MET stlftT OMOOBlAlf. PBTOUWW. OIUMOIC, TIH'RSDAY, JAVPART ... - rAH. PAGE MX. IIOKS OF UMATILLA o. r. s. vnx rrr IT 250 TONS OP ICE. lor in Private Storage General Case of Sickness Irrigon Will Bin a epo Severe Attack of Pleurisy Miss Davidson Entertain at Card Excellent Work of the De - i bating Society Party of Railroad Officials on Tour of Inspection. i Umatilla, Jan. IS. E. S. Curtis la visiting In Portland for a few days. Mrs. D. C. Brownell la having a fine new range, with hot water tank and pipes, put up in her home. J. H. Tomllnson Is storing three cars of Ice, which he received from .North Powder. The 0. R. & N. Co.'s Ice house is ' ready to receive 260 tons ot ice, whlch is coming from North Pow der. Three Inches of snow fell here dur : lng the recent storm, and It Is now fast disappearing. A number of cases of sickness is reported the past few oav" among them being Irving Curtis, Baste Lan drum and James Pound. It is reported that a depot Is to be built at Iriigon. James A. Pound was stricken yes terday morning with a severe attack of pleurisy. He Is much better today. Mr. Pound is assistant postmaster. A private car containing Supt. M. J. Buckley, Trainmaster Thomas 'Walsh and Master Mechanic James 'Lanrlev of Portland, were In town a while Monday. They are going west, making a tour of Inspection of their road. Miss Ruth Davidson gave a card party at the home ot her sister. Mrs. N. Gibson, last Thursday evening. Those oreaent were: MeBdames Joe McCulloch. J. Davidson, N. Gibson and W. Biggins. The Misses Helen Duncan. Jewelle Franklin and Myre Hlsalns. and Messrs. Hayes. Nelson. Sever. Lees. Wade. Jack and James. 'William Connelly, division train master from Starbuck. Is In town to day. Debating Society. The Literary and Debating society met Friday evening and elected tem porary officers. Will Landrum was elected chairman, and J. A. Pound, secretary. The next meeting will be held Friday evening, when permanent organization will be effected. The question. "Resolved. That the govern ment should own and operate the railroads." was won by the negative. The debaters were: Affirmative Ed xeca, an. nue kuu iwurn u . " " . ell; negative Eugene Kelly, Hasle and Will Landrum. The next question will be: "Resolved. That the works of nature are more pleasing to the eye than the works of art." the State Horticultural Society and the State Agricultural Society. The gathering was formally opened this morning with an address of greeting by Governor Toole and a response by former Governor Smith. The two bodies will remain In ses sion through tomorrow and Satur day. In addition to the transaction of routine business there will be pa pers, addresses and discussions cover ing a wide range ot subjects of prac tical Interest to those engaged in agricultural or horticultural pursuits. Many features of entertainment have been provided for the members of the two societies, a number of whom are accompanied by their wives and fam ilies. REV. JOSEPH SMITH HERB. Noted Evangelist Preaches at the M E. Church Tonight for the First Time. Evangelist Joseph H. Smith will ar rive tonight from Seattle and will preach his first sermon at. the M. E church at 7:30 tonight. This Is the beginning of his to days' Pentecostal meetings at the M E. church. He comes highly recom- Rev. Joseph H. Smith. mended to the people of Pendleton and is an able speaker and Inspiring worker. The general conference of the M. E. church highly honored Rev. Smith by giving him direction of one of Its leading phases of work at Los Ange les last fall. His success at the gen eral conference has placed him at the very head of evangelists In the United States. As his stay in this city will be brief. th. nennle are cordially Invited to hear him. JOINT CONVENTION AT HELENA. Various Are Agricultural Interests Represented. Helena, Mont, Jan. 19. The agri cultural and horticultural Interests of Montana are well represented at the Joint convention begun here today by TORTVRER SERVIAN SOLDIERS. Bastlna- SPORTS MUST GO ANTI-GAMBLING BIUj BEFORE THE HOl'SE. Expected That Gambler Will Make a Hard Eight Against tlte Bill Lout Gambling Bill Presented, But Pre cautions Have Been Taken to Pre vent Any Further Theft Chance That the Bill Will Become Law Are Good