MILT : mmnriTT Saturday, February is, lata, : 1 ,' I li., Iff I tHMIIIIIHIIMimMIHHIMIMimMMMMMIII iHHHHKMIMttHmmtHHtltlMIIMtHltllHIIII llllltltTT'T " TTIII,, Big We Am Q MOVE. SIM HAVING RENTED THE ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR OF THE MATLOCK-BROWNFIEIJ BUILDING, WHICH IS NOW BEING PUT IN READINESS FOR US, WE W ILL BOON MOVE OUR IMMENSE STOCK INTO IT, WHILE WE REMODEL OUR PRESENT QUARTERS. RATHER THAN MOVE AND REMOVE ALL THIS, WITH THE CONSEQUENT DANGER OF DAMAGE, WE HAVE DECIDED TO WIPE OUT PROFITS AND PUT PRICKS ON THE GOOD8 THAT-WILL SURE PUT THEM OUT OF THE WAY OF WORKMEN, AND MAKE MORE ROOM FOR OUR SPRING STOCK THAT WILL SOON BE HERE. .' J,J "-- . r ,-- . , LARGEST LINE OF IRON BED6 EVER SHOWN IN EASTERN OREGON. AN (8.00 IRON BED FOR $S.M, AND SO ON DOWN THE LINE. A NICE, GOLDEN OAK, RODDEP ARM ROCKER WITH COBBLER SEAT, FOR $3.40; AND A FINE LINE BACK OF IT, FROM ' WHICH TO 8ELECT. DINING ROOM FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, PARLOR SUITES, ODD PAIUiOR PIECES, CHTFFONIERES, DRESS ERS, ALL MUST GO AT PRICES TO SCI TTHB PURCHASERS. in (Carpets and Rugs WE CAN SUIT THE MOST FASTIDIOUS TASTES. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF Room Size Remnants of Ingrain Carpets THAT WB MUST DISPOSE OF AT ANY OLD PRICE. NEARLY FROM SS GHNTB UP. COMB AND SHE US. THIS IS A GENUINE REMOVAL, CLEARANCE) BALE. WE DOJTT HAVE SPASMODIC, JL W V 1 A Ul 111 Vl AVUMtf CALLHD CLKARANCE SALES, BUT WHEN WE ADVERTISE REDUCED PRIOHS PEOPLE HAVE LEARNED THAT Wl MEAN BUHWBSi Yours for business jMLAoIAili, The Furniture and Carpet Man LIST OP OH HOMICIDES FOR 1904 The Morning Oregonlan has com piled the following data concerning crime in Oregon lor 1901, showing that for 35 murder there haa been ens caae of capital punishment: January. 1 Fred Gale, aged 44 years, beat en to death at Cottage Grove by parties unknown; no arrests. 2 Nicholas Eichner, aged 7 years, ktoked by larger boys at Baker City, the kicks resulting In his death; re sponsible parties never discovered. 26 Mrs. John T. Brown, aged 26 years, shot to death by her husband, a Umatilla county school teacher, tear Pendleton; husband afterward hot himself; Jealousy the cause. February. Unknown woman found floating to Willamette river below Portland; marks on body showed death resulted from foul play; buried In potter's field; Identity never discovered and to arrests mad. March. Mo homicides In -Oregon In the month of March. AprIL 1 D. & Solan shot on the street at Grant's Pass; Harry L. Bennett ar rested and charged with the crime, ' tried and verdict of not guilty ren dered by the jury. 21 Creed Conn, found' murdered In a field near Lakevlew, had been missing since March 4; no arrests made In theoaae. 24 Cheater Keady, aged 18 years, abet and killed by Sheriff Burnett at Corvallls, while resisting arrest; sheriff exonerated. 14 James Dunn, marshal at Cor vallls, shot fatally during melee be tween Keady and Sheriff Burnett, led on April 2t. 24 Foster Wachlno, Grand Ronde Indian, shot during drunken brawl by Louie Savage, another Indian on the Srand Ronde reservation; Savage based and captured by posse within II miles of the scene of the murder; tried and sentenced to penitentiary ar life. 27 Persley Chlsman killed at Ma dras by George Hurt, who shot him In self -defense; Hurt exonerated by cor- ewer's jury. May. 4 Frank Wilbur, aged 45 years, killed oa aeow on Columbia river near Warren dale; no trace of murderer or motive for the crime ever discovered. . ll Unknown Indian killed by an other of his tribe during drunken brawl near Dayville, death resulting from a duel with spurs; murderer shielded by other member of the tribe and not punished. 22 Louis Poltras, aged 11 years, killed at Lorane by Archie Elliott in as If Isfease; JSUiott exonerated by aoronora Jury, Jaofc ' Habited, saloonkeeper, shot and killed by Llewelyn Legg, railroad fireman, at Baker City, dur ing quarrel. 12 Thomas W. Suttie, found mur dered In box car at Baker City; no trace of assassin discovered. 14 Freda Guarascia, aged It years, shot to death by Frank Guglle- mo, at her home, 124 Harrison street. In Portland: murderer caught at Llnnton by Postmaster Alcorn. 17 Tuffy Potter shot to death by Jack Snyder near Klamath Falls, during a drunken quarrel. 22 George Joyce, killed at Oregon City, skull crushed, evidently by burg lar; assassin not discovered. July. 12 Emily Bogard, aged It years, drowned by William Ford, near Mill wood; Ford afterward drowned him- self; pair was eloping and It Is sup posed Ford feared capture. 