t I H tmprniTlflM i DAILY EVENING EDITION WEATHER FORECAST. Tonight and Friday threatening with probably light rnln or iinow. PEXDUTTOX, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, li04. ,.che. nearly all , ?cCmerfc you have I Si in County Clerk of Urn the Story of His Cawi- ,as his Essnwvroii. , g, Proteard, But Arqul , kmc Esar Oonwslon llMiMtM Pan Tarploy Son- Ullkn Wit i" -r-m, ... fTthe Benefit of Ills Tostlmo- Uh Be Has Been Kubpoe- Lae Haa en T,"1 KALE OF NEW STAMPS ENDS. Began and Cloned With the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Washington, D. C, Dec. 1. The postofflce department has ordered that the sale of the special issue of Louisiana Purchase expositions stamps shall be discontinued throughout the country today. In accordance with the original plan. Beginning with the Chicago World's tfalr In 1893 the government has Issaed four sets of these - commemorative stamps In compliance with the re quests of the managers of the exposi tions held at Omaha, Buffalo and St. Louis. It Is probable, however, that the custom has now come to an end. The elaborate designs of the special Issues necessitates a stamp of twice the ordinary size and this has given rise to a general complaint from busi ness men throughout the country who find that the large stamps entail con siderable extra trouble to their use. Postmasters also complain of the large size of the sheets they are oblig ed to handle. For them Teasons It Is likely that the expositions of the fut ure will meet with a rebuff when they ask for special Issues of stamps to ad vertise their shows. CATLING GUNS Two Companies of Militia Are on the Grounds and More Have Been Asked For hDtc. l. The most shock- of the 'lanH 'frauds trial Lodtd yesteraay evening, when Montane, aepuiy coumy Lum comity, a man of the tliutctCT, Irreproachable ana liltnrard In every way, con- utawlni made out fraudulent Liter (tommy entrymcn. at the iittn of Horace G. McKlnley, ItlHontptnttor In the frauds. itifte ola scarcely speaa i whtiper, so great was his ind atsjrsce. The attorneys IMr Rett and crowded around SiMBlMXto eaten tne worns oi ralwlon, an Montague unfnld i diwntlng details of McKlnley's i! of securing affidavits for umnln. nlim nld he protested nguinst nil it first, and Insisted that Ialey bring the entrymen before J iKtvom, but McKlnley failed n, ind after making out the (mdnlent papers It was easier pntlnoe In the dishonest practice jthumm of the alleged entrymen appeared before him, us his own ffi the affidavits shows. fntme Implicated Dan Tarpley 9t frauds, and his evidence and filon fhterthe guilt of McKlnley ma any ihadow of escape. Mirtien ItefuBes to Return. maed by wire, by United k Attorney Henry. United States w Mitchell, now In Washington luWy refusea to return to Port- t fm hla evidence m the land He also failed to make the name of the attm'npv who M him the tiling papers of Puter am Wataon, and asked for their R Bearing in the general land Wierally believed that Mlrnh- lu en made a tool by Puter, I lilt white i,e had no tth the frauds being per W he willingly lent his Influ- hifc" consummation of , ...., r.Tl.M TCHtirv. KH15"-1-Today the land ere give,, over to the tfHH. hnaw"ng experts for rKtlon. Among others, J. F. rt Wichita, who Is natlon h. The t"lnony tends to N c1ow,5r the con- " aS Biff In r ... cmciHje snow- i was con- Earthquake In Nebraska. Lincoln, Dec. 1. An earthquake was felt at Went Point, Neb., at this morning. The people were awak ened by the shuck- No damage was done. I1G CASE FOR . FEDERAL COURTS MEMORY OF ELKS DECEASED ANNUAL SERVICE ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4. Service Will lie Held by Hon. A. 1). Stlllman, White Rev, Jones Will Conduct the HollglouH Services i'lve Elks Have Joined the Great Majority, From the Pendleton Lodge Since Organisation. BUSHWHACKING WAR GOING OX AM, XIGHT. Four Militiamen Have Been Wound edForty Farmers Rode Into the Strikers' Camp and Help Allay the ' Trouble Threats Made to Dyna mite the Letter Coal Mines, Which Are the Mont Valuable Coal Prop erties In the West Militiamen Are All Armed With Rifles and Have Cannon. Benton, 111., Dec. 1, Two compa nies of militia have arrived wit rifles and four gatllng guns, but were unable to quell the riot at the Zelgler mines last night. Firing on the amp began at 10 and continued until 4 this morning. Four militiamen were wounded. Dep uty Sheriff Stein escaped from the stockade this morning and gathered I a posse of 40 farmers who rode Into the miners' camp and stopped the firing from the outside. Two Hddltlonal companies of mili tia have been asked. A posse of 100 men will leave here for Zelgler today. More trouble Is expected tonight. Threats have been made to dynamite Leiter's million dollar coal plant. United States District Attorney is Investigating Mrs. Chad- wick's Responsibility. PROMINENT 4 'LEV ELAND MAN MAY RE IMPLICATED. All Negotiations Off and Defend ant Must Undergo the Moot Radi cal Investigation Mrs. fhadwirk's Liabilities Are ITOO.OOO, But She Is "Clear Out of tlie Woods" Her Counsel Denies the More Serious Accusations Assurances That Every Dollar of Her Loans Will lie Paid. WEBER IS DEFIANT. According to the custom of the or der, Pendleton Lodge No. 288, Benev olent and Protective Order of Elks, will hold Us ammial service next Sun day afternoon In memory of absent brothers. The exercises will be held In Secret Society hall, and only Elks will be present. An elaborate pro gram has been prepared for the occa sion, Hon. A. D. Stlllman of this city, will deliver the memorial address. Kev. Henry Dixon Jones, rector of the Church of the Redeemer, will conduct the religious exercises. The meet ing will be called at 3:30 o'clock, Ex alted Ruler Thomas Fit!! Gerald pre siding, and an invitation Is extended to all visiting Elks to be In attend ance. Following Is tne program: Song, by the Elks' quartet; prayer, Rev. Henry Dixon Jones; song, quar tet; memorial lodge service: mandolin solo, J. A. Owenhouse; address, A. D. Stlllman; song, nuartet; benediction. Rev. Mr. Jones. ' The roll of honor of the local Elks lodge contains the names of but five persons: Samuel P. Sturgls, Edward C. Murphy. Charles W. Zlegler, Col. E. D. Boyd and Henry C. Guernsey. District Attorney Accuses Hlra of An other Murder. Auburn, Cal Dec. 1. There ars. no new developments In the Weber ! case. The proceedings of the grand jury are behind closed doors. The rumor that Weber has made a confession to the bank robbery charge Is absolutely without foundation. He still retains the defiant air that has pervaded his actions since the night of the murder. The district attorney In an Inter view has accused Weber of murder ing one Ah Gee, an aged and wealthy Chinese merchant some five years ago, but the circumstances do not bear out the assertion. Cleveland, Dec. 1. Federal offi cials are now Interested In the Chad wlck case. A number of men of In fluence hrve requested the United States district attorney, Sullivan, to ascertain whether Mrs. Chadwlck Is liable under the federal lawa Sulli van Is now seeking to ascertain whether the Chadwlck transactions were legitimate, and if she did not use the malls to further her ends. All peace negotiations between Mrs. Chadwlck and Banker Newton are off. Tt is reported warrants are pre pared for a prominent Cleveland man alleged to be an accomplice In the huge swindles. Motion for Receiver. Cleveland, Dec. 1. At the request of Attorney Carr, representing Bank er Newton, Judge Babcock this morn ing postponed until Saturday the hearing of Newton's motion for a re ceiver for Mrs. Chadwlck's alleged se curities In the Wade Park bank. DREDGE SNAKE RIVER. I Government Englneern at IcmNumi Preparing fur Work. Lewlston. Dec. 1. David II. Ogden, of the department of government en gineers with headquarters In Port land, was an arrival In the city yes terday. Mr. Ogden Is here for the purpose of commencing the govern ment work on the Snake Itlver with the new dredge Wallpwa and will leave for the lower river with the new boat' this morning. The hull and dredge machinery has already been accepted and the pro pelling machinery Is about ready (or the final Inspection. The work this winter will be done on the bars be tween Lewlston and Klparla and a sufficient fund Is now available to continue the work until the raise In the river prevents efficient service. It is expected that the work on the up per river will be commenced early next year and with a fair appropria tion for this work the obstructions lit the upper river channel can be re moved during the low stage of water next summer. The new dredge Is now equipped for all kinds of river Improvement work and has cost about 135.000. The craft will be a most Important factor In all government work on the Snake river and will be a base from which all work In this section will be direct ed. The new boat renched the city from Rlparla about ten days ago and Is now fully equipped for all river work, with Captain Harry Baughman In charge. ' METRE RILE RAS BEEN MEN Achievement Creates Great Enthusiasm Amongthe Pop ulace at Tokio. EOl'IIMMNG RECRVITS IN JAPANESE CAPITAL, 150 PASSENGERS ON THESPECIAL THE SEHVK'E IS NOW AN ACKNOWLEDGED SUCCESS. Kiinintkln Itcportx Junonese Re verNC and Iaihscs In Northern Mass Hitnia. Wltcre Two Japanese Geta-ci-hIh Have Been Wounded Raa xliitt Naval Officers Are at Rotna, uud There Is Likelihood That Raa sln Will Order Battleships aad Cruisers Mndo and Equipped ay Italians. ' Toklo, Dec. 1. The announcement of the rapture of 203 Metre Hill haa created Intense enthusiasm and re vives holies of the early full of the fortress proper. Today thousands ot recruits marched to the barracks and donned their uniforms. Relatives carrying flags and banners escorted them. The number of men raised under the conscription act la not made public. Two Generals Wounded. Toklo, Dec. 1. Reports from Port Arthur say Lieutenant General Thu chlyu Is among the wounded. Gen eral Naknmuru, who commnnded tha botly of swordsmen who charged tba tor Fr.k Mays Is Involved is not yet e'hB.T.,.?"?' Rna McKlnley. but lie ar. W HINGTON -RAILROAD. I Gray's Harbor Eaut- nrt to TaUata. Wr L wal,n'ngton Central Cw?tnhy ra artic,e " awtal contsr auditor. " th Principal place tV?.'8615-1"'1'' H an hT ' Crou. of Port- V T.Wn' object U to hum oM&-d telegraph b al of On.'. ,V uini near NhtttT "nrbor' Gray's rnw Wnll easterly nlr,i , a1 kl8kl county, rt,""4 Taklma ,i. .-T1 f ChehAll. i.. - lion : flv. "reeas for a ""es In Lewis ... ""tKaut.. . n!.naM" Ben. "'rectlon flv.T.,".""" cr. Suicides. T - ii. ' l . .. H w a -"ranKiin . ni.... 'r and Ph t. a' !it raout. " "'nee- 2N la, t0mi aea .i R j. ' "fhvxlated by ' .ttved to have iiH Paddock , ai.au." b"th nd a lack 'a, BRITISH TROOrti IN THIBET. Taken There to Ensure Compliance , With Tseaty. Birmingham, Dec. 1. The Post says a British resident will be ap pointed .for L'Haaaa; Thibet, who will have an escort f Indian troops to be housed In a compound near the Delso Lama monastery. The object of the move is to enaane Thibet's re spect for the treaty made by Young' husband. DEMOCRATS WILL IKVBKTOGATE, Will Inquire Into KepubUeaa Methods In Colorado. Denver, Dec. 1. Judge MalUns to day Issued an order caning apan 'the grand. jury to Investigate election frauds In the city. The Jury begins work next week. This move Is by he democrats to chec.jna.te republicans. It Is probable tne grand Jury wM be .Instructed to Investigate the aiieg ed contributions by corporations ta Peafeody's behalf. Bodies Washed Ashore. Tallamook, Or., Dec. 1. The bodies of two sailors believed to be from the wrecked achooner Webfoot, were washed ashore on Nehalem beach to day. Trading Market Collapsed. New Tork, Dec 1. Amid Intense excitement, the heavy trading mar. ket collapsed today, some positions on call dropping points. A large crowd Is estimated aa responsible for tha break. Mrs. Bach told Dead. Walla Walla. Nov. 1. Mrs. Ellaa- hh DafhlAlit. SB VSarS Of agS. tS dead at her hoine In this city. She was the mother of John and Alfred Bachtold, prominent brewera, Expretw OfTlce Robbed. Lincoln, Dec. 1. The American Express Company's office at Norfolk was robbed of several hundred dol lars lust night. A watchman'flred at the robbers but without effect. Charged Willi Murder. San Francisco, Dec. 1. Isaac Selby was held to answer for assault to murder Superior Judge Hebbard. Selby put in no defense. IS THERE DISCRIMINATION? Mrs. Chadwlck With Her Attorneys. New York. Dec. 1. Mrs. Chadwlck left Holland House at 11 o'clock this morning on the arm of her sou, and took a cab, going to the office of her attorneys. . Edmund Powers, attorney for Mrs. Chadwlok. after a conference with his client this morning said a general conference of all parties concerned In the Newton matter will be held this Larger Number Come From WosUm and Atliena, But Walla Walla Is Well Represented Returning, Imvm Here at 6:35 p. m. Adver tising Wagon Sent Out by. Mur tiuuitx, Accounts In Ijirge MeuMiire for the Liberal Patronage. The Walla Walla special this morn ing brought 150 people from Walla Walla. Milton, Athena and Adams. The train consisted of three coaches and a baggnge car. The Pendleton people are pleased with the results of the excursion, and signify their Intcn- afternoon, when the final details of ! ,lon of continuing the weekly service. ItUHNlaii forts November ed In both legs. !5, Is Injur- Jups Cupliiro a Hill. Rome, Dec. 1. A dispatch to tha Italia Mllltalre from Takeo, says tha Japanese have occupied Pine Tree Hill, one of the Important hllla sur rounding Port Arthur. ' the settlement will be arrapged. He said Mrs. Chudwlck will make public a statement soon with details of the present settlement. He reiterated that Mrs. Chadwlck did not know Carnegie, and that his name never appeared on any of her papers. He admitted the woman's obliga tions will reach $700,000, but said that she would have 11.000,000 left after settling all claims. She never borrowed money on worthless collateral as charged. Claimed There Is Not Uniformity In Hates on Flour. The attention, of the Democrat was called to an apparent discrepancy In the rates on flour to Baker City from Union and La Grande as compared with the rate from Pendleton and Waitsburg. It Is claimed by a shipper and miller that there had been a 10V4 cent rate In force from Union which had been raised to 18 cents while the rate from Pendleton to Baker City Is only 1 2 V4 cents and from Waitsburg 15 cents. Investigation made shows that there was from Union to Baker City a 10 cent rate . on flour under a special commodity tariff which was cancelled last October, restoring the straight distance tariff which makes the rate from Pendleton about 40 cents. In order to supply the demand for flour In Baker City a special rate of 12 Si cents was made from Pendleton and IB centa from Waitsburg and in termediate polnu, Pendleton to Baker City, of necessity were given the same rate, 12tt centa. . From this It would seem that Union nor no other point this aide of Pen dleton, has been done an Injustice and at the same time Baker City has been supplied with flour that local mine could not supply at about 35 centa per sack less than If the Pen dleton special had not been made. It Is the policy of a railroad company to build up and not to tear down a community. If communities are not prosperous the railroads go to plecea If the cost of living In any one com munity Is excessive, that community cannot compete with other communi ties In other matter Baker City's consumption of flour is much larger than the capacity of the local mills In this .community to supply and if It was not for the Pen dleton special rate the people here would be paying today a much higher price for flour than is now prevailing. The solution of the problem Is simple when it is understood. Baker City Democrat. Cliuilwlck Ixmiiis Secured. olieiiln, O., Dec. 1. President Beikwith, of the Citizens' National Bank, wnich closed on account of the Chadwlck loans, said today he has received names from Pittsburg that assure him every dollar of the Chad wlck loans will be paid. He will not give the source of his information. Another government examiner is on the way here to assist in the bank Investigation. Judge Albaugh, of Canton, Mrs. Chadwlck's attorney, who was In con ference with her In New York, has not arrived here as It was announc ed he would. He has telephoned that he has no good news. Quite a few Walla Walluns are among those who took advantage of the special train. From Weston and Athena, however, the largest number arrived. The plan of Walla Walla business men to put on a special once a week between Pendleton and Walla Walla and between Dayton and Wulla Walla, has not yet mater ialized. The scheme of the Pendleton busi ness men In running an advertising wagon between Pendleton and Wes ton telling of the special and distrib uting circulars from the various stores. It Is suld, Is responsible In a large measure for the patronage ac corded the train. , The excursion arrived at 0:30 this morning and departs for Walla Walla at 5:35 this afternoon. I Oiili-rlng Rattleahips. London, Dec. 1. The Rome cor iVHpoinlent of the Central News wires Unit several llusslan officers have ar rived In Rome ami obtained permis sion to visit the navy yards. It is slated Hie visitors Intend to order the constitution In Italy of four battle ships and six cruisers. lapaneHO Reverses. St. Petersburg, Dec. I. Kuropat kln reports, "We pursued the enemy, who retired from Tsen Hechen, and we forced the enemy's rear guard Tuesday to evacuate a pass 10 versta south of Tien Hechen. Our loss waa iiicouslderuble." AFTER THE "FOOLKILLEn. Tried to Roll Across Ijike Michigan Fate Unknown. Chicago. Dec. 1 With the hope of discovering some trace of Peter Nls sen and his rolling wind bag, "Fool Killer 3," the tug Protection, with relatives and newspaper men, left at 8:30 this morning to search the southern end of the lake. It la fear ed Nlsson Is either drowned, or dead from exposure. The body of Nlssen waa found on the lake shore. 15 miles south of St. Joseph. Mich., together with tha can vas wind bag In which he attempted to navigate the lake. ARGUMENTS IN BURTON CASE. Attended In Court by Hla Colleague, Long. Washington, Dec. 1. Arguments In the case of Senator Burton, of Kansas, were resumed in the supreme court today. The government ca was argued by Solicitor Hoyt. The closing argument for Burton waa made by Fred W. Lehman, of St Louis. Burton waa present, attended by his colleague, Senator Long. Chicago Grain. . Chicago, Dec. 1. December wheat opened 31.08 Vi. closed 11.08; May wheat opened 81.08, closed 11.08 Vi. Corn opened 4814, closed the same. Oata opened 89. closed 8. the DIPHTHERIA AT SPOKANE. Agitation In Favor of Closing Bryant School. Spokane, Dec. 1. There Is some agitation In the fourth ward as to the advisability of closing the Bryant school on account of diphtheria and epidemic sore throat. The attendance is about one-third of the average, and while there are no new coses, parents have become alarmed and are keeping their chil dren home. ' The board of education has pro. vlded for treatment of pupils and each day their throats will be exam ined and looked after. ARREST BOISE MAN. Accused of Desertion and Neglect of Hla Family. Chicago, Dec. 1. Charged with de serting his wife and little son in Chi. cago three years ago. David Maeken ale, of Boise, Idaho, a wealthy mine operator, waa arrested at the Audi torium hotel by order of Judge Dunns. Mrs. Maskenxle claims that while her husband has been growing wealthy In mining interests, she has been compelled to work In a department store to support herself and son. EUROPEAN BANK FAILS. Concern's Laabllltiea Are Said to Amount to 98,000,000. . London. Dec. 1. The Evening Star says the London and Paris Exchange) a large banking and brokerage firm of London, has closed its doors, being in serious difficulties. Its liabilities are said to amount to '15,000,000. As it Is In France. Paris, Dec. 1. M. Jaurea, the so cialist leader, has challenged Paul Derouled to fight a duel. CONFESSED MURDER. Young Erk'kxon Claims Justifiable Homicide. Sundance, Wyo., Dec. I. The mys tery of the disappearance of . James Garrett, a prominent ranchman, on October 19, has been cleared by tba confession of Willie Erlckson, a 18-year-old boy. Krlckson confesses that on October 19, while Garrett was driving off calf belonging to the Erlcksons. ha was met by Otto Erlckson and com manded to release the calf, Garrett, In reply, knocked Otto from hla horse and attempted to shoot him with a rifle. The boy was too quick, and shot Garret three times. Garrett fell from his horse, stll alive, and tha Erlcksons dragged him Into some bushes and there cut hla throat with a knife, despite his appeals for mercy. 1-ater In the day Otto returned to the body, and tying a rope to the feet, dragged It some distance to a new hiding place. Two daya later Willie and Otto packed the body on a horse and moved It four miles, de positing it where It was found later by searching parties. PARKER DECLINES. Is Not Satisfied With a ! Per Pay Job. New York, Deo. 1. Judge Altoa B. Parker has declined to serve aa commissioner of estimate and as sessment In the two eases In which ha was appointed two weeks ago. Tba compensation is but 1 10 per day. Vioa Preeadent Resign. Havana, Dec. 1. Louis Esteves, vice president of Cuba, haa resigned owing to 111 health. Three Men Killed. Worcester, N. Y., Deo. 1. Three men were killed and two seriously injured by the collls- Ion of a freight and switch en- sine on the Delaware & Hud- son River this morning. All were membersot train crews. Traffic waa blocked for It hours. '