AM, rmUMH, ORWJOW. TUESDAY, JAKPABY l. 105 PAGE SOL BAfT.T sUCf OK - fetal...: TAX OUTSIDE STOCK TZ OF HARNEY, WOULD " PROTECT HOME ilKIUM Twenty Cents Per Ilead Shall Be Charged for All Outride Sheep Driven Through Oregoo Fire dents Per Head Through Each County Stock Inapectora May Take . Possession of Outside Stock Until Charges are Paid. Following Is a copy of aubitltute house bill No. 156, Introduced by Representative Bits of Harney coun ty, for the taxation of transient stock being driven through the state: A bill for an act to tax foreign sheep coming Into the state of Ore gon for the purpose lof pasturing, or being driven through the state. Be it enacted by the people of the state of Oregon: Section 1. That all sheep whose owner, or owners, residing outside the state of Oregon, shall bring, or cause to be brought Into the state of Ore gon, any such sheep, for the purpose of pasturage, or for the purpose of driving such sheep through the state of Oregon, such sheep shall be liable for, and the owner thereof shall pay, the following tax upon each and every head of sheep, 20 cents per head, for the purpose of pasturage by the year, or any fractional part of a year, and when such sheep shall be driven through the state, or any county of the state, such sheep shall be taxed, and the owners thereof made to pay, t cents per head for each and every county through which such sheep shall be driven; and the taxes herein specified shall be a preferred lien against any sheep liable to such tax, and the stock Inspectors of the sev eral counties of this state may take Into their possession any of said aheep, and keep and retain such pos session until such taxes are paid. Provided, that, If such tax, so due, Is not paid within thirty days after the same has been assessed, any inspector of stock, having any such sheep, shall ell the same, by giving ten days' published notice, in the nearest news paper to where said sheep Is held, of the time and place of such sale. And the sale, as herein provided for, shall convey an absolute title to any and all sheep so soldi Provided, that the owner of any sheep so sold may, with in 10 days thereafter, redeem such beep by paying all charges Incurred in the keeptDg and sale thereof, to gether with the tax due thereon, and 40 per cent Interest and damages thereon on the whole amount of taxes and charges. Bee. 2. The stock Inspectors of the several counties of this State are here by empowered to collect the taxes mentioned In section 1 of this act; And it shall be the duty of such In spectors to collect all taxes and fines hereunder, and to keep careful watch that all foreign sheep shall pay all the taxes and fines herein provided for; and when any such sheep shall come or be driven into any county of this state it shall be the duty of the stock inspector of such county to im mediately take such sheep into his possession and to keep and retain possession of the same until the taxes and fines due thereon are pad, or un t'l the sale thereof, as herein pro vided for, has been made; and all taxes and fines collected under this act shall be paid Into the general fund of the county where collected. The stock Inspector shall be allowed S3 per day for each and every day ac tually employed, said wages to be paid by the county for which such services are rendered: Provided, that when the Inspector of any county has to take any stock In charge and sell the same. In order to collect the taxes and fines due thereon, then such per diem charge of S3 per day shall be a charge against any aheep so held and sold for taxes and fines as herein pro vided for. Sec. 1. When any tax shall be paid by the owner or owners of any sheep the stock Inspector to whom such tax la paid shall issue a tax certificate to th party so paying, which receipt or certificate shall state for what pur pose the same was issued, whether for pasturage or driving: Provided, that under no conditions shall any stock inspector Issue any certificate, permit or receipt, whether for pasturage or driving, for any diseased or unhealthy sheep, but shall Immediately cause all diseased and unhealthy sheep to be taken beyond the limits of the state at the point where the same sheep entered the state. The owner or owners of any sheep who shall fail or refuse to Immediately remove any diseased or unhealthy aheep, (when brought Into this state), when or- dered to do so by any stock Inspector, shall be fined $25 for each and every day that such stock Is kept within the state after