East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 06, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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cai r tw I
n xr t
Blank books
For tbs kuoo of IMS, we
were successful to buy oar
blank books before the recent
advance. T
100. ISO, 800, 230, 300, 400,
K00, BOO and 800-page Ledgers,
jurnals. Day Books and Cash
ricase note these prices on
', Sanfurd's Ink from Jan. 1 to
' Jan. 10:
; Half Pints 18c
! Pints Mo
Quarts c
letter Files, 25c, 35c and 48c
Phenomenally cold weather pre- .
vails In all parts of Spain. ,
The Russians at Port Arthur were
holding S00 Japanese prisoners when i
the surrender came.
There are 300. 00U more negroes
than whites in Mlsisstppi. Of 297 j
murders in that state during 19IM. 6"
wer committed by whites.
During 1903 the government turn- .
ished private parties and firms 4T.0M0 ,
, , . j j, ,. ,(,.,,
doses of tuberculin, and during 14 i
T4.00 doses for the treatment of cat-
tie. i
j b Colvin was bitten three i
months' ago at White Horse. Alaska.
bv a wolf, on both hands. He died ;
January 3 at Vancouver. B. C. or ny- i nomes aim m me
drophobia in great agony. i dentally thoroughly educate the peo-
James Smith. Jr.. asks as his fee I"- the entire country the .iib
""'" .,,, ject of irrigation. The consequence
jor ucung a crci.ci
States Shipbuilding company
S1"U0. -
lino. Objectors to allowing It allege
that he only handled SI. 125,000.
t is current belief in Eastern rail- ;
i T..V. ,i TA Piinlrafal.
road circles that John D. Rockefel
ler controls the New York Central
and further that E. H. Harriman is
in effect a first lieutenant for Rock
efeller. The members of the Harvard class .
(of which Roosevelt was a member i
which graduated June 2o. 1880. will
on the 2oth anniversary of that grad
uation, make the university a cash
gift of S100.000.
Gottfried Eschler. of Raymond.
Annie C. Liljoonquist. of Vernon.
Benjamin Hymas. of Treasureton, and
Edward Homer, of Elba, are post
masters in Idaho reported in the '
United States senate to be Mormons i
who are living In open polygamy now. j
The percentage of loss In transit , v M( M1,1cr omi outxiile Range Is
for the 360.990 head of American ;
cattle landed at the ports of London, i '
Liverpool and Glasgow during 1904.! Dale. Jan. 3.-The winter has been
was but 0.17; the percentage of loss ; very mild so far. ery little .now.
for the 212.29 American sheep land-I and outside range Is good,
ed a. the same port, was 0.94. Miss Kitta Andrew who is teach-
lug a nine-months school on McKay
During an evidently designed . creek yetted her parents during hol
stampede of the officers' horses at . iJav weet returning to her school
Fort Hamilton, in New York harbor. : of) 'Moridoy.
recently, four prisoners escaped from
the guard house and plunged Into the j
...... ... - anc.n,ipeH tint rne i
other three are believed to hare been ;
drowned. I
In 1900 the number
of the foreign
. i V v lr nf nil mces was
1 270 00." of these 232.343 were Ger-
mans. 276.102 Irish and 145.433 Ital- persons being present,
ians Since then the Italians have: Mrs. Duisy Markham and son. Al
more than doubled In number, but lyn. were visiting friends on Granite
tlie Increase In the two other races I creek the Inner part of last week,
has been small, relatively. I "
Lord Mount Stephen. formerly! MORE INDUCEMENTS.
.... ii nnAtin II k
IZ Tto-Th. king', hoi
pltal fund of London, as a ftew
Year's gift. SoOO.OOO In Argentina re--funding
bonds and S500.000 In Bue
nos Ay res water bonds .yielding an
annual Income of S66.000.
Y. M. C. A. for Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, Jan. 6. Arrange
ments are now under way for the
' ,. erection of a Y. M. C. A. building In i
T has!
this city. mrs.
offered to donate property valued at
J36.000. for the purpose, if the citl
.aena will subscribe a like amount for
the building.
Attention, Everybody.
The ladies of Pocahontas lodge will
give a basket social at Hendricks hall
Wednesday, January 11. Every one
Invited. Ladies, bring your basket.
A - good time assured. Kate Fuglt,
keeper of records.
