rAGIK. PAILT BAST ORBOONIAW, PBNPLgTON, OR-WOX, THURSDAY. J ANT ART 1, 10. V paom nm ig Saving to You PERSONAL MENTION Di l; W HERE FT PAYS TO I wiTERE IT PAYS TO J U 1 In TRAVK- Jerry stone, of Athena, is In the city today. Cloyd Oliver nt EVhn l. i- ;: 1 ? the city today on court business. II PEOPLES WAREHOUSE ! it 'IMLfro tv xnrwwwr r a j a ' Mr. and Mm rctann winoi. '" w'th an attack of the srrln Esma Sawtaii hi M,tiiAA 1 ee m irom a few weeks' visit in Portland. 1 niiV.U VV CCIV DiV.WlINd The familv nf T,,.i tk - - . " 1 n . iu,i.cii 1 1 1 a nuo is very 111 with the grip this e m 1 This Week ONLT A FEW OP THE MANY BARGAINS LISTED HERE, ti Overcoats must be sold. These prices m 0enL U $7.00 and (75 Owdort 8.M, 00 and 1 10.00 Overcoat. lt9o and $15.00 aU wool, best qoll.y Kersey, l bVue bUdTand brown; sale Prt m .M and $M 00 OrerooaM .80 odd wits, ranging In price from $7.50 to $15.00; to dose" oatol . eaure lot quick $3.75 to $5 50 jM $3.60 Hate at m jM pair odd pants, regular $1.00 and $2.25 trade; mie . '.. (1.50 BARGAINS AU OVER THE HOUSE. Lee Teutsch's Dept. Store Corner Main and Alta Streets CITY BREVITIES M many. U. C. Rader. o t Rader. Get tunny. In Knox aata. Roosevelt's. lain underwear Bale at Teutsch a. Hi Hue Stetson bats at Rooaevelt'a. Ut ladles' Gloria shoes at Roose- Ism Falling, agent (or Stelnway Man DHflu and Hunan shoes at Roose- . Ik bit shoe sale now on at llSKh'l. feline doll, books. 3 ST. titles, ar,c tar Rent Good buaines lnratlnn Lalrt 114 East Webb street. ' tsoken ret satisfaction at Pnv. jrfi formerly Rees' cigar store. homing house for rent, and furnl- feforiale. Apply 60S Thompson St lowest cook wants a Job. Wages month. Address p. o.box 34. Itt 8t George restuarant. onen Lrud night. Mrs. Cooper, prOprl- Gnsral clean-up of all winter goods tncei that will surprise von. In May Felaer. faslonnhl charges reasonable. 71S BRrML !a pairs ladles' fine nartv illmwra win iz.au, y.i. 13.50 and i n., . 11.(5, at Teutsch's. iTacted By siuitle man. s-ond rf. . room with bath and hot and " water. Address P. O. box 413. alio and misses iackets art, ai., Ni of cost all sires now In Teutsch's department store. I Car and Nlirhr u.,.... P.. reliable service." Covered fo on itreet from 7 a. m. to II a Theme Main mi - 1..... P Orltman's cigar store. Billy r". rrop. hjBoy,' and Girls Aid Society of MOVE TO NEW HOME. Nulllvsn & Ilond win Move to Spk-n-1II1I New Quoi-Uts in Schmidt Build ing ana Open wiUi New stock Jan nary 28 and 29. Our new bullilimr pleted and we will move January 28 and 2. We will OTifn In 41 lit . quarter, with almost a new stock. e nave done exceedingly well In our two years of business in t..h... and have found that good goods Is ..Mai ,s soio and caled for. Knowing this, we have flelecwn 6 beautiful line of men's clothing, urnhings, hats and shoes. Our nlotlu will always re main as It bus beenjgoid goods for little money. We jien't get rich on selling yon one article. ' We want your entire trade, and if prices will do It we shall get It. We certainly appreciate the trade of those who have putrouized us and usk for a continuance, and earnestly solicit the trade of those who have not heen nn customers before. Between now and January 28 we shall sell everything at woiideirully reduced prices, and will be very glad to see vim In on.