EIGHT PAGES. PAn.T EAST ORBGOVT w --TffTr, , ORTCOIT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER M, 104. PAGE THREE.' f """ r . M ' . I 1 1 II i IT T T ' me .white Fair ...ANNUAL UNDERMUSL1NS SALE... irr gMqMam. , The rrctt display of Muslin Cdrve, Pendleton wo, K w have CWT w, ttctitr auction too Mtuncnt display or Peer, Under, J Amerk - - n t ndeAirw-ear mnde ta PER CENT REDUCTION ON EVERY GARMENT j per CENT , NO RESERVE EVERY GARMENT AT ABOVK DISCOUNT. P Cent Reduction on Corset Com-. IS Per Cent Redaction on W-nt iST. U Per Ceng ateduotkm oo tlLZZZn re,e"t li Pt Cent Seduction on Chomlse, US Pwow. Em Special Sale mm attire stock of laces I bg 0x largest I be seieoted line -at lsee and .t !5 per cent discount We are show- In the city. ... ALEIlArJGBEE. DEPT. STORE 1 THE WESS OF BEST VMjUBS. pn llllIIHIIIHH Kf4 1 1 1 1 4- . it jHoMayL n:::::::r.::::::::::::::::t:t:::t:::t elto vers S FOR LESS -'0 lr that carrt ,arse holiday line as we. expect to have It completely exhausted, and walk out tine assortment amfl Juw -prices resulted in the largest holiday trade in the history of the store m 0,8 demaad ran reU" evn'- . that we still have a good assortment to choose from. ' i There are aeverai very good reasons why we do not want to curry this stock over until next yearr. i aal have determined to sacrifice it now: J 1st. There is a decided advantage in having an entirely new stock each year. Sod. We never aell old goods at the rlce of new. ird. We don't want to invoice all the goods left over. 4th. We haven't room to store them all If we wanted to. &th. We prefar .to sell them at a sucrifice and have the use of the money. Accordingly every item that can be classed as holiday goods will be sold at cost. The Gift You Didn't Expect Ton AO doubt received -A gift from an unexDected source, or oerhnns overlooked some one who re. numbered you. This Bale affords you an opportunity of giving a return or New Year's sift, or of se- Jrisg some f these superb foods for your personal use at prices you cannot hope to match again. SALE WILL CLOSE JANUARY 1 . Tallman Co. Leading Druggists TTTTffffffffffffrAAAmAAffftflfltflriTf ...... Suitable Gifts for... NEW YEARS COLLECTION LARGE ' TARTtrrr GOOD ' PRICES LOW. . . .- " Winslow Bros. mm I- L. VAUGHN ELECTRiraasr attend .4 j ncnted properly. "Wel Supplies of ail kinds. "CE-IS. (Tribune Building.) IV EA" ORBOONIAX " t.i. I : 1 Bpeedy San, the Mesnger( read. g Dan with h' , 1 r Vei low Dog bit the d.rt. Oee, I wish ty six-shooter, and bang! bang! X" 'w ws I w AMUSEMENTS PROP. R. A. HERITAGE 8AY8 T.ASTES ARE DEPRAVED. W Vamleville Hown in Siiokane Arr Hlied Kvi-rx Nljtht. WlUle Lrc tnre and Higher (lass Entertain ments Go Booting Deplores the Tendency to Tolerate, the lAtfix Amiuraients to the Exclusion of the Intelleclual Northwest Town Are All More, or Lrsa "Sporty" In Their Tastes. "Any kind of vaudeville or light melodrama can get a full house In Washington and Oregon towns." said Prof. R. a. Heritage, who recently Save a high class musical perform ance at the M. E. church In this city, but a lecture on an Intellectual sub Ject. or a musical concert or a drama with a moral and a meaning to It, are but sparingly patronised. "In Spokane are four vaudeville houses running every night, filled to the very door. Th.M .w, . - the performances. Many of the pro- B.-m. una numoers are absolutely vulgar, and manv mnr. .v. suggestive and Immoral, and yet peo- pie or seemtngiv good sense and tastes are seen th.re, while the high class lectures, the better class of drama, the concert and all entertain ments purely intellectual and elevat ing, are patronised by but a few of the most advanced thinkers and edu cators. "I think the tendency is dangerous. I think the tastes that are thus de based are responsible for the extremes to which the Immnntl -..... nH-.. their programs of obscenity and sug- Kciuieness. "I have visited most every great country on earth, and I am frank to say that the tendency toward these low forms of entertainment Is stronger In the Northwest than In any place I ever visited. "It is not that there are no highly intelligent IwnnU In thl. . ........ 