14 Mrs. Florence Chapln beaten to death by unknown person near Grant's Pass; suspect arrested, but subsequently released. August. t John Anderson kicked and beat en to death by John Matteson and others during drunken brawl at Bump ier. Z7 Frank Bennett stabbed to death by Bert Oakman. at Hlllsboro. because Bennett was alleged to have come between Oakman and a young lady, oakman tried and sentenced for Ufa. 2t Christopher E. Ellis, a boy, hot down near Milton by -unknown person or persons and robbed of 170. September. t Mrs. Lenora B. Jonea shot to death by G. W. Lauth at Oregon City; Jealousy the cause. t Dr. Lee Sing Nom, Chinese phy slcian, skull crushed by persons un known at corner of Fourth and Pine streets In Portland; no arrests made In connection with the ease. IS Gus J. Breuer. saloonkeeper, murdered at door of his saloon at Union avenue and East Clay street even arrests made; arrested men re leased without trial, detectives being unable to gather damaging evidence. October. 3 P. Seage-Kiaslow shot and kill ed by Adolph Gaudron, at Sixteenth and Washington streets, Portland; business Jealousy supposed to be the cause of the crime; Gaudron after ward shot himself. - 4 4 Body of baby supposed to have been murdered found In grip In Union Depot In Portland; mystery never ex plained. It John Webster, a logger, ahot and killed by James Chooser at a log ging camp near Hllgard. Chooser afterwards shooting himself; murder result of a Quarrel over money mat ters. I OUVer Sergeant shot and killed by his father-in-law, W. make, near Grant's Pass quarrel the causa. 11 Mrs. Peter Brown, an aged wo man, found In a cabin murdered, near Oregon City; no trace of guilty person found. 11 Frank Natter shot to death by T. C. Creswell during a quarrel at Heppner. December. No homicides In the month of De cember. January, 1905. 3 Frank Frit and Mrs. Henry Loo mis shot to death by Loorala. who charged the pair with Immoral con duct; Fritz shot on street on east side, and Mrs. Loomis slain a short time afterward at her home; Loomis killed himself after committing the crimes. 1 Jack Rogers shot In a black smith shop at Roaeburg; no arrest made In connection with the crime. 20 Nelson Elaea, supposed to have been poisoned near Roseburg; W. H, Miller arrested on suspicion three days ago. 2 Edwin Btone, manager of the Corvallls A Eastern railroad, assassl nated while asleep In hotel at New port; died two days later; no trace of murderer found. Ola MtUrfc Driaka. Mead, made of honey, water and spices; bragget, mqrat and pigment, variants, were very early drinks in England. Currant wine, elderberry, gooseberry, mulberry, quince, plum and apricot wine are old fashioned varieties. Pars nips and turnips produce a vary now erful village brandy. Cowslip and rhubarb wine are very different the former weak and the lat ter very beady, Fir tree tops, green aettle tope, bin and beach asp. bof myrtle, heather all produced llqusra. And did not a Mew England rhyme, meant to enooerais the patriotic boycott oa British goods. run We Sloe gin and roe gtn are queer driaka. Nemo la harry, hot water, tamaa, mar and ootoej. The Loadoa Out " My that Derbyshire women need to drink In secret a "ferociously latocj ntiiig" potlee made eat of the poteen oa foxgloveHew York World. partial to the ass of atomisers hi ap plying liquids btto the nasal passage for aaaarrhal sroablus. the preertetis prepare airs Liquid Crease - Balm. Price Including spraying tube It II cent Druggists or by malL The liquid embodies tX medicinal preper tiee of the solid preparation, Cream Balm la quickly absorbed by the membrane and does not dry ap the eeretkme bat change them to a aataral and healthy character. b Brothers. M Warren street, PJ. T. The big ace sale sw en at I ml ; 5 on c ' j not h iiiii ill? ii iiiittiiiitiMiiiiiTiiiiiiM t" L iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiinniniiumiiiniiiiiniiiiKiinnimin itteiimu j l .M.MMMMMMMM, , .MM. ll I lC(aMPfliiWS is ALWAYS THE AND MOST SATISFACTORY We want to do your plumbing on the merits of our work. Our force of workmen are all cxpH and efficient plumbers, ao yoa take no chances. We are equipped with moot modern devices for 4 highest grade work and oar shop Is fitted to do the beet work In abort time. I Plumbing is not aa experiment with us, it is a practical trainees contracted on buetoeai prlneM When yon have plumbing to be done, we would like to figure with yon, and if high grade beet material and right price ocunw, we've got jour Job. W. J. Clarke Co 911 COURT STREET. Hardware, Plumbing, Stoves AGENTS FOR RED JACKET PUMPS M "i i.nn ), indurt in be it ktfti iMt : ttmi I mi i It ' M it i 1