S30 acre ranch. Four hundred
acres on river bottom, SO acres set to
alfalfa. Well Improved: good or
chard; running water. One among
the best In the county. Price Is
right. We have other and smaller
prepositions equally good.
Office E. O. Building.
Question of Small Homes 11scusm1 ,
by .u) E. Mitchell of tlie National I
Irrigation AsHuciaUou Small Areas!
Can supMrt l-ai-jre Poiulation I'n
ler Irrigation Double Yield Are
Grown I utter Irrigation.
Some ..! the sociological factors iu
the nati.-:...! .Irrigation movement was
the theme of au address lust week
before the. Philadelphia congress of
the American Association for the Ad- ;
vancement of Science, by Guy E. ,
Mitchell, ait extensive writer on irri-1
gallon and public land subjects.
No question before the public to- j
day. -Mr. Mitchell declared, presents,
more Interesting sociological phases i
than does the national Irrigation j
in America, not only through the
great numtier of homes to be creuley j
by artificially watering the desert ;
wastes, but through the far-reaching .
effect of the working out of a great j
government irrigation policy und the !
general education of the American i
people on the advantages of this prut-
i tice, both West und East.
The social side of irrigation can
described In the single clause
irrigation subdivides and resubdi-j
vldes land Into small home tructs.
irrigated communities average the i
smallest farms in the world. The J
west contains thousands of five und ,
10-acre furms from which men are i
making comfortable livings. The bo-j
clal conditions of some of the most ,
Intensely Irrigated tracts are perhaps ,
the most nearly perfect of those of,
liny communities in the world. !
Education for Eastern 1 ariuers.
Now the effect of the great gov-'
ernment Irrigation works, w hich are1
being pushed rapidly forward, will be j
to create u Western empire of new j
.,.,, I ..rnell-es will
finally enthrall the Eastern farmer, j
The facts as they exist in European ;
.t,.i.u nhnu- thnt irrieittlnn can '.
TO(, wltn ,)rofu on iaI,d ;
which has sufficient rainfall to
grow paying crops. Irrigation is a
crop Insurer besides guaranteeing !
double yields and when it is applied
to Eastern farm lands the result will j
to aVrle them Into smaller and
ner tilled tracts.
A Nation of Rural Homes. '
Along with the prosecution of the;
government irrigation policy and it.-i 1
great agricultural education will ;
then come the establishment of rural j
colonies throughout the entire coun-1
try and a vastly Improved agricultur- I
al und social condition.
B y shelu, proprietor of the Dale
no . nal) one , North powder to I
. . ..oh
. ., ,hl. winter.
i a. Murkham and wife attended!
the New Year s ball at the home otjun in ....e ...,.i.e. Le ..,Bi
G. S. Andrus. which was a grand sue- I
cess, both socially and financially. Ill
Hnlllv.,, Bond Forced to Make Fu,
ther Cuts u Raise Necesmiry
Sullivan sc Bond are compelled to
make further sacrifices in order to
meet their bills and have slaughter
ed more lines of goods. Suits, over
coals, und trousers continue to be
sold at half price and in addition to
these tremendous cuts have been
d ,n ,noe1l overalls, working
shirts, working gloves, underwear.
dress shirts, trunks, valises, comfor
ters, fancy vests, suspendet. collars,
January t Oregon legislature con
venes at Salem.
January 10-11 Oregon Historical
Society, Portland.
January 10-14 National Livestock
convention, Denver.
January 1S-1S Northwest Fruit
growers' Association. Boise City.
February 7-S Western Lumber
n.r,' Association. Spokane.
February 12 100th anniversary of
the birth of Sacajewes oaoy at run
Mandan, with Lewis and Clark's ex
pedition. June 1. 190S Opening Lewis and
Clark exnoeltlon.
Jon. 42-28 National Woman's
Suffrage Association. Portland.
July 11-14 American Medical As
sociation, Portland.
Tlie Chance Never Before In Pendle
ton. Never before have the ladle In
Pendleton had a chance to buy milt
pattern for tailor-made suits, jackets
and skirts. The Schiffler Tailoring
eomnnr la going to sell 100 suit pat
terns at from SS.B0 to S7.S0 per pat
tern of IV yards each, SS Inches
wide, about half of their actual cost
Stale betrtns Jan nary . This Is a
Hotel St. George.
J. E. Taylor. Walla Walla.
William H. Weber. Walla Walla.
