MtlWVZ:: I , 1 Q ft ilX o -a? iwrui-. blblllllUbUIIIUIl WEATHER FORECAST. Tonight and Sunday, probably fair. PENDLETON, OHEOOX, SATU11DAY, NOVEMHKH 5. 1004 NO. 5197. W17- 1 ' is I IN I COLLISIONS Incidents Were Caused a Dense Fog Around flfls Angeles. 510 THIRTY-FTVE jjj roRTT. WERE INJURED . . vwims Were Badly 1 Hd Stopped on Sched- 'tMlCxr Following Crashed m h-Om Motorman Stuck to ;s PW tad Was Severely ln-'jgrf-Only Three Passengers Ea the Same Place and In ! Ocean another Rear End "ulnrelee, Not. B. Two big u Lu an en route from Los An ita It Lout Beach crashed together 1 1 rar end collision near Comp l i4m tef being the cause, lira IS and i people were ln N u4 veral are In a serlouz kioee. Ilk Int car Hopped ear Comp i a let oft paaiengera. The see ior, coming at fast speed crashed ti M rear end. The force of the wd in to great that both ki m ihoved lit feet along the ilk motorman of the first car tried Inapt 6y turning on the power 4 nmlnf away. When toe found tnoslble he Jumped. The mo ra of the second car atuck to i rat ud ma badly injured. Ikte were SI passengers on the ear ud only three eacaped In ir. u ike tame time and spot oc mi mother rear-ua collision be '10 two cani bond :for Lob An ts the motorman of cue rear r Mured to (low down so that Ttkt an acre damaged. a of the flrat wreck are ill! wood. Puling In Station nt 'irtas Points an Die Konnd. Wfe, NOV. J, The .Wnrlr t .H..' r W(" Wegraphy station on t am cemjildted yes f U that now remains ,to hTL . ,ta"on working s tie mrtallatlon -of the re ni"4,nutttlng .apparatus. VTJ! kKte,i ln the rear of ' avtme aorth. The "aSlS ,he B"0'"-y win ni he apparatus to JWrte. who has had the ik-' today for Ta sini L T" rect ""other of "2li" nother "tat,0 t? on " Ju" '"'and, . h i Seattle, and all three "ber. oominamtcBtlon YOUNG LADY SUICIDES. Act Probably Prompted by Acuta ln dlgesdow and Sunstroke. Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 6. Early this morning the lifeless form of Mlas Lillian Farrar was found by her younger sister, Miss Emma, suspend ed from a pear tree about 60 yards from the family home In the Bushey addition to this city, having evident ly been dead for several hours. She was the daughter of Mr. F. H. Far rar, superintendent of the Umpqua Water, Light & Power Company, and was a bright and highly esteemed yonng lady. She would have bevel 20 Tears of age on December 17, 1904. The young lady had been a sufferer and under treatment for acute Indi gestion for some time past, and had eaten but very little of late. She suffered a severe sunstroke In Kan sas City about seven years ago, and at times since suffered with severe headache, the attacks sometimes lasting for weeks. Tut no signs of despondency were noticed, which would lead to a temporary mental aberration ending in this terrible manner. BXn'DTrS HAVE ESCAPED. DehCTeH to Have Retjchejl the Hole In the Wall. Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 6. The Cody bandits are now probably safe In the i&a sanda northeast of Thermopolis, and will probahly reach the notorious Hole in the Wall this afternoon. Col. Oody, after making a -grandstand j. lay of preparations, started with his uests on a hunt lor game, with no intentions of joining the hunt for the vobbers. It is now certain that Harvey Lo an Is In the guag and planned and executed the robbery and murder. It its rreported that sne of the officers In' charge of the uposae 'aided the out .lanvs to escape. STOCKMAN DISAPPEARED FRANK WEIJUh H AS NOT KEEN SEEN Hilt 80 DAYS. HMfferent TlientaVs 'An to His Non- Appearance VoKnilile That He Went East on a' Vhlt Without No tifying HIh PHendx, Aftor Securing a Tenant for His I nrni A Single Wan Witltout Relatives and For nicrly Was a Vlutat Knixpr ln the Vicinity of Nollii. "" L. 'earned that HZ . any and the tr mrica. It Is asoer- ?V4eU,J,?r?Lf0f. , - ... Bn yK et- 1 tnntM WftUh Mrs. r.rit. alvre fro contest was 'NtrZ-r'9 ntenoe jung his wifg. ON ,,)v j erruMP. " TMatJon. 'Oxttio. nnr tkl. 