East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 21, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    . I ... .
- t
Xo Gambling devices tu catch
trade. We veil (lie lowest.
: Frederick Nolf
! & Co.
Hard maple mine boards, WOc
tu 3.95.
Iron miikoiis, A."ic to $:t.9."
Velocipedes, 2.:ts lo S2.95.
Smull linn Curls. Il:lc to 8.V.
t School Books and
1 School Supplies
Public School ronrae Contains no
Many Studies ami Itcqulres so Many
IhHiks That Poor Children Are Of
ten IroiMUrl Eroni Going to School
Suite Should Furnish Hooks, or
the Number or Similes lteiliicel.
The following timely eonimunicn
tlon on the school book question, pub
lished In the Salem Journal, Is worthy
of being reproduced. It deals with
u subject on which the Eust Orefroiilnn
has commented repeatedly. The com
munication Is as follows:
Editor Journal: 1 desire to express
I my views In a few words, through
your "Open Forum" regarding our
' public school system. 1 cunnot under
! stund why our school children should
! be required to enter with such u lot
of text books and materials us they do
everv I
I send three children to our schools
and each and every term new text '
books and school room sundries must !
I be secured, necessitating as It does '
I quite mi outlay. . To my notice, our 1
state Is fur enough advanced so ns to i
I ue able, with the co-operation of all i
I earnest school patrons, to provide for I
a rree school system. I know of sev-
TEx-Mayor Van Wyck, of New York i eral families In our city whose chil-i
dy, has within six weeks past
ejraned up J.'.OU.OOO In real estate
'Two contests have been brought in
Keatucky to determine who Is con
tmsman from the third and ninth
T. L. Douglas certifies that his
ssanpalgn for governor of Massachu
setts cost him 135.000. He Is a dem
arrat. Roosevelt carried the state.
Itrs. Frances Washington, aged 74
jmts, of New York City, stepped on
a auiLor match from w hich her skirts
t Ignited, and she burned to
fieorge Murray, a restauranteur at . Nebraska, which state stands fore- .
Abridge, llass.. was beaten to , most In good schools, and to which1
ateth with a hammer by unknown ! schools my children have had access
rtles In a box in the restaurant, ! for several years, is very moderate '
staring broad daylight. I with text books and materials requlr- I
jviiu vuuuercouK, a correspondent en in tne scnool room, and Just us
T undoubted veracity, lately visited good. If not better, results are obtaiu
K9e Pius and avers that his health ed thereby.
ma strength have greatly failed dur- ! This system of having for each pu
ke the past 16 months. j pll a dozen or more text books, with a
The wireless telegraphy system "er"'ate note book for each text
awween Newport, R. I., and Nan-i book' along with pencils, copy books,
jacket Island, owned and perfected ' c"lor uxes, etc.. is not much toward
!r. the. government, has been opened tne S"a of the pupil nor to the labor-
iren cannot take advantage of a
schooling because of the outlay re
quired for hooks. j
I deem the public school system of j
uor United States as our greatest In- .
stltutlon, and as that Institution which !
continually forms the bulwark of our
march toward prosperity and higher
civilization, and therefore an institu
tion which should be made accessi
ble to each and every able child of
our nation.
Now, If u must be that we are to
provide the apparatus by which our
children learn their lessons why could
not our schools be a littl morn i.ir.,1.
commercial purposes.
More than 850,000 horse-power is
J in generating 'electricity for New
Tsrk City, and a cloudy afternoon,
wking early lighting necessary,
the lighting companies $50,000
Jv. Philip B. Pendleton, rector of
m. George's Episcopal church at
staeuectady, N. Y., and one of the
Chest authorities on the history of
ttr Episcopal church, is dead, of cer
SnJ hemorrhage.
Sear Cleveland, O., a horse ran
aaray with a buggy In which rode
Jauolel Van Calse and daughter. The
" ran directly over the edge of
JO-fcot cliff, and horse, man and
-wnan were Instantly killed.