Aimed at "Bucket Shops" Also. The anti-gambling bill. Introduced at the special session a year ago and mysteriously stolen after It had passed the house, has agnin made Its appear ance, and It Is expected that the gam bllng Interests will make a vigorous fight to prevent Its passage. The new bill was Introduced In the house by Gray of Douglas. The precautions adopted by both senate and house make It reasonably certain that a bill cannot again be stolen while being carried from one chamber to the other. The fight must therefore be In the open, and unless the bill should be burled In committee It Is likely to pass. The sentiment In favor of the nil! seems to be strong and the advocates of the measure are resolved to put It to the test. But the antl-gambltng crusade will not stop at the suppres sion of ordinary games of chance. Aimed at Bucket Shops. Bucket shops are also to come un der the ban. If a bill Introduced by Hermann of Coos becomes a law. It Is entitled "an act to suppress bucket shops and gambling in stocks, bonds, petroleum, cotton, grain, coal, pro visions and other produce, ana its provisions are very stringent. All margin trading In the commodi ties named Is prohibited under penal ty of fine of not less than 1:00 nor more than 11000. A second offense Is punishable by Imprisonment In the county Jail for six months or If the offender be a corporation by forfeit ure of Its charter. A continuance in business after a first conviction shall be deemed a sec ond offense within the meaning of the act. Any person who knowingly permits a bucket Bhop business to be conducted upon his premises Is to be liable as a principal. Tbonsands Have Kidney Trouble and New Suspect it How To Find Oat Fill a Dottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicatesan . unhealthy con- ' dition of the kid neys ; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too lrequent desire to rjasa it or Dain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out ot order. wnat to no There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest tor ha wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine yon should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. Yon may have a sample bottle and a book that tells an about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- lunitm. N. Y. When eases writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,' and the address, Bingham ton, ti. X. Boiling Water. Skewers and do Are l;sed. Vienna. Jan. 19. A trial JuBt con cluded at Belgrade has brought to light hideous forms of punishment practiced habitually upon clumsy conscripts. Dashing a pall of boiling water over the feet is a favorite meth od of "instruction." A sergeant named Georgevlcs admitted that he had meted out this torture for years. It was proved that bastinado on the soles of the feet Is Inflicted nearly every week. Some soldiers have had their toenails torn off; the arms or others are run through meat skew ers, while some uniorcunate wreicn are kept for lengthy periods suspend ed by their feet As a result of this excessive cruelty desertions are an every day occur rence. Sometimes whole companies cross the borders into Macedonia or Bulgaria. "Jack" King is under arrest at Se attle charged with burglary, house breaking, murder, arson, kidnapping. attempt to kill, resisting an officer and a few other things. He is one of the very bad men of the Sound country, and the police believe they "have him going" now, straight for a lite sentence. Mutual Insurance Men. Lincoln. Neb., Jan. 19. Insurance In all Its phases Is to be discussed at the tenth annual meeting of the Ne braska Association of Mutual Insur ance Companies, which began Its ses sions here today with a good attend ance. The opening sessions were de voted to the reports of officers an committees, the enrollment of new members and other business of a rou tine nature. This evening Prof. Wes ley Dodd of Des Moines, will address the convention. Tomorrow will be given over to papers and addresses by a number of prominent Insurance men. YOMEN'SNEGLECT SUFFERINGTHESUREPENALTY Health Thus Lost Is Restored by Lydla U. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. How many women do you know who are perfectly well and strong? We hear ever; day the same story over and over again. " I do not feel well i I as so tired all the time 1 " CONSTIPATION Frryr atM ymn I nffend with efcnate Mptnlon and darto hU lira 1 b4 to t&ka an IbJocUoii of warm watr one wtoYj M hoar boforf JcofUd hiT ao action on mxj bowels. Happily I fried Caaeanu. and today I am a well baa, jVvrInc the nine year befor. I aad CascaraU I vffervd untold miry with internal pile.. Tnaaka to yon I am free from all to at thla morning, torn ui lain iu htfaait of .offering hananitr." B. W. Fun ttoaaoka. 111. eal For JmH. FalMabto. Potent. Teste 0i , Do Good, sc blekn, Watkm or ttrtm. Me. a. Me. Mmr ald la balk. Th esnatn tablet mM4 0 0 & wmihI ho or roa wwr MfL SMUBaMdyCa., Chicago arN.Y. J JLISSiLUlI,TU E111C1 19XES Indiana Dairy Meeting. Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 19. Nearly every county of the state Is represent ed at the fifteenth annual meeting ot the Indian State Dairy Association In session here. The gathering was for mally opened today with President N. Johnson of Moorevllle. presiding. The convention promises to be especially interesting as the program provides for addresses by well-informed ex perts of Ohio, Iowa and other states. The convention will prepare an ap peal to the legislature now In session urging it to provide for the appoint ment of a state dairy commissioner. I Miss KateAkDonaTdl "Every home in Oregon might well welcome this condensed, readable volume" A Short History of OREGON Compiled by SIDONA V. JOHNSON Acnriing U tbt Oregmian, "sb, has ttvtrtJ the gruni tbimgbfyn EARLY DISCOVERIES THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPLORATIONS SETTLEMENT GOVERNMENT INDIAN WARS PROGRESS ! The French rant j Restau Fiom HENRY E. DOSCH MmWr l KiMblU M el U"h td CtalS bpouUM) M rental. 'The achool children of the Kate ire en titled to in opportunity to study h, to the end that the history of the rate and the not and memorable achievement of Lewis and Clark may he intelligently understood and appre ciated by every man, woman and child in Oregon before the opening of the Lewis and Clark Centennial Erfoaition." Fiom tki PORTLAND JOURNAL " Mist Johnton has succeeded la her two fold talk in a manner most creditable to the talents and promise of a aew writer. The charm of the Oregon story hat beta main tained in happy sympathy with the accu racy and painsttkinf research which mark her work, and give thi reader a comfortable feeling of conndenes." Wk l7 ill.,,!..! Jrm piit"t, ' "t 'f'k' Lru" ni a'r ' 320 fogn. ixJ'X'J, $1.00 Kit; by mail, $1.00 Of All or of the A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago B"rt 25 Cent Men h P'lata Dlnbu; rarh Connect) GUS UFONTAINE, Prop, MVa H. M. SLOAK BLACKSMITH Horseshn!. - . .. (ntru a, wagon making tod r, lng. Th. way I hsv, my business Is by iota, ing out good work, Prltsi sonable. Oo. Cottonwood Ah la BYERS' BEST FL01R Is mad from the choicest wheat that grow. Good bread la ausanred when Byers' Best Flour Is used.. Bran, ahorts, steam rolled barley always on band. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. 8. BTERS, Proprietor. Walters' Flourrag ft Capacity, 160 barrel! a day. Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed. Chopped etc.. always on hand. You Enjoy Bowling to Get the Benefit Bowling is an exercise that brings into play an the muscles. It develops the system and Is recommended by pnystolana and Instructors in athletics everywhere. Pool and billiard ball In connection. "Get in the Came' Alleys ttserved tor private parties If spoken fur In advance. Brunswick Bowling Alley WADE SILER, Prop. Want Perfect Motor Cars. New Tork, Jan. 19. Engineers and designers representing all of the large automobile factories of America met' In this city today and discussed plans to form an organization to be known as the Huperintendents and Engineers' Branch of the Association of Licensed Automobile Manufactur ers. The main objects of the pro posed organisation will be to study methods whereby. American machines may be simplified In mechanism and reduced to--the lowest possible level In cost of construction and maintenance. More than likely yon speak the words yourself, and no doubt you feel far from well. The cause may be easily traced to some derangement