'nets A. rs. " hut wr CttS the North- ( th. ..'he,r Proportion. VlnTT.. "a that the make r a- - -r" frata th. of the .iiih-. ,n other ' lon k.. in . . " regu- S 0d hi. ,n 0J( w . . . " Will 1 ""g man. '"fn ,TT- ndldata. ill ' 'CtNovem. U.Ji, , ' tba Won.. ", Thirty days ago Frank Wells, a hprwminent Ukiak:.stoL-kraiser left his me for the purpose of coming to Pendleton to secure feed for his horses. Since then he has not been neara from. Whether he has met with foul play or has gone East on a visit without notifying his friends are questions unanswerable at the pres. ent time. He la unmarried. Wells has been a resident of Uma una county for a number of years. ne lermerly farmed near Nolln. He Is well known ln tUis city and his friends declare that he had no occa. slon 'to leave on account of financial nirrieulties. Recently the mlsshig man secured a ramify to reside on this Uklah ranch and assist in the work. The man ln charge knows nothing of Well's pres ent whereabouts or any reason why he should leave without notifying nrm. John M. Bentley r 'Pendleton, said: "I have known Welle for several yearn. 'He la. a man about 40 years of age. when he quit wheat raising and went Into the stock hnstness I old him the ranrh near Uktah. He Is apparently In comfortable circum tunnoee and hM debts, If any. are small and his property is mone tthan ample to satisfy the claims. I cannot bring myself to think that ans- harm has come to htm or that he has wilfully run uw. me naa no relatives fen this part of the country. There may be such a thmg mat he has -gone East to visit and as he had a man In charae of his ranch did not deem K worth while to notify anyone of hia actions.-" PANAMA IKING SING PROTEST Claims Governor Davis Has Usurped His Authority in the Canal Zone. ALSO THAT THE TREATY IS BEING VIOLATED Clalmx the mited States Is Acting on the Unwarranted Assumption that It Han Acquired Sovereignty Over the Canal Zone, Instead of -Merely Holding a Long Time Ijeaxe -Urges the Negotiation of a New Treaty That Shall More Clearly Set Forth Rlghte of Pan a ma. Washington, D. "C, Nov. 6. The full text of the protest made by the Republic of Panama against the present administration of affairs in the canal zone has been given out in Panama and has just reached Washington. It is in the form of a letter written by Minister Obaldls to Secretary Hay under date of August 11- Charges Usurpatioa. In the letter Obaldls charges Gen eral Davis, governor of the zone, with unwarranted usurpation of authority ana violation of the provisions of the Hay-Varilla treaty. He avers that Davis proceeded on the untena ble assumption that the United States has acquired absolute sover eignty over the canal strip. This po sition he assails vigorously. He urges not only the suspension of objectionable regulations, but the negotiation of a new treaty which will more clearly define the trtj;hl of the republic and bwler protect her IntereBtB. The letter interprets the treaty as merely giving the United States lease of the territory, while the rights of Panama to the canal -strip remain fixed and unalterable. W ill Main Panama. The minister asserts that the .levy. lug of duties and establishment of postoffices by the United States will result practically Jn the commercial ruin of Panama. The protest closes with an appeal to the secretary to suspend the ob jectionable regttlaMons imposed by Governor Davis until a complete .and satisfactory agreement scan ;he reached by the two governments. HELB UP SIX MEN. Masked Man With a Gun Secured Twenty-Three DoMara. Redding, Cal Nov. 6. A masked man armed with a revolver entered the saloon of E. O. Carter at Cotton wood early this morntn and forced six men to turn with (aces to the wall with hands over their heads, while he relieved them of valuable. He se cured S5 In cash and $18 In checks. Charles Emerson, one of the men held up. has been arrested for being an accomplice. The federal arrand tnrv found An indictment airalnst John W. Gardner nd W. H. McCrossen. timber locat ors at Roseburg. charged with oon Plracy against the United 8tatea in the changing of government section corner posts and marks on govern ment land for the purpose of acquir ing possession arnnnrl Rmhnnr. They were fined S2S0 each Rogue vr courier, FOUttHT Fun J3J.S UPE. Foreman Stabbed o Death 1' lull Inn Irahiiaora. Rochester, N. Y., Nov.. .t. In .a fight with a gang of Italian laborers at Egypt this morning the foreman. Dean, waa fatally injured, two Ital ians killed and aewtexai wounded. Dean was attacked by Italians an stabbed in a hundred gtlaoes. Before he fell he used his revolver effective ly on his assallaata. Herd of Sbeefi