East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 07, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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iMMiMHMHk. as snnannv m m m m - v fas. m sum m m i m v ynsn. a m a
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jTIT.nr I ? A!? .nerr1 if :ll llim lin llin nrinu rnn I preparing von war. I nunni i ii n n n i n
-10! B PAN nrRlll hi K - is- - -HUunhna HULU
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'Jl . ... firnninil
! IN .MiiBtesssSSsS Ht HA Lt U HAL LU b
j Adjourn
This Evening
yd Wednesday Because
I gfihe Election.
j dcccw
l oon ! te :ReP-
ul AMI "
U GW the Doom
Th-himb Tluui Usually
(MibnhtaK Water Rights
Mtwpnmt eourt convened In
ajawto the Kovtmber term this
.m Chief Jottlce Frank E.
IM b presiding with associates
(Mi S. TFolmrum and Robert B.
a x teodsoe. The cases lor
natal will require .lour days lor
spal There will be no session to
wn m aocount .of the general
J At xnom the supreme court
sb Mnf held in the rooms of the
' at ereult Judge. Attorney General
ill Crawford Is present. The argu
jiat atari this morning was In the
'Little Walla Walla Irrlga
m istrlot tppellants. against O. N.
iftstn and .ethers, respondents. The
'tarn taiolvw water rtirhts ln the
,11m Muntry. Btillman ft Pierce
'Kvatnt the appellants and Halley
I Itnll the respondents.
TW Mher case on today's docket Is
1 L tmtth, respondent against A.
Ha and T. D. Taylor, as sheriff of
TaaUla esunty. Oscar Cain, of
'Hh Wills, Hailey ft Lowell and
ssf. tsuMie appear tnr.tke apnel-
The reipondent is represented
kM A. Fee and Cartfr ft Raley.
j lb about November :S2, 1802.
.rsilsiA. -Carrier and John F. Carrl-
! bmwed T10S0 from Nelson, glv-
1 W aotes ilsiwd also bv E. L.
alti aaretr. Bmlth at the same
tain tiom Carrier and wife an
"nr mortsare. upon certain
to he 'City of Pendleton,
ww aneges that thereafter
"""m was signed by Smith to
IF. Fbh. Before the maturity of
- livtn by Carrier and Smith
mortgage and the note
'"Sel as collateral -security to
bUT-Br National -Bank of
. wash., lor . Uoau
'W'Helaoii. '
w jiay the loan so
7r 'el' due, :the bank
fcT" U" Un- -ult in
"Wssart Oregon against
Wrtsr. John F. Carrier, E.
1 m"h ana R. v. Babln
-w the asHWRt due iUpon the
T" isreoiose (the mortgage.
o.i Z7r mm 'M K'ven the
rB "e .01 30 per
il smT. lr"m October 16,
mounting to $34.
ty and Attorney General A. M. Crm
ford for respondent; J. L. Rand for
appellant. State of Oregon against
Francis U. Teller. William Miller,
district attorney for Harney coanty.
tor rwsnondcnt; L. R, Webtr nd
Oee W. Hayes for appellant. Wal
lowa county against H. E. Oakes and
L, tiomax, district attorney
tor Vallowa county, and D. W. Shea-
ban for appellants; J. A. Burleigh for
respondents. Phila B. Clarke against
W. C. Hlndman and others, appeal
.from Baker county. William Smith
lor appellants; F. M. Saxtaa for re
spondents. Thursday Norwich Union Fire In
surance Society against the Oresron
Railroad A Navigation Compaay.
Balleray ft McCourt for respondents;
W. W. Cotton and H. F. Conner tut
appellant. State of Oreewn against
Wordson Gray, Jointly Indicted with
Wade Gray. Leroy Lomax, district
nttorney for Union county, and Attor
ney General A. M. Crawford lor re
spondents; T. H. Crawlord and J. D..
Slater for -appellants. Perry V. Sloan
against Benjamin Laroy. O. B. Mont
for appellant; J. L. Rand ior respon
dent. The Manchester Assurance Co.
against the Oregon Railroad Navi
gation Company. Balleray ft Mc
Court for appellants; W. W. Cotton
and H. F. Conner for respondent.