- present quarters until we move. The new Schmidt building, where our new home will lie. Is one of the finest in the city, and we will fill our store wim new up-to-date merchandise. Pleuse call and see us. Yours respectfully. KVLLIVAN & BOND. R. S. Brysoh. formerlv of thi r-itv s enter clerk for lh t anA Mn delegation In the legislature. Engineer John Jesse, of Slnrhnr-k Is on the Walla Walla mixed run for a few days in the absence of Engineer James Peters went tn Arlinrnn this morning on business connected wn me Big Boston Store. He ex pects to be absent for several days. Mrs. H. C. Willis of EVhn nxut tnrough this morning en route home from Waltsburg, where she attended the bedside of a sister who has been critically 111. Asa Moore, of Milton, who has heon serving on the 1nrv durinsr h nra. ent term of court, leaves for his home mis evening, having been released from duty. Conductor Frank Mvtlneer. of the La Grande division rjassed through this morning over the O. R. A N., to San Francisco, to meet a brother who is coming from the East to visit him K. A. Goodhue, of Salem, manager or the Commercial Cream comnanv of Salem, passed through this morn ing to Lewlston, where his company is establishing a new creamery plant Mrs. S. V. Brocks, of Summervllle, Union county, is visiting at the home of W. H. Bleakney, principal of Pen dleton Academy, for a few days, while en route to Loa Anrelen where she will spend the winter. W. W. Markham, manager of the ice Plant, has hist returned fmm a business trip to Ban Francisco and Stockton, Cal. He reports the Cali fornia weather very mild and the town Is seemingly prosperous. r-- ana uirls Aid Society of I "',. " P can furnish a limited num-1 ls the niusltul r" and girls for adootlon. for "Tlle wlatrl t,f . .- bin, mr uaopuon, tor 1-17 for chor. while attend- r' ana lor people wishing to - -r wicir uwn. Auaress L nsr. Portland. Or. WEST'S MINSTRELS TOM'ORROW. Stm-t I'uraille ul : IViduv Even - ing. The everlasting Hilly West's min strels, under the management . of Sanford ii. Itlcuby, the great min strel's old manager, will be In Pendle ton tomorrow night. The company will arrive from Spokane at 6:30 and will form for the street parade lit thut hour. The company Is strong this season, and bids fair to nleaHp as it Mid In the duys gone by when West was liv ing and heauod the troupe in person. One of the funniest skits Imaginable burlesque entitled Watch Hospital J y von the - cal Cure 'in a . OF SABLED WATCHES IR REMEDIES NEVER FAIL. k Hunziker OP U ATrnrc N iioz," being a paro dy on the "Wizard of Or..' The bur lesque contains the original tin-woodman, and the scarecrow who met with such surprising adventures, but In this Instance they are black Instead of white, and the scene is a cannibal Isie. STOLE CONDrCTOR'S COAT. PaivieiiKcr Leaves the Train Suddenly Willi Martin AnilerHon's Property. As the west-bound O. R. & N. pas senger train was approaching the station of the Lime Siding near Hunt inutnn. last nlehr. n nnsnpnr u-hn had boarded the train at Huntington, signalled the engineer to stop, by pulling the bell cord, running through the train, and suddenly bounded off into the darkness, without explana tion to his . fellow passengers In the car. When Conductor Martin Anderson tame through the train to discover tile cause of the stop, he was inform ed by the passengers of the actions of the Huntington passenger, and at unce suspected something. On going to his locker he found a (40 overcoat and his hand grip, con taining his train reports for the liast tun vearn. nilsRine'. He wired the Huntington city mar shal of the occurrence and today re ceived a message stating that the man had been captured and the overcoat recovered, but the grip containing the train reports had been thrown into u furnace at the lime kiln and burn ed up. the frame of the grip alone remaining to tell the tale. The reports were valuable and cannot be replaced. S pound cartoon Soda Crackers 11 Scotch Oatsj, 9 packages ee Blue Label Catsup, per bottle Pure Celluloid Starch, 10c sise, 4 packages ' - ... . e e wrif rfuoe lie., still s cans . Republic, "Best on Earth" for.. 4a 10c Sardines m a 15c Sardines, 1 for it Star Chewing Tobacco, per plus; a Plolc AImwItm finlmnn nnot ft mnu , J J, Evaporated Cream, per can, still Sago and Tapioca, per pound ee a a 5ctt zoo a ee PRICPTALK rrsnn 1 AND WE HAVE THEM I5e 5C tt ee S5o 150;; 450 11 35o 16c 5c 1 1 H - j: I Peoples Warehouse! ee a a aa a WHERE IT PAYS TO . TRADE. Phone Main 22 1 -t WHERE IT PAYS TO V TRADE. 