East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 17, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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s3cir I
i Arrivals
98c and $1.23
48c to $2.95
Eaowirag tiie child la study at
home. Time Blackboards bin
rolling tup subjects, which
make, it aa Interesting work.
At the Needles. Cal., O. C. Story, a
Santa Fe conductor, shot and killed
his wife and then himself. Jealous?
was the cause of the tragedy.
A student anarchist took three
shots at Moscow at General Trepoff,
the head of the conscription bureau.
All the bullets missed. The story in
ail It details was told In St. Peters
burg, six hours before it occurred.
B. H. SchetUer, a Salt Lake bank
er, is under arrest charged with ac
cepting deposits after he knew his
bank (a private institution) was In
solvent. The bank's liabilities ere
1107.000 and assets about S-f.OOu.
Levi Douse, a Jew, of PasBaic. X.
J., January 16 celebrated his 116th
birthday. He has ail his mental and
physical faculties and apparently
physical strength enough to keep
him going for 20 years yet. Appar
ently he la as able bodied as the
average man of TO veara.
dispone of any and all obligations
Mrs. Mary Mannion. of Brooklyn. j that do or may grow out of our rela
X. T., died of pneumonia. As the j ton to Adam and Eve. and the whole
lust riles were being observed at the Garden of Eden transaction,
grave, her husband. John Mannion, "For as In Adam all die. even so In
was stricken with heart disease su- Christ shall all be made alive." I Cor.
perinduced by excessive grief, and!i5;;.
fell forward into the open grave and I Let ,he .word 'death" in this pas
upon the coffin, dead. mean spiritual or physical, or
Lawrence Jones, a Jewell county. ; both: let it apply universally or par
Kansas, man. recently saw a nail i tially let it be special or otherwise,
sticking through a board. Remarking j J"ou can not undo it. let it mean what
that some one might get hurt on it. 11 ma-
Itertrw of die Addreaa With Scriptur
al Texts and I .railing Topical Discs-wed
Sabject of the Sermon,
-Many Questions Answered in One,"
Following Is the synopsis of the ser
mon preached by Rev. Victor Dorri
at the First Christian Church last
Saturday night:
Scripture reading. Gal. J:l-2
Scripture text: "Therefore if any man
be in Christ, he Is a new creature:
old things are passed away; behold
all things are become new." This is
a most refreshing and reassuring ut
terance. coming as It does from such
trustworthy authority and proposing,
in the midst of many fundamental
and related questions of life and
questions pertaining to New Testa
ment Christianity, to offer a solution
of all vital problems to make "all
new." It clearly suggests that one
may occupy a certain position, sus-
tain certain relations that are most
comprehensive and final as regards
the soul's very highest interests.
A proper interpretation of the plain
purport of this text will discover the
tact that the approach to God herein
Indicated is not only unique, but
stands solitary and alone. It should,
therefore, be given that consideration
pit voked by the chiefest issues of life.
Old things pass away, and all
things become new to those in Christ
and to those alone, when we consider
rational, responsible beings.
All that our Saviour has He has for
His friends. "Te are my friends If
ye do whatsoever I command you
for all things that I have
heard of my Father, I have made
known unto you." John 15:14-15. So
tn Christ is the place to be. and this
the relation to sustain that one may
attain to the possession of "all things"
that Christ heard of His Father.
Second, one must be In Christ, else
do nothing final!- and acceptably.
"I am the vine, you are the
branches: He that abideth In me. and
I in him. the same bringeth forth
much fruit; for without me ye can do
nothing." John 15:5.
Third. In Christ and not out of
I Christ, one is in a position to properly
he gave it a kick to bend or break
it. Instead, however, it went through
his shoe and gave him blood poison
ing from which he recently died, a
victim of his thoughtfulness for other
Six stage routes, aggregating
miles, extend from Prineville.
The Washington legislature has ap
propriated the ISO. Olio necessary to
pay Its own expenses.
Two thousand Elks are expected
at the Washington state convention
at Seattle February 11 and II.
Frank Allen, a Spokane gambler,
is said to have won $6600 at poker In
vne night at a recent game in that
The Salvation Army expects to
build an office building and auditor
ium at Spokane to cost 175,000 to
The commissioners of Grant county
have Issued a statement showing
that the debt of that county was re
duced 13,46.50 during 1904.
The chief of police of Astoria re
ports 110 nickel in the slot machines
In that place, upon which the city re
ceives in licenses f!s25 quarterly.
The Salvation Army meetings In
Boise led to 600 conversion during
104. The army has raised 117,000
cash and with It bought the Masonic
Temple in Boise for an auditorium
and for rental purposes.
