DAILY EAST OREGOMAX, PEXDLETOX. OREGON, BATTU1AY. rEnKIAlTV 4. PAGE TWO. "There is Music in the Air, Boys" lMentv of inii-Uo tn rinvr your Th. CHURCHES home. S.YIH). SIO.00 Itioitttrailts. to t'JO.OO. Cylinder iwmk Sue ami S.V. Tullilng JlaolUues, Columbia and Victor Disc Machines. $15.00 to 165.60. Records, $100 and 1 10.00 doxen. WE BIT YOl'Il OLD KEC OUDS BACK. FREDERICK NOLF & CO. J The Bis School X Supply Store GEM: HAL NEWS. PrwbytPriiui Church. Morning worship at 10:30. Ser mon, "God In a Spirit, and They That Woinhlp Him Must Worship Him In Spirit and -Truth." Sunday school at li m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 4:30 p. m. Subject. "What I owe to Christian Endeavor." Leader. Miss Flora Walker. At the hour of evening wor ship. 7:30. a popular sung service will be held. Familiar hymns, responsive exercises aud a brief address are ar ranged about a central theme to give unity and linpresslveness to the serv ice. The theme tomorrow evening will he 'Throw Out the Life Line." The subject of the prayer meeting next Wednesday evening will be. !"What Is It to be a Christian?" An 1 1 swers are requested from as many jas possible to be given at the meet-Jjlng. I Congregational Church. j Services as follows: Sunday school 9:4r a .m.. Mrs. S. A. Lowell, superin tendent. Morning; preaching service at 11, subject, "The Great Teacher. His Methods." Preaching at the West End at 2:30. Evening service at 7:30,. beglnnnig the sixth week of the re vival meetings. The revival meetings will continue for some tome. In fact, these meetings have been so helpful and so many are interested In them, that we cannot stop now. aud the end is not in sight. There are many seeking the true way of life, and they are looking to us for help. T. it. Eg- erton, pastor. Hy a vote of 43 to 20, the California ! house of representatives has voted to ! -cede the Yosemlte valley to the general government. The entire divorcement of the state ; from the church In France is regard- i ., . . ... .. ...... Methodist Kplscoal ( hiirch. ed ns a certainty of the comparative- I 1 lv near future. ! "rile revival continues at this , cnurcn. special services tonignt at 7:30. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Ser mon, 11 a. ni., followed by a baptis mal service for adults. Class meet- I hie. 12:15 n. m. At 3 D. m. a aener- ! The coldest spot In the- United al L.h(llen s service will be held. Ep-I States February 2. was Glendive. . north i.e;IRUe. 6:30 p. m., and revl- ! Mont., where the thermometer regis-, va, BervU.e nt 7.30 p. m. A cordial tered Si degrees below xero. , invitation Is extended to all services. Observers note a recently develop- : Robert Warner, pastor. ed sun spot that Is 80,000 miles In j j dameter lengthwise, and oval shaped. ; M. E. South. I It is one-tenth the sun's diameter. ! All the usual services at the usual : The coroner of Xew York City has I hours. Rev. I. E. llattelle will preach I HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel St. George. O. E. Silverthorn, Portland. J. W. Casey, Portland. Henry Blackwell, Long Creek. J. J. Burns, Portland. Charles B. Holiman, St. Louis. J. W. Spencer, San Francisco. James Campbell, Denver. F. F. French, Chicago. X. C. Morris. Portland. Miss Belle Williams, Spokane. Miss Jessie Williams. Spokane. J. A. Wilson, College Place. J. H. Raulstone. Portland. D. E. Trembell, New York. Hoy O. Farnum. Seattle. Jumes B. Cox. Philadelphia. I'hll R. Itamage, Philadelphia. F. E. Booth. Chicago. II. R. Drlscoll, Tacoma. Hotel Bickers. Charles Snyder, Echl. J. M. Hemphill. Pilot Rook. ' K. Lunch and wife. Portland. George S. Bell. city. T. H. Vaughan. Pilot