1 is not that the people are worse here vniin eisennere. out it is all due to the fact that people of the best char acter and highest Intelligence tolerate and permit such a tmiiwpv ihai..rf nr stamping It out by denying such per- lul room or piace in tne com munity. Very few good people In dorse these things, but they tolerate them, and thus place the stamp of ap proval upon them. "I hope to see a revival of the pure StSEe and the .Ifivntln. nlB.i.ln. ment on the Pacific, coast. The Intel ligence or the people Is of a stnndard that the very best can be keenly ap preciated. Lectures and high class drama and music should take the place of the cheap, meaningless shows that now occupy most of the stages, the entire winter through." This group, by Remington, shows four cowboys, mounted on western ponies, shooting off their pistols Into the air. The statue Is done In staff, but will receive a covering of branse before being placed In position. NEW STORY ON CANNON. Pnstiiuistrr (ieneral Turned a Trk-k on die Congununan. ' Here Is a good newspaper story told at the expense of "Uncle Joe" Cannon: Congressman Cannon was not alwsys so powerful In nrMnnn as he has been of late years. H. tells with glee of a visit he once paid to th. postofflce department, when blunt Frank Hatton was post master general. He took with him a constituent who wanted to be post master of his village. Cannon was bitterly opposed to him. but did not want to turn him down openly. When they reached the department. Cannon left the would-be postmaster outside the screen door and went In to see Hatton.' He told Hatton he Intended to bring the man In and ask for the place for him. but begged Hatton to refuse It. "Where's the man?" asked Hatton. "Just outside the door," Cannon re plied. "In thst cmk. " au(ri Ltuii.... raising his voice so he could be beard a vny uiihh, i want you to know I have lying enough to do here without lying for you. Bring him In." Can non brought him In and Hatton bland ly appointed him. FRATERNAL TEMPLE FOR FAIR. Club House for Secret Soclctira Will Be Erected at Ia-wIh ami Clark Centennial. Portland, Dec. 30. A hundsome Temple of Fraternity will be erected at the Lewis and Clark fair by the secret societies of the country. Ths building will serve as a meeting place and club house for the thous ands of members of the fraternal or ders that will visit the fnlr. The sum of tSK (inn win hA .1 ed in erecting the structure, and $!.- 1JU ot this has already been raised. Of the sum raised, flu, 000 has been pledged by the Associated Fraterni ties of America, other large contrib utors being the American Oulld. the Order of Washington, the Ladies of the Maccabees, the Grand Lodge An cient Order of United Workmen, and the Knights and Ladies of Honor. Anniversary of Iroquois Horror. Chicago, 111., Dec. 31). One year ago toduy the civilised world was ap palled by news of Chicago's great dls- ustei' the lrociuuis theater (ire. '1'lils afternoon the Immediate relatives of the 582 men, women and children who died In the Iroquois theater from fire and suffocation assembled in Wlllard hall and took part in exer cises commemorating the anniversary of the disaster. The exercises were 1'eld under the auspices of the Iro quois Memorial Association. Ad dresses were delivered by itabbl Hlrsch. HUhnp C. P. Anderson, und Dr. Jenkln Lloyd Jones. GUTICURA SOAP The World's Greatest SkinSoap. The World's Sweetest Toilet Soap. SalsGmlsrtMittslarlttPrcirt ot Oicr Slli Shr Sold Wherever Civilizstion Hts Penetrated. MUllM. of th world. brt peopit as Cutlcara 8oap, assisted by CuUoara Ointment, Um gnat skia ear, for pre serving, purifying and beantlfrlng toe skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scale, and dandruff, and Um stopping of falling hair, for softening, whiten lug and soothing red, rough ami lor. hands, for baby rashes. Itching, and coalings, for annoying Irritations, or too free or offensive persplratloa, for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sa Da nte, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, espe cially mother, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and inrasry CoUcnra Soap combine delicate molUent properties derived from Cutl curs, the treat akin cure, with the purest of cleansing Ingredients and th most refreshing of Dower odour. So other medicated soap aver compounded la to be compared with It for pres. nr. lug, purifying and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair and hands. Mo other foreign or domestic toilet soap, how.ver expensive, Is to be compared with It for all the purposes ot the toilet, bath and nursery. Thus It combines In on soap at one price th most effective skin and complexion soap, and th purest and woetest toilet, bath and nursery soap. SoM tkmukoat It. Ml. Crtnis taMalk. fl. fona U OfcMofcta OmM. PMIa. Ha. m U ol Sn, j H r . , U Im. U. h, . Ild M ntmm. houM Sa.i rvta, l lH dt jf Rii I SartM. iff CoimM PV. An. mNI I 'TUB C k.. Can, . Csn Stmt U BKKKDKItS' GAZETTE. Magnificent Christinas Number lust Issued. Most of the successes In agriculture are only partial. Farmers as a rule do not realise maximum returns for their work and time. They lose money tnrougn lack of technical In forma tlon. Technical knowledge, coupled with Industry and prudence, compels success. The Breeder's Gazette Is a 4 H to (0- page Illustrated livestock and farm Journal which brings every week to the farmer's home the latest and most usable Information along these basic lines. It tells him how, why and when. It teaches economy through improved methods and better live stock. It helps the farmer to solve all the problems which beset him In his work. Its regular perusal will enable him to convert losses Into profits.. With Its profusion ot beau tlful pictures of livestock and farm scenes, and Its columns of practical Information, H stimulates larger In terest In and love for the country, In dlcatlng Its pecuniary possibilities and emphasizing the wholesomeness and Independence of rural life. - The Christmas number of the Ga zette, just from the press, contains K4 pages, and is replete with lllustra tlons, many of them suitable for framing, and artistically Illustrated articles, which are thrilling, Instruct ive and enlivening, written by writers of national repute. 