HfGHT PAGES. i AMONG THE OF THE INLAND EMPIRE The SunipMT Smelter. 'The Sumpter smelter - has 'done more for the development of the up per com pa and the mining Interests of gantern Oregon generally than any other one thing in recent years," said Tom C. Gray, manager of the Valley (jueeii mine in the Cable Cove district, who came .down last night to attend the opera. ' 'The smelter is doing a great work for all of us and Manager Fred D. jailer l the right man in the right place. Hundreds of tons of ore. which could not otherwise be handled and would bring nothing to the own. . nf the nrooertv are now helnn smelted with good results. 8umpter Itself lively on aixoum 01 mis pay foil, and It Is hoped that we mill have ether similar payrolls oerore long." Baker City Herald. To Bridge the Clearwater. The matter of the construction of a bridge across the Clearwater rjver was the burden of the discussion at last night a meeting of the Commer cial Club, and several plana were pro posed by which the structure may be secured. It developed at the meeting that a careful survey of the river had been made and that a Howe truss steel bridie can be constructed for about 1(6.000, and It waa also stated upon authority that the Lewi-ton Clarkston company expected to develop their property on the north side of - the river as soon as the bridge was con structed. Lewlston Tribune. New Sanitarium Company. Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday with County Clerk A. B. Combs organizing the Hot Springs Co. The document seta forth the pur poses of the company to maintain and operate a sanitarium riear Haines. The head office of the company is located in Buker City: Its capital stock is placed at $90,000. and the in corporators are E. D. Severance, C. O. Muy. W. J. May. Baker City Democrat Enlarging MaclUne Shops. The Clearwater machine 'shops are being materially enlarged and new machinery Is being Installed to facili tate the handling of heavy machinery. Much improvement is being made in the plant, which will be one of the most complete In the Inland Empire when the work now under way is completed. Lewlston Tribune. Huniptir Froze Up. Christmas the sun shown brightly and the atmosphere was as balmy as that or a day In spring. There was scarcely a man on the street wearing an overcoat. The mercury, began to COAL Rock Springs In any quantity desired.. Let us supply you with wood.. Best' solid wood furnlHlied) at right prices. Prompt delivery . Large and small orders solicited. Office at IVnclhton Cold Storage Co. -1 Henry Kopittke (Dutch Henry.) ' 'Phone .Main 1781. ; H. M. SLOAN BLACKSMITH Horseshoeing, general repair ing, wagon making and repair Of. The way I bar built up ? business la by doing Both wt but gooj. work. Pries rea sonable. 'Cor. Cottonwood r" i h Jost Awhredi hew lot of pianos and small ""Ulcal uwtrumentj for tht HOLIDAY TRADE The famous WNWAT AND EMERSON I Z- New ttyl... ar. ready ! aVT elo0oQ- Latent styles ' 4 design. In lao curtaina, ! Poruere, and ruga. Agent for lmP"ved Whit, sewing ma- ' Jesse Failing : Store Near Bridge. i SCHEDULE OF PENDLETON-UKIAH SUgeLine ?ilTeiM a""" . "letoe and TM. 8ndf.J 8'W leave. Pea- Retnn 7's at TJklah at d . rtndletoa ip.n. t.,1 T8 ""J WP. $5. t?""t to IV6' roand trip, 5. EHini "'"W. 2; ronsd trip. $8 80. lUo w ' Bock, ij round trip, ' Brirt