A work train at the Great Northern
branch betweeen Republic and Cur
lew, ran into a handcar and the en
gine was ditched. Engineer Kelly,
of Spokane, was killed outright and
a brakeman severely hurt.
At Summit, an O. R. N. station
near Oakesdale, a Pacific Coast eleva
tor containing 10.000 sacks of grain.
one carload of grain and Ave empties
burned the night of January 14. Loss,
440,000. Cause of fire unknown.
Of 171 patients admitted to the
Medical Lake insane asylum during
1904, the Insanity of 17 waa due to
liquor directly, the Insanity of 18 waa
hereditary, of IS religion, of eight do
mestic troubles. The balance are not
classified publicly.
ISO acre ranch. Four hundred
acres on river bottom, CO acres set to
alfalfa. Well improved; good or
chard; running water. One among
the best in the county. Price is
right. We have other and smaller
propositions equally good.
But enter Christ and it is settled
and the receipt is written In the blood
of the Christ the blood of the Lamb.
And this settlement is possible, not
to a chosen few, but to all. For "He
i thff propitiation for our sins; and
not for ours only, but also for the sins
of the whole world." I John. 2:2.
Fourth. To be In Christ is to be
connected with Abraham, and to be
come a partaker of the blessings of
the Covenant with Abraham.
Christ being the promised "seed"
of the Abrahamtc covenant (Gat. 3:
16.) and we. being in Christ become
"Ahruhum's seed and heirs according
tc tir promise." Gal. SrIS-10.
Fit'.l.. In Christ we have victory
ove. ceath.
It is appointed unto men once to
die (Heb. 0:27). hence we must be in
Christ thst we may receive His gift
of victory over death.
I'e is the first fruits of them that
s't-rt. I Cor. 15:20.
And through Him this corruptible
will ut on tncorruptlon. and this
mcrtal will put on Immortality. I Cor.
Pixth. In Him all things are ours.
Christ alone embraces all that we
ned or csp enjoy. Read carefully I
Orr. S:18-23.
'Al are yours; and ye are Christ's;
nrtl Christ Is God's." Ail this Is ours
in Christ not out of Christ.
Seventh. In Him we are complete.
How we do seek improvement how
we do try to attain onto perfection.
leaving the Imperfect behind. All this
Is possible In Christ, so far as our
spiritual. Christian interests are con
cerned. "Te are complete in Him."
Col. 2:10-10. See fully.
Eighth. In Him we shall live al
ways. To His dlspicles to those In
Him He said: "Because I live ye shall
live also." John. 14:10.
Ninth. It Is Important to know how
to enter into Christ, and important to
act on such knowledge.
Here are some Scriptural answers
aa to how to enter Christ:
"Go ye therefore, and teach all
nations, baptizing them in (R. v.) the
name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost." Christ's own
words. Matthew 28:1.
"Know ye not that so many of us
aa were baptised into Jesus Christ
were baptised l.ito his death?" Read
the next Vo verses also. Romans 1 :4
"For as many of you as have been
baptized into Christ, have put on
Christ." Gelations 1:27.
Finally. When one Is in Christ, he
is In the church of Christ, In the one
body. Seee and read Ephesius 1:22-
Hotel St. George.
C. A. Eastman, San Francisco.
Newton Phillips, San Francisco.
Dr. Q. C Eshelman. Portland.
T. G Nummlnger, Seattle.
G. B. Galley, Portland.
Fred M. Zllly. Portland.
R. B. Stanfield. Echo.
G. C Osburn. La Grande.
W. C Harrington, Padang.
George Phillips and wife. Wilbur.
J. C. Currie. Portland.
W. N. Oakes. Palouse.
Jack H. Williams. Cincinnati.
Q. 8. McCormlck, Horse.
E. W. Boyington, Horse.
William Connally. La Grande.
Wm. Dunn. Portland.
H. Connell. Cmatllla.
A. D. Chase. Portland.
Robert C. Calden. Butte.
George Peark. Butte.
A. B. Stanford. Chicago.
K. S. Pennington. Walla Walla.
Hotel Bickers.
Phil Starr and wife. Fossil.
G. A. Baer, Fossil.
Mrs. C. K. Bltel. Pilot Rock.
W. T. Hughes, Topplnish.
W. C. Shields, Baker City.
C. F. Daniel, city.
G. H. Geer and family, Endicott.
J. L. Metxker. Pullman.
A. D. Allen, Forest Grove.
Esther Allen. Forest Grove.
W. DeLancy, city.
J. Camlersy, Helix.
R. E. Tbomb, Echo.
D. K. Samers. Athena.
R. C. French, Weston.
Guy F. Sheeepe, Portland.
G. O. Richardson, Adams.
C. E. Beiglow, Portland.
D. Manning. Baker City.
Kenneth McRae. Helix
Andrew Smith, Kearney.