1 ! Handsome Souvenir Free To stenographers, bookkeepers, hank clerks, sending name and place of employment to us. Agents wanted. Merrill Type writer .Co., Spokane, Wash. STATUARY FOR THE PAIR. Works of Art Valued at 12,300,000 Secured for Lewis and Clark Cen tennial. Portland, Dec. 10. Statuary valued at 12,100,000 Is the magnllfcent gift of Nt. Louis to the Lewis and Clark centennial. This represents th. cream of the Louisiana Purchase Ex position statuary, and will add an ele ment of beauty to the exposition that nothing else could glv.. The statuary was selected a few days ago by Oscar Huber, director of works, who went to St. Louis for the purpose. Notable among th. sculp tors whose works ar. represented in the selection are Borglum, Vaudell, Frederic Remington, Weinman, Blt- ner. Lopes and Ruckstuhl. In select ing the statutes care was taken to se cure only such pieces as would har monize with the Western World's fair. The titles of some of the works se lected bear out this. They are: Group of Buffalo." "Resting Cow boy." "tep to Civilization," "Des tiny of the Red Man." "Sioux Chief," Cherokee Chler," "rour ftepiunes, Captalns Meriwether Lewis and William Clark," "Thomas Jefferson," 'Daniel Boone." "Pioneer Seeking Shelter." "Buffalo Dance." ' One of the cowboy groups will probably be placed at the main en trance, just In front of the Colonnade. East Boston Tunnel ()hiiI. Boston, Mass., Dec. 30. The new Kast Boston tunnel under Boston harbor, the opening of which was to have taken place the first of the week but was postponed, was opened to public travel today. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by Icx-sl spnllcstlons, ss they cannot rearh tlie diseased portion of the ear. Thers Is only one wsy to curs dstnras, snd that I, by ronntftntlonal reroixUpe. Deafo'ss Is caused by sn Inflamed condition of ths mucous llnlns of tli Kustsrhlau Tube. Wlien this tube Is Inflsmed you bsrs s rttmblinx sound or Imperfect hesrlns. and when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is the result, snd unless the luflsmmstlon csn be i.Keo ouc soq inis tune restored to Its norms! condition, besrtng will be destroy ed forever ; nine rases out of ten sr. csus ed by rstsrrh, whlrb Is nothing but sn In flamed condition of the mucous surfscea W will lire One Hundred Dolllrs for Shy esse of desfness (csu.ed by rstsrrh) thst csnnot be cured by Hall's CsUrrb Cure. Hnd for rlrrnlsrs free. r. 1. OHBNBY CO., Toledo, O. "old by druggists, 70c. Take lull's ram I ly 1MIH for constipation. I Cattlemen Hopeful. Crook county Is one 6f th. lurgest sources of the supply of beef for ths Northwest markets. For the past month or more It has been the opinion of Crook county cattlemen that th. bottom In prices, of beef had been reached, and th. promised early rise in prices. If It materializes, will bring thousands of dollars Into this county. Ashwood Prospector. HE Bl'V8 i CIIKAP ONE, when price Is the only thing a man knows about buggies. After h. haa had some experience, quslity comes first, and you always get that In th vehicles at Neagle's. Winona Wagons, Buggies and Harks, and the best mud.. W. sell tliom. Bone-dry timber, well painted and ironed, and warranted by us. Neagle Brothers THE BLACKSMITH We sell the Mover Gasoline Engine. Walters' riouring Mills Capacity, 1(0 barrels a day. Flour exchangeu lor ni. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, fr alM'ovw iAd COM 8ALK AT THK KANT OKKUONIiW orrlra Isrge bundles of nrwiMp.rs, roa- t.lnln mi, lOO hi . sd for 30 esnts a bundle. MMMMMHlMlttMWHtvHWHlfHW. Happy New Year Mak It happy for friends and relatives by presenting th.tn with som. from our tin. ' Chafing Dishes, Sllv.r Plated Tea Bets, Pocket Knives, Pistols, Rifles, Shotgun. The Celebrated GILLETT RAZOR, th safety that Is always ready for use. Requires no honing or stropping, Goodman-Thompson Co. HARDWARE, STOVES, PLUMBING BYERS' BEST FLOUR Is made front the choice wheat that grows. Good bread la assured when Brers' Best Fluor Is nsed,. Bran, short, strain rolled I barley always on band. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS I W. BYERS, Proprietor. There.' I