Robert." the 1-year-old son of J. M.
flmkenthelr. of W'estlake. Idaho, fell
sWo a well November 19 and was
. Summerfield, of the Seattle
Berks' Union, Is a candidate for state
Hht eommlssioner, with a show of
srinning- out.
Kid Preston was Nuvember 19 sen
ned at Seattle 'to 15 years In the
wmttentlary for burglury. He con
ssed to 40 burglaries In Seattle.
Aihn Holmgren, a Spokane carpen
Jrr. November 18 deliberately sulcid
Ml by laying on the track In front of
at Northern Pacific switch engine.
Jtlchael Flelschenger shot Marlon
4 Miller, near Asotin, Wash., 'No
amber 19, during a quarrel over
awe. Miller will recover. Koth
arc stockmen.
Ante Olson, living four miles from
"Skkjua, on November 18 lay helpless
bed and. saw her 2-year-old baby
tarn to death In Us clothes, which
angiit fire from matches with which
mas playing.
Police Sergeant C. E. Clark and
Mrolmen J. F. Btahl, L. E. Andrews
ast C. W. Hamerton, all of Oakland,
al. have been dismissed from the
Osm for burglary and theft and will
The Spokane Press roars because
kt sheriff of that county, at 35 cents
cr head per day, clears 25 cents per
on every prisoner boarded In
i county jail. Fifty cents per day
paid for United States prisoners.
There ore but very few desirable
it bits left In the residence por-
of Pendleton.. These we have
listed and the prices are very
We bare a new list of resideifcea for
sc. Come and aee us, and look over
rr list.
We have anything tliat you want In
ntry property.
Office E. O. Building.
ing man with a large family, and as
i nave heard said: "It looks too much
like a 'rake-off for our book makers."
Moreover, It cannot but be a taking
Issue with the numerous homeseekers
who are coming Into our state each
Then, could we not pay a little
greater school tax, demand a little
higher license, make It an entirely
free school system, and thereby en
courage a larger attendance and more
honor for our state?
After this Is accomplished our tru
ant officers should be forthcoming.
Finally, and at an earlier dute, our
state and our youth will be more In
line with this enlightened age of wis
dom and industry. I know every par
ent would be glad to pay for their
chlldrens' educations, If they were all
able to do so, and it Is within reason
that parents advance a little now and
then toward school supplies, notwith
standing taxes, but to my notion our
present system Is out of date und un
reasonable, and I believe I voice the
sentiment of all good school patrons
and of the laboring people especially.
Need of Hull! Fencing lloiucstniiU
Ilulidlug a Residence.
Holdman, Nov. 20. Ground: Is
rather dry for seeding, yet most of
the farmers are taking chances.
T. C. Campbell has gone to the
mountains for his cattle.
II. K. Hoyt Is building a house for
John Oravette.
The homesteaders will fence their
lands this fall.' The lund enclosed
will be 1760 acres, which will leave
range rather short.
Oliver Kerr has gone to Seattle to
attend school this winter.
Mr. Howland and son, Ned, are go
ing to Condon to farm. They have
leased one section there.
Ralph Howland was at his father's
last week, learning to drive four
horses, but he will not try to make
bread or milk the cow.
Thomas Jefferson November 30.
Thomas Jefferson In "Rip Van
Winkle," will come to the Frazer on
Wednesday, November 30. This prom
ises to be one of the very best at
tractions to come to Pendleton this
season, and Manager Taylor Is high
ly pleased to be able to book the
company. Thomas Jefferson, who
presents this beautiful production
here, Is the son of Joe Jefferson,
whose fame rests on his production
of that droll character, Rip Van Win
kle. The son is close to the father
In the art of acting, and Pendleton
will have the oportunity of witnessing
one of the best companies presenting
one of the best old plays on the road.
A Runaway Dicyclc.
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove,
HI. It developed a stubborn ulcer un
yielding to doctors and remedies for
four years. Then - Bucklen's Arnica
Salve cured. It's Just as good for
burns, scalds, skin eruptions and
piles. 25c at Tallman A Co.'s drug;
All persons knowing: themselves In
debted to me will please call and set
tle at onoe as I have sold my grocery
Hotel St. George.
