yjyEVENING EDITION OAItY EVENING EDITION a m. - .- i WEATHER FORECAST. Tonlgnt anil Saturday fair, not so culd Saturday. 1 '01 i" PEfDLETOX, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY , 1905. NO. 52 10. IS e flat" IS all Una " . a'1"! s... J T FOR GAM II LEGISLftTURE tes hi of the Various Candi- Are Now Well De- ...mm a W ,f hot YET ---' OF THE LAURELS. L Mills Are Making Determin- SEflorts to rapture the Speak- Knvkendall and Carter 1 Lnrie for Honor in the Senate I. .. Tiw.iu'hi in Be In Uid- V BWBni lur Both Places BrowneU At- et Cnknown Machine 1 W Kuykendall, promise from some of the men orig inally counted as for Kay. In Multnomah county there Is an overwhelming demand for the elec tion of A. L. Mills as speaker. With out regard to factional or party lines, the sentiment in his favor Is prac tically unanimous. The business men of the city are especially Insistent that he should be the presiding of- ticer or the lower house. ITALIAN LABORERS KILLED. Others Were Injured b ya Long Island Train. New York. Jan. 6. Three Italians were instantly killed and four Injured. two pro!ably fatally, by being struck by a train on the Long Island railroad near Dunton this morning. They were shoveling snow from the tracks and failed to observe the approaching train. TWO MURDER MYSTERIES. to result from the fires, with escape of prisoners to follow. Chicago, Jan. . The body of a beautiful young woman, J 4 years old and well dressed, and bearing Indications of refinement, was found this morning covered with snow at Irving Park boule vard and Seventy-second street. Physicians who examined the body claim there is evidence that death came while an anaesthetic was being administered and an operation was being performed. The mystery is engaging the attention of the police. Physician Under Suspicion. New rim. Minn., Jan. . The sensation today was the testimony In the-Koch murder trial. It came when a drug clerk testified that the day following the murder he found Dr. Koch fitting rubber finger tips intended to be non-visible, on two Injured fingers. Be cause oT the evidence of a terrible struggle In the murdered man's office. It is argued he murderer must have sustained some injuries. Governor Makes RecoAinendations. Boise, Jan. 6. Both branches of the legislature have organized and met this morning in Joint session and listened to the reading of the gov ernor's message. The governor Is opposed to further extension of tim ber franchises, and wants a law mak ing adulterv a crime, and a law t punish polygamists. Machen Et AI Continuing a Probably Hopeless Fight in the Courts. Manv Russian Officers Too ovation, Foreign attaches entered Port Ar- Pl'OllH til Accent C emenCV thur yesterday. It is Impossible to - I 4 nK.nlLln Trial of Mayor Williams on Monday. Portland, Jan. 6. Mayor Williams and Chief of Police Hunt were ar raigned last evening and released en their own recognizance. The trial of Mayor Williams was set for Mon day, January . Oiht at the organization of the Lun next Monday promises to kreittog In the extreme and the of the various candidates are Irty well defined. lewlng the situation from an dent and Impartial standpoint. ion Daily Journal of last eve- organization of tne legislature Theodore Thomas, the ilonlng one of the keenest po- emT was nem from fthts that Oregon nas ,wu- In recent years. .Lur Kuykendall and Senator the rival candidates for pres- i the upper house, both pro be abfiolutely confident of HILL CURRENCY BILL BEING CONSIDERED, Funeral of Theodore Thomas. Chicago, Jan. 6. The funeral of orchestra St James church at 11 this morning, with aim pie rttes. , Hills and T. B. Kay. the leud- mdidates for the speakership. Inning about neck and neck, . L Vaster, the third man in Ire, professes to believe that the I must eventually fall to him- L contest over the presidency enate the issue is plainly I between the machine and the kchlne forces. Kuykendall has Irking of every vote which the lean organization can throw to tu the present time he is ap y on the defensive, for Carter (in j the fight to him and is i exceedingly aggressive Uoth refuse to make any Snt of their strength and con- I'tnHlves with predictions of iwll's Attitude