W. W. McQueen, Milton.
Harry M. Price, Portland.
Frank O. Chase, Kansas City.
W. H. Banker and wife,-Echo.
R. C. Blakely, New Tork.
R. Gerroalne. Baker City.
Mrs. B. Sheets. North Powder.
Mrs. E. Swagner. North Powder.
J. C. Carpenter. North Yakima.
E. H. Burke, Portland.
Louis Halsteln. Milton.
John P. McManus, Pilot Rock.
E. Costello, Starbuck.
Dr. R. C. Young. Portland.
D. H. Smers. Athena.
John Molston. city.
Charles Holander, Eugene.
A. S. Demaris. Milton.
E. Sullivan, city.
The Pendleton.
L. M. Watrus. Adams.
F. J. Walsh. Tekoa.
Andrew Nylander, Portland.
Thomas Neater, Portland.
W. M. Kelly. San Francisco.
F. J. Mahoney and wife, Tekoa.
W. P. Allen, city.
S. P. Gould. Nolln.
C. H. Hacker, San Francisco.
L. T. Kyone, San Francisco.
H. C. Eryson, Walla Walla.
N. B. Mitchell, San Francisco.
E. Illsley. Chicago.
R. W. Davidson and wife. Mi not.
O. J. Freese.
M. L. Greenbaum. Chicago.
R. E. Allen. Walla Walla.
G. B. Atkinson. Moscow.
R. A. Seeds. Spokane.
M. B. Kimble, Portland.
a. McCully. Spokane.
M. C Wade, Starbuck.
Cleamic M
We Are Making Cut Prices on All WintjQ 1
Winter is here now, and you have the chance to get warm clothing just wnea a
prices. Our Loss Is Tour Gain.
Clothing of an kinds, SO per cent off. Child', drones 0 pe,
Ladies' coats at two-thirds of the regular price. 1 otl
W rappers at SO per cent ledum.
Mines' coats at two-Uiirds of the regular price. wucuoe.
Kid gloves of ail grades at r.i
Dress goods of aU kinds at BIG REDCCTIO-N. l I.
See our BIG AD In Wednesday's and Friday' Daily East Oregonlan for price.
The following committees of the
house have been announced by Speak
er Mills:
Ways and Means Vaster of Doug
las and Jackson, Graham of Marion.
Blakely of t'matllla. Huntley of
Clackamas, and Hermann of Coos.
Railways and Transportation
Soonnemann of Douglas. Mears of
Multnomah. Blakely of Umatilla. Gra
ham of Marion, Cooper of Lincoln
and Polk.
Elections Killlngsworth of Mult
nomah. Edwards of Lane, Kuney of
Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler. Laws
of Clatsop, and Smith of Baker.
Education Gray of Douglas. Fawk
of Polk. Settlemelr of Marion. Cole of
Morrow and I'matllla, and Bailey of
Engrossed Bills Hudson of Mult-
nnmnh Carter nt T-lnnitln mtri Mnv-
! ner of Columbia.
Enrolled Hills Graham of Marlon.
Branhall of Clackamas, Bailey of
Assessment and Taxation Huntley
of Clackamas, Colwell of Multnomah,
' Chamberlain of Umatilla, Ray of
Marlon, Sits of Harney and Malheur.
Claims Colwell of Multnomah.
Richie of Marion, Fawk of Polk.
Military Affairs Capron of Mult
nomah. Richie of Marlon, and Mun
kem of Linn.
Roads and Highways Hermann of
Coos, Cornett of Linn, Jagger of
Clackamas. Flint of Washington, and
Hudson of Multnomah.
Printing Bailey of Multnomah.
Donnelly of Gilliam, Sherman and
Wheeler; Steiner of Crook. Grant of
Klamath and Lake.
Indian Affairs Richie of Marlon.
mah, Jayne of Wasco, Von der Hellen
of Jackson, Burgess of Wasco, and
Blakely of Umatilla.
Federal Relation Flint of Wash
ington, Griffin of Lane, Cavender of
Off! o E. o. Building.
In stakes and purses 16.000,000 was
distributed to horsemen from the
1904 racing operations in the United
Capron of Multnomah, Burns of Clat
sop. Corporations Holcomb of Multno
mah: Cornett of Linn, and Colwell of
Cities and Towns Jagger of Clack
amas. Hermann of Coos. Sholl of
Crook. Grant. Klamath and Lake.
Commerce Crang of Multnomah.
Rums of Ciatsop. Edwards of Lane,
Miles of Tamhill. Kuney of Gilliam,
Sherman and Wheeler.
