EIGHT PAGES. ' . DAILY i-g T777rimr."T7rr7777-A - 'orecqxiax, PKN-DLgroN, orboqn. friday. December , 114. ' page rrf. ii t t t1ltiii4Aii. I r - -I L-L.' ! . . 1 ----- S f - t PERSONAL MENTION e TRY A PAIR SIL-KID $3.50 Shoes For Women Nelson, of Weston, Is In went to WW ee JUST THE KIND FOR THIS COLD, DAMP WEATHER. ' EQUAL, IN WEAR TO ANY $5.00 SHOE. Lee Teutsch's Dept. Store Corner Main and Alta Streets CITY BREVITIES Get sunny. C. C Rader. n. C Rader. Get sunny. New Knox hats, Roosevelt's. Big Una Stetson hats at Roosevelt's. IS.EO ladies' Gloria shoe at Roose velt's. Douglas and Hanan shoes at Roose velt's. Skates, skates, skates, 50c to (2.25. Nolfs. Fresh oysters, extra select tor ESo per can. F. s. younger at son. For Rent Good busines location. Enquire 114 East Webb street. Regular 36c oranges (or 20c per doren at F. S. Younger & Son's. Regular 60c oranges tor 40c per dozen at F. S. Younger & Son's. Smokers get satisfaction at How ard's, formerly Rees' cigar store. Call for premium tickets at Lee Teutsch's They are worth money. Try a pair of our Bunker Hill school shoes. A doll tree at Teutsch's. For Rent Storeroom. 72S Cotton wood street; Inquire of Chris Ranley. Japanese cook wants a job. Wages 136 per month. Address P. O.box 34. The St. George restuarant, open day and night. Mrs. Cooper, propri etress. Green peas and string beans for your New Year's dinner at F. S. Younper & Son's. Wanted Work by good cook and housekeeper. Call on or address 214 East Court Btreet. Dressed chickens, turkeys, fresh oysters und fresh shrimp nt F. S. Tounger & Son's. For Rent Good furnished room, two blocks from Main street. Call up 'phone Red 156J. To arrive by express tonight, let tuce, green peas and string beans. F. S. Younger & Son. Oranges, bananas, persimmons, pineapples, dates, figs, raisins, honey, etc.. at F. S. Younger & Son s. Ladies' and Misses' suits now be ing sold at cost and all alterations free at Teutsch's Department Store. ' Bunker Hill School shoes are bet ter than ever. We guarantee every pair. Lee Teutsch Department Store. Lost Silver horseshoe pin In neigh torhood of Madison street Finder return to this office and receive re ward. Be sure and Inspect our display of vegetables and fruits before buying your New Year's dinner. F. s. Young. er ec oua, The Musical Club met with lira J R. Dickson and the Current Litera ture Club met with Mrs. Q. A. Hart- man, sr., this afternoon. Give us your order for Erocertt frolts and vegetables for your New lears dinner and you wMl not be disappointed. F. S. Younger & Son. Bait Lake celery, sweet potatoes. cauliflower, lettuce, water cress cab bage, turnips, beets, carrots, cranber ries, etc., at F. S. Younger & Son's. Roslyn lump coal contains less slate, burns longer, holds fire better and is 11.50 per ton cheaper than any eoal In Pendleton market, 'phone main 21. Work on the street crossing at the intersection of Main and Alta la pro gressing rapidly. The work being r0Hm for several days. done by Commissioner Brown is of a permanent and substantial nature. Baker City has been enjoying fine sleighing for two weeks, but the Chi nook winds have also reached that locality and the weather has moder ated and melted away most of the snow. The Day and Night Express gives "quick, reliable service." . Covered wagon on street from 7 a. m. to 12 p. m. 'Phone Main -Sll, or leave or ders at Gritman's cigar store. Billy Leathers, Prop. Clark E. I-endleton. thW""1- of Portland. l at the St. George. tW' Howa,, "own from Mil ton on burinesj Mrs. Lee Teutsch Is 111 with an at tack of the grip. Uriels Olds, of Walla Walla, was a 1sttor last night Representative Blakeley Eastland this morning. j w . S. Driver, of Baker City, Is the -i ui me hi. George today. H. H. McRevnolds. Is In the city today on business. Mrs. C. B. Wade is In the dtv. th. or. ner sons, Guy and Ralph. . Conway, of riM.. suesi oi Motel St. George today. to!. R. c, Judson left last night for Portland after a day's visit In the city. reiry Queenan. the well irnn. is registered nt nm.i at T ' . . - .n tvenpera. the well known farmer of Helix, la In the city a guest i nuiei uicKers. Rev. John Warren left this ing for Heppner. after a visit In the cny. the guest of friends. Conductor Harrv C. rirariv ij, Grande, passed through this morning' nana vvaua on a brief visit. Charles Dement, of Walla Walla, was a Pendleton visitor last night to iieno. me Revelers' dancing party George A. Peebles, of the faculty of the Eastern Oregon State Normal School Weston, Is In Pendleton to- uay. T. M. Lowe left this morning for Starkey Prairie, where he will do some work on his homestead In that locality. F. J. Walsh, civil engineer In charge of O. R. & x. surveying crew at Te- Koa, wasn., is In the city on a brief business visit. Conductor Cameron of the Spokane branch of the O. R. & N, is taking a vacation and Conductor Atkinson