L. W. White, New fork.
Charles F. Reebe. Portland.
Mose Meyers. Portland.
D. B. Hearing. La Grande.
A. 1. Chase. Portland.
N. B. Kniuae, Seattle.
F. B. Culilerhead. Walla Walla.
James Met'abe. Wala Walla
George S. Reld. Portland.
A. F. Bernard. Portland.
G. C. Miller. Portland.
J. H. Sklles and wife. Walla Walla.
Henry Schmidt. Athena.
J. W. Westfall. Trout Lake.
Ir. C. C. Eshelman. Portland.
John D. Hnlliday. Montana.
Mrs. Burdan and daughter. Athena
Hon. J. J. Burns. Portland.
Rev. C. L. Downer. Spokane.
Henry Bayns. Adams.
B. I- Compton. Seattle.
J. C. Harding. Chicago.
George McCready. New York.
Hotel Bickers.
P. E. Johnson. Havre.
Dr. Hunt. Havana.
J. F. Bienx. Fort Dodge.
Jacob Proebstel. Portland.
Jim W. Clou. Wallu Walla.
Gus Gamit. McMinnville.
J. W. Lockwood and family. Helix.
M. C. Lockwood. Jr.. and wife.
Crosstand. Little Fulls.
J. F. Belnx. Fort Dodge.
L. M. Waters, Adams.
A. D. Rosch and wife. Seattle.
John M. Stanley. Seattle.
G. J. McEroy. Starbuck.
F. J. Allison.. Starbuck.
E. H. Burke. Portland.
S. A. Barnes. Weston. '
R. A. Mulliger. Kallspell.
C. A. Anderson, city.
Christ Striker, city.
C. A. Andrews, city.
E. A. Miller and wife. cily.
M. Rartlett. cily.
C. C. Medley, city.
Mrs. James Upton. Walla Walla.
The Pendleton.
F. M. Garrison. Cleveland.
F. Oelhel und wife. La Grande.
J. Grace and wife, South omalia.
U. Nichols, city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wood, Minne
apolis. A. Y. Hunaner. Spokane.
H. T. Hendryx, Sumpter.
J. W. Rood, San Francisco.
M. M. Gottdiner. Portland.
A. B. Mitchell. San Francisco.
W. H. Coldwell. Arlington.
J. De.Wltt. Portland.
Thomas Neater. Portland.
C. C. Berkeley, city.
William SluHher. city.
R. B. May. Walla Wulla.
A. S. Murlow, Walla Walla.
J. P. Hayden, Portland.
Eilgar L. Keeney. Chicago.
G. w. Hunt. Echo.
P. Hay. Endlcott.
H. Donley. Endicott.
E. Bragdon, Portland.
,'. E. Sharp. Endicott.
H. Greer, Endicott.
L. A. Falck. San Francisco.
U. N. Caston, Spokane.
W. D. Marks. Spokane.
C. Ades, Spokane,
o. E. Silverlhorn, Portland.
A. H. Boylan, Portland.
J. P. Pike. Portland.
Walla Wulla Office llecrfrr-.
tries iu One Duy.
M Ell-
With 11 homestead entries placed I
on the books yesterday lit the local !
In ml office, there remained last niglit i
o;:ly eight of the large pile the offi- j
-lab. had nn hand at the beginning of i
rne eitr. nr wnicn nave rome in
since then, says the Union.
In all 43 entries have been dealt
tl ivs of the year.
ord w hi'-h it will be hard to beat any
time during the year.
It is doubtful if the record eslab- j " 13 P"" m as one advantage oi
lished Tuesday of 21 entries placed j11"1 I'1"" ll,:' " lf ' henir tlian do
on the records has ever been eouulled i Pf"l" "'' "reel lielow unotlier and
at the local land office. To deter -
mine -this accurately would require
a minute search of ail the homestead
entry records at the land ofrice. but
the officials say they do not remem
lr of the number going higher than
21 or 22 before.
A Grim Tragedy.
Is dally enacted, In thousandx of
homes, as death claims, In each one,
another victim f consumption or
pneumonia. But when coughs and
colds are properly treated, the trag
edy is verted. T. p. Huntley.' of
Oklahoma, Ind writes; 'My wife
had the consumption, and three doc
tors gave her up. Finally she took
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and colds, which
cured her, and today she Is well and
strong." It kills the germs of all dis
ease. One dose relieves. Guaran
teed at 50c and SI 00 by Taltman
Co.. druggists. Trial bottle free.