Friday K. Maynard against the
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com
pany, appeal from Union county. Le
roy Lomax for respondent; J. G. Wil
son and T. H. Crawford for appellant
Barnes ft Sons against Lake Superior
Lumber Company, appeal from Union
county. T. H. Crawford for respend-
ents; C. H. Finn for appellants. Tne
Grand Ronde Electrical Power and
Railroad Company against A. H.
Drake and W. H. Drake, appeal from
Union county. Leroy Lomax for ap
pellants; T. H. Crawford for respond
ents. Hutchinson Brothers against
the board of regents of the State Ag
ricultural College and ethers; appeal
from Union county. Leroy Lomax for
appellants; T. H. Crawford for re
spondent George W. Ruckman
against the Union railway and the
Suburban Railway; appeal from
Union county. C. E. Ooekran and T.
H. Crawford for appellant; Leroy Lo
max and C. H. Finn for respondents.
Weather Department Predicts a Day Favorable for a Heavy
. Vote in Most Sections of the Country.
Parker Im at Home Overseeing Operations on the Farm ltooMCvelt at the
White House and Sakl to Be Confident and In a (iood Humor Roth
Parties Claim All the Doubtful Slates The Election of Turner ax
Governor of Washington Seems Iteaaonably Certain Anti-Mormon
Iarty Will Poll Its First Vote) In Utah.
eaias that he
Sr. ik. "
' in- " " the request
VrtTLta r4er tnat the
Wtttbetaks, by hlrnseif
iwL" b",meity rt-
a. tT1 t sseruraae
WtltTJ T" - etnrrr aa
" u ir
'i Walla Walla Irl-
- Preston
IlkM.r'"lnn. Pierce f.
D?,n. 7 ? Lowe" tor
me appel-
-n.k.r.-. tb
' S 7" n in
7 Paul
Soma 1
mm rMi "rat
"l-i from
, llPrrtdent
Washington, Nov. 7. The following special bulletin regarding the
weather probabilities was Issued by the weather bureau today: Fair
weather and seasonable temperature Is Indicated for all parts of the
United States tomorrow, except for some cloudiness, showers, or
snow flurries in parts of New York, Northeastern Pennsylvania and
New England, and rain on the extreme North Pacific coast.
The Hoard Selects and Designates the
Text -books land In All the Public
Schools of the State Contracts for
Books Are for Six Years Influence
Will lie Brought to Sear to Short
rn the Cur.Hculuni 1st Kour of the
the terms of olllce at the five
members of the state text-book com.
mission, composed of H. W. Scott, of
Portland: Charles Johns, ail Baker
City; -W. M. Colvlg, of Jacksonville;
President P. L. Campbell, of ihe state
university of Eugene, and W. 21
Ladd, of Portland, will expire In Jan
uary and already pressure Is being
brought to bear on Governor .Cham
berlain to reappoint the entire board.
While the governor has not made
any suggestion aa to his plans ln late
matter, lt is firmly believed that the
personnel of the board will be chang-
ed. The present board was appointed
by Governor Geer, to. serve for six
The duty of this board Is to select
and designate the text-books to be
used In the public schools, the con
tract entered Into by the board with
publishing companies to last for six
years, thus Jnaurlos a aeries of text
books for that length of time, with
east )iana, -4
, While the text-baok board has
Mtblng to do with specifying the
course of study In the public schools.
that matter being entirely In the pow
er of the Mate board of education and
the legislature, yet the influence of
Uae text-book Kmmisstoa In this
matter would be of great weight and
as there Is strong feeling ha all parts
of the state, that (he present course
In the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth
grades contains too many studies for
pupils of the ages to be foand In
those grades. It Is thought an effort
will be made to reach this question
through the appointment of the text,
book board.
The state board of education Is
composed of the governor, secretary
of state and superintendent of public
Instruction, and this body really
frames the policy of the state, ln the
matter of education, to be Indorsed
and-made Into law by the legislature.
The Influence of the text-book board
and its experience ln the matter will
have a great weight with the board
of education and the legislature In
fixing the course of study for the next
six years.
F. T. French, county clerk at Seat
tle, has begun a suit for criminal libel
against Alden J. Blethen, editor of the
Seattle Times. Blethen accused
French of agreeing to barter a poor
farm lease which he supposed he
ooirtd control, tor I 0.
Republican Forecast.
San Francisco, Nov. 7. On the eve
of election apathy continues on the
coast While the campaign has been
generally a hard one, the spellbinders
have been unable to arouse any great
enthusiasm. Good weather Is prom
ised for tomorrow and a fairly full
vote anticipated.
