, writ for la- , formation and get a pretty book that 1 will tell you all about It., ' W. C M'BRIDE, Geoerml AgetM, ' '.. 14 Third Street, ' '' - Portland " - ,;- .Oregon : 'T . It : '