PATLT BAST OREGOXtAN. PESmXTOX, OREGON, TUESDAY. DECEMBER li, It04. page rms. t Cfe&kg lnl(aUlil Money Must Be Raised To Pav Bills........ IX ORDER TO MEET OUR OBL1G ATIONS WE AUK PoltfEH TO DISIOM: OF OUR CLOTHING T A GREAT S ACHIFK E. OUR RILLS HAVE TO UK 1AII AND WE ARK XJMI'l:i.l,i:i TX) RESORT TO STRENUOl S METHODS TO GET THE MONEY. Every Suit of Clothes, every Overcoat, every pair of Trousers IX Ol ll STORE IS CUT IX PRICE, ONE-HALF. YOU SAVE EXACTLY ONE-HALF THE PRICE IE YOU BUY NOW. OUR. LOSS IS YOUR GAIN WE MUST PROTECT OUR CREDIT AXH STAND THE SACRIFICE. This is a Gestae Half-Price Sale OUR OBJECT IS TO RAISE MONEY AND NO GOODS WILL BE CHARGED DURING THE SALE. YOC CAN BE YOUR OWN SALESMAN. THE GOODS ARE M ARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, AND YOU CAN TAKE THEM AT ONE-HALF. One-Half Price Means Exactly What We Advertise H2.VO0 SUITS AND OVERCOATS GO FOR $12.50 -ii.TM SUITS AND OVERCOATS GO FOR $11.25 S2U.IMI SUITS AND OVERCOATS GO FOR $10.00 KIK.OO SUITS AND OVERCOATS GO FOR $9.00 II 15.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS Go FOR $7.50 1112.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS GO FOR $6.00 KI0.O0 SUITS AND OVERCOATS GO FOR $5.00 Mt.uO SUITS AND OVERCOATS GO FOR $4.50 TROUSERS GO AT HALF PRICE $0.00 TROUSERS FOR -0 $5.00 TROUSERS FOR S.50 TROUSERS FOR -7S $2.00 TROUSERS FOR $1.50 TROUSERS FOR 75 SALE NOW ON. ONE DOLLAR IS EQUAL TO TWO DOLLARS AT THIS SALE SULUVAH & 18a. YeoBip (ElrthBiBre r - -------- --. ttmtt.tnttttttttttitttttiinmmHi GLEE CU'll COMING. Mt; at Oregon W ill Send m hvd (ihiiiiii) (if Musicians Tb lily IhwiiiIkt 20. University of Oregon Glee und ;in Club, will give au entertain- b Ink city fur Hie benefit of lh school societies, un Decem- tiub if composed of some nf $- talent In the Northwest, and highly recommended as an en- of rare qualities. It Is com- f 2b members, among them - X. Glen, the ieudine hari- t the coast and accorded the f of being the best musical dl- F toe Northwest. fm high-class artist with the year is 8. D. Kountree. an fmator, who is an ntirt nhn RKIhe first visit of the Vnlver- "imfon Glee Club to this cltv laninj under the auspices of the will receive a hearty " irom the citizens of Pendle p- George Eyre, principal of lttfln hi.h . t- nuoi, was lormeriy "a mber of the club, while Mnr nf tt.- .... . - -. nittve university, ana I B at . -. ,m ,,ne song ana per- ' Ml lmiuH....,i . . i i'o"imtions in tne- ap Ften at the urgent request - uirector of the club. rduh i. ,..!.,-. ... . . - - un.uig a tnumpnai P to tnt. , in i. k oeen ac- i "' nouses of any like P"n at every place It has "WAINS Ix MASOXRY t'ttml.di ii . . - "TBremi at cut Kate, wads in i.iiw.1 rM u ctlon against r- H. Young, editor and pub Khyun' Magazine and the P M-f 10 re:over 150,- pnntea in Ken. h jL.!' entltl,'a "Masonic K i-L"? 01"wlng advertlse- f w J B' Lawyer Cruger In .under the code chapter on municipal ities. The democratic primaries were held ome time ago and the municipal officers for the next two years numed. The reRults In all cases are a fore- Kone conclusion as no opposition tick ets have been named. Great lk'nuitiil for Hide. Mr. Frank Roux. representing the house of Kauffman, Davidson & Co.. of San Francisco, dealers in wool,, hides und furs, arrived ihis morning from Boise to call on their local agent, Louis Mendelson ana otner business men here, he