having been notified to re move the same by the stock Inspector of the county wherein such stock Is located. Sec 4. The provisions of this act shall not apply to any of the herein before mentioned stock that shall be brought into the state for the purpose of being fed through the winter months of November, December, Jan uary and February of each year, or to any stock being shipped to mar ket. TO HELP PORTAGE SENATOR PIERCE WtH'IJ) PROVIDE FOR MAINTENANCE. Bill Appropriating $25,000 for Operat ing and Maintaining the Portage Road Now Before the Irgtlature Measure Intended to Facilitate Op eration of tlie Road. FORGOT BANK DEPOSIT. Pauper r m in r After SO Years a Portland Finds Its Lost Money. Worn and yellow with age from ly ing unnoticed and forgotten In the bottom of an old trunk for the past 30. years, the little slip of paper re citing that L. H. Heiner bad deposited 11200 In a Montreal bank, has been cashed by the Canadian Bank of Commerce, and the cancel mark put on the deposit check, says a Port land paper. Old and feeble, living here and there, sleeping In saloons and wan dering the streets, resting for a while at the poor farm and unable to per form any kind of work, the possessor of this money had forgotten that he mad.e this deposit 30 years ago, and supposed himself to be a penniless pauper. While on A recent Sojourn at the poor farm he left an old trunk In a room In the little, old, tumble down hotel at Front and Burnslde streets. The trunk was not locked and was not supposed to contain any thing of value. In fact, It had prac tically been thrown away, and the landlord of the hotel was considering the advisability of dumping the relic Into the garbage pile. But first he went through the contents and down at the bottom discovered this yellow piece of paper. The news of the find spread rapidly through the district and several attempts were made to cusli It, but without success. Helncr being Informed of the find, remem bered' the fact of the deposit 30 years ago, and appealed to the county court for a guardian. M. M. Block was ap pointed and now has the 31200 safely In his possession. Shirt the finding of the deposit slip oi l man Heiner has friends on all sides, and where the landlord has per- ttteil Heiner to subsist on what he could rake and scrape about the building, giving him npw and then a bunk" In which to sleep, there has also been a change of heart, and he Js now charging the old man 34 a week for board ana joaging. There was no difficulty experienced In getting the check cashed. As soon as the bank officials had ascertained that the paper was genuine, they were ready to pay the money over to the proper person. Yesterday afternoon Heiner appeared at the bank, and after being properly Identified, the money was turned over to Mr. Block. Interest was not paid for the 30 years, for the reason that the deposit was made for six months only. This Interest, amounting to $31, was paid. fromoted by Shampoos cf And light dressings of CUTIOKA, the great Skin Cure and sweetest of emollients. This treatment at once stops fall ing hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, destroys hair parasites, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hah follicles, loosens the scalp skin, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hah- grow upon a sweet wholesome, healthy scalp, when all else fails. Sou Uutheatarl. Orifcm Sm. Sfa, Otofa Bt, V-e, H m it.p1, sue. (to form mi Choebl.u Colad rii.u. pr rw of ml. upou: A. team litof k Chom. Corp-. Soot I'nwl. . mrtmm-illAMmmittmkkim,- f. A NON-UNION UNION. League of American Workmen Has 500 Members In Spokane. , The Spokane lodge of the American League of Independent Workmen will celebrate Its second anniversary Feb ruary 21. The first meeting of the grand lodge of the order will also be held hi Spokane ea tbat date, says the Spokesman-Review. .. The American. League of Inde pendent Workmen was organised In Spokane two years ago with 16 mem bers. Today -the lodge has aver &0 members, while a lodge has been or ganlxed In Pendleton which has over 100 members. The grand lodge will be composed of delegates from the Spokane and Pendleton lodges. At the meeting of the grand lodge plana will be discussed to organise lodges throughout the Northwest. A number of changes to the by-laws will also probably be made at this meet ing. ' The American League or waepena- ent Workmen has for its aim the ad vancement of all worklngmen In their crafts. To be a memberof the league It is essential