DAILY EAST ORSGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGOID, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1904. EIGHT ,9 The sovereign people of Eastern Oregon have replied to the prosecutors of Paul Strain BY FLOCKING TO THE HUB, Corner Court and Johnson Streets JJtamjUU? ' 8turdu5, Monday and all UiIh week. The crowds are Retting: lilnnr a Uie ienplc fnllv begin to reallsc the enormity of the outrage perpetrated on mi American cltiion by the Clerks' ri paradlng In front of this more, finally ending up by rotten eggs being thrown at " FAGS BIX. VI f? A fa Vr Stall El 0 El Ml 2 2 i 153 i?3i ?! Mi 3 2 1 3 31 And a man who Ira ..ii . , A,u j rV,V.. "JIL-Z,- II U nnsiieakahle outraxe. and awiiriiiR me future. J-jqiretaona like tlieae are verv mnftirviiir imimi hu .... And now 100 per cent clothing dealers,"heres my defiance to you and your methods I will duplicate any article of Men's Wearing Apparel that is offered for sale in your stores at precisely Your price at at my DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS FORONE-HALF THE CLOTHING DEALERS PRICE, OR MY SUIT FREE. t 3.75 for 100 per cent profit clothing . dealers' J 50 SuU! 6.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' , 000 gult8 7.50 for 100 per cent profit clothing .,. d,e"ler' 1.00 Suits 10.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing ... "aJers' 200 Suits J12.60 for 100 per cent profit clothing ,dea'e' 125.00 Suits $15.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing Q.0Q Suits DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S OVERCOATS xT ONE-HALF THE CLOTHING DEALERS' PRICES. t 6.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing den I era' (10.00 Overcoats $ 7.60 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $15.00 OvercoaU J10.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $20.00 Overcoats $12.50 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $25.00 Overcoats $16.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing aea'9' $30.00 Overcoats DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S PANTS AT PRECISELY ffjj, , CExT PROFIT (xmillNU DEALERS' PRICES. $1.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $2.00 Punts $1.60 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $3.00 Pants $2.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $4,110 Pants $3.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $0.00 Pants $3.75 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers', $7.50 Pants DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON BOYS' SUITS $1.50 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $3.00 Suits $2.50for 100 per cent profit clothing . dealers' $5.00 Stilts $4.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $H.50 Suits $5.60 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $12.00 Suits I will meet every price, no AND CUT IT SQUARE IN TWO FREEDOM UNDER , A FR.EE 777777777?J?yHMy,mmTTTTTTTTTT'JflTfH PAUL alwaya Umk! for Justice v trail to this Blor mis vioneynien, mnuciieu ... .. TOo. uar u.k are very graltiryhi AND DEATHLESS DEFIANCE TO THE 100 PER CENT PROFIT CLOTHIERS IPAUL STRAIN STRAIN, and llr piav On Knturduy " .i iiuciuaii wiiii rniwii una ihhiiin 111 nit! jimii-vs mini- mr i Wert and lie,.te.l hi Braii.ln to follow in hU fotMteM ami KTIUKK IKVX Ol'l'ltESSlOX R nv tiinir Ih ruim i.r hvp r, lunin, iirwiimillliy lUHmPO III Uie UlWl IHIIIKITH, k-miiiiik uumm-nn mnn, 111 Indeed, when buckwl up store The Hub, Court DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON Young Men's Suits AGES 12 TO 20 YEARS. $5.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing deulers' $10.00 and $ia.00 Suits $7.50 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $15.00 and $17.50 Suits $10.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $20.00 and $22.50 Suits DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON HATS SOefor 100 per cent profit clothing deulers' $1.00 and $1.50 Hats $1.00 for 100 iier cent profit clothing deulers' $2.00 and $2.25 Hats $1.50 for 100 per cent profit clothing tleiilers' $3.00 ami $3.25 Huts $2.