Doubtful. rumor grows most peraiatent time fur Joining battle ap that George C. BrowneU im to align himself with the ull forces. His defection serious, for without him from Lane cannot count, upon more than 12 votes. notorious that BrowneU has at heart a Kuykendall that he was exceedingly when compelled by Sen- Mi and Senator Fullon lo tram the race, as he had nptcted to preside over the ue. My probable, however, that e no election of either f the senate or speaker on "Hot. In the UDDer house of "doubtful" aenatora Wobable that enough of lwt blank ballots when the 'aucus begins to prevent or KuvkenriAll from i U votes necessary to H Seek Sneakerahiu. fMse there will be three pttd from present appear- "t win hold the balance tne initial ballots at p'oently eXDecta that Vii. rWally come to his stand- rtunor Is persistent that V'nieke an alliance -with L' . : . rUia that Kay will net Inntivt. - . . . . - a w nominate rum been Five Reported Killed. Cnm'berland, Md., Jan. 6. As the result of a freight wreck on the B. & "O.. at Glencoe this morning, the entire crew of five are reported kill ed. Forty cars were derailed. Crum Is "Vindicated" by Being Ap pointed, and Will Immediately Re sign Lawson's Expose Reacts In Congress, Which May Take Up an Investigation Originating From His Charges Bill Introduced Which Would Appropriate 17,000,- 000 for Forts. ' KtoesHPl lias Been Paroled. Tokio, Jan. . Stoeasel has been given his parole and will return to St. Petersburg via Nagasaki. Russians Will Attack. St. Petersburg, Jan. i. It Is stated on the best authority that the battle of the Shakhe river is about to be resumed, the Russians taking the of tensive. This was decided at a meet ing of the council of ministers yes terday. Naval Appointment Made. St. Petersburg, Jan. . Vice Adint ral Skydloff has been made a mem ber of the admiralty counsel, and Ad tral Yessen apointed commander of DECLINED PAROLEr"-, Clearing Away Mines. Tokio, Jan. . It Is stated that General Nogt will return to Tokio at the request of the emperor. In which case he will receive a tremendous From Japan. WORK OF REMOVING MINES FROM HARBOR PROGRESSES. Anarchy Reigns In Some Parte of European KuwlaT Where the Popu lace Is Bluer Against the Wai Prisoners Liberated by Fire and Po lice Chiefs Assailed Ccwsacks and Strikers Fight In the Caucasus Oil Fields Russians Will Act on the Aggressive. irlve attention to a majority of tne sick and wounded, at Port Arthur. The work of clearing away the mines in the harbor has commenced with the aid of charts provided by the Russians. The docks were de. stroyed. Cosxacks and Strikers Fight. Baku, Caucasus, Jan. . In an en, counter between strlkess and Cos sacks, six strikers and one Cossack were killed and many wounaea. Minister In Bciedon. St. Petersburg, Jan. S. The com, ilttee of ministers held this mornlm a short session under vthe presidency of M. Wltte. Five Brewery Workmen Killed. Berlin, Jan. 6. The collapse of a refrigerator at a brewery at Cblburg. today .caused the death of five work men. Four were Injured, two fatally. Sole Blowers Get 13000. Vallentia. Ind., Jan. 6. Safe blow ers secured ijuuo irom tne saie oi the general store of John Hunsuker, early this morning. "Nan Patterson Denied Bail. New York, Jan. 8. Justice Green eatrm has denied the application of Stan Patterson to be admitted to bail. Washington, Jan. 6. Counsel for Machen, Loresiz, Dlller and Samuel Groff, convicted of conspiracy to de-j fraud the government !n connection with postoffice contracts, filed a pe tition in the supreme court today for a writ of certararl on an adverse de cision by the court of appeals. Lawson Reaches Congress. Washington, Jan. 6. Senator Stone of Missouri, today Introduced a reso lution, asking for congressional Inves tigation of the charges made by Thomas W. Lawson, concerning the collection of campaign funds. The resolution takes up the charges against Judge Alton B. Parker and recites the details of Lawson's charges. No action .will be taken on the resolution today. , Tokio, Jan. ,. The diet, in special session today, adopted a resolution felicitating the emperor on the suc cess of the year's campaigning, which reached the climax In the