Killed. Portland, Nov. S. Reports haive reached here of the wholesale slaughter of a band of sheep ln the Prlnevllle district. A herd of 2600 head helonglng to 1. a. (Howies, 28 miles from Prlnevllle was shot Into, and It Is reported that 4) ware killed. The killing took place some days ago and has been kept quiet. DESPERATION IS AT PORT ARTHUR Great Loss of Provisions, Sup plies and Ships Caused by Japaness Bombardment. JAPS RAVE THE RANGE ON EAST AND WEST HARBORS. They Have Aim Gained Further Ad vantages In Gaining Outposts of Port Arthur Russians .Hard .Up for Ammunition, Which They Use Very Sparingly Rattle Resumed Near Mukden, with the Japanese Having the . Advantage of Posi tion Russian Soldiers Endure Privations, London, Nov. 5. A dispatch from Toklo states that the explosion In the Russian magazine on Palyln moun tain was caused by a Japanese shell and resulted in the destruction of a large quantity of provisions. The Josa U1 be seriously felt by the be sieged. Gewat Damage at Port Arthur. " Tokio, Nov. 5. A report has reach ed here that' the Japanese have occu pied Wantai hill and sunk several transports and set fire to a battleship in -ort Artnur harbor. THE ARCTIC BROTHERHOOD. First Order Organized in Far North Holding a Convention. Seattle, Nov. 5. The first annual grand convention of the Arctic Broth erhood ever held south of the Alas kan boundary began Its session in this city this morning. Sixty dele gates, representing all the camps of the brotherhood, assembled In Elks' hall, corner Pike street and Second avenue. The session will last four days. The delegates were received by Richard Mansfield White, who was appropriately garbed In furs. The convention program provides for so cial diversions along with the regular business of the order and a number of addresses will be made. Grand Arctic Recorder Godfrey Chealander Is presiding over the convention. In a speech this morning he said that the fundamental object of the order was to advance Alaska, and that to this end camps were be ing organized by former Alaskans in their home cities. He also stated that the past year had been a prosperous one for the brotherhood, It having gained 40 per cent in membership and over 400 per cent In financial resources. Navy Yard Wage Seate. Washington, D. C, Nov. S. Secre tary Morton and the committee from the Machinists Union have decided that the existing wage scale in the mavy yards shall be sustained until tthe meeting of the labor board In January, when the question will be (considered. CMcago Grain. (Chicago, Nov. 6. December wheat opened at 11.11 K. closed at $1.12; May wheat opened at 11.11 V, closed at 11.11. Corn opened at 48 He, closed at 48 e. Oats opened at 28 T and closed the same. Monmouth Bank Robbed. Monmouth, Ore., nov. E. The Bank of Folk County here waa bur glarized last night The robbers fulled to reach the Inner vault and secured but $200. Blew the Vault Hillsdale, Mich., Nov. S. Bank robbers blew the vault of the State Bank at Reading this morning and secured over 81000. Paul Engelking, a politician and wealthy man, was Instantly killed by pistol shot while talking with a friend ln a barber shop. The pistol ball came from a pistol accidentally discharged in a saloon and had passed through two partitions. This was in a Texas town. Japs Shell the Harbor. Toklo. Nov. E. Reports from Nogl today state that on October 30 an eriecuve bombardment of the west harbor of Port Arthur was made by which two steamers were eunk and a large portion of the dock set on fire and destroyed. iwyember 1 two steamers, one of tons and one of 3000 tons, were hit repeatedly. Two of these are now completely submerged. The naval guns did immense dam age to the east harbor docks on No vember 3 and a lurge part of the buildings were burned. Economize Ammunition. (u-neioo. ;sov. 5. A Junk arrived from Dulny reports that the bom uardment of Arthur stopped ut 2 the morning of November 8. but was re- sumed at daylight, when the Japanese rushed several trenches and took one fort. The Kusslans are husbanding their ammunition, and only firing during actual assaults. Have Left Tasigters. 