East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 19, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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n.u.-iisnAY. JAXI AKT l. 1S.
i lVTr-rwr .
98c and $1.23
48c to $2.95:
Encourage tlie dilltl to study at
home. The Blackboards have
ailliiiv tun suhiecu. whiuli
wakes II au Interesting work.
1 - - - -
YbUls tlie
Vancouver ,
' . i Th
I matllla County Cltlaen
Picturesque Place ol
island Tells of Hudson Bay Days
In llic Northwest Tlx Gold Rush
lo Cariboo aud Eraser River
Whaling Eket Ready lor tlie North
lmcrrslhut Descriptive Ittrr.
Victoria. B. C, Jan. 15. (To the
Kant Oregonlun. A very pleasant
I gull of four hour, among the tslunds
and over the smooth waters of the
' Straits of Georgia briiiKS the voyag
er to Victoria, the legislative capltul
i of HrlliBh Columbia, and the duet
J i town of Vancouver Island, with a
3 population of about 2u,000 people.
j Victoria dates lis existence buck to
' about 60 years ago. when a benevo
I lent corporation known as the Hud
son Bay company, established a trud-
in. nost here, and added to their ;
J I revenues materially with the proceeds
of the abundance of game found in
woods of this island mid the I
land adjoining.
The discovery of gold in the Curl-1
' boo district of British Columbia
i brought here the motley population
which that metal is always uble to'
' ..n..,.n., fritn nil nnmers ot the earth
Elmer J. Burkett.
tlie newly elected United States sen
ator from Nebraska.
The new arbitration treaty be
tween the United States and Mexico
has been signed and is in force.
. ! i hA ftxtiuff MMt was suddenly
republican. l r ..'" ... mtv
irnnsiormeu uim
or cump of 20.000 people. A tem
porary shifting population to be sure,
dwelling in tents mostly because
houses could not be built quickly
enough to meet the demands of the
The Pacific Coast Retail Hardware i tellanta and the very- temperate ell
Dealers association, is holding Its ma(e found here did not cull for very
5tih annual convention at Stockton, j sod (iWelliug; places anyway.
tL ' The collapse of the mining boom
The war has cost Russia in the 11 mn uft Victoria once more a trud-(
months since It began. S31U.5OO.0uU, I inf! ,lollti with, however, a materially
according to the finance minister's jncreused population, because nuin- j
figures. : hers of the people w no came nei
The Paiih.mdlr- Koi-d." (Ohio. ! and Invested their little capltul In
West Virginia & Pennsylvania. 1 has holes In the ground from which the
rdered 4UU0 new steel cars, to cost ! elusive metul refused lo be extracted.
M.aOii.ucio. were stranded, and remained herV
... . . .... . i . .. .1.., ........ r,.,il rn.innn that thev
in lsiHl Mlclugun. Wisconsin anu j iui inr - ,
Minnesota produced 36 per cent of ull , could not get away, to eke out a pre
llie lumber in the United Slates thut ! carious existence hunting, trapping.
war- in 1S00 the three states produc- fishing and farming, because it soon
ed -6 per cent developed that the benevolent cor-,
The republicans of both houses of ; poration before mentioned the Hud
the Nevada legislature caucused and , company, hud been doing !
.greed upon George 8. Xlxon. a Win- j their best to verify the asser on o f,
emucca banker, to succeed William the psultn st w hen he suh i I In I
The selec- wratn, ai men aie u.ko. .
i their own interests mce un...t
! ,tflv filtered the idea thut
In a railroad wieck ot Derby. Kan.. coumry ,VHB barren and useless
West and Shafer. express messeu- . 0.-hlll ,,, mn, wi,en In real- I
i Hy parts of it proved lo be among i
the garden spots of the eurtn. gruw-
lng almost anything that was put In '
tho crnunil and in the museum here I
There are Indication, that J. P. j , tnuni a ciieclion of grains. v,.-, , , ,, snl.K.u uu.I
Morgan and J. J. Hill are In a com- ! RraisS. ,1Ui,s nd vegetables not to. ,w" Bro """" I
binatlon to bring E. H. Harriman and j be despised by the agriculturist from Twenty Men.