fall of Port Arthur, and attributed the victories to the emperor's Illustrious virtues. It eulogizes General Nogt and the third army for their glorious achievements. IRS HOME FOR mportant Measure Will Be Championed by Senator Smith at Salem. OREGON DOES NOT HAVE SUCH AN INSTITUTION. Senator Smith Hopes for an Appro priation of Sinn Per Capita for Maintenance- of Ferble-ailndcd and Conversion of Deaf Mute School for a Home for Them, and a New Home for Ute Deaf and Dumb Will Also Urge a Third Agrlcnltnnil District. Schooner Drifting Helplessly San Francisco, Cal., Jan. S. News Is received here this morning that the schooner Lakme is drifting help lessly somewhere between -Humboldt Bay and San Francisco. The Lakme was towed out of the bay by the schooner North Fork, but the vessels parted In the storm and the North Fork was unable to recover the tow, u,hlnh hnfOfnA hmllv Wilier lolTKetl. A dispatch from Port Arthur states The tug jeft gu) Frallc,M.0 tu eurch for the Lakme. RECEIPTS FROM CUSTOM HOUSE i" ballot. I" ts, but this la appar has """-sanguine estimate. S? Cok. Klamath and "V" line up with Vaw hitherto accounted a SeT 0ther hana, rWelner. gave Kay posl- KjL mrntng that -he kw!' th Marlon county "usht do. aZu road" a!d to titoJ Kay s strength. UT h. now has at W1 babiy votes, but ) Mm,UHne hem. It Is l also received 1 e e e Killed. ,an- An ele. unknown. .u. was l ,. I r ' this morn. N Menl C.0l"lon O" M 0 'atea, at pit, irnW'ch "ta. '. t"ttrl' thrown MS-EMBER COLLECTIONS AT PORTLAND $4,18.7S. FxporM From That Port During That Mouth Amounted to $1,1S7,80 Tea Weasels Cleared From That Port for Foreign Destinations, and Three Entered From Foreign Ports Tims Were tiA Shipping Entries From All Localities Five Sources of Government He venue. Portland. Jan. 6 An official re port of transactions at the customs house for December, 101, Just Issued shews that exports shipped from this port for the month aoaounted to 187,890, while $4.168.7 was collect ed on Imoortatlons. Three vessels en tered from fonelgn porta said 10 clear ed. Thirty-eight vessels eniereu i.u... domestic Dorts against 86 clearance-. The statement in detail as follows: Vessels entered from foreign pon, S; vessels cleared for foreign ports, 10: vessels entered ' from domestic ports, (; vessels cleared for domes- tie ports, 86; entries ior " for duty. 101; entries for merchandise free of duty. 13; entries lor waru. 4: entries for expert to adjacent British provinces. ; entries from warehruse for consumption, 87; en tries from warehouse for transporta tion, l: entries from warehouse for exportation. : entries for immediate transportation without appraisement 88; total number of entries ot an kinds. 214; entries for consumption liquidated. Ill; entries for w"ehou" liquidated, : certificates of enroll ment granted. 1; licensing for coast ing trade granted. : licenses to ves sels under 0 tons granted, 1, to ai number of documents to vessels is sued. 8 J' value of exports, domestic. SI. 187,890. Receipts Frcui AU Sources. rww. on imoorts S4.1-7S Fines, penalties, forfeitures Miscellaneous customs re ceipts . labor, cartage fees Considering Hill BilL Washington, Jan. . The bouse last evening voted to take up the Hill currency measure, and Its considera tion was immediately begun in com mittee. Appointed to Resign. Washington, Jan. . The nomina tion of William D. Crum to be col lector of customs at Charleston, 8. C, was today reported favorably by the senate committee of commerce. It Is understood after the nomination is confirmed Crum will resign. Fortifications Bill Passed. Washington, Jan. S. The house passed the fortifications bill carrying nearly seven million, and at 1:46 ad journed until Monday. that only 80 Russian officers ac cepted their parole. All the regular Russian troops have marched out of Port Arthur and will leave for-Dalny today. Japanese troops entered the city yesterday to keep order. Non- combatants are allowed the option of remaining In Port Arthur. The navy Is removing mines and hulks from the harbor mouth. All forts have been taken over by the Japanese. Names of Vessels Ruined. Chefoo, Jan. . Word reached! here this morning that the Japanese sunk two Russian torpedo boats and three destroyers at Port Arthur. The vessels sunk were the torpedo boats Cutdamak and Fusatonlkl, and destroyers Jetlrny. Slslk and Boevol. The cruiser Bayan, lying on the south coast of the harbor was severely damaged. The gunboat Bohr waa en tirely burned, as a result of Jupanese shelling. Anarchy in the Interior. 