MA1LY EAST OREQOMAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, ItO. PAGE THREE. ftnl uii ed to I ioppJ Otpl ontrci Th out 4 dot! Joino: )tOT ml ore ceu eatloi sail le k4 ecru hri I cort lam 4 bowl yi Dr. and A i by tot lOOld If Id tu ne H Iblo'id lonl reuwl erenl tited. :!t H 01 allot W l in o' uu be ii Judp 1 w OtH Mt rUlH ht ot ' no 1 indl ,4I li d v l .UlB1 ill aot tk If. i -tH nfltt4 1 wo r tin ' 1 fi-- " " "." ii , ....imi'UK.TANT NOTICE.... Heal S,mb roidery Sale T. Him Mnnn ii ORIGINAL WITH THIS STORE "J ?jrJaLtZ?a...VrlnUl. n the GREAT EMBROIDERY SALE r EMBROIDERY SLF m.u 8 e for SALE VIXG and a thought of last I" ,t f msf TetJrtTov " ' neCTT to onl, mention the fact thl, coming sale will K fr m o f nTnrse y"rds of new Pri" embroider, will be sold for almost nothing. W i RANGING IN PRICE FROM 1c TO 12.00 PER YARD. GOWNS AND HOSIERY RIBBONS. DOMESTIC AND FLANNELS , fast black hose ....Mc r,anc ,"" Price SSc 2 u,iiVw fast black hose, fleece lancr ribbons, best quality . .30c 10c Flannelettes 1-Sc " ..IS l-2c rancl' ribbons SSc 12 u-c Flannelettes ....c J wiles'' fast black hose ....18c CEKT REDUCTION ON -ln. to whm' fast black hose ...23o MJj Sn K AND SATIN TAP- 18 - ginghams 10c S fast black hose ....SSc " RIBBONS. '-So toweling c todies' fast black hose ....50c SlUci; : .T,.-I? plf gloves lc 50c Jap silk, .U color. ....... 87c 1"" golf gloves 28c 750 and SSc Taffeta silk Sc ,5C ,OTre,m golf gloves .....5c $1.25 fancy silk 97C . Tr 1-28 btack taffetta silk. S6-in. 8c AGENT FOR STANDARD PAT- iflENT FOR R. G. CORSETS. gifts black taffeta silk, 86-ln. S1.1S TERNS" AND PUBLICATIONS. THE AXNtJAL UNDEB-MUBUN SALE CONTINUES. FIFTEEN PER CENT DISCOUNT ALEXANDER DEPARTMENT STORE f PENDLETON'S BEST AND FOREMOST STORE. X I 1 1 1 1 1 l I 1311 34Htl III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it Iadvent or THE NEW YEAR Iiini no greater happiness tbun tin be gained through the pos- o( one of our peerless car- I We can furnish you Iwth any lr kind and one that will be Ir- ittable In style, construction mi, ton J iuuimii, miu uuimuim. pqle Brothers No Frenzied Finance j ,c itnvc mi sum. Mtlt, tm lh. 1.. ... A n r uiiij, ouic ivuiiua- rr ' wund flnunclal operation. nuiraj to Duna on. i mt money and Invest It In V ud it will Increase in value, dealrable nrntMrtv In All ft tt city, as well as ranch mall tracts. t Davidson & Cc. Ill Court Street. w m )tyn Lump I HDAL i; Lu2 ana gives L25rUon Uu any co ! fjodleton, and sella for ' ' ya coal t 50 per toa ! I JWJtdeUvered. always on handt ; . -rnone mala I XVN COAL AND lOOD CO. J aUB YARD NEAR " C-R. DEPOT. CHEAPEST !NSy'!.lJ,tad whn ou iVfoolt auppUs. InternaUonal ;tV(tock Food. UN f "t your cow troa- Alu St. O'" Lk KJllo,. aaaaBaiiijsaBiBaBa J? Tannery "U BON. Beat work- 1 . atrl.. i Jvw"o by oarrior, MONET f Ok SOYS 1 m 1mm mt hi iw MIL Mt IWp millll i-i I MMV, Mi n tt M0l. MttM TUt DAILY a. 1UHDAV (OUl NAU W , W M mi m da biWr Mm k ndiil T Mir toy M wlB tr MMI Ml Will M MM W TMI UN DAV JOURNAL. M m nU m I MB act AhM SMI Ml UM OmI mM-mU to MitoMfld ir U to M0 r MMdltac THE IUNDAV JOURNAL. mi m1mi cm to MM m mt "CUM DAILY JOURNAL. THE SUNDAY JOURNAL miMlwl ALL THE NEW. Md Mn MU1 Im- bM M HHWM, M JOURNAL tor Ml Mtftof M MM! .llllMi mkMmm. Omt r " ' t K CASH M MdhlM it the rtffuto itfoAn. imiii. ttoM JOURNAL ton Mto tW UM toal Mora wto mcrMM Itoil Mdert AM Mif Mi trMam. tim wwt tto toM M to mmJIm pltoM tow m mm ctoac w Mm thta MRft MM, M ttoM iTtCriMnL Ott M THE JOUR- i THE JOURNAL NAL . THE JOURNAL. PortMM, rt-M.O.J TEETH EXTRACTED BY THE MOD ERN METHOD, SOC. i We are thoroughly equipped with all modern me'' nds and appliances, and guarantee oar work to be of the highest stand ard, and our prices the lowest -.inHlftcnt with flrst-elas work. White Bros. Donttat. Asf 'latlon Block. Telephone Main 1461. FAIR EXCHANGE. A New Back for an Old One How It Is Done in Pendleton, m, Kai.i MhM at times with a dull. Indescribable feeling, making you weary and restless; piercing paina shoot across the region of the kidneys and again loins are so inm to moon la agony, no use 10 mk nniv a nlastar to the back In this condition. Tou cannot reach the cause. Exchange the bad back - mw anri atroncer one. Follow the example of this Pendleton clU- mmn. W. Wells, living at the Palace Lodging House, Main atreet. say" "Doan's Kidney Pills are a most ex- tam th back and kid- cviivnt. i"--lv . neya and I heartily recommend them to anyone in need or sucn a meaicm.. For more than a year I suffered from Irregular action of the kidneys, com bined with dull heavy aching pains across my loins and back. When i stooped I had to be very careful in -.-.-....I... i if I did not want to - i. whn I caught the BUIier mcvmv'7 --- - - least cold It Invariably settled in my back and kidneys and aggravaa complaint I had little faith ln Do.n l Kidney Pills when I went to Brock MoComas Co.'s drug store for them. , .i K.tnMii me from the xirax mil lucy and a continuation of their use cor rected the kidney aimcuiw -. .. . im mv hack ana tievea ine aciuue 7 7 loina I have recommended this remedy to others and know oi eral who have used them with the most a ti factory results." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 ... Ullhurn CO.. Buffalo. cenis. ruiwi- - , N. T sole agents for the United State. ' D.n.n,h ths name Doan s CALIFORNIA AT THE FAIR, California Building; at Lewis and Clark Centennial Win Rival Expo sition Palaces In Bias and Cost. Portland, Feb. J. The bulldina which California will erect at the Lewis and Clark centennial will be one of the finest on the grounds. The building will also be one of the larg est, and will cost $40,000. California's building will - be of unique and appropriate design. The plans for the building, which have been .approved by Governor Pardee, provide for a structare In the form of cross, each wing to represent an old California mission. These missions are the Santa Bar bara mission, the El Carmel mission at Del Monte, the Dolores mission at San Francisco, and the San Carlos mission at San Diego. Each wing will present an exterior different and dis tinctive, and' the reproductions of the four missions, will be faithful, and exact as to detail. The building will be two stories high. In the central dome a chime of mission bells will be Installed. Work on the structure will be be gun at once, and it will be completed in time for the opening of the exposi tion, June 1. California's elaborate and complete exhibit, which will be collected at cost of 150,000, will be shown in this building. The exhibit will show in a comprehensive manner the resources of the state along the lines ot forest ry, mining, dairying, fruit raising, Ir rigation, and fisheries. The' exhibit will be under the direct supervision of Governor Pardee. J. A. Filcher will be the commissioner in charge. LEU IS AND CLARK SOUVENIR. Dr. H. W. Cos Donate Beautifully Designed Spoons. , N A beautiful spoon made of native copper, donated by Dr. H. W. Coe and designed by Mrs. Coe, has just made its appearance In the windows of the Portland Jewelry establishments. The spoon is arranged so as to pre sent the pictures Wif the' two famous explorers, Lewie and Clark, under which Is gracefully placed the Lewis monument and a representation of Multnomah (alia In tlie bowl of the spoon Is repre aented a teautlfarty carved picture of Sncajawea, the Indian woman who led the men over their Journey. The representation Is also an exact copy of the copper statae which la to be erected in Oregon in honor of this Indian woman, by the public-spirited citizens of Oregon, and unveiled at the coming exposttWsn. . The seal of Oregon occupies the topmost part of the sack of . the spoon, with Mt. St, Helens and Spir it lake, the home of the copper, and two great fir trees. Under these the famous Columbia river salmon finds a convenient display. The spoon la a beautiful piece of Ingenious and artistic work, and should find a ready demand. The entire proceeds from the sale is ts be presented to ths monument fund. MINIDOKA PROJEDT GOVERNMENT IRRIGATION SCHEME IN IDAHO. Cable Towers M Feet in Height Are Now Being OoaMracted 11,000 Yards of Rock to Be Used In a Dam Monster Air Drills Are Being Installed S5-Ton Dredge Shovel to Be UsedOver SO Mea to Be Em ployed There Within SO Days. D. O. Martin, engineer in charge of construction work on the dam and head of canals