Rock. (5. W. Day. Spokane. Ada W. Berg, Walla Walla. Mrs. Anna W. Grayson. Hnrrlsburg. Margarett McCuuslund, Walla Walla. Minnie Whltsell, Missoula. C. D. Rlnker. Missoula. G. N. Palmer. Colfax. W. A. Banister. Milton. (I. L. Fraxier, Milton. W. L. Bishop. Freewater. M. H. Rice. Freewater. P. C. Creswell and wife. Heppner. Joseph Rothlln, McKay. Charles E. Fletcher. Walorvllle. Mellle Fletcher, Nye. A. Wold. Tacoma. G. A. Taylor. Portland. ?. Costello, Starbuck. '. H. Burke, Portland. J. ('air, city. K. H. Davis. Seattle. J L. Roe. Seattle. J. It. Blair. Anaconda. A. A. Fehrenbach. Arlington. Robert Hicks and wife, Portlantl. O. G. Allen, city. R. C. French, city. Mrs. F. A. Williams, Weston. J. (. Moore, St. Louis. C. H. Marsh, city. J. M. Bentley, city. Geo. W. Shipply. Pasadena. BEST OF ALL SALE Because we are placing on he lowest prices. Spring; Is needed fur them tn less YOU ASK WHY BEST OF AIA. Special sale goods you want now at goods are now on the way and room than two weeks. 12 DAYS OF BIG BARGAINS Watch Our Windows This Week. There is Money in Them For You Clothing for less than actual cost to us.. Heavy underwear at nrlccs below cost to replace It. Men's Shirts or a dnaen kinds, to close out, 39c. Shoes of every le"crlition at cut prices. Dress finrals reduced lower than ever. SILK WAIST PATTERNS FREE WITH DRESS SKIRTS. ; BlanketH and comforts cheaper tluui making thejn. Shirt waUU of every kind below our actual cost of placing them before vou on our counter. Toweling, 3 l-2c yard; wide outing flannel, So yard; muslin, 4o yard ! : " SPECIAL EMBROIDERY SALE 10c, 12c, 14c ami 15o patterns, all now go at one price ' " yard ...THE FAIGa..... OSTE0PAT1 Pelvic iHse, Wo, : l MM l IWMMmWtH IIIIIIII44 FRAZER THEATRE K. J. TAYLOR, Manager ..Two Nights.. Sat. and Sun., Feb. 4 and 5 LINCOLN J. CARTER'S GREATEST EFFORT, been convicted by a jury of demand lug a bribe from a lawyer who was I defending a physician accused of mal- I practice. j The entire Cuban cabinet has re- j signed, none of them agreeing with i President Palma ubout certuin pub- ( lie issues. Puima refuses to accept ! !he resignations. j The Chicago Municipal Art League has awarded the first prize for excel- j lent landscape painting tu William j A. Harper, a negro, who had nine , puintings on exhibition. j The government of France v.lll fus- 1 at 11a. m. (the pastor being at Wes ton. Mr. Howard will occupy the pulpit In the evening. ler cotton culture In the Soudan, the ministry and chamber of deputies acting on the presumption that unless something extraordinary is done America will absolutely control the culture and manufacture of cotton In .a few years. Church of tlio Redeemer. i Services for the fifth Sunday after j Epiphany: Sunday school and Bible i classes, 10 a. m.; celebration of the ' Holy Communion and sermon. 11 a. j m.: evening prayer and sermon, 7:30. j Subjects of sermons: Morning "The i Spiritual Development of Christ; the i First Dawning of the Consciousness of His Messiahship: the First Dawn- I Ing of the Consciousness of His Pe culiar Relation to the Father; the ' 1 Growth of the Consciousness of His i Redeeming Mission; Man. Capable of j Being' Redeemed: He. Himself, the i I Redeemer of Humanity From Kin." j Evening "John, the Baptist, the In- ; , terpreter: a Voice. Crying in the i Night; the Baptist s Testimony. ; According to the London Times j Strangers cordially welcomed at ail j Pekln correspondent, Germany Is . services. The rector Is always glad i seizing every' opportunity to tighten ' to speak with any one concerning any j her grip on Canton because appar- j matter of spiritual Interest. Rev. j ently she realizes that Russia's