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing deulers $4.00 and $1.25 Hats $2.50 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $1.50 and $5.00 Huts DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON MEN'S SHOES $1.00 lor 100 dealers' . . . $1.50 for 100 dealers' . . . $2.00 tor 100 dealers' . . . $2.50 for 100 deulers' . . . $3.00 . for 100 dealers' . . . $3.50 for 100 dealers' . . . ier per ier ler ier per DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON Men's Underwear 25cfor I no iter cent profit clothing dcuk-rs' 50c I'nderwcur 50c Tor 100 ier cent profit clothing dealers' $1.00 Underwear 75c for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' . . $1.00 for 100 dealers' . . $1.25 for 100 dealers' . . er per Oregon's an old gentleman who enww-d the plalnn hi the firiiV. eamc lo the Hub with 111 nil hi mm to follow in hi fxtieH and ST11IKK IK)V hi,i.i. ..... , Unit the entire sympathy i... ' by the enormous trade Uiat cent profit clothing $2.00 Shoes cent profit clothing $3.00 shoes cent profit clothing $1.00 Shoes cent profit clothing $5i00 ShiH-s cent profit clothing $6.00 Shoes cent profit clothing $7.50 Shoe $1.50 :ndervear cent profit clotliiug $2.00 I'mienvear cent profit clothing $2.50 Underwear ... , j... n, frifiMiiiiii,t vtirilt-I III Ulf I tin i imiirrn-rr, h i K tlliit (Itn uiIm .,....... n i i i.. Greatest . , ... . of Pendleton'H Kpuuillmi Ik haw revived for the IU7 A and Johnson, or if I don't my goods go free DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON Men's Work Shirts 25c for 100 iier cent profit clothing dealers' 50c Shlrti 50e for 100 ier cent profit clothing dealers' yi.oo shirts 75c for 100 er cent profit clothing dealers' $t,5o shirts $1.00 for 100 cr cent profit clothing dealers' $2,00 Shirts $1.50 for 100 er cent profit clothing ,ler' $3.00 Shirts $2.00 for too er cent profit clothing deulers' ..00 HMtUi $2.50 for 100 er cent profit clothing dealers' ayoo Shirts DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON DRESS SHIRTS 50c for 100 per cent profit clothing deulers $i.uo Shirts 75c for 100 M-r cent profit clothing ,,ean' $1.50 Shirts $1.00 for 100 per cent pront clothing dealers' j2.00 Shirts $1.50 for 100 ier cent profit clothing dealers' 3,uo shirts DEFIANEE SALE PRICES ON Cardigan Jackets $1.50 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $3.00 Cardigans $2.50 for 100 H-r cent profit clothing deulers' $,-,.00 Cnrdtguns DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON SUSPENDERS 10c for too dealers' . . 25c for 100 dealers' . . 50c for loo dealers' . . 75c for 100 dealers' . . $1.00 for 100 dealers' . . M?r s-r M-r )cr H--r EXTRA DEFIANCE SALE ON Men's Fine Neckwear 500 DOZEN OK 50C. 750 AND $1.00 NECK WEAR FOR 25C. matter Clothing Merchant OPPItKSKlOX. hi no matter whatffiilHe It AHHAIIjED THE FREEDOM fiv aw , ........ un,..iIimus1.v ivlth n. and . . ... .. mint feiv ihns. F cent profit clothing 25c SusKMidcrs cent profit clothing 50c Suspenders cent profit clothing $1.00 Suspenders cent profit clothing $1.50 Suspenders cent profit clothing $2.00 Suspenders how low that ffruutlMDii Hiul told lib boy i i mm nimtinvni numcii, that I emild wiiint on tliclr undivided iwtainu. T , . . .. .. iirunajre (n DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON SWEATERS 85c for 100 iier cent profit clotlihig dealers' $1.00 Sneuten 50c for 100 iier cent profit clothing dealers' $1.50 Sueuten $1.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing killers' $2.00 Sweater $1.50 for 100 m.t cent profit clothing denlers" $3.50 Sweaters $2.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $4.50 Sweaters $2.50 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $5.00 Sweaters $3.00 for 100 ier cent profit clothing deulers' $6.50 Sweaters $1.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing dealers' $H.50 Sweaters $5,011 for ' 100 icr cent profit clotliiug deulers' $10.00 Sweaters DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON UMBRELLAS 50c for 100 ST cent profit clothing dealers' $1.00 I'nilirelliis $1.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing deulers' $2.00 I'mhrellas $1.50 for 100 kt cent profit clothing deulers' $3.00 Umbrellas $2.00 for 100 icr cent profit clothing deulers' $4.00 Umbrellas :,.00 fur 100 ier cent profit clothing deulers' $6.00 Umbrellas DEFIANCE SALE PRICES ON Suit Cases $1.75 for 100 per cent profit clothing deulers' $ 4.00 Suit Oases $1.50 for 100 ier cent profit clothing dealers' $ H.00 Suit Cases S5.IIU Inr 100 ht cent profit clotliiug deulers' $10.00 Suit ' $7.50 for 100 ier cent profit clothing deulers' $15.00 Suit Case $10.00 for 100 per cent profit clothing (l.nhra' -2.' Suit Ciihs DEFIANCE Blankets and Quilts $1.00 for 100 per deulers' . . . $l.r for 100 dealers' . . . $2.00 for 100 dealers' . . . $3.00 for 100 dealers' . . . $1.00 for 100 dealers' . . . $5.00 for 100 dealers' . . . . that he had fought for Hh . ' nrc Ul III I IIP Htpjiilll.. M SALE PRICES ON cent profit clothing . $2.00 Bliinkcts per cent profit . $3.00 Hlun sets per cent profit . $4.00 Dlankets per cent prorit . $6.00 Dlankets per cent profit . $8.00 Dlankets er cent profit or Comfort clothing or Comforts clothing or Coiiif"" clothing or Comforts clotliiug or Comforts clothing $10.00 Blankets or Comforts price is, FLAG