1 QNTEMF T OF COURT EXPLAINED THAT HE WAS NEVER BEFORE IN COURT. OltKt.ON LI'MIIKR YARD SOLD. Wliul Itlver C4Hiaiiy. of Cascade lxH'ks. the PurcliUNer. J. A. Borie. proprietor of the Ore gon Lumber yard, today sold his property to the Wind River Lumber company, or uascaae l,ocks. ana in ventory Is being taken of the stock thin nHnrnnnn tArenfler Mr. Tinrlp will devote his entire attention to his new duties as cashier or tne penaie- ton Savings Bank. The consideration In the transfer Is not named. The sale Includes not only the stock of lumber on hand. hot nine inis nd the sheds and buildings. Mr. Borie has conducted the business for the post five years. Previous to that he was local agent for the O. R. & N. company. Elks' Meeting Toulght. Don't forget it. There will be snmethlntr doing. All members re quested to be present. Initiation. of the AhArdeell Wash., is "out and has $6900.21 in the city woods' treasury 'a. e Buyler'8 Lowney'e, Gun t her' 6, ' p&lm and Our Own Candies in fl aes from 10 cents up to $7.50 "e iae of bulk goods. C KOEPPEN & BROTHERS, Popular Price Druggists. STARS WON GAME LAST NIGHT. Siiuiiirocks Now Lead and Sturri Are Second. The bowling match last . night at Siler's between the Defenders and the Stars resulted in victory for the latter by a score of 2268 to 2087 The same teums will bowl again Frl day night. The Shamrocks are still In the lead, with the Stars second, the liough. itollers third, and the Defend eis at tne Dottomw. Following are the records made last night: . Stars. " 1st 2nd trd Total. Kees ........ 17 168 104 4 Iiollerman .... 174 1S1 132 ' 4S7 Leezer 132 153 114 - 39 Yates ........ 128. 158 115 401 Anderson ..... 170 172 171 S13 Defenders 1st 2nd Srd Total Keller 14 119 145 410 Kern 1(4-110 126 ' Zt Lampkin - 163 157 . 114 ' 434 Hayes . 10 1(3 .' 1S5 404 Thompson .... 156 148 .136 440 Old Man Introduced Some Statements on the Side Which Were Not Called for and While Pertinent Were Bad ly Out of Order He Had Testified Tliat Brunuuett's Reputation for . Truth awl Veracity ls Bad. "I said he was a thief and a liar and the truth ls not In him," explain ed H. Morteorman, a witness In the state circuit court yesterday after noon, when brought before Judge W. R. Ellis, on a charge of contempt Morteorman was colled as a witness ' In the trial of R. A. nimn with larceny from the person, for the ' purpose oi impeacmng the testimony of William Brummett, the prosecut- i Ing witness. , Morteorman was not allowed to ; testify, and as he walked from the ' stand oast District Attorney G. W. j Phelps,he remarked: I don t like no man what beats me out of 1260. and nnur vnn got It straight." Then as Morteor man and his wife left the room he mumbled something, and Phelna ...CUTLERY... Good Cutlery Is prized highly In all households, only good cutlery, the kind that keeps a keen edge. TABLE CUTLERY, POCKET KNIVES, RAZORS. FAMOUS , Gillett Safety Razor We have X and the x Goodman-Thompson Co. HARDWARE, STOVES, PLUM RING X XL . . . X vsi.esii.ut ueal Expectorant THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOR ALL THROAT AND LUNG AF FECTIONS. ONCE TRIED YOU H ILL USE NO OTHER. Cures Coughs and Colds EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. TELEPHONE MAIN 201. Brock & McComas Company j iiwvsuiaja 4t t $ Conffreicational Church. The meetings in the Conarearation. al church will continue Indefinitely. They are growing In helpfulness and increasing In spiritual nower. ' Our obiect.ln these meetlnn is nnt n ul run one only tne conversion of the peonle Will satisfv us. Tha nnnlnr expects to secure help in conducting the meetings, which ls expected to increase the power and effectiveness of the work. T. R. E. Trades Council Sleeting. ' There will he n mtccin 1 meptintf nf the Central Trades Council at their hall this Thursday evening, at 7:30. Delegates requested to be present. Business of importance. At the Christian Church. Evangelist Dorrls will preach to night on ".Earth's Greatest Query; Heaven's Greatest Anser." The meetings are largely attended. Recipe for bringing up children to he oatlenl kind, considerate, wnlla and rniirrennn? R natient. nollte klnrf considerate, gentle and courteous. For Rent Good furnished room, two blocks from Main street Call up phone Red 16(3. John Pool, a vagrant, was this morning sentenced to five days In the city Jail. KLAMATH PROJECT ASSURED. Exceptional Values : X In Couches. Divans mi,l ......... . .. 11 order M(tttt...i . ...uw.u.cu ouiiieuiing, ana Phelps T - - - - vvv?tf ttftseH Inn-innri tn liio .. .i . . . '9 . ...o .w aim ueniunuea mat ; a me niuiess oe Drougnt before the court for contempt. . A deputy sheriff overtook. Morteorman In the corridor and brought him back. "You are an old man," remarked the Judge, when the offender had rrankly admitted what his last utter ance had been, "and you should, be fined for contempt. A sentence' of 30 days In lall would not he i vere for such an act." Morteorman explained that he supposed he had a right to talk and It was the first time he had ever been in a law. court. Th inrfm al lowed him to go and to report this mornlnr At fl n'clnnlr at wklnt, lmA his fate would be determined. : Judge, Ellis this morning allowed Morteorman tO Sro after urlminfolar. Ing a sever reprimand. uucncH, ,vuh and DuvciuKirtH. We make tliem to vour All are made to give service as well as to look well. Headquarters for bar ,kxI, glassware, tamps, etc. Second-hand goods bought, sold and exchanged foe n i - " WW ii Graham (S Hunter SJ - . . I i Reclamation Service Doing Extensive Preliminary Work. . That the Klaamlh rnrnn,..; rigation project will be carried to completion Is now almost an assured fact. Chief Engineer N'eudl nr it,. ciamanon service has assured Ore gon s delegation in rnn... .u... - o iiiai every phase of the project Is favora- wie. It lS One Of the arrmt . Irrigation projects under considera tion, and will reclaim -K,.,,. nnn . lllUU uies ot semi-arid land. ine major oortinn nf v. , . - " I'll s v.-v.t ,n uregon, a small portion ...u.mB ,uln or the line -Into Call fornla. Engineer Keweii . u.. cnanged to conform to the suggestion nie Kovernment Tha . i i. gat ion code of the state Is crude and uieorgamzed and conflicts with the demands of the srovernment. In order to atnHv th uotai, .i.,. lems ana streama tt tha lf amalh project, gauging stations are now be ing established throughout the district by the reclamation department Tha hlllnHa. l naranla ha. haan that they want their children to be clever rather than useful, and the educators have fanned the fallacy hence the Incompetents. Successors to JOE BASLER COMPLETE IiaiTMR PiinviiaUicDii . ........ - - I Tfff tf 9 t'sssssfcsfcst.st A --' -----' 1 T"TTTTTtttffMM LCAIIMIMC Union made. HAND MADE: Cl FAD riAANA w - s l . j. A STANDARD FOR QUALITY.1 CLEAN UN ESS AND WORKMANSHIP. When you call for a TRIUMPH. CI VNN :4f GET IT. Don't accept a substitute. &c6l MAKERS.: Expert Collectors W hava located a branch office In Pendleton, and will maks col lectins defunct bills a specialty. No ac count too old for us to handle. Our plan Is: "No collections, no charges. Suits Instituted, Judgment advertised. The Van Alstine-Gordon & Co., Mer cantile Agency, H. v. Lips A Co, Hera. lit E. Court SL Telenbooe Mala til. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this In mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and ask for the International Poultry and Stock Food. Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles. C. F. Colesworthy 127-1S. East Alta St. Agent (or Lee's I Joe Killer. ii