East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 06, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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I Tonight and Wednesday fair.
. .. i-ut.
NO. 52'J.J.
was ;
I IPtflSt
Comrperce Com
Listening 1o Pro
bst Rates.
DBOwrr "Inso ranee
Hrth. of the
Lj Admits That llie
Freight Amounts
VftfCWt 01 me rreiliiii
Tour Men Convicted in Kiircmc Court
of Election Frauds.
Invr. Diec. 6. Four of the five
WMtsi Shlmer election official of Ward 5. charged I
111 Take tlie Issue to w(n contempt of court, were found
guilty and sentenced, in the supreme
j court today.
j Frank Kratkju, licence Inspector,
. . ! charged with aiding in frauds, sen-
j. l.-me ln ""'"!teCea to one year In Jail. Ray and
feoolalon today likened , QmM Jud(te aI)(1 tlerk wntenced to
six months, and a $500 fine; Kafsky,
Judge, to thret months, and a S250
Ltu of attorneys for the
hi sluns a reduction in
! per cent Increase In
Ltetover "Insurance ex-
Cxar's Minister of Commerce Cables '
fur Space at l-1s and ( lark Centennial.
' Portland. Dec. S. Russian pnrtiri
' patinn In the Lewis and Clark cen
tennial, at first despaired of on ac-
count of the war with Japan, is now
assured. Secretary Reed of the ex- !
position, has received a cablegram
from the czar's councillor of com
merce. Edward Orunwaldt. stating
that the Invitation sent by the exposi
tion has been accepted and Inquiring
as to the allotment of space.
The cablegram stating that the Rus
sian empire would make an official
exhibit came as something of a sur
prise, because Russia made no offi
cial participation in the World's fair
at St. Louis. Japan, arranged several
months ago for space and has planned
an elaborate exhlibt
DnncriiriT'p mrrpio
Second Paragraph Prepares the People's Minds for a Period
of Heavy Expenditures
C autions, Congress Against Extravaga ice Aims to Throw All the Respon
sibility of Labor Disturbances Po wible I'non the State Vrges an Em
ployer' Liability Law and the Better Protection of the Traveling
Public Admits That Trust Can Only Be Hctmlated by Federal Laws.
firth, of the uniform
at (OinmHiee OI me ran- '
Luw correctness of the ; Wolpli Weber Indicted by the Grand
itja avowed the average j Jury.
h mounted to only one Auburn. Cal.. Dec S. The grand
jury this afternoon brought in an In
dictment of murder against Adolph
Weber for killing his father. At to
the charge of killing his mother, on
which he 'Was held by Justice Smith,
Weber asked time to plead and was
given until next Wednesday at 1"
Washington, Dec. 6. Ten minutes
before noon the assistant secretary to
the president, Mr. Barenes, accompa
nied by Assistant Secretary Forster
and Executive Clerk Toung. left the
White House in carriages bearing two
handsomely printed parchment copies
of the president's message to read to
the senate and house. Copies for the
members of the two houses were
carted to the capltol Immediately
The Message.
I The president's message In full is
as follows:
ix charges.
kllrri of shippers' or
fafonned the commis-
nmld take the matter
fee hi the form of a pro-
aik for enlargement of
: the commission. Firth
le produce the minutes
! lading committee.
i Sot Sign the Notes for
Dec. t Andrew Carne
7 today gave out the fol-
both In the enactment and In the en
forcement of law the federal govern
ment within Its restricted sphere
should set an example to the state
governments, especially In a matter so
vital as this affecting labor.
t believe that under modern Indus
trial conditions it is often necessary.
and even where not necessary It Is yet
often wise, that there should be or
ganization of lnbor in order better to
secure the rights of the Individual
wage-worker. All encouragement
should be given to any such organiza
tion, so long as it is conducted with
To the Senate and House of Repre- j nd decent regard for the rights
(-1 ui iters.
one ntate pursues the policy of creat
ing on easy terms corporations which
are never operated within that state
at all, but In other states whose laws
they Ignore. The notional government
alone can deal adequately with thene
great corporations.
To try to deal with them In an In
temperate, destructive. ,or demaRoglc
spirit would. In all probability, mean
that nothing whatever would be ac
complished, and, with absolute cer
tainty that If anything were accom
plished It would be of a harmful na-
ture. The American people need tot
continue to show the very qualities
that they have shown that Is, mod-
! crutlon, good sense, the earnest desire
to avoid doing any damage, and yet !
the quiet determination to proceed,
step by step, without halt, and with
out hurry, in eliminating or at least
In minimising whatever of mischief
or of evil there Is to interstate com
merce In the conduct of great corpor
ations. They are acting In no spirit of hos
tility to wealth, either Individual or
corporate. They are not against the
rich man any more than against the
poor man. On the contrary, they are
friendly alike toward rich man and to
ward poor man, provided only that
each acta in a spirit of Justice and
decency toward his fellows. Great
corporations are necessarv. and only
men of great and singular mentnl
power can manage such corporations
successfully, and such men must have
Japanese Capture Two Quick
Firing Guns and Explode a
Russian Magazine.
ItHKxiuiiN Suiil to Have I Hi- 21)00 Men
In Kfrort to Kctnke That Fortrewi
A lienrml Assault on rort Arthur
In Kiecteil HuhmIiiii Defeat Uifl
IniMiiiew In an Engagement on the
Kluikhc Itlvrr, tlie tatter lowing
I.VMI Men ItiiHHlan Ships East-IhmiimI.
The nation" continues to enjoy note
worthy prosperity. Such prosperity
is of course primarily due to the high
Individual average of our citizenship,
taken together withour great natural
resources: but an Important factor
therein is the working of our long-
There are in this country some la
bor unions which have hnhituully, and
other labor unions which have often,
been among the most effective agents
In working for good citizenship and
for uplifting the condition of those
whose welfare should be closest to
people have emphatically expressed
their approval of the principles under-
lying these policies, and their desire
'that these principles be kept substun
Poie Has the Gout. itially unchanged, although of course
Rome, Dec. . At a session of the j appMrd in a progressive spirit to meet
consistory this afternoon, the pope changing conditions,
was seized with a recurrence of his -old
complaint, gout, and had to be Again Extravagance,
aided to his apartments. Dr. Lap- The enlargement of scope of the
continued governmental policies. The j our hearts.
Employers Liabilities lxv.
The wageworkers are peculiarly
entitled to the protection and the en
couragement of the law. From the
very nature of their occupation rail
road men, for Instance, are liable to
London. Dec. 6. Minister Huyashi
has received the following report:
"Toklo, Dec. 3. Our naval guns be
gun the bombardment of Russian
great rewards. Hut these corporations j ships In the harbor of Port Arthur,
should be managed with due regard i Several ships, especially the Pobleda
to the Interest of the public as a I and Hetlvixen, were hit repeatedly the
whole. Where this can be done under
the present laws it must be done.
Where these laws come short others
should be enacted to supplement
Yet we must never forget the de
termining factor in every kind of
work, of head or hand, must be. the
man's own good sense, courage, and
kindliness. More Important than any i
afternoon of December 6. The ene
my's powder magazine In Pehushnn
was shot by a shell and exploded,
causing a fire which lusted over two
"The same day our heavy guns
worked effectively on the Russian
ships, Including the Poltave, which
emitted' a great quantity of smoke.
Sclge operations at the approaches
ponl stated the pope's condition is fnnotlonB of the national government
not serious and a few hours rest will required by our development as a na-
-le nt me to sov that i restore him to perfect health. Hon Involves, of course, increase oi
not to be bothered any
tail Chadivlck woman,
wiry over this persistent
ume. and wishes it to
Once for all, he never
Oudwlck, or any other
and he never signed
per u reports credit him
, exjiense; and the period of prosperity
be maimed in doing the legitimate
work of their profession, unless the
railroad companies are required by
law to make ample provision for their
safety. The administration has been
xentous In euforclng the exlNtlng law
for this purpose. Thut law should be
MDk h Bilked.
Dec- "If anybody on
' t arrested. It is Mrs.
One Man Killed. I through which the country is passing government has power
Appleton. Wis.. Dec. 6.-A falling ! Jnrtlfle. expenditure, for lnt hm gnoul(1 , a 8trlget employ-
scaffold at the Bridges Hotel ims '- '---
morning, resulted in the death of be wise in hard times. Battleships
William Dobskl and probably the and forts, public buildings and Im
fatal Injury of Otto Myer. Three proved waterways are Investments,
other workmen vre seriously Injur-j which should be made when we have
the money: out aounaum reuuci
and a large surplus always Invite ex- .
Thirteen Tied In llace. iravagance. and constant rare snou.u
-i . .i . .iiakiI atrulnat nnnfipa.
New York. Dec. 6. Thirteen of the
.. I tU.. ni.,ilit-ll1' OVIIPI t tUR
.. . . i.i i Mna .wiry miifdw ui . -i ...
Pdent-BTck: , 'fZrZ rad. the' i h government. The cos, of doing
"Evidently she, !ng for were one lap behind them, j f'f " " "e
pionjerr. ueckwlth Is ; At 7 o'clock the score of the leaders.;""" "'- ' -..."
nnf on nervous col- .. cm All t"v riders appear 1o
wot condition ; be In good condition.
since the bank clos-
i He continued.
fine tixnatures genuine,
"er were, and so did
' sH he represented
came her. with hsr
f wset ere rood for nil
borrow up to their
Mmujht she was tell
1 lft too late now, too
tr . .
i "t;t notes.
Receiver Lyons
12 "- arrived from
i"L""l,hW accompanied
f He bears the
LTr ,;50 00l found in
U Is under
'w t them to Mr. Car
f Mentlficatlon.
1 '""Wdlng. In Colo
1 taao.
1" o emo.
h sJT- ortters In
found nnit
" "nWpatlng in
,a j - ' rac" nine
l,.T:,t 1500: rh..
"Pencer, three
cost of doing a private business.
Capital und ijilMir.
In the vast and complicated mech
anism of our modern civilized life the
dominant note Is the note of inuus
er's liability la, which should apply
to the government Itself where the
Boveniment Is an employer of labor.
I ii my messuge to the R7th congress,
at its second session, I urged. the pas
sage of an employer's liability law
for the District of Columbia. I now
renew thnt recommendation, and fur
ther recommend that the congress ap
point a commission to make a com
prehensive study of employer's liabil
ity with the view of extending the pro
visions of a great and constitutional
law to all employments within the
scope of federal power.
Railroad Accidents.
The ever-Increasing casualty list
matter of
lh. relations of CBII tal : upon our iiiiiitmun in a
...... ...i.'. .i .,..iiiv ,.f oieanlzed i Kiave public concern, and urgently
'j ..oni, i-hnr to each! calls for action by the congress,
other and to the public at large come j the matter of speed and comfort of
. . , ' i ,,. niv to the in- railway Havel our railroads give at
tlmate questions of-family life. Our j least as good service as those of any
peculiar form of government, with lis other nation, and there Is no reason
j.....,. ....hnritv between , why this service should not also be
tb .nation and the several states, has as safe as human ingenuity can make
uj i lie whole far more advun-
, , 0p development than a i Many of our leading roads have
more strongly centralized government been foremost In the adoption of the
n,n It la undoubtedly responsiwe lor most approver sareguarns mr me pro
! nk r the difficulty of meeting with tectlon of travellers and employees, yet
Result Expected to Be In tlie Ra,ure nllequllte legislation the new problems j the list of clearly avoidable accidents
or a tomprotniie tjpfwMwrnin , preented by the total cnange in in- iconiinnes mi.iuiy mw. n i"bv
Sunday Cloning- Call Attention to ,iustrial conditions on this continent; of a law requiring the adoption of a
the Fact That AU Kinds of Amuse- during the last half century. In actu- block-signal system has been proposed
r " " ...ui practice It has proved exceedingly to the congress. I earnestly concur
menu Will Be Wide 0,n on ld ln many cases impossi- J l that recomtneridutlon, and would
Ouudde Seven Ihiys In the Week b)e ((j ' unanmity of wise action 'also pslnt out to the congress the ur-
Ditrlng Ote Fair.
Portland. Dec . The Ministerial
Association of this city has passed a
resolution, asking that the gales of
.... ..... tKoU -,,li. ' ...... I iimiI tt leirlulfitlnn In the Interest
amongine various luum - i - -
Jects From the very nature of the j of the public safely limiting the hours
case this is especially true of the laws .if labor for railroad employees ln
affecting the employment of capital , train service upon railroads engaged
In huge -masses. I In Interstate commerce, and providing
.,.. . i.K. the nroblem that only trained and experienced
the Lewis and Clark fair be closed "!, le,s m,,oru.nt. but It Is simpler, persons be employed In positions of
ounaay, ana inviung me imr . aR ,ne ,tales retain tne pn- "!-"'"' - -
mission to take decisive action. . ary conlI11 f the police power the i nation or trains.
i resolution Is as follows: "Resolved
.That the Ministerial Association of
respectively I the cl,y ot Portland, request the com
I mlirinnAr. of hm wts snd Clark fair
l Esie to close, and keep closed, the gates
r"' t I. The 1 of the "Position on the Lord's day."
."""PrtaUon, j"11 The fair commissioners hare not
LH?' M submlttl . UUtPn action, but have announced
iV toe trearer, netofore. that all working parts, the
r mnd - .7,.,. j machinery, and otlier exhibits that re-
. !.- ..i . ' - . I
wii. ji.iie iuer ui itormiivii, wv,w
I oe in operation on tsunaay, oui mi
all the pavilions would be open, so the
poor people, denied the privilege of
visiting the exposition during the
week, might see It ln part on Sunday.
In addition to this, a series of re
ligious congresses, have been planned,
in which all Portland ministers would
I take part. These religious features
' the yea'r
actually ap-
tilt ' atswoBld offer ample opportunity for
orsnip, ior mose so uipwu 1
the open gates would permit the
worklngmen and their families to
view the fair on Sunday, their only
It Is not thought the commissioners
will view the request favorably. The
commission argues that all the dens
of vie ln the city will be open on
Sunday as on other days, and If the
fair Is open. It will naturally attract
People who might apend the day In
rambling dent and beer gardens.
""The apDei.
an "e case t,t
Z ner Z, ' n'w
- BOlkKll... w
11 ed
. . .. . .... h uliovether ex- or course Homing can ever prevent
Ze whlrt require Interference by j accident. caud by hman weakness
.... uwihrltles. whether In the or misconduct; ana tner. snouia oe
Anm .he rights of la- drastic punishment for any railroad
tor or in the way of seeing that wrong employe, whether officer er man. -ho
!. not done by nruly person, who by Issuance of wrong orr. or by dls-
shleid themselves behind the. name "wlrTmTint;
,abor" - , . - Btate railroads to make monthly i
li mere i '" i .Jl ' , r ports of all accidents to passengers
courts, tnieriereme - .in ... employes on duty, should also be
i.,iA lata commerce, or moiesuiiiu" w j . . . ..
amended so as 10 empower ine gov'
ernment to make a personal In vest I
gallon, through proper officers, of all
awidents Invoking loss of life which
seem to require investigation, with
requirement that the result, of such
Investigation be made public,
When we come to deal with great
corporations the need for the govern
ment to act directly Is far greater than
In the case of labor, because great
corporations can become such only
by engaging in Interstate commerce,
and Interstate commerce is peculiarly
the field of the general government.
It Is an absurdity to expect to elimin
ate tbe abuses in great corporations
by state action.
It la difficult to be patient with an
argument that such matter, should
be left to the state, because more than
interstate commerce, or molestatl
federal proi erty. or If the state auth
orities In some crisis which they are
unable to face call for help, then the
federal government may Interfere; but
though such Interference may be
caused by a condition of things arising
out of trouble connected with some
question of labor, the Interference
itself simply takes the form of restor
ing order without regard to the ques
tions which have caused the breach
of order for to keep order is a pri
mary duty and In a time of disorder
and violence all other questions sink
into abeyance until order has been re
stored. . In the District of Columbia and in
the territories the federal law covers
the entire field of government: but
the labor question Is only acute In
populous centers of commerce, manu
factures, or mining. Nevertheless.
legislation Is the gradual growth of a I to tlie Anteishan forts are continuing.
feeling of responsibility and forbear- "wing Kept up tiy nignt.
ance nmong capitalists and wage- "December 4 we captured two
workers alike: a feeling of respect on quicK-rii'liiR guns In caponier Hrlung
the part of each man for the rights of j and the following day the bom-
others; a feeling of broad community
Interest, not merely of capitalists
among themselves, and of wage-workers
aiong themselves, but of capital
ists and wage-workers In their rela
tions to each other.
l-rost Reserve.
it is the cardinal principal of tlie
forest reserve policy of this adminis
tration that the reserves are for UHe.
Whatever Interferes with the use of
their resources Is to be avoided by
every possible means. But these re
sources must be used in such a way as
lo make them permanent.
The forest policy of the govern
ment is Just now a subject of vivid
public Interest throughout the West,
and to the people of the Pulted Htales
In general. The forest reserves them
selves are of extreme value to the
present as well as to the future wel
fare of all the Western public land
stales. They powerfully affect the
use and disposal of the public lands.
liardinent of tlie ships was continued.'
laps Increasing Defense.