J. L. McCreary, Lu Grande.
James A: Howard, Sumpter.
Alf Schwelter, Walla Walla.
J. R. Brown, Chicago.
M. c. Gray, Pullman.
Mrs. M. 1J. Behrenz, Portland. .
A. I. Hummel!, San Francisco.
F. W. Kills. Detroit.
C. H. Marsh, Portland.
(". J. Heard. Portland.
1- F. Catwdod, San Francisco,
tionrge D. Brown. Suuta Itosa.
I,. H. Chatwood, .Santa Itosa.
A. C. Andeison, Fort Worth.
W. Itosenbiatt. San Francisco.
J. Peterson, San Francisco.
C. A. Kerlen, Chicago.
J. A. Pierson, Chicago.
Daniel Springer, Chlcngo.
W. S. Walker. St. Louis.
D. Bernard and wife, St. Louis.
Mrs. D. C. Itlchards. Spokane.
Mrs Patterson, Spokane.
('. Cartson. Spokane.
Miss Nellie Hose, Spokane.
I,. Hirsuland, Spokane.
M. J. Ellas, New York.
Hohert (i. White, New Pork.
J. E. Levy. Portland.
Frank Miller, Portland.
I,. (1. Pat ton. Portland.
Frank Spike, Echo.
(ieorge W. Campbell, Minneapolis.
Hotel Dickers.
Ed Bannett and wife, Athena.
Mrs. S. K. Davis, St. John.
Mrs. H. A. Utley, St. John.
Hoy Hall. Union.
F. F. Thompson, Portland,
li. H. Green, Endlcott.
Orvllle, Itertraud, Spokane.
I. 1). Hinker. Spokane.
('. H. Hall. Spokane.
W. J. Moore. Spokane.
C. J. Isaacs, Spokane.
Mrs. E. J. Ely, Weston.
M. H. Galloway.
J. J. Honolstone and family. Adams
S. E. Crow. Oakesdale.
Edward Brier. Blockoro.
Mrs. Edith Davis, Ridge.
J A. Hanklas, Mt. Tabor.
It. I Harris, Mt. Tabor.
G. K. Mustard. Mt. Tabor.
W. G. Estes. Athena.
Miss Nellie Ifussell. Walla Walla.
Hohert C. French, Weston.
George W. Proebstel, Weston.
F. W. Chiiidluuil, Denver.
Mrs. Mary Long, Ponieroy.
G. Schwank and wife, Freewater.
Earl Vanter, La Grantle.
S. VY. Sherwood, Portland.
Catherine Pooler, Echo.
W. H. Shannon, Helix.
J. H. McEwen and wife. La Grande
P. Young and wife, Baker City.
W. B. Galloway. Heppner.
W. H. Straub, Denver.
William Bedford. Wenatehle.
S. Cochran and wife. Hood River.
H. C. Lewis and wife, Adams.
S. A. Frans, Spokane.
James Callison, Fulton.
George Hatsell, city.
W. Hann. Milton.
W. G. Estes, Athena.
Gertrude Waley, llockford
Mrs E. E. Hules, Adams.
K. H. Burke, Portland.
The Pendleton.
T. F. Moseley, Portland.
A. P. Bradbury, Portland.
Victor Dorrls. Georgetown.
H. It. Catton. Portland.
William Maher, Portland.
C. M. Smith, Portland.'
Ionard Robinson, New York.
J. H. Abrams, New- York.
W. Fulton, Astoria
O. E. Selzer, Des Moines.
W. McMullen, Boston.
N. L. Tooker.
A. M. Illley. St. Paul.
Mrs. A. Rossi, Boise.
E. H. Carr, Spokane.
N. P. Young, Spokane.
A. H. Cruse, Spokane.
Alonzo A. Persinger, Spofcnue.
W. It. Glendenning, Portland.
H. E. Stephens, Chicago;
G. D. Galley, Portland.
George Stevens, Spokane:
E. Costello. Starbuck.
F. ll. Bingham, Walla Wailla.
J. W. Wood, San Francisco.
H. M. Ogden. Portland.
Thomas Galloway, city.