McCeW Drug Rtora BADLY EXCHANGES j the part oAheweXr"1 ewto the DaHy Miner. ' "'tV-Sump.er Grand tUmto Ap((8 n A careful ash-,-.. peTbo" tLJ Very mil. m I . ans .". very little stock Is or haa k - moved, not to exceed ! car. 0f,. season", packing has been ,hlDB,d owing ,o the fact tha, the and buvAr r. i . CI noi agree on Diices. La Grande Observer. New Cold Storage Plant. A. A. OlINt n U. r Co.. VemerdayrdrrobsTrvrr rTTive that Jurt " z z : Z ""uing or another large cold storage nlnnt m . 8 win not be large enough for La Grande, which naturallv win .I . ca "") oe me milt center of the banner fruit ccnty . . , umnae Ubaerver. Snow Covered RoatK Snow covered Mas -,-. . its Lite votcue In and through all the upper camps, and more hnuiin- i. x-i . n ... wcll,8 aone now over them than In the hlatory of that ... curasT a four-horse team from the Imperial mine broKtrht VLi . , T."" f """Urates. Last winter this road from Cablevllle was practically closed to travel be cause of the Infrequency of Its use v.ny jieraia. Redlighter Scorched. While standlna- near n .. i i iitrr room last night the rinihir, - Morgan, a denizen of the red light district, became Ignited. When she discovered that her garments were afire she ran screaming to the street. Passerstiy were attracted to the scene by her shrieks, and she was seized by them and rolled in deep snow un til the flames were extinguished. She was burnt about the arms and neck, but not seriously. Wallace Tribune. Fire at Wasco. Will Cross, who came down from Wasco toduy. tells of a big fire which occurred last night. Jones & McPher son's store and two adjoining build ings were burned, entailing a loss of about $35.000. The Dalles Chronicle. HENRI y; STANLEY MEMOIUAL IX IX)MK)X IS EKF.CTKII OVKlt HIS GltAVE. A Monolith "Faxliioiied by the Ages, Tempered and Colored by lime, and I nloiiclietl by Man" Knor nious HIiK-li of Ktone Has Itax'ii Laid Over lilx Ijist Itestlng Place, In llrbrlght Olmrcliyiinl lis Inscrlp linn In Simple. London. Dec. 30. In Plrbrlght churchyard a memorial of a remark able kind has just been placed over the 'grave of the late Sir Henry M. Stanley, the African explorer, whose widow was desirous of securing for the purpose some great monolith, "fashioned by the ages, tempered and colored by time, and untouched by man." Search was made, especially In the neighborhood of Dartmoor, and eventually a large granite mono lith was discovered that appeared to be suitable. It was in a recumbent position, forming part of a fence on the roadside, and three of Its faces were known to have been exposed for many years. This stone, which is 12 feet long. 4 feet wide, 2 feet ( inches thick, and weighs six tons, was conveyed from Devonshire to Plrbrlght with much difficulty, and It now stands with the simple inscription, "Henry Morton Stanley," also the name by which he was known on the Dark Continent, "Bula Matari" (the Rock Breaker), the word "Africa," and above all a crosa. Fight WU1 Be Bitter. Those who will persist in closing their ear against the continual rec ommendation of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, will have a Jong and bitter fight with the! rtrou- bles. If not ended earlier by ratal termination. Head what T. R. Beall of Beall, Miss., haa to say: "Last fall my wife had every symptom of con sumption. She took Dr. King". New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her. Guaranteed by Tall man & Co.. drug gists. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial bot tle free. Ths Boy" and Girl Aid Society of Portland can furnl.h a limitea num ber of boy and girl for adoption, for light work, for chore, while attend ing school and for people wishing to bring them up a their own. Address W. T. Cardner, Portland. Or. ir-- -n r " said Dr. Quack af ter hi. quarrel with the undertaker. 'I'll make you sorry for mis. Vh.i are too going to doT' asked the undertaker; "retire from th practice V Tt OREGOWA f!LDLsrroNi BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS AND TOADES PHTSICIANS. telephoa?"''' P-one sol; r. -A ,'-N AND SC.. ""'oi DowmiD . l to s "V?"' l? .! .: tin J , poe: ornc mala tail; residence main 1SS1. HRJ,AR,'I8VD' M- D- HOMEOPATHIC. t id i Tv,K""i?S: " Judd DR. D. J. M'FAUL, JUDD BLOCK. TELBV phoas mils S31 ; nsldenct Uck 181. nT: HS!vr.ER80N. PHYSICIAN and sarseoa. Office la Savings Bank 1411; residence red 122S. DR. LINN K. BLAKE8LBB, CHRONIC and nerrons diseases and diseases of women. JodJ building, comer Mala and 1 ftnrt iti ta o ' , iv . 7. " " pauo- main izi; residence, red 115S. X Rsy Tnerspentka, Ult LENA ALLEN BOONS. OSTEOPATH .'..c, i iiiLii,i-.iu suvei, serwesn c?"t and WstOT streets. 'Ptinne Slack "" asKases a specialty. MR8. 11. N. 8AWTELLE, COUNTY HAN CobMc ttreet, Pendleton, Ortcon. VETERINAI Y SURGEONS. VETERINARY 8D RO EON DR, D. C. McNtbh. Offlc tt Tallnun'i drug ttor. DR. T. J. LLOYD, ORADUATB OF THB l.eand KanlA. O.H. ..u Kiuap miauiati LVlltn VI. Grand Rapids, Mich. All aline ts of do- niMrlri tinlti-ailai sslsaMNull. - - BpaclftltT of dentifttry, ipeyinR, ud ca-itra- ut.uuiu ut hi Brora. DENTISTS. DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL SURGEON. Office, room 15 Judd building. 'Phone black 1261. E. A. ffAFOHAN, DENTI8T. OFFICE IN Jndd building. 'Phone red 1411. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA, Oregon. Capital, S50.000; surplus and profits, 12.500.00. Interest on time de posits. Deala In foreign and domestic ex change. Collections promptly attended ta Henry C. Adams, president; T. J. Kirk, vice-president : F. 8. IOrow, cashier ; L M. Kemp, assistant cashier. TIIR FARMERS' BANK OF WESTON, neston, Oregon. Does s general bank ing business. Exchange bought and sold. collections promptly attended to. R. Jame son, president : George W. Proebatel, vice- president ; J. K. Kllgore, cashier; oirectors O. A. nartman, M. M. Jones, T. J. Price, O. D. Graw. J. F. Kllgore. Robert Jame son, G. W. Proebstel. TUB PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK. Pendleton. Oregon, organised Marcn l. 1S80; capital, $100,000 ; surplus, $75,000; interest allowed on all time deposits. Ex change bought and sold on all principal points. Special attentloa glren to collec tions. W. J. Furnish, president; J. N. Teal, vice-president ; T. J. Morris, cashier; 3. W. Maloney, assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDI.E ton. Capital, surplus and undivided nraflti. $200,000. Transacts a gen eral banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. In terest paid on time deposits. Makee collections on reasonable terms. Levi An kney, president: W. F. Matlock, vice-president: O. M. Rice, cashier; George Hart man. Jr.. assistant cashier. ARCHITECTS ANT: BUILDERS. MOFPE tt DCNI.AP. rONTRACTOSg AND DUlluer. bPiiinaic ki.cu .. . ........ . Leave ordera at oflios ol Grays Harbor Lumber Company. C. E. TKOl'TMAN. All! HITKi T .iu Superlntenoent. room 12 juuu uivm. Pendleton. Oregon. T. F HOWARD. ARCHITECT AND Su perintendent Makea complete and re- t.m knIMInn In the eltT Or country. Room IT Judd building. F E VAN DI'SEN A CO.. CONTRACTORS ' . . . . 1 1 - h-iir atone and cement work: sddreas Box 455, Pendleton. . SHEER COLE. CONTRACTORS AND ouiioers. ---; notice. Jon von --- aeirlce. Shop on Bluff street, neat Main. D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND "MM?; er. Estimates furnished on all kinds . ... .1L-. alone walla. OT masonry, etc. Leave orders st East Oregon Ian of fice. , T. M KELLER. PLASTERING AND CB- mentlng. cement -.'.- -k- ' STuXr. ordTnl at Goodman elf.? ..ore. Mwaitraai. r. v. P. A. SWINGLE. ARCHITECT AVjOBV- . . . . Dl... mnA BtMirlflcatloaS f'.ml.bed for city and county work La Dow Block. BOARDING AND LODGING. THE ALTA HOUSE. OR THB WORKING Peonies Hotel, corner streets. Flrat-cUaa accommoasiioi-; -.onVble rate.; clean beds, neat rooms: feed jars id conn-.-i.vu. ' IToprletor. ATHENA HOTEL. LEADING HOTEL IN tne eny. t' - HllleO, proprwrwr. HELIX HOTEL-l'NDEB NEW MAN AO B ent. Good mesls and clesa beds. If to" eos( once yon will keep amlng. On"? "hit. help ploM - tentlon f.Tr w -V". and Mrs, j. r. r.-.. 1 f --- INSURANCE AND -AND BUSINESS menu for non-residents. Reference, any bank In Pendleton. O A. HARTMAN, O. A. UAniBtni "- ' rulTirrA COr NTT ABSTRACT CO ? iiaonabl. charge. Consult n wbea is :J7 an aostXt Cmatllla Anatrart "red " ";.., t.nk building. Co., pence in - TH BKNTLEY REPRESENTS THE ." -. i-ll.bla fire and sect- den, lu.oV.n-r'eon.P.nles. Offlc. with Hartman "-L'-'- ' n.iFr JR. U. 8. LAND COM ,0Hi.inl Boeclaity sde of Und fll togt ?Pf and colUctloos. Offleiln Jndd building, room U SECOND-HAND DEALERS. ygTROBLE, DEALER IN SMCOND- b?Il io K there to ,J i mrm and a-eond hd r-rnltur. gAVltew.r. sndkery STh-prtc- N 11 J Court str-. ORMQit, FRIDAY. DECEMBER SO, ATTORNEYS, B OfS RBBL ATTORNS" AT LAW. PeneIe70a,OTOrT,,,r h"'" HUKIAm "WW'U ATTORNEYS AT Office ta Despaln block. Cto'nlLW' ATTORNEYS AT WW. Offklti la Bae ns. D.b. a.. . . ... mi ausa ouiiainf;, WrrS. .C0LL'. LAWYERS-Or. ' -swjianoti oaiiainf. 8TiU,AN MRRCB. ATTORNEYS AT to m-u." samittea ' -, oimts patent of. SSI.",'," P-lltJ of patent law. biJ" l0 "d IS, AssocUUoa L'rilIiJ,i?ABiT0H' ATTOKNKYAT. m.uh.. pwm ts. reaaieion. Uf FRATERNAL ORDERS. B No" Et pKDLET01l tODOB. thn- L,.LraLV " ""t and fc . Beau, saeratary. PKN DL1TON LODGE NO. M. A. P. A A. M. .7. r. . , ua. nim.MonoaTa ol saeb month. All Tlaltlnt brelhreh are Invited - ?JTERT AVD FEED STABLES. tabla Hoi "ho.A7 .iAL,Smnl rigs at ressonsble prlcea Stock boarded nLhT."-"?'..'!: .R,n.".. aii. . 77 nignt seme. Btewart ft Lindsay, proprietors. CITY LIVERY STABLE, ALTA STREET, JSSS-- livery, feed r-.k ,T . rigs at ail times lab line la connection. 'Phone main 701. MISCTXLANEOUS. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, I YOU want Jo subscribe to magaslnea or news papers In the United 8tstes or Europe, I?mi,b!?,l 'h,x r to tht EAST OREOONIAN the Bet publishers p.,?eJ' ,h, Pnbllcatloa yon desire, snd ws will have It sent yon and assume all the risk ot the money being lost In the malls, it will ssvs yon both trouble snd risk. If "ft subscriber to the EAST ORE OONIAN In remitting yon can deduct 10 per cent from the publisher's price. Ad- dleton, Oregon. THE MEN'S RESORT. CLEANING AND pressing parlors. Ladles' snd men'a block, East Court street Telephone main WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE nae of these classified columns. If yon have something you have no nae for, offer to trade It for something thst some other body may have and have no use for, some thing that you may need In your business. Yon may bare an extra bone tbat von may wish to trade for a ,cow or a vehicle. Somebody may have tbe cow and vehicle and want the horse. 15c or 20c want ad will probably do the business. PENDLETON STEAM DYE WORKS 780 Cottonwood street. Cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Goods called for snd do llvered. 'Phone msln 1691. FOR SALE A HOTEL WILL EOUIPPKO AND In good ruining order. Good tra'le. will sell cheap. Apply to Chung Kes, Umatilla, Oregon. WALL PAPER SALE-DDKINO Tllg WINTgR months prices cut In two or hall prlceon lota ot 2C0 pounds or more. We pay the freight. All the latest patterns. Mention kind wanted. Spokane Paint 4 Oil Co , Spokane, Wash. j Good j I Dry Wood j ALL KINDS : J I have good, sound wood which Is delivered at reasonable a price i J FOR CASH. ,J j W. C. MINNIS : Leave Order at Nen man's i Cigar Store. a j The French I i Restaurant i Beat S3 Cent Meal hi the Oh. Private Dining Parlor. Elegant Fun-shed ' rtona- la GUS UFONTAINE, Prop. dSt Vala StreeC MEN ABO WOMEI. n Ms I" aatal SHrUfMjnll.amiUQM, Irrtuuooa oa slonraUoas if bxiii BatsilirsiMa. I rr.ncuc-u4m. rei.se, a-."---- is.tuuw!'i ra, . er seat la sbu smjL Scotfs Sa-tal-Pepslii Capsules A PUIITIVK CURK 9or I-fl-wm-H m Qtt ot tb iUadtW ud Die-4 Bldam. Vo mm o pr- OarM Mivkir ma4 hf mmiiy tb nt mw ol fct-rr-f twd 4s MlofsMivkWf MO.' Ins. AtMOtaulf ur-Di'M. .?U far irutirik Prto 1, twM,Lji. THE tAVTAtfCnil CO. Sold by F. W. Scfainldt V,AjsiiMsiii,ayl M .v 1MM.' TRANSPORTATION IXNKS. sJl0NPACIHC TWO TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Throat Psllmsa staadan) and Toortat Sleepers dally to O aha aad Chicago : tourist sleepar dally to Kanssa City; through Pullman tourist sleeping ear, (personally cosdnctad) wsskly to Ckt- eaio: reclining, chair car Basts trst) U u -sst oally. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDLE TON. AtTBOUND. Arris. Dapart. No. I, Chicago Special l:0. sv 1 :40 p. Na , Mall Sxprsss ia ta WaWTBOUND. . ArrlT. Depart. No. 1, Portland Spe cial l0l BL ta No. 5, Hall tad Bx pres 11 :00 . SL 11 B. SL BPOKANI DDTISION. ArrlT. Da part No. T, Pudletea Paa engsr Illaa No. S, Spokane Pas senger I:10.as. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. Arrive. Depart. ' No. 41, Ulxed trala, 1 :0 p. m. Na 42, MUsd train l:B0p.a. No. T conuacta with No. 1. Na 41 coon acts with No. I. OCEAN AND RIVER 8CUKDTJI.K rSOH PORTLAND. All tailing data subject ta chug, for Baa rrsaclsce arary Its day. SNAKE RIVER. Rlparla to Lewlston Leav Klparla dally, except Saturday. 4 KM a na. Iavs iav Lewistoa asllf. except rrtdav. 7:00 a H. C, SMITH, Agent, Pandletoa. Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City, 8t. Joseph, Omaha and ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Portland d Point on the Sound. TIME CARD. Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wed. nesnay ana rTiilay, 1:45 p. m. Tue lay, Thursday and Saturday, 11:45 a. m. Leave Pendleton T p. m. Leave Walla Walla dally, salt bound, 11 :00 p. m. Arrive Wall Walla dally, westbound, 10:45 an. For Information regarding rates sod accommodations, call on or address W. ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. B. B. CALDERREAD. O. P. A., - Walla Walla. Washington. RUNS PULLMAN BLEEPING CARS ELEGANT DINING CAR8 TOURIST SLEEPING CARS , 8T. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FAROO GRAND FORKS CROOK8TON WINNIPEG HELENA and TO BUTT- THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON And all points East aad South. TbrMsb tickets te Jans aad China, via Tscoaia and Northern Pscin SUamahlp Ca aad Americas Una. TIME SCHEDULE. . Train laara Paadlstoa dally aiesst na dir, at la p. a roe further Is format, tlsae cards, mans and tickets, rail a r writ W. Adas-, Feadletoa, Oragoa, or . v. i.nssunin. Third aad Morrlso Ita, Portlaad, Or. iMM DELIGHTFUL ROUTE ATLIOHT RIDES IZZT CRAGS EEP CANTONS A Golden Opportunity Be natur In all her glorious beauty, and then th acme of man's handiwork. Th first I found along th lln of th DENVER A RIO GRANDE RAILROAD, th Utter at th St. Louis World's Fair. Tour trip will be en of pleasure make th moat of It Tor la formation and Illustrated liter ature writ W. C. McBREDE; General - Agent, Portland, Oreg . r PAGE HOTELS. Hotel St. George Ttnrnnsan nlan. ICvar f hin m. Class. Aooommodatlona the baL AM modern convenleneea 81a. sn hal throughout. Room n ult wltk bath. Large, new sample rooma The Hotel 8L Oeorss la nrnnnunn.. mi of th most modara and modal hotel 01 Oregon. Telephone and tire alara connections to office In all roema Room 500 to 11.60. CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STaV Block and a Hall From Depot. HOTEL PENDLETON J. 1. KELLY, Proprietor. The Best Hotel In Pendleton ' and as good as any. mm Th Hotel Pendleton ha lust beam refitted and refurnished throughout. 'Phone and fir alarm connection with all rooma Bath in suite and alngle rooma Headquarter for Traveling Mem. Ooniinotllou Sample Rooma Rates $2 00 and $2.50 Special rate by week or month. Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dining Room Servloe, Bar and Billiard Room In Connec-oa Only Three Illork From Depot. THE Hotel Bickers (Formerly Golden Ruts.) COURT STREET. Remodeled and refurnished throush- out. Everything neat, elaaa and ap- to-data. Btsam heat and lotrl Ughta. Beat eulsin. Prompt aervtoa, H. E. BICKERS, Propriatnr. THE P0I1TLAK3 or rOKTLAMD, ORSOOM. Amsfteas plsa, IS per dsy sad upward. Bssdasartsrs for tourists ssd rssimsrrlal travslar. gpaclal rats mad ta famllta aad lgl gaetlsaea. Tb ssanmssd III be plaaaed at all times to shew roeaaa aad lv pries. A modara Tsrklsk batst ssuTlsksMt I the hotel. H. C HOWIBS, Managet, Insure in Reliable Companies, That pay their loss promptly. OtM companies stand at th bad of the 1IL Asset. Hartford Fir Inaurane Co- ll,lf I.ITfl Alliance Assurance Co. .. SI.eil.HS London A Lancashire Fir Inraranc Co. 1,144,111 North British 'A Mercantile co. iMi,m Royal Insurance Co. .... ll.HT.lll FRANK B.CLOPTON 111 EAST COURT STREET. GEORGE DAHTEAU. Irrrletor. i't3i: