PAGE TWO. BAIL? EAST OREGOXIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 80, HQs. DOLLS Hundreds of styles, lc to $0.90. Unbreakable dolls, bisque dulls, Rubber dulls, etc. fancy lHslio, Cups tind Knucers mm Now Styles for the Holi day, 10c Up. J 'iirtlii Slreulicrs, Two Styles, X $1-45 to $2.65. Tlio ? Moving Pin Stylo. Z Frederick Nolfi j & Co. i HELIX HIP PEKS SP :C'I.L SCHOOL MEET. ING ON DECEMBER 7. Rev. G. W. Simons Starts a Free Reading Room nud Circulating Li brary liiiptist Missionary Preaches to IliHx Congregation Hugh Walk er and I'luiillj Returned to Their Home From Pendleton. Helix. Nov. 30. A special school meeting will be held December 7th, for the purpose of electing a director In the place of Horace Walker, who recently moved to Pendleton. Hev. o. W. Simons has been circu lating a subscription paper for the purpose of purchasing u quantity of books to be used as u circulating li brary. The books and the use of the reading room will be free to those wishing to take advantnge of the ex cellent opportunity to secure good reading matter. Aneone wishing to do so can take the books, one at u time, to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Harrison of Pendleton, were guests over Sunday of Mayor S. T. Isaacs. Mrs. Harrison Is a daughter of the mayor, and was formerly assistant postmistress nt this place. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stockman and son, Lowell, of Pendleton, spent Sun day on the ranch. Hev. Leonard W. Riley, Ilaptlst state missionary, preached Tuesday evening in the Haptlst church. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Walker have returned from Pendleton, where Mr. Walker has been receiving medical treatment at St. Anthony's hospital. Harvard University libraries, of At the meeting held for the purpose which 22,000 were placed during the I of naming candidates for the coming t year. i city election, the following wore placed The German standing army is to i !n ,,oml"ntion for councllmen: F. H. ke raised to 621,000 men. and the ,llcnmo"d. A. B. Montgomery, D. B. Kaiser asks for Jf,9,000,000 to enlarge Ior recorder,- cnurles iieim, ior treasurer, u. liott. J. P. Norvel started Tuesday on a business trip to Portland. M. 1). Smith has purchased the T. T. Land interests at Vanaycle and will hereafter reside nt that place. Mr. Smith recently arrived from Colorado, to which state he came some months GENERAL NEWS. Burglars cracked the Stonington, Conn., city vaults and got away with J1S.000. The Greek steamer Elpls. with 77 aecsons aboard, foundered and sunk lb the Black Sea. There are now 675.000 volumes in HOTEL ARRIVALS. the navy. George Miles, at N. T., while playing football, had his right ear completely torn off, close to the esd by the kick of another player. The Haines Mercantile Company aas founded a private bank, the nen- nt !'" "rtng of depending! ago from Tennessee! uaser city tor banking facili ties. John Schauf, a Spokane laborer, was run over November 29 by a shunted box car in the Northern Pa cific yards, and received fatal In,. Jarles. The 39 labor unions In the build tag trades.of New York City, will form a iiew central organization next 8un iy. It Js believed a great strike Is reiving. It Is not ppsslble for Henrlck Ibsen, the author and dramatist, to long sur vive the attacks of heart failure to which he is subject. He lies very ill at Stockholm, Sweden. Counting the secret service men, lty detectives, special police and trackwalkers, 2000 men comprised Roosevelt's personal guard on his rtp to the World's Fair. Harry Mills, Inventor of fulminate f mercury- caps, was blown to atoms literally, at St. Louis, November 28, together with the small isolated adding in which he worked. The cause of the disaster Is unknown. NORTHWEST NEWS. Mrs. Elsie M. Pugh. aged 21 years, was recently divorced In the Oakland. !., courts, for the third time. The penitentiary nt Salom has 364 inmates, which Is more than the In-, sttturlon has had before In many years. County Treasurer Elkins, of Crook eoonty, is dead at Prlnevlllc. of brain lever. He had lived in Crook county I years. The O. R. & X. Is being extended from Boise five miles to the Barber Lumber company's plant, on the river aaove town. In a fiercely and skilfully contested came of football, the Keattl.; high school team beat the Tjewlnton hljih school team at Lewlston, November it, by 6 to 0. Two million pounds of next year's Wyoming wool clip have been con tracted for at 17 V4 cents per pound. Many flockmastcrs are holding for ktgher prices. The Seattle-Tacoma Power compa ny threatens to put In an electric Uchtiug plant at Seattle In competi tion with the Seattle Electric company and reduce rates for light. Mrs. Susie Rumbeux, of Walsh Lake, Wash., has been convicted of manslaughter for causing the death at her husband, and sentenced to the penitentiary for two and a half years. The Idaho state canvassing board awt at Boise November 28, only to Sad that the returns from Kootenai county had not yet arrived. The Beard will adjourn from day to day awtil they arrive. MOOltHOVKE ILM KTRATIOXS, New Hook by Miss Mury A. Doutliit, Will Conliiiii Pictures by Major Lee .Moorl louse. A new historical work, being writ ten by Miss Mary A. Douthlt, of The Dalles, and treating of early Oregon teachers and other sketches, will be Illustrated by Major Lee Moorhouse. of this city. Miss Douthlt was in Pendleton last winter, arranging for the publication of a Lewis and Clark souvenir book let, and made many friends among the members of the various women's clubs, during her short stay here. The forthcoming volume will be issued during the winter months and will be In the form of a souvenir volume. Miss Douthlt is a pioneer teacher of Ore gon, and a sister of J. A. Douthlt, ed itor and proprietor of The Dalles Tlmes-Mouutuliieer. Hotel St. George. Henry Schultz, Colfax. N. B. Krause, Seattle. U. E. Rean and wife. Milton. Charles A. Beetle, Portland. XI. P. Hays, Portland. J. E. Levy. Portland. W. L. Kenyon, North Yakima. N. C. McLeod, Elgin. -Charles Henderfon, Elgin. J. C. Potter, Chicago. ' Chillies F. Cramer, Chicago. U. B. White, Kansas City. H. L. Stevens. Seattle. George Burgett, Seattle. H. S. Moody, Spokane. W. E. Osborn, Hurt Hue. L. J. Brunhaver, Hartllue. B. McKinley, Portland. G. C. Miller. Portland. I. Jacobs. Portland. Arthur Elston, San Francisco. W. H. Rhodes, San 'Francisco. J. Waldenburg, Chicago. Dr. O. C. Eshelmoud, Portland. H. L. Hale and wife. Portland. P. B. Crowell, Hot Lake. L. O. Lakln, Portland. C. E. Robinson, Portland. E. K. Pork, Denver. George S. Taylor, Portland. J. P. Hayden. Portland. H. Ttoyne. Adams. Hotel Bickers. W. W. West, city. James P. Hell, Anuta. H. E. Uazloff, Anuta. James Dllliston, Portland. H. C. Mlllis and wife. Echo. T. K. Beard, Modesto. W. C. Squires. Walla Walla. J. A. Hawkins, Walla Walla. C. A. Coleman and wife, Walla Walla. L. O.' Barron, Walla Walla. F. B. Eastham and family, Dayton. J. N. II. Gerkins, Athena. J. O. Gerkins, College Place. J. H. McDermid nnd wife. W. H. Taylor. Formlngton. G. VV. Estes and wife, Athena. C. PlaRlet. Prescott. F. H. Mlxesell. Portland. Thomas Needbane, Philadelphia. A. H. Richardson, Kennewick. Mrs. H. D. Doty, Ellenshurg. .Mr. and Mrs. Guild, Milton. John Shaw, Echo. Miss Lela McCullogh. Echo. L. E. Hudson. Helix. William Smoot, Hitter. P. H. Sones. Helix. J. L. Ray, Echo. C. E. Steward, Portland. J. E. Horn. Portland. J. E. Cox, Heppner. ONE MORE WEEl OF SENSATIONAL CUTS IV TRICES ON A FEW LINES TO CLOS n ' Ladles' trimmed lulls nt HALF PRICE. Street huts, good ones for 78c nnd 80c. I.udics' suits, only a fewloft nt HALF PRICE. Indies' Jackets, nil sizes, new styles nt cost. Shoes, guaranteed to be satisfactory, every pair 10 per cent Misses' coats, la close I Alii a. a. "fc- Men's sulfa and overaut. ..PECtv, Men'se underwear at cut mZ Men's extra pants, so , " 1 ; off this week. M' I THE FMIR YOU CAN DO BETTER HERE. aaaa The Standard of Endurance GOOD PERFORMANCE. Eagles Close Minstrelsy Willi Great Credit to the Order. The closing performance of . the Eagles' minstrels last night was as pleasing ns the first. The house was again crowded and work of the per formers was even better thun on Mon day night. The singers were at theli best. Special mention may be made of Joseph Lee. William Kinssig, Tom Jordan and Bert Mays. The proceeds of the two entertain ments devoted to the build ing fund of the local aerie. It Is the Intention of the Eagles to erect a two- story brick lodge hall to cost In the neighborhood of 825,000. Work on the structure will begin In a fen-weeks. The Pendleton. .George Kruger, New York. W. W. Erstrlm, San Francisco. C. H. Edmonds. C. W. Arned, Buffalo. A. A. Arned, Buffalo. C. A. Randall. Kansas City. S. B. Mitchell. Portland. John H. Scott and wife, Portland. W. D. Palmer. Portland. W. It. Glendeiintug, Portland. George D. Galley, Portland. F. W. Walte, San Francisco. Henry Dick, Chicago. Louis Pelton, Chicago. C. Stelnbagh, New York. Alex Cohen, San Francisco. A. It. Itlxtorl, Portland. J. W. Davis, San Francisco. A. F. Thomson, Echo. E. L. Harnett, Athena. G. S. Youngman, Portlund. K. B. Comnn, Portland. C. ottershagen. Portland. L. O. Lakln. Portland. S. S. Butler, Starbuck. M. C. Wade, Starbuck. A. H. t.'ruse, Spokane. ' J. H. Kloeckner, Spokane. George Stevens, Spokane. C. C. Simpson, Portland. E. It. Carr, Spokane. Joseph Damaln. Our Guarantee Covers All Responsibility PHOENIX PURE PAINT TAKE NO ONE'S WORD-TRY IT YOURSELF E. J. MURPHY 2 Court Street mk (M11ES How's Tills? We offer One Hundred Dollars Ilnward .. ,-r .,i , marrn mac cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh. F 1. CflENBY CO., Toledo. O. We, the underalirned, bare known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, snd be lieve him perfectly honorable In all busi ness transaction!, and financially able to c"rrJ. Pi" "n' obllutlon made by his firm. WALDINt), KINNAN MAIIVIN, , Wholesale DrumTlsts, Toledo, O. 1 5.C",?rrl1 Cn" to t Int.rnally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous !!II,ct, ?' '1- ""' Testimonials sent ari.urlc 7oc "r bottta- 801,1 by " tloB?" "" F,0"'T ,or c,n,"P- There are bat very few desirable sacant Iota left in the residence por ton of Pendleton.. These we have Jknt listed and the prices are very seasonable. . We have a new list of residences for safe. Come and see as, and look over w list. We have anything that you want In wintry property. E. T. WADE 80N, Office E. O. Building. HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE. First of the Season Friday Evening, December 9. Now that football is ended for the season, the students of the Pendleton high school are turning their atten tion toward things literary, and a de bate Is scheduled for Friday, Decem ber . The question chosen for dis cussion Is: "Resolved. That It would have been for the best Interests of the public should local option prohibi tion have carried at the recent elec tion." Glenn Scott and David Hill will rep resent the affirmative. George Strand and Frank Pierce will represent the negative. Collins Springs Store Burned. Captain Belcher, of the Collins Hot Springs, has. had bad luck in the loss of .his store at the springs a few days ago. A defective flue was responsi ble for the fire, which, it Is said, en tailed a loss of $3000. The Dalles Chronicle. Land Scrip for Sale. Forest reserve scrip for securing title to timbered or agricultural land for sale at lowest market prices. H. M. Hamilton. The Portland, Port land. Or. COMING EVENTS. December 13-15 Oregon Good Itosds meeting, Salem. December 13-li Oregon Good Roads Association. Salem. December 20-21 Oregon Dairy men's Association, Portland. June I, 1905 Opening Lewis and Clark exposition. January 10-11 Oregon Historical Society, Portland. M. E. ' Conference at Marshall. Marshall. Texas, Nov. 30. Several hundred delegates and visitors are here for the Methodist conference which will be In session during the next few days. The delegates repre sent all of the territory from Texar kana to Galveston, and Include a number of prominent divines. The conference program provides for a number of sermons and addresses In addition to the transaction of routine business. Indiana Master Bakers. Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 80. The In diana Master Bakers' Association held a convention In this city today, with delegates present from Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Lafayette and other cities. Plans were discussed for ex tending the scope and Influence of the association and for the protection of Its members against unfair competition. All dress goods at cost at Teutsch's. KEEP YOUR HEAD UNCOVERED. Te Ceaataat Wearimar at a Hat Pre. Bates Dandrna Germs. There are many men who wear their hats practically all the Urn. when awake and are blessed with a heavy sbock of hair; yet If the. scalps of these same men once became Infested with dandruff germs, the parasites would multiply all the quicker for lack of air. Baldness would ensue as