John D. Rockefeller to grief. They ' an. cme on earth. i Seattle. Jan. 19. Colored bandits
are secretly buying up. It is said, all j victoria has long been one of the ' ,1(.f jed lnt. police within two blocks of
the floating Union Pucific stock they ; 0Ut)0,lB f the British empire, one of j the polit e station last night about 10
can get hold of. and 111 soon open j ,he paC)N, where the "morning drum- ( 0-l.,1L.C ,tnd entered the lied. White
a bushwhacking campaign In then(,a,.. )B neard. following the sun onu1(, Hlu, hj,,,,,,,, b Main street resort,
stock market. ; ltg march around the world. A gar- 1 UI) tn(. motley crowd gathered
Byrum Seward, of Hamilton, O.. ' rlson and naval station with usually jn t)lr ,,iace at that hour, robbed the
was stricken with paralysis so sud- : one or two men-of-war in the narnor : caHi! register of about $:lu. flreu two
deniy 30 years ugo thut he died un- is maintained here, the latter is lo be j slnlil as they departed, escaped up
able to tell anyone where he hid the abandoned In the near future: a fact ;a liark aey und with revolvers drawn
munev he was known to have. Chas. ! hi. h the Victorians are Inclined to i Jnwn Yesler way past the police
Smith bought the Seward farm yea- take as a personal grievance against t11(nll where a bunch of detectives
next senator,
avenue south
1L Stewart in the senute.
lion Is equivalent to an election.
gera. were badly injured by a casket
containing a corpse coming down on
them broadside, when the car they ,
were In ended over.
HMei W. Gearge.
George M Culbert. New York.
J. B. Smallea, Portland.
O. B. Hill. Colfax.
T. O. Aubrey. Portland.
J. H. Tryon, Joseph.
S. H. Hiittcum, New York.
M. K Ulmer, New York.
C. A. Bringolf, Denver.
W. A. Weller, Olympla.
F. A. Bailey, olympla.
Max M. Shlllock, Portland.
J. A. Allison. Portland.
F. J. Gardner. Portland.
O. C. Harper. La Grande.
M. H. Splro. St. Louis.
Col. R. C. Judson.
John F. Parrott.
J. H. Punlop. Cascade Locks.
A. W. Robinson. Echo.
O. W. Thompson. Cascade Locks.
E. M. Shutt, Heppner.
C. O. Halney, Tacoma.
Mrs. Ella Porter. Baker City.
H. Connell. Umatilla.
M. J. Ice. Portland.
Hotel Bickers.
E. H. Thompson. Portland.
Mrs. Frank Walman. Echo.
Mary Denlng. Echo.
William M. Fraker. city.
J. E. Taylor. Walla Walla.
Mrs. Taylor, Walla Walla.
T. D. Taylor, Helix.
Harry Conner, St. LoulB.
S. A. Frans. Spokane.
E. Costello. Starbuck.
James McCarty. Echo.
Miss Rue. Pendleton.
J. D. Burns, Umatilla.
O. H. Sanders. Athena.
Miss Kate Hurst. La Grande.
U. Willis. Spokane.
W. W. Brlstow. Portland.
Mrs. C. A. Andrews, St. Louis.
C. A. Andrews, St. Louis.
Mrs. C. Lempesty. St .Louis.
P. Mullenger, Butte.
Andrew Smith, Kearney.
E. H. Hunt. city.
W. A. Fellows, city.
Jack O'Conner. Baltimore.
Tlie Pendleton.
J. Skogland. Portland.
A. H. Canton. Spokane.
H. G. Taylor. Philadelphia.
o. I). Bloom. Portland.
p. K. Purkhurst.
L. A. Crulckshank.
Itert Wheeler. Greaham.
II. W. Emery. Greaham.
G. M. Gudmumlsen. Tacoma.
B. Crossfield.
L. Harrow. San Francisco.
M. Newvls. Seuttle.
A. Mitchell. Cleveland.
William Mutter. Portland.
r. M. Smith, Portland.
E. B. Carr, Spokane.
S. G. Dunn. Portland.
J. F. Fisher. Spoknne.
George Stevens. Spokane.
George Stevens. Spokane.
L. Hawiey. New York.
We Are Making Cut Prices on All WintrgQ
Wluicr Is here now, and you Have the cliai.ee to get warm clothing JttW whe,,
prices. Our Ioss U Your Gain.