that the applicant should be an American citizen. The league also maintains that a man has got a right to work and support his family whether he belongs ' to a union or not A literary and musical program will be given In Odd Fellows' hall on February 21, to which members of the league and their families are In vited. ' The finest collection of tiger skins ever exhibited will form part of Sl am's display at the Lewis and Clark fair. Senator Walter M. Pierce has In troduced senate bill No. 143, for the purpose of maintaining and operat ing the portage road. Following Is the full text of the bill: A bill for an act making an appro priation for the purpose of operating and maintaining the state portage railway, and for repairing and pur chasing equipment, and for the gen erul and continued expense of the same, and for directing the Issue of warrants on requisition by the board of portage commissioners, and for the creation of the portage railway oper ation and maintenance fund, and for payments Into said fund, and confer ring additional powers to make con' tracts and leases, and regulate and control charges over said portage railway, and to repeal all acta and parts of acts in conflict therewith Be It enacted by the people of the state of Oregon: Section 1. That there be and Is hereby appropriated out of the gen eral fund In the state treasury of the state of Oregon not otherwise appro priated, the sum of twenty-five thous and (126,000) dollars, for the pur pose of operating and maintaining the state portage railway, constructed un der' an act of the legislative assembly of the state 'of Oregon, approved February 17, 1903, page 108 of the session laws of 1103, and tor repairing and purchasing equipment, and for the general and contingent expenses necessary for the continued equip ment, operation and maintenance of said railway. Sec. 2. The secretary of state Is hereby authorized and directed to Is sue warrants from time to time on requisition by the board of portage commissioners created by the said act of the legislative assembly of the state of Oregon, approved February 17, 1903, page 108 of the session laws of 1903, for such sums not exceeding' the amount hereby appropriated, as said requisitions shall call for, In fa vor of the treasurer of the state of Oregon, and the treasurer of the state of Oregon Is hereby authorized and directed to place said sums to the credit of ft fund to be known as the portage railway operation and main tenance fund, which said fund is to be used for the purposes set out in section 1 of this act, under the direc tion of said board of portage commis sioners. Said fund shall be paid out only on warrants Issued by the order of said board. It shall be the duty of said board to pay Into said fund all sums received from any source in the operation or conducting of said road, and all disbursements of every kind on account of said railway shall be made only on warrants Issued by said board and drawn on said fund. Sec. 3. The said board of portage commissioners shall, In addition to the powers granted by said act of the legislative assembly of the state of Oregon, approved February 17, 1903. page 108 of the session laws of 1903. have authority to make contracts for the exchange of traffic with other roads or transportation companies, or for the use of their and Its tracks, equipment, and other transportation facilities, In connection therewith: Provided, the said board shall always retain the possession of said railway and the power and right to fix, regu late and control the charges for trans porting freight and passengers over said railway, and the operation there of. Sec. 4. All acts and parts of acts In conflict herewith are hereby repealed. ICE CARNIVAL IN THE WOODS. Peculiar and Picturesque Cold Weath er Sports. Saranac Lake, N. H., Jan. 31. The accommodations of hotels and board ing houses are taxed to their limit to provide for the many visitors who are here from far and near for the great Ice carnival, the red letter event of the year In the "Metropolis of the Adlrondacks." : The program fro the three days' carnival begun today is more varied and attractive than ever before. Its various features Include a parade of decorated floats and sleighs, hockey games, skating races, both profession al and amateur; fancy skating, an Il luminated Ice palace, fancy dress on the Ice and a tournament of knights on horsheback. In Imitation of a me diaeval tournament Many strong Canadian teams will take part in the hockey games and skating races. . All indications point to the most success ful carnival of the kind that has ever taken place in the Adlrondacks. 