posl- i Henry Dixon Jones, rector. I tlon Is hopeless and that after the war opportunity for aggression in China will be less favorable than hitherto, because China will feel more free to resist ull foreign aggressions. OKTHVEST NEWS. All the water power mills In the t'oeur d'Alene country are out of commission on account of slush Ice. The forestry building at the Lewis and Clark fair will be the largest log building In the world and made of the largest logs. A bill Is before the Idaho legisla ture to abolish Kootenai county by -dividing It and naming the northern half Lewis aud the southern half Clark. Andrew Shaw, a young man living near Orofino. Idaho, slipped and fell on an ax which he was carrying over his shoulder. His head was badly gashed. Mrs. Wolf and Mrs. Moffett. In charge of the Crlttenton Home at Spokane, declare that 65 per cent of Its Inmates are deserted wives. There are now being cared for at the home 20 Illegitimate babies. Private advices from Washington give assurance that the Jones bill creating a new federal judgeship for Eastern Washington, will be passed at this session of congress. The friends of Judge Sullivan, of the law firm of .Sullivan, Nuium at Nuxum, of Spo kane, are first In the field with his candidacy. At Culbertson, Mont, W. G. Greer, .a rancher, was murdered by an un known assassin, who apparently sum moned him to the door and then shot him dead In his tracks. Greer was found by a neighbor lying just with in the door of his cabin, with a bullet hole through the chest. Greer was a rancher. The man had been dead for several days when found. First Chrlstlun Church. Sunday school. S:45 a. m.; song j service and communion. 11 a. m. to ; 12 m. 3 p. m., lecture by Evangelist. Dorris to men: subject, "Man Before I Man; Man Before God." This Is a j great lecture, and every' man In Pen- j dletnn should hear it. Evening serv- ice, 7:30. Special music. Miss Fra-j ker will sing. Sermon by Evangelist , Dorris, subject, "What Does It Mean?" ; The meeting are very successful. 54 i additions thus far. Mr. Dorris will be with us another week. The public ; cordially invited to attend. .V H Brooks, pastor. Bniillst Church Notice. t Services for the week beginning February 5 : Sunday 10 n. m.. Bible school: 11 a. m.. public worship; 3:30 p. m.. Junior meeting; 6:30 p. m.. loung People's prayer meeting; 7:30 p. m.. j song and praise service. -auciiuoii hy subtraction." Is the evening topic. Monday 7:30 p. m.strustees meet- Ing. Dr. Ringo's office; 7:30 p. m., B. Y. P. IT. business meeting. J Tuesday 7:16 p. m., teachers" I meetings of S. 8.; 8 p. m., Christian Culture study class. j Wednesday 7:30 p. m., prayer j meeting. Subject: "The Mind of the Master With Reference to Answered Prayer." ! Thursday 7:30 p. m.. special pray-j er service for the lost. , Friday 8 p. m.. choir rehearsal. j j Tlie East Webb Revival. Plans are being laid for the com ing; of Rev. C. F. Clapp of Forest Grove, Ore., to assist in the meetings . now being held In the Congregational church. Mr. Clapp la superintendent I of Home Missions for Oregon, and is well and favorably known as a revlv- f allst. His many friends In Pendle-. ... I . . - I .. m.M wltl. ion win oe kihu io ncm hhu, m Mr. Clapp added'to the present work ing force, the meetings will no doubt Increase in Interest and power. T. R. E. The Pendleton. Miss Palmer, Portland. F. B. Hnlbrook. Irrlgon. Thomas Nester, Portland, (i. S. Youugman, Portland. A. D. Stlllman, city. G. A. R. McGrew, Weston. J. W. Seller, Walla Walla. J. W. Morrow, Portland. E. L. Barnett and wife. Athena. R. W. Reist, Minneapolis. A. L. Whit, Greenwood. G. B. Atkinson, Moscow. Roy Harnett. Athena. M. C. Wade. Starbuck. J. Fred Fisher. Spokane. M. B. Runkle, Spokane. Miss Uunkle. Spukane. Charles Ringlet-. Portland. C. K. Redfleld, Heppner. X. W. Martin. Eugene. A. Xylnnder, Portland. J. B. Saylor, Echo. 11. X. Stanfield, Echo. A. G. McCarthy. San Francisco. George E. Crumin, Boise. G. Belcher, Boise. 