8t Petersburg, Jan. ( The great est confusion reigns in the Interior of the empire. One chief of police has been killed and in several places the rioters set free prisoners. Later. The chief of police killed was at the head of the Warsaw de partment. Fires have been started In the mili tary prisons near Khrohoff, resulting in the escape of large numbers of City Hull Burned. Springfield, Mass., Jan.' S. Fire this afternoon destroyed the city hull, In which the pure food show is being held. It has spread to (lilmore's hotel, Ollmore'a theater and a large department store, threatening a big loss. LETTERS SENT TO L E The Umatilla county legislative del egation will leave tomorrow evening for Salem to attend the coming ses sion ot the state law-makers. Sena tors C. J. Smith and Walter M. 'Pierce and Representatives W. D. Chamber lain and W. O. Cole will make up the party. Representative William Blak Ivy left last night. Dr. Smith has several bills and bills for amendments to present laws that he will introduce at the coming session of the senate. One will be for the appropriation of about 81600 for the establishment ot the third agri cultural district, in order that Uma tilla county may have a fair association. Another Is Ihe remuneration and election of county health officers, and a third is the providing of a special tax for pcrniuuent road Improvement. As chairman of the committee ap pointed at the lust session of the leg islature to Investigate the needs ot a school for defective youth, Dr. Hmlth will make a report. "I have found." mild Senator Smith, "that the state of Washington provides S17S per capita yearly for the maintenance of her defective youth. I shall rec ommend SUO per capita and provis ion for 100 persons fur the first year. At the present time there are about 40 defective youth at the hospital for the Insane, and owing to the congest ed condition there the superintendent Is desirous that they be placed by hemselves. "We ure in much need of an Insti tute for defective youth, and my re port will recommend that the pres. ent school for deaf mutes he used for them, and that another building be erected for the mutes. The deaf mutes should be located In or near a city, and I shall recommend that their school be In or near Salem. SPORTSMEN'S ASSOCIATION URGE NEW GAME LAWS. I or a Government Railroad. WHKhlntton. Jan. . Senator Tel i.. tnrinv introduced a bill tor the construction of a railway by the gov h Atlantic to the Pa dfic with branches to all principal prisoners during the great cenfueton. dill., " " . . .,.,., I.., ,k. tuinulftee Miles, rates to be adjusted so as 10 . i ner Each Member of the Legislature) Re siding; East of the Cascade Moun tains Addressed by a Friend on the Subject -Sporuunen Would Extend Grouse Season Two Weeks a Limit the Quail Season to But 15 Days Would Close Prairie Chicken SeuMun Entirely. pay 6 per cent interest on me investment. were aided by tne populace, which la a unit In opposition to tne war and apparently expected panics 16.S6 ANARCHY COLORADO LEGISLATURE Denver. Jan. S. Patrick Hlggins, democratic deputy county treasurer; W W. Dague, George K-em ana jnra M Campbell, democratic election of ficials In precinct 7. ward 6. were found guilty of contempt by the su preme court this morning for partici pating In and permitting fraud No vember 8. Dague, Kern and Camp bell were sentenced to two months in Jail and pay the costs. Hlggins was given four months and costs. Lieutenant Governor Haggot and Speaker Dickinson both attempted to preside over the Joint session of the legislature, which resulted In dtaord erlv proceedings. Both endeavored ,o 'wield the gavel at the same time. Haggott declared the session adjourn ed, and a majority of the senators left the hall. . Dickinson shouted the legislature was still In session, and ordered the sergeant-at-arms to stop the