Kkookum Has a Life Pass.
Skonkum Walllhe and his niece, a
daughter of Sally Wahklakus, went
up to Ooldendale Monday, returning
to their home In the canyon Tuesday.
Skookum went up on business and
Miss Wahkiakus went up to see the
iow.i. The railroad runs through
Skookum's farm and before he would
sign the contract giving the right of
way. he compelled the railroad to
give him a life pass, and so he rides
whenever he ha the Inclination, and
that is pretty often. Although an
Indii'ii, Skookum Is no cheap duck.
He stops at the best hotel when he
goes to town, and ha the best of
everything that 1 going. Center
vllle (Wash.) Journal.
Spoiled Her Bestnty.
Harriett Howard, at one time had
her beauty spoiled with skin trouble.
She writes: "I had Salt Rheum or
Ecsema for years, but nothing would
cure It, until I used Bucklen's Arnica
Salve." A quick and sure healer
for cuts, burns and sore. Ho at
UMiies- Jnekets, ne style, at only two-thirds regular price.
iMiilat' wlti at exactly two-thirds of the recnlar price,
1 Jlea' and nusHea' fur. at Blk, t SO per cent OFF.
ldlr- sklrw, to clean up stooG REDUCTION OF SO per mat.
Men's clothing, suits, overcoat and panta, SO per cent OFF.
Bo)!" clothing, suits, overcoats and panta, 20 per cent OFF.
Wool blankets at special redaction of SO per cent.
Shoes of all kinds at special 10 per cent redaction f
Men's hats for Uus sale SO per cent OFF,
Indies' hats two-thirds of oar regular price.
Misses' and Children's Yam-O' Shan tors, soc Und, now oar
children' wool dresses SO per cent OFF.
Interesting Letter From
New York City
New York. Jan. By ihe action
this week of the Washington Heights
local l)oi,ril of Improvement the city
will in all nrohahllity, soon
come into
m session of the old Hamilton
i.ne ami convert it Into a park
j proposition has Ions leen one of thej
'pet schemes of the patriotic societies j
! i,f New York city und throughout '-h '
All that is now b-ft of the original I
I Alexander Hamillon estate is a tract j
cf laii'i on the west side of Convent j
avenue, between 142d and 143d i
street. nn the. other side of the j
I .'.reel is the i.ld house alwnvs known ;
!.,s Hamillon Grunge which was j
' moved about 1 5 years aco having I
t-en purchased by St. Lukes Epls-I
j i ipal church unci converted Into u
I school. The church lias preserved the
itdifice a-i It erlgliially tood. In order
thai it might he unchanged when the
' day came when the city or some
i patriotic society would purchase It for
the purpose of making It a Hamilton
museum, li is In an excellent state
of nr servatlon. Three or four of
the original 13 tlms. which Hamilton
' pet out with his own hands in com
i melnoralioii of the confederation of
I the 13 colonl'S. still stands guard as
sombre rentlneis close by the house.
! To Relieve Truffle.
line of tlie many plans v ilch hav
been sinri;eHted for the relief of the
conge-ted condition of New York's
Mi eel traffic is receiving serious at
tention from engineer pod will soon
lie brought before ihe board of alder
men for their approval. The method
'' particular the protection of
Idesu inns with a view -if !e..re:.sic
' "death a day" rale, und Irs pro-
J'-ctnrs declare that It Is especially;
applicable to nerai.1 'IU'''- ni. n :
- v . .... .... ,
most crowded crossing in the eiry.
It is propose to erect from too
:idc of Ilroatlway to the other, at Tit
south side of Thirty-fourth street. ;i
i.iised escalnlor way, or in othei
words, a moving sidewalk on u brld
1 18 oeciareo to ne more unapianie to
cnanging coniutions tnal tlie !j;ter
Curing ('oiiiiiiiiiknn.
The i epoi t issued by the dlre lo s
of the Post-Gruduale hospital lor the
year 1904 contains the announcement
that more thun two-score poor per
sons have been cured of consumption
at thai institution. These patients
have been treated free, either In their
homes, the dispensary, or In the Insti
tutions proper, and although thej
have not had the benefit of mountain
air. by improved sanitary and dietetic
methods. In conjunction with the
best medical treatment, the efforts of
the hospital staff have been attended
with success.