The principal Interest ln California
lies in the size of Roosevelt's majori
ty, and the result of the vote for as
semblymen, on which hinges the se
lection of a U. S. senator to succeed
Bard. Republicans this morning
claim a majority of 4S.00O for Roosevelt
It Is practically conceded by the
democrats that Nevada will go for
Roosevelt but they claim they will
elect the congressmen and control the
legislature, which will select a U. S.
Idaho seems safely republican.
The forecast In Utah Is that the
state will go republican, with the pos
sible exception of congressmen. The
new American party (anti-Mormon),
claims 15,000 votes tomorrow. This
is the ' bitterest campaign ln the his
tory of the state. The theme of San
day sermons by all sects yesterday
was the Mormon Issue in all Its differ
ent phases.
Odds With lUwHeveku
New York, Nov. 7. The betting
odds on Roosevelt's election lengthen
ed slightly this morning on the curb,
the early offers being ti to $98
that he will win. Herrick remains
the favorite ln the gubernatorial race
at $1000 to ttOO.
Stories of Fraud in Kew Vork.
Governor Odell left for Newburgh
at noon to receive returns at his
home. The governor said: "We wlU
carry the state by a good majority.
The national ticket will run ahead of
the state' ticket 30,000 to 4.H. Mur
phy will have to carry New York City
by more than 140,000 to beat our
The usual stories of colonisation
and ballot box frauds are In circula
tion, but nothing to show there is
likely to be the usual disturbances.
China Buying Supplies for War,
London, Nov. 7. A Manchester
man. finding that he could not get
some goods delivered the other day
for home trade on nccount of the
pressure of Chinese orders, took
steps to discover the nature of this
Increase In Far East uctlvlty. He
had good reason to believe no boom
In Chinese trade had set In, and his
inquiries showed that the new or
ders were of a very special character
Indeed, Including one placed by the
Chinese government of a half-million
yards of cotton duck for tents.
This is taken to mean either that
China has made up its mind to take
part In the struggle between Russia
and Japan, or thnt lt Is supplying Ja
pan with war material. Well In
formed Britons are Inclined to ac
cent the first theory as the more
probable of the two.
Stoessel Has Reached the
Last Ditch and All That is'
Left is to Surrender.
yulet Day tor Parker.'
lEaopus, N. Y., Nov. 7. Parker
tfent the day In his library and about
the estate, paying far less attention to
politics than to the work of his farm
emjaloyes. The nominee went horse
back riding with Mra Parker and his
brother, Fred. He returned In tiine
to meet the morning mall, which was
bsvrdened heavier than usual with let
tens trow prospective office seekera
No further public utterances are ex
pected ram the nominee.
tUtorrU In Good Humor.
Washington, Nov. 7. An atmos
phere of calm surrounded the Whit
House this tnau-ning in decided con
trast to the excitement of last week.
The president has been In high spirits
since Saturday sight when Parker
failed to produce proofs of republican
corruption that es asserted to be
forthcoming. LetKrs and telegrams
of congratulation over the president's
public statement continue to pour Into
the White House.
Election returns will be received by
the president In the White House of
ficea The president will also be kept
In constant communication with re
publican headquarters ln New York
and Chicago.
Deadlock in WUcontdn.
Milwaukee, Nov. 7. The democrats
and Lafolletle republicans both claim
the state. The opinion Is general
that the legislature, which Is to elect
a United States senator, will be a
Both Claim Missouri.
St. Louis, Nov. 7. The democrats
claim the state by from 60.000 to 7S,
000. The republicans, however, are
making claims.
Warrauts Out la M. Louis.
St Louis, Nov. 1. More than 100
warrants were Issued today from the
offices of the United States district at
torney ln alleged naturalization fraud
Delaware Split Up.
Wilmington, Nov. 7. While the
democrats claim the state, the com
promise effected by the regular and
union republicans will probably give
the state to Roosevelt by 3000 major
ity and the democrats will probably
elect a governor.
Democrats I'laiua Went Virginia.
Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 7. The
democrats claim the state Is no longer
doubtful. They will elect the gover
nor and give the democratic national
ticket a smal majority.
New Jerwy Y'liorrtuin.