retreating senators, but the latter was powerless. Haggott led the deserters to the senate chamber, where they organis ed a "rump" Joint session and sent the sergeant-at-arms to the house cnanga our game laws, which la as wltn euDpoenas ror ine remaining fQu0ws: Deer season to open on senators, but they were denied admit- month later and close on month tance. later; grouse season to open IS days -rne feaDoay xorces in ine souk, ba one monin miw, w with the remaining senators, then cloMe prari chicken season entirely; proceeaea to aaopi resolutions ior ine i qUftj ta be open rrom ucwoer appointment oz a commmee 10 inve- Kvery member, of the legislature. residing east of the Cascade moun tains, waa sent a personal letter to day, signed by seme friend, and re questing support ot the proposed amendments ef the game laws, offer, ed by the Pendleton Sportsmen's as sociation, The letters were written by the Sportsmen's association and signed by friends and acquaintances of the members, and recited the provisions of the amendments These amend' menta will be Introduced and sup ported by the Umatilla county delega tion. In both houses. The letter formulated by the asso ciation Is as follows: ' Pendleton, Jan. 6, 'OS, Mr nanr Mir: We are asking for a tlgate the Monday. Denver frauds, to report WILL AT ONCE RESUME PROSECUTING Storage, Official 807.60 i 8.66 88.40 Total Amount of refunds drawbacks paid . . S4S.6S9.13 and ...,S 1.660.00 Portland. Jan. tFrosecutlng At torney Heney returned this morning from San Francisco to resume the prosecution of the tend fraud, and plunged at once Into the evidence to he submitted when the grand Jury "! Tuesday. He Is Joined by VT - t rhlcstro. who will Oliver . ms'"- - assist him In the prosecution by prep aration ot Indictments. The first case to be considered by the Jury will be that of Frederick A. Krlbs, a timber speculator agent for millionaire lumber kings of the east. Following this will com Investigation of th frauds In which Congressman WIH"Tn"n making but 16 days oi quail snout ing, ths limit to be six birds in one rfAv. or not mors than II In ons weea. To prohibit ths sale of gam at all times. ir this conforms to your opinion, would like to have you assist ins Umatilla county delegation. Please see Senators W. M. Pierce and Dr. C. J. Smith on your arrival at Salem next week, and support the measure vigorously. This applies to Eastern Oregon only, and the Willamette valley peo ple shrould not object. Tours very truly. SENATORIAL COMPLICATIONS. New Pluses to Strug- Callfnmlan's lie. Sacramento, Jan. S. Th senatorial fight la given a new phase by ths dec laration of George Knight thut Sen ator Bard Is the second choice of his supporters and that Southern Califor nia must agree on Hard, or the sen- atorship will come from the north. The declaration has resulted In Knight gaining strength, there being no evidence of Southern t'allloinla agreeing on a candidate, A conference of leaders at Ban Francisco Saturday la expected to clarify the situation. To Make Pool Helling Felony. Sacramento. Jan. A bill making th selling of pools on horse races a felony will soon be Introduced In th legislature. Possibly another measure will be Introduced restricting racing to SO days In any eounty In th state. Frank Flint's strength In th sena torial fight Is growing. Speaker Prss- olt and Senator Muntr snd Rep resentative Heardslee having an nounced their Intention of voting for him. i Chinaman Hung. Folsom, Cal., Jan. . Sing Yow was hanged In Folsom prison at 10:10 this morning. H was gam to th end. No unusual Incidents marked the execution. Sing Tow, with othr highbinders, murdered Jeong Him, at Walnut drove, Sacramento county, October II, 190S. Cardinal Benedict Marry 1-anlgl- neaux, archbishop of Rheims, Is dead at th age of SO years. e Perils of the Deep. Peace also has her defeats us bad New York. Jan. . Th Hamburg-American liner Prinx Adelbert, which ran aground In the lower bay early yester- day morning, was floated safe- ly at S o'clock. She brought. six shipwrecked seamen of the schooner Archer, which was abandoned in mldocean Christ- mas day. Mi'.-:': iv h1 1 I (1 ill f I tl I 1 I I , c f . -1 - 'I . 't . tr ie ' a! f