returns to Boise tomorrow to superintend the shipment of a carload il hides to San Francisco. Mr. Roux Informed us that all the leading tanneries on the Pacific coast have orders from the Japanese gov ernment which will keep them run ning steadily until the last of next May to fill. Every steamer leaving San Francisco for the Orient carries from 800 to 2000 rolls of finished leather and hides and pelts are now- bringing higher prices than any time since lSHo. Mr. Roux has already contracted for the delivery from va rious parts of the country of about 20.0110 pelts and 8000 hides for ship ment by February first. Baker City Herald. I if W. & G. N. Wreck. The southbound Washington & Creat Northern train struck a boulder 1 1 miles the other side of Marcus. , Wash., yesterday morning and the engine and three freight cars were thrown off the track. The engine at- ! tempted to pitch down the bank, but the tender remained on the roadbed and held the engine. The engineer and fireman Jumped and the latter was scratched somewhat. The boul der was not a large one, and the trainmen do not understand how It got on the track. They say It could not have rolled to the place it was. The train was going about 15 miles an hour. Spokesman-Review. The upper Willamette river Is low er than at this time of the year for 12 years past. Holiday.... 1 I y r')r1U 5; af- fc- ' Cruger. 95 Nassau Ki M?2ir,.,tho ' thirty-third r-T7Lmn,elt ound no hi. wwTOn,erril at cur !rrl,!,h' gld brlck the iV1U!IWn 04 foisted uoon ' h Ton; """per." foowed hi. refusal to . I. w. , . . ; " Im "" lec. it fii. " 1,u"ilppl operating FXV:::S ...... Ol ll STORE IS NOW REPLETE WITH USEFUL NEW IDEAS FOR XMAS, AND WE ARE GIV ING YOU THE FINEST HOLIDAY CHOOSING YOU HK EVER HAD, IN THE WAY OF FURNITURE. SUCH A LOT OF PltETTY SM ALL PI EC ES THAT WILL M AKE MOST ACCEPTABLE GIFTS FOR MEN AND WOMEN ALIKE. OUR STOKE IS FULL OF HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS AND WE ARK ANXIOUS FOR YOU TO COME AND TAKE A IXHK.' IT WILL SAVE YOU WORRY, AND WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST WHAT YOU WANT. WE WlLI' LAY AWAY YOUR PURCHASE AND DELIVER IT WHEN AND WHERE YOU DESIRE. We MENTION HERE A NUMHICR OF SUGGESTIONS FOR O' f 00 Hlowa yGifts 00 Dlx-Thaf. th. dead .well-looking dam. to it Hlx-Sure thing. 1 to 'f lur rottnA Jus then h. turned. .::Li-i:si it WRITING DESKS DESK CHAIRS WRITING TABLES i HOOK CASES ROOK RACKS MAGAZINE RACKS LIBRARY TABLES CARD TABLES SEWING TABLES PAHIX)R TABLES TABOURETS INDIA STOOLS FOOT STOOLS JARDINIER STANDS MUSIC CABINETS PAKM)R CABINETS -URIO CABINETS CHINA CABINETS CHAFING DISH CABINETS CELLARETTE8 SMOKING TABLES SMOKING STANDS LIQUEUR STANDS JEWEL CABINETS GILT CABINETS GOLD FURNITURE STATUARY MORRIS CHAIRS MORRIS ROCKERS MISSION ARM CHAIRS MISSION ARM ROCKERS MISSION TABLES MISSION DESKS MISSION SETTEES MISSION BOOKCASES ROCKERS ARM CHAIRS LOUNGES DIVANS DAVENPORTS PAKUm CHAIRS PA It Mlt ROCKERS PAHIiOlt SETS DRESSERS CHIFFONIERE8 TOILET TABLES DRESSING CASES AUTO VALETS CIIEVAL GLASSES HALL MIRRORS PAHIXm MIRRORS SHAVING MIRRORS SHAVING CABINETS REED CHAIRS REED ROCKERS A FULL CAR OF HOLIDAY AND NEWEST DESIGNS IN OUR I. FURNITURE HAS BEEN RECEIVER AND ALL THE CHOICEST ,INE ARE READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. 1 Mot p Folsom FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS. MAIN STREET, NEAR POKTOFFICE. XX