1 anglers, Nov. S. The Russian Baltic fleet la again en route to the Far East. The remainder of Rojest vensky's vessels, which put in here yesterday, sailed this morning. Fired on Danish Hunt. Copenhagen, Nov. 4. It Is reported that the Baltic fleet fired on the Dan ish torpedo boat Babajern while off Lungelaud Island, but did not hit her. it is stated the government is at tempting to conceal the Incident, fearing complications with Russia. 'Resuming Battle at Mukden. MUkden, Nov. t. Indications point to a renewal of battle. From Hung Hao, iwhlch position was captured by tne Japanese on the 13th of October, the Japanese are now shelling the Russians. The fighting may become general. The advantage of position appears In favor of Ihe , Japanese along the entire front. The Russian soldiers are living mostly ln dugouts, suffering many hardships. Their clothing Is Insuf ficient, and they sometimes get only one zneal a day. Catnmlsion of Five. St. Petersburg, Nov. 5. It I an nounced that the Russian government has accepted the telegraphic draft of a convention for inquiry Into the Dogger bank Incident submitted to Russia Wednesday. Final exchanges will be ratified. The London commis sion to sit In Paris consists of five members: Russian, British. American and French representatives; these four to choose the fifth. Living High In Vladivostok. Chefoo, Nov. E. The Norwegian steamer Tungtus has arrived here wth 700 Chinese refugees from Vlad ivistok. The refugees were unable to live in Vladlvlstok owing to the nigh prices and scarcity of food. iney say the fortifications there are increasing ln number and strength and are strongly garrisoned. NO DEFICIT FOR WESTON L RANGE WAR RAGING. Herders Held I'p and Four Hundred Sheep Killed. Prlnevllle, Nov. 5. The cattle and sheep range war Is again violent in the Blue Mountains. News reached here this morning that a few days ago ten masked men with Winches. ters held up and disarmed the herd. ers and killed 400 sheep belonging to U. V. Cowles. Thirty sheepmen took the trull when the herders reported, but the cattlemen made their escape. The sheepherders and owners and the cat tlemen are going fully armed and bloodshed may result. Management Keeps it Within the Appropriation, Despite Disadvantages. PROF. FRENCH WORKING ON HIS ANNUAL REPORT Regents Will Meet Soon One Hun dred Are Enrolled ln the Normal Department, and Every Phase of the Work Has Prospered Mr. Praiich Has Arranged a Course of Lectures for the Winter Months He Has Returned from a Tour Which Has Secured to the Institu tion Forty Additional Students. GREAT BENEFTIS CITY iNERSHIP DEFENDED TO THE POINT BY FREEWATFR CITIZEN Twenty Candle Light Costs One Dol lar Per Month to tlie Citizens of Milton and Freewater Mr. Ander son I'rrxHcts that Frccwutcr Will Vote to Close tlie SaliKin Tlie Sa loon Men Are Much Alarmed Great Business Prosperity of the 'I'm In Cities. Notwithstanding the small appro priation made for the Weston Nor mal, by the last legislature and not withstanding the lnoreased cost of living, there will be no deficit ln the account of the running expenses of that school for this year. Prof. Robert C. French, president of the Normal, has just returned from a visit to Buker City, where ha attended he county Institute at that place, and worked In the Interest of the normal. He Is now completing bis report and a statement of the condition of the school and its needs, to be presented to the meeting of tha board of regents which will be held soon. The condition of the school la now very satisfactory, the number of stu dents In the normal department has reached the 100 murk, and the show ing for the past two years, under a small appropriation, will be very en couraging. Course of lectures. -- President French has arranged a course of lectures for the winter months, covering the subject of "Schools and Teachers," from the standpoint of the clergyman, the county superintendent, the city su perintendent. The course of lectures will, extend through the entire win ter season, one lecture to be given every three weeks. Other speakers have not yet been secured. President French has visited alt the counties ln Eastern Oregon except Malheur and Morrow, in the Interest of the school, and has secured 40 students this full, so far, from the various county Institutes which lha has visited. In Milton and Freewater, where the electric light system Is owned and operated by the former city, the people pay (la month for each 20 candle power. William Anderson, a prominent resident of Freewater, who was in this