is In his place. Mis. K. A. Strahon is ill at her hunie with a severe attack of the grip. She has been confined to her wM& Woe C1X)SKI TODAY. Kulc of Stilts to Iroquois Vaudeville a Failure. Chicago. Dec. 30. Managers Hyde und Behame. of tile vaudeville in the old Iroquois received a message this afternoon fitini th? owners In New York, ordering the house closed dur ing the memorial services. It Is as serted the advance sales for this after noon's performance did not total 100. mniiiiiiHiniiiiiii Happy New Year Don't be ott time during 1MB. X Let oa supply you with. aei watch. L. Hunziker $ miiiiiMiiinHM Since the holiday rush has passed, lie freight traffic on the O. R. tt N. has not been so heavy. Very few extra trains are now running." J. L Roe, the well known farmer A Freewater, son of Carl Roe, one of the proprietors of the Baker City w FOR. THIS. WEEK ONLY ee ee e e ee e e ee e e e e ee ee e e ee - ee ee ee ee ee se ee ee Eastern ham, (corn fed) per pound 15 Tootplrks, 3 package 10c Blue Ibel catsup, per bottle toe Bananas, per dosen SOc Great Western yeast, S packages lOo Our Optimo S6o coffee, per pound . . Sc Best cane granulated sugar, IB pounds 11.00 Fine ratine apple, per box too No. t Macaroni, per box dOo Imui soap, T bar - ISc Loose Muscatel raisins, 4 pounds 1 Mo K It Pays to Trade at j jj THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE jj eeeeseeeeeoeeejejetet LVMBER JN DEMAND. I dirge Contracts for Eastern Oregon Product; As was stated a few days ago, says the Baker City Democrat, the lumber manufacturing concerns of Baker City closed a contract with a large firm In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for something over two million feet of what is known ns "shop" lumber. Each of the plants in Baker City fur nished Its quota of the contract. Yes. terday the Shockley-McMurren Co. Herald, is a guest at Hotel Bickera finished shipping its share of 150,000 In reply lo Inquiries we have pleas ure in announcing that Ely's Liquid Cream Balm is like the solid prepara. tlon of that admirable remedy In that It cleanses and heals membranes af fected by nasal catarrh. There Is no drying or sneezing. The Liquid Cream Balm is adapted to use by pa tients who have trouble In Inhaling through the nose and prefer spray ing. The price, including spraying tube. Is 76 cents. Sold by druggists, or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 War ren street, New York. Elegant New 'Bus. J. J. Kelley. proprietor of the Hotel Pendleton, this morning received a nev 'bus from Portland. Tne venu-i is from the Studebaker repository. and Is one of the most modern makes of hotel 'buses. The wagon Is nana somely decorated and Is upholstered In leather. Steel tires will be used on the wheels of the vehicle until spring, when Mr. Kelley will use rub ber tires. Game Warden Appointed. t h mils has been appointed eune warden for Yakima county at a nominal salary of U Pr month and traveling expensesYaklma Repuo lie To Cure a Cold in One Day. .v. laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. AU druggists refund the money U it tails to cure. E. W. Grove s sig nature is on eacn pox. "Hit the Trail" is to be the slogan of the Pacific Northwest ta connec. tlon with the Lewis and Clark Cen tennial. W. A. Storie, bridge and building superintendent of the O. R. & X.. went to La Grande this morning on business connected with his busy de partment. Francis Jackson, or Portland, has been In the city for several days vis iting friends, and Philip is expected tonight to be the guest of his friend. Donald llobinson, for a few days during vacation. j John T. Whistler, government en gineer of reclamation work in Ore gon, returned this morning from On tario, where he has been on business connect?d with the government Irri gation project there. S. C. Mann, employed on the Spo kane Chronicle recently, and now po lice clerk of Spokane, passed through this morning en route to Spokane, from Salt Lake City, where he spent his holiday vacation. Frank Willis, the veteran brake- man on the Walla Walla branch of he O. R. : N., is taking a vacation Ui Portland for a few weeks and W. W. Mappin, of Walla Walla, is In his place on the mixed train. Homer Allen, formerly of the Cor allis Western Union Telegraph of fice, accompanied by his mother, left Monday for Pendleton In the hope that the change may oeneiu nis health. Corvallis Times. The new home of Engineer S. S. Butler, which Is being uuill oy v-on- ractor Simmons, is nearing comple tion. It will be a neat ana cosy resi dence. Mr. Butler expects to remove feet This shop lumber Is a high-grade product used In the East for the manufacture of sash and doorR. It Is worth here In linker City about 20 per 1000, and the freight charges from here to Milwaukee are almost another 112 a 1000. It Is understood that the mills of Baker City practically contracted their