Clothing of all kinds, 20 per cent off.
I-adles- coats at two-third, or tlie regular price.
Mies' coats at tuo-tldrds ol tlie regular price.
Dresa goods oi au
See our BIG AD In Wediu-sday's and Friday's Dally East OregotUan (or prlees,
lerday. and today began tearing down the empire. They are building their , hettlng on the
lbe old house. In a chimney he ' hopes, however, on the Dominion gov- i tlirne dow n Second
tomid a jug containing UOuu In gold.
Albert Bradley, a young theological
student, hus been acquitted of burg
lary at Seattle, after the Jury' was
cut SO hours.
The new flouring mill Is in oper
ation at Mohler. Idaho, near Lewis
lon. and Is said to be turning out a
superior product
Street improvements have been
planned und begun in Seattle that
will cost 1 1,500.000 tunneling, grad
ing and paving for the most part.
The Washington state senate has
eminent taking up the burden which 1 1U1(, Vunished Into thin air as fur ns
the empire Is laying down, and It tle police are concerned.
would seem likely that something of ; There were about i" loungers In
the kind may be done, as there Is a j ,,aee. It Is now know n thut one
good harbor here, also a dry dock. nf tn(. pair went through the saloon
end Immense sums have been spent ' H.rtiy before the hold-up.
and still others planned to be spent : j, ' believed thut there was a
In fortifications and defensive works. , 8tai- n front. The shots were
ami as Canada never has contributed i h,,rd at the police station and also by
anything to the maintenance of the a umher of patrolmen In thut dls-
Brilish navy although claiming to be i trlct. John King Is not the only bad
her most Important colony. Bnd shar- ! i,undit the police huve to deal with.
! lng In its benefts. It seems reasona- , ni yet many crimes have been laid
ble that she should bear the expense ; , nt ,00r. At the present time
I of her own stations. I there are more desperate and experl-
1 Victoria has a railway running loo ; eced criminals working In this city
miles or so north to the coal mines j tnan ever before.
and Into the woods, and Northern i
paused a concurrent resolution de- PaCifC Great Northern and Canadian
umnding of congress the earliest pos- j pactflc trains are ferried from the
Bible completion of the Celllo canal, j manan(i to unload In the city.
George Garcelon. a sheepherder. Quite a large sealing fleet are In
shot Harry Corwin, a bartender, at winter quarter, here, refitting for
their cruise In northern waters next
spring. At the ocean dock, aea-golng
vessels find a safe anchorage and
make their last call on their departure
Boxeman, Mont., through the head,
killing him, as the result of a quar
rel. Tk-i. -is ol a KAO 104 bushels of
wheat were shipped from Galveston, for, and their arrival from a trip
and 2.709.871 bushel, from Portland, across the sea. On the waterfront,
and l.m.550 bushel, from all Puget at the shipyards, fishing vessel, are
A i.. being built, and big sawmills are con-
Petition, .re In circulation .n the T V, ' f r i d-J P
January 23 Meeting of Oregon a
sensors at Portland.
February 7-9 Western Lumber
men's Association, Spokane.
February -ll Walla Walla Poul
try show.
February It 100th anniversary of
the birth of Sacajewea'. baby at F6rt
Mandan, with Lewi, and Clark', expedition.
June 1. lvOS Opening Lewis ana
western part of the state asking for
the appointment of M. D. Wisdom
a supervising head of the livestock
exhibit at the Lewi, and Clark fair.
T. P .Sheridan I. dead at Itoseburg.
at which place he resided continuous
rr Just E0 years. He was SI year, of
age at the time of hi. death. One of
his ion. I. president and another
cashier of the First National BankJ
f Roseburg, and a third I. managing
editor of the Boise Capital-New..
830 acre ranch. Four hundred
acres on river bottom, 60 acre, set to
alfalfa. Well Improved; good or
chard: running water. One among
the best In the county. Price 1.
right We have other and .mailer
proposition, equally good.
Office E. O. Building.
part, of
shipment to various
On the James Bay flats, recently
reclaimed from tidewater, the C. P.