1. Jensen and wife, Mlnte Creek. John W. Hart, Menan. ii. V Allen and wife, Boise. F. W. Rettentach, Lewlston. M. J. Wessels, Kendrick. Henry Jones, Malad. J. L. Goodnight. Genesee. ". U. King. Coeur d'Alene. M. E. Harris. Han Francisco. A PLAY TO PLEASE EVERYBODY TWO A PLAY YOTJ WILL REMEMBER LITTLE WAIFS A Revelation in Story, Plot, Cast and Scene : or THE HUDSON RIYER BY MOON'IJGHT. W. ft- It ti,k ILLUMIN ATED TOY' STORE. 4. J I 1 TIIE UNDERGROUND DIVE. V-' THE LITTLE CHUncn AROUND THE CORNER. Prices, 25c to $ 1 .00 t I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A. J. West, of Aberdeen. WaHh., hiiR (if ff red $1000 and a free site If the council will locate the proponed Carnegie !lbrury in Kant Aberdeen. j j Sprayers Sprayers 1 HAVE JIST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENTS OF SPRAYERS AND SPRAY Pr.MPS. CALL IX AND SEE THE AUTO MATIC SPRAYER; IT WORKS LIKE A I 'IRE EXTINGUISHER. HEDGE SHEARS, TREE TRIMMERS, ETC., ETC. T. C. TAYLOR THE HARDWARE MAN." 711 MAIN' STREET. 830 acre ranch. Four hundred acres on river, bottom, (0 acres set to alfalfa. Well Improved; good or chard; running water. One among the best In the county. Price la right. We have other and smaller .propositions equally good. E. T. WADE A SOX. Office E. O. Building. The seal of quality reads J.A. Folger&Co. It is across the top of every tin of Golden Gate Coffee. Never told in bulk. J. A. Folrfer & Co. Eatebllatwsl Im 1S50 San Vratactfco Bear Ladies I know what we have to sluiw yon In the way of chat-aware, glassware and crockery at cut nrlccs wlU Interest you, ana I an anxious to show Jon the goods and let you be the jndge ef whether I am giving the bargains I claim or not. I am very anxluaa to AU poae of my entire stock of chlnaware, glassware ana crackary, as I wish to retire from this line of business. ladles, come in and see for yonrsett C. R.0HRMAN Court Street Warranty Deeds Filed. The following warranty deeds were filed today in the office of the county recorder: Charles L. Owlsey to X D. Mc Kennon for the 8E 1-4 of section 23. In township 36 E. W. M., containing 160 acres. Consideration, $400. J. D. McKennon to Bocks-Thomas Co., for the 8E 1-4 of section 23, In township 36 E. W.-M., containing 160 acres. Consideration, $400. Needs More Teadiers. Superintendent Frank K. Welles, who visited the public school at Wes ton this week, has recommended that one more teacher, at least, be em ployed there. The present force Is overworked and the rooms crowded somewhat, It is said. HEADACHE "Mrffttbswhad btn tnttiwfwi tUtr sHirlieW tor lb Uct woky-A yjsrn Md foBl mnf nllaf antll h btoa tkiac Tor CtMMtlt. 8Id b kmm bftin Uktni UmcinU fe hu M-rer ha4 h htsvdMhs). Thr hmwm atltmir nrti him. GMaru do what jo Mo-nnttl lbm lo do. I will tin ye th prtotlec of mats kU maar." &cst For Ca . afF i nv UOWftl -a MM) ....IT'S GREAT EXERCISE..... A RECREATIOK THAT IS HEALTHFUL AND ENJOYABLE IS BOWLING It develops the entire system and brings into play every muscle of the body. Physicians and aUueUo Instructors every where recommend bowling;. BILLIARDS AND POOL BALL IN' CONNECTION. Alleys reserved for private nartle. mhon .k.n ... i ..i..nre. Brunswick Bowling Alley WADE SILER, Prop. v canov eamume T ' Pslstakl. rotnt, Taste Bood. Do M, hmllian, Mm or Grip. He. fc.Sc.hni .old 1b Sulk. T gaoiD teblM stmp4 00 0, MIUlMd SO W JOW SIOMJ tnliog Rmmady Co., Chicago or N.T. ggt AIXUALSALEtTEl K1U0I BOXES centthstu.;. mu' look to thV." of 1 1 ease., or fem.i CH-1I'! M i Period, of litv wn, h th. 1 c'emist, ar9 con uegeneracyof th. hZ.. 'nese must b it.. . l " in Prate'r'l "tr.. aohrl'-l uterus, with their fl,?,'--M menta t,..j..L sun teeonJ b.addVtrou, Aa kn. U It ln J , "onian tubmiu toI 1 mg caustics, peuarr .i .tti and finally th. -'i to find herseu WS 'M n0Uo' WrCk an4 lid? Such ! ""wa i In our own ln. , ' 1 ! this awful .a,., rnnwit- , u hardier race mutt uk. He who brings this nor Will ho irrool.. r torv'a Ttnaa r... , '- ---- - r-r,.m. oucn out h striving hard tor thi. rlort. , In the person of Dr. kJ-l. ' the founder of osteopathy, fcii Senator Jos. B. ForaUtt " founder of n.inK.,v.. , .1.1 BOSS 004 ... .mi me lnan wht, fc done to relieve f lutterta, ol man V.I. ...... 9 wl win go down the as the e-oTpst phyiicUnolu, race." Is this eulogy merited? let J amine iiis ineory ana tee If it W "' ",r " inouia reuol "- """ nunough we tmvenenri o. Tlie body Is not t mjitfu works by law, just aa truly u Other niarhlne. So have t teu The uterus and ovarlea Im abundant and delicately tan nerve and blood supply on wbleh depend to functionate, or jti their duty of life, procreation cause of this abundance and te nf nerve nnd blood lupply, th? easily disturbed. At this pois Still began by asking, "How it. disturbance come about!" Stm Is that no physician ever atki: before, or If he naked, (ailed to answer. Dr. Still never rtoppj) he had an answer. The blood to' the female onrif well as to all parti li contru the raso-niotor nerves. Then In the spinal cord, pats out lei the vertebrae, thence doif through tissues and over Joicii organs. Cut the vaso-motor in any vessel and the venel puralyxed. Then the force blond within the vessel ipliu wall, accumulating an excenj nn Inflammation or congMtioii these fuels of physiology point, Dr. 81111 begun the sfj the agent cutting the 1 nerve. Diligent search recnt' the vertebrae between whit! nerve leaves the spinal cort sIlKhtly displaced, the ribs, lit nnd 12th, were drawn down ul gether, nnd that the pelvic commonly railed the hip bow twisted. "An Idea." save Dr. I . i "These bring pressure ano " the nerves as they pasJ by thi I straighten these it should f ilMlred result." He did lb The result you have In the lKrJ tntlon from the wife of unto'i'l senntor, Vou hnve been duped loni j Henceforth proceed by reiw" vestlgate. There ore several !, tvhn have been trealw- ....lonatinn and underl l'irilltir,c m Pick the when', from i -- pretenders nre nnraerow "l Infest our state until Sennlor Ij ell's bill, now before the iw ' . . i:,. nnd compeU " teopaths to go before W 1 board. Don't jud.se 0slpi what some pretender r i Ttr,iM TOU to give you. , cine from the work of V Frequently we "L uterine nmpr- , can't help me.' 0,,"(trt placement come "" '". , of the lls-ament n,.rihment? Was' wln , t..k tn strenfts' Because you 1 slight displacements " j be positive there sit s J fingers will M outtoyoursatWac'--- tors. tho who often assert that thej. "JJ do not exlrt. f JTtTH Invite to ca. - " eellent example of dlsplacemenu among Osteopathy ."afl able, ooinx - I"" cured. 4 IS iSttA or not- body. t"J atlve po''0'n7mor'l the case li cuperaUve P0" ""ebatK " geon's wonan. stroy you - ua. renk your nervow Uo)1 you to the tetriD" of motherhood. Jfth00d. J .-a mind tot wi H ..Jul wreck on thj. been ing because you n away. IWJ tr'ArV WJV AStandard for Quality. Cleanliness and Workmanship Hand MadeXltar Havana.' FINN& Makers. wrklL . - -hanotW' .H!i There is four 1 nothing to in'p.ln - tors hn git P Dr. Still, the Wion. ,t prices thst IsUlscb's.