entire output of shop lumber for next season to this Milwaukee concern, or about 3.000,000 feet at a fair price. While the Sound lumber mills are partially closed down and coast shin gles are at a discount, Eastern Ore gon pine Is bringing a premium, und will probably continue to do BO for some lime to come. Bookkeeping Supplies LEDGERS, CASH BOOKS, JOURNALS, DAY HOOKS, MEM ORANDUM BOOKS, EVERYTHING REQUIRED IN BOOKKEEP ING. Diaries for 1905 Hujler b,-Lowney's, Gunther's, The Palm and Our Own Candies in packages frsm 10 cents up to $7.50 Fine line of bulk goods. A. C. K0EPPEN & BROTHERS, Popular Price Druggists. As It Is In Klickitat. The County Horticultral Society will meet at (ioldendale, Saturday, January 7, for the purpose of elect ing officers for the ensuing year. The Horticultural and Agricultural Fair Association will hold a meeting the same day. Goldendale Sentinel. The suspension of terminal work at Seattle by the railroads will result In the discharge of 1500 men January 1. his family to this city as soon as It Is completed. E. C. Getting, a locomotive fireman on the O. R. N.. at La uianae, passed through this morning to Wes ton, on a visit to his home where he will visit and recuperate irom a :- ous siege with typoio rever mi m. Vincents hospital in portiana v m Sanders, a well known rreamerv and Ice cream man of North Powder, is In the city loosing ov ine Ice market and prospecting for .,erv locat on. He IS prop" . ti.. aisma creamery m j--.... Powder, and may possibly locate here If he can sell his Interests mere. r w sidles, traveling represents; . . i i 1. It, . nor live of a roniano ..- -----houe passed through Sumpter this morning, accompamea x '"" " " Mr. Skiles Is on his way to Granite, here he goes to aajusi m, relating to a recent sale oi uquon. , u lireennurn not paid tor me Dally Miner. For the Ladies. To the girl attaining womanhood, the young woman, and those of maturer years, during the recurring times of depression and discomfort, when Na ture requires a little assistance, Beecham's Pills are a special boon. See special in structions. Bold Everywhere. In boxes 10c and tto. START THE NEW YEAR WI I'll A NEW SET OF BOOKS BOUGHT OF JS. RECT. STOCK UNEXCELLED AND PRICES COR-t FRAZIER'S Book and Stationery Store GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Mr stock MUST be reduced and Is now offered at less than regular prices. Lots ol articles are going at cost. It will pay anyone to come and see Jos Raster from now until January first, for he Is In It on low prices. JOE BASLER who had goods. Sumpter YOCR CASE AND OSTEOPATHY. You say, "I can see how Osteopa thy can cure some things, but I do not see how It can help roe." As usual you have never thought of a cause for your trouble. With slight displacement of ligaments, muscles and bones, especially of the spine and ribs, with the nerve ana blood supply dlslurnea inereoy, form of disease may result, depend ing on the naturs of the Interference. The Osteopath can remove this cause In one disease ss well as an other. The cure then depends upon nature's power to repair the damage. All curable diseases, acute and chronic, have been cured by Osteopa thy. The following Is a partial list In which marked success has been at talned: Tonsilltls, dyspepsia, constlpa. fion diarrhoea, dysentery, appendl citls, sscltes. gall stones, cystitis, en nroatate. "gravel," anaemia. goitre, dropsy, la r-lppe, croup, bron Want a Game Wsrden. n-.ii. Walla. Dec. to. Members of the State Game Association wll n ask the coming se.o.. ... -lature to amend the game and fish erles law. to create the office of state Kiirrm - Vr.m th filth fndVmYd'paXenT Te obJect 1. c,ltl.; irthmt, hay fever and game uej.. i.ri.. tvDhold and all fe- to keep the game p- ; , ,,',,, MfhUtwn commercial Mt , ..-.I ' ... .,. neuralgia, sciatica. demana a .pv.. - - .m. gt Vitus nervous pro...-.-. - , , dance, spinal curavture, lmpotency men. milkleg. female diseases and rheumatism (in worst forms); many forms of heart blindness, diabetes. Blights ' and consumption (except In far ad vanced cases.) Doctors Holslngton. graduates un der the founder. Dr. Still, will explain any point you wish. Call on them. Despala block. which and officers. 1471 Cars of Produce. There were 1471 car. of produce .Joed from Torpenlsh between May T :..a October 1 of this year. It is Jonthe N P., between Butte and point on the N r.. from th' ST- J P surveyed a line "GoldendaletoLyletwoyear. B. F. BECK Sanitary Plumber . 807 Cottonwood Street You Enjoy Bowling to Get the Benefit Bowling la an exercise tliat brings Into play all the muscle It develops the system and la recommended by physicians and tnatractors la athletics everywhere. Pool and billiard hall In connection. "Get, in the Game" Alleys, reserved for private parties If spoken for In advance. Brunswick Bowling Alley WADE SILER, Prop. ago. Ooldenoaie