city last night, said: "Milton residents pay leat fur chc tiical power and for th u. of wa l? than any other persons In I'lim tl'.la county. There are no corpora tions to be fattened by the use of electricity or water, and the benefits of municipal ownership are shared by the people." Mr. Anderson Is of the opinion that Freewater will be a closed town when the result of the local option vote is made known. "The Anti- prohlbltlonlsts ln Freewater are much alarmed," he continued, "and I believe they have just grounds for fear. , "I would not be surprised If Wes ton were to be closed and Athena declared a closed town. I hardly at present. This district Is partly la think prohibition will carry in the Morrow county. county as a whole." "At District No. IOC there are but Mr. Anderson says both Freewater 1 11 pupils. The Ronmangoux district and Milton are enjoying unusual has 14 pupils going to school. There OVER 30 MILES DAY. Hupt. Welles Also Visited Eight ScIhmiIs In Five Days. County School Superintendent Frank K. Welles, during five days' travel this week covered more than 160 miles of ground, most of It by team, and visited eight different dis tricts. "Most of the schools," said the superintendent, "I found In ex cellent condition. The new school house ut Pilot Rick will be ready for occupancy by tha first of the year. There are (8 pu pils ln the two rooms. There is no teacher at the Alba school. At L'klah I found 44 pupils. E. M. Edwards and his wife have charge of the school there. The school at Ridge will not start until spring. L. T. Link, in charge of the Guardana school, has 16 pupils In attendance prosperity this fall. "The construc tion of the new power plant on the Walla Walla river," he says, "has left a great deal of money In the towns. There remains but about 1700 feet of pipe to be laid, and the flume work will be completed. Steam power from Walla Walla could sup ply Athena with light at the present time." FeU and Was Killed. Rogue River, Nov. 6. Roscoe Jar vie, the H-year-old son of D. W. Jar vis of Nell creek, near Ashland, waa killed on Saturday by a fall from a lumber flume which he waa walking. He fell 80 feet Into the creek, strlk lug his head on the rocks of the atream bed and death was Instan taneous. is no school at Vinson." After his second week's trip over Umatilla county, Mr. Welles pro nounces this section of Oregon one of the roughest parts of the state. "It Is simply a succession of rolling hills and small mountains," he re marked. "The only level stretch of ground In the county Is the flat neighborhood below Milton and the Walla Walla valley In the Hudson Bay country." ' Organized an Attack. St Petersburg, Nov. 6. It Is re ported here that Russia will pro duce messages sent by the Japanese minister at The Hague, which con tain' complete evidence that the Jap anese officials actually organized an attack on the Russian squadron. The! Victim of Hunting Accident Gus Mlllerke of this city, was ac cldentally shot last evening near Caldwell, by W. L. Phelps, his hunt Ing companion, and died at 6 o'clock this morning from the loss of blood. The contents of a No. 12 shotgun, loaded with No. ( shot, passed through the calf of the left leg, sev ering the main and subsidiary arter ies. The wound bled profusely and It was the loss of blood that was the Immediate cause of death. Every thing possible waa done to check the flow, but before medical aid could be secured there had been such a drain message will be referred to the com- I that life slowly ebbed away. Boise mission of Inquiry- 'Capital News. Will Speak at Ileppner. J. P. Winters, of the law firm of Collier A Winter, went, to Heppner this morning, where he will speak at the republican rally this evening. Judge Maggers, of Portland, will also address the gathering. Mr. Win ters, who has been stumping the county In the Interests of the antl prohlbltlonlsts. will speak on the liq uor question at the court house la this city Monday evening. Bought Slangier Saloon. Paul Hemllard has secured the sa loon property of the late August Slangier and will conduct It ln the future. The saloon is In Main street and is known as the Brewery depot - Suit on Assigned Claims. Jessie S. Vert has brought suit against M. L. Weston and J. E. Bean to collect 11375 and cost of the ac tion, alleged to be due on assigned claims.