Trenton, N. J., Nov. 7. Both' the
republican and democratic managers
are claiming the electoral vote of the
state with the chances apparently fa
vorable to the republicans. The
campaign has been heated. Stokes,
republican, will likely be elected gov
ernor. Turner's Election Is uve,
Olympla, Wash., Nov. 7. On the
eve of election the democrats claim
Turner for governor by a plurality ex
ceeding 7000, and say they will carry
Judson for lieutenant governor by a
small majority. They concede the
three republican candidates .for con
gressmen, probably by pluralities of
li. and the republican national
ticket by a smaller vote. Republi
cans tacitly admit the defeat of Mead
for governor. Turner's election will
he due to etale railway Issues. The
state legislature wkfl undoubtedly be
Taggart share f lndltina.
Indianapolis, Nov. 7. National
Chairman Taggart spent Monday qui
etly at the Grand hotel. He was In
telegraphic connection with New York
headquarters giving Instructions. It is
understood all the money to be used
in Indiana Is In hand. The republi
cans are not without funds today and
are confident their pile n't 11 match
that controlled by Taggart. "We have
no money for boodle purposes," said
Taggart "Our money will be used
solely tor getting out the vwte."
The chairman was still confident of
national democratic success and mere
confident than ever of democratic
success In Indiana.
Oiien Town Question the Issue In a
Bluer Campaign.
Baker City, Nov. 7. Since the clos
ing of gambling In Pendleton some
weeks ago, this city has filled up
with gamblers of every class, until
the Issue In tomorrow's city election
will be on the open town question.
Two candidates for mayor are In
the field, C. A. Johns, the avowed
candidate of the open town forces.
and F. M. Saxton, an advocate of the
closed town policy.
The entire city campaign hinges
on the determination of Sheriff Har
vey K. Brown to keep the town
closed, as he has very successfully
done for the past two months. He
has Issued a letter to the public,
stating that he will enforce the law,
no matter which cnndldnte for mayor
Is elected, and that he cannot see
how the open town people have any
hopes of accomplishing their object
by the election of a mayor, when the
sheriff is empowered and author
ized to enforce the law on gnmbllng
and Sunday closing, and that he Is
determined to do so, ns long as he
occupies the office.
Ordinance Will Be Presented Requir
ing Temporary Merchants to Con
tribute to the City's Revenue Bus
Inemi Men ami Men4iniits Unani
mously Favor the Plan Argued to
He Just Because tlu Transient Puys
Xo Taxes.
Engineers Union Msy Be Abandoned
In Illinois. ,
Danville, III., Nov. 7. The Na
tional officers of the Engineers' Union
today declared the Illinois coal engi
neers' strike ended, ordered the men
to work, accepting a cut of five and a
half per cent. The question of con
tinuing the organisation will be left
to the refrendum.
' The Miners' Union failed to support
the engineers, which lost them the
strike. ' .
Several Severely Injured la Qnlcksll.
wer Mine.
Santa Rosa, Cal., Nov. 7. An ex
plosion of gas ln the Great Eastern
quicksilver mine at Gurnevtlle took
place last night Four were Injured
and two may die from burns on the
face, hands and shoulders. James
Leslie and Rollo Woo ten were the
worse Injured. Fred Sicotte and Peter
Henderstratten were also Injured.
Chicago Grain.
Chicago, Nov. T. December wheat
opened $1.11, closed 11.12; May
opened 11.11. closed 11.11. Corn
opened 48 cents, closed the same.
Oats opened 28, closed the same.
Reported That tiolilcn 11IU Has Sur
rendered, Which Commands tha
City Alleged That KuMduns Are.
VMallng International laws A bo at
Red Cnws Affairs Talk of Trans
ferring Alexlcff to the Caucasus
RuNMlnns Having Fun at England's
London, Nov. 7. It Is reported
here that Togo's fleet has succeeded
In breaching the Golden Hill fortifi
cations, if this Is true, the surrender
of Port Arthur must occur within a
few hours.
Port Arthur Is Breached.
Rome, Nov. 7. The Toklo corres
pondent of the Giornale Dl Roma,
wires that Port Arthur Is today con
sidered as good as taken In the Japan
The Russians still hold four forts,
but the town itself Is open to the Jap
anese on the northeast The Japan
ese will not enter the town at present
because It Is still under fire from the
l.lsotl mountain forts. All the besieg
ers' efforts will now be directed to
ward Gold Hill fortress.