at Minidoka, ts in he city. Today a Capital News reporter this morning Mr. Martin said: "Ninety men are employed on the works now and within 30 days 300 men will be employed, and night shifts will be put on as soon as the dynamo and electric lighting plant are received and Installed. "The Bates A Rogers Construction company's contractors have completed three of the four cable towers that are to carry the cables across the river, upon whlcti a skip will oper ate to handle material for the dam. The towers are 80 feet In height and the cables are 1260 feet long. The towers stand 1150 feet apart from center to center. The division chan nel has been excavated to a depth of 25 feet for a distance of 75 feet, and much work has been done In install ing machinery and preparing the plant for operation. "On the ground now Is a high- grade air compressor with engine and two boilers, one SO and the other 80 horse power. The compressor will bo used chiefly In operating air drills. as the contract calls for the placing of 110,000 yards of rock In the dam. The rock to be used will be taken from the main canal which for two miles will have to be blasted out of the solid lava rock. Two more boilers, one of 40 and the other of (0-horse power capacity and an engine are be ing Installed for operation of the ca ble ways. "Materials are on the ground for constructing a bridge across the river over the dam. The bridge will carry a car track connecting with the canal beyond the rock work, and all earth will be hauled and dumped from the bridge. An "arange peal" dredge with a shovel that carries 65 tons will be used to fill the cars from the canal. The dredge is not yet on the ground, but has been shipped from a point on the Tennessee river, where It was last used and is expected to ar rive very soon. The machinery, with the exception of the dredge and lighting plant, Is now. on the ground and rapid progress may be expected from now on." Mr. Martin, who was in charge of the construction works at the Milner dam for IS months, ts well posted on the ways of the Snake river and will see to It that the work Is pushed along so that the high water In the spring will not cause delay. He said the river at that point was closed for three weeks by ice, abut It all went out a week ago and ferry boats have resumed their runs. The first of the government wells, Mr. Martin said, was completed a few days ago, and at a depth of 114 feet a splendid flow of water was se cured. The well was sunk at the "middle" and 20 feet of lava was en countered when nearlng the bottom of the well. nnnots Decatur, III., Feb. 8. A large num ber of prominent educators are gath ered here for the annual meeting of the Illinois Schoolmasters' club. The meeting continues two days and Is de voted to a general discussion of edu cational topics. Several of th ses sions are to be held at Mllllken anl verslty. Ths meeting will conclude tomorrow evening with a banquet at which addresses will bs delivered by a number of speakers of wide prominence. - College Oratorical Con tost. TtirilMtanolla. Ind.. Feb. t. 8eats are at a premium for th annual eon- test of the Indiana State oratorical association, which takes place this evenlne- In Tomllnson hall. All of the seven colleges Included in the asso ciation have sent large delegations or students to root for their respective orators. The colleges represented In the contest are DePauw. Butler. Han over, Notre Dame, Franklin, Wabash and Earlham. To Cure a Cold la One Day. ' Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab leu. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. tso. There werf 5000 conversions In Denver during the recent revival. FOR NEW BRIDGE. Senator Rand Would Build Bridge Across the Snake. Following is senate bill No. 13, by Senator Rand of Malheur county, providing for the construction of an Interstate bridge across Snake river. near Ontario: A bill for an act to authorise and provide funds for the construction of an Interstate bridge across Snake river at some suitable point near On tario, Oregon.' Be it enacted by the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon; and, be It enacted by the people of the stat of Oregon: Section 1. That it shall bar lawful for the county court of Malheur coun ty, Oregon, and the said county court Is hereby authorised and empowered to construct, duiio, maintain and us or cause to be built, maintained and used, a bridge across Snsk river, op posite Ontario, Ore., to b known and used as an Interstate bridge between th states of Idaho and Oregon, to some suitable point and location on the shore of the river epposlt such point as may fa selected as hsreln- aftar provided. See. t. That there be and la here by appropriated ' out of th rands In ths bands of the stat treasurer, not otherwise appropriated, th sum of 835,000 for th purpose of aiding said Malheur county In th construction of said bridge, upon th condition that said Malheur county. Ore, and stat of Idaho, or citizens thereof, shall provide such other necessary funds as may be atcessary for th completion of such bridge within on year from the pa sang of this act. Sec. t. That at such time as the county court of Malheur county. Ore., shall certify to th stat treasurer that the balance of th funds naees- sary for th completion of said bridge shall have been provided for, or ap propriation made, for th completion of said bridge, It shall be th duty of the secretary of state of Oregon, to draw a warrant on the treasurer, in favor of the treasurer of - Malheur county for the said sum of 8M00. to be disbursed by said county court in the construction of said bridge. Sec 4. That within 0 day after this act shall became operative It shall be the duty of the governor, sec retary of state and treasurer, acting as a board, to select, under the advice ot competent engineers, selected by them, said engineers to be paid out of said fund for their aervloM, a location AFIER SICKNESS VINOL IS A WONDERFUL TONIC AND STRENGTH EN ER. The Brock A McVomaa Co. Refunds Money In AU Case Where It Falls to Give SailMfaction. 'During the past few months there has been a great deal of alckness of one kind and another in thta vicinity," said Mr. Brock, of the Brock & Mo Comas Co., "and I want to say to the people of Pendleton that the one thing to aid recovery after sickness is to give the patient a blood build ing and strength restoring tonic, one that will give strength to every organ In the body. "Now," continued Mr. Brock. "I don't believe there is another reme dy in the country equal to our deli cious cod liver oil preparation, Vln ol, for making pure, rich, red blood and building up strength. I say this from an Intimate knowledge of al most every medicine on the market. and after considering what Vlnol Is and has done. 'Vlnol contains every one of the body-bulldlng, medicinal elements ot cod liver oil, without one drop of oil to upset the stomach and retard Its work, and this with organic Iron, which Is a needful constituent for the blood, dissolved In a delicious table wine, makes Vlnol. It acts directly on the stomach, creates a healthy ap petite, and enables the digestive or gans to obtain teh necessary elements from the food eaten, to make rich, red blood, and healthy flesh and muscle tissue, and create strength and you know what you are taking.' Continued Mr. Brock, "We have a good many letters like the following: 'Mr. A. Manser of Poughkeepsle, N. T., wrltes:x 'A severe fever left me In a very weak condition, and no matter what I took, I could not seem to get any strength, until through a friend I learned of Vlnol. Two bottles worked wonders for me, so quickly did It restore my health and strength, and I am fast gaining In weight. Vlnol Is a wonderful strength creator.' "In the strongest manner we un hesitatingly endorse and guarantee Vlnol to Increase the appetite, cure stomach troubles, give strength and renewed vitality to the aged, build up the run-down, tired and debilitat ed and restore health to the conval escent or we will return every dollar paid us for It" Brock ft McComas Co., druggists. Hotel St. George - GEORGE DARVEATJ, Proprietor. European plan. Everything first- class. Accommodations th beat. AU modern conveniences. Steam heal throughout Room n suit with bath. Large, new sampls rooms. Ths Hotel St. George is pronounced on ot ths most modern and model hotels