Judgement for IX ( exits.
The case of William Rockefeller of
the Standard Oil company, against
Oliver Lamora, the old soldier, who
hus been striving to maintain legal
right to fish in public water In the
Adirondack, has Just been tried
again In the county court at Malone,
and decided technically against La
mora. tor the sum of 18 cents. He
probably will appeal.
This case has been In the courts
for some year. Lumora won In two
previous trials at Jiaianac lake, but
each time the case, on reaching the
appellate division, was sent back for
a new trial. Several years ago Wil
liam Kockefeller, through an agent.
purcnaseu aoout &2.O00 acres of
wooaiuna, nrouna which he posted
warnings not to trespass. Throueh
these woods flow the Ht. Regis river
and well-defined trails lead t fh
The law provide that trails In ui
witnout protest for more than SO
years shall be public highways to all
purposes. Lamora. disregarding the
posted notices warning him off the
trail, wa arrested, arraigned before
a Justice, and acquitted. But that de
cision made no difference, for the
case was carried from one court to
another until . decision was rendered
in iavor of Mr. n i i
"vwiwiin. X 1 (IVIUt
i" " il i T i. " or fish, as th
and Clearance Sol-
streams ure stocked by the state at
public expense, and the wild deer be
longing to the state roam through
the woods, while every year S76.OO0
is paid out to protect fish and game.
The wool clip of the United States
for 1904 was 291.783.032 pounds In
tlie grease 1123. 935,147 scoured i
the lightest clip since 1900. The
vulue was S64.940.9S9, the highest for
several years.
Soap, Ointment and Pills
the World's Greatest
Skin Cures.
Complete Treatment for Every
Humour, from Pimples
to Scrofula.
The agonizing itching and burning
of the skin, as in eczema ; the frightful
scaling, as in psoriasis; the loss of
hair and crusting of the scalp, as in
scalled head ; the facial disfigurement,
as in pimple and ringworm; the
awful suffering of infants and the
anxiety of worn-out parents, as in
milk crust, trtter, and salt rheum, all
demand a remedy of almost super
human virtue to successfully cope
with them. That Cuticnra Soap, Oint-
i tnent, and Pill are such stands proven
' I A 1 , Jt , . X' ... .... t i
ocyona ail uuuui. av imi. .
made regarding them that i not justi
fied by the strongest evidence. The
purity and sweetness, the power to
afford immediate relief, the certainty
of speedy and permanent cure, the ab
solute safety and great economy, have
made them the standard akin enrcj
and humour remedies of the civilized
TLe grandest testimonial that can
be offered the Cuticur remedies i
their world-wide sale, due to the per
sonal recommendation of those who
have used them. From s small. begin
ning in the simplest form, against
prejudice and opposition, against
monied hosts, counties rivals, and
trade indifference, Cuticnra remedies
have become the greatest curatives of
their time, and, in fact, of all time,
for nowhere in the history of medicine
i to be found another approaching
them in popularity and sale. In every
d with everr eools they have
met with the same reception. The
confine of the earth are the only
limits to their growth. They nave
conquered the world.
OM0M.Sk. Saw, He. U-SW t ' ,
- tat A Ssaklt
If Livers Go Wrong
net them right 4t' simply and
easily done. Without pain,
without trouble, without nause
ating, in fact it's only in the
beneficial effects that you notice
you have taken
Sold Everywhere. In boxes lOe. and S-
Expert Collectors
W har located a branch offlc t
Pendleton, and will m
AoTSmrv kin aMClaltr. "v
.. am a. n a handles
Our plan Is: -No oollecUon.
charsjes. Suits Instituted. Judmnn
The Tan Aurtirje-Gordoa J1-
- wr iiiiii m
I m4i
1 w Coart 8t. Tetonhoaw i "
at the matter and think tk
agree that it to not wis S I
if there la the leat team fl
ing that you ihouid do sj.
To make certain, wbr M
The employment of nxA
struments by a frndutt
makes the teat concuum
prove that you should ot
wear glasses.
If you should, we eat B
very reasonable price
Winslow M
p. O. lllock.
.riotiona. Sash. SoM
Moulding. BaUdial
Pr. '
0"' "rf
Grays Haj
I - " - s I