R. is building one of that company's
famous tourist hotel Just across the
way is the parliament building, a
massive stone pile of Impressive ef
fect and architectural skill, ileacon
Hill park, and Oak Bay. .with Its two
miles of sandy beach, furnish pleas
ure ground, where the Victorians, or
the traveler who finds his way nere.
can wnue away a jitot
June 22-Z8 National Woman.
Suffrage Association, Portland.
July 11-14 American Medical As
sociation, Portland.
A Grim Tragedy.
is dallv enacted. In thousands of
homes, as death claims; In each one.
another victim of consumption or
pneumonia. But when cough, and
cold, are properly treated, the trag
edy Is averted. F. G. Huntley, of
Oklahoma. Ind., write.; "My wife
had the consumption, and three doc-
Finally .he took
.i.... ah he.e nrove that Victoria i tors gave her up.
hns' emerged very .uccessfully from Dr. King'. New Discovery tor Con
ner trading post and mining enmp sumption. Cough, and cold., which
davs. and taken her place as one of cured her and today .he is well and
- ' . . . . almn," 1 1,111b , V a cna nf all nil.
I., niuuni ah dins Places oi me
' Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriett Howard, at one time had
her beauty .polled with .kin trouble.
She write.: "I had Salt Rheum or
Enema for years, but nothing would
cure It, until I used Bucklen'. Arnica
Salve." A quick' and sure healer
for cuts, bum. and .orea. 25c at
Tallman ft Co.'. drug .tore. '
Notice to Debtors.
All person. Indebted to us will
Dleue call and settle at once, a. we
need the money to pay bill
The grocer.
strong." It kills the germ, of all dis
eases. One dose relieve Guaran
teed at EOc and tl.00 by Tallman &
Co., druggists. Trial bottle free.
Wynne as Consul General.
Wushington, Jan. 18. Postmaster
General Wynne has accepted the of
fer of the president to appoint him
consul general at London to succeed
H. Clay Evans In March.
The Humblrd Lumber company, at
Sand Point Idaho, employs at that
place In various capacities, from 7E0
to 1200 men, depending upon the sea
son. The company', sawmill at Sand
Point has a capacity of 100.000 feet
of lumber per day.
ClUldren'. Or, 20 ,,
W rappers at So per cent n&vctu,.
Kid glove, of all grade, at
S"jT m pk -Jm'aSm A AnJ
:5-t COiTt TeE a!5TrwisMi 7 snrW TtTT Delivered to m k rtav
WmW S : : " S
rWSp A. NOL :
'i v "p, ' Telephone Hit
' s' . ' iit ud
atlinc h
Mffl I Buildi -2
fM&&- : Mater B
JT -I at X ri It 1 OF ALL DE8CIUT ,:
4c' Wy SASHm t:
ffifJ ? I and WLNDC mm
"iJl J'P Blade to Order Br itrsr rr
) f ,'5! -----sc- and Bwtslluigs . 6p
yfT Rock Sprin
.dinorttconol gel
Reform is often wasted. Why? llLt'wKhr 1 ,
Although corruption vile be stormed. , -Mr-s PP "'s
No man at breakfa.' can deny 5 JITcosl or fm,
A bad egg cannot be reformed. u . , dw.
p.,, of t
Laatz B, t
H ki . S F
n mm mm
.... tbs " 1 . ,hJ
Sport Say. cull, do they let youse tuke tip. here? Com" tht I conJJ
Walter (expectantly) Ye sir. 1 roe... , t" . t I
Sport Well, bet on Getaway In the slxf race.
.h. clim I
Buying Clieap Horse
C. M. Clay, who has been buying
horses In this section for some time
drove several bands out to Baker
City this week, says the Prairie Citv
Miner. Brulce Cameron, who has been
buying for Mr. Clay, drove out about
100 head. Thirteen dollars was the
price paid. The most of this band
was bought In this immediate vicinity.
Reno Aldrtch had about 2E head
which he bought near Mt. Vernon.
Fred Brun and Henry' Trowbridge also
had about 25 head each. They were
all driven to Baker City. It l ta,eal
that the range horse I. pretty we"
brought up In thl. country. Baker
City Herald. .
Henry Phlpps, formerly a 1?""'
of Andrew Carnegie, will put 100':
An, .... .i f "model
uniu leep sf
of phJT . Jd
h. clim
,. per u w
United BtM
tenement, for working men,'
Tork City.