8TATB Or OHIO, CITI Or TOLEDO, LUCAS CONTY. ss. frank J. Cheney mskes oath that be Is senior partner of ttas Arm of F. J. Cbenej k Co., doing business In the City of To ledo, County and Bute aforesaid, end thst said firm will pay tht sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLAHS for each snd evtry esse of Catarrh that cannot be cured by toe ass of Hall's Catarrh Core. FRANK J. PF1ENKY. 8 worn to before m and snbserlbed la siy presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal.) A. W. OLBA80N, Notary Pohllc. Hall's Catarrh Cars Is taken Internsly, snd acts directly on the blood Siid mu cous snrfsces or the system. . Bend for testlmonlsls free. r. 1. CHKNEY A CO., Toledo. O. Sold by Druggist, price 76c. Tske Hslls Family Pills for ceastlpa tloo. " The Emanuel Bwedenborg club of Chicago, an association Interested In the perpetuation and data of the II lustrlous philosopher and scientist, will erect a handsome pavilion at the Lewis and Clark centennial. l.;BaasaaBaaaavagSSSSassssai mi ? msrm v; If- It.'". I Ml ttf fXVi - -. "V Vsl'sTs.' ' . IT- A A.- AST- mm ifvffi ' - 1 AT?-':' V . J JT. AT Af B.jr . :- .' l,V J '.11 lJf" .ivW- J?J t-fllk .j".' i.-w : "m 't -.1 .:j rvwi- ne ..iia . Jst..:jv;i .'.7.1 :.-e.:.t I Known Quality f I A. t i nere are two classes ot remedies: those of r ity and which are permanently beneficial In I" gently, in harmony with nature, when naturVn.!?' ctioJ ance; and another class, composed of nren. .ss unknown, uncertain and Inferior character sr-ns 01 rarily, but Injuriously, as a result of forcir,7thgtempi luuiiiuiis uiiucLcssaniy. une of the most the remedies of known qualityandexcellenreCP!!.0,lalc, nleassnt SvruD of Firts.. mam,i j L . e 18 we ev Fin Svrun Co.. which rrnrrwnt, , :,. e Cifornu plants, known to act most beneficially, in a ni!riniiplea n which the wholesome Callfnmmn r' P,easWsynm tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. hhSS? of all remedies to sweeten and,j.t w,"rcmedv r gently and naturally, and to assist one in ove2?!lt f t-i Pallon ana lne many llls resultingtherefrom. Its , M pies and quality are known to physicians cenerallv .S!.? 75 remedy has therefore met with their apprwa L Zn'.nd ' -VH the fav0r 0f many rn,llions of vvell Informed persons hni,n cftheirown Personal knowledge and f rom actual e?De,lT k thatitisamnstexcellentlflvnfiua romc., j. "('"itna it will cure all manner of llls.but recommend it for what Itw'lf' represents, a laxative remedv nf linnn n.,.i;,.. ..rea''y containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character There are two rlassp nf nnrrhncorc . tu.. ... . . as to the aualitv of what thev hm anH th r.xn,. .u. . ,n,?rmtd of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack couraee 7 elsewhere when a dealer offers an Imitation of anyeyell knZ article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know and who allow themselves to be Imposed upon. They cannot ew its henefirinl effort M th. Hn ..!. nll"Mpect " .. genuine remedy To the credit of the druggists of the United States be It aid that nearly all of them value their reputation for , integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer Genuine Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printedon the front of every package. Price, 50c per bottle. One size only. Ncene from "Don Caenar le Uuian," Coming to tlie Kraae rKebrnary 15. B. F. BECK Sanitary Plumber 807 Cottonwood Street MIIHIIIimnaMtlllllllMIIIIIIIIIIII' ..QUALITY.. Sullivan Bond II FURNISHINGS FOR ..MEN.. At Home New Schmidt Blk I HIIIIIHHIIHItMimHMIMttIIHII Buildinc iTiatci 1a of all DEmirnom SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to Order Batkal( per, Lime, Cement, Dries a Band, Wood Gutters for m and Dwellings a Special tj Oregon Lumber Yari it aiMt Odd. Orarl Hs ui arc valuable Just no broke. A spoiled horse or u ""j horns Is of no actosnt son. broke and taught to do ", imilil have him do. I your horse for any Pn " . 1 1. intended, men " ... nn be tamed and control! I can show any man "1 so. I have added from " H to the value of a horse Is ' 1 It Is cheaper for yo " ww. .. who w norse wv -j - , ,j .v.. -,k and n,Kl business than to endanl 1 k to do It your ' "1 .. ... It sell good horses all u - Dutch Henry feed yr UeKenoftri " srarttl J. L. VAUwu', won sf Electrical SappU- J fa,f JftT5 riJS-! 47V fii-W J gold by F.--,5o, 1 I' I llT rV