of Oregon. Telephone and fir alarm connections to office In all rooms. Rooms 50 to tl.Mt. CORNER MAIN AND WEBB 8T8. Block and a naif From Depot- HOTEL PENDLETON WAITE BOLLON8, Proprietors. The Best Hotel in Peadletoo and as good as any. for said bridge at some point near and opposite Ontario, Ore., and above the mouth of the Malheur river. Sec. 6. That upon the construction of said bridge, and acceptance there of by the governor, secretary of state and treasurer, of the state of Idaho and Oregon, the same shall become the property of, and subject to the Joint control of, said states, in pro portion to the amount of, money ex pended by each, respectively, therein, snd shall forever remain free and open to the traveling public between said states. Fraud Exposed. A few counterfeiters have lately been making and trying to sell Imi tations of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and other medicines, thereby de frauding the public. This Is to warn you to beware, of such people, who seek to profit through stealing the reputation of remedies which have been successfully curing disease, for over 31 years. A sura protection, to you, is our name on the wrapper. Look for It on all Dr. King's, or Bucklen'a remedies, as all others are mere Imitations. H. E. BUCKLBN A CO., Chicago, III., and Windsor, Canada. Tallman sV Co. Extending Telephone. The Bend Telephone company is making arrangements to extend the line whlrh I now in operation be tween Prlnevlll and Bend, on to Sil ver Lake. Central Oregonlan. hWmWm tMart- J mJt i ii ii ijiia 11 " The Hotel Pendleton has Just been refitted and refurnished throughout 'Phone and fir alarm connections with all rooms. Baths In suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Mosu Commodious Ssmplo Rooms. Rates $2 00 and $2.50 Speclnl rates by week or month. i Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dining Room Servtos.. Bar and Billiard Room In Conneedoav Only Three Block From Depot. THE (Formerly Golden Rule.) COURT STREET. J MAI AMA LSSfl HoUy Springs, Miss., March 14, lasj. Whil building railroads la Teases some twelve year ago a number of hands contracted fever and various forms of blood and skia diseases. learned . ft., is my cwnailassry aad gave it to any aaads wun most gratiiying results, icaaracoav mend 8. 8. 8. a the finest prepsratioa for Malaria, chills snd fever, as well as all Mood aad sam ai , w.lMcuowaa. I suffered greatly from Boils, which woald break out on different pert' my body. I saw 8. 8. S advertised aad aft. UMnr anoet Hire Doilies 1 was caraa, sad forth last three years hsv bad ao trouble whatever. . w. aam. 117 Read St, BvansriJlc, lad, I begaanaing year 8. 8. B.robabWta yean ago for Malaria snd blood trouble, sad it proved so good that I bar coo tin oed ever sine aaiag it as a family remedy. It to s pleasnrc for an lorecom awnd B. 8. 8. for th benefit of other who are needinr s first rat blood purifier, Ionic and cur for Malaria. Arkansas City, Ark. CCHnnwWif. Boils, abscesses, sores, dark or yellow splotches and debility are some of th rrmptom of this miserable disease, 4 8. 8. coonteraets and removes from the blood all im puri ties snd poisons and builds np the entire system. It is guaranteed a parc ly vegetable reme dy. Write for med ical advice or any special informa bon about case. fat Swift Speelte Csapaay, Atlasta, 6a, M.-rrrf-g , -hbmy1 yiirii -T'"rB c Rmodld aad rsfurnlshsd through out Everything nt elaa aad ap-to-data. Steam beat and lotrfc Ughta. Bast ealaln. Prams! rria H. K. BICKERS, Proprietor. THE PORTLAND or PORTLAND, OBMON. ABarleaa Dlaa. SI er Sar asd sawssa. Headquarter for tourists sad eotairelai tranlwe. arm-UI raus sua to faallk. sad slagl fMMIeawa. Ths will b slesMtf at all Man to shew reaats sad glv sr!ea A soars Tarslsk keta aaJsisal la th betel. a. c bow gas, misuse Insure in Reliable Companies That pay thalr losses promptly. Owl sompanlea stand at th bead of th list Assets, Hartford Fir Insurance Co., 13,I.7I Alliance Assurance Co. .. 3,3.l London V Lancashire Fire Insurance Co, ....... 1.344,331 North British Marcantll Co. 13.3tl.t1! Royal Insuranc Co. .... 3LS7,U3 FRANK B.CLOPTON AOERT. 1 1,, yraoiv and take no other.