Joking Johnny Bull.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 7 M. Clado,
one of the four officers landed from
the Halllc fleet at Vigo and who baa
proceeded to St. Petersburg, la not a
naval officer, but a major ln the
army. He was simply Admiral Ro
JestveiMky's guest and Intended to '
lund lit Vigo. The fact that he was
left behind as responsible officer to
give the details of the Dogger Bank
affair, Is nothing less than mockery
to England.
The czar, lt Is learned, has loaded
M. Clado with honors. Russian soci
ety Ik hllurious over the farce In send
ing 111 in to the capltul as representa
tive of the fleet.
Feeling that lt Is unjust to permit
transient merchant who do not pay
tuxes te the cliy or county, to one
lr. with cheap large stj Vi of g o Is.
fell at slaughter prices, lake thous
ands of dollars out of the couti'.ry
without leaving a cent in the way of
taxes or licenses and very little in
the way of rent, Pendleton merchants
are formulating a city ordinancu to
be presented to Ihe city council in the
near future, fixing the license of tem
porary merchants at a high rate, un
less such merchants give a sufficient
bond that they are located In the city
for at least one year.
Other cities have such ordinances
and they prove to be practical and
satisfactory to home merchants, who
bear the burdens of government. The
same law prevails with regard to ped.
dlers, who come In competition with
merchants In many lines, and who are
only temporary In every place they
The details of the ordinance are
not yet outlined, but practically all
the merchants and business men of
tha city are unanimous on the plan
and the matter will probably be per
fected Immediately after election.
It Is argued by home merchants
that the property owner who rents
to the transient charges the transient
no mora than ha does the permanent
merchant, that the transient escapes
all taxation, and all responsibility for
the support of public enterprises and
that It la unjust to allow transients
this advantage over the permanent
The man acknowledged to be the
best and swiftest and most erncieni
player of the Harvard football team
this fall is Matthews, a crami
WlU Be Tried November IS.
New York, Nov. T. Judge Davis
today fixed November lt as the date
of trial of Nan Patterson, cnargea
with the murder ef "Caesar" Young.
Miss Patterson was In court and
looked happy, and seemingly confi
dent of the final outcome.
Action for 4.
Charles Cunningham has brought
action against F. W. Schmidt whose
drug store was closed Friday night
by the Sheriff to collect $400. Cun
ningham alleges that he went
Schmidt's security on a promissory
note for that amount and that he
was compelled to pay the $400. The
note was held by Neagle Brothers.
Cliurgo Russian Brutality.
Toklo, Nov. 7. The Imperial head
quarters today Issued a statement
charging " the Russian defenders of
Port Arthur with the misuse of the
Red Cross badge and with maltreating
and killing the wounded. A number
of euses are cited.
A Japanese hospital orderly was
wounded and left on the field. Tha
Russians took his badge and then
killed him. A wounded Japanese pri
vate lay six days simulating death
while the Russians were near. The
Russians had buyonetted and shot
his wounded comrades and then rob
bed them.
Russians Destroy a Village. ,
St. Petersburg, Nov. 7. General
Hukaroff reports thut "sharpshooters
on Friday under Lieutenant Voorrot
nlkoff penetrated us fur as the Jap
anese entrenchments In front of
Housthal heights. They remained all
day, exchanging a fusilade with the
The concentrated Russian firs hsa
destroyed the village of Udeylatte,
Japanese attempts to damage . the
Russian masked guns being unsuc
cessful. Sunday night Russian sharp
shooters harrassed the enemy along
the whole line. No engagements Sat
urday. May Transfer Alexieff.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 7. Alexleff ar
rived here Friday. It Is possible he
may be transferred aa viceroy to the
Caucasus on account of ths situation
It Is estimated that the present
population of Great New York is
A Week of Aeronautics at tha World's
St. Louis, Nov. 7. M. Francois, ths
French aeronaut, has postponed his
flight until Wednesday. A flight will
be made this afternoon by Benbow.
of Montana as a substitute attraction.
Captain Baldwin has overhauled the
motor of his California Arrow, and
expects to make a flight this week.
Socialists Gained.
Rome, Nov. 7. The results
thus far obtained of yesterday's
general election In the city show
the growUi of socialism, but not
to a marked degree. One hun
dred and forty-five ministerial
ists, 0 conservatives, 13 radi
cals, lt socialists and eight re
publicans were elected. The so
cialists claim many frauds.
1 1