the final result New bro's Herplcide kills these germs and stimulates unhealthy hair to abundant growth. Herplcide Is a pleasant hair dressing as well as a dandruff cur contains not an atom of Injurious sub stance. Bold by leading drut-aiats. Bend 10c. in sumps for sample to The Hsrpl eide Co., Detroit. Jlicb. A. C. Koeppen Bros., special agents. Many Ikhiuh arc more lonely abodes because no diiMrcn are there. Ilarrenness ex ists in almost every cine bivr.use fen, all' diieasei hnvi' iar;ilv7.'il the or7iins of womanhood. Wine of Canlui imparts In ultli unci atrcnirth to lln diseased purls and makes motherhood pojiule in tiioiis-anfls of eases wher-; barrenness in supposed to lie iiicuruli'.i;. Wine of t.'anliii regulates the luenstruiil How awl also prevents mUariiuKe ami cures lieariiif down pain. Wine of Cunlui removes the cause of barrenness by making the female organism Htronir anil healthy. He to your ilrwtcist ami secure n 81.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. Tiie use of Wine of Cuidui will hrin happiness to your Lome. ' In cases recnirin;? Fiifvia! (liretiij:is. nMrw, j:iv;Mrr nymptoins. "The Liuliea' Advisory Deportment." 'llie (juattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, TennesBee. Amethyst. Cava., Feb. 24, 1902. Wine of Canlui is worih iis weifjlit in K'lW. It doe more than you claim. It has saved my life ami caused me to bicome a mother when everything else failed. MHS. I !:.V 1. K. I.e KEVKE. IlitYANT, Va Feb. IK, 11)02. My daughter-in-law. Lizzie Giles, found great benelit in Wine of Cardui. She had a niiscarriiiire in March 1!K)1, before usinpr your med icine. Slie wai in very bad health, so I persuaded her to try Wine of Canini. .i,:,-e then t.! " I as iiad a line !!- l-nv. Soon lie will be three w'ivs i i-l. r i; inyni.- rt i . .i'--'-;t:1 - r':.r ... uirdui. lily thi'iulilcr. Faitim: llmi.sfc.: . ;tU; Vwt a hue baby boy by your treatment. She highly appreciates Wine of Cunlui. II US. LOUISA GILES. . AX ARTISTIC TOUCH on your shirt front, collars and cuffs la their laundering ndds to their cp peamnce when worn. We claim Just that the, doing of laundry work, es pecially on linens artistically. If you have not been aware of It, let us have your name and address and we'll call for and deliver a sample order 'Phone connection. DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY. Buildin Materi of all nEscnrfnoxi ! SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to Order BaUdlsf per, Lime, Cement, Briek Bund, Wood Gutter! for ti and Dwelling Bpedtltj. Oregon Lumber Yan Alta Street. Opp. Cotrt M Don't Go Elsewhere won m r zxsrz - - - peoaV ahtThst,enr,rmTntS " T Ple' take'ona V' Pr8ent thBt w' piease, take one et these beautiful Instruments. Our line Is TanTtnTar's aT"",' S? " ZSZna duraX" ,he'r ' T EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Piano?9 hme ' the Wber' Chlcke"n "d Decker Son 315 Court Street, Pendleton. Ore. VV'TVTTTTTttyTVTTTTTyTTwVTTVWVa,......T..T.fv,,VTVW ess MILL WORK CANT BE TOO GOOD, If satisfactory service ta de- S sired In house building. Lum- ber may be all right to start i with clean, well dried, thor- oughly seasoned but If it Is S not properly "milled" all other advantages are lost We take J a Just pride In every stick of lumber which comes In and oe s out of our gates. Call at i Pendleton Planing Mills KObart Fontar, Prop. y:::;, vk cas m r. i..,l.l nt nil. Tom" Jewelry we mean. Of count "1 not repair a wi -through a stone crusher, wi come near it .up OUK KEPA1B DEPAKIHT is really where we knowledge and skill to It. We therefore tske n in aoing reyai.n.a. v would give us an opprt" our skill. Moderate prlca Winslow Broth jewoRs Near Postofot TRAININC SCHOOL f, as stffC . 1 HOM J ' Wanted-On. broke horse.. I mJ"T winter at the Dutch BT corner of Alta w Trt where I conduct flt and sale stable. H "" a hor I will tak. y - .ii lect the best hors. o have a horse to ""J lweIt tt Qualnted with the JZ W well .quipped to W any horse from tw Zm stock to th. wliae'tJ ate broncho. There , can be broke and " t reciiy. i - - . penm- twenty-three head In r4twe1 of which naa --- guarantee satl.tectlon Lee Aenu-- Expert W. have located . Pendleton, and wlLtdtw. "1 defunct Dins - M t count too old for " Our plan l: .Stated, charges. Suits I"0"" I advertised. A The Van LTZl.W' , Uf E. Court 8U le" 06t 3 K