W. J. Lindsey and wife, Portland.
B. F. Sinshelmer, Portlamf.
Mrs. E. L. Cheebeck. Wallu Walla.
Miss Alice Cheebeck, Walra Walla.
F. Chapman, Walla Walla.
C. A. Barrett. Athena.
H. W. Cameron, Spokane.
M. C. Wade, Starbuck.
J. M. Henderson, Starbuck.
Has Begun und our many cuslomers are revelling In Bargains at our counters.
Do You Need Anything in Wearing Apparel?
This Is the Biggest Sale of the season. Itiggest Bargains orfored In Pendleton.
We hnve a reason for selling out our stock. We don't want to move It.
" hJ
The Standard of Endurance
E. J. MURPHY 2 Court Street
The next session of congress will
be asked for 11,000,000 to Improve
rivers and harbors In the Immediate
vicinity of Chicago.
Bllsr has Fmri tha Is
CsmiI st a fleaaa.
Science Is donlg wonders these days In
medicine as well as In msehanlcs. Bine
Adam lived, the human raee has been
troubled with dandruff, for which no hair
preparation has heretofore proved a suc
cessful 'Cure until wKn.'. l,.Jl.l.
f'" on the market. It Is a aclentlOc prep-
imi sms tne germ that makes
dandruff or scurf by digging into the
calp to aet at th mnt r ih. k.i. v.
It saps the vitality; causing Itching scalp,
"a,r. "a nnany baldness. With
out dandruff hair must grow luxuriantly,
it Is the only destroyer of dandruff.
Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c.
ir, stamps for sample to The Herpl.
clde Co.. Detroit. Mich.
A. C. Koeppen & Bros., special agents.
Bear this In mind when you
need poultry and stock supplies
and ask for the International
Poultry and Stock Food. Use
Kow Kure for your eow trou
bles. C. F. Colesworthy
127-12 East Alt St.
Agent for Lee's Lloe Killer.
Eagles Minstrels
FRAZER OPERA HOUSE, Nov. 28 and 29
Feast of Comedy, Music and Specialties.
New and down-to-tlie-Hccuml songs and dances.
Clever, bright stunts, witty suylngs mid wlniUng lilts.
A Good Old Fashioned Minstrel
brightened by up-t:i-ilatc Ulcus. A performance that will
carry the house by storm. Laughter will reign su
preme. Tlie Eagles will put on the entire performance
under the
Direction of J. Bogert
The most original mid magnificent lint part set
ting ever presented on tin- local uige. Will outsldne In
splendor ami dazzling erfects any scene presented to a
Pendleton audience.
Remember Joe Basler
Has sold out His entire Furniture business and must reduce his
stock before January 1st, 190S.
Blrdseye Maple Dressers, Chiffoniers, and Washatands are
olng at greatly reduced prices.
Sewing Machine, warranted to be In perfect order, of all
kinds and dMnbui,. n .. ..
-r , ..v. vu.w up, mew Machines at
-T - '- - -1 -
. Your Groct a. 5
Now Cushions, CenltrplM
Hllk Cords, Stumped Destf
Colored 1'loss, Ruffles
everything for your mell ai
Hides, ull colon, lor twj
work; complete line of lump!
designs, and the sets for sjJ
Lessons given free with m
All the new art work k
the different new embroital
Mm Cirlaon irlves lesMa H
Art Dept. at
t : li
In any quantity dwireA W
suddIv you with "O"4 1
solid wood furnlihed i
prices. Promjt dellr H
and small orders souciw
Office at Pendlet
Storage Co.
Henry Kopitlk
(Dutch HeswJ
i 'Phone Main I'M-
Pendleton. Or... P-j
.... ,n pnon
s ing, suiw - --i
Z Graduaws
School of OsteopatW.
M '' ' . .1 at
The great cut--.
it n
I reader, to now
, She iv "T
! cal horoscope'
i; Cdll and J
I S" I J1 1 1 1 Ufa 1
Flour ttT
riour. "
to., always on