Toklo. Dec. 6. It is estimated the
Russians lost 2n00 men In the unsuc
cessful efforts to recapture 203 Meter
Hill, The Japanese are Increasing
their defense of the position. The
works against forts on Hungshu moun
tain are progressing rupldly and a
general assault will probably take
place nt an early dale.
(Continued on page 8.)
(nil for Itc-rnlistmcntH.
Toklo, Dec. 8. An Imperial oi'dl
nnnce was issued today calling for of
fers from officers and men whose time
has expired to rejoin the colors. It
Is expected Ihe order will meet with
hearty response.
The number of officers killed In
Ihe recent engagements Is so far about
the average. The commanders have
been compelled In many cases to re
place them with noil-commissioned
Taken In Custody by Slierirf Hhutt and
Will He Returned lo Pendleton This
Afternoon and He Immediately Ar
raigned Before llin Circuit Court
Has Mud Ills Liberty Under
Bond Given After Being Brought
From Kouth Dakota.
Although he was grunted his liberty
upon a bond of $1,000, Issued out of
the local Justice court, Oeorge Ditty,
alleged horse thief, has been rear
rested upon the same charge as the
one upon which he was previously
examined and must appear at once
before the state circuit Judge. Hher
Iff Hhutt of Morrow county, arrested
Ditty last night at Heppner, and will
bring him to Heppner Junction this
afternoon, where Sheriff T, D. Tay
lor will meet him with a bench war
The second arrest of Ditty Is on the
original information filed against him
In the state circuit court. His ap
pearance before the court Is for the
purpose of arraignment.
Ditty is accused In the Information
of the larceny of a gelding, and the
crime is alleged to have taken place
last May. Ditty escaped to South Da
kota, where he was finally located a
few week, ago and placed under ar
rest. Sheriff Taylor brought the
Iiihhiio Noldlers. ,
St. Petersburg, Deo. . During
November 104 soldiers driven mad by
privations and the horrors of war, ar
rived at Moscow It) a pitiable condi
tion and are now Inmates of national
asylums for the Insane.
Russian KlilM fining Eastward.
Tangier, Dec. 6. The Russian
cruisers Olge and Ixumrur sailed to
day, going euslward, while the Rus
sian cruiser Rlon and two torpedo
hunts arrived here today,
.luimiifMC Are Defeated.
London, Dec. . A Hauler's dis
pnlrh has a St. Petersburg report of
Hussian success on the Khukhe river.
The Japanese casualties are said to
number 1500.
Sanguine ItcfMirtH Received.
Ht. Petersburg, Dec, 6. Ths czar
has received sanguine report, from
Hakhiiroff. No engagement occurred
Sunday. This flatly contradicts unof
ficial report, to the effect that Gen
eral Rennenkampff gained a signal
victory over a Jnpanese force which
wua sent to turn the Russian flank.
Sakharoff add. that the condition and
spirit, of the soldiers are splendid.
The earth huts afford a comfortable
shelter and clothing and food are
Holy RolkT Patient. Cured.
Corvallls. Dee. . Afler nearly twe
years sf Insanity, the Hurt family,
consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hurt. Mrs. Maud Creffleld-Hurt, and
Mrs. O. V. Hurt, are at home from
Ihe asylum, apparently cured of the
Holy Roller craze and attending to
business, as before they became de
ranged by Ihe strange fanaticism Of
Wouldn't Hang a Woman.
New York, Deo. . In the trial of
Nan Patterson today, several tales-
prisoner back to Pendleton, where he i , ., ,' , .hoi- ....
was given a preliminary examination ( w.pnou. ,,,, agalnllt eonvlotlng
before justice or me reace i nomas
Fits Gerald, owing to the absence of
State Circuit Judge W. R. Ellis.
Lou-gee Camp of Woodmen.
Portland Camp of Woodmen of the
World is striving to reach the 1000
mark by February 21, the close of a
membership campaign now In pro
gress. This will make Portland camp
the largest on the Pacific coast.
woman for murder In the first de
gree. The 20th talesman, John P.
Auger, a baker, was accepted as the
fourth Juror. (
' ItltMMllese Duel.
Paris. Dec. S. Deputy Jares. the
socialist leader, and Paul Deroulde
fought a duel at Henday'e Francis
thi. morning. Two shot, were ex
changed. Neither was touched.
an ; ,.
!: ft"
: U