Counties Henderson of Mullno-
Mlnlng Smith of Baker, Bingham
of Lane. Capron of Multnomah, Smith
of Josephine, and Jackson, of Jack
son. Public Lands Bingham of Lane,
Miles of Yamhill. Henderson of
Multnomah, Smith of Baker, and
Laws of Clatsop.
Internal Improvements Cornett of
Linn. Killing-worth of Multnomah,
and McLeod of Union.
Agriculture Von der Hellen of
Jackson, Settlemelr of Marion, and
Holcomb of Multnomah.
Alcoholic Traffic Welch of Mult
nomah, Day of Marlon, Burgess of
Manufactures Mears of Multno
mah, Gray of Douglas, Edwards of
Medicine and Pharmacy Steiner of
Crook, Grant, Klamath and Lane;
Cole of Morrow and Umatilla, and
Calvert of Marion.
Ranking and Insurance Cooper of
Lincoln and Polk, Settlemelr of Mar
ion, and Henderson of Multnomah.
Horticulture Barnes of Washing
ton. Holcomb of Multnomah, Dobbin
of Union and Wallowa.
Health and Public Morals Calvert
of Marion, Munker of Linn, West of
Tillamook and Yamhill.
Rules and Joint Rules Carter of
Benton, West of Tillamook and Yam
hill. Burns of Coos.
Salaries and Mileage Jackson of
Jackson, Sonneman of Douglas, Ku
ney of Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler.
Public Library Newell of Wash
ington, Jackson of Jackson, Colwell
of Yamhill.
Fisheries Mayger of Columbia,
Colwell of Multnomah, McLeod of
Union, Jagger of Clackamas, Jayne of
Labor and Industries Miles of
Yamhill, Welch of Multnomah, Grif
fin of Lane.
Penal Reformatory and Charitable
Institutions Dobhia of r,
I Wl lino-. vim. I
mah. Griffin of Lao.
Capitol BuiMii. ...
Bramhlll of Clackamu, rj
Linn, and 8onn.... .Tr
Statistics and IrrlrMoiJ
and Crang of Multaonua. 1
Irrigation Cola of gJ
Umatilla. Sits of n. 1
heur. Steiner of Crook, Grl
"L " uaae; von der
Jackson: Dobbins m n.i
Iowa; Shook of Crook, oJ
ath and Lake, and iirf-JI
Food and Dalrv VrZhH
Harney and Malheur, On.
las, and Newell of Wuhiti
Salary of State and Coot
Kay of Marlon, Mean i
mah, and Burgess of Wuci
Kevislon of Laws Hair
mah. Burns of Coot,
Douglas and Jackson.
Game Donnelly of Gl.
man and Wheeler Vni.
mah, Huntley of CUctaJ
berlain of Umatilla, ud
Work Mare Wanted.
I want to buy SO head of work
mares, weighing from 1160 to 1250
pounda. Must be sound and in good
flesh. Will be at Telephone stables
January 20 and 21. Andy Smith, of
Kearney, Neb.
I am looking for a town of 1600 or
more without a telephone exchange.
If you know of one write me. O. W.
Lamb, Rich Hill. Mo.
The big shoe sals now on at
To Every Home
hrSJKhIi'i! f3CeS romP and Play-when in health
SSSJS ?e P?es ln which theV indulge, the outdoor
he wholesome d& If&l they shouId & taught to form and
shouTd tTnrS Arw 5, t eJ lhou1 partake- How tendW their health
everv rnSitK ftn "X cstant medication, but by careful avoidance of
SSedS IS i JrllSTS or. table nature and if at any time a
SSSeE52& naturVnIv those of known excellence
Kukffii? Kare Pure and wholesome and truly beneficial
he SorrS f ISSrif2?'6 tem?$ of FiSs. manufactured by
rrvlniK owTSfS; Jn?f Flgsus ccr"e general favor in
SeSJ of its quality and
blue ftfJg in which the wholesome Calif omian
, edy ilSi aS Sn " 5 -: ,therefore jt is not a rem
- approve of patent medSA af 0 Til ,r;formed Physicians, who do not
bottles (JotSSjv luL dZVck and is for e in
cent size, or SifS? any,0ther than rc8ular Fifty
accept it. If vou fill to cS thJ ; 6 name of other company, do not
EfamiiJ a K Zyil lenu ne Vou will not eet its beneficial effects.
. u lOAauvc icrneay is required.
General clean-up of all
at prices that will tori
Teutsch s.
Positively the Best
Any quantity yo
Delivered to yoer M
Always call for OLTI
Telephone Hals
5A5ffl. DOC!
Made to Order fj
per, lime, Cease !
Sand, Wooa w""j
and Dwelling" sWM
Lumber i
Alts Street, Op H
Rock Spfa
... .. &
. fori
tract w" ' if
part of th
mmt la s