of the fe male organs which manifests itself in depression of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere or do anything, backache, bearing-down pains, flatulency, nerv ousness, sleeplessness, leueorrhrjea. These symptoms are but warnings that there is danger ahead, and nnleaa heeded a life of suffering or a serious operation is the inevitable result. The never-failing reroedyfor all these symptoms is Lydia E. Pinkbam's Veg etable Compound. Miss Kate McDonald, of Woodbridga, N J., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham : r' " I think that a woman naturally eUaKkea to make bar aroubats known to tho public, but restored beajtb haa meant ao much to ma that I earmot beh from telling alias for the sake of other suffering wocnen. " Rot a long tan I suffered untold agony with a uterine trouble and irrefrulantwa, which mado me a physical wreck, and no one thought I would recover, but Lydia E. Pink bam's Vegetable Uocnpoona nes entirely cured me. and mane me well and strong, and I feel it my doty to toll otber suffering women what a sp&sodid medicine it is." If yon are 111, don't hesitate to get a bottle of Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegeta ble Compound at once, and write to Mrs Pinkham.Lynn, Mass., for special advice it is free and always helpfuL The Underwood Typewriter The Machine that combines nil tlte good points of the old style machines, and has the writing always In sight. Antl-Ktiloon League. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 19. Foes of the liquor traffic assembled here In force today for the annual meeting of the Anti-Saloon League of North Carolina. The convention met and organized at noon. The particular ob-. Jects of the meeting are to plan the spring local option campaign and to devise ways and means for Increasing the membership of the league and extending Its strength and Influence throughout the state, The water rates of Seattle will be reduced July 1 next. In spite of which fact tor perhaps because of It.) the receipts of the department are ex pected to be $500,000 next year as I against M 80,000 the past year. T. C. TAYLOR THE HARDWARE MAM." 141 MAIN 8TRKBT. ATARRH THE CLEANSING AND HEALING CURE FOR Catarrh Is Ely's Cream Balm fcasy and pleasant to use. Contains DO Injurious drug. It Is quickly ab sorbed. Ulvta re lief at ones. It opens and cleanses the nasal naaaases. Allays Inflammation. Beats aod protects the membrane. R at ores the senses of taste and ssxlL Largs slae, &0 cants at cUagglsts or by mail Trial slae 10 cents, by mall. Kl.r BUOTBBUa, M Warres I treat. Mew lark. c COLDS HEAD : WE WANT TOTJ to listen to lumber quotations. They are well worth consider ing when you are about to build. Builders and contractors will find that they get a better grade of lumber at a lower es timate at thla yard than they can find at any other dealers' In Pendleton. Pendleton Planing Mills Vcttit Tenter, Proa.. B. F. BECK. Sanitary Plumber 807 Cottonwood Street I. L. VAUGHN ELECTRICJAH. Prompt attend trrea asl J wrs zecaiea proaerb. Electrical BnppUts of al, wr-iUHr 121 West Own ( in Duns Balknag.) t 1 WHERE'S THE GAME? Not hard te find it you camd when you are hunting for tbt place In the city to buy coal mil Highest grade coal and belt wood. Prompt delivery. Larrt small orders solicited. Let as keep ynn nana. Henry Kopittt BUTCH HFSRT. Office Pendleton Ire & CM 3 Co., 'Pliene 171. Good j Dry Woa ALL KIKM . t A mind wood 1 nai B""-' u Is delivered at reason"1! prices FOR CAM- 1 w. c. mm Leave Orders si ' Cigar Mora. Osteopathy CONSTIPATIOXAX""60 , -nnatlpalio11 The caus. - -- lie,j proper diet, lack , clous drugs ana r muscles or iiga"-"" to the dla'VETtM 1 stances . ---- 1, u "i just as evident to KlTl move the press" w Thl.i..e"P'.rf! .1 0h the repia" ... r displaced vertebrae. muscles and ?ln tj aments. The nerve carry the n"1" ,an re1 intestines. TM Mm t The Cigar of Real Merit ,.ion for the o-- t.nlnr of the ocs. . r, or mv - - Msoew' motion 1 rat"MVh is contents onwara .,t. and co1",. i on te. If y"r 2 aaalft .1 now W 7 0' "... 1. the only Z?Md ."oca, in ly males dvanos. . . ,u of what Is here tne ... In Mil ..1 can1" ffi pa"" ancea The la a